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Oct 22, 2012 3:33 PM

Mar 2012
Nice episode. I wish Sakura would get a hint and understand that if evil doesn't comply, it should be eliminated to prevent more victims
Oct 22, 2012 6:33 PM

Dec 2010
Ogami is BA and Sakura is annoying well i guess that is to be expected, even if they are going original they still can't change her annoying character huh.
Oct 22, 2012 6:41 PM

Jan 2008
I can't tell if Sakura understands what Aoba is saying to her at all or if shes a completely dense idiot.
Oct 22, 2012 6:42 PM

Oct 2011
Mediocre show so far, Ogami is pretty much the only good point about this series. I can't stand Sakura's continuous nagging... well, here's my wishful thinking that this show will get better.

Oct 22, 2012 6:44 PM

Apr 2010

Anyway, I guess in order of abilities, Id so far have Toki>Ogami> Hitomi > Yuki. Mainly, I like the way Toki, Ogami, and Hitomi use theirs while Yuuki's was odd. It reminded me of Bleach, because he did it like a Cero.

Plotwise, Sakurakouji was starting to get infuriatingly annoying. Its like she cant catch any hint at all and needs to be awakened to the real world or something. It was painfully hilarious. However I disliked a certain part. When after everyone had burned and stuff, she went and hugged Ogami and then was asking him did she feel. I feel as if the story is going to go in a direct to add in some type of odd one sided romance which will feel so awkward and out of place, and make me feel like Ogami will be OoC if he does engage in that :/ Sure it could be it makes him more human or something...but I think he already is enough he bonded to a dog afterall and treats nice people nicely.

Preview made next episode look exciting A true Ogami v Toki, but then friendship/teamwork.
<img src="" />
Oct 22, 2012 7:20 PM

Apr 2008
Three episodes in and I still really have no idea what the overall plot is...
Leader of Whiteout Scans
Current project: ReLIFE
Oct 22, 2012 10:07 PM

Aug 2012
How did Ogami bleed after he burnt all the yakuza? :l
and Sakurakouji is so ehh..
Oct 22, 2012 10:16 PM

Jul 2009
i wish i could send some electric current through the internet and kill every single troll i see.
trash is trash -- just taking out the trash. and youtube comments tend to have a lot of trash.
Oct 23, 2012 4:17 AM

Jun 2008
Finally my two fav charas made their debut: Toki and the doggie~

That dog is freaking hilarious in the manga.

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Oct 23, 2012 5:45 AM
Apr 2012
Tenchi_Ryu said:
I ain't gonna lie...him punching her and knocking her ass out was AWESOME!!!.

Like damn....can you STFU for 5 mins?!
Oct 23, 2012 6:03 AM

Sep 2010
bonifide said:
Man Sakura got be one of the most annoying bitches in anime period.

I agree. But i don't really like Ogami either...

3/5, better than episode two
Oct 23, 2012 6:51 AM

Feb 2012
Lol at that dog. I just can't get over the way he's drawn, it's hilarious. Anyway, decent episode for me, some good action. I really like Ogami, he's so cold. But he really should stop repeating the 'eye for an eye, evil for evil' thing all over again before he kills somebody. But I guess it's his catchphrase, so's not half as annoying as anything that bi*ch Sakurakouji does/says.
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything.
Oct 23, 2012 7:27 AM
Jan 2012
pretty much ok.. as everyone said sakura is very annoying. Hope it gets better.
Oct 23, 2012 11:21 AM

Feb 2012
Sakura is so fucking stubborn. She just saw her beloved police siding with those Yakuza and were about to kill her, yet she still thinks they shouldn't be killed. When asked what else could be done, she says nothing.

Actions speak louder than words. If she has no better alternative, the bitch needs to stfu.

The way I see it, she serves nothing more than to pander to male fans which is fine by me if she wasn't so god damn annoying. And of course, her being a generic character, you just know she'll end up making Ogami hesitate later on with her constant nagging.
Oct 23, 2012 11:49 AM

Nov 2007
I wonder what the new guy's motive is.

#Feitoism @ - the official IRC channel for Fate Testarossa.
Oct 23, 2012 1:25 PM

Apr 2012
They really need to cut down on the "evil for evil..." it's getting quite repetitive.
Oct 23, 2012 5:49 PM

Feb 2012
I like Ogami. Evil dudes are my thing, lol.
I don't find Sakura as annoying as others do (i think her friend and classmates are more annoying), but she does need to open her eyes a bit....i know her nagging will, unfortunately, probably get to Ogami eventually so she has some importance to his character, but overall she's just there because he finds her interesting because of the fact that he can't kill her with his fire.
Oct 23, 2012 9:31 PM

Feb 2012
Not bad :D

Madu_Scientisto said:
They really need to cut down on the "evil for evil..." it's getting quite repetitive.

Oct 24, 2012 5:23 AM

Jul 2011
Stark700 said:
Oh God, this girl. THIS GIRL.

dat girl...
Oct 24, 2012 6:40 AM
Aug 2011
I'll make a dedicated thread on how the story is deviating from the manga, yet still within the realm of cannon and not breaking the "line" that would allow it to continue.

I'll edit it weekly. If it does change, well, let's just hope it won't.

This weeks episode was great again. Epic Toki entrance is epic.
Wow, I was pronouncing Nenenes name correct afterall. I was sure it would be different.

5/5 - I agree. The "Evil for Evil" spamming has to stop.
Oct 24, 2012 8:24 AM

May 2011
The evil for evil shit is starting to really get to me. I could barely handle hearing it just once, but they're really driving it into the ground. Other than that annoyance and Sakura, I enjoyed this episode quite a bit. There was enough tension and drama in this episode to keep me entertained. Ogami was great as well.
Oct 24, 2012 8:26 AM
Jan 2012
Madu_Scientisto said:
They really need to cut down on the "evil for evil..." it's getting quite repetitive.

I agree it's becoming very repetitive that it's getting on my nerves.
Oct 24, 2012 11:50 AM

Feb 2012
Yavie said:
Ju-da-su said:
? Sure, the manga has plenty of context for the anime to run for at least 100+ episodes.
You're kidding right? Unless they fleshed out what happens between the fights, there isn't enough material even for 50 episodes.

Currently i would agree with that the manga has run roughly 200 chapters, so they could defiantly do at least 50 eps with it. Now the chances of it getting even 50 eps i feel are unlikely considering the episodes thus far.
Oct 24, 2012 12:41 PM

Feb 2011
Ogami is so cool and evil . His not esitating to kill someone , this episode sent him into my fav characters .
Oct 24, 2012 12:44 PM

Apr 2011
Oogami is a badass nuff said but Sakura always holding him back so yes she deserved to get punched in the chest by him.
Oct 24, 2012 4:45 PM
Nov 2010
At first I thought the main chick was the only one that almost had a brain in this show. Now I know, that no one does.

Also, the misunderstanding jokes have gone long enough.
Oct 25, 2012 5:13 AM

Jun 2009
Fairly decent episode.
Oct 25, 2012 6:27 AM

Mar 2012
Big improvement over the first two episodes.
Oct 25, 2012 6:31 PM
Mar 2011
I don't get why everyone hates Sakura so much, to be honest I kind of like and agree with her. It would disturb me too if I saw someone like Ogami who didn't show an ounce of regret or pain at killing people, whether they're criminals or not. I'd probably yell at him a lot too. Although that could be because I'm also the type of person who believes that people are inherently good (born good and have good in them, it's just that the choices they make are evil), it may sound naive but that's how I feel, I'm an optimist, I like to believe there is hope for human kind. It's also because I am a Christian and do believe in what Jesus said about not forgiving 7 times but 77 times.

Anyways, I think this show is really good. It keeps me captivated and excited for the next episode to come. I WANT to see what happens next because each episode leaves me with questions. I particularly liked this one and was sad at the end and I was happy that the dog had a puppy (and I will admit I was getting a bit teary eyed when it Sakura flashed back to the dog, it was sad).
Oct 27, 2012 7:50 AM
Aug 2012
an epic episode. Amazing fights love it
Oct 27, 2012 11:13 PM

May 2012
Good episode.
But what's with the Sakura hate?
Oct 27, 2012 11:50 PM
Apr 2012
Gahara_18 said:
Good episode.
But what's with the Sakura hate?

Personally find nothing wrong with that though. A lot of manga readers hate Sakura at first (and many still hate her even now) anyway. She's clearly not that lovable since she is extremely annoying with how she tries to prevent everyone from killing people yet never manage to come up with any good alternatives, so people still hate her...even after we already found out why she is being that extreme with it. :p
Oct 28, 2012 2:28 PM
Jul 2012
A nice episode. I would prefer it if they added some BGM to the action scenes. I so far enjoy the anime more than when I started the manga. I can't wait till next week. So far, I'm digging the action. Its is amazing, nice, but I want that chick to shut-up!(don't remember her name) She may as well shut-up till we get an explanation.
Oct 30, 2012 12:54 PM

Jul 2011
aiNkyy said:
Stark700 said:
Oh God, this girl. THIS GIRL.

dat girl...

Mii-tan and Hii-Tan <3
Oct 31, 2012 4:54 PM

Apr 2012
I lost count of how many times Sakura shouted "Ogami!" ...

That dog... it is my highlight of this show <3 I was so glad when it turned out it had a puppy; once again I have found a reason to keep watching this anime despite its faulty characters and less-than-average art!
Nov 13, 2012 11:35 AM

Apr 2009
And the mountains of misunderstanding pile up, but they probably won't get it even if Sakura tried to explain. Unless he demonstrates his powers, though that would lead to another pile up...of unexplainable deaths or missing persons. LOL

Why do they keep repeating the gist of Hammurabi's Code for opening incantation, is that really necessary? Or maybe that was the Code? >_<
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Nov 14, 2012 2:35 AM

Aug 2010
Oh, so I reckon Oogami can only kill people who have evil in them and that's why the flames didn't work on Little Miss Purity. Certain parts are still over the top, but I find the comedy bits funny enough to keep watching. 3/5.
Nov 16, 2012 2:05 PM

Jun 2011
Boo Sakurakouji, hated her, but she gets better in the future :)

Highlight of the episode, Toki! One of my favourite C:B characters :D
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Nov 27, 2012 4:09 PM
Mar 2012
Did I like this episode? Yes.
Could the animation be better? HELL Yes.
Dec 12, 2012 11:17 AM

Aug 2011
Oogami's face is so wide.

Sakura is like the blandest girl in school and her locker is full of love letters just lol.

cladinpink said:
I lost count of how many times Sakura shouted "Ogami!" ...

I counted like 20 times and I didn't even start right from the beginning.

Anyway I don't know about this one.
At this point I would just keep watching for the bishounen that come out in the ED.
Jan 5, 2013 4:08 AM

Dec 2010
That episode wasn't bad at all. Ogami keeps his coolness at high level. The powers revealed in the beginning and the ending of the episode were epic 0.o

I wonder why is this anime just 13ep one, I can see it as something in a long run.
Jan 12, 2013 6:52 PM

Apr 2012
TheGreat1s said:
Good episode.
But what's with the Sakura hate?

Well, my problem with Sakura is that she doesn't really contribute anything as a character. It seems like she is meant to be the foil for Ogami and act as the voice of morality... except she kind of fails at doing that. All she says is that you shouldn't kill people; but when Ogami asks what he should do instead, she has no alternative to offer. So, at least right now, she is pretty much just an annoying sidekick with a holier-than-thou attitude who likes to say Ogami's name a lot.
Jan 13, 2013 7:52 PM

Sep 2012
great hope this show stays that way
I'm not saying I'm gonna change the world, but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world..
Jan 17, 2013 11:02 PM

Mar 2012
Really keen to see a Toki v Oogami showdown
I liked this episode a lot but like most people.. I still don't see much use in Sakura and she really really irritates me as a whole..
Mar 2, 2013 11:57 AM

Jun 2012
I love the BGM they play whenever Ogami burns people.
Jan 13, 2014 2:36 PM

May 2012
This was one hell of an intense episode, I'm really loving the development and we also have a look at the powers of a second code:breaker!
May 29, 2014 1:12 AM

Jul 2008
I get what Sakura is saying, but sometimes you need more than words for your beliefs. She is very naive and very very lucky at this point.
Oct 9, 2014 2:48 AM

Apr 2010
Hmm the intensity of this episode kinda surpassed the previous one. However, Sakura is kinda starting to bug me.
Aug 6, 2015 5:11 AM
Aug 2014
bonifide said:
Man Sakura got be one of the most annoying bitches in anime period. I seriously cant tolerate her. I thought Remus from Guin Saga was annoying but he got nothing on Sakura. Im sick of her trying to put her ideals on people like she some saint.

I think from now on everytime Sakura opens her mouth im fast fowarding the episode.

I hope i like Toki and i hope he is cold like Ogami.

Well Her name is Sakura… Do you know who else is well known around the world as the most annoying and uselss bitch. Sakura from Naruto. It seems most annoying character share the same name. I full on agree with you, i hate her always getting in the way, and trying to set her ideals. Ideals are meant to be followed by choice, can't fuckin' force on to people. The way she thinks that she's all ways right makes me sick to the gut.
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