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Sep 20, 2020 1:49 PM

Dec 2017
whoa, a whole backstory episode. and it's not even done yet. Dorothy is a real hottie, so no wonder Laurent fell for her. so far so good, just a build-up to how Oz got in jail and most likely Dorothy died or some shit
Sep 23, 2020 8:59 AM

Oct 2017
I love Dorothy, she's such a cutie and her personality's lovely too. So what I'm guessing is that their final con didn't go as planned. Dorothy died and Edamura's dad ended up in jail.
Sep 24, 2020 9:35 AM
Aug 2020
MegamiRem said:
I love Dorothy, she's such a cutie and her personality's lovely too. So what I'm guessing is that their final con didn't go as planned. Dorothy died and Edamura's dad ended up in jail.

I was thinking the same thing
Sep 24, 2020 8:11 PM

Jan 2009
MegamiRem said:
I love Dorothy, she's such a cutie and her personality's lovely too. So what I'm guessing is that their final con didn't go as planned. Dorothy died and Edamura's dad ended up in jail.

yep my thoughts as well now Laurent is gonna try to scam again that Mafia
Sep 24, 2020 10:32 PM

Jul 2020
I honestly don't know what to add except that I agree with everyone else's thoughts given we already know what happens in the end with the father and that something clearly happens to Dorothy as she isn't seen again.
Sep 26, 2020 1:41 AM

Dec 2015
Wow. Didn't expect it to turn out like this. But then again: Not unusual with all the other twists this show offered.

Same guess as the others: Something back then went wrong that got Dorothy killed (or arrested) and Oz arrested.

And I guess they actually planned the whole thing from the start from episode 1 ... getting Edamura into the group so they can later use him against the mafia company. Waiting for that reveal ha ha. :D Would not be unusual with all the other twists so far.
Sep 27, 2020 8:19 AM
Jun 2012
Just as I was about to like this more they had to pull "his father was already one of us from long time ago" bullshit. That's too cliche even for this show.
Sep 28, 2020 12:07 AM

Oct 2016
Dorothy is fucking great, Laurent has some massive charms to be able to tame someone like Dorothy.

Now let's see what happens here that leads to the present.
Oct 4, 2020 4:40 AM

Jun 2013
I don't know how to feel about Dorothy being black and having stereotypical thick Anime lips. It's not just the stereotypical black person trope we see in Anime but she just looks weird because her lips are not proportionate to her face. Dorothy is still beautiful but look at Abby in contrast, who is also a person of color.

Anyway, one thing I dislike about the series, although it is VERY enjoyable is the lack of deaths. It is extremely unrealistic, people die all the time when it comes to Asian, South American, etc. syndicates and human trafficking. The fact that they can outsmart syndicates from the underworld and leave unscathed is pretty fucking stupid.

So Ozaki was a confidence man this entire time. Was he also part of the Shanghai mafia before it or did he act as a spy for them? I will be fucking pissed if Makoto's mom was alive this entire time and they faked her death.
Oct 4, 2020 11:29 AM

Apr 2020
A full Flashback episode, Naruto fans are shaking and crying in the corner.
In all seriousness though it pretty good episode. Apparently Edamura's dad was to Laurent what Laurent is to Edamura. Nice seeing Laurent in a different lens for once.
Seems it isn't t the first time the tried to pull the wool out from The mafias eyes.

Seeing as Dorthey's no longer around and Edamura's Dad is stuck working for the shanghai guys something went very wrong, Wonder what?

Solid episode again.
Oct 12, 2020 1:56 PM
Nov 2018
Damn this is leading up to why oz went to jail and Dorothy died/ something tragic happens to her. Imagine if this is all just one big master plan by oz involving his son lol
Oct 13, 2020 11:23 AM

Jul 2017
The midway point of the arc, and a full backstory episode dedicated to the black Dorothy, the historical "start" of the conmen "confidence man" business, with fatso Shi Onn and Edamura's "Wizard of Far East" dad Oz.

Just as is with Cynthia and her ex-boyfriend, Laurent's push to shove for Dorothy is the subsequent short scene we saw in Episode 15 (the 1st episode of the final arc).

Pulling off conmen stunts is easy, but going against the Shanghai Longhu-bang (to which Oz concedes to helping them thereafter, as shown in earlier episodes) is a rather lofty goal in and of itself that Laurent has face going head-on.

All of this isn't quite over yet...
Oct 16, 2020 8:22 AM
Apr 2016
Laurent really is a damn smooth talker! That said, it's a very beautiful backstory.. and I love it!
Oct 18, 2020 3:27 AM
Mob Character C

Oct 2009
Biting my fingers here, supposed to be doing homework, but wondering what's going to happen/how things will happen. Wuuuh.

Enjoy your anime! | Witch Cafe Wisteria
Dec 7, 2020 10:15 AM

Apr 2020
I can see whats going to happen
Dorthy is prob gonna die
Edamuras dad is going to get arrested
Dec 7, 2020 2:40 PM

Jul 2017
We got a whole backstory episode here for Laurent and Makoto's dad, Ozaki and how they two, Dorothy and Shi-won back in the day were a part of Team Confidence, doing scams and making massive amounts of money from all over the world (even including them trying to have someone local, buy the Milan club during a Milan vs Juventus game). It was pretty straightforward including the whole business with Laurent liking Dorothy and them getting together once they saw the northern lights when hiking in Finland.

Before Laurent and Dorothy get married and the team splits up and retires, with Ozaki wanting to return to his wife and his son, they decide to embark on one more big time heist to end it all by targeting a human trafficking organization run by Liu Xiao. Cliche again, but still solid nonetheless as this is the case where everything went wrong and that minimum led to Ozaki's arrest (and decision to join the Shanghai group clearly to get revenge) and Dorothy who most likely I assume would be dead or arrested? Still, while its definitely not that creative, still nice to get some context behind some characters and Dorothy's quite the personality herself.
Dec 8, 2020 11:56 PM
Dec 2020
Bibimbapski said:
I don't know how to feel about Dorothy being black and having stereotypical thick Anime lips. It's not just the stereotypical black person trope we see in Anime but she just looks weird because her lips are not proportionate to her face. Dorothy is still beautiful but look at Abby in contrast, who is also a person of color.

Anyway, one thing I dislike about the series, although it is VERY enjoyable is the lack of deaths. It is extremely unrealistic, people die all the time when it comes to Asian, South American, etc. syndicates and human trafficking. The fact that they can outsmart syndicates from the underworld and leave unscathed is pretty fucking stupid.

So Ozaki was a confidence man this entire time. Was he also part of the Shanghai mafia before it or did he act as a spy for them? I will be fucking pissed if Makoto's mom was alive this entire time and they faked her death.

Ehh to each their own, but I don’t necessarily agree! It’s not drawing Black people with big lips that’s wrong, it’s drawing racist caricature lips that’s the issue. I want to point out a distinction because I think there’s a big one when it comes to characters like the ones pictured in the link below. Esp “Chocolove McDonell”

versus dorothy. Many, if not most, Black people have been blessed to have such beautiful full lips and there’s no shame in that nor is there anything wrong with our characters being portrayed with those features. However, I do take offense with the images from the link because they perpetuate racist notions and are based off of caricatures beget by minstrel shows during Colonial America. Many of America’s racist notions and anti Blackness have reached across seas which is just one reason why we see similar attitudes depicted in international media as well as America’s. So I do see where your issue stems and I usually would be there with u, but her lips were proportional, we’re just not used to seeing them in anime. Simple as that. Also, for Black viewers, there’s empowerment seeing a confident, capable, dark skinned women (plus, not hyper sexualized!) like Dorothy. truly Black and beautiful. Abby is too, so it’s unnecessary to compare two characters just bc they're both brown women. Just my two cents!

vague SPOILERS below!
Moreover, I really enjoyed the show, but I did think the season two ending fell a little short. Considering the revenge plan was took as long as it did, it was kind of lackluster and I think Makoto still deserved a better from his dad.
Dec 10, 2020 5:43 AM

Apr 2020
So Edamura's father was a con man, and he was Laurent's partner
Dec 15, 2020 5:05 PM

Mar 2016
Yay finally seen the Dorothy i have been seeing everywhere for a long time <3

Dec 27, 2020 4:22 AM
Aug 2019
mrixl said:
Damn this is leading up to why oz went to jail and Dorothy died/ something tragic happens to her. Imagine if this is all just one big master plan by oz involving his son lol

Or everything was a part of the plan. I'll be pissed if it was planned.
Jan 14, 2021 8:25 PM

Mar 2015
Wow well this episode is shedding a lot of light on their past! Looks like Oz and Laurent have strong ties after all.. it's getting exciting!
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Jan 27, 2021 2:39 AM

Aug 2015
HAHAAA I love that Laurent was once in Makoto's shoes, yanked into this world of con men. He's doing to Makoto what Dorothy did to him :')

I love Dorothy's energy, love her hairstyles. The way her mouth is drawn is kind of strange though. I know she's supposed to have full lips but this aint the way... The typical anime styles of having only a lower lip and no upper lip + the weird side profile thing really do not work for her design.

I do appreciate that they actually coloured her palms lighter though. That's a detail that's frequently missed.

Laurent is such a ladies man. It really hits different when his Mandarin VA speaks.
Feb 20, 2021 10:02 AM

Aug 2017
Second 5/5 for Great Pretender. Dorothy is really a good addition to the cast despite she showed up in a flashback. We know Edamura's dad is a con man like his son, an interesting twist i really didn't expect at the beginning of the anime.
All weebs creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by western animation. You will no longer know hunger, nor pain. Your Anime have come to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom. And the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their western animation ways… For you, there will be great wrath.
Mar 14, 2021 12:58 PM

Mar 2010
They should have just stayed friends tbh, and just skip this last gig. But I wonder if this still a ongoing operation even to the current events.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Apr 8, 2021 6:02 AM

Jun 2020
Dorothy & Laurent......what a beautiful pair. I really enjoyed this episode even tho there’s impending doom, clearly their final job isn’t going to go well. Everything is coming full circle. Have I mentioned that Laurent is beautiful.

but i’ll probably remember over and over again
you were there and everyone else was there
— the day we all searched for just one thing

Jun 26, 2021 6:58 AM

Sep 2017
Damn it's all coming together. The con must really fall apart for Dorothy to get killed and Oz actually arrested for human trafficking. Makes sense that Laurent could get out of it if he was always just the translating who seemed to be unrelated. But really who will be the one to "screw up and get dumped" here?
Jul 7, 2021 6:16 PM

Apr 2018
I'm glad to see more of Laurent's past but it's a tragic one. I can already predict what's going to happen, sigh.. Guess like Makoto's dad wasn't that bad. Doronthy will most likely die.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Jul 8, 2021 12:56 AM

Jul 2015
Ah so Oz was part the original scammer group, this makes a lot more sense why they suddenly showed Laurent's past and why Edamame was probably scouted by Laurent. We know Oz ended up doing jail because of this scam so I'm gonna guess Dorothy died or something.

Oct 24, 2021 10:01 PM

Sep 2018
I don't know why but Dorothy looks annoying for me >,< especially her lips T----T
Nov 20, 2022 10:48 AM

Jun 2015
Whoa! We finally got to the bottom of it.
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Dec 4, 2023 7:41 AM

Nov 2023
Damn, this is a really long backstory episode. Also, Dorothy is FUCKING HOT

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