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Mar 5, 2015 6:55 AM
THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- Well, that was an interesting well rounded episode with some of the amusement park themes and then shift in focus with workplace. Loved some of the reactions as well and evaluation of their ideas: The mascots also caught my attention for their roles again. Gotta work hard Aoi! |
Mar 5, 2015 9:41 AM
feels like first episode, which make me sad and miss the first time i watched Shirobako |
Mar 5, 2015 9:49 AM
Problems Hiraoka must recognize and accept aren't as easily solved as expected and he still has a long way to go. It seems Erika knows this could be the last chance for him to recover from derailment. I have to agree that he is also working hard along with his own management rule even though it doesn't fit the current project, and probably the other projects when he was working for the previous companies, either. I, as an engineer who burnt out myself several times, I don't like to criticize his attitude impulsively because I know I cannot keep working like him when I find I'm starting to look down on my job. |
Mar 5, 2015 10:03 AM
htsuji said: Problems Hiraoka must recognize and accept aren't as easily solved as expected and he still has a long way to go. It seems Erika knows this could be the last chance for him to recover from derailment. I have to agree that he is also working hard along with his own management rule even though it doesn't fit the current project, and probably the other projects when he was working for the previous companies, either. I, as an engineer who burnt out myself several times, I don't like to criticize his attitude impulsively because I know I cannot keep working like him when I find I'm starting to look down on my job. I feel the same way. Plus, Hiraoka likes cats, and he can't be bad (joke). |
Mar 5, 2015 12:08 PM
Please P.A. Works if there's gonna be a second season get some of the girls into a romantic relationship because THEY ARE TOO CUTE TO BE SINGLE! And yes I don't call any one of them my waifu because I'm not a otaku. And Kunogi should fall in love with a kuma. Hiraoka is those kind of people that lack the adaptability even though he may have talent and passion in his works. He needs someone to oversee him until he can move up the food chain or he'll just quit eventually. Being a production assistant in the anime industry does not fit him at all, he should start as a assistant project manager in the marketing department for example where he has some primary decisions to make not under other's schedule. Tsutomu Mizushima teaming up with Michiko Yokote and Reiko Yoshida is the best thing ever happened to Shirobako, I can't think of any other director and writer that have a compatibility as high as them, almost every scene serves its propose and the emotion is always clear and comes off naturally, the character design from Kanami Sekiguchi is also great. Every elements just fit together really well. There are a few places I hope they could branch out a little bit about the work place politics and the balance of hardship and rewards, but what they've already had is more than enough for this title that is a light-heart comedy not a commentary. Just like how this episode is started, Shirobako is a honest display of the passion and hardwork of everyone involved in the production, it's the most enjoyable anime of both autumn and winter season. P.A. Works is small yet have a purer heart than many large production companies out there. |
raveninthemuddleMar 5, 2015 5:36 PM
Mar 5, 2015 3:53 PM
In my humble opinion, romance would ruin the show. And whenever there is romance in P.A. Works animes, there would be at least love triangles which I hate to see. |
Mar 5, 2015 4:29 PM
Anyone seen this episode in English subs yet? Can't seem to find them anywhere... |
Mar 5, 2015 5:31 PM
PetitFours said: In my humble opinion, romance would ruin the show. And whenever there is romance in P.A. Works animes, there would be at least love triangles which I hate to see. The romance element in TARI TARI served the plot well. Obviously it's not going to take the same route as True Tears and Nagi no Asukara. It could be used to bring up some side storys about the difficulty of starting or maintaining a relationship when working long hours and overstressed. To me it's weird to see so many girls that are well-dressed and well-mannered and not to mention they are all cute in their own ways not involving in a romantic relationship maybe with their co-workers(not Tarou) or anyone with similar background like in real life, and the only couples we've seen so far are either divorced or married. Nah just some ideas for the second season if there'll be one, P.A Works probably wouldn't do that to the big five but if they give Kunogi a bf/gf (sure, why not) I would love to see what their conversation would be like. Wishful thinking, P.A. Works is allergic to second season. |
raveninthemuddleMar 5, 2015 5:40 PM
Mar 5, 2015 7:18 PM
"Due to production issues, Shirobako episode 21 will be delayed until early in the evening. We thank you for your patience and understanding." is on the Crunchyroll website. How have you watched it already? |
Anime exists all is well |
Mar 5, 2015 7:50 PM
Shades371 said: "Due to production issues, Shirobako episode 21 will be delayed until early in the evening. We thank you for your patience and understanding." is on the Crunchyroll website. How have you watched it already? They've watched the raw which came out in Japan as scheduled. The problem is on CR's side. It's already out now on CR anyway. |
Mar 5, 2015 8:59 PM
Omg, the cat scene was the cutest thing ever. I even consider it the cutest anime cat ever. :3 |
Mar 5, 2015 9:07 PM
As a roller coaster enthusiast, I really appreciate the effort P.A. Works put into that Mad Max coaster, lol. Also, that scene was just golden. I lol'd at Misa studying conked-out Ema. Misa-chan best girl this week for liking roller coasters. |
Mar 5, 2015 9:34 PM
Gotta say my respect for Zuka-chan skyrocketed when she refused to be identified as a seiyuu in front of the Producers/Presidents. There's using connections and then there's nepotism. As much as it pains my heart to say since she's been suffering the entire anime, Zuka needs(and probably wants) to prove herself before she relies on her connection with Aoi as an avenue for potential work |
HybridMBLMar 5, 2015 10:05 PM
Mar 5, 2015 9:41 PM
Gotta love Yano and her sadistic smile! :3 This is probably her main weapon for instant submission, as seen Iketani and Tarou having their firsthand experience this episode. XD Don't know which other anime shows are running in the their world, but GunColle is definitely among the best of the season. Aerial Girls is probably like Rolling☆Girls of our current season, which can actually be a decent show. Hiraoka is still a little bitch, despite all the explanations Yano gave as to why he's probably the way he is. In a way, he's actually worse than Taro. Not sure how well Isokawa's A.C. Tsuchinoko production going, but noticed one of his creators had dark marks under his eyes. Must be tough working there.. Lol'd at how he described Honda though! XD Wonder why Shizuka cued Miyamori not to reveal what she's trying to become. Maybe, she's self conscious about it since she's still not a full-fledged seiyuu yet? O.o Good episode. Next week's title though.. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) |
Mar 5, 2015 9:45 PM
This is certainly an interesting side-by-side comparison. |
Mar 5, 2015 10:26 PM
StevenHu said: This is certainly an interesting side-by-side comparison. Oh wow that's quite interesting! Wouldn't have noticed without your post :) Despite all the hard work, stress, overtime, and troubles during each anime production process, they still have smiles on their faces in the end. It's definitely that feeling of accomplishing something together and having successfully dealt with the problems that brings them together. I think the comparisons just speaks for itself maybe why the people continue working there. Shaniyaz said: Wonder why Shizuka cued Miyamori not to reveal what she's trying to become. Maybe, she's self conscious about it since she's still not a full-fledged seiyuu yet? O.o I think it's because she wants to be recognized for her own ability to voice act rather than the possibility of being noticed or given an opportunity through connections. Though most people would jump all over such an opportunity, but Shizuka probably wants to get there on her own. Assuming I'm not wrong anyways. But if this is true, then I would say that she's also a little naive in a way, because the truth is a lot of people get work and are given opportunities through connections, and if they are good at their job, then they get to keep it and maybe even advance. Midori was given the opportunity for being part of the animation production too because of Aoi, and then she was able to meet and get guidance from Maitake, a screen writer. I still respect Shizuka though for going the hard route. She will probably feel much more accomplished if she can become successful through her own hard work and talent. Now about Hiraoka. It really is a shame to hear that he's lost his passion for anime production. We all knew he had it in him once upon a time and that's why he's there, but it still doesn't fully excuse his attitude. I think the episode directors and animators would be less angry/annoyed with him if he just had a more positive attitude. Like Tarou. He's annoying and he screws up, but it seems like he hasn't met a situation like Hiraoka, where people want him to not be in charge of communications, etc. People can be exasperated at Tarou for being an idiot, but at least he does try to do things properly where as Hiraoka puts in minimal effort. I'm glad Aoi faced him straight on and asked Hiraoka why is he still working in anime production, and also that she didn't give up on him. Such a question and Aoi's willingness to make things work must've opened up Hiraoka's eyes a bit. That being said, I do feel him a little when he said that all the fault goes to the production when things go wrong. Similarly, though probably on a lesser scale, sometimes when customers aren't satisfied with the food or the wait for their food, waiters (like me) get first-hand hate. I don't even cook the food and I try to make sure that orders aren't being forgotten, but complaints go to me obviously, and it makes everything seem like it's my fault. What can you do. Just hope that people know better to direct the blame I guess. It could be the cooks in the back for "bad" tasting food (if they follow the recipe sloppily or something), or it could be the recipe made by the boss. Same for the drinks which I do Sorry it ain't high quality and all I do is put syrup in tea or mix ice with syrup :P |
tingyMar 5, 2015 10:30 PM
Mar 5, 2015 10:30 PM
Shaniyaz said: The vibe I got was that she wanted to be sure she made it on her own, not with someone pulling favors. It's hardly uncommon - most budding artists I've known were like that. They just don't want everything they do to be tainted by that nagging feeling that maybe they're not really good enough on their own and only succeeded through connections.Wonder why Shizuka cued Miyamori not to reveal what she's trying to become. Maybe, she's self conscious about it since she's still not a full-fledged seiyuu yet? O.o Good episode. Next week's title though.. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) She'll get her due - no point to the character otherwise. Beyond that, this was an excellent episode despite very little action plot-wise. The cat and roller coaster scenes were priceless, and the background on Yano and Hiraoka was good. I still don't like him though - maybe if he manages to confront his demons. It's obvious he's jaded and burned out, but he still has the potential to pull out. Unlike Tarou. |
Mar 5, 2015 10:36 PM
good episode! it seems hiraoka might be not a bad person after all, and he is just like that because he realized that the job isn't all fun and games. and yay, the first episode of 3rd aerial girls aired without problems! |
Mar 6, 2015 12:02 AM
Good episode. I really like the roller coaster scene and the cat scene. |
Mar 6, 2015 12:21 AM
Mar 6, 2015 1:00 AM
StevenHu said: This is certainly an interesting side-by-side comparison. Oohh, nice find. I like it how Rinko has evolved to be more expressive over time! Anyway, great episode. Hectic, but entertaining. |
Mar 6, 2015 2:48 AM
Mar 6, 2015 3:42 AM
So has Zuka given up then? Doubt it but...poor girl. :( Give her that break already show! Honestly I wish Hiraoka wasn't even in this. He's a douche, his time vs quality theme this week has already been explored in the series, and I feel his time could be spent better with other Zuka. |
animefan8800Mar 6, 2015 3:50 AM
Mar 6, 2015 3:53 AM
The one thing I really noticed this episode was how many characters they brought back from earlier episodes. Many of them had lines too. Recording studio must have been crawling with VAs. Shaniyaz said: Not sure how well Isokawa's A.C. Tsuchinoko production going, but noticed one of his creators had dark marks under his eyes. Must be tough working there.. Must be. The place is based on PA Works when they just started up. The things he is saying is almost exactly what PA works founder said. tingy said: Now about Hiraoka. It really is a shame to hear that he's lost his passion for anime production. We all knew he had it in him once upon a time and that's why he's there, but it still doesn't fully excuse his attitude. I think the episode directors and animators would be less angry/annoyed with him if he just had a more positive attitude. Like Tarou. He's annoying and he screws up, but it seems like he hasn't met a situation like Hiraoka, where people want him to not be in charge of communications, etc. Yes exactly. Hiraoka is actually quite good at his job, Segawa was basically upset that he asked her to do her job. It's his attitude that makes everyone upset. We've seen Miyamori do the same in almost every episode, but her attitude is completely different, so people are a lot more willing to do as she asks. I think I should also not that Hiraoka is right about it being more productive to handle cuts as batches, but it really goes against Japanese workplace culture. If you can be seen to work hard, even if it makes things worse, it's the right thing to do. I wonder to what degree PA works realises the cultural aspect here. |
Mar 6, 2015 4:38 AM
AaaaaaKun said: If they are going to break my heart like in Tari Tari I'd rather not ;_; they could have easily snuck in some hints throughout the show but I think this is P.A.'s way of saying this isn't like your other high school anime, I think Tari Tari had really mature romance though for what it was so it certainly wouldn't hurt here either way, even if they decided to bring a big focus to it.PetitFours said: In my humble opinion, romance would ruin the show. And whenever there is romance in P.A. Works animes, there would be at least love triangles which I hate to see. The romance element in TARI TARI served the plot well. Obviously it's not going to take the same route as True Tears and Nagi no Asukara. It could be used to bring up some side storys about the difficulty of starting or maintaining a relationship when working long hours and overstressed. To me it's weird to see so many girls that are well-dressed and well-mannered and not to mention they are all cute in their own ways not involving in a romantic relationship maybe with their co-workers(not Tarou) or anyone with similar background like in real life, and the only couples we've seen so far are either divorced or married. Nah just some ideas for the second season if there'll be one, P.A Works probably wouldn't do that to the big five but if they give Kunogi a bf/gf (sure, why not) I would love to see what their conversation would be like. Wishful thinking, P.A. Works is allergic to second season. animefan8800 said: So has Zuka given up then? Doubt it but...poor girl. :( Give her that break already show! Nah, she just didn't want an easy way in, she does need a break though but the show seems desperate with killing everyone's hopes and dreams (especially of those watching who are thinking of becoming seiyuus) and making the point that being the seiyuu is the hardest job in the world. |
Paulo27Mar 6, 2015 4:47 AM
Mar 6, 2015 6:20 AM
Yano and her sadistic smiles. Very cute, yet very scary. ^^; It's interesting to know how passionate Hiraoka was during his college days within animation, but it seems that he's lost that passion after going from job to job to job so quickly. Not everyone can get a breakthrough into the industry and do the job they want to do, which is what poor Shizuka has already gone through plenty of times. I'm hoping that Miyamori and Yano can spark that passion and enthusiasm within Hiraoka and hopefully translate into better work as well as better relations with other staff. Passion and enthusiasm are the only reasons why Tarou's a more likeable person than Hiraoka to be honest. Pretty funny seeing Mii-Chan on the kid's playground horse trying to emulate a plane's movements lol. |
Mar 6, 2015 6:29 AM
Yano should start working for the FBI since she knows every escape route of a building she never worked before. And it still seems like Hiraoka isn't doing a very proper job he seriously lakes motivation and it's no wonder he has been swapping so much companies. With that attitude it's surprising that he is still working in the anime business at all. Now i wonder what will happen next week and if we will see Shizuka landing a job somewhere since the anime is almost over. |
Mar 6, 2015 6:41 AM
It really does need a season two at least with Shizuka-chan to see if she get's a gig and with Misa-chan now getting some more scenes and get's to work on something else then tires it feels off with one of the girls in their group still has it rough. Midori still working hard on her writing skills on the side and Ema getting the hang of her drawing skills even teaming up with veteran Shigeru-san. Miyamori-chan getting better at her job and having confidence wanting to do the last episode that's something. It's just screaming at PA Works to bring a Season two out. The suggestion about romance... no.. please.. not even love triangles. It'll ruin Shirobako. Still having lingering feels with Nagi no Asukara. *sob* |
Feeling Down? Healing Soothing Interesting Female? Gotcha covered ...yeah |
Mar 6, 2015 7:12 AM
No one can leave Yano's hands! A new experience in the roller coaster for multiple times, how drained they were. A person that owns a cat can't be bad at all, and it really is true that Hiraoka was really passionate about the job during school. All those new records, great episode as always. |
Mar 6, 2015 10:36 AM
Pretty good episode. It's good to see all the characters happy (even Hiraoko seemed to be happy when Aoi told him she counted on him). |
Mar 6, 2015 11:30 AM
As expected before, Hiraoka basically is an idealist with dead ideals. I have to respectfully disagree to someone before that "Hiraoka doesn't fit the series". He's what the series need as a contrasting element, since Musashino is basically "The utopia of anime studio", where everyone have their own quirks and problems but in the end everyone has full passion toward their work. Even Tarou. Meanwhile, Hiraoka is an outsider, someone who actually has similar core with the rest of musashino but probably had a series of bad luck, and ended up in wrong system/environment (killing his ideals in the process). He does have potential, and I actually could relate to him in a certain degree. What's left is that Hiraoka slowly finding his light back and I'm liking the gradual approach which the series taken so far. I also love how they put a f*ckin Tarou as a foil for him, since his idiocity, enthusiasm and "no personal barrier" attitude actually subtly softening Hiraoka, ever since Tarou offered him some beer/sake from the CM production episode. Good utilization of Tarou by the writer there. |
zeroyuki92Mar 6, 2015 11:35 AM
Mar 6, 2015 11:41 AM
Mar 6, 2015 12:26 PM
Magito said: Sadistic smile or not, Yano is so cute. +1 |
Mar 6, 2015 12:36 PM
Ah the first episode scene with Exodus and now Aerial Girls Third, Getting ideals of motion from a roller coaster rider : ) I hope Zuka-chan lands a role soon I hope Hiraoka changes. He was the only one not partaking in the first episode AGT : ( Love his cat <3 THe new kouhai's and Miyamori working of the last episode OMG : 0 |
Mar 6, 2015 12:39 PM
Yano blocking Iketani's way every single time with a smile was so lol XD Dat smile is so cute and scary XD |
Mar 6, 2015 1:48 PM
Mar 6, 2015 2:03 PM
HachiKirra said: spot on. I dunno why buy I want Shizuka to have at least let Aoi introduce her. It won't hurt to let some management folks know that a lovely red haired cutie voice actress is working part-time in one of their usual drinking hangouts. Besides it's still up to her to accept offers or not. I just want her to be happy. Shizuka, please?? Anyway, I'm starting to love the Go Go Donuts team, they're just all too cute, especially Midori, jumping with the director and cheering, sooooooooooo cute. Add Yano to the 5 and they make up the best girl group this season. |
Mar 6, 2015 2:09 PM
Helpme said: Yes exactly. Hiraoka is actually quite good at his job, Segawa was basically upset that he asked her to do her job. It's his attitude that makes everyone upset... She was annoyed for the reasons stated. Him having crap animators work on the cuts and throwing batches of work at her days at a time is obviously not efficient. His shit attitude only added to the frustration. People who are sympathetic towards Hiraoka are blindly ignoring the fact that he's doing a shit job. At least 2 respected veteran characters have complained about his incompetence & its obvious he doesn't care for the quality of the work he does. He blatantly says that at least twice, once in this episode. He's the type of character who is basically a sore loser who is incapable of adapting, jealous of every other person who's worked hard and succeeded in achieving something. And sticks around to make life difficult for everyone else because his sucks. Where I work, he would be fired on the third day. I think Oi-chan did him a charity this episode by not making that request to have him fired. By doing that she threw him a bone and gave him a second chance he didn't really deserve. The self-entitled prick will probably improve his attitude by the end. |
My old Japan blog which I'm never going to finish: |
Mar 6, 2015 4:17 PM
Onodera-chan said: I dunno why buy I want Shizuka to have at least let Aoi introduce her. It won't hurt to let some management folks know that a lovely red haired cutie voice actress is working part-time in one of their usual drinking hangouts. Besides it's still up to her to accept offers or not. I just want her to be happy. Shizuka, please?? My thoughts exactly |
Mar 6, 2015 5:14 PM
Mallony said: Onodera-chan said: I dunno why buy I want Shizuka to have at least let Aoi introduce her. It won't hurt to let some management folks know that a lovely red haired cutie voice actress is working part-time in one of their usual drinking hangouts. Besides it's still up to her to accept offers or not. I just want her to be happy. Shizuka, please?? My thoughts exactly If she wanted her to do so, Shizuka should have already said to her manager of the voice actor agency that she is a friend of the production desk manager's of Musani, who is now dealing with the very popular anime; and one or more agents of the office would have contacted Miyamori much earlier than this time. In that case, Shizuka could be an assistant of the agent of the office rather than be a voice actor herself because it could be more profitable for the office to use her connection as a device to sell their actors to the studio. |
htsujiMar 6, 2015 5:18 PM
Mar 6, 2015 5:23 PM
Mallony said: We just want you to be happy! Why don't you understand!Onodera-chan said: I dunno why buy I want Shizuka to have at least let Aoi introduce her. It won't hurt to let some management folks know that a lovely red haired cutie voice actress is working part-time in one of their usual drinking hangouts. Besides it's still up to her to accept offers or not. I just want her to be happy. Shizuka, please?? My thoughts exactly |
Mar 6, 2015 6:04 PM
Mallony said: Onodera-chan said: I dunno why buy I want Shizuka to have at least let Aoi introduce her. It won't hurt to let some management folks know that a lovely red haired cutie voice actress is working part-time in one of their usual drinking hangouts. Besides it's still up to her to accept offers or not. I just want her to be happy. Shizuka, please?? My thoughts exactly Miyamori is too low ranked to be doing that. These people are very busy and while they like her, she isn't important enough to be introducing people to them when they don't need them. With Diesel, they were desperate for someone to do a minor task, and that was when Aoi introduced her, but they don't need a VA now, so it wouldn't help Shizuka. In this episode at the bar, because they were not working, Miyamori felt comfortable enough to introduce Shizuka to other studio, but Shizuka rightly understood that it wasn't the right time, they were drunk and would not remember her later. That was why she said no. Sometime in the future, if they are desperate for a VA on the animation, that may be a good time for Miyamori to suggest her but even then probably not, VA's are FAR more important than researchers, and they can't hire one that hasn't been vetted by the production committee - (though of course they will know that she was almost hired before so that will help). Plus Shizuka is a professional. She wants to earn a position, she doesn't want to be thought of as the "oh the girl that got hired because she knows people" person. Everyone in this business knows about other people, so it would not be a good reputation to have, and probably would hurt down the road. Anyway, relax, if this director is as genius as I think, the ending will be awesome Aria's VA will get injured, they will be desperate for a replacement, Shizuka will get an audition with Miyamori's help, she will nail the audition because she was training for it this episode (though she didn't know it), but all that won't be enough. What should be the clincher should be the "Live Show" company on the production committee will have someone who remembers her stepping in from before and their vote is what gets her the job. This would be the perfect ending because it has that element of luck that has to happen, but at the same time it shows that you have to seize every chance you get, no matter how small, because you never know who's watching. |
Mar 6, 2015 8:10 PM
AaaaaaKun said: Please P.A. Works if there's gonna be a second season get some of the girls into a romantic relationship because THEY ARE TOO CUTE TO BE SINGLE! This, and if Zuka's not happy, I'm not happy. |
Mar 6, 2015 8:30 PM
ErwinJA said: It's obvious he's jaded and burned out, but he still has the potential to pull out. Unlike Tarou. I love how Tarou has become the supreme example of what not to be in anything in life. I'm surprised that phrases like "pulling a Tarou" or "being a Tarou" haven't become things yet. Haha ----- Back on topic, I really enjoyed this episode. I'm really sad that there are only three episodes left. Hiraoka showed a glimpse of humanity with his cat. It was odd, yet refreshing to see him in such a manner. I doubt that his character will ever pull a complete 180, but I would like to see him redeem himself. Ema's face when she rode the rollercoaster the second time was priceless. |
Mar 6, 2015 9:27 PM
Never make Yano mad or else she'll attack you without even landing a blow to you. One smile is all she needs to bring down even the mightiest of people. Zuka got some screentime. Her forehead is quite big when her hair stands up lol. So I guess Zuka decided to not pursue a voice acting career as she gave Aoi declining head nod when Aoi was going to tell the guy who Zuka was. Dai-kun sort of ticks me off at times. He has talent but his attitude is wrong. Always coming to work with a unmotivated expression. Then he blames others for their flaws. However, after seeing this episode, I sort of cut him some slack. All he needed was a set objective. |
Mar 6, 2015 9:38 PM
Bit of nostalgia in this episode when thinking about the early episodes. I gotta say, despite my enjoyment of the show, I'm probably going to have to rate it kinda low. Why? Because the second cour completely wasted character time by being all about Hiroaka and not Zuka-chan. And it didn't have to be that way. They could've made the second half all about Zuka finally getting her big break, and yet they dicked her over at every turn. She's literally worthless as a character, yet still listed as a main character. Meanwhile you have Hiroaka, who is nothing more than your typical office asshole. Yet they decided to turn him into this guy with a bright past and a tragic dose of reality, and they want you to feel sorry for him, and then happy for him as he grows. No. Absolutely not. Fuck that shit. He's a dick. Oh boohoo the anime industry isn't how you imagined it. Tough shit motherfucker. It was the same way for a lot of the other characters too, yet they get their work done properly and don't complain. Zuka-chan had so much potential, and there were so many opportunities for her. They could've selected her during the TAG auditions. They could've had lead seiyuu back out and brought her in. And in this episode she stopped Aoi from saying she was a seiyuu. They are intentionally writing her as a useless character and it's fucking irritating. HybridMBL said: Gotta say my respect for Zuka-chan skyrocketed when she refused to be identified as a seiyuu in front of the Producers/Presidents. There's using connections and then there's nepotism. As much as it pains my heart to say since she's been suffering the entire anime, Zuka needs(and probably wants) to prove herself before she relies on her connection with Aoi as an avenue for potential work Why? That's literally exactly what Midori did to get her job. You don't see her complaining. And what could've happened? They were like "how do you know her?" If she said, "oh, she's a seiyuu", in no way does that mean she's guaranteed work. Using Aoi as a connection may or may not give her an opportunity. And if it does, so what? That's a great thing. Any person in the business world will tell you that connections are some of the most important things ever. StevenHu said: This is certainly an interesting side-by-side comparison. reminds me of when people showed the side by sides of the recycled scenes in the attack on titan OVAs. |
Mar 6, 2015 9:48 PM
Takuan_Soho said: Miyamori is too low ranked to be doing that. These people are very busy and while they like her, she isn't important enough to be introducing people to them when they don't need them. With Diesel, they were desperate for someone to do a minor task, and that was when Aoi introduced her, but they don't need a VA now, so it wouldn't help Shizuka. In this episode at the bar, because they were not working, Miyamori felt comfortable enough to introduce Shizuka to other studio, but Shizuka rightly understood that it wasn't the right time, they were drunk and would not remember her later. That was why she said no. Sometime in the future, if they are desperate for a VA on the animation, that may be a good time for Miyamori to suggest her but even then probably not, VA's are FAR more important than researchers, and they can't hire one that hasn't been vetted by the production committee - (though of course they will know that she was almost hired before so that will help). Plus Shizuka is a professional. She wants to earn a position, she doesn't want to be thought of as the "oh the girl that got hired because she knows people" person. Everyone in this business knows about other people, so it would not be a good reputation to have, and probably would hurt down the road. Anyway, relax, if this director is as genius as I think, the ending will be awesome Aria's VA will get injured, they will be desperate for a replacement, Shizuka will get an audition with Miyamori's help, she will nail the audition because she was training for it this episode (though she didn't know it), but all that won't be enough. What should be the clincher should be the "Live Show" company on the production committee will have someone who remembers her stepping in from before and their vote is what gets her the job. This would be the perfect ending because it has that element of luck that has to happen, but at the same time it shows that you have to seize every chance you get, no matter how small, because you never know who's watching. First of all, you SEVERELY underestimate the importance of doing research, and your ignorance is laughable. They didn't dedicate multiple episodes and scenes to Midori doing incredible work and coming through for them because what she did was "unimportant". They didn't give her a paying position after her work with trains because she's "unimportant". Seiyuus, on the other hand, are a dime a dozen and much less important. Second: "Aria's VA will get injured, they will be desperate for a replacement, Shizuka will get an audition with Miyamori's help, she will nail the audition because she was training for it this episode ". Uhhhhhhh, how is that going to work when the first episode of TAG aired on TV already? They were literally watching it live in the episode. Most, if not all of the episodes have bee dubbed already. There is no way to bring her in. |
Mar 6, 2015 9:55 PM
Really enjoyed this episode. Seeing Yano smile in that scary way was really cute. I also loved the roller coaster scene. Had to really rub it in for the last ride. The look on ema's face was priceless. I always like despite all the fun and cuteness they always touch on a serious subject like losing your passion. Really interesting backstory this time around with all the antics that keep it consistently funny without getting repetitive. That side by side comparison looked like they saved a lot of money on production? ;P Money money money moneyyyyyy get your billions back Musani! |
Mar 6, 2015 11:43 PM
Even if Aoi introduced Shizuka to The Born higher-ups, I don't think she will be hired just because she is one of Aoi's friends who is a newbie seiyuu, especially since the Born president is uptight when he was interviewing Aoi back then. Also with her lack of anime voice work in her resume, that will not be impressive to them either. Midori got her job gradually since she did secret research work for Exodus as asked by Aoi back then. Her name was only mentioned during the research work for Third Aerial Girls Squad when Kinoshita and Maitake got curious about it and were impressed with her research skills later on that President Marukawa and Nabe-P interviewed her. |
zenjamibuMar 6, 2015 11:48 PM
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