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Sailor Moon Eternal Edition
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Jun 27, 2016 7:24 AM

Nov 2011
What a cute baby :3

Well that fight ended smoothly although felt rushed for some reason. Chibiusa is happy as usual again too. Well personally, I thought this season was better than the previous. Not sure how I felt about the new characters in the end although they were a refreshing sight.
Jun 27, 2016 7:52 AM

Mar 2012
I'm really satisfied with this season tbh I'm glad they improved so much compared to crystal
Jun 27, 2016 8:01 AM

Nov 2013
This season was awesome compared to the first two.

That end... such cliffhanger but no confirmation for the next season... I'm gonna cry if they don't say anything about it...
Jun 27, 2016 8:31 AM

Apr 2014
I enjoyed this season a lot more than the previous

I'm looking forward to the next season if they make one

OrangeJPJun 27, 2016 9:00 AM

Jun 27, 2016 8:38 AM
Apr 2015
Ahh they have to make another season!
They really have to!
Sad that it's over once again but Ill gladly wait for more.
Jun 27, 2016 8:39 AM
Mar 2016
Such a great ending for this wonderful season. Loved how the crisis was handled after all and the slice of life moments afterwards were definitely emotional (Outers, Hotaru-chan <3<3<3), cute and funny :3 Awwww the Inners are going to high school, holy Molly that didn't happen in the 90's till the final season! That whole scene where everyone was together and the Inners were discussing about High school was such a throwback at episode 1 of Stars :3 Much prefer how it is in the manga/Crystal actually. The Infinity Arc was handled so well and this episode was again quite high quality animation-wise and felt like a balanced conclusion... Until that freaking bell sound aka cliffhanger... They better let us know when season four comes out, I can't get enough of Sailor Moon <3
Jun 27, 2016 8:46 AM

Jan 2008
They'd better make season 4, considering how butchered the original anime version of the next arc was. Serioulsy... what was TOEI thinking?
Jun 27, 2016 8:55 AM

Oct 2008
Well, this was better than season 1 of Crystal in terms of directing, animation and the use of goofy comedy Sailor Moon is known for. But sadly, I personally feel that it still fails to measure up to the older version since most of the villains had no personality to speak of, it still had some excessive exposition from time to time (both are issues carried over from the previous season) and even Haruka Michiru and Hotaru's characterization felt very minimal due to its fast pacing with major events happening in succession with no time for the characters to relax in between.
I haven't read the manga, but I'm guessing it just doesn't translate in to anime all that well?
Jun 27, 2016 9:01 AM

Nov 2011
The first half feel rushed and kind of all over the place to me. Saturn was stil super badass. I love her so much. Did her costume upgraded too tho? I'm not sure about that.

I was surprised to see the girls with their high school uniform at the end and super happy to see the goofy side of the characters again. The silly animation is so well done, I love it! <3

They HAVE to make a season 4 now. I can't be otherwise, right?
Jun 27, 2016 9:03 AM
Apr 2015
I'm the only one who probably thought this episode was a very disappointing conclusion to an otherwise decent yet flawed season (which was better than those piles of shit known as seasons 1 and 2 of Crystal). All that pretty much happened was Moon came out, the Inners and Outers get super forms for no reason, Saturn seals Pharaoh 90 away with the help of Pluto, the Outers leave with baby Hotaru, and that's pretty much it minus the other part which could hint at a fourth season...

The whole thing with the destruction and such really felt non-existent compared to the manga and S (which had a better ending than this one also). Apparently Toei can't show people dying now, (or even people being naked, but even that was inconsistent; they censored Rei, Chibi-Usa and Hotaru being naked, but then why didn't they censor Haruka and Michiru?) in the manga it felt real because we could see the people dying and the city being destroyed before being revived, in S, we could see the roadway and Mugen Academy destroyed during the final battle, but here, it's like only a few buildings got destroyed, no people were there in Tokyo at all other than the Sailors during this whole final battle compared to what we saw in the manga/S (which had hypnotized students in the episode before the final battle)...were they all on summer vacation or something?

And whilst the ending/beginning of Dead Moon arc was kinda charming and it was funny seeing Usagi and the others being hilarious, it really felt tacked upon and nearly forced, almost like how season 1 ended/2 began, with Chibi-Usa just coming out of nowhere and it not feeling like an ending. In my opinion, they made a mistake for putting the cliffhanger in the previous episode and probably should have just ended it with Saturn appearing and then have her attack and such in the final episode.

The whole season isn't bad, but unfortunately in a way it did build up to a bit of a letdown, and at least we got a Sailor Moon season that's watchable, so I give Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal Season III a 6/10.
Jun 27, 2016 9:17 AM

Mar 2013
what a sad but happy ending the first half was amazing and it shows just how powerful Sailor Saturn really is. I'm glad no better than glad wait what's better than glad? oh well I'm better than glad that Hotaru was properly reincarnated this time and that the outer sailor scouts will be raising her but it's sad that they have to leave. The second half was mostly cheerful now that everything is behind them we get to see that usagi and the rest of the inner sailor scouts are now in high school (although rei will be attending a different high school) and mamorou is now in college. Chibi usa and diana have to go back to the 30th century it was going to be a sad departure but they decide to end this with a cliffhanger why?! what was that bell noise? why were chibi usa and usagi the only ones who could hear it and why did time stop for everyone else except them? this is just teasing at another season I don't know whether to like that or hate that. overall loved this season and hope they decide to continue (giving the fact that they were teasing us with something at the end).
Jun 27, 2016 9:28 AM

Oct 2015
It was a good ending episode. Some parts felt rushed and redundant (like the flashbacks of what we just saw not two minutes ago), but seemed to come together at the end.

I'm a bit surprised with the episode ending with the foreshadowing of the Dream Arc with the bells and the eclipse. It'll be interesting to see how long until an official announcement is made from Toei regarding a fourth season.
Jun 27, 2016 9:29 AM

Jan 2011
Oh God come on! Somehow I knew Toei will cut the last part from the chapter

Seems like they want to leave it for the 1st episode of the next Arc, so the first Dream chapter can be split in 2 episodes... Question is when and if it will be coming. There was no "To be continued" this time D:

As for the final episode altogether it was very good and closed the story well IMO. That Chibiusa Face :3 Priceless xD. Very touching last moments of Saturn and poor Pluto... I pity her. And baby Hotaru daw! :D And seems like Toei ditched the helicopter scene from the manga. I think it was a good move. Would be weird if the helicopters suddenly appeared out of nowhere ;p The second part of the episode was great. Loved those funny scenes :D And like I mentioned... Damn that Cliffhanger!!!

5/5 from me for this episode.


As for my Season 3 summary I'm really happy Toei took another direction for it. Didn't regret watching even one episode from it and I hope for the remaining 2 Arcs to come out even better. Below are my personal pros/cons.

+ Much better characterization and spotlights for the Senshis (not so useless Inners)
+ Much more faithful manga adaptation (compared to S1 and S2)
+ Quality went up for most of the episodes
+ No CGI transformations
+ Outer Senshis (Love Saturn<3)
+ Super Sailor Moon
+ Storytelling and yes those few damn cliffhangers, that hold up the tension
+ Weekly airing episodes
+ Voice acting
+ Music was mostly very good

* Some few parts were altered or scrapped
* Sometimes it felt a bit rushed (only nitpicking here)
* Villains lacked personality (I'm talking especially about the Witches 5)
* Few things remained unexplained or haven't been explained at all (manga comparison / manga shortcomings)
* Uranus and Neptune relationship (somehow the 90's relationship was more credible and this one to be honest, was not enough developed for me)
* Uranus/Neptune Transformation OST wasn't what I wanted, but it wasn't bad either
* No full attack sequences for World Shaking, Deep Submerge and Dead Scream :'(

- Some few quality shots (nitpicking ;P wasn't even close to the bad S1 and S2 qualities)
- Reused scenes (most flashbacks were important, but not all of them)
- Mistranslations and errors in the subs

Altogether this Season had his weakness and strengths compared to the Manga AND the 90's version of the Anime. Still being fair I giving it a solid 8/10 it deserved.
RaffJun 27, 2016 9:43 AM

Jun 27, 2016 9:30 AM

Jan 2008
I lied a bit when saying that I'm again able to give each Sailor Moon's series a 7 after the terribad Crystal 1 and 2. In the end I rate this one 6/10: the manga has its stupidities and shortcuts, and you can't overlook those even in a rather fine adaptation. Character development is non-existent, anything happens in a blink of an eye, a lot of characters is bland or one-note only, the story is nothing to home about, emotions are still lacking (when everything happens so fast, it's hard to invest any feelings in it), art's quality plummets in the second part of the series. Still, it's Sailor Moon, it's definitely better than first two abysmal seasons and it tries to add humour and actually succeeds in conveying Sailor Moon's magic, more or less. 6/10, because they tried and it shows. I'm pretty sure it will sold and SuperS and Stars will look even better (altough only the latter has the chance to be better in terms of plot, which was a complete joke in the anime version).
Jun 27, 2016 9:38 AM

Jul 2008
Probably unpopular opinion (or maybe this only is directed towards the 90's adaptation of this arc) but the dream arc is my favourite arc and it needs to happen like right now! I wanna see Pegasus! T.T
Jun 27, 2016 10:15 AM

Nov 2013
I need a gif of Usagi playing the maraccas like at this episode.

No, that's not right
Everyone needs it, THE WORLD NEEDS IT
Jun 27, 2016 10:37 AM
Mar 2008
Well, this maybe was not on par with the 90s one or even the manga (e.g. the final was a bit lacking here and some time could be spent with necessary character developments, especially considering the shitty first Crystal) but still was an ok one and it completely pulverized the first Crystal on almost every aspect possible.
Jun 27, 2016 11:08 AM

Feb 2016
This episode was disappointing for me. While the last two ones were fantastically directed and they managed to make those episodes emotional and dramatic, this was was bland. I don't feel that Hotaru's sacrifice and rebirth had any weight, Sailor Moon saved the day effortlessly again... If they retained some scenes from the mange, then the episode could be more dramatic? Anyway, I'm happy that they did a cliffhanger indicating at the continuation, they did the same at the end of season 2 after all.

Overall, season 3 was really good, but with disappointing last episode. I liked the art, I liked the direction, transformations were cool, some new attacks were also neat (but Chronos Typhoon is disappointing...). I give this season 7/10.
Jun 27, 2016 11:17 AM

Jan 2011
VierMill said:
I need a gif of Usagi playing the maraccas like at this episode.

No, that's not right
Everyone needs it, THE WORLD NEEDS IT

As you wish. Usagi Party Hard xD

Jun 27, 2016 11:20 AM

Oct 2012
Awww it was so great, I cried a lot.
The slice of life scenes are so cute and great as well T_T I LOVE ALL THE SENSHI
Also how dare them end at this part affffff goddammit season 4 fucking when
Jun 27, 2016 11:25 AM

Mar 2008
MahadoKusanagi said:
Well, this maybe was not on par with the 90s one or even the manga (e.g. the final was a bit lacking here and some time could be spent with necessary character developments, especially considering the shitty first Crystal) but still was an ok one and it completely pulverized the first Crystal on almost every aspect possible.

Yeah. The 90s anime version of this had a more intense, darker feel to it: scouts had torn outfits and bruises, Sailor Moon was practically screaming her lungs out in frustration, and etc. The one scene that has stuck with me all these years is when Sailor Moon held baby Hotaru in her arms, and you can tell by her ragged appearance that she fought with every ounce of her strength. SMC III didn't have any scenes that left an impact on me, but it was certainly pretty and far more attractive than the previous seasons of SMC. Sailor Saturn was awesome. I enjoyed it.
Mimi_TaylorJun 27, 2016 11:30 AM
Jun 27, 2016 11:33 AM

Jul 2014
VierMill said:
I need a gif of Usagi playing the maraccas like at this episode.

No, that's not right
Everyone needs it, THE WORLD NEEDS IT

Here you go. Enjoy.

Jun 27, 2016 11:33 AM

Aug 2008
Definitely better than the prequel. I enjoy this season mainly because of the addition of Neptune, Uranus and the best Sailor Senshi, Saturn! Give me the sequel now please. Need more of Saturn.

And cliffhanger ending. Dammit.
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Jun 27, 2016 11:34 AM

Jan 2008
Well yeah... the original anime did this way better, but then again, it did pretty much everything much better. The original fight against P90 was much darker in the old anime, mainly because P90 was just a thing. To me, a massive creature of destruction is much less scary when it has a human-like mind. In the old show, we didn't know jack shit about P90, just that it killed everything. Also, the scene where Sailor Moon goes in P90 to save Saturn was abasolutely fantastic.
Jun 27, 2016 11:35 AM
May 2013
Hotaru got three moms, I'm so happy for her.
Hoping for another season! Also I'm really happy that they played Uranus and Neptun's ending.
Pandora hearts broke my heart
Jun 27, 2016 12:16 PM
Apr 2015
I've looked forward to season 4 yet!
Jun 27, 2016 12:39 PM

Nov 2013

I had to make this, maybe it's too big this way, but she needs plenty of place to dance at.

EDIT: Oh, people made them too while I wasn't looking, ouch xP
Jun 27, 2016 12:50 PM
Jun 2011
Johnny_B said:
I've looked forward to season 4 yet!
with that big cliffhanger ending i sure there will be season 4
Jun 27, 2016 3:38 PM

Jan 2011
elior1 said:
Johnny_B said:
I've looked forward to season 4 yet!
with that big cliffhanger ending i sure there will be season 4

That and simply the fact that despite the weak performance of S1/S2 Toei still continued with S3 means they won't ditch it so easily. No "To be continued" was shown, but maybe it means we won't wait too long for S4 <fingers crossed>

P.S: Maybe Ami is hiding some clues about Season 4 on her iPad in the solar eclipse article she was reading with Rei haha.

Jun 27, 2016 6:53 PM
Jul 2018
Well glad that I wasn't the only one that thought last season was bad. Thanks god they improve. XD

What?? Season 4. Ughhh... I really should stop watching Sailor Moon TT^TT
Jun 27, 2016 8:35 PM

Jun 2013
Infinity Arc is great. I like this arc most in Sailor Moon series.
Hope they will continue to adapt Dream Arc.
Jun 27, 2016 10:27 PM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
And with that season 3 ends. A bit let down by Sailor Saturn. At the very least they should have done Saturn sealing P.90 have more impact. Like maybe show a big explosion by the door. Instead we just get Pluto opening/closing the door and nothing else.

Baby Hotaru as expected and thus the Outers leave.

Sailor Moon and the maracas lol Overall not a bad season, certainly much better than the previous one. Loved the new transformations, imo smooth and more elegant.
The cliffhanger sure leaves a season 4 open.

Jun 27, 2016 10:58 PM

May 2010
Sailor Saturn! And she's reborn as a kid! I kinda remember this from the original series... I think.

Ah, it's a parting... sad

Finally some comedy with the main 5, love their friendship <3 Yay it's the Minako and Usagi duo! I loved their bond a lot in the original! Also Rei and Usagi duo. Man I'm happy, they finally got close!

Damn this must continue! What a tease end.. I guess it will have a S2?

Overall, huge improvement over S1. Like one of the best cases of sequel being way better than the original. I wonder what score should I go with. Frankly speaking its 8/10, but I feel generous because the staff worked on this season unlike the completely and utterly meh s1. 8.5/10
Jun 28, 2016 12:49 AM

Oct 2014
That was far more awesome than the first season! That ending tho...New season will be coming for sure in the future. Can't wait for the Dream arc to be animated
Jun 28, 2016 3:07 AM
Jan 2013
I think the three seasons have been done beautifully in their own way. I can't wait for the dream and the stars arc to appear. I am looking forward to the next arcs and maybe we get to have some specials like with the parallel Sailor Moon or the other short stories with the dentist, the vampire or the price hammer story. I hope they do the Kaguya hime story and casa blanca memory in animated version.

It's a pity they didn't show more at the end.
Jun 28, 2016 5:08 AM

Jan 2014
I'm really sad to see the outers go, though in a sense it's very poetic that they're
given all the turmoil she;s repviously gone through.

Chibiusa is gone, but as the other characters said, we'll probably see her again soon.

Also, what's with that bell? I personally think Diana's back, and will lead Mamoru, Usagi and Chibiusa to whatever new adventure happens in the next season (which I really want there to be, by the way!)
Jun 28, 2016 5:15 AM

Nov 2013
BlazingOptimist said:
I'm really sad to see the outers go, though in a sense it's very poetic that they're
given all the turmoil she;s repviously gone through.

Chibiusa is gone, but as the other characters said, we'll probably see her again soon.

Also, what's with that bell? I personally think Diana's back, and will lead Mamoru, Usagi and Chibiusa to whatever new adventure happens in the next season (which I really want there to be, by the way!)

Diana can't leave without Chibiusa or Pluto's help, so she's stuck at that time unless Chibiusa goes back.
So she can't come back without leaving, plus she was shown still with Chibiusa during this episode.
Jun 28, 2016 6:25 AM

Dec 2015
After the 5min wait to get to the "new material", it was obvious it would miss some bits. I don't really understand this choice: not enough money to animate more scenes? Apart from that, the episode was nice to see (albeit felt emptier than the manga) and the cliffhanger was good (stopping after the sound rather than showing us the horse).
Welcome back to the first ending!


This was a correct adaptation, despite some things. It delivers the manga way better than the 90s anime (it is the goal after all) but is still not the perfect transcription I have waited for since the first announcement (a few years ago already).
On the technical side, it seemed far above the previous series (I only saw the ONAs, not the discs version), even with some ugly faces and limbs.Too bad they simplified the chara-design instead of trying harder to animate a more complicated style. Oh well if this one succeeds, they might invest more time and effort into the next part art.

7.5+/10 Might be because of how low the previous series was and how long I waited before getting a decent adaptation.

And now... at least I still have some Cure to watch. (they lack SM world but are fun divertissement)

edit: the old series adapting the same part has the exact same score (but for a lot more people)
Rei_IIIJun 28, 2016 6:44 AM
Jun 28, 2016 8:34 AM

Aug 2008
tsurenaibaby said:
what do you think the sound of the bell was???

most people watching crystal watched the original anime so we know what it is. Wouldn't wan to spoil it for you :)

Jun 28, 2016 9:01 AM

Nov 2013
I'm dissapointed in second half of the series. It's really boring, anticlimactic and stupid.
Jun 28, 2016 3:16 PM

May 2015
They got my hopes up when they said Chibi was going home (god I hate her...she's less of an annoying brat in this version of Sailor Moon vs the original anime...but I just hate the character.) but given what I know about the story...not going to happen.
(>'.')> I have Aspergers (Autism), so if I say something "rude" it doesn't mean I'm trying to be mean or rude! I state my mind and say things bluntly, I don't have a built in filter on what I say. So please don't jump to conclusions! <('.'<)
Jun 28, 2016 7:35 PM

Oct 2011
Omg that bell sound omg!!! Season 4 when! !!
Jun 29, 2016 9:21 AM
Jun 2016
Jun 29, 2016 9:34 AM

Jul 2014
Seiya-Meteorite said:
I'm the only one who probably thought this episode was a very disappointing conclusion to an otherwise decent yet flawed season (which was better than those piles of shit known as seasons 1 and 2 of Crystal). All that pretty much happened was Moon came out, the Inners and Outers get super forms for no reason, Saturn seals Pharaoh 90 away with the help of Pluto, the Outers leave with baby Hotaru, and that's pretty much it minus the other part which could hint at a fourth season...

The whole thing with the destruction and such really felt non-existent compared to the manga and S (which had a better ending than this one also). Apparently Toei can't show people dying now, (or even people being naked, but even that was inconsistent; they censored Rei, Chibi-Usa and Hotaru being naked, but then why didn't they censor Haruka and Michiru?) in the manga it felt real because we could see the people dying and the city being destroyed before being revived, in S, we could see the roadway and Mugen Academy destroyed during the final battle, but here, it's like only a few buildings got destroyed, no people were there in Tokyo at all other than the Sailors during this whole final battle compared to what we saw in the manga/S (which had hypnotized students in the episode before the final battle)...were they all on summer vacation or something?

And whilst the ending/beginning of Dead Moon arc was kinda charming and it was funny seeing Usagi and the others being hilarious, it really felt tacked upon and nearly forced, almost like how season 1 ended/2 began, with Chibi-Usa just coming out of nowhere and it not feeling like an ending. In my opinion, they made a mistake for putting the cliffhanger in the previous episode and probably should have just ended it with Saturn appearing and then have her attack and such in the final episode.

The whole season isn't bad, but unfortunately in a way it did build up to a bit of a letdown, and at least we got a Sailor Moon season that's watchable, so I give Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal Season III a 6/10.

You're not alone. I really liked most of the episodes of this season so I was expecting so much more from this last one.

"No matter how miserable your life becomes, never let your heart become miserable as well."
Jun 29, 2016 10:56 AM

Apr 2010
Uh it ended...
Another season?
Jun 29, 2016 11:14 AM
Apr 2015

Thanks. It's good to know I'm not alone (I was the one who gave the 2 star vote also). I did enjoy this season as a whole though, and I now consider it the true first season of Sailor Moon Crystal (IMO the other two don't count, and they both get a 0/10 from me).

Saint-SheepyJun 29, 2016 11:17 AM
Jun 29, 2016 11:17 AM
Apr 2015
Gvendoline said:
I'm dissapointed in second half of the series. It's really boring, anticlimactic and stupid.

Yeah, to be honest, that's what I feel happened with the second half of Season III, especially compared to the second half of the original's S, which was epic, climactic, amazing, and heartwarming.
Jun 29, 2016 2:51 PM

May 2015
(Season III) The drawings, as for them, are very good. Everybody’s smiling, love, showing grief, despair, etc. (emotions)... There are lots of great things I could comment. For instance, the OP I always like openings that use trumpets it reminds me of the 70's, 80's and 90's anime openings… I have to give credit to Toei for correcting lots of thing that make season I & II a disappointment in my humble opinion… Season 4 when!?
Jun 29, 2016 5:55 PM

Mar 2009
The change of direction really helped. Good job, Chiaki Kon. Also helped that it switched from ONA to TV. I thought this season was great, overall.
Jun 29, 2016 6:26 PM
Nov 2013
I knew getting Chiaki Kon on board would save this Sailor Moon reboot, it definitely exceeded my expectations.

Stellar finale. I really hope for another season!
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