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Isekai critics and haters, how would YOU make an isekai show?

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Jun 8, 2021 10:13 PM
Jan 2012
I have a decent amount of ideas, but honestly? I'd settle for just having a series that's akin to the first arc of Saihate no Paladin, which is getting an anime already. I just need fucking something with world building without attempting to make the power fantasy too obvious. It's not like Saihate no Paladin was devoid of certain Isekai tropes, even the first part which was the best and most unlike the usual Isekai part of the show still had many things in common with the common Isekai series, however I was able to completely forgive those certain tropes because of what the show does well.

If I'm being absolutely greedy, a steampunk/cyberpunk world with good world building WITHOUT ANY OF THE MMO BULLSHIT and a main character that isn't just a loser otaku trying to escape his shitty life.

My first ever exposure to a story about someone being teleported to a different world was Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. I absolutely loved that game, and the main character's life wasn't exactly amazing in the real world but he still tried to find his way home, and I loathe the fact that Isekai protagonists are just so willing to leave their past life on a god damn dime. Give us a protagonist that isn't just willing to accept their new setting and actually try to find their way back to their world, even with their problems, particularly a main character that's still interesting. Better yet, give us an anime adaptation of FFTA, I'd absolutely love that.

Also renaming shit does not make it any different. Isekai did not start the proper pronoun loving generic shows (basically using the same ideas and renaming them thinking that makes a show any different), but damn does this genre love it anyway. Renaming magic to something does not change anything when literally everything about the magic system is the same as everywhere else. Going back to the Saihate no Paladin example, instead of just "Hey look, I have magic, it costs MP" they actually introduced a fairly cool magic system where the magic revolves around using words, and from the manga I don't remember seeing any mention of something like MP or mana, and I really dug that. Give me more magic systems that aren't typical.
OnionKnightRisesJun 8, 2021 10:19 PM
Jun 8, 2021 10:24 PM

Aug 2015
Something to clarify: not liking something (in this case a genre of fiction) does not make you a "hater" of it. Stop being so fragile.

In my case is not necessarily tied to Isekai, but any show that attempts to do self insert or "being relatable" is almost unwatchable for me.
Jun 8, 2021 11:04 PM
Jan 2013
I should start by stating that I am personally a fan of Isekai animes.
The first clarification I'd like is what I consider an Isekai. It's a tough one to define because there are many animes that could be classes as both and isekai and not. Lets take Sword art online as our example here, I would not consider this an isekai, apart from the first arc, it's very clearly not an isekai. In a similar example, I would consider Log horizon and isekai.
Both involve the main character interacting with a world inside of a game but I think the distinction is on what the reality of their situation is.

Just because I'm a fan of isekai does not mean I like all isekais. I am more tolerable of them and will generally also watch bad ones, but there are clearly good isekais and bad ones...
Lets take Isekai Cheat Magician, I think we can all agree that was complete trash.

But animes such as Honzuki as the OP mentioned are complete gems; I think what makes an isekai good is a sense of who they are now verses who they were before. Naturally a long with character develop, animation, sound, storyline, everything needed with a generic anime.

Despite popular (outspoken) opinion, I would also consider Jobless Reincarnation a great isekai. People might argue the themes are wrong, but I mean, it's an anime that was well made... Some people need to lower themselves off their high-horse.

However, these are examples of isekais via reincarnation, and I think the afforementioned criteria primarily applies to them.

Isekais via transportation are harder to pull off, you could take a wholesome direction which will have a lower viewership but is harder to screw up (so much that it stays to just trying to be wholesome). Or the much harder, putting together an enticing storyline after their transportation. A lot of studios try to go for the "getting home" scenario which in my experience has never particularly worked out well. Animes that take that isekai element and progress with it more of a background note, such as Shield Hero, have typically performed better.

Similar to what the OP asked, how would you make an isekai if you had to adopt the most unpopular theme for the ambition of making it a popular anime? That is, an isekai where the main character is transported to a different world, as opposed to reincarnated.
Jun 9, 2021 12:54 AM

May 2009

(I'm too lazy to quote your post)

And... oh god, it's even worse, there's frickin FIVE of them (not counting sequels) this time:
How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom
Drugstore in Another World: The Slow Life of a Cheat Pharmacist
Tsukimichi -Moonlit Fantasy-
Spirit Chronicles
The Dungeon of Black Company

I've been seeing Realist Hero on the shelves every time I look at the manga section of the bookstore. I'm not surprised it's gonna be an anime.

Meanwhile, I think Spirit Chronicles might have had some character art I ran into at some point that I was interested in. I forgot which character though. So it's vaguely on my radar.

...tbh i tried re-reading this several times and i kinda still don't understand what this means but ig there's potential there
Sorry for being confusing. It's basically like this:

our real world --{isekai worldswapping magicks}-> basically the same world, but with magic and stuff

So, basically, magic is used alongside technology, people have magical superpowers, Nessie and the Swamp Ape are real, people can talk to animals, people can fly (with appropriate spells), magic is studied and researched at universities just like other things are, etc..

Really? That's a bit surprising. I guess that's cuz I don't mind serious plots and parodies...
I think at some point I got tired of people just making parodies of everything and playing everything for comedy. I feel like I want to experience grandeur, I want to experience the tension of a situation taken seriously, I want to really feel the sorrows and joys of the characters and the journeys...rather than just laugh at things.

But instead it's felt somewhat like people keep turning to parody for a variety of reasons -- to make a work stand out ("we're not like the other guys!"), to be something but "ironic" to show one's detachment from it, or even to try to be something that a thing isn't.

I think this sort of thing is less common in anime or at least handled differently, but I feel that there's a lot of, for example, examples of very, very stereotyped and trope-centric parodies of videogames in various western TV shows and movies, done in ways that make it seem like video games are just their superficial tropes and memes. And I don't like that. It's like people forgot how to appreciate stories "straight", and can only like things "ironically", or something like that.

Lucifrost said:
Fario-P said:
What about world-building though?

I believe isekai do not need as much world-building, because they can rely on one's preexisting knowledge of the real world to compensate.
I think they need more, unless the fantasy world is meant to resemble the real world in some way in which case you can lean on that similarity as a crutch upon which to just indicate differences.

Otherwise, you need to build the world from scratch, or lean on some other tropes to do figuring out how the protag(s) ended up there in the first place.

Sledgedude said:
Just because I'm a fan of isekai does not mean I like all isekais. I am more tolerable of them and will generally also watch bad ones, but there are clearly good isekais and bad ones...
Lets take Isekai Cheat Magician, I think we can all agree that was complete trash.
I find it amusing that I'm not particularly a fan of isekai, but somehow I have a positive opinion of Isekai Cheat Magician, which a bunch of people seem to hate.

And meanwhile, I've not yet read/watched most of Re:Zero (even though I plan to, but I don't have high expectations for it), I've downright rejected KonoSuba for reasons other than its premise. Both of these (especially KonoSuba) keep getting used as examples of "good" isekais.

BTW @Fario-P the fact that people keep using KonoSuba as a go-to example of something done right kinda relates to what I was saying about parodies, assuming that I am correct in thinking that KonoSuba is basically a parody of isekai (and other genres/tropes).
GlennMagusHarveyJun 9, 2021 12:58 AM
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Jun 9, 2021 3:53 AM

Jul 2020
Lucifrost said:
You'd probably like Elizabeth Kay's "The Divide," if you haven't read it already. Or Sabriel, which is not isekai.
Looked at their synopses and Sabriel looks like an interesting read. (Though regular ol' non-JP novels for the most part are uncharted territory for me lol.) The Divide's reminds me of one element I didn't address in my "dream isekai" prompt: isekai inhabitants. Humans/humanoids, creatures, monsters, etc.


The way I'd write it, I'd probably make native 'humans' of the isekai virtually just humans. Elves, goblins, etc. might exist, but not as significant (exception being if I have them be an ancient race) and in a way such that I can avoid the "archer elves, thief goblins" kinda trope. I use skin, hair, and eye color etc. to differentiate the different "races" of the isekai world (aside from using the obvious cultural differences). Some races can be known for being more specialized in one field than others, but I'll still make the point that their specialization is gained rather than inherent, e.g. them having an established wizardry institution or a culture that prides on the study of alchemy.

Monsters are far in between, but are infamous and are part of an ecosystem. There could be a food chain where the bottom consists of magic-feeder grass or planktons and the top consists of monsters or just regular predators. Some types of monsters might get mythical status too, not unlike Oniguma-sama in Fumetsu no Anata e. Some notable monsters might become the centerpiece of mini-arcs, each with differing purposes for the story: some could simply function as plot or character development devices, some as an introduction to a new important character or faction, some ending with the monster being 'let go' in that the characters understood that said monster is not their enemy.


Fario-P said:
lol you just reminded me about Aoi-kun, seriously need to catch up on the latest chapter
I need to catchup too. I'm stuck at ch. 7 because a certain site was down for months already. Fortunately others have 'em as well and they got it up to ch. 10 *wink wink*

By the way, "Season 18 of Mighty Morphin Pretty Rangers" refers to the 18th season of Precure. It just about highlights how I'd sound hypocritical if someone who enjoys a genre famous for being repetitive hates on another genre famous for being repetitive.

Though like I mentioned, Ascendance of a Bookworm is actually pretty good, and if you want an actual magical girl example and don't mind older recommendations, there's also Magic Knight Rayearth.
I have MKR in PTW for a while already! But it's kinda far down in my backlog. On the other hand, I'm planning to watch Bookworm soon! rn I'm finishing ~four shows in particular that I'm currently watching first.

Thanks a lot for your contribution~!
also ngl I actually kinda expected you to share a magical girl-isekai hybrid idea haha
I have my magical girl ideas, but they're much more difficult to formulate and especially with isekai elements. Like I'd wound up writing a high fantasy magical girl story instead. Not to mention me writing it in a way that satiates my specific reasons for loving the genre in the first place.

Which reminds me of Magia Record, the anime. I'll make a post in the other thread when I have the mood.

"Come to Kamihama City. In this town, magical girls are saved."
· Ui Tamaki ·

Jun 9, 2021 5:49 AM

Feb 2016
Iris-B said:
I can avoid the "archer elves, thief goblins" kinda trope.

Oh man, I hate that trope so much. An immersive fantasy world does NOT revolve around 20th century pop-culture.
You should watch Deltora Quest! I think it features exactly the sort of inhabitants you're looking for. Not isekai, however.
Jun 9, 2021 9:00 AM
Dec 2019
I think isekai has great potential but authors just try to go for the same generic self-insert stories, wich is a shame. Some of what I would consider good or great isekai would be Re:Zero, Mushoku and Log Horizon, and the first few episodes of Shield Hero too

But well, for my ideas for an isekai, it would first of all:

- Don't have a harem, neitherr NEET/Otaku protagonist
- Don't have MMORPG mechanics or aesthetics
- Don't have elfs, goblins, dwarfes, trolls and other intelligent species that aren't human in general
- Have magic and monsters, but in a way somewhat different from what you'll usually see. Magic will always have to be performed with a sacrifice (wich can be a lot of different things, like a physical item, the life of an animal or a person, blood, and etc. The power of the sacrifice will vary in accord to the importance of the sacrifice to the one making the spell). Also, great mages and sorceres would be important political and military powers, serving under kings or even creating their own governemtns. It always puzzled me how magic simply doesn't have political repercussions in most isekai stories

Now, the concept would be that suddenly, the protagonist encounter himself in a dark, ominous place, sorrunded by hundreds of peole in weird, dark robes, doing some kind of strange ritual. Suddenly, a spear would pierce his chest and kill him. He was sacrificed.

After being killed, he would suddenly appear in another place, some kind of medieval town. Trying to realize just what the fuck happened, he will come to the conclusion that he:
1- Got somehow transported to another world
2- Was sacrificed in some sort of strange ritual, or maybe was executed
3- Somehow traveled back in time in this another world after that

Our protagonist will be pretty much traumatized, not having any idea of how he got there, why he was killed, nor what to do now, but he would somehow find his way into having a life in this new world anyways.

In this new world he would have to deal with his fear of being one day sacrificed, being desperate to ensure his safety and also trying to master magic to one day come back to his world, all the while he completely distrusts any mage or anyone involved with magic whatsoever because he thinks he was killed as a sacrifice for some sort of spell

Trying to master magic he'll discover that he can use magic without making any apparent sacrifices, but one day something will happen that will make him discover that when using magic he was actually sacrificing people in the "real world" who he cared about, be it friends, family, or something else, and their possesions.

Knowing this, he would end up arranging his sacrifice to make a spell to go back in time and search again for a way to go to his world without ever using magic himself so his family on the other world won't die and he can go back to them. But ends up, the spell fails and he lose his memories of his time in this world before being sacrificed and do everything again in a never ending cycle
Jun 10, 2021 11:11 PM

Dec 2018
Round three of me getting pissed off over how many people don't read replies.
Got so distressed that I even felt the need to make a disclaimer for my newest thread lol

But hey, at least there's some more people actually reading the thread this time!
Let's go over some replies now ★

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OnionKnightRises said:
I have a decent amount of ideas, but honestly? I'd settle for just having a series that's akin to the first arc of Saihate no Paladin, which is getting an anime already.
Is that series really that good? Would you recommend it to someone like me?

If I'm being absolutely greedy, a steampunk/cyberpunk world with good world building WITHOUT ANY OF THE MMO BULLSHIT and a main character that isn't just a loser otaku trying to escape his shitty life.
I laughed so hard at reading "WITHOUT ANY OF THE MMO BULLSHIT" despite it being like 1 am. Thanks.
Anyway, yeah, a steampunk or cyberpunk isekai would honestly be really cool!

My first ever exposure to a story about someone being teleported to a different world was Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. I absolutely loved that game, and the main character's life wasn't exactly amazing in the real world but he still tried to find his way home, and I loathe the fact that Isekai protagonists are just so willing to leave their past life on a god damn dime. Give us a protagonist that isn't just willing to accept their new setting and actually try to find their way back to their world, even with their problems, particularly a main character that's still interesting. Better yet, give us an anime adaptation of FFTA, I'd absolutely love that.
I dunno if you really want that; I found myself being extremely disappointed by a few certain video game adaptations lately......
But yeah, wanting game adaptation aside, I think that kind of protagonist would be a cool idea too.

Also renaming shit does not make it any different. Isekai did not start the proper pronoun loving generic shows (basically using the same ideas and renaming them thinking that makes a show any different), but damn does this genre love it anyway. Renaming magic to something does not change anything when literally everything about the magic system is the same as everywhere else.
I honestly don't think renaming stuff like that is that big of a deal, but I can see how it's annoying and can be done with no effort into it.

Thanks for your post! :)

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Sledgedude said:
I should start by stating that I am personally a fan of Isekai animes.
Oh, you don't have to be a critic of isekai to post in this thread. I admit that I titled it that way just to get people into clicking this thread.
Sorry if you were worried about that.

Isekais via transportation are harder to pull off, you could take a wholesome direction which will have a lower viewership but is harder to screw up (so much that it stays to just trying to be wholesome). Or the much harder, putting together an enticing storyline after their transportation.
It does seem like reincarnation is the easier choice to start an isekai story for most people, thanks for pointing that out as I never thought about that before.

But animes such as Honzuki as the OP mentioned are complete gems;

. . .

Similar to what the OP asked, how would you make an isekai if you had to adopt the most unpopular theme for the ambition of making it a popular anime?
...thank you for actually reading my thread! :D

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GlennMagusHarvey said:
(I'm too lazy to quote your post)
it's all g mate, can't say i blame ya for that

Fario-P said:
...tbh i tried re-reading this several times and i kinda still don't understand what this means but ig there's potential there
Sorry for being confusing. It's basically like this:

our real world --{isekai worldswapping magicks}-> basically the same world, but with magic and stuff

So, basically, magic is used alongside technology, people have magical superpowers, Nessie and the Swamp Ape are real, people can talk to animals, people can fly (with appropriate spells), magic is studied and researched at universities just like other things are, etc..
Ah okay... I actually think another world where all those urban legends people thought of were actually real there would be a cool world concept to explore.

Fario-P said:
Really? That's a bit surprising. I guess that's cuz I don't mind serious plots and parodies...
I think at some point I got tired of people just making parodies of everything and playing everything for comedy. I feel like I want to experience grandeur, I want to experience the tension of a situation taken seriously, I want to really feel the sorrows and joys of the characters and the journeys...rather than just laugh at things.

But instead it's felt somewhat like people keep turning to parody for a variety of reasons -- to make a work stand out ("we're not like the other guys!"), to be something but "ironic" to show one's detachment from it, or even to try to be something that a thing isn't.
Ah, I see what you mean.
Parodies get fun for a while, but sometimes people just use it just to be a lazy way of being "different" without actually trying beyond that... that's what you mean, right?

Lucifrost said:

I believe isekai do not need as much world-building, because they can rely on one's preexisting knowledge of the real world to compensate.
I think they need more, unless the fantasy world is meant to resemble the real world in some way in which case you can lean on that similarity as a crutch upon which to just indicate differences.

Otherwise, you need to build the world from scratch, or lean on some other tropes to do figuring out how the protag(s) ended up there in the first place.
Sorry @Lucifrost, but I honestly think I side with GlennMagusHarvey here. I think it'd be more interesting when the new world the main character gets isekai'd to is far more different and clearly thought-out in its world-building, than if it were just a basic fantasy world or even just the same world but slightly different (an exception to that would be the SquareSoft classic JRPG Chrono Cross, which uses alternate dimensions and the differences between them in pretty cool ways imo). I suppose it's because seeing the character react to all of this foreign stuff in this new strange world and essentially getting culture shock makes for some interesting plot progression.

That being said, world-building in an isekai is probably not as necessary as Lucifrost said... but for me, I feel like it's a plus that could boost my enjoyment.
I feel like I really can appreciate when people really put their all into making a unique setting into a story, not just an isekai story.

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Iris-B said:
The Divide's reminds me of one element I didn't address in my "dream isekai" prompt: isekai inhabitants. Humans/humanoids, creatures, monsters, etc.

Well, that's some pretty good brainstorming right there.

Fario-P said:
lol you just reminded me about Aoi-kun, seriously need to catch up on the latest chapter
I need to catchup too. I'm stuck at ch. 7 because a certain site was down for months already. Fortunately others have 'em as well and they got it up to ch. 10 *wink wink*

By the way, "Season 18 of Mighty Morphin Pretty Rangers" refers to the 18th season of Precure. It just about highlights how I'd sound hypocritical if someone who enjoys a genre famous for being repetitive hates on another genre famous for being repetitive.

...ah i see, didn't think of that, i thought you were just referring to how everyone thinks all magical girl series after Sailor Moon are just SM clones lol

Fario-P said:
Thanks a lot for your contribution~!
also ngl I actually kinda expected you to share a magical girl-isekai hybrid idea haha
I have my magical girl ideas, but they're much more difficult to formulate and especially with isekai elements. Like I'd wound up writing a high fantasy magical girl story instead. Not to mention me writing it in a way that satiates my specific reasons for loving the genre in the first place.
Well, at least that means someone here will actually write an isekai with some effort put in and not just a concept thought up within an hour or something.
(or that's how some modern isekai feel to me, but what do i know, i'm just busy watching obscure 2000s and/or magical girl shows all day lol)
That's still something, right? :)

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ImNOTAmOtaku said:
But well, for my ideas for an isekai, it would first of all:

Now, the concept would be that suddenly, the protagonist encounter himself in a dark, ominous place, sorrunded by hundreds of peole in weird, dark robes, doing some kind of strange ritual. Suddenly, a spear would pierce his chest and kill him. He was sacrificed.
...well that went from 0 to 1000 got dark real quick...........

After being killed, he would suddenly appear in another place, some kind of medieval town. Trying to realize just what the fuck happened, he will come to the conclusion that he:
  1. Got somehow transported to another world
  2. Was sacrificed in some sort of strange ritual, or maybe was executed
  3. Somehow traveled back in time in this another world after that

Our protagonist will be pretty much traumatized, not having any idea of how he got there, why he was killed, nor what to do now, but he would somehow find his way into having a life in this new world anyways.
holy shit can you actually start writing this????? i'm sold on this
i'm serious, i probably might read this kind of traumatizing psychological story, good job.

Also, thank you for actually reading my thread's topic!!
Jun 11, 2021 12:16 AM
Jan 2012
@Fario-P I can't tell you whether you'll like Saihate no Paladin, but what I can at least say is the first arc (which I have no idea how many episodes they'll spend on it) feels a bit more distinct compared to other Isekai. Looking back it's why I saw potential in the series, though afterwards it loses what makes it distinct so I'm no longer sure if that's a good thing. I can only say give it a shot when the anime comes out.

Basically, your opinion on the series will be based on the series itself rather than the Isekai genre. You won't necessarily hate it if you hate Isekai, and you won't necessary like it if you like Isekai, and that's something I liked about it.
Jun 11, 2021 3:18 AM
Dec 2019
Fario-P said:
Round three of me getting pissed off over how many people don't read replies.
Got so distressed that I even felt the need to make a disclaimer for my newest thread lol

But hey, at least there's some more people actually reading the thread this time!
Let's go over some replies now ★

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OnionKnightRises said:
I have a decent amount of ideas, but honestly? I'd settle for just having a series that's akin to the first arc of Saihate no Paladin, which is getting an anime already.
Is that series really that good? Would you recommend it to someone like me?

If I'm being absolutely greedy, a steampunk/cyberpunk world with good world building WITHOUT ANY OF THE MMO BULLSHIT and a main character that isn't just a loser otaku trying to escape his shitty life.
I laughed so hard at reading "WITHOUT ANY OF THE MMO BULLSHIT" despite it being like 1 am. Thanks.
Anyway, yeah, a steampunk or cyberpunk isekai would honestly be really cool!

My first ever exposure to a story about someone being teleported to a different world was Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. I absolutely loved that game, and the main character's life wasn't exactly amazing in the real world but he still tried to find his way home, and I loathe the fact that Isekai protagonists are just so willing to leave their past life on a god damn dime. Give us a protagonist that isn't just willing to accept their new setting and actually try to find their way back to their world, even with their problems, particularly a main character that's still interesting. Better yet, give us an anime adaptation of FFTA, I'd absolutely love that.
I dunno if you really want that; I found myself being extremely disappointed by a few certain video game adaptations lately......
But yeah, wanting game adaptation aside, I think that kind of protagonist would be a cool idea too.

Also renaming shit does not make it any different. Isekai did not start the proper pronoun loving generic shows (basically using the same ideas and renaming them thinking that makes a show any different), but damn does this genre love it anyway. Renaming magic to something does not change anything when literally everything about the magic system is the same as everywhere else.
I honestly don't think renaming stuff like that is that big of a deal, but I can see how it's annoying and can be done with no effort into it.

Thanks for your post! :)

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Sledgedude said:
I should start by stating that I am personally a fan of Isekai animes.
Oh, you don't have to be a critic of isekai to post in this thread. I admit that I titled it that way just to get people into clicking this thread.
Sorry if you were worried about that.

Isekais via transportation are harder to pull off, you could take a wholesome direction which will have a lower viewership but is harder to screw up (so much that it stays to just trying to be wholesome). Or the much harder, putting together an enticing storyline after their transportation.
It does seem like reincarnation is the easier choice to start an isekai story for most people, thanks for pointing that out as I never thought about that before.

But animes such as Honzuki as the OP mentioned are complete gems;

. . .

Similar to what the OP asked, how would you make an isekai if you had to adopt the most unpopular theme for the ambition of making it a popular anime?
...thank you for actually reading my thread! :D

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GlennMagusHarvey said:
(I'm too lazy to quote your post)
it's all g mate, can't say i blame ya for that

Sorry for being confusing. It's basically like this:

our real world --{isekai worldswapping magicks}-> basically the same world, but with magic and stuff

So, basically, magic is used alongside technology, people have magical superpowers, Nessie and the Swamp Ape are real, people can talk to animals, people can fly (with appropriate spells), magic is studied and researched at universities just like other things are, etc..
Ah okay... I actually think another world where all those urban legends people thought of were actually real there would be a cool world concept to explore.

I think at some point I got tired of people just making parodies of everything and playing everything for comedy. I feel like I want to experience grandeur, I want to experience the tension of a situation taken seriously, I want to really feel the sorrows and joys of the characters and the journeys...rather than just laugh at things.

But instead it's felt somewhat like people keep turning to parody for a variety of reasons -- to make a work stand out ("we're not like the other guys!"), to be something but "ironic" to show one's detachment from it, or even to try to be something that a thing isn't.
Ah, I see what you mean.
Parodies get fun for a while, but sometimes people just use it just to be a lazy way of being "different" without actually trying beyond that... that's what you mean, right?

I think they need more, unless the fantasy world is meant to resemble the real world in some way in which case you can lean on that similarity as a crutch upon which to just indicate differences.

Otherwise, you need to build the world from scratch, or lean on some other tropes to do figuring out how the protag(s) ended up there in the first place.
Sorry @Lucifrost, but I honestly think I side with GlennMagusHarvey here. I think it'd be more interesting when the new world the main character gets isekai'd to is far more different and clearly thought-out in its world-building, than if it were just a basic fantasy world or even just the same world but slightly different (an exception to that would be the SquareSoft classic JRPG Chrono Cross, which uses alternate dimensions and the differences between them in pretty cool ways imo). I suppose it's because seeing the character react to all of this foreign stuff in this new strange world and essentially getting culture shock makes for some interesting plot progression.

That being said, world-building in an isekai is probably not as necessary as Lucifrost said... but for me, I feel like it's a plus that could boost my enjoyment.
I feel like I really can appreciate when people really put their all into making a unique setting into a story, not just an isekai story.

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Iris-B said:
The Divide's reminds me of one element I didn't address in my "dream isekai" prompt: isekai inhabitants. Humans/humanoids, creatures, monsters, etc.

Well, that's some pretty good brainstorming right there.

I need to catchup too. I'm stuck at ch. 7 because a certain site was down for months already. Fortunately others have 'em as well and they got it up to ch. 10 *wink wink*

By the way, "Season 18 of Mighty Morphin Pretty Rangers" refers to the 18th season of Precure. It just about highlights how I'd sound hypocritical if someone who enjoys a genre famous for being repetitive hates on another genre famous for being repetitive.

...ah i see, didn't think of that, i thought you were just referring to how everyone thinks all magical girl series after Sailor Moon are just SM clones lol

I have my magical girl ideas, but they're much more difficult to formulate and especially with isekai elements. Like I'd wound up writing a high fantasy magical girl story instead. Not to mention me writing it in a way that satiates my specific reasons for loving the genre in the first place.
Well, at least that means someone here will actually write an isekai with some effort put in and not just a concept thought up within an hour or something.
(or that's how some modern isekai feel to me, but what do i know, i'm just busy watching obscure 2000s and/or magical girl shows all day lol)
That's still something, right? :)

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ImNOTAmOtaku said:
But well, for my ideas for an isekai, it would first of all:

Now, the concept would be that suddenly, the protagonist encounter himself in a dark, ominous place, sorrunded by hundreds of peole in weird, dark robes, doing some kind of strange ritual. Suddenly, a spear would pierce his chest and kill him. He was sacrificed.
...well that went from 0 to 1000 got dark real quick...........

After being killed, he would suddenly appear in another place, some kind of medieval town. Trying to realize just what the fuck happened, he will come to the conclusion that he:
  1. Got somehow transported to another world
  2. Was sacrificed in some sort of strange ritual, or maybe was executed
  3. Somehow traveled back in time in this another world after that

Our protagonist will be pretty much traumatized, not having any idea of how he got there, why he was killed, nor what to do now, but he would somehow find his way into having a life in this new world anyways.
holy shit can you actually start writing this????? i'm sold on this
i'm serious, i probably might read this kind of traumatizing psychological story, good job.

Also, thank you for actually reading my thread's topic!!

kek, thanks for the appreciation, but unfortunately I'm really fucking bad at writing any kind of story (I tried some times and always gave up like, 1 or 2 chapter in, because it ended up being shit from the get go)
Jun 11, 2021 8:26 AM

Feb 2016
Fario-P said:
I suppose it's because seeing the character react to all of this foreign stuff in this new strange world and essentially getting culture shock makes for some interesting plot progression.

I agree that this is one of isekai's greatest selling points, but Alice in Wonderland pulled it off just fine without any kind of coherent world-building. When I picture all my favorite fantastical worlds, none are isekai.
Jun 11, 2021 11:31 AM

May 2009
Suddenly I'm thinking of those videogames where you just progress linearly through some number of dreamscapes or something of that sort, and wondering if you have a progression where dying in one dreamscape just sends you to the next one.

This seems similar to how I think L.S.D. Dream Simulator works, though in that case it also follows some pattern, and the dreams end after a seemingly random amount of time, for unknown reasons.

Perhaps the protag in this isekai idea could ultimately have the task of figuring out how to achieve an optimal dream, or something like that? That might be the key to escaping a loop.

Fario-P said:
Parodies get fun for a while, but sometimes people just use it just to be a lazy way of being "different" without actually trying beyond that... that's what you mean, right?
I'm not sure it's quite that; I just don't really find the idea all that fun in the first place. I mean, I can like parodies, but the idea itself doesn't excite me that much.

I think there are a few factors influencing my lack of enthusiasm for parodies.

First, I haven't watched the genre much, so I'm not necessarily gonna "get" parodies the same way, since I don't have the same reference pool. On top of that, I haven't gotten sick of gthe enre conventions, so it's not like I want them to be made fun of. Incidentally,

And second, I think I want to take a story/setting/characters seriously rather than as a joke. Jokes along the way are fine, but it's the more serious moments that feel more emotionally "genuine" and resonant. So if the whole point is to rag on genre tropes, this is feels like a letdown. I want the story to succeed because of what it is, rather than in spite of what it is. And I want it to succeed even if it happens to use very common tropes, because the fact that those tropes are common shouldn't be a determiner of the work's quality.

The (IMO) worst parodies seem to just hide behind a veil of making fun of tropes and end up becoming a lazy collection of tropes themselves, using humor as an excuse for why stuff sucks. On the other hand, I'd say it's probably harder to make a story that can be taken seriously, because that requires thinking beyond just tropes and being able to connect story elements to create a coherent whole. So I think the "lazy" part can be said to be an attempt to stand out from the crowd simply by leaning on making fun of it.
GlennMagusHarveyJun 11, 2021 12:24 PM
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Jun 11, 2021 11:46 AM

Dec 2015

A lot of haters, have only watch a very few amount of them.

I have been checking the hate threads too and every time someone hates on something it's normal because they think they have seen it all and know it all.

And in the cases of the threads that have been releasing this month, yeah that's the case. out of 2 guys that I have checked they have watched 6x Isekai.

Not a single one from before 2010.

But they are still here hating on a genre they haven't watched anything yet they think they have and now they can start hating on Isekai after watching SAO and Shield Hero.

For me this is insane, how people can be living this Fantasy world where they think they know everything.
How can you be this arrogant ?
I can't get a grip about how this guys brain is working, how you can be hating and thinking you know it all after you completed 6x shows.

Bud, people are just arrogant as fuck and they are normaly living in a bubble they have self created. Where everything outside of thier bubble everything is bad.
And they start throwing out Random arguments why things is like it is.
They can't really protect their statement as in the end of it. They have no clue what they are talking about as they are clueless.

Best thing is to luagh at the tards about how their brain is working.

I love Isekai, it's one of the best genre that acually exist, we have so many different stories and awesome characters.
And I'm so happy about the Chines Isekai that gets released each year, their plot settings is normaly very unique vs the japanes once, so I always get to see ne experience new stories and it excites me, a lot.

And Bookworm, I love this serie. And sadly it's something most of the members in this community ignor.
And just watchign this show would give every Isekai Hater a new view on the genre.
But I doubt that will ever happen, as they have already decided that Isekai is bad.

And sorry if my English is bad.

Jun 11, 2021 2:21 PM

Feb 2015
I do not hate nor criticize isekai as a genre, in fact I dont mind it to be frank. The reason why tho, is I dont like how HAREM is integrated to the STORY. There is a difference... You'd be like the most fucking shounen, or the most basic series you can be but the MOMENT, the moment it has a harem... that's like a red flag to me, tho it still wont stop be from reading it... I KNOW... WHAT A FUCKING CYCLE OF LIFE ISNT IT? ISNT IT? WHAT A FUCKING BOATLOAD OF FUCKERY. We, as a viewer, a reader and someone who seek a story to be told will be forever, and ever be stockholmed syndromed by that ONE series we first see... THAT first ecchi we fucking watched and enjoyed, that first SOL you've ever watched and enjoyed, but you have to understand, that IT IS moreso to avoid certain "plops" or "noises" the reason why harem as demographic is one of Japan's highest of high and why it's the reason why creativity will kill Japan. I think a story, written to satisfy the author isnt bad, by no means it's bad; I feel like we've gone to the point where the there isnt anything that it offers other than delusional feeling... There is a point, where a viewer, will just skyrocket through the planet because it has had enough, and I feel like, even tho I'm raging and raging and raging, I still feel like I can.... I can still continue to traverse this path. I think so.... so that's why, hey, just saying this is merely me passing time because I cant read anything since I'm playing OS in AL

See for instance, Instant Death might have been the fucking most shitshow of a fucking written LN there is to exist but damn it was enjoyable to read. There was no filler of standard HAREM troupe, there was no filler of fucking whoever the fuck this ELF BITCH IS THAT WILL BE FUCKING STOCKHOLMED SYNODROMED BY MC, there's none of that fucking tsundere big titties onee-san who somehow saw MC fucking SKILL LEVEL OF GOD and suddenly wants to suck his dick. Granted, Instant Death, is still vol.05 as LN and it depends on the trajectory the author wants it to be, it could have been an instant harem from vol.05 moving onwards, or it wont be, nevertheless, I do hope it doesnt be a harem. The constant "noises" I read in WNs/LNs with these harem troupe just makes me want to cry. See, I dont mind the usual notion of MC going to visit the most famous blacksmith.. BUT HELLLLLLLLL FUCKING SHIT IT HAS TO BE THE MOST FUCKING PICTURESQUE ONAHOLE OF A FUCKING LIFETIME... GODDDDDDD FUCKING HELLL L L L L ... .AHHGHGHGHG.... You know, you can fucking show the most basic narrative and fight scene but FUCKING HELLLLLLL.... The Demon King doesnt have to be the MOST FUCKING BIG TITTTTTTTY ARA ARA SO ALL THESE FUCKING VIRGINSSSSSSSS CAN COOOOM... JUST FUCKING PLS. Oh and I'm a virgin too btw, just to let you know.

The more it the pattern occurs to be this kinda of "drive" the more I see the story as author's selfinserting as MC instead of author conveying a story through MC's POV. You can fucking the most basic concept of worldbuilding without the needing to USE X WAIFU TO SHOW THAT... Like I just dont understand... LIKE I FUCKING DONT UNDERSTAND.

..... I AM NOT JAPANESE, therefore; the core "culture" of said troupe for me, is something inconceivable, it's like I'm talking to a native Japanese when I cant even understand Japanese... THAT'S HOW FOREIGN has said demographic to me throughout the years. The reason why I dont pursue isekais nowadays, or it's a massive red flag to me as of now, is the constant prevalent pursue for harem. Again, you have to look at it in my perspective as someone that's not Japanese. EVERY MC, which therefore, logically speaking; the author of said work is Japanese, I dont see the FANTASY DELUSION OF THE SCHOOOOOL IDOL NUMBA WAN JUST CONFESSED TO ME AND WANTS TO SUCK MY DICK BUT BECAUSE IT'S r-15 therefore the MC has to have that FUCKING TRAUMA FOR THESE FUCKING WHORESSSS WANTING TO SUCK HIS DICK. Like, personally, I see the appeal... I GET IT... I FUCKING GET... THAT DELUSION IS SOMETHING TO BOOST YOUR EGO TO CONTINUE LIVING... I get it, I fucking get it... THIS IS COMING FROM A MALer who prolly will die in the near future and will just be forgotten. But a story has to be fluid... IT HAS TO BE... I dont see fluidity in every FUCKING FRAME OF THE GOODDAMN SERIES EVERY GODDAMN TIME A TITTIES PHYSICS HAS TO BE FUCKING SHOWN.... Please Japan, DO YOU FUCKING KNOW? DO YOU FUCKING KNOW HOW THAT DUDE WHO HAS TO WORK 1000 HRS OF THIS DEGENERACY MUST HAVE FELT? DO YOU AUTHORS? DO YOU MANGAKAS? DO YOU FUCKING KNOW HOW SUFFOCATING IT IS TO SEE A STORY GET BUTCHERED TO THE GROUND, GET BEATEN UP TO THE PULP, GETS FUCKING THROWN IN EVERY FUCKING CORNER OF THE WORLD JUST BECAUSE OF YOUR DELUSIONS? JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT TO BE THE MC AND NOT FUCKING WRITE A STORY? JUST BECAUSE YOU WERE THE MOST FUCKING BASIC HSer so you dreamt of every fucking whores in your class sucking your dick? I am a user, a reader and a MALer, Japanese authors, do you fucking know HOW LOW IS THAT IN THE SOCIAL STANDING? Pls, write a fucking goddamn story. I am begging you Japan.... I will sell my soul for you.
_Ako_Jun 11, 2021 2:32 PM
Jun 19, 2021 1:41 AM

Jan 2018
isekai genre is another world experience or to be precise it's getting transported to another world. One of the simple core theme should be about exploration. zelda breath of the wild is something that anyone can try although the difficulty is there (learning curve) so it's so much like an obvious example if any anime creator struggles to create the next isekai.

Instead they try to make a harem to get horny teenagers talk about it online where the reality is it would soon be forgotten. Although I myself am guilty of finding enjoyment in watching redo of a healer.

Do excuse me if I sound off topic because the really focus may just be about what can the new world that the main character who gets transported can experience?

There are many, heck some people can't get into visual novel for good titles like fate stay night so why not make a legend of gilgamesh. How mc works his way to obtain the gilgamesh legacy. Finally I'm super indulged in watching I'm a spider, so what? recently.

Maybe an otaku getting stucked in a visual novel world where the girls turn into yandere mode because mc refused dating them because he wants to find a way to snap back to reality ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

tldr isekai is a good introduction setting for a show which has brought to rise of infamous truck kun.
Jun 19, 2021 7:05 AM

Feb 2016
I wish to talk about YU-NO. Originally a video game released in 1996, it was remade in 2017 and adapted for TV in 2019. The remake was released in English in 2019, on the very day the TV anime finished airing. The anime was underwhelming, comparable to that of The World Ends With You. The game, however, remains more compelling than any recent isekai anime.
LucifrostJun 19, 2021 7:25 AM
Jun 19, 2021 9:03 AM

Jan 2008
Take out the harem and fanservuce or at least tone it right down so I can ignore it.
Jun 19, 2021 9:13 AM

Apr 2016
Isekai haters aren't even genuine haters. They're all bangwagon haters that developed during the SAO era, and they haven't stopped hating it since. Isekai isn't actually bad compared to other genres. Shounen has TONS of cheesy tropes, and bad writing and characters, yet doesn't get the same amount of hate. Shoujo is literally the most typical and trope heavy genre in ALL of anime.

Isekai isn't bad, and the fact people are trying to push this narrative is honestly stupid. Rezero isn't bad, Mushoku Tensei isn't bad either. Devil as a part timer is one of the funniest animes in general.

It's a bangwagon hate train. Isekai is better consistently than shounen, shoujo, and sports anime, will ever be.
Jun 19, 2021 9:21 AM
Jul 2018
Gilgameshuu said:
I didn't watch every isekai but I quite dislike most of the ones I've watched, I have watched the well-known ones and only Re:Zero is good, everything else is terrible in comparison imo. I would like an isekai similar to Re:Zero where the protagonist is realistic and flawed, with external and internal conflicts he/she must overcome. Mushoku Tensei recently kind of did this, but god damn is the protagonist such a scum that I just couldn't care less about him, he is an example of what not to do when making a flawed character. Apart from that, I would also like more isekai that actually focuses and develops side characters, which is another thing Re:Zero does well at, the story doesn't only revolve around Subaru, but everyone else also has their own problems and conflicts, basically the most noticeable flaw of modern isekai, or even isekai in general is the characters.
maybe you like 12 kingdoms I hear a lot of good things about this anime
Jun 19, 2021 9:22 AM
Jul 2018
Only isekai anime I love since from my childhood is Digimon
Jun 19, 2021 9:27 AM
Jul 2018
Fario-P said:
Once again... it seems that some people don't even bother to read my actual post.
Thanks much to Crow_Black for the support and for being one of the first few to actually read it though lol.

On to the responses.

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Gilgameshuu said:
I would like an isekai similar to Re:Zero where the protagonist is realistic and flawed, with external and internal conflicts he/she must overcome. Mushoku Tensei recently kind of did this, but god damn is the protagonist such a scum that I just couldn't care less about him, he is an example of what not to do when making a flawed character. Apart from that, I would also like more isekai that actually focuses and develops side characters, which is another thing Re:Zero does well at, the story doesn't only revolve around Subaru, but everyone else also has their own problems and conflicts, basically the most noticeable flaw of modern isekai, or even isekai in general is the characters.
Good characterization often makes a good story, so I agree.
I've also found myself liking flawed characters lately, but of course, flaws still have their own issues and it's bad to get too far with them like your mention of Mushoku Tensei. I haven't seen that show or read any version of the source material, but based on what I heard, it sounds extremely troubling.

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Hoppy said:
As for creating an isekai:

I'd have a marksman and gunsmith being transported to the Faery Realm in the middle of a war between the Seelie and Unseelie courts, where he ends up working for the Seelie Court to forge guns utilizing Faery Realm materials and magic along with his gunsmithing skills to bolster the firepower of their armies.
I don't think I quite comprehend what you just said, but that's certainly unique so I'll give you points for that

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Judevin said:
I think my isekai would be something very desolate, a melancholic, depressing story.

Something like a person gets transported to another world, where the world is completely dead, reclaimed by nature (think Nier Automata's world), and the person just roams the land and finds out what happened and each time they find a clue, hope rises that they'll find people. Only to find the last message that says something like "There are no humans left" and then the story ends with the person sitting down next to a cliff or something, planning their suicide.

An episodic series where the events leading up to the extinction are shown with the protagonist just serving as a walking catalyst to trigger those events.

Like I want an isekai where the isekai world ISN'T better than their original life as most isekai show.
That's actually a pretty good idea. I dunno, I would certainly watch something based off of your idea.

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Bfolls said:
Well I liked re zero, so clearly they *can* be good. It’s more that it’s so dominant that there doesn’t feel like there’s room for anything else to emerge. Also it feels like lazy story telling trying to cater to a certain crowd.
Yeah, like at this point, it feels like people have (somehow) run out of ideas without even bothering to try Mia Fey's approach of actually thinking outside the box. But isekai is somehow still a big hot new thing (despite it going on for at least 5 or 6+ years and somehow still feeling so same-y good god) that a certain vocal group must really want over at Japan, so now writers seem to be doing just the same thing over and over but with random gimmicks plastered in for the sake of saying "oh look it's different now, look it's totally not the same thing guys".

Like self-inserting yourself into another world already, huh? Here's a story with a random smartphone popped in. Like that one but want more? Here's one without the phone but with a weird random harem (was about to link this one but honestly this genre is so frickin uninspired that there's a whole bunch of shows that this also describes lol). Huh, want more? Okay, uhh have a random Dragon Quest enemy instead, yup there you go. Here's one with a spider. Here's a random wrestler. Here's some more overpowered brainiac characters. Oh you that type of guy huh, have the same OP MC but as a little girl. Here's another girl MC but it's an actually good isekai for frickin once lol with books cuz it's frickin books. Here's one as the main antagonist of a otome game which is a genre of games I've literally never played, I'm sure everyone else can't wait for the rest of the literal five zetta thousand villainess manga that is plaguing the entire shoujo demographic tags (and somehow seem more generic than most isekai I've barely glanced at cuz they're all usually the exact same goal of trying not to get killed) to get adapted... Look lookie look, here's one with a frickin MOM involved, ya done? Just go already kid, leave me alone with my booze...

...Okay, obviously these all vary wildly in quality and may have way more depth than at first glance, but you get what I mean right? How first impressions make these all seem like kinda cheap trend-riding after a while? I dunno man I'm just tired, I'm tired of this whole trend in general, but if we're gonna have to deal with it then I at least want some isekai that actually seem different with actual devotion to worldbuilding and not on sex appeal and maybe actually appeal to girls for once (maybe? please?? there's NEET otaku girls too XD)... it'll make the tedium of this trend a bit more bearable imo... anyway, moving on......

Anyways, how an isekai could pique my interest:

-it doesn’t involve being sucked into a video game, especially an mmo or phone game, I’m not a big gamer, especially if those two types.
-it doesn’t feel like it’s catering to the “the world sucks so much the only place I’d have fun would be if I was transported to another world”-types. Potentially make the world a worse place. Or a tragedy. Or the person who initially is the MC dies a few episodes in, and the rest of it is about how the other world adjusts to the MC bringing stuff to the world that screws everything up
-psychological horror or mystery aspect
...agreed, agreed, and agreed....

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Hyacinth05 said:
If someone comes up with a great idea, I'm pretty sure we'll see better isekai in the future.
I hope so too.

If I make a story, it will take place in advance civilization. Of course I would like some magic, and the theme would be about war. The idea is pretty simple, humanity in the brink of extinction because the earth is no longer safe and the scientist discovered, instead of going to space, they found easier way which is to go to another world...
In the alternate universe, two living being is at war. One cannot use magic but have a really advance technology and the other use magic to activate their technology.
Those are both great ideas. Dystopian slowly transitioning into isekai would certainly be interesting.

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Lucifrost said:
Why another isekai topic, Fario? Do you not like non-isekai fantasy? You even made that fairy tale isekai topic, as if fairy tales aren't already perfect.
Ah Lucifrost, good to see you again.
Look, I get you man, I'm tired too. I do like non-isekai fantasy. I do like fairy tales and I do want just regular fairy tale (or at least inspired) anime. But well... first, I'd like to direct you to a response I've made as I got the same question as yours before:

Basically tl;dr of that post I guess, we're pretty much the few who actually care about this stuff...
...and stuff like Princess Tutu probably wouldn't be made today without cashing in on a trend. :(

But it's not just about having to attach the isekai moniker to an idea (i.e. fairy tales) we'd love to see more in anime. I also made this thread because I wanted to see some opinions. To quote a certain critic, I guess you could say I was craving...

And because it really feels like no one else in these bloody forums seem to have it, I felt like I had to prod some perspective out of the place by making a thread like this with such a clickbait-y title (sorry if you don't like it, I can understand). It just seemed like a more productive way of spending my time instead of just constantly complaining about every new "different" isekai anime adaptation coming out these days without any actual discourse. I also want to try making an isekai story of my own sometime, since it seems like that's the only thing that people are interested in these days and it feels better to make a story I'd like with an element/genre that I'd like to tweak with instead of constantly waiting for a real change to happen.
Sorry if that sounds weird, I know I'm weird and have weird ideas and it's like 2 am here rn what the hell am I doing still up—

What better way to start off an isekai topic than with a GIF adapted from an isekai novel? I do love that author.
Couldn't resist XD
I've rewatched the movie again recently and even started reading the book again for the third time. The movie's so different from the book......

Don't remind me. It especially annoys me that these anime bear little resemblance to any video games I've played. Dragon Quest may be popular, but it's not Japan's only bestseller! Why not a steampunk or space opera isekai? Or inspired by another medieval fantasy such as Zelda or Ys? Magic Knight Rayearth still stands out from today's isekai even with its game-esque setting.
I agree with you on this so much

From the author of The Hunger Games we have The Underland Chronicles. A boy falls through a hole behind the washing machine in his NYC apartment, discovering a secret underground civilization replete with prophecies and talking animals.
Never heard of it before. Maybe I should consider reading that...

After much thought, I eventually posted the following in another topic.
Sounds like a good idea, don't know anything quite like it though
man! Didnt your fingers are hurting a little I mean you type a lot, I respect about this
Jul 2, 2021 7:33 AM

Jan 2021
I dont hate iskeai but am annoyed, how there are so many isekai animes this season.
Jul 2, 2021 8:44 AM

Jul 2020
The only isekai I can think of that I would consider myself to be a fan of is Narnia, and that's not even an anime. I think what I love about how Narnia does it, though, comes from two elements it has:

1. Narnia and the real world aren't completely separated from each other. There is travel between the two worlds, which I find makes it far more more interesting.

2. It doesn't rely on a gimmick to be interesting. I really don't like how most isekais are like, "Oh, a person gets transported to another world, except this time [insert gimmick here]!" I think they capture my attention more when they don't rely on gimmicks and instead make it interesting through other means.

"Truth is always a cruel thing."

Jul 2, 2021 11:22 AM

Sep 2020
1) A very curious protagonist (like Sam from Lord of the Rings)
2) Middle Earth World (J.R.R Tolkien)
3) He starts the anime inside of the alternative world
4) He lives happy in the fantasy world. And then, the curiosity makes him go to the forbidden zones of the Middle Earth and a powerful wizard tells him that this places are dangerous because there's a truth that should not be revealed. The stubborn protagonist keep making questions, and the wizard tells him about that this places are the access to the real world. A very dystopic one (like the presented in the Matrix). For that reason, people are put in coma when they born and the brains are connected to a big system that controls the Middle Earth World. Now, the protagonist and his friends need to arrive to the center zone of the alternative world in order to wake up in the real world.
5) The real world is presented as a dystopia caused by the humanity evolution, the poblation since they born are transported to another world with no choice, anti-escapism message and how people react when they know that are living a lie.
6) A non Gary Stu's main protagonist, good focus on the secondary characters with every one of them with their own objective or motivations, no time travels, the way to get power ups is after beating an opponent and the wish of live in the real world.
7) No
8) Shounen.
9) Digimon Tamers (the only one).
Jul 2, 2021 11:34 AM

Sep 2020
I think if i had to make an isekai anime that i would give a high score (8+), i would give it the following traits? is that the word to use? anyways..

a) a protagonist that is actually the main focus, not the girls.
b) attractive waifus, but not make their attractiveness their entire personality.
c) at least one character on the main team that is the same-sex as the protagonist.
d) subtle comedy, but not to where it is called a "comedy" anime.
e) also don't make the comedy revolve around the girl's bodies.
f) i would like to not have any of the weird and overdone romance/ecchi tropes, like the groping, the falling into another character's arms and landing on top of them, etc.
g) they live happily in their fantasy world, and then a plot twist about it or something, i'm not good at making stories up or describing things.

it may seem like i hate ecchi anime from this description, i really don't, but sometimes it's a bit too much.

Jul 2, 2021 2:33 PM

Nov 2020
Usually I dislike isekai anime since they tend to be unimaginative and boring. Watch one and you've seen them all pretty much. Even those praised to be "not like the others" such as Mushoku Tensei or Re:Zero just end up being the same. Of course I don't immediately hate an anime simply for being isekai; I'm sure I would love a cute girls doing cute things slice of life isekai.
i use arch btw

Jul 14, 2021 1:52 PM

Dec 2018
Round four, sad over how many people don't read replies, late to the party, let's go...

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ImNOTAmOtaku said:
Fario-P said:
...well that went from 0 to 1000 got dark real quick...........

holy shit can you actually start writing this????? i'm sold on this
i'm serious, i probably might read this kind of traumatizing psychological story, good job.

Also, thank you for actually reading my thread's topic!!

kek, thanks for the appreciation, but unfortunately I'm really fucking bad at writing any kind of story (I tried some times and always gave up like, 1 or 2 chapter in, because it ended up being shit from the get go)
No problem!
And aw, hey man, I think you have some potential there. No one's ever amazing when they first start something, whether it's writing, cooking, drawing, etc... but that's why the tried-and-true old advice "practice makes perfect" is so popular! It really is just about writing more and more, and besides, just make sure you have fun with it and use some considerable valuable time thinking about it through so that the story makes sense. Please don't give up!

And besides, now is your chance to try and develop this idea, as MAL currently has a web novel writing contest that you could try entering!

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hazecloud said:
Do excuse me if I sound off topic because the really focus may just be about what can the new world that the main character who gets transported can experience?.
Dude, practically a QUARTER of these replies have been off-topic because no one on these forums ever reads the first post of a thread lol

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robinaa said:
man! Didnt your fingers are hurting a little I mean you type a lot, I respect about this
Nope, my fingers usually don't hurt and I often take long distractions aka YouTube videos breaks in between typing :P
Thanks for your concern though!

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mramirezh said:
1) A very curious protagonist (like Sam from Lord of the Rings)
2) Middle Earth World (J.R.R Tolkien)
3) He starts the anime inside of the alternative world
4) He lives happy in the fantasy world. And then, the curiosity makes him go to the forbidden zones of the Middle Earth and a powerful wizard tells him that this places are dangerous because there's a truth that should not be revealed. The stubborn protagonist keep making questions, and the wizard tells him about that this places are the access to the real world. A very dystopic one (like the presented in the Matrix). For that reason, people are put in coma when they born and the brains are connected to a big system that controls the Middle Earth World. Now, the protagonist and his friends need to arrive to the center zone of the alternative world in order to wake up in the real world.
5) The real world is presented as a dystopia caused by the humanity evolution, the poblation since they born are transported to another world with no choice, anti-escapism message and how people react when they know that are living a lie.
6) A non Gary Stu's main protagonist, good focus on the secondary characters with every one of them with their own objective or motivations, no time travels, the way to get power ups is after beating an opponent and the wish of live in the real world.
7) No
8) Shounen.
9) Digimon Tamers (the only one).
mangadere said:
I think if i had to make an isekai anime that i would give a high score (8+), i would give it the following traits? is that the word to use? anyways..

a) a protagonist that is actually the main focus, not the girls.
b) attractive waifus, but not make their attractiveness their entire personality.
c) at least one character on the main team that is the same-sex as the protagonist.
d) subtle comedy, but not to where it is called a "comedy" anime.
e) also don't make the comedy revolve around the girl's bodies.
f) i would like to not have any of the weird and overdone romance/ecchi tropes, like the groping, the falling into another character's arms and landing on top of them, etc.
g) they live happily in their fantasy world, and then a plot twist about it or something, i'm not good at making stories up or describing things.

it may seem like i hate ecchi anime from this description, i really don't, but sometimes it's a bit too much.
Sorry, I admit I don't have much to say towards either of you two's posts, even with how much effort you put into them...
...but I really just want to thank you two for actually reading my post ^__^

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asiank0ala said:
Of course I don't immediately hate an anime simply for being isekai; I'm sure I would love a cute girls doing cute things slice of life isekai.
I think that would be awesome too!!
Jul 15, 2021 3:22 PM
Dec 2019
[quote=Fario-P message=63829966]Round four, sad over how many people don't read replies, late to the party, let's go...

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ImNOTAmOtaku said:
Fario-P said:
...well that went from 0 to 1000 got dark real quick...........

holy shit can you actually start writing this????? i'm sold on this
i'm serious, i probably might read this kind of traumatizing psychological story, good job.

Also, thank you for actually reading my thread's topic!!

kek, thanks for the appreciation, but unfortunately I'm really fucking bad at writing any kind of story (I tried some times and always gave up like, 1 or 2 chapter in, because it ended up being shit from the get go)
No problem!
And aw, hey man, I think you have some potential there. No one's ever amazing when they first start something, whether it's writing, cooking, drawing, etc... but that's why the tried-and-true old advice "practice makes perfect" is so popular! It really is just about writing more and more, and besides, just make sure you have fun with it and use some considerable valuable time thinking about it through so that the story makes sense. Please don't give up!

And besides, now is your chance to try and develop this idea, as MAL currently has a web novel writing contest that you could try entering!

Fario-P said:
Round four, sad over how many people don't read replies, late to the party, let's go...

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ImNOTAmOtaku said:

kek, thanks for the appreciation, but unfortunately I'm really fucking bad at writing any kind of story (I tried some times and always gave up like, 1 or 2 chapter in, because it ended up being shit from the get go)
No problem!
And aw, hey man, I think you have some potential there. No one's ever amazing when they first start something, whether it's writing, cooking, drawing, etc... but that's why the tried-and-true old advice "practice makes perfect" is so popular! It really is just about writing more and more, and besides, just make sure you have fun with it and use some considerable valuable time thinking about it through so that the story makes sense. Please don't give up!

And besides, now is your chance to try and develop this idea, as MAL currently has a web novel writing contest that you could try entering!

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hazecloud said:
Do excuse me if I sound off topic because the really focus may just be about what can the new world that the main character who gets transported can experience?.
Dude, practically a QUARTER of these replies have been off-topic because no one on these forums ever reads the first post of a thread lol

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robinaa said:
man! Didnt your fingers are hurting a little I mean you type a lot, I respect about this
Nope, my fingers usually don't hurt and I often take long distractions aka YouTube videos breaks in between typing :P
Thanks for your concern though!

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mramirezh said:
1) A very curious protagonist (like Sam from Lord of the Rings)
2) Middle Earth World (J.R.R Tolkien)
3) He starts the anime inside of the alternative world
4) He lives happy in the fantasy world. And then, the curiosity makes him go to the forbidden zones of the Middle Earth and a powerful wizard tells him that this places are dangerous because there's a truth that should not be revealed. The stubborn protagonist keep making questions, and the wizard tells him about that this places are the access to the real world. A very dystopic one (like the presented in the Matrix). For that reason, people are put in coma when they born and the brains are connected to a big system that controls the Middle Earth World. Now, the protagonist and his friends need to arrive to the center zone of the alternative world in order to wake up in the real world.
5) The real world is presented as a dystopia caused by the humanity evolution, the poblation since they born are transported to another world with no choice, anti-escapism message and how people react when they know that are living a lie.
6) A non Gary Stu's main protagonist, good focus on the secondary characters with every one of them with their own objective or motivations, no time travels, the way to get power ups is after beating an opponent and the wish of live in the real world.
7) No
8) Shounen.
9) Digimon Tamers (the only one).
mangadere said:
I think if i had to make an isekai anime that i would give a high score (8+), i would give it the following traits? is that the word to use? anyways..

a) a protagonist that is actually the main focus, not the girls.
b) attractive waifus, but not make their attractiveness their entire personality.
c) at least one character on the main team that is the same-sex as the protagonist.
d) subtle comedy, but not to where it is called a "comedy" anime.
e) also don't make the comedy revolve around the girl's bodies.
f) i would like to not have any of the weird and overdone romance/ecchi tropes, like the groping, the falling into another character's arms and landing on top of them, etc.
g) they live happily in their fantasy world, and then a plot twist about it or something, i'm not good at making stories up or describing things.

it may seem like i hate ecchi anime from this description, i really don't, but sometimes it's a bit too much.
Sorry, I admit I don't have much to say towards either of you two's posts, even with how much effort you put into them...
...but I really just want to thank you two for actually reading my post ^__^

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asiank0ala said:
Of course I don't immediately hate an anime simply for being isekai; I'm sure I would love a cute girls doing cute things slice of life isekai.
I think that would be awesome too!!

Woah, that seems interesting, I definetly won’t participate, but this motivates me to go back info trying. Thanks for the incentive man!
Jul 25, 2021 5:17 PM
busy week =_+

Dec 2014
Fario-P said:
I think it's "part perceived genericity, part internalized anti-mainstreamism" for me too.
Though like I mentioned, Ascendance of a Bookworm is actually pretty good, and if you want an actual magical girl example and don't mind older recommendations, there's also Magic Knight Rayearth.

It's from the same creators of Cardcaptor Sakura (in fact MKR came out first). It's a much older isekai with a few of the typical RPG and modern-day-isekai tropes, with one character even pointing out how this new fantasy world they've just entered is a lot like a typical JRPG, but it's still a fun series that follows a fun main trio of characters on their journey. While I still haven't seen past the first episode of the anime, I can at least recommend you the original manga, which is pretty great.

Sorry, I'm just passing by when I saw this amazing poster (I thought it was a tsubasa chronicle fanart at first ngl lol). Can you tell me more about it? It has mecha tag in it. I don't really like mecha, but if it isn't centered around battles with giant robots or has too many scenes with giant robots, I might give it a try. Also, I really like the bubbly personality of that pink haired protag, from what I've seen of the trailer

CURRENT: semi-hiatus (busy)

Jul 25, 2021 5:21 PM

Dec 2018
Yumerei said:

Sorry, I'm just passing by when I saw this amazing poster (I thought it was a tsubasa chronicle fanart at first ngl lol). Can you tell me more about it? It has mecha tag in it. I don't really like mecha, but if it isn't centered around battles with giant robots or has too many scenes with giant robots, I might give it a try. Also, I really like the bubbly personality of that pink haired protag, from what I've seen of the trailer
Oh hello! Yeah, that really is an amazing piece of art, I agree!

Magic Knight Rayearth does have some mechas, but they honestly don't appear until the last few chapters. And even then there's not much mecha action—the whole story is more about these three girls going on an adventure to collect equipment and learn magic in the new world they've been thrown into, all before they can hope to save Cephiro and its princess. I haven't seen too much of the anime, but I heard it's fairly faithful to the original manga (aside from a few anime-original things like an exclusive character); and I can guarantee you that the original Magic Knight Rayearth manga is a hell of a good time, not just for an isekai manga! I hope you give it a read sometime!!

And yes, this series is indeed made by the creators of Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle! This series is indeed where Mokona comes from!!
Jul 26, 2021 12:11 AM
busy week =_+

Dec 2014
Fario-P said:
Yumerei said:

Sorry, I'm just passing by when I saw this amazing poster (I thought it was a tsubasa chronicle fanart at first ngl lol). Can you tell me more about it? It has mecha tag in it. I don't really like mecha, but if it isn't centered around battles with giant robots or has too many scenes with giant robots, I might give it a try. Also, I really like the bubbly personality of that pink haired protag, from what I've seen of the trailer
Oh hello! Yeah, that really is an amazing piece of art, I agree!

Magic Knight Rayearth does have some mechas, but they honestly don't appear until the last few chapters. And even then there's not much mecha action—the whole story is more about these three girls going on an adventure to collect equipment and learn magic in the new world they've been thrown into, all before they can hope to save Cephiro and its princess. I haven't seen too much of the anime, but I heard it's fairly faithful to the original manga (aside from a few anime-original things like an exclusive character); and I can guarantee you that the original Magic Knight Rayearth manga is a hell of a good time, not just for an isekai manga! I hope you give it a read sometime!!

And yes, this series is indeed made by the creators of Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle! This series is indeed where Mokona comes from!!

Thank you so much for the info! It does sound like something I would enjoy, and the personalities of the girls make it even better haha. I didn't know Mokona came from a different series! I always thought Mokona was an original character of Tsubasa Chronicle and xxxHolic lol. So even the mascot comes from elsewhere XD.

CURRENT: semi-hiatus (busy)

Jul 26, 2021 2:12 AM

May 2019
I really used to against isekai as a genre especially the one that adapted from LN and typically show up in the seasonals. Gladly I could love one and any recommendation that similar to this one is welcomed.

Jul 26, 2021 2:17 AM
Jul 2018
Too long didn't read. Anyways, as of now, Ima, soko ni Iru Boku is the only isekai that I found to be good.
Jul 26, 2021 2:24 AM
May 2009
It depends on the type of Isekai Fantasy.
Is it a power fantasy, a sex fantasy, a struggle fantasy, kingdom building, trade or speciality fantasy.

There is so many types.

I personally enjoy alot of different genres of Isekai.

Some of my favs are just cooking fantasy, like Isekai Shokudou.
Tensei no Slime is a Power + Kingdom Building fantasy.
Re Zero: Struggle fantasy.

Isekai also doesn't need to be fantasy, it can time travel or parallel worlds. Like Youjou Senki set in what is world war 1 period or Isekai no Seikishi where Mechas and Matriarchies are considered the norm (Though this was kinda a harem Sex fantasy)

I don't think there is a great Isekai. just Isekais that are well written than later animated.
After all there are also bad isekais out there. that some how got animated.
Jul 26, 2021 2:30 AM

Feb 2010
honestly people like to try and shit on isekai, but they might as well just hate on any genre.
Isekai has been around longer then we've called it isekai.

alice and wonderland, dante inferno, narnia, etc are all technically isekai.
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

Jul 26, 2021 2:47 AM

May 2018
hazarddex said:
they might as well just hate on any genre.

People do that every day - hating on battle shounen (I am guilty of that too), mecha, CGDCT, daily life, harem ect ect.
Hating on isekai is not a new form of discrimination towards anime products.

hazarddex said:
alice and wonderland, dante inferno, narnia, etc are all technically isekai.

And why people are not hating of those? (Tho personally I didn't liked the Narnia books and never watched the movies).
How about "the hating" having something to do with how those are executed? Like there are decently executed isekai shows (Tanya, Konosuba...) but the most of them are simply milking the trend thus not worthy of our attention.
Jul 26, 2021 3:49 AM

Sep 2008
What kind of main character would you make in your own isekai story?
one I can relate to, it doesn't have to be "literally me" but it mustn't be a peace is best type or character or a blank selfinsert.
What kind of world will the story take place? What world-building—lore, mythos, magic system, prophecies, society, culture, etc—will you interweave into the setting?
NOT medieval, NOT videogame mechanics, NO magic.
How will you have the main character transported to this other world?
doesn't really matter.
What kind of story/plot/conflicts will the main character be part of? Is there a quest of any kind?
no clue, probably some conspiring forces. I keep my ideas for myself.
What will you do in your own isekai story (ies) that will make it stand out from the rest and make it more palatable for fellow isekai-distrusters?
I don't care about mass appeal. if you try to appeal to everybody you will make everyone turn away instead. I will do what I like, similar minds will enjoy it all the same.
What typical isekai tropes/genre tags would you avoid, or even embrace?
I'd avoid every single isekai thing because all of them are at fault.
Would you parody the whole genre and the whole ridiculousness that comes with it?
no, I'd make something entirely different and new. konosuba already did the parody, it was done well.
Do you have a target demographic in mind for your isekai story (ies)?
those who don't want any medieval stuff anymore? I think
Are there any isekai anime/manga that you actually like? Will you use them as inspiration(s) for your own isekai work(s)?
yes. the latest was mushoku tensei, others include the dunbine ovas, re:Zero, drifters, cautious hero, no game no life, and konosuba.
I wouldn't use any of them as a base.

my main problem with isekai is that it doesn't matter at all where the mc came from, so putting him in a different world doesn't do anything. the closest to what I have in mind is dr stone. but I wouldn't follow that either it's also not isekai. what I want to see is the mc to solve things with his earth knowledge, doing earth stuff. I also don't want videogame mechanics because it's just tiring. I personally can't stand medieval settings so it must be future stuff. magic leads to asspulls, so I'd avoid it completely. if I include "magic", it'd be something within laws with simple to follow rules that restrict it so nobody is op. you'll have to find creative uses for it but it'll be impossible to abuse.
馬鹿げた倫理 全部ガラクタで
Jul 26, 2021 4:03 AM

Sep 2008
Judevin said:
My favorite isekai? Uhhhh, I definitely like Bookworm and Konosuba.

I think my isekai would be something very desolate, a melancholic, depressing story.

Something like a person gets transported to another world, where the world is completely dead, reclaimed by nature (think Nier Automata's world), and the person just roams the land and finds out what happened and each time they find a clue, hope rises that they'll find people. Only to find the last message that says something like "There are no humans left" and then the story ends with the person sitting down next to a cliff or something, planning their suicide.

An episodic series where the events leading up to the extinction are shown with the protagonist just serving as a walking catalyst to trigger those events.

Like I want an isekai where the isekai world ISN'T better than their original life as most isekai show.

have you seen casshern sins? it's not isekai, there are no humans, but the rest checks out.
馬鹿げた倫理 全部ガラクタで
Aug 25, 2021 4:04 PM

Dec 2018
bump, i changed the title to a more accurate one instead of clickbait today, hope you all are happy now

Aug 25, 2021 7:56 PM
Jan 2018
I would make one similar to Twelve Kingdoms in writing style. Namely having a well fleshed out world properly without endless exposition and info dumping. Namely using the very risky but incredibly immersive world building it uses through providing next to no exposition or explanations for the characters or viewer for a good portion of the show until it's actually appropriate contextually whilst making the protagonist far more interesting through NOT being the standard Kirito-esque self insert and prioritising on their growth/maturity as they actually come to terms with a lot of things about their lives.

That or something similar to Sousou no Frieren which isn't an isekai but uses a very standard fantasy world in a unique way.
Aug 25, 2021 7:57 PM
Jun 2020
well i hate the genre with all my passion, but here's a "realistic" approach

average joe gets reincarnated, has an existential crisis because he wants to go back to his world, does not give a shit whenever he has a "cool power 2 0 0 0" or a 4096234069238 women harem and as he can't "go back", he kills himself
Nissan 350Z
Aug 31, 2021 11:07 AM
Jul 2018
Simple, you just don't make any isekai.
Aug 31, 2021 11:49 AM

Jun 2016
You can't actually change the isekai setting as it's gonna be the same no matter what as if you do it it becomes something else with isekai setting, most isekai work on the basic principal of MC being dumb or broken from the beginning with lovabale waifus and quest and missions to fulfill, take away any of these they are still isekai with few alterations and take it all away it is not an isekai.

Take shounen for example it is always made with 4 general thing MC, His dumb ass friends, A villain and a power system and most revolves around them and shounen is also hated but not as much as isekai, why because shounen tends to change settings a bit and make it more watchable, like from writing people's name in certain black note book to kill TO fighting ninjas to killing Demons, see all this have alterations but with isekai no matter how you change A MC powering up and collecting waifu to fight enemies is all there is and it's predictable, the reason i love knosuba as it fuckin trash on that same genre as MC is fuckin dumb and all girls are fuckin trash they are not compatible, even the all powerful goddess is useless in most instances and all those demon lords are stupid, it just work on stupid comedy that's it.

The hate for isekai is because there is too damn much of these out right now and they are all predictable.
Also Isekai are the most Self Insert and that's the reason it's so fuckin popular in japan as most men are living alone, not dating and they just imagine these setting so they just love it, ffs their birth rate is declining and no is willing to date.

If you want to read something

Oshi no ko

2023 might be the year where I will be happy. This year is not happy year.
Sep 1, 2021 2:25 PM

Nov 2019
You have Spice and Wolf, Sousou no Frieren as example.
Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Helpppppp!

Sep 7, 2021 7:28 PM

Dec 2020
Well, in the months since I originally posted here, I have since written and published an isekai webnovel, lol. So I'd definitely just make an adaptation of that (or rather, I'd hope someone else would faithfully adapt it and give me some sort of creative control)

What kind of main character would you make in your own isekai story? Well, Jackie's sorta a normal person, which I suppose is the standard for most isekai, lol. I mean, I think she's much less "heroic" than most isekai protags, since she cries and flees from danger quite often, lol

What kind of world will the story take place? What world-building—lore, mythos, magic system, prophecies, society, culture, etc—will you interweave into the setting? The world it takes place in is a parallel dimension to ours, where demons and magic run wild. I kept stuff like culture and lore purposefully vague, since I'm not great at writing them, lol. The world does have a slight theatre theme though. The magic system is that everyone has a unique magical ability, kinda like a heavily watered-down version of JoJo Stands, and that fantasy beings that come to our world die on the spot. Normal humans from our world can channel demons based on their "original characters" and transform into them, although it does come with a cost...

How will you have the main character transported to this other world? She gets spirited away by a witch in order to save the other world from evil

What kind of story/plot/conflicts will the main character be part of? Well, there's a fairly standard love triangle (although it is complicated a bit by the protagonist essentially being two people at once, one of whom isn't even interested in the triangle)... Of course there's fighting evil. But the main one is trying to come to terms with herself and why she agreed to help save the world, as long as trying not to lose control of the alternate persona that inhabits her body. It's... complicated, lol

What will you do in your own isekai story (ies) that will make it stand out from the rest and make it more palatable for fellow isekai-distrusters? Well, honestly, I think I probably played Two Beings, Or Not Two Beings? a little "safe". I mean, sure the theatre theming and alternate personas are unique gimmicks I guess, but I probably made it a fairly standard isekai in every other sense of the word, lol

What typical isekai tropes/genre tags would you avoid, or even embrace?
Would you parody the whole genre and the whole ridiculousness that comes with it? I made "mary sues" a plot point in-universe, and they deconstructed the OP isekai protagonist archetype. I played pretty much every other trope straight though. I even included the kind of cringey fanservice that I hate in other anime/manga, because why not aim for every demographic? I don't like it personally, but I'm sure someone else will

Do you have a target demographic in mind for your isekai story (ies)? Well, the MAL x Honeyfeed contest rules said to make the novel suitable for people aged 13 and up, so that's my demographic, I guess, lol

Apparently, there's now a movie with Ryan Reynolds that somewhat resembles the plot outline I gave in my first post here? IDK, haven't seen it, lol. I guess it's true what they say: There's no such thing as an original idea, lol
My greatest contribution to this website:
Sep 7, 2021 10:42 PM
Jul 2018
1) A series where the main character is brought to a world that has met its end with a few survivors and he has to find artifacts to try and find out what happened.
2) Not really an isekai idea but: if the protagonist dies and is reborn as their newborn brother or a relative’s newborn
3) All the top chefs are brought to a world where the king of demons wants the best chef to cook for him so they do intense cooking battles to see who would be #1. Also since it’s related to this to, that same idea but with basketball. The king of a country wants to see the best basketball team to represent his country so they do tournaments to see who is the best. With the sports idea, it would be random players with random difficulty so it would be harder for teamwork. With both ideas though, there is no protagonist and we would get aspects from all the teams and chefs so that way there isn’t a clear winner and the result of losing is death.
Sep 8, 2021 11:31 AM

Mar 2021
My problem with modern day Isekais is that all the MC are boring brunette males that lock themselves in their rooms and have zero respect for women and the fact that Isekais are mostly harems and the female characters are terribly written with their only goal being the MC girlfriend. It’s such a unique genre that has had good shows but mostly bad than good.
Sep 8, 2021 11:40 AM

Aug 2017
People are too harsh, isekai isn't even that bad.
All weebs creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by western animation. You will no longer know hunger, nor pain. Your Anime have come to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom. And the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their western animation ways… For you, there will be great wrath.
Sep 8, 2021 11:42 AM

May 2016
- Main character is transported to another world.
- That world happens to be Middle-Earth!
- MC is Frodo!
- MC is excited because he loves Lord of the Rings!
- ...although he hasn't read the books or seen the movies in over a decade...
- He tries to use his knowledge of the story to cheese the story...
- ...and dies...
- ...and starts all over at the beginning with Gandalf's call to adventure...
- ...many, many times...
- Will our idiot MC be able to successfully take the One Ring to the Crack of Doom using half-remembered knowledge of the story?
- Or will he be caught in an endless cycle of failure?

This glorious signature image was created by @Mayumi!

I am the Arbiter of Absolute Truth, and here is my wisdom:

"Anime was always influenced by the West. This is not news.
Shoujo is the superior genre primarily aimed at young people.
Harem/isekai are lazy genres that refuse any meaningful innovation.
There is no 'Golden Age.' There will always be top-shelf anime.
You should be watching Carole & Tuesday."
Sep 8, 2021 1:34 PM
Jul 2018
Truck-kun runs over hikikomori,
End of story.
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