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Well damn, things got spicy on the court. I think Seiin should be more careful of making rookie mistakes though.
They need to coordinate every play and work together as a team. There's quite a bit of gameplay this episode including some close calls and aces. If you ask me, this is one of the more intense episodes of this show.
Ok, but day 2, two games, in basically a few post-ED slides, man, you know you've got pacing issues when...........
That said, I'm absolutely in love with this anime's style. As "off-brand" as it may be, the boys somehow feel a lot more realistic than they ever did in Haikyuu. Which is ... odd, to say the least.
That was the best episode so far in my opinion. Some of the most intense action was in this episode. Some cool spikes as well. OST did a good job also.
Seiin was making some mistakes in the beginning but they catch up quickly on that. Definitely a better episode than the rest so far.
That moment when Yuni was high fiving Uchimura and Aoki's hand was left hanging cracked me up (>ω<)
Why was the match so weird, the started off pretty strong, the first half of the first set was going great, then everything went downhill, and in the second set, they found their awakening and continued play well again till the end xD
Finally some character development for Kuroba yesss I love to see it. Tbh this episode was pretty good, the best so far. For the first time, I actually enjoyed watching this anime. There were no forced drama, no toxic tension, just some hyped volleyball action and teammates supporting each other. That's literally all I need. Also, I really liked that wholesome scene between Kuroba and Haijima after the game.
The Seiin team is ready to play offense, and go all the way.
The rhetoric for the Seiin team, as much as I can decipher is: "If one individual messes up, EVERYONE messes up as a team." What Oda is doing now is getting the team back on track whilst maintaining their strategy, helping one another fix mistakes and overcoming failures.
This episode is a classic example of closing the gap between the animation spirit of Haikyuu! and the story spirit of Stars Align, mashing them together to create a coherent story of the volleyball sport improvisation that just plainly works.
Putting each other on the line, that's a worthy strategy and call of finding momentum to move forward.
Only one team stands in their way: Fukuho High School, and Subaru Mimura. Would be interesting to see what develops out of this important match.
Best episode yet but still some problems. You basically just skipped two whole games at the end and the pacing of the whole show just feels off. The whole show kinda focuses more on the drama and not really on games so this episode was good to get a decent amount of gameplay. I’m gonna be honest tho the team seems very standstill it doesn’t really seem like it’s improved very much, but I’m glad kuroba finally got some action. Let the ace be the ace!
This is EPS is so far the best eps we got.. but like im actually surprised why this anime is in the #6000 some position... is it just underrated or does people not liking this anime?? tbh I'm actually enjoying it... its not like an amazing anime but its good and ig it deserves to be more up there in term of ranking... the main reason i started to watch this show is mainly bcoz the studio is David Productions.. and DP Adapted one of my fav Manga/Anime which is JOOOOOJOOOOOO (when is jojo part 6 getting animated plsss... i read its manga but i need to hear jolyne talking and wanna hear her theme music) so i was just hyped to see a volleyball anime made by DP .. Obv wen we think of Volleyball the anime we think of is Haikyuu and yes i also compare this to Haikyuu .. but Haikyuu is mainly into the matches but wer as this is more into the life of each students ... showing us the outside life of Haijima which Haikyuu never showed... Haikyuu never showed the life of Hinata or Kagayama ... there wer only matches and thats it... yes Haikyuu is better than this.. but I dont think this anime is that bad that it deserves to be in the #6000... i genuinly think it deserves more and im actually enjoying it so far... looking forward to the next eps..
sorry it was boring, much better than the previous episodes because like finally an entire episode dedicated to a game but like this show is kinda a let down
This episode was really sport focused, so I didn't get most of it.
Why did everybody start making mistakes at just the right plot point? lol. Because this anime has mostly been character-driven till now, that part really stuck out.
Yosh, the official match for Seiin Volley-bu started out with an already know starting line-up. Oda out, and the coach told Chika's something the unexpected. The famous old coach finally stated his mind such a long time, even its happening to at a certain similar boys match. So, well, its understandable manner.
The second set had a mess start. An obvious intentional combo miss from Aoki-senpai looked pretty much disturbed the overall team performance and balance. The coach line suddenly blewing up through a thin air. Fortunately, this time Yuni didn't mess up the nuance like before and became the real ace for the team by taking up such a lead in the third set. Its also openned Chika's way of thinking and changed his play style to match the team rhythm.
In the end, its just an easy win for them, by taking all the swept for the remaining matchs and ready to advanced to another elimination rounds. The next episode shall letting them to finally meet up? So, lets see it, then!
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.
i just realized since the previous episode in the OP Subaru appears on the court after focus on each of Seiin player. i thought the character were high listed in the MAL anime page's details cuz of the seiyuu's career, but he is really earning his space in the plot (and deserved, the pacing and (my) enjoyment improved since they introduced Fukuhou team imo)
That was a pretty good episode, definitely the best so far for this show.
Really liked how Kuroba stepped up in the second set and Haijima adjusting his playstyle for the team. And Jesus, those spikes legit sounds like gunshots lmao.
Post-credits scene with Yuni and Haijima showing off was kinda cringey, not gonna lie. Can't blame Subaru for losing his temper after seeing such childish act.
That aside, decent episode overall. Mostly its second half with Haijima deciding to re-adjust his position in order to cover for Yuni's impulsive yet effective initiative.
Well the match itself was pretty interesting, especially that they won, they really waited for 8 eps to finally start the action/volleyball moments... well at least they did it.
That post-credit scene was ridiculous though, what was that provocation lmao, and Haijima thought he was Kenshiro with that finger move? hahaha
When Haijima and Yuni were doubting that Aoki could've done that intentionally, that was so understandable since Oda wasn't playing XD
“I can show you that as many times as you want. Anytime, anyplace!”
The déjà vu I felt...I was instantly reminded of this Eren and Mikasa moment - “I'll wrap that around you, as many time as you want, now and forever...As much as you want!” 🤣🤣
Oda made the decision to step back, but he's right there at every moment that his team needs him. The words about taking the glory, but recognizing the real hero were sweet.