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Is Anime actually better than Hollywood?7
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May 24, 2023 11:58 AM
Oct 2019
anime is made by probably the most progressive country in the world but i like that they dont talk down to  you and push a msg that everything you've ever said or did was wrong and are parading that hey youre lgbtqia+ we definetly support and undertsand you even though ten years ago it was weird not to be homophobic 
idk man they are just making stuff for representation to pull in a larger target audiance  instead of delivering a compelling and well put together story and making the audience come to them 

its the same reason why western comic books have been overtaken in their own countries by stuff like my hero academia its because the push politics instead of plot
May 24, 2023 12:00 PM
Oct 2019
ComboSmooth said:
LSSJ_Gaming said:
"WOKE LIBERAL POLITICS RUINING EVERYTHING" is a dogwhistle used to hate on anything reactionary trolls don't like and is a bad faith criticism because 99% of media in general has some sort of message. The word "woke" has become a bad faith buzzword that was appropriated and stolen by hateful people and had its original meaning of being socially aware twisted into "anything I don't like". Using buzzwords like that does not make you look intelligent, it inherently hurts your arguments because it literally means nothing at this point with how it has been twisted. 

With that aside you really shouldn't say one is better than the other fully cuz they are completely different mediums. Anime is animation and takes advantage of the storytelling and visual capabilities of the medium that couldn't be done anywhere else, while Hollywood films are usually live action and take advantage of things like camera settings, aspect ratio and framing, lighting effects, more grounded storytelling (to an extent), and that human element of actually seeing the person. That is the reason why a lot of live action adaptations of anime and cartoons tend to not work out very well since you are inherently going to lose something by turning a work that takes advantage of the animated format into a live action work with real people, and most works don't have much to gain in a live action setting. Hollywood has been doing great outside of live action adaptations of animated works, and there have also been great animated films coming out of Hollywood like the new animated Super Mario Bros. Movie which was a love letter to the franchise. Some great films that have come out in the past 5 years that I feel were phenomenal were: Into the Spider-Verse, Everything Everywhere All at Once, Shazam, The Batman, the previously mentioned Super Mario Bros. Movie, Sonic 2, and Joker. Some films that I haven't seen yet that are in the same timeframe that people seem to love were Top Gun Maverick, Avatar 2, Shang-Chi, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3. Please do not disrespect an entirely different artform just because you hate the beliefs of the artists who put so much work into them. Anime is great in it's own way and western cinema is too, if you are cherry picking like this to shit on cinema, one could do the same for anime if they wanted to. As someone who loves art in general, including anime, cartoons, video games, cinema, and music, it causes me a great amount of pain to see people shit on film like this.
I agree with everything this person said plus I'd add that there is NO CHANCE that anime "only try to be what it wants to be." It's equally susceptible to market pressures.
you need examples bro your source cant be trust me bro
May 24, 2023 12:19 PM

Aug 2010
examples of what? The person i quoted jammed their explanation with examples.

also youre on this site making baseless claims yourself.

"anime is made by probably the most progressive country in the world"
Japan is pretty conservative by many metrics so what do you mean?

"western comic books have been overtaken in their own countries by stuff like my hero academia its because the push politics instead of plot"
what makes you think thats a true statement? - I make free-to-play browser games for PC and I sell pixel art animation here
May 24, 2023 12:49 PM

Jan 2015
Kimo45 said:
anime is made by probably the most progressive country in the world but i like that they dont talk down to  you and push a msg that everything you've ever said or did was wrong and are parading that hey youre lgbtqia+ we definetly support and undertsand you even though ten years ago it was weird not to be homophobic 
idk man they are just making stuff for representation to pull in a larger target audiance  instead of delivering a compelling and well put together story and making the audience come to them 

its the same reason why western comic books have been overtaken in their own countries by stuff like my hero academia its because the push politics instead of plot
I can't make bait this good, my guy actually called Japan the most progressive country in the world lol. You seem to see Japan through the eyes of anime, which is obviously going to be biased or unrealistic. Metal Gear Solid is not political because man in cardboard box. Source: trust me bro

May 24, 2023 1:16 PM
Oct 2019
Funcrisp said:
Kimo45 said:
anime is made by probably the most progressive country in the world but i like that they dont talk down to  you and push a msg that everything you've ever said or did was wrong and are parading that hey youre lgbtqia+ we definetly support and undertsand you even though ten years ago it was weird not to be homophobic 
idk man they are just making stuff for representation to pull in a larger target audiance  instead of delivering a compelling and well put together story and making the audience come to them 

its the same reason why western comic books have been overtaken in their own countries by stuff like my hero academia its because the push politics instead of plot
I can't make bait this good, my guy actually called Japan the most progressive country in the world lol. You seem to see Japan through the eyes of anime, which is obviously going to be biased or unrealistic. Metal Gear Solid is not political because man in cardboard box. Source: trust me bro

May 24, 2023 1:22 PM

Aug 2018
gay girls only exist in anime because "progressive" fans of such trash get personally offended if a cartoon boy defiles his pure cartoon girl by so much as talking to her. It's so funny when these weirdos try and pull the homophobic card on anyone who says they don't like yuri. So miss me with that "anime is more woke than hollywood" BS.
epidemia78May 24, 2023 1:30 PM
May 24, 2023 1:35 PM

Nov 2010
Overall, they're about the same for me. The problem with most people who think Anime is superior is they're just basing their experience on Holywood's recent works. However, if you start exploring and digging for shows in the past, you'll find that there are a lot of good shows to watch.
I make sure to fit Western movies into my schedule every week to prevent Anime burnout. I am still discovering plenty of entertaining shows.
May 24, 2023 2:37 PM

Dec 2021
ComboSmooth said:
LSSJ_Gaming said:
"WOKE LIBERAL POLITICS RUINING EVERYTHING" is a dogwhistle used to hate on anything reactionary trolls don't like and is a bad faith criticism because 99% of media in general has some sort of message. The word "woke" has become a bad faith buzzword that was appropriated and stolen by hateful people and had its original meaning of being socially aware twisted into "anything I don't like". Using buzzwords like that does not make you look intelligent, it inherently hurts your arguments because it literally means nothing at this point with how it has been twisted. 

With that aside you really shouldn't say one is better than the other fully cuz they are completely different mediums. Anime is animation and takes advantage of the storytelling and visual capabilities of the medium that couldn't be done anywhere else, while Hollywood films are usually live action and take advantage of things like camera settings, aspect ratio and framing, lighting effects, more grounded storytelling (to an extent), and that human element of actually seeing the person. That is the reason why a lot of live action adaptations of anime and cartoons tend to not work out very well since you are inherently going to lose something by turning a work that takes advantage of the animated format into a live action work with real people, and most works don't have much to gain in a live action setting. Hollywood has been doing great outside of live action adaptations of animated works, and there have also been great animated films coming out of Hollywood like the new animated Super Mario Bros. Movie which was a love letter to the franchise. Some great films that have come out in the past 5 years that I feel were phenomenal were: Into the Spider-Verse, Everything Everywhere All at Once, Shazam, The Batman, the previously mentioned Super Mario Bros. Movie, Sonic 2, and Joker. Some films that I haven't seen yet that are in the same timeframe that people seem to love were Top Gun Maverick, Avatar 2, Shang-Chi, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3. Please do not disrespect an entirely different artform just because you hate the beliefs of the artists who put so much work into them. Anime is great in it's own way and western cinema is too, if you are cherry picking like this to shit on cinema, one could do the same for anime if they wanted to. As someone who loves art in general, including anime, cartoons, video games, cinema, and music, it causes me a great amount of pain to see people shit on film like this.
I agree with everything this person said plus I'd add that there is NO CHANCE that anime "only try to be what it wants to be." It's equally susceptible to market pressures.
Here here! The idea that anime is some bastion of free expression where the studios all do whatever they desire (rather than trying to simply generate as much $$$ as possible) is simply, and unfortunately, false.
May 24, 2023 2:45 PM

Aug 2018
KittenCuddler said:
Here here! The idea that anime is some bastion of free expression where the studios all do whatever they desire (rather than trying to simply generate as much $$$ as possible) is simply, and unfortunately, false.

Businesses catering to demands is how it used to work. Now businesses cater to the demands of a tiny minority and will even give the ax or intentionally ruin profitable ventures not because of some moral righteousness but because they're afraid of being cancelled by people who need to get a life.
May 24, 2023 3:20 PM

Jan 2020
Representing minorities and giving the marginalized a voice is woke and too political for some people. Pop off OP. 

I'm going to approach this from a completely different perspective. Hollywood and anime share a lot of similarities. The one that stands out the most for me is, creating and releasing many shows/movies, but only a few are worth watching. I  think both industries are and have been influenced by consumerism for a while now. The other trend that I see both share, is the perverted ideas that slip here and there and aim to trick the viewer. And this is just a surface-level analysis. I'm sure there are people who followed the trends of both industries for a lot longer and can go into depth contrasting the two. 
I sometimes forget to finish my sentences.
May 24, 2023 3:36 PM
Apr 2020
animecat1234 said:
In My Opinion, maybe we should drop the Label, and this whole planet should be a "United Nation" and start all over again!!! Because all we do at this point is point fingers at each other while covering up our own mistakes!!! I'm pretty sure these higher ups in society would respect you more, if you see them as your equal and not someone to look up too. If someone looks up to me, I am not interested in getting to know them as a person!!!
What do u mean we? im not doing anything and so does everyone else, the we that u mention doesn't exist, Don't u realize that u r the only one who points ur finger while covering up ur own mistakes.

May 24, 2023 3:42 PM

Oct 2013
Hollywood has produced some really good stuff that's really up there: Rosemary's Baby, The Godfather
May 24, 2023 3:43 PM

Feb 2017
If your view of hollywood is disney and marvel movies then sure. But there's a lot of good movies still being made. Imo the problem isn't "wokeness" but capitalism incentivizing mass produced low quality art. For Hollywood it's bad disney remakes and superhero movies and for anime it's the five shitty isekai we get each season. 
JKKHMay 24, 2023 3:47 PM
May 25, 2023 4:33 AM
Oct 2022
One thing nobody's mentioned yet is that tv show originals on streaming services have become very creative, producing all kinds of stories and catering to niches (though not as much as anime). I would recommend people to search them by googling netflix orginals, amazon originals etc and watching foreign stuff from all over the world.

Yes, the movie industry is non-creative, based on proven formulas 'good company products', but that's going to happen when you have sky high budgets. Even their oscar baits originals are run on formulas and have 'tested surveys' before they get released. Not the best way to get creative, controversial stuff is it? It's like when video games went from ps2 creativity to ps3 'bigger and refined AAA sequels only'. It's always going to happen when budgets get out of control.

Also as a general rule, please don't use the term 'wokeness'. It comes off as childish, cringey and deliberately trying to start an argument on a topic that should be constructive. As a general rule, Americans have always been VERY outspoken on what they like/ their beliefs. It's always been their part of their culture which causes conservative America to censor gay stuff when it was the norm to do so, and liberal America to highlight it on every tabloid when that became fashionable to do so. It's just their extroverted, 'speak or you're causing evil' culture. In fact, I would argue Japan has always had much better representation regardless of the time era (so you could call it more woke). Which isn't surprising since they didn't go through Christianity influencing their culture. 
May 25, 2023 4:47 AM

Feb 2011
Even hearing these names is nauseating. Hard to believe they might create anything of value.
May 25, 2023 5:16 AM

Jan 2021
Yes anime is far better then Hollywood especially for me. I barely watch one or two movies per year now while I end up watching 100s of anime. 
If you enjoyed the time you wasted, then its not a waste of time.

May 25, 2023 5:20 AM
Oct 2022
Afcoss this a Anime Web so Result will go in Anime Favor but Hollywood is much Better than Anime in Terms of Quality ... If you Include manga here that's a Different matter ... Tho Breaking Bad and Game of thrones >>> ANY anime
May 25, 2023 5:23 AM

Apr 2020
As you have made this poll on anime site it’s probably gonna be biased lol , but it depends honestly like their are more than 20 K anime and idk how many movies in Hollywood so their can’t be no objective answer that anime > Hollywood ntm Anime is mostly series , like how are one piece and pirates of carriebean related other than both are bout Pirates. Genre , theme and obviously target audience . You would rather have to pick one form both which are mostly similar to deduce an answer .

And wokeness can infect anime too
May 25, 2023 5:48 AM

Jun 2011
What anime will forever have a leg up over Hollywood is that the former will always embrace erotica as pure titillation and depravity. The latter would never ever do that because it's "below them." So yeah, respect to anime for catering to coomers without any strings attached..
I wish Cowboy Bebop never existed.
May 25, 2023 5:51 AM
Oct 2022
Tiosar said:
Even hearing these names is nauseating. Hard to believe they might create anything of value.
Haha, well its not really their creations, they just fund 1000s of foreign/niche shows and stamp it with an 'original' word. Some of the shows are quite creative, although animation obviously has an advantage. There are also many niche services, I just used them because the services are well known and its an easy way to start the journey of streaming shows. 
May 25, 2023 9:29 AM
Sep 2021
JKKH said:
If your view of hollywood is disney and marvel movies then sure. But there's a lot of good movies still being made. Imo the problem isn't "wokeness" but capitalism incentivizing mass produced low quality art. For Hollywood it's bad disney remakes and superhero movies and for anime it's the five shitty isekai we get each season. 
Um, I love the isekais that comes every season. They're better than most of the recent movies that Disney, Marvel, and DC has put out for the most part. Who the fuck cares about them being shit? They're for me cuz I love to watch trash anime anyway. If you look into my list, you'll see the truth, cuz trust me, I have the worst fucking taste known to any anime fan, but that does not mean I will bow down to Disney's cash grab remakes or any of the superhero crap that comes out now. If you have a problem with too much isekais coming out then fuck off, cuz I have a bias towards them.
KanekiKen523May 25, 2023 9:36 AM
May 25, 2023 9:36 AM

Oct 2019
yes, but not in every single way like many want you to make you believe.
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May 25, 2023 9:47 AM

Feb 2017
KanekiKen523 said:
JKKH said:
If your view of hollywood is disney and marvel movies then sure. But there's a lot of good movies still being made. Imo the problem isn't "wokeness" but capitalism incentivizing mass produced low quality art. For Hollywood it's bad disney remakes and superhero movies and for anime it's the five shitty isekai we get each season. 
Um, I love the isekais that comes every season. They're better than most of the recent movies that Disney, Marvel, and DC has put out for the most part. Who the fuck cares about them being shit? They're for me cuz I love to watch trash anime anyway. If you look into my list, you'll see the truth, cuz trust me, I have the worst fucking taste known to any anime fan, but that does not mean I will bow down to Disney's cash grab remakes or any of the superhero crap that comes out now. If you have a problem with too much isekais coming out then fuck off, cuz I have a bias towards them.
Good for you if you like them. I know there's an audience for them, that's why they keep getting made. Same with the disney stuff, they're easy cash grabs for the lowest common denominator. Two sides of the same coin. I won't watch them but I don't care if people enjoy them. 
May 25, 2023 9:56 AM

Dec 2018
Easily yes, it's not even close. Anything that comes out of Hollywood is crap at best.

May 25, 2023 10:36 AM

Nov 2011
Hollywood does a better job in terms of telling stories based on real life occurrences (example: Sully, Only The Brave, A Beautiful mind, 127 Hours), though some fictional stories were great as well, such as Good Will Hunting and The Family Man.

Anime, meanwhile, excels at telling fictional stories in a variety of settings, which is one reason it has such a broad appeal.
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May 25, 2023 11:07 AM

Apr 2015
I will probably never understand why the fuck anime fans like to compare and have some weird ass "rivalry" between other entertainment media. Everything doesn't need to gather to your interests and that's fine, and those other people will enjoy their thing. Generalizing also these large ass mediums with long history is absurd in the first place.

And books are better, 90 % of movies and anime are forgettable and trash.
konkeloMay 25, 2023 11:11 AM
May 25, 2023 2:51 PM

Oct 2018
weebs unironically believe this. Don't ever say such a thing to anyone in real life unless you want to be (rightfully) laughed at.
May 25, 2023 3:06 PM

Apr 2018
I do generally prefer anime over Hollywood movies, but (part of) your reasoning for the lacklustre feel of Hollywood is laughably wrong. Are the Disney remakes soulless cashgrabs without an ounce of passion poured in to them? Yes, absolutely. Is "muH WokE aGenDA" ruining Hollywood? No, there's no such thing. There's no use in complaining about film being political because it always was; all art is political (and yes, that includes anime too). When morons cry about things being "toO poLIticAL," what they mean is: "this (probably) has a political message I disagree with, and I am incapable of eloquently writing my thoughts on this." There is plenty of good reason to complain about Hollywood, but this ain't it. Focus on the real issues instead of wasting your time on bullshit.
May 25, 2023 4:32 PM

Aug 2022
Even with all that woke stuff nowadays, Hollywood has still way more awesome media than Anime. I love my Anime, but the 70ies-Hollywood alone had way more depth than 90% of anime in it's entire history. That's just a fact.
May 25, 2023 4:35 PM

Nov 2022
Hollywood used to be able to make good movies but nowadays it is all woke shit.

It became controlled by ideology. Or wokes simply do not pirate and Hollywood makes movies for them.

Or may be Hollywood so loyal to its boomer core it simply ignores worldviews of other generations.

Anime was a Millennial thing from the start. It gave us love and care and replaced to us what Hollywood should have been.

Like a step-mom who is better than real mom.
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May 25, 2023 5:21 PM

Nov 2011
By the way, there is one thing where anime probably will never outdo Hollywood movies, and that is the horror genre. 
Hollywood horror movies can keep you up at night, but the same can’t be said for horror anime.
You can buy lossless digital music from your favorite Japanese artists on
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For those who want to learn Japanese through anime
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May 25, 2023 7:32 PM

May 2013
Real-life acting like Hollywood shouldn't be compared to anime since they are quite different. However, I rate my favourite anime higher than my favourite Hollywood movies though.

May 25, 2023 8:43 PM
Jul 2018
thehornedrat said:
And also, the West has lost the ability, creativity, capability, technology and skill set to create decent 2D animation. 

because Hollywood is the one that supports the us animation and now also video game industry 
May 25, 2023 9:05 PM

Jul 2013
Hollywood is ruined by corporate greed and they are creatively bankrupt. Just watch the videos from the YouTube channel, The Critical Drinker.
May 25, 2023 9:08 PM

Oct 2021
For me easily, yes. Back when hollywood wasn't as bad as it is now, I've tried, and even western animated shows, I really tried but I could never find anything good that I liked until I began anime. Anime just has so much more and has much greater freedom to create the stories it wants to tell. Western hollywood is now just full of propaganda and hidden agendas everywhere. There's no creativity, expression, or freedom. That's part of the reason why these major western companies are investing into the anime industry now.


Don't try and get me to cook
I can take care of anything
else but not that


May 25, 2023 9:09 PM

Aug 2017
Hollywood is trash, irrelevant and racist. Like many things, Anime is superior.
All weebs creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by western animation. You will no longer know hunger, nor pain. Your Anime have come to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom. And the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their western animation ways… For you, there will be great wrath.
May 25, 2023 9:14 PM

Jul 2013
Purple_Gh0st24 said:
There's no use in complaining about film being political because it always was; all art is political (and yes, that includes anime too).

Bullshit. Lot of Hollywood stuff in the recent years is written with the agenda of stirring up political debate. A recent example is the Cleopatra Netflix garbage. The writers knew it would be divisive to cast Cleopatra as black. There's a clear agenda.

Strong Female characters, weak-whiney-incompetent while male side characters and/or villains. And this isn't B-tier shows, its all the main hits taking this shit route.

Example of shows not from the same sex romance genre: Hollywood makes a character gay because it's good for diversity. Anime/Manga has gay characters but their personality isn't structured around their sexuality.

P.S. I am not white. Not am I sitting on the political right. I would say I am very left leaning but fuck this woke bullshit.
May 25, 2023 9:18 PM

Jul 2013
UnoPuntoCinco said:
Hollywood has produced some really good stuff that's really up there: Rosemary's Baby, The Godfather

I think that's the problem. Hollywood has produced a lot of good shows. Anime continues to do so. There are still good Hollywood stuff out there but it is overshadowed by the factory produced garbage.
May 25, 2023 10:43 PM

Oct 2013
HellindiuM said:
UnoPuntoCinco said:
Hollywood has produced some really good stuff that's really up there: Rosemary's Baby, The Godfather

I think that's the problem. Hollywood has produced a lot of good shows. Anime continues to do so. There are still good Hollywood stuff out there but it is overshadowed by the factory produced garbage.
I watched the Northman the last year and it was very very good, I don't think good films have stopped coming out of the US. I'm currently excited for Barbie. Let's be fair, Japan produces a lot of forgettable stuff, too.
UnoPuntoCincoMay 25, 2023 10:46 PM
May 26, 2023 6:09 AM

Apr 2022
This is just objectively wrong. Did you weebs forget that anime also produces a lot of garbage anime each year? Out of all anime per year only around 1 or 2% of it is worth watching. With Hollywood it’s closer to 10%.

Yes there’s some garbage here and there (especially with capeshit and generic action schlock here and there), but there are also a couple that’s so good they even outrank the best of anime. Seriously go watch an indie flick and you’ll realize that thinking anime is superior to Hollywood is just bullshit
May 26, 2023 6:35 AM

Jul 2019
JKKH said:
KanekiKen523 said:
Um, I love the isekais that comes every season. They're better than most of the recent movies that Disney, Marvel, and DC has put out for the most part. Who the fuck cares about them being shit? They're for me cuz I love to watch trash anime anyway. If you look into my list, you'll see the truth, cuz trust me, I have the worst fucking taste known to any anime fan, but that does not mean I will bow down to Disney's cash grab remakes or any of the superhero crap that comes out now. If you have a problem with too much isekais coming out then fuck off, cuz I have a bias towards them.
Good for you if you like them. I know there's an audience for them, that's why they keep getting made. Same with the disney stuff, they're easy cash grabs for the lowest common denominator. Two sides of the same coin. I won't watch them but I don't care if people enjoy them. 
Both industries have massive catering audiences. Looking at it this way, Anime and Hollywood are no different. That's why this comparison is non-sensical without people bringing about woke or how identity politics ruined Hollywood when in reality, if one were to look into films that are produced today that are not popular, they discover gems. Cause frankly, people on anime sites such as MAL don't watch films in general. Thus, they spew all this nonsense about anime being superior to Hollywood when both are just equally "bad".

@Runasius, exactly.

-[ ~♫~ ll Credit ]-
May 26, 2023 6:37 AM

Mar 2017
Not really fair since one mainly does live action and one is animated. Unless you're mainly talking about animated films produced by Hollywood, an objective comparison would be hard to do.

But since you're mainly talking about the inclusion of politics, I'd still argue it would be hard to say one is better than the other. Regardless of the political agenda, both anime and Hollywood produce cash grabs. Idols shows are a glaring example, but you also have shows where the main purpose is to advertise either products or gacha games. And while woke media is undoubtedly forcing a certain mindset, whose to say anime isn't doing the same? It may be the difference in culture that makes us unable to perceive these ideas.
An admin's dickhead Soul banned me from MAL t('v't)
May 26, 2023 6:44 AM

Jul 2019
HellindiuM said:
Hollywood is ruined by corporate greed and they are creatively bankrupt. Just watch the videos from the YouTube channel, The Critical Drinker.
Seriously, you're judging the current state of Hollywood by a pessimistic YouTuber who drives off of this negative content? He rarely makes a video about films that aren't big or popular that cater to large audiences. He and his fanbase represent the worst part of the YouTube film sphere. It's better you yourself go into films that's released today than listening to him.

-[ ~♫~ ll Credit ]-
May 26, 2023 6:54 AM

Jan 2015
LordSozin said:
HellindiuM said:
Hollywood is ruined by corporate greed and they are creatively bankrupt. Just watch the videos from the YouTube channel, The Critical Drinker.
Seriously, you're judging the current state of Hollywood by a pessimistic YouTuber who drives off of this negative content? He rarely makes a video about films that aren't big or popular that cater to large audiences. He and his fanbase represent the worst part of the YouTube film sphere. It's better you yourself go into films that's released today than listening to him.
How else will I level up my critical thinking if not parroting someone who has critical in their name?
May 26, 2023 7:13 AM
May 2023
LordSozin said:
HellindiuM said:
Hollywood is ruined by corporate greed and they are creatively bankrupt. Just watch the videos from the YouTube channel, The Critical Drinker.
Seriously, you're judging the current state of Hollywood by a pessimistic YouTuber who drives off of this negative content? He rarely makes a video about films that aren't big or popular that cater to large audiences. He and his fanbase represent the worst part of the YouTube film sphere. It's better you yourself go into films that's released today than listening to him.

That does not mean he is wrong though. And he makes videos about animations in addition to the movies from time to time.

And I am pretty sure you used "drive off" in the wrong context.
May 26, 2023 7:39 AM

May 2009
KanekiKen523 said:
Is Anime actually better than Hollywood?
Yes, or no, depending on which you like more.

KanekiKen523 said:
Hollywood as we know it loves to use woke agendas to ruin their movies
Then no, because hey it's this bullcrap again.

KanekiKen523 said:
Disney lately has been remaking their classics
They're not allowed to remake stuff? Meanwhile, go complain about anime turning everything into girls, including real-life men.

KanekiKen523 said:
their remakes are just soulless cash grabs that didn't have to be made in the first place.
Everything in commercial media is a cash grab. Yes, even anime. Because it's commercial media.

azadsanimelist said:
Anime was and always will be better than Hollywood simply because it's heavily influenced by the beautiful Japanese culture and work ethic. I believe most stories hit hard because they "worked hard". That quality difference is quite clear. The manga/anime industry still try to make beautiful long-lasting complex stories, while the Western Media/Hollywood try to create something that sells well and is as neutral as possible while also including and accepting each and every thing there is. Also look at the international impact both made/make... So yes, Anime is "actually" (lol) better than Hollywood.
If you actually looked into entertainment industries you'd find artists working hard to produce great art on both sides of the Pacific, and you'd also find executive meddling on both sides of the Pacific as well. Japan doesn't have some magically better culture; the Japanese industry just makes different stuff, with different aesthetic tropes and such. And folks here, including myself, tend to like their stuff more, because of what it is.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
May 26, 2023 7:41 AM

Aug 2020
it's funny how peoples are actually giving deep explainations while they forget the fact that this thread is gonna go down at anytime
May 26, 2023 7:48 AM

Dec 2021
epidemia78 said:
KittenCuddler said:
Here here! The idea that anime is some bastion of free expression where the studios all do whatever they desire (rather than trying to simply generate as much $$$ as possible) is simply, and unfortunately, false.

Businesses catering to demands is how it used to work. Now businesses cater to the demands of a tiny minority and will even give the ax or intentionally ruin profitable ventures not because of some moral righteousness but because they're afraid of being cancelled by people who need to get a life.
How does Hollywood generate billions of dollars in revenues catering towards a tiny minority? I'm sorry, but I don't get it.

samashi20 said:
Representing minorities and giving the marginalized a voice is woke and too political for some people. Pop off OP. 

I'm going to approach this from a completely different perspective. Hollywood and anime share a lot of similarities. The one that stands out the most for me is, creating and releasing many shows/movies, but only a few are worth watching. I  think both industries are and have been influenced by consumerism for a while now. The other trend that I see both share, is the perverted ideas that slip here and there and aim to trick the viewer. And this is just a surface-level analysis. I'm sure there are people who followed the trends of both industries for a lot longer and can go into depth contrasting the two. 
For sure, both anime and the h-wood are overrun with consumerism right now. About as close as one can get to having real life dollar signs in their eyes.
Runasius said:
This is just objectively wrong. Did you weebs forget that anime also produces a lot of garbage anime each year? Out of all anime per year only around 1 or 2% of it is worth watching. With Hollywood it’s closer to 10%.

Yes there’s some garbage here and there (especially with capeshit and generic action schlock here and there), but there are also a couple that’s so good they even outrank the best of anime. Seriously go watch an indie flick and you’ll realize that thinking anime is superior to Hollywood is just bullshit
One day isekai will be destroyed, and then well have 3% or 4% worth watching :p  But seriously, I agree with the indie flick recommendations. I saw some small time movie about a tire that gained sentience and the power to blow up stuff with it's "mind." Super dumb, but also hilarious.
May 26, 2023 8:24 AM

Nov 2019
HellindiuM said:
Hollywood is ruined by corporate greed and they are creatively bankrupt. Just watch the videos from the YouTube channel, The Critical Drinker.

Like anime industry doesn't get big buck with oversaturation and staff exploitation, lol
SgtBateManMay 26, 2023 8:28 AM
Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Helpppppp!

May 26, 2023 9:23 AM

Jun 2011
SgtBateMan said:
HellindiuM said:
Hollywood is ruined by corporate greed and they are creatively bankrupt. Just watch the videos from the YouTube channel, The Critical Drinker.

Like anime industry doesn't get big buck with oversaturation and staff exploitation, lol
No, they really don't. That's why they're animating almost everything now.
I wish Cowboy Bebop never existed.
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