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what type of anime fans you hate
Those who hates my fav anime
Weird Anime gal(waifu or whatever the f they are) fans
Yaoi and Yuri worshipers
'My TasTe is basT' fans
I hate anime fans in genral
i love them
374 votes
Feb 2, 2023 10:52 PM

Nov 2021
Weird Anime gal(waifu or whatever the f they are) fans(your vote)
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Feb 2, 2023 10:54 PM

Feb 2020
Probably "my taste is better than yours" anime fans.
Feb 2, 2023 10:56 PM

Aug 2018
mainly the ones who thrive on negativity.
Feb 2, 2023 10:57 PM

Apr 2019
The elitist anime fans are the worst. They keep on shitting on other people's anime taste just because they think their taste is superior to others. No other kind of anime fans are as annoying as the anime elitists.
Feb 2, 2023 11:01 PM
Pirate King

Oct 2022
i hate moeblob worshippers, waifu lunatics and crunchyroll (or other legal streaming site) shillers. they are some of the most repulsive people i have meet and i want to stay away from them.

Feb 2, 2023 11:04 PM

Sep 2008
Mugiwara_Luffyy said:
crunchyroll (or other legal streaming site) shillers.

exactly this. they are brand loyalists first, anime fans second. or third.
馬鹿げた倫理 全部ガラクタで
Feb 2, 2023 11:07 PM

Dec 2020
i dislike anime fans who overly hate other anime fans except themselves or are disrespectful to genres that they don't watch or enjoy instead of being open minded to other peoples interests other than their own e.g. "shounentard, moeblob" (this includes me) (i dislike everyone including myself)

everyone here watches anime, the kind you watch should make no difference
Fang_ToothFeb 3, 2023 12:06 AM
I like Közi a healthy amount.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
This is no joke I'm really going to do it this time.
Feb 2, 2023 11:18 PM

Sep 2020
Those who be disrespectful to others, like insulting someone because of their taste.
Feb 2, 2023 11:27 PM

Dec 2018
Not a specific fan group. But the one I dislike the most is the homophobes and ship police

People who can't handle some people love Yuri and Yaoi . They are so insecure they start to cry over any gay ship or interpretation they see. Desperately trying to police other people's opinions and tastes. Often being extremely abusive and aggressive if you don't comply with their hatred  

It's fucking pathetic that some people crying themself to sleep because I love Yuri 

And they should use the ignore function because I will NEVER back down from their little hateful outbursts 


Yuri-CrusaderFeb 2, 2023 11:35 PM
Feb 2, 2023 11:30 PM

May 2018
"what type of anime fans you hate"

- The ones who push their 5 favorite anime in my face as the ultimate thing and a month or two later try to push another 5 anime.
- The ones who push their 5 favorite anime of all time (let's say The Big Three + Eva + Monster) in my face as the ultimate thing and never ever change those.
- The ones who push their one favorite type of anime (battle shounen, melodrama, isekai, sports or whatever) in my face as the ultimate thing and never ever go outside of it.

So please:
1. Stop pushing stuff in my face! There's not such thing as ultimate 5 anime, it's the experience which counts. Even people who like the same shows are maybe doing it for different reasons than you.
2. There should be more than 5 shows worth of your interest.
3. Try to balance new and old, popular and unpopular. At least this can save you from burning out or being in the position of "I have watched all the good anime, now what?".
4. Try going outside of your comfort zone from time to time. Maybe you wouldn't find new favorites, but it can be an adventure!
alshuFeb 2, 2023 11:35 PM
Feb 2, 2023 11:33 PM

Feb 2020
The ones who go around constantly hating on cute, and sexy loli and shota content in animanga sphere + bonus if they also hate on regular high school girls and call them problematic and even more bonus hate if they themselves like highschool boys while hating all the former things mentioned (some female anime fans are crazy like that)

they're even worse than mecha fans somehow. I'd even rather see a One Piece fan than the above mentioned people, at least they might be pleasant folk

Feb 2, 2023 11:38 PM

Jun 2016
Every single one. Yours truly included.
Feb 2, 2023 11:52 PM

Aug 2022
I hate fans in general, of any form of media. Every fan is toxic in one way or another.
Feb 2, 2023 11:58 PM

Jan 2014
The dumb or degenerate 99.99% of them. 
Feb 3, 2023 1:10 AM

Aug 2019
" You have shit taste" or "x pfp= opinion rejected" anime fans

Feb 3, 2023 1:14 AM

Mar 2018
Honestly all of you are some of the most mid people.
Feb 3, 2023 1:23 AM

Mar 2021
I hate the anime community in its entirety with a white hot burning passion. 
If you wish to treat this incident as our nation’s scheme, that is fine by me. History is written by the victors. All of your false accusations will soon be erased.

Feb 3, 2023 1:41 AM

Dec 2021
Hypocratic Fake Anime Fans/Casuals who complain why you have you rated their favourite Anime low in your list and bash you for not ENJOYING ANIME
Then we, Pseudo-Poseurs/Elitists who do the same thing as Fake Anime Fans, they will hate you for not giving high rating to their favourite
Just go to any reviewer's profile and check the comments; you'll only see hate comments

A True Higher Level thinker and 100% Pure Fact Spitter does not care about other's opinions on their favourites as they know they are always RIGHT

Basically every time someone says you have "Trash Taste" just laugh at those who get triggered
If you want to reply to my posts, come up with valid arguments instead of ad hominem HIGHER LEVEL THINKERS ONLY
Feb 3, 2023 1:44 AM

Apr 2015
Not "hate" but two good examples of the type I dislike are people like doily and GreyStoneFlinger. Both hypocritical and toxic..
"Well, she's flatter than a pancake"
-Mimi Alpacas
-Tobiichi Origami 
"Are you trying to turn the dormitory into a strip club!?!
-Atena Saotome 
Feb 3, 2023 1:46 AM

Mar 2021
Y'know those anime fans who go "dattebayo" "bankai" "nezuko" "satte satte satte" and unironically use japanese words in their english sentences
Yea i despise them

Mugiwara_Luffyy said:
lunatics and crunchyroll (or other legal streaming site) shillers. they are some of the most repulsive people i have meet and i want to stay away from them.

Saying truth for the first time sheeesh
Feb 3, 2023 1:56 AM

Dec 2020
Anime fans that are obsessed over a particular trope regarding their characters/shows.
                                                                                                                                                                                      My reviews
Feb 3, 2023 1:57 AM

Oct 2012
Faxtual_Ghoul said:
Hypocritic Fake Anime Fans/Casuals who complain why you have you rated their favourite Anime low in your list and bash you for not ENJOYING ANIME
Then we, Pseudo-Poseurs/Elitists who do the same thing as Fake Anime Fans, they will hate you for not giving high rating to their favourite
Just go to any reviewer's profile and check the comments; you'll only see hate comments
I will say that for every anger-filled comment I get in my inbox raging that I gave Berserk a low score, I get 10 comments from the One Piece, JJK, Re:Zero, etc., type fans trying to argue that I interpreted their favorite show differently than they did, then telling me to give up anime or go kill myself, etc.

It's quite entertaining sometimes, but enough was enough. Had to set my profile and pm to private to stop all the haters and spammers.
My subjective reviews:
Feb 3, 2023 2:04 AM
Aug 2021
Everything about them I despise. Manga fans just like a treasure trove, I cherish them.
Feb 3, 2023 2:06 AM

Sep 2021
any anime fan that is on an extreme, cause this option includes mostly every kind of anime fans who put me off, the elitists, the creepy ones, the oblivious, the edgy, the thick-skulled, the oversensitive, the egocentric and etc who don't have basic human courtesy or maturity
Feb 3, 2023 2:10 AM

Dec 2021
katsucats said:
I will say that for every anger-filled comment I get in my inbox raging that I gave Berserk a low score, I get 10 comments from the One Piece, JJK, Re:Zero, etc., type fans trying to argue that I interpreted their favorite show differently than they did, then telling me to give up anime or go kill myself, etc.

It's quite entertaining sometimes, but enough was enough. Had to set my profile and pm to private to stop all the haters and spammers.
The best way to reply is with a Meme that mocks their insecurity
If you want to reply to my posts, come up with valid arguments instead of ad hominem HIGHER LEVEL THINKERS ONLY
Feb 3, 2023 2:14 AM

Jul 2022
Yuri fans.                                                            
Feb 3, 2023 2:18 AM

Aug 2009
Wish there was a category for people who shit their pants and throw a tantrum over any ounce of CG in something. I get it, it looks like ass sometimes and usually stands out and I do wish the industry wouldn't sweat shop work their animators to hit short deadlines, enabling the usage of it so often. But I see it in shows and movies these days now where it looks fine and like most studios are finally figuring out how to make it look more seamless, or at least appealing, and it doesn't matter. It's shit just because it's CG to them.
Feb 3, 2023 2:24 AM

Feb 2020
People who think having different taste than them makes someone a bad person. (elitists and so-called "anti-elitists", they're two sides of the same coin)
Feb 3, 2023 2:27 AM

Oct 2010
I don't hate anyone, we are all weird anyways, it's true that I got many insults from lots of categories of fans but in the end it doesn't matter
when someone gives me hate, I won't respond with hate because I can just ignore them and move on
Feb 3, 2023 3:23 AM
Jul 2018
I dislike some who like to act above watching the medium. It's like, why are you here? If you had better things to do with your time or weren't that interested in anime, then you obvious wouldn't be bothering tracking the amount you watch on this site.
Feb 3, 2023 3:48 AM

Sep 2018
If I had to choose, it would be the people crying about the most smallest and trivial changes imaginable in an anime, adapted from their favorite manga, and then acting like it's all over. Original source shills. 
Feb 3, 2023 3:59 AM

Jun 2017
I hate anime fans in general
Also, bad taste is best taste
If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end.
” -Gintoki Sakata
Feb 3, 2023 4:04 AM

Sep 2018
The elitists with a One Piece (or similar anime) pfp/nickname. If you wanna act like an elitist prick, at least pick something from the elitist starter pack as your flagship anime; in that case I might respect you even if I don't like the anime (e.g. SEL, Tatami Galaxy).
NirinboFeb 3, 2023 4:10 AM
Feb 3, 2023 4:10 AM

Aug 2020
Boring elitists. They are all the same.

Feb 3, 2023 4:11 AM

Aug 2020
Nirinbo said:
The elitists with a One Piece (or similar anime) pfp/nickname. If you wanna act like an elitist prick, at least pick something from the elitist starter pack as your flagship anime; in that case I might respect you even if I don't like the anime (e.g. SEL, Tatami Galaxy).

I always found this correlation funny as well.

Feb 3, 2023 4:22 AM
Jul 2018

Nirinbo said:
The elitists with a One Piece (or similar anime) pfp/nickname. If you wanna act like an elitist prick, at least pick something from the elitist starter pack as your flagship anime; in that case I might respect you even if I don't like the anime (e.g. SEL, Tatami Galaxy).
I'm yet to comprehend these Monster-loving super ultra cult dudes with One Piece in their fav lists
Feb 3, 2023 4:22 AM

Mar 2012
Yaoi and Yuri shippers, other obsessive shippers are really annoying too but yaoi and yuri shippers take the cake for being overly aggressive and forcing their woke bullshit specially when they are shipping straight characters.
Feb 3, 2023 4:28 AM
The Attack Titan

May 2019
anime fans that believe "most anime arent worth watching"
and ppl who say stuff like they "don't like the weird sort of anime"

basically "normal ppl" that wanna deny the unique traits of the medium and culture as a whole.
usually also the ecchi, harem, slapstick comedy haters.

I've met so many ppl that act like Kaguya is the only good romcom anime? or that its the best romcom of all time, like in the past the romcom anime crowd used to be self aware and acted like the show is their favorite because it just hits with them or they enjoy the cringy interactions etc. Now the romcom crowd acts like there is a specific peak romcom and the rest are shit
TheFireNinja said:
I dislike some who like to act above watching the medium. It's like, why are you here? If you had better things to do with your time or weren't that interested in anime, then you obvious wouldn't be bothering tracking the amount you watch on this site.
nah usually most ppl who wanna track the amount of anime they have consumed are the type of ppl who feel like once they have "understood the medium" they can act all superior.
BerriesSanFeb 3, 2023 4:38 AM

Feb 3, 2023 4:29 AM

Feb 2021
Those who think anything is culture wars nowadays....
Feb 3, 2023 4:33 AM
Jul 2018
In no particular order:

- Streaming/Brand shills
- Franchise-loving idiots 
- Gacha addicted idiots
- A variation of the first 3: people with insanely large (physical) collections built in a short period of time and composed entirely of mainstream/mindless titles. you know what I mean.
- Idiots that include pointless, unrelated subjects such as politics or religion in their MAL profiles
- People that have no idea about or willingfully ignore how the otaku culture was formed and built
- People that dislike "weebs" and "otakus"; aka, people that have no idea how to enjoy things and are unaware to why most of us watch anime as a whole
- Memesubbers who localize/mutilate subs and those who support them
- Those who complain about 1mm² of shoulder skin being shown in a 17y 364days old character (aka twitter users)

I could go on all day, cause the number of retards in this world seems to be ever increasing, but these are the main ones
Feb 3, 2023 4:47 AM

Nov 2020
Bias opinion about "my x favorite anime is better than x anime". And complain about genre that not in the tag, example "I want x and y character become couple in this non-romance anime".

I can't handle this people, they are stupid beyond saving.
What Does Pot of Greed do?
Feb 3, 2023 5:28 AM

Mar 2019
Hate is a strong word, but I kind of dislike the "it's not that deep"crowd of anime fans. I'll clarify that I dislike people who want, no fight for their favorite characters or series being one dimensional. 

I equally dislike those people who can't read beyond the surface level, like a series doesn't need to be yelling it's bottom line out loud every five seconds, for plot points to be established plot points. I also have this same issue with those people who complain about shippers, just because the characters didn't kiss or something stupid doesn't mean that ships don't have valid basis. 

Those people who call something "yuribait" or "yaoibait". Like what does "yuribait" or "yaoibait" even mean, the term has always come off as ridiculous to me because it seems to acknowledge the seeming tension between characters while somehow exclaiming that this isn't actually the case at the same time. 

edit* Those people who think that they are main characters or something. "my opinions based alright, based on anecdotal evidence npc's"

Also those anime fans that are icky about women, or those people who view anime as some sort of "refuge" from "the woke west".
KumiveneellaFeb 3, 2023 6:41 PM
Feb 3, 2023 5:41 AM

Feb 2021
To be honest, I'm not bothered by what anime fans do but I do hate those guys who want to pretend that their great taste by having low mean score and having Monster in favorites when Monster itself is far from being a perfect anime.
Feb 3, 2023 5:45 AM

Apr 2012
The internet fascist anime fans. Because they encourage people to link anime fandom with fascism.
Feb 3, 2023 5:47 AM
Jul 2018
These guys, who hating on real women and queers and get a meltdown everytime they see a female or queer character on screen that is not there for being a fanservice object, or whining about people shipping same-gender characters. Take your shit elsewhere where I don't have to witness it.
Feb 3, 2023 5:57 AM

Feb 2020
logopolis said:
The internet fascist anime fans. Because they encourage people to link anime fandom with fascism.
So many fucking twitter anime loving femboys turned into nazis somehow

the internet is a scary place, Femboys should like me and things I like... not adolf hitler.

Feb 3, 2023 5:58 AM

Jan 2017
I hate those who slander ecchi themed animes complaining about too much nudity, too much skin and all other BS.
It's ecchi, why are you even here...go read the Bible!
(⁠☞⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠☞ YouTube @ The Pirate Collector ԅ⁠(⁠ ͒⁠ ⁠۝ ͒⁠ ⁠)⁠ᕤ
Feb 3, 2023 6:29 AM
Every one of them. I have met very few (like less than 7 people) who are anime fans and I would like talking about anime with them. For perspective, I’ve seen and been a part of various anime and anime related communities thus being exposed to millions of people. I hated every one of them so yes, I hate anime fans in general.

The worst of the worst are :-

1) Non canon shippers (They’re always the ones toxic about their ships because they have to project their insecurity about their ship not being canon)

2) Fans with half a brain cell that’s always thinking about politics and how they can make any anime thing political  

3) The fans surrounding the encoding and fansubbing communities (I pirate myself and I don’t even think that piracy is bad, but the anime fans in such places are always racist and pedophiles)

4) Filthy casuals who reiterate whatever the fuck they heard from someone else and don’t even understand what that even means. They even watch certain seasonal anime that everyone is talking about and force themselves to become its biggest fans. If these people had watched that same show like a year later, their reaction would’ve been totally different

5) The ones who hype the source material just because they’ve read it and feel some stupid obligation to act like what they’ve read is really good

Feb 3, 2023 6:44 AM

Apr 2016
1. The one that comparing one character to other character( the most annoying one)
2. Shipper (especially the non-canon one) heck the most annoying shipper the one who shipping to hardcore even when the anime don't have any romance in it
3.waifu elitist
SmSenpaiFeb 3, 2023 6:47 AM
Feb 3, 2023 7:34 AM

Dec 2021
None of the above. The first three points are just opinions/preferences, the fourth doesn't really exist or, to be more precise, most of the times i've seen people accused of this they were actually just discussing as it's normal in a discussion group. You need to realize that NO ONE (really, no one) cares about your taste. That being said i could be interested in the reasons WHY you disliked or liked something. So why wouldn't you discuss taste? What exactly is "toxic" about it? I find more toxic to shut down every discussion with "it's just my taste touch grass" than actually criticizing other people taste, as long as said criticism is done in a thougthful manner.
I dislike:
1- the one spreading disinformation and misleading concepts, usually out of a refusal to accept that their "western fan lens" doesn't always apply to japan culture and anime industry. Some examples: the budget myth, studio culture (studio culture = the idea that studios have their personal "style" or that which studio makes the anime influence the quality)
2- the ones talking about anime as a sort of "genre" or separated medium. Those are usually the people saying stuff like "anime and cartoons are different things" (or, probably even worse: "I know they are technically the same but ackthually anime have different targets/a different art-style/whatever bullshit stereotypical reason") and also the same persons that in 2023 still feel the need to write essays about why anime aren't for children (usually looking very childish in the process), or recently the new hip thing to say is that "anime is better than western entertainment because there's no wOkE cUlTuRe/le evil SJW". This cathegory is also the reason why a lot of people not-watching anime are convinced that anime are all similar, likely either perverted or childish.
3- This is not really an "anime fan" thing, but seems very prominent in anime fandom: people that autonomously decide that a genre or a branch of the medium is trash without ever seeing anything of it or even worse: maybe they've seen something, liked it a lot, but they decided that's "not like other in the genre" for no reason at all. Classic examples are mecha and majokko, i'd say CGDCT (i genuinely don't like the genre much too but i've actually tried to watch at least the most revered shows in it, like K-On and Euphonium, and i even liked Bocchi a lot, but still i wouldn't say something as stupid as "Bocchi is soo different from the rest of the genre" because i genuinely don't know much about it)
4- (thanks people for reminding me of that weird subgenre of anime fans) the reactionary ones believing anime somehow confirm their reactionary bullshit (often even when talking about shows with literally the opposite message, for example Gundam. There's specifically a dumbfuck YT channel i have in mind, i don't want to publicize that idiot by saying his name but if you've seen some of his video you know who i'm talking about)
Oznerol7Feb 3, 2023 7:40 AM
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