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xchee said: Hmm which is better: live as a slave for the rest of your life or live like livestock?
The second of course. You don't have to do any work
Of course that's a straight road to degradation but... it's not like slave's life is much more cultured
Damn, this was a really nice episode despite the lack of action. It was really interesting to see what Magnostadt is truly like and what the rift between the magicians and common people was. Poor Marga, she makes this episode so touching to watch.
Titus is actually a nice guy afterall huh and I can tell he's lived a very similar way to these people.
I knew it! I knew Magnostadt had to be doing something F'ed up! I feel bad for that little girl, hopefully Aladdin and Titus are able to successfully save her, other wise she would have a pretty sad life.
Didn't care much for the little girl in the manga but the anime made much more of an emotional impact with the end of the episode. That magician who threw her off is an asshole.
Fuck it. Every signature I upload ends up removed anyways.
So there are a bunch of people used to power the city living horribly. They're basically slaves. And Aladdin has a staff... ....Aladdin=Moses
Seriously that can't be a coincidence. He's gonna save all of these people from the king with the powers of his staff.
Great episode. A lot of development here. Honestly I wish this season would have focused a tad bit more on Alibaba but this is cool too I guess. Aladdin is getting the spotlight and needed character development so I can't really complain, but I miss Amon.
I thought the first season of Magi was very boring at times. This second season so far has been great for me though. I think the reason is I like the show more when it focuses on Aladdin than Alibaba. Not to mention I'm loving the magic school arc.
According to the new intro, it seems that Titus and the little girl (Marga?) are going to have importance in the rest of the season, I'm eager to see how this continues :)
NEW OP IS AWESOME ~ !!! As well as the new ED ~ .. I love them both <3 .
Sharing the same vocations for one thing .
Benefits and toll of Citizenship .
5th Level Authorization District .
Melancholy of the destitute .
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This episode was really well made. The discrimination present in the Magnostadt is brutal and cruel, and that the goi of the 5th Level are basically used like livestock to make the magic objects works is horrifying. Glad that they saved Marga at the end. I really felt for her.
I'm liking Titus, he is totally different of what I imagined and is a really nice guy. But his conversation with Scheherezade this episode makes me think he would suffer.
I'm loving the interactions between Aladdin, Titus and Sphintus, to a point I'm not even missing Alibaba and Morgiana.
I love the new OP. Full of spoilers and with action sequences, apart that I like the song. Just the type of openings I like for battle shonens. The new ED is okay.
Damn, of course there is a downside to all the fancy magic tools which are making the lives of the residents easier. But I didn't think it would be that bad, wonder how Aladdin will handle this situation.
I know I'm quite late but, does anybody know the name of the song that starts playing at 17:36? I know it's a different version of Sentiment actuel but I've yet to find this version anywhere.
All utopias are suspect at the very least, and Magnostadt (predictably) turned out to not be the exception. So they are a lavish utopia for the top 500 (i.e. just the 0.17% of the population) of Level 1, a comfortable utopia for the next tier of 3,000 Level 2 people (1% of the population), a bit above average for the 20,000 Level 3 citizens (6.7% of the population and so on..), below average for the 80,000 people of Level 4 (who must be the equivalent of the low level / low skilled working class), and absolute hell for the 200,000 Level 5 people who have their life literally drained out of them in order to support everyone and everything above..
I fully expected Magnostadt was hiding some dark secret deep inside it but nothing that dark.. So the gist of these "ideology classes" must be how & why it is perfectly OK for the stronger and wealthier minority to literally drain the life out of the weaker and poorer majority. Not the classic "the few should be sacrificed for the many" but rather "the many should be sacrificed for the few" - "oh, and so that our city above ground is dazzling (though you are never going to see it)!".
No matter what reasons and justifications led to this utterly cruel and inhumane system (which the Academy Director / President / King of this city / country is going to helpfully explain to Alladin in the next episode) I want Magnostadt to cease to exist, at least in its current form, as soon as possible. Nothing can justify using 2/3 of your people as expendable human batteries.. I strongly suspect Al-Hamen is also behind the creation of the current form of Magnostadt, despite the lack of their presence -and even lack of dark Rukh- so far.