Sound! Euphonium (light novel)
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Dec 28, 2016 10:23 PM
A really emotional finale. Kumiko has become so expressive since the first season and it's wonderful to see but also so saddening. Asuka was on and off for me throughout the series but this ep she was much more endearing and likable. I loved seeing her trying to cheer up Kumiko. It was really sweet and made me feel happy yet immensely depressed that this was it. Sad to see the series finish but also glad that it had a conclusive ending. Oh and that title drop though. Top notch. Goodbye Hibike! Euphonium. I will always remember the warm Yuri bait and glorious art that you gave me. |
Dec 28, 2016 11:37 PM
A beautiful finale to such a beautiful series. I must admit I was hoping to see Kumiko confessing to Shuichi but it's okay. As long as it's confirmed in the novels, it's fine. Would we be lucky to see that scene in an OVA or something? I didn't like Asuka much but I did like her in this episode. I liked her scene with Kumiko. |
Dec 29, 2016 12:02 AM
You have to be an edgelord elitist with a heart of stone to even think everything that they went through is "forced drama" or whatever buzzwords out there to make yourself cool. Hibike is up there in Kyoani's already stellar track record. Yes, I don't regret nor ashamed in saying that they are the top studio out there not just in animation, but in their directing and storytelling. |
I wish Cowboy Bebop never existed. |
Dec 29, 2016 12:10 AM
QQ It's over! It was a rather long goodbye type of ending for the series altogether, but that's fine. That was a rather nice way to do the title drop after all this time. shanimebib said: I don't see how it connects... those series are immensely chill, especially Aria and Tamayura, nothing like Euphonium, which is basically a JK psychology goldmine filled with drama.redtailrav said: OMG! I watch ARIA and Tamayura from time to time as well. I have added Non Non Biyori to that list and now I have Hibike! Euphonium as well. :)HE is a show I'll watch multiple times the way I have the seasons of Aria and Tamayura. 🎺 Reina did her trumpet solo again for the send-off. (What the hell, there wasn't any Reina screen-time this episode! i'm gonna flip a table!) People still going on with the yuri-bait lol... I will indeed remember this series for it's outstanding art and use of lens effects to really add a new layer of depth. KyoAni has been one to do this in the past (like with focal blurs and bloom in Haruhi etc), but they really nailed it this time. Complete with soap-bubble boke(bokeh), which is something intrinsic to only select Meyer-Optik and imitating Pentax lenses alike from decades ago... I will also always remember the fact that they somehow managed to achieve something special: ordinary girls, who're ALL unconditionally beautiful and adorable. They're all so normal and yet all so cute... GG reality. |
GenesisAriaDec 29, 2016 12:18 AM
❀桜舞う空〜 Cute is Power. 🔗CosmoGenesis Project AraOto ep06 @ 11:59 “Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” “A truth seeker has no patience for BS.” I seek only to improve myself and others. |
Dec 29, 2016 1:03 AM
Finally end, my favorite anime from Fall 2016 This season of Hibike Euphonium has been a really beautiful ride. Kumiko's development is the real thing on this season. This episode really ends this series, right ;_; ?? Beautiful animation, good directing and storytelling, and solid chara development are what I like from Hibike S2. Especially Kumiko, I love her very much but next week, can't see her anymore T_T... Now play "Koikogarete Mita Yume" ending song from Cross Game and cry a lot ;_;. Solid 5/5 for this episode and 9/10 for a whole series Gonna miss the series ;_; |
Dec 29, 2016 1:11 AM
Count me among the people who were relieved that Kumiko persisted in her insistence that Shuuichi is a good friend but that she has no romantic feelings for him. Seems fitting for a show about friendship to have childhood friends remain friends. He'll get over his romantic feelings for her eventually and when he does she'll truly have her friend back. She has been quite patient with him despite non of her friends giving her support by believing her when she explains their situation to them. Pity that her friends can't take that hint and stop meddling but that too shall pass. Maybe Kumiko should be even more insistent with them as well and perhaps she should call Shuuichi out an openly tell him that she appreciates his love but that she can't reciprocate his feelings. Hers is not a romantic attachment to him. She can accept his belated birthday present as just that. A gift for her birth day from a long time friend. A token of his love regardless of her own feelings not being the same as his. Until the movie at least and that won't really count any more than the novels... Not completely satisfied but not as bad as it could have been. A girl in one of the couples appeared to be receiving a second button from one of the graduating boys. Perhaps a bit of real romance confirmed in the background. Bonds secured beyond graduation. Some girls seemed sadly resigned that the third year's graduation meant a permanent split. I hope I misunderstood that one. Not for all the girls but for those two certainly. |
removed-userDec 29, 2016 1:16 AM
Dec 29, 2016 1:18 AM
straggy said: Kougeru said: straggy said: Um mate, literally what? If it didn't happen in the anime, IT'S NOT CANON IN THE ANIME. An adaptation is a separate entity. Just because it ~*~happened in the novel~*~ doesn't make it canon in the anime... especially because Kyoani purposely skipped it lmfao. Also did you even watch the ep? Kumiko says outright that she doesn't like Shuichi that way..... How in denial can you get? Guess you didn't look at her face. Or understand her personality. The fact that she even accepted it means a lot in Japanese culture. Don't push your anger about her being straight onto me. The only reason it was cut from the anime is because it wasn't relevant to the main story (and was done poorly in the source to begin with). It would've felt rushed and out of no where if she just admitted it now when he had almost no screen time. The anime stuck to the source solidly so there's no reason to assume it's not canon just because they didn't show it. Kumiko and Reina not being a thing however is 100% confirmed so people need to get over that and stop pushing their fantasies. Official art work from KyoAni at least suggests it stayed canon. When did I say I was angry? Kumiko says repeatedly throughout the show that she doesn't like Shuuichi lmao. It's wild that straight anime fans will say gay couples aren't canon unless they confess, get married, buy a house, get three pets, and kiss twelve times, but a straight "couple" can barely interact and even explicitly say they're not into each other and people will scream "canon". Mate... If they specifically skipped the scene then it didn't happen... They literally showed recap shots when they could've stuck in your lameass canon straights scene... So you need to get over it and stop pushing your fantasies. Hahahahaha. Asuka won Kumiko's heart! Who are Reina and Shuuichi? |
Dec 29, 2016 2:59 AM
A great show : _ so many good supporting characters with background story and development. They have their own personality. They played their part in the story. We can all say how they are and what they did. The best example is Yuuko who went from being just an annoying Kaori fan-girl to become someone who cares for others like Mizore and Reina, who makes fun of herself and her fan-girling, accept meritocracy, was funny to watch quarreling with Natsuki and became club's president. Mizore, Haruka, Reina, Schuuichi, Asuka, Aoi, Mamiko, Natsuki, Nozomi, Midori, Taki-sensei, Hazuki, Kaori ... I know them all. That's great writing. _ Voice acting was stellar, I'm in love/admiration. For me it was one of the best selling point of Hibike and I'm not speaking about one or two performances but about the whole cast. I can't remember a show that impressed me that much on this matter (except maybe "Seto no Hayanome" but it's a comedy, so it's a totally different performance). _ art was Kyoani level : very high. Not one ugly character though, so much for realism :) I've read that Takeda herself, the novelist, was a bit shocked as she saw Shuuichi for the first time. He wasn't supposed to be that handsome. _ A great lovable main character : Kumiko, with her flaws but also with a big heart that brought her to be more honest with herself and others and finally to be happier. In the end she reconciled with her sister, she is definitely a part of the band with interaction with many members, she got two great friendships with Reina and Asuka and she will probably keep on seeing the last one, that's how I interpreted the "no farewell". The most annoying things with Hibike was probably not in the show itself : _ these people seeing Yuri everywhere. Some even now saying Kumiko x Asuka has sailed!?!? Good joke! What about the incest ship in episode 12 then? ha ha ha! _ these people seeing Yuri bait everywhere and reducing this show to that. Though I was happy to read that other people "got it" and appreciate the show the way I did. For me Kyoani redeemed themselves with Hibike! after not so good choices. When they pick up good material and direct correctly : the result is more than great. Even if it's not perfect, in many aspects Hibike might become a reference, at least for me. I still hope for a Tamako-like OVA. If they want, they can. We'll see. PS : Natsuki best girl!!!!!!! PPS : episode 12 was the best. |
Dec 29, 2016 3:18 AM
Ysad_Ziwezhan said: I did as well, I think what was expressed at that moment was Asuka and Kumiko's intention to try to stay in touch and not let Asuka's graduation get in the way of their newly established friendship and understanding. *Kumiko, ... , she got two great friendships with Reina and Asuka and she will probably keep on seeing the last one, that's how I interpreted the "no farewell". I'm not sure if that intent was clear with some of the other characters saying their goodbyes to their retiring friends and very close companions. I'm not sure how much significance can be attached to Asuka handing over of her notebook. Is Asuka done with those compositions and handing them over to her apprentice or does letting go of that notebook mean that Asuka gave up on music entirely. I certainly hope it isn't the latter interpretation. and I am sincere in that comment even though I think Oumae Kumiko is as straight as a rainbow. |
removed-userDec 29, 2016 4:10 AM
Dec 29, 2016 3:35 AM
It was...ok. I didn't feel the characters as much as other people did, it probably is my subjective problem, I just couldn't connect with them. I did like the sisters' scenes. Not an anime I will remember much of in the future, that's for sure. |
Dec 29, 2016 4:06 AM
I'm kinda disappointed. I liked this last episode but the second season itself wasn't that good. I mean that the show could have been one of my favorite musical anime and one of Kyo Ani best shows, but no. Good points: - many likeable and interesting characters (when you start watching season 1) - very good art (chara-design, backgrounds, light effects, musical instruments...) - an interesting story about a band who wasn't eagger to work hard at first but really do their best - Kumiko's evolution through out the show. Although she didn't really do anything during Mizore's arc, she opened herself to Asuka and her sister - Shuuichi's behaviour: that's sad he barely got screentime but he was the main reason of the Oumae sisters reconciliation (#bestguy) - the musical performances: I think it was a mistake not showing their last performance in episode 12 (although they play Cressent Moon Dance in episode 13), they shouldn't have shown it in episode 5. But in both seasons I liked the musical performances. In season 2 I really liked "Treasure Island" with Haruka's solo and the performance of the third years in episode 13 -> the same music from the really first PV of Hibike! Euphonium, I'm sure some of you remember it ;) - Yuuko becomes more likeable in season 2. Bad points: - the yuri bait which ruins the show. Kyo Ani is known for pleasing fans but if there weren't Kumiko X Reina fans they could have focused on other characters: Asuka's friends (Haruka and Kaori), Kumiko's friend (Hazuki and Sapphire), and also Shuuichi who was clearly the best character of the show but didn't get much screentime because Kyo Ani knew it wouldn't please to Kumiko X Reina fans (curse you!). - forced/exagerrated drama especially in season 2 with Mizore's arc but also in Asuka's arc (although this one was interesting) - Reina's character: she was ok in season one (although I disliked the yuri bait) but in season 2 she is the most annoying. She's haughty, she doesn't care about others' problems but she is the one loosing focus because of her love for Taki. She's acting like an adult but she's the most childish character of the show (Kumiko get angry about Asuka about how she's acting like an adult but someone should have told Reina about her behaviour too). To be short, according to me it could have been a great musical show about a brass band club, with good characters and good performances but because of the stupid yuri bait and the overdone drama I can't bring myself to give more than a 6/10 (maybe 7/10 if I want to be nice) to this series. :/ |
Dec 29, 2016 4:39 AM
KyoAni once again proves animu is saved..Damn I'm gonna miss this show this didn't feel like a series finale more like a season finale I hope we get a season 3 but who knows. Episode was simply beautiful I didn't cry but man I got a bit emotional especially during Asuka and Kumiko scene which probably one of my favorite scenes in the entire series.I absolutely love how their relationship changed throughout the series Kumiko admitted she found her annoying to the point of hatred but now she just loves her and admires her.And especially loved how Kumiko's play resembles Asuka to the point students thought she was Asuka. Honestly people who whine about no KumikoXReina are...I don't know acting kinda immature? I mean it was SO obvious this was all just Yuri bait for yuri fanboys and fangirls I don't remember which episode but as soon as we found out Reina is in love with her teacher I knew it was over. My problems are very limited.1st I'm still a bit salty over how they skipped the final performence even though it was a loss.They could've made it a 30 min long episode and include the performance.The drama was on point most of the time though Mizore's arc felt like it was a tiny bit exaggerated.I still think there's a forced romance going on between Kumiko and Shuuichi . Overall this was an enjoyable ride one of my favorite works from KyoAni and I am really going to miss it.This gets an easy 8/10 from me... |
Dec 29, 2016 4:41 AM
George_Alfaruq said: Very good! I really want to see the Kumiko x Shuichi happen it is canon after all. Yeah, in the manga. The anime stands as its own thing in this case and the staff gets to do what it wishes. Alternative character interpretation and all that. But hey, now we have two versions of a story and a cast of characters we love (a la FMA) so I´m happy. |
Dec 29, 2016 4:47 AM
Today is a sad day, ended this pearl of KyoAni. The KyoAni, has been able to give some good feelings in this his last work. Episode in which it became known "packaging" a nice ending. The graphics were superb and the characters have been well characterized, the only regret is that they have not been able to exploit all the characters that were in the cast, although they were minor figures. Perhaps in this second season, something is missing the first, but in the same way, the first season that instead there is something missing in this second season. I want a third season, even more grandiose. My vote is 8.75/10 shanimebib said: Kecoaganteng said: anyone knows the instrumental title song from the third-years performance? The title is called "Starting the project". Thank you very much, even from me. ;) |
Dec 29, 2016 5:05 AM
Is there any chance that we will see that "skipped part" in the next OVA?? Hibike Euphonium Love Story maybe? And, i dont understand why Kumiko blushing when Shuuichi said that he didnt tell anyone about his gift to Kumiko, can someone here explain to me? |
Dec 29, 2016 6:28 AM
VersoSciolto said: Count me among the people who were relieved that Kumiko persisted in her insistence that Shuuichi is a good friend but that she has no romantic feelings for him. Seems fitting for a show about friendship to have childhood friends remain friends. He'll get over his romantic feelings for her eventually and when he does she'll truly have her friend back. She has been quite patient with him despite non of her friends giving her support by believing her when she explains their situation to them. Pity that her friends can't take that hint and stop meddling but that too shall pass. Maybe Kumiko should be even more insistent with them as well and perhaps she should call Shuuichi out an openly tell him that she appreciates his love but that she can't reciprocate his feelings. Hers is not a romantic attachment to him. She can accept his belated birthday present as just that. A gift for her birth day from a long time friend. A token of his love regardless of her own feelings not being the same as his. Um, you do realize that things are different in the novels, which are the original source, right? I think Kumiko is just being Kumiko. She was never honest with herself or the others, so why would this be different? I think she did like Shuichi when they were younger but got mad at him for calling her ugly in front of people. Their relationship became strained ever since. However, I do think that she still likes him even if she's trying to deny it. There are some hints even if they're subtle. Well, I don't mind that they didn't add that part in the anime but I'm happy to know that it's canon in the novels. |
Dec 29, 2016 6:47 AM
HatsumiShinogu said: Were you at all curious what I might have meant with the next sentence in my comment?Um, you do realize that things are different in the novels,... "Until the movie at least and that won't really count any more than the novels..." I think "anime" Kumiko likes Shuuichi as a friend, as someone who has been her neighbour and the son of her mother's friend for as long as she can remember. I think she is actually quite honest and off the cuff in a number of situations and I consider her comments to her new friends -that she really wants to remain friends with him- sincere. I've also had the impression for a while now that Shuuichi has always been the one to initiate their interactions even before the start of the series. She went along with him and Mamiko and tolerated him. Sometimes it was fun. Sometimes just a pain in the neck and she just went along with it. Kumiko even ran her mother's errants to invite him to dinner when his own mother was unavailable but that was until he called her ugly. Straw meet camel's back. He was unapologetic about that and pulled similar stunts since then. They get along again now. Sorta. I hope she finds someone else -to be quite honest- even though part of her change is accepting to be thankful for what she has that doesn't mean she should settle for the first guy she ever sorta got along with. Or girl. She became infatuated with Reina and I would consider it rather sad if she started dating Shuuichi on the rebound. He can be useful at times but so is a remote control. One thing is for sure. Kumiko is not required to date Shuuichi just because he is in love with her. |
removed-userDec 29, 2016 7:25 AM
Dec 29, 2016 7:25 AM
To be honest, for me this season only catch up to the quality of the first season by episode 7 or 8. By then the dramas and relation ships got great again, but I felt the episode 12 and 13 were kinda anticlimactic, they should have done more of a big deal of the nacional competition, we didn't even see they perform or their rivals performance. If that's how it was supposed to because of the source material, than this part it is flawed from the very start. Now putting that aside, the relationship between characters and all their development were shown greatly on the last episode, not the best in the season but still great! I'm sill wondering if the kumiko confession at the end was in a friendship or lover level lol. Let me ship! When it's the new season coming out, the ending with the show name being show was amazing, don't tell me the show ended ;-; P.s I hated Yuri on ice because all of the shipping, but I have just realized that hibike it's the same but with girls haha even thou I, myself, whatcha this for the music and the drama... not the ships. |
Dec 29, 2016 8:00 AM
VersoSciolto said: HatsumiShinogu said: Were you at all curious what I might have meant with the next sentence in my comment?Um, you do realize that things are different in the novels,... "Until the movie at least and that won't really count any more than the novels..." I think "anime" Kumiko likes Shuuichi as a friend, as someone who has been her neighbour and the son of her mother's friend for as long as she can remember. I think she is actually quite honest and off the cuff in a number of situations and I consider her comments to her new friends -that she really wants to remain friends with him- sincere. I've also had the impression for a while now that Shuuichi has always been the one to initiate their interactions even before the start of the series. She went along with him and Mamiko and tolerated him. Sometimes it was fun. Sometimes just a pain in the neck and she just went along with it. Kumiko even ran her mother's errants to invite him to dinner when his own mother was unavailable but that was until he called her ugly. Straw meet camel's back. He was unapologetic about that and pulled similar stunts since then. They get along again now. Sorta. I hope she finds someone else -to be quite honest- even though part of her change is accepting to be thankful for what she has that doesn't mean she should settle for the first guy she ever sorta got along with. Or girl. She became infatuated with Reina and I would consider it rather sad if she started dating Shuuichi on the rebound. He can be useful at times but so is a remote control. One thing is for sure. Kumiko is not required to date Shuuichi just because he is in love with her. I don't think it was that much of a chore for Kumiko to deal with Shuichi as you described. You make it sound as if she "had" to deal with him and went along with it because she was kind of forced to be friends with him. And is it a problem if Shuichi is the one who initiated their interactions? Yes, he wanted a chance to talk to the girl he likes. I don't see where the problem is. If Kumiko didn't like it, she would have made it clear and she kind of did. Shuichi kind of distanced himself from her after that, right? It means that he didn't annoy her or pushed her to accept his feelings. He just let things be. I think it was pretty obvious that Kumiko wasn't happy when Hazuki told her that she likes Shuichi and that she's planning to confess. If that doesn't mean that she was jealous, then I wonder what does it mean. I definitely don't think Kumiko dating Shuichi is a rebound as there was nothing between her and Reina to begin with. Reina was in love with Taki-sensei the whole time. Shuichi does love Kumiko but that doesn't mean that she accepted to date him because of that. She has feelings for him too even if that wasn't "too" obvious in the anime. Too bad KyoAni pushed the Reina-Kumiko thing too far that a lot of the fans started to believe it'll happen which wasn't going to happen anyway. I wouldn't like it myself if Kumiko went along with it just because Shuichi likes her but I know that she didn't and that she confessed to him herself. |
Dec 29, 2016 8:31 AM
HatsumiShinogu said: Not in this animated series she didn't.... and that she confessed to him herself. Kumiko might have meant exactly what she said to Hazuki on the train after Hazuki had been turned down. As I indicated in several comments - I would have liked Kumiko to tell Shuuichi exactly what she told Hazuki - directly to Shuuichi - herself. "I was afraid of losing you, Shuuichi, but since I have no intention of dating you myself I'll have to come to terms with however becomes your romantic partner eventually. I hope we can still be friends and I hope you fall in love with someone other than me some time in the future. I'm sorry for avoiding you for a while but things became a little awkward and confusing when I figured out that you might be in love with me and Hazuki was in love with you. It does seem to me that he was pushed onto her, first by their families and living situation. Now her friends continue pushing her to date him. He only grudgingly let go. The time when she walked through the station was a really good illustration of him finding it unacceptable that she was lost in her own thoughts and didn't immediately drop whatever she was doing to pay attention to him. He followed her into the haunted house quite recently and again made unflattering comments about her appearance before they sat down together at the vending machines - where he gave her the present, which she accepted, in friendship. He might have been partially responsible for the way she thinks about herself and her body and I don't see him changing that side of his character anytime soon. Why date someone like that? ... but to reiterate. Just because someone loves you doesn't mean you owe them your time or attention. It would've been polite to politely turn him down. I wish she had doe so sooner. |
removed-userDec 29, 2016 8:50 AM
Dec 29, 2016 8:47 AM
VersoSciolto said: HatsumiShinogu said: Not in this animated series she didn't.... and that she confessed to him herself. Kumiko might have meant exactly what she said to Hazuki on the train after Hazuki had been turned down. As I indicated in several comments - I would have liked Kumiko to tell Shuuichi exactly what she told Hazuki - directly to Shuuichi - herself. "I was afraid of losing you, Shuuichi, but since I have no intention of dating you myself I'll have to come to terms with however becomes your romantic partner eventually. I hope we can still be friends and I hope you fall in love with someone other than me some time in the future. I'm sorry for avoiding you for a while but things became a little awkward and confusing when I figured out that you might be in love with me and Hazuki was in love with you. It does seem to me that he was pushed onto her, first by their families and living situation. Now her friends continue pushing her to date him. He only grudgingly let go, followed her into the haunted house quite recently and again made unflattering comments about her appearance before they sat down together at the vending machines - where he gave her the present, which she accepted, in friendship. He might have been partially responsible for the way she thinks about herself and her body and I don't see him changing that side of his character anytime soon. Why date someone like that? Yes, that didn't happen in the anime but hopefully it will in an OVA or a movie. I don't really mind that the anime didn't cover that part as long as it's officially canon in the source material. It seems that you really dislike Shuichi for some reason and I hope that isn't because Reina-Kumiko didn't happen because honestly I see no reason to dislike him all that much. You seem to look for a reason just to diss his character. Well, it was a coincidence that they met in the haunted house, right? Maybe I forgot something but I don't remember it as him following her there. Yes, he gave her the hairpin and maybe she accepted it in friendship but if you noticed, she had the hairpin placed near her music notes while playing in the concert. It means that the present meant a lot to her but I don't want to say more than I should, so it could be as you said, a sign of friendship OR feelings. I understand that you're talking about the anime Kumiko but I'd rather talk about the Kumiko in the novels. |
Dec 29, 2016 9:04 AM
HatsumiShinogu said: I've edited my comment above a little too slow.Yes, that didn't happen in the anime but hopefully it will in an OVA or a movie... I don't think it was a coincidence that they met in the haunted house. His friend told him about another class staging the Undine play but Shuuichi spotted Kumiko going down the hallway. I disliked Shuuichi role in the story and disliked his character from his first time on screen - several episodes before I noticed that Kumiko might be attracted to Reina. I do think Kumiko fell in love with Reina but that wasn't the reason why I dislike his personality. I don't think he changed all that much from the guy on the bench in episode one of the first season. It is possible that she chose not to wear the hair pin in her hair because she knew what it signified but couldn't reciprocate those feelings. She'll nevertheless cherish it as a token of his affection. Similar arguments could be used to say that the place on the stand is actually more important. I think a lot of scenes are ambiguous.... open to interpretation... but when in doubt I prefer to take her word for it. Believe what she says until proven conclusively otherwise. |
Dec 29, 2016 9:06 AM
Me at episode 12: I ship Kumiko x Asuka but there's no way KyoAni would make it happen knowing their track record, let's be realistic. Me at episode 13: Hell fucking yes! But shipping aside, it was a really nice episode with a perfectly satisfying ending. With lots of tearjerking moments. I love these characters and I'm going to miss them. |
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Dec 29, 2016 9:19 AM
Dec 29, 2016 10:18 AM
Holy crap, I'm kinda disappointed in myself for not predicting that Asuka would give Kumiko the Euphonium piece that her father gave her; although, I would never ever have predicted that the title of the piece would be called "Hibike! Euphonium." |
Dec 29, 2016 10:20 AM
Ahegyao said: You have to be an edgelord elitist with a heart of stone to even think everything that they went through is "forced drama" or whatever buzzwords out there to make yourself cool. Hibike is up there in Kyoani's already stellar track record. Yes, I don't regret nor ashamed in saying that they are the top studio out there not just in animation, but in their directing and storytelling. I commend you for this comment. Couldn't have put it better in words myself. GenesisAria said: shanimebib said: I don't see how it connects... those series are immensely chill, especially Aria and Tamayura, nothing like Euphonium, which is basically a JK psychology goldmine filled with drama.redtailrav said: HE is a show I'll watch multiple times the way I have the seasons of Aria and Tamayura. I will still watch it from time to time. I dunno. The drama aside, I just find goodness in this anime. The background musics are so beautiful. I have already listed some of my favourite moments in my review for the second season and I am happy revisiting those scenes from time to time. :) HatsumiShinogu said: I understand that you're talking about the anime Kumiko but I'd rather talk about the Kumiko in the novels. This is an anime discussion thread btw so there is no point talking about the novel version of the Kumiko. And you say something as if Kumiko from the anime version is different from Kumiko from the novel. They hardly have any differences. The characters that are different from the novel are Reina, Midori and in a sense Shuuichi, because in the novel, he never struggles as a trombone player. In the novel he is shown as an extremely talented player. The anime version changed it because that would make Shuuichi an OP character but it does giveaway that he is talented because he played Horn in middle-school and was always a starter. He picked up Trombone (because of his connection with the instrument — as he looked up to Mamiko himself) in high-school and made it into the competition. The most important thing here is that he didn't switch from, say for instance, Tenor to Alto, two similar wind instruments. He switched from Horn to Trombone, two completely different wind instruments. Also, Kumiko is attracted towards talented musicians as we see it through her admiration of Reina and Asuka. Why give Shuuichi another edge here by making him talented. That is why I think the animated version is better, it made Shuuichi an ordinary boy. I dunno if most of us have noticed, but the anime did include a scene where Shuuichi was shown giving his opinions as a center figure and everyone in the trombone section including the third years swarming around him and paying attention to his instructions. That was one of the lightest hints of his prowess but it was there to be seen. |
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Dec 29, 2016 10:47 AM
I don't know how their relation works in the novel, but if you see a lot of hints about the feelings that kumiko has for shuichi there's something wrong. What should she do to dislike him? Well, not dislike, but he's just an old acquaintance. You're seeing hints everywhere but she has litteraly two chats with him in the anime, do you really think that a hairpin in a bad package from a childhood friend for her birthday could change everything? Kumiko is pretty honest, it's easy to know what she thinks and everytime someone mentioned shuichi she was totally indifferent. When tuba-chan told to kumiko her feels for shuichi, you could say that was jealousy but it could be stupor too, in the anime at least. There's not even one event we could compare to asuka or reina's. If they end up togheter it's only because her friends were so annoying, but a couple like this wouldn't last up to the college, realistically. |
Dec 29, 2016 10:54 AM
That was a great season! Loved the drama, loved the feels, loved everything about it. Reina yelling out her love for the teacher was satisfying even though the circumstance wasn't what I would have imagined. 8/10 |
Dec 29, 2016 11:07 AM
A completely pointless episode that added nothing to the story. |
Dec 29, 2016 11:22 AM
shanimebib said: I disagree. Even based on little info about the novels that can already be stated.... And you say something as if Kumiko from the anime version is different from Kumiko from the novel... In one version of the story Kumiko votes when Taki asks the members to decide what their plans are for the concert band that year - in the other version of the story Kumiko abstains from voting. That presents the reader and the viewing audience with two different impressions of Kumiko's character and the role she envisions for herself - Both characters are introduced with different motivations. Not only that but since other characters were changed as well she must act off them - react to their words and actions. This change of context changes her character as well. IMO. In fairness to HatsumiShinogu I must say that I was the one who suggested that there were two Kumiko's. Anime Kumiko never confessed to Shuuichi. Anime Kumiko never turned him down either, although she had every reason to. IMO. You also wrote: "This is an anime discussion thread btw so there is no point talking about the novel version of the Kumiko." I agree with that. And if everyone had refrained from referring to the novels right from the start, either overtly or cryptically, quite a few people might have enjoyed the animated series a lot more - for its own sake. As a standalone product which every adaptation must be. The previous film is also not the same as the first season of the TV series. Same universe but different interactions. Had the meeting with Mamiko at the entrance when Reina came down from Kumiko's room. It is my understanding those were anime original moments. Quite possibly the most important scene as far as attempts to salvage his character in the animated series and a bit of a Deus moment. |
removed-userDec 29, 2016 11:45 AM
Dec 29, 2016 12:45 PM
Wow is that it? As a series finale, and it felt pretty damn final, that was a little underwhelming. It had that recap scene, which admittedly kind of worked as a bittersweet moment for me since I haven't rewatched the first season recently. It felt like we spent more time with Shuichi then Reina which is always a mistake. But I respect if this is where the journey ends that the series didn't get too bogged down in the shipping wars. It was a coming of age story about band geeks and it delivered on that. I was honestly mostly baffled by Asuka in the previous series. But her arc in this one has been one of the things that's saved a season that had a few misfires. Everything the show has done with her in the past few episodes, especially involving the titular Hibike piece she got from her father has been pure gold. And I find it interesting if this is the end of the line that Asuka almost seems to be the most important relationship Kumiko makes in the series. I didn't expect it but I was crying actual tears at Kumiko and Asuka's goodbye scene. Like Asuka I'm not very good with that stuff. Part of me really wants the series to press onward. I want Kumiko x Reina to be real and not just yuri baiting. I want to see them win gold at nationals. I want the next season to actually do anything, anything at all with Hazuki and Sapphire. But above all I want to spend more time in this world of pretty animation, dope orchestra jams and cute characters we've gotten to know pretty well at this point. But with all that being said I would really respect it if this is it and they walk away. I can't help but feel a sense of bittersweet satisfaction at it. |
Dec 29, 2016 2:33 PM
VersoSciolto said: shanimebib said: I disagree.... And you say something as if Kumiko from the anime version is different from Kumiko from the novel... Are you one of those who just take one line out of many sentences to fit your preference by omitting the rest? There was a reason why I added "They hardly have any differences" in the following line because her core personality didn't change unlike Midori and Reina. I am done with your responses. Kumiko likes Shuuichi and she will confess to him. I am sure she will have a life-long relationship with him. She will go to dates and she will graduate from college together, she will pursue her dreams, will get married, eventually will have lovely children and make a loving family with Shuuichi. That's my version of seeing the story from where it left off and that's how I shall see it no matter what others say. I loved both version of the stories so the winner here is me as someone who thoroughly enjoyed the stories. You can keep you dissatisfaction to yourself because ultimately it's your preference. This should be enough to end any further discussion when it comes to Shuuichi and Kumiko between the two of us. |
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Dec 29, 2016 2:39 PM
Euphonium is and will always be a great anime (even moreso than K-ON!), even though this season had a few problems (such as the forced drama), and that "Kumiko x Reina" isn't considered canon. Also, Kumiko had a lot of character development this season. This, Flip Flappers, and the Udon anime are the best anime of the Fall 2016 season, not boring, overrated crap like "Yuri Yaoi on Ice". This final episode: 5/5 This series: 9/10 #BasedKyoani |
Dec 29, 2016 2:48 PM
Aww, I will be missing my weekly dose of Kumiko and Asuka. A solid ending, nevertheless. The new President/Vice President duo is rather amusing. I hope we'll get to see what hey are up to, someday. |
Dec 29, 2016 2:49 PM
Dec 29, 2016 4:14 PM
Now... As they said, they want to get the gold the next year so.... There must be a third season... I want to see more Reina and Asuka ;-; |
Dec 29, 2016 5:08 PM
I don't know what going on anymore Kumiko confession to asuka? LoL kumiko you're so gay |
Dec 29, 2016 5:12 PM
OK, so my problems with this anime: A) The first arc drama was silly. The "shy girl" (I don't remenber her name) was acting like she was traumatized (getting nauseated just from hearing a certain piece) just because she though her sole best friend didn't like her anymore. I mean, I understand getting sad and depressed but getting nauseated was very overdramatic. That, combined with the fact that Asuka didn't want them to meet (which is explained on Asuka's arc why she did that so that part is fine) made me think something WAY worse had happened between them. B) They didn't win the competition. This one is not actually a problem if 1.This wasn't the true finalle of the novel (from what I heard this is the end) and 2.This wasn't the 3rd years's last chance. When you want a team to win, you want the whole team to win, and even if they win next year (which we wouldn't see anyway) the 3rd years we once knew won't be there to share the vitory. That's why it's disappointing and leaves a bad taste... C) No ships have sailed. I never cheered for Kumiko x Reina in the first place and they pratically never progressed anything with Shuuichi. I know that romance was not a focus but when you introduce a romance sub-plot, no matter how small it is, you have to develop and conclude it somehow before the series finalle. Don't start something you're not going to do anything with. Apparently this is because the adaptation messed with some plot points and character personalities, so the blame goes entirely to KyoAni for this one. And that's it, everything else was perfect, which is why I give this season a 7/10 while season 1 is upgraded to 8/10 |
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it. |
Dec 29, 2016 6:26 PM
BlueBalls said: Idk all this Asuka business was superflous even if she is graduating, what about Reina and what about Kumiko herself no introspection, no monologue? I think I'll downgrade my rating to a 7 even if I really did like the show. This season had a lack of focus tbh, I never did care that much about either Asuka or Mizore and why would I? We were told to care, we weren't seduced like with Reina. from the start, I believed Asuka is really the main character for this series. Kumiko is somehow just the narrator and she's the one revealing all of Asuka's story. And here I am an idiot that after this season will just be the really start of the story. Cant believe that there will be no more season for this. It is really unfair for the main characters. They had a spotlight, yes. But it is still lacking something. |
Dec 29, 2016 6:33 PM
At first, while watching the last episode, I said to myself that I will miss the background characters (seriously most of them are really good looking characters. And I love pausing the video i am watching just to see them.) because I did not realize for the whole 23-episodes that they are 3rd year students. And then..... I did not realize also that this will be the last episode for this series. IDK what to feel. Especially I want more of Kumiko-Shuichi conversation is Hibike Euphonium really over? No more season 3? |
Dec 29, 2016 6:45 PM
HyperL said: This is the standard trope with American shows. The underdog always has to win. I can't think of a single US movie/show that this always happened. Whether is "The Bad New Bears" or "The Mighty Ducks", just to name a few. B) They didn't win the competition. This one is not actually a problem if 1.This wasn't the true finalle of the novel (from what I heard this is the end) and 2.This wasn't the 3rd years's last chance. When you want a team to win, you want the whole team to win, and even if they win next year (which we wouldn't see anyway) the 3rd years we once knew won't be there to share the vitory. That's why it's disappointing and leaves a bad taste... Seeing this school get bronze was a bit refreshing. It shows that even getting over a lot of personal drama, doesn't guarantee the gold ring. One has to know that feeling of winning to take it to the next level. I could see this happening how that the new second and third years had that taste. If the author of the series ever decides to write more (which I only pray) they could take the gold. |
What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about? |
Dec 29, 2016 7:15 PM
So many holes still left to fill and a lot of potential. The moment that Kumiko opened Asuka's book and saw the name "Hibike Euphonium" I freaking knew it that this is pretty much what we're going to get. imo I really wanted to see Kumiko, Reina and others as third years *^* |
Dec 29, 2016 7:20 PM
shanimebib said: ... and I disagreed with your opinion. I think voting is a fundamental way for a person to express themselves and reveal their character - it is almost by definition an indicator of how they see their world and their role in it.Are you one of those who just take one line out of many sentences to fit your preference by omitting the rest? There was a reason why I added "They hardly have any differences" in the following line because her core personality didn't change unlike Midori and Reina.. By changing the way Kumiko behaves during that vote, a fundamental change has been made at the core of her character and the audience sees her in a different way right from her introduction to the daily running of the universe that will be her life for the duration of the series. Kumiko in the TV series is a separate entity from the novels. Inspired by, but not copied from the novels. That is my opinion expressed in direct response to your assertion. Shuuichi is suppoed to be the person who knows Kumiko better than anyone. Without consulting her and in fact being told not to get involved he nevertheless invites Mamiko to the final performance of this club in its current formation at nationals. What if Mamiko and Kumiko had not talked to each other after he had invited Mamiko to the performance? What if Kumiko had still been upset with the way her sister behaved? How would Mamiko showing up at Nationals have affected Kumiko? Shuuichi is supposed to know Kumiko better than anyone but he can't think of a proper gift for her birthday. He has known her almost her entire life but he can't come up with something she would want. It looks considerate to ask her friends but her friends have been just as inconsiderate as he has been about her expressed lack of romantic interest in him. She told them repeatedly that she just wants to stay friends while she has been avoiding him. Ignoring Kumiko's repeated protestations Midori knows exactly what to suggest for a gift. She picks his side over the expressed objections from Kumiko, supposedly her friend. As soon as Kumiko opens the present she knows with a knowing smile that her supposed friends and not Shuuichi have selected this hair clip as a present. Imagine that Kumiko truly does not want to date this boy. Can you do that? Now look at that scenario again. From the start. Shuuichi approaches her on the bench by the river and sits down uninvited. When told why she isn't talking to him she explains. Already added an other snide criticism to his collection he doesn't even try to see her pov but proceeds to tell her why he needed to call her ugly in front of everyone. Shuuichi hasn't changed from that moment. He still makes negative remarks about her appearance right before they sit down and he hands her the present her meddlesome friends have selected for him. Having them start dating would undermine Kumiko's character in a very negative way. It would make all her moments where she stands up for herself seem meaningless. As though their dating was preordained and it didn't matter how he treated her with his petty little insults. Not dating him shows that there are consequences for boys who bully girls. It shows that she has every right to try to get away from that bench and the boy who would like to think that he knows her better that anyone else but doesn't know what to giver on her birthday and can't figure out how he might have hurt her - and still does. Kumiko never starts dating Shuuichi in this TV series and I'm glad she doesn't. A point very important to me was proven by her continued insistence that she kinda likes him as a friend but has no intention to date him. The onus isn't on the girl to change and adjust to his behaviour. On the contrary. The onus is on him to be more respectful of her. The girl in front of him. The one he supposedly loves. Not the one he imagines and tries to mold to his idea of how she should behave and accepts his petty insults. Without protest or comment, without walking away. That isn't who she is though. They're friends. In a series not about romance that is the best outcome. That's how it ended. Season two, Episode 13. Whatever else happens that is the final episode of the series. Quite satisfied with that part of the season actually. Told you it was one the things I hoped for in the thread for episode one of this season and here we are... Curtains. |
removed-userDec 29, 2016 7:57 PM
Dec 29, 2016 7:23 PM
shanimebib said: HatsumiShinogu said: I understand that you're talking about the anime Kumiko but I'd rather talk about the Kumiko in the novels. This is an anime discussion thread btw so there is no point talking about the novel version of the Kumiko. And you say something as if Kumiko from the anime version is different from Kumiko from the novel. They hardly have any differences. You do realize that I was just going along with VersoSciolto since he/she insists on differentiating between the anime and novel version of Kumiko? Since I haven't read the novels, I can't say for sure if there are any differences but it seems some people would rather consider the anime version of Kumiko as a completely different character that has nothing to do with the original source. They deny that Kumiko will ever reciprocate Shuichi's feelings and would rather dismiss the fact that she officially confessed to him in the novels. So basically, I was just going along with the poster. |
Dec 29, 2016 7:28 PM
Dec 29, 2016 7:34 PM
HatsumiShinogu said: shanimebib said: HatsumiShinogu said: I understand that you're talking about the anime Kumiko but I'd rather talk about the Kumiko in the novels. This is an anime discussion thread btw so there is no point talking about the novel version of the Kumiko. And you say something as if Kumiko from the anime version is different from Kumiko from the novel. They hardly have any differences. You do realize that I was just going along with VersoSciolto since he/she insists on differentiating between the anime and novel version of Kumiko? Since I haven't read the novels, I can't say for sure if there are any differences but it seems some people would rather consider the anime version of Kumiko as a completely different character that has nothing to do with the original source. They deny that Kumiko will ever reciprocate Shuichi's feelings and would rather dismiss the fact that she officially confessed to him in the novels. So basically, I was just going along with the poster. We can compare them. A translation will also become available soon and then we can see how the TV series contrasts with the novels in its depictions and conclusions. Some people have said that the final volume of the novels is a bit of an anomaly. Doesn't really fit with the core values of the story. I think it makes sense that Kumiko doesn't want to date Shuuichi. Based on his actions throughout the TV series I'm satisfied with that ending. Not everyone is. We can compare notes on why we differ. |
Dec 29, 2016 7:43 PM
Dec 29, 2016 8:08 PM
itszayeric said: the yurism didnt advance. bummer Kumiko x Reina? That ship sunk long ago. |
Dec 29, 2016 8:15 PM
I've had this season at a 9 this entire airing period, but after that episode I'm bumping it up to a ten. It was so beautiful, heartfelt, and poignant. The timing was great, the recap was for emotional purposes (aka there was a purpose for it for once), the dialouge was so realistic and so powerful I felt tears slip from my eyes without any conscious effort whatsoever. I'm very happy they didn't go down the ridiculously forced Shuichi route. I favored kumiko x reina up until midway through this season, but the development between Auska and Kumiko made me switch sodes. I still like kumikoxreina, but I don't feel the same emotion from them as I did in the last season. Their development felt just so natural. I couldn't help but fall for them. The ending 5/5 This season 10/10 The anime 10/10 |
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