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Dec 18, 2016 6:24 AM

Oct 2010
Though I welcome having a challenge in video games, I prefer difficulty when it is set on a curve, allows me to take things slow or requires some brainpower and strategizing.

I am not a fan of 'artificial' methods of creating difficulty such as damage inflation (unless justified), cheap AI, unbalanced game design that requires pixel-perfect execution, and other methods that are common in older games.

As an example, I like how in Perfect Dark, Rareware fixed some of Goldeneye 64's flawed enemy design, making the AI smarter and providing new tactics (i.e. - disorienting close range attacks, retreating and then waiting for player to advance forward).

Often, my deaths result from my own errors in judgement rather than cheap game design. Most of the game's spikes in difficulty prior to feel natural, with enemies sporting more powerful guns or level-design specific challenges introduced.

Unfortunately, this balance goes out of whack in the final half with the sudden introduction of shielded mooks in the 'Carrington Institute:Defense' and (on Perfect Agent) the ridiculous amount of defense given for the Skedar in 'Attack Ship: Covert Assault'.
The story might excuse it as the opposing forces stepping up their game, but I just don't feel right about how it translates into the actual gameplay.

But enough of my rambling over Rareware first person shooters;

How would you prefer game designers to create difficulty in a game?

Do you enjoy a good challenge or do you prefer balanced gameplay?
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Dec 18, 2016 7:07 AM
Jul 2018
I think balanced is okay. It's because I sit down to have a good time and I'd rather not deal with any frustration as I try to relax.
Dec 18, 2016 7:18 AM

Oct 2016
Usually balanced. High difficulty if the game is too easy. Also playing in high difficulty takes too many tries to clear a certain part of the game and I don't like playing same thing multiple times.
Dec 18, 2016 7:24 AM

Apr 2015
When i play videogames Id like a hard challange, because im a completionest and I like the " no guts no glory" applied in videogames.

Im not bad at english Im just a horrible speller
Dec 18, 2016 7:27 AM

Feb 2016
Really depends on my mood sometimes I'll pick the hardest setting then others the easiest.

2x national and 2x all-American wrestler

Dec 18, 2016 7:38 AM

Apr 2011
I enjoy being challenged, which is one of the reasons why I don't cheat in games anymore. Usually, the only cheats I use these days are EXP cheats, because grinding in Pokemon is beyond tiring.

As for difficulty, I'd much rather the AI be made smarter than the enemies be given extra health, defence and offence.

As far as the difficulty settings go, I usually play on Normal first and play it again on Hard if I like it enough. Case in point, COD II.
Dec 18, 2016 7:42 AM

Jan 2013
I usually go with balanced my first time around, as I just want to enjoy the story and experience.
When I replay I like to go for the challenge.
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Dec 18, 2016 8:00 AM
Jul 2018
First of all, I think the difficulty in games nowadays is stupid. "Very hard" Yeah... wow... so hard...
For RPGs and stuff difficulty doesn't matter very much, I play hardest difficulty and that's it, just a bunch of numbers increasing.
For shmups I go for the highest difficulty that I can clear with a lot of effort. Now those games are difficult, and the reward you get from beating them is immense. Therefore, for these games, harder = better. I'll also do challenges like No Bomb and No Miss.
Dec 18, 2016 2:00 PM

Jul 2015
brutal but no unfair
vicotry alway posible if ur acquires gud, rather than be deicded by rng
Dec 18, 2016 2:25 PM

Feb 2015
Dec 18, 2016 3:13 PM

Jan 2013
Artificial difficulty such as padded latency on button presses, number multiplication (e.g. HP) on higher modes, etc. is a cancerous practice and needs to be abolished.

Rewarding players for higher levels of strategy and planning, or higher reflexes and practice is good for gaming. If difficulty is based on this concept I can accept it no matter how high the difficulty is.

Thus it's kind of hard to find a game with difficulty I can approve of. I can't view games with artificial difficulty as truly difficult.
Dec 18, 2016 3:59 PM

Feb 2015
I like a good challenge, but I don't want the game to feel unfair. I especially hate it, when I constantly lose and I don't even understand why.
Dec 18, 2016 6:43 PM

Aug 2016
I love the way the Souls games handle their difficulty. You must learn from your mistakes and memorize enemy placements to survive. Every death at the hands of a boss is a learning experience.
Dec 18, 2016 6:45 PM
Jul 2018
I'm not that great at gaming, though I enjoy gaming sometimes. I usually put the setting to normal/casual difficulty. Then if I ever want to replay the game, I'll up the difficulty level.
Dec 18, 2016 6:48 PM

Oct 2015
Well I do think that most modern games are way too easy, to the point of being brainless, and I play bullet hells for the challenging aspect of it, so I guess you could say that firm but fair difficulty is one of my favourite things about videogames.
Dec 18, 2016 6:49 PM

Apr 2013
Gotta play on the hardest, the AI is usually so dumb that you'll figure out how to handle it in time and then you'll be thankful for those bonuses and inflationary benefits they get and wishing they actually receive more. This is why games are most fun while you're learning how to play them as that's the only thing making the AI competitive, your ignorance.
Dec 18, 2016 8:26 PM
Jul 2018
I don't know, balanced, most of the times the difficulty increases nothing more than numbers anyways and that is in a way cheating in my eyes.
Dec 18, 2016 9:01 PM

Oct 2014
Difficulty which "makes sense". I LOATHE stuff like rubber-banding AI in racing games and other similar stuff in other genres.
Dec 18, 2016 9:36 PM

Jun 2016
Usually normal unless its really easy, then I'll play on hard.
Dec 18, 2016 9:37 PM

Jul 2013
Quite difficult. But not too difficult that I'm getting mad from constantly loosing etc.

╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭

Dec 18, 2016 9:50 PM

May 2016
I usually prefer starting at easy, then put it back in normal once I get the full hang of the controls. For some games, I raise the difficulty when the current mode becomes too easy.

The Souls Series is an exception. I loved the difficulty from the start to end. It was so satisfying to down each boss in one go because of the effort I did myself ♥

Dec 18, 2016 10:01 PM

May 2015
A good difficulty for me is when you are fully aware that you can overcome the challenge, but the game doesn't simply hand it over. Challenging but fair.

Ex. In Muramasa Rebirth (Demon Blade), there are three difficulty modes: Legend, Chaos, and Fury. Legend is the "Easy" difficulty where you basically auto-block everything. Fury is the "Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3" difficulty where if you push a button, you die. Chaos is the "Challenging" difficulty level where you don't auto-block and have to rely on dodging and parrying manually to win. You won't die if you push a button, but you will be punished heavily if you make a mistake. Chaos is the type of difficulty that I like. Not too hard where it seems impossible, but hard enough to make me "try".

If the game gives me the option to up the difficulty a little higher or even "customize" the difficulty to see how far I can go, all the better. Monster Hunter is a great example. 10+ weapons to choose from, varying difficulties with each, and a weapon effective against one monster may not be as effective against a different monster...unless you're in a room full of Heavy Bowgunners because that's not going to be fun for anyone. I guess another way to find the right kind of difficulty is when you are able to adjust it to how you like it. In other words, the game does not choose how you should have fun. It's about how you can make the game fun for yourself.
Dec 18, 2016 11:55 PM

Aug 2012
I always take the medium/regular difficulty in games. Partly because I want to play the game like the developers intended me to.
Dec 19, 2016 1:01 AM

Feb 2015
That very much depends on the game. First play through is generally done on Normal difficulty, then if I liked the game enough, I'll see if it might be worth replaying on harder difficulty. If the game is really awesome (such as Orcs Must Die), I'll try to set special challenges for myself at the highest difficulty and keep going until I beat it in every way possible, lol.
Dec 20, 2016 6:18 AM

Dec 2016
I usually set it to whatever I can win at BARE MINIMUM, the bigger the challenge, the more fullfilling! Otherwise I would be better off just playing Visual Novels.
Dec 20, 2016 7:13 AM

Nov 2014
Hardest difficulty, but it's a pain sometimes when the hardest present has enemies with increased armor and health. It just takes ages to whittle them down that way. It's better when they just have super high attack power and improved AI.
Dec 20, 2016 9:20 AM

Sep 2016
I look at the evolution of WoW and like the direction they go in. By Cataclysm, they filled in a lot of those "gaps" you had as you played through the story and tried to level up. They also cut down the walking distance and allowed you to get mounts at a lower level (20 as opposed to 40, a HUGE help). I'm always interested in why people would want to go back to that, but whatever.

Game designers are getting much better at scaling difficulty in games accordingly, so that things don't become absurdly easy (cheating) and aren't making you pull your hair out just to get to level 2. The difficulty to stretch out perceived gameplay time is an old, outdated trick that I'm glad they have worked away from. Sometimes I want to play a game for stress relief, so I like to sit down and enjoy the story and have some mild challenge without having to dedicate hours to hone skills just to play through a game. Starcraft II and Skyrim are two great examples of difficulty scaling IMO. If I wanna sneak around and one-shot people in the head with my bow, I can do that in Skyrim. If I wanna build an absurdly over-built array of photon cannons and watch them try to send people to my base get fried I can do that too (or just play through for the storyline). If I sit down to play a game and it takes me hours just to not die every 5 seconds, I am probably going to walk away and forget about it completely since I don't have much time for video games.
Dec 20, 2016 9:40 AM
Feb 2016
Hard but fair. Something that poses a challenge, but gives you the tools to be able to do it. Something like Devil May Cry is a good example.

Dec 20, 2016 12:25 PM

Jun 2016
Varies by genre really, I'll take normal or hard settings in RPGs usually for example, then with more 'linear" and kinda skill-based games(fighters and various score oriented games like bullethell stuff and whatnot) I usually go as high as possible, I do that gradually when it's a franchise I'm not familiar with but with later installments I usually start with the higher difficulties.
I used to hate games being too challenging up until around my early teens, then I realized it adds way more replay value to a game and you can generally get more invested in it to some extent.I also like it when there's additional content exclusive to harder difficulties, it's a nice tradeoff I think.
Dec 20, 2016 12:34 PM

Apr 2011
I generally prefer it to be easy, because I hate getting stuck more than anything. Only incredibly immersive games such as Dark Souls managed to make me stick with it despite being a difficult experience the first few times.
Dec 20, 2016 12:40 PM

Sep 2012
I like it hard as fuck as long as upping the difficulty doesn't just mean more shit you can't avoid and you die to random bs.

I like the challenge but most games are just too easy for me. I wouldn't even call Dark Souls that hard.
☕ Truth be told, I'm quite proud of my house blend. To attain my flavor and fragrance, I use five different types of coffee beans. ☕
Dec 20, 2016 9:14 PM
Jul 2018
Korrvo said:
I like the challenge but most games are just too easy for me. I wouldn't even call Dark Souls that hard.
Good, because Dark Souls is not hard :)

OT: With shmups, hardest difficulty that I can realistically, but with a lot of effort, clear with my current or not too far into the future skills. For every other video game genre, I don't care, it doesn't make a difference.
Dec 21, 2016 2:01 AM

Aug 2014
Starting out easy and progressively getting harder as you get more and more powerful is how I prefer it. It basically gives you the feeling that no matter how strong you get, the enemy will not become a joke.
Dec 21, 2016 2:40 AM

Nov 2016
razor39999 said:
I don't mind a challenge, but I hate it when that challenge includes time limits. I buckle under time limit pressure. For instance, I've been playing Blades of the Shogun for the last four days and I thoroughly enjoyed doing the various badges (their form of achievements), but I just refuse going into the stress of completing the speed run badges.

Haha, I'm exactly the same. Time challenges are my Achilles heel. I remember playing Tomb Raider as a kid and panicking whenever Lara had to hold her breath underwater and only had a limited amount of time to complete a task.

Bölvat es okkr, bróðir,
bani em ek þinn orðinn;
þat mun æ uppi;
illr er dómr norna.
(The Battle of the Goths and Huns)
Dec 21, 2016 10:58 AM

Jun 2016
My second favorite game is Dark Souls. That should tell you enough

"The sun is my enemy, but the moon has been good to me."
Dec 21, 2016 1:39 PM
Apr 2014
I usually start off with Normal or Hard. If I feel like replaying the game then I play on higher difficulty settings.

Mokir said:
My second favorite game is Dark Souls. That should tell you enough
Dark Souls isn't even hard lol
Dec 21, 2016 1:41 PM
Jul 2018
Gholy said:
I usually start off with Normal or Hard. If I feel like replaying the game then I play on higher difficulty settings.

Mokir said:
My second favorite game is Dark Souls. That should tell you enough
Dark Souls isn't even hard lol
Indeed. Though 90% of people think the hardest game ever is either Dark Souls or Undertale... lol
Dec 21, 2016 1:42 PM

Sep 2012
Lord_Sithis said:
or Undertale...

The only thing that was even remotely challenging was the end fight in genocide and that's cause I'm shit at bullet hell
☕ Truth be told, I'm quite proud of my house blend. To attain my flavor and fragrance, I use five different types of coffee beans. ☕
Dec 21, 2016 1:51 PM
Jul 2018
Korrvo said:
Lord_Sithis said:
or Undertale...

The only thing that was even remotely challenging was the end fight in genocide and that's cause I'm shit at bullet hell
;_; Why do people have to make me suffer? Earlier someone was saying SUPERHOT is bullet hell, and now Undertale. Please no, please, please.

Anyways, some Undertale fankids who have never played a hard game like to say that that certain boss is the hardest video game boss ever.
Dec 21, 2016 2:26 PM

Jun 2016
Gholy said:
I usually start off with Normal or Hard. If I feel like replaying the game then I play on higher difficulty settings.

Mokir said:
My second favorite game is Dark Souls. That should tell you enough
Dark Souls isn't even hard lol

Try beating the game with a dex build and a lot of limitations, like me

"The sun is my enemy, but the moon has been good to me."
Dec 21, 2016 2:28 PM
Apr 2014
Mokir said:
Gholy said:
I usually start off with Normal or Hard. If I feel like replaying the game then I play on higher difficulty settings.

Dark Souls isn't even hard lol
Try beating the game with a dex build and a lot of limitations, like me
I used a Dex build on my first playthrough.
Dec 21, 2016 2:46 PM

Sep 2016
DeadSnow24th said:
Though I welcome having a challenge in video games, I prefer difficulty when it is set on a curve, allows me to take things slow or requires some brainpower and strategizing.

I am not a fan of 'artificial' methods of creating difficulty such as damage inflation (unless justified), cheap AI, unbalanced game design that requires pixel-perfect execution, and other methods that are common in older games.

As an example, I like how in Perfect Dark, Rareware fixed some of Goldeneye 64's flawed enemy design, making the AI smarter and providing new tactics (i.e. - disorienting close range attacks, retreating and then waiting for player to advance forward).

Often, my deaths result from my own errors in judgement rather than cheap game design. Most of the game's spikes in difficulty prior to feel natural, with enemies sporting more powerful guns or level-design specific challenges introduced.

Unfortunately, this balance goes out of whack in the final half with the sudden introduction of shielded mooks in the 'Carrington Institute:Defense' and (on Perfect Agent) the ridiculous amount of defense given for the Skedar in 'Attack Ship: Covert Assault'.
The story might excuse it as the opposing forces stepping up their game, but I just don't feel right about how it translates into the actual gameplay.

But enough of my rambling over Rareware first person shooters;

How would you prefer game designers to create difficulty in a game?

Do you enjoy a good challenge or do you prefer balanced gameplay?

Generally speaking the answer is depends, what strength does the game play on, are we dealing with a story driven game like Assassin's Creed and Half Life 2? They both want you to feel like a badass going through space and time so it makes sense for them to be easy and especially forgiving, players will even respawn near the place of their death. Are we dealing with things like Life Is Strange? The story is the best part and repetition is one of the controlling metaphors of the game hence players are allowed to "rewind time" to switch to a different choice. The opposite is true as well, hotline miami games are story driven but don't let anything to get in the way of the game, enemies are random and lethal and you spawn at the beginning of the floor, which makes them unforgiving. Would it make sense to have "challenging" visual novels? It fits the whole dark strategy theme of the awesome Black Closet but not so much of the chill va11halla and its intimate writing style for chats, the very developers will tell you the game is best enjoyed with drinks and snacks.
There are even different kinds of difficulty in spatial/ academic etc some games mix and some games take to extremes.
I only have two issues with your post, Idk about perfect dark so Idk what's the deal with the enemies or what you mean with balance. Shooters difficulty plays different and raises as stronger guns for stronger enemies pop up, that said there are high difficulty spikes now and then so I can understand shooters tend to fuck up. Also I have less problems with artificial methods such as cheaty and inhuman ai. Bots follow the same patterns, making them predictable, making them exploitable, making them look stupid when they can't tell something is going to explode in their face, making players notice it all and turn into vocal asses. They don't always provide a fun challenge in case they are given high individual power, like a sniper rifle in an open map or crowded forest you can't see through. Even if you code better ai you'll fall into the same problem of new exploits and much more complicated work for nothing, given most people will play the thing once and forget about it. It's better to dress bots up with the same lines to shout over and over and avoid all these issues, so yeah, I'm mostly okay with regular bots. It kind of depends on what I'm playing tbh.
FondenteDec 24, 2016 5:04 AM
Dec 21, 2016 3:08 PM
Jul 2018
Mokir said:
Gholy said:
I usually start off with Normal or Hard. If I feel like replaying the game then I play on higher difficulty settings.

Dark Souls isn't even hard lol

Try beating the game with a dex build and a lot of limitations, like me
Hi! I've beaten the game without leveling up (not even dex) and it was pretty easy.
Dec 21, 2016 3:09 PM

Feb 2013
If I like the game the harder the better.
If I don't, I use the lowest difficulty to finish it fast.
Dec 21, 2016 3:27 PM

Aug 2014
Gholy said:
I usually start off with Normal or Hard. If I feel like replaying the game then I play on higher difficulty settings.

Mokir said:
My second favorite game is Dark Souls. That should tell you enough
Dark Souls isn't even hard lol
Difficulty is a subjective matter. There are some who finds Souls games hard, some who find them easy and some who are in between.
Dec 21, 2016 3:37 PM
Jul 2018
Snappynator said:
Gholy said:
I usually start off with Normal or Hard. If I feel like replaying the game then I play on higher difficulty settings.

Dark Souls isn't even hard lol
Difficulty is a subjective matter. There are some who finds Souls games hard, some who find them easy and some who are in between.
Indeed, but not exactly. If you are patient instead of clickspamming, Dark Souls is an easy game. In comparison to real hard games, Dark Souls is pretty tame. So no way it's the hardest game ever or stuff like that most people say.
Dec 21, 2016 3:40 PM

Sep 2016
Ouroboros108 said:
Hard but fair. Something that poses a challenge, but gives you the tools to be able to do it. Something like Devil May Cry is a good example.


Dec 21, 2016 4:09 PM

Aug 2014
Lord_Sithis said:
Snappynator said:
Difficulty is a subjective matter. There are some who finds Souls games hard, some who find them easy and some who are in between.
Indeed, but not exactly. If you are patient instead of clickspamming, Dark Souls is an easy game. In comparison to real hard games, Dark Souls is pretty tame. So no way it's the hardest game ever or stuff like that most people say.
I definitely agree that Dark Souls is far from the hardest game ever or that hard, that's likely something that comes more from fanboyism or people just never having played some of the other more tough games. I guess one reason it got that reputation is because of how punishing it can be for someone who is new to it, but once you have gotten used to rolling and poise, it's so easy.
Dec 21, 2016 4:19 PM

Jun 2016
Lord_Sithis said:
Mokir said:

Try beating the game with a dex build and a lot of limitations, like me
Hi! I've beaten the game without leveling up (not even dex) and it was pretty easy.

Then how about going outside for once?

"The sun is my enemy, but the moon has been good to me."
Dec 21, 2016 4:29 PM
Jul 2018
Mokir said:
Lord_Sithis said:
Hi! I've beaten the game without leveling up (not even dex) and it was pretty easy.

Then how about going outside for once?
I go outside. Even at SL 1, if you know what you're doing Dark Souls is easy. There's even a subreddit dedicated to it. I've done stuff WAY harder than that. And there's stuff WAY harder than that that I find easy too.
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