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Jul 27, 2022 2:46 PM
Yare Yare Daze

May 2022
Today I was doing some Lyft jobs and I picked this woman and her daughter. I always asked if I can play music, some customers hate hearing it. They said alright until... well this R. Kelly song came on, they got offend the mom told me change the stations because you know what he did ( changed song but I didn't remove it).

I tell her I separate what someone says or does in private from their career. She told me I am supporting him because I listen to music. She still gave me decent.

It had me thinking. Can you separate the two? Some people view it as a extensions of that person starting see it too. I love a lot work from people who did very bad things.
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Jul 27, 2022 3:07 PM

Jun 2022
I do have a hard time separating the two completely.

For example, I really loved Ryan Adams, now I can't really get it out of my head he's kind of a dirtbag. I still listen to his songs on occasion, but the thought crosses my mind pretty much every time.
Jul 27, 2022 3:13 PM

Jul 2007
I don't even know who the artist is half the time, but yes.
Jul 27, 2022 3:16 PM

Jan 2009
yes i guess like Thomas Edison was a great inventor but a huge asshole, same with Steve Jobs he is said to be a great CEO but a huge asshole too
Jul 27, 2022 3:20 PM

Oct 2013
Yeah, easily. No different from separating reality from fiction. There are plenty of things I like that are made by some questionable or down right terrible people, but I hate the person, not the creation.

I believe there was this part in DMC5 where Dante did a little Michael Jackson dance, but it would have been really dumb to hate the entire game just for that one bit.
FanofActionJul 27, 2022 3:26 PM
Jul 27, 2022 3:20 PM

Apr 2022
The character of a person - even if it's bad - doesn't negate that persons skills. At least that's how I see it.
Jul 27, 2022 3:23 PM

Aug 2012
I thought you were gonna say Chris 404 not found since we talked about him 3 podcasts ago lol. Depends what they did.

Edit: fuck R Kelly
MissHeedJul 27, 2022 3:35 PM
Jul 27, 2022 3:26 PM
Jul 2018
Depends on what they’ve done and how much it bothers me. I just won’t be able to enjoy them the same as I did before if it’s really severe. I can still respect and acknowledge that they are talented, it’s just I may not want to take part in their work or art any longer.
Jul 27, 2022 3:37 PM
Dec 2010
I believe it depends on the issue involved with the artists. Some people feel and think strongly on certain subjects/opinions.
A piece of artwork do involve personal and cultural interpretations and intentions. Perhaps, it also depends if there is any direct connection.

But yea, it's down to people's reactions and preferences. With some time, most people tend to get over it if there ain't any further issues.
Still, it's better to focus on the positives than the negatives. Not like I know about some of these artists anyway, lol.
Jul 27, 2022 3:51 PM
Jul 2018
I remember, one of the online art teachers once mentioned that a lot of old Masters/Painters acted like complete jerks toward the nobility and their circles (during the parties, events, etc), even though the nobility were the ones who were hiring them to paint for them.
Jul 27, 2022 4:09 PM
Jul 2018
I guess it depends on how close you are to the creators. Which, most of the time, I'm more deeply connected to their work rather than them as a person. The only controversial figure that I remember liking for their work is Michael Jackson. Ever since he passed, there have been so many stories about him. And of course there have been some stories about his character when he was alive. But since he's dead, it's hard to verify whether or not he is guilty of the actions that people claim. Plus, I find it pretty convenient that these people came out about these accusations when he's no longer around to defend himself. So, for all I know, they could be just making money off of sullying his image. And it's also not as if media is not known for spinning stories about celebrities to make a juicy headline.
Jul 27, 2022 4:20 PM

Aug 2014
Yes, I do favor separating the art from the artist in general. I love art produced by all sorts of musicians, series creators and so on that have views or made decisions I disagree with.

I think people who get hung up on an artist's personal life care more about politics than art.
Jul 27, 2022 4:42 PM

Feb 2021
No because if the artist or author can be used as a positioning piece where I can use their name to cheaply promote my own ideology at their expense, then I have every right to do that because I'm intellectually stunted and can't form opinions other than what the internet tabloids tell me to say.
"I eat beans" - Oda

Jul 27, 2022 4:48 PM
Yare Yare Daze

May 2022
@dragonmade wasn't he the guy who ask underage girl to twerk for him?

@FanofAction @TheFireNinja
I remember when Dante gets that cowboy hat. The things Micheal jackson he only hate in the states. French, Japan, China UK they love Micheal lol.

A lot celebrities from United States find themselves in between a rock and hard place. Singapore is lucky to only have one bad rep.
Jul 27, 2022 4:53 PM

Oct 2013
@Amityblight which is why I'm surprised that DMC5 thing got zero mention in the states. At least none that I heard of.
Jul 27, 2022 5:05 PM

Dec 2013
Depends, if you mean separate Chopin's pieces such as his nocturnes, ballades, scherzo, etc. from Chopin, then no, its not possible

Each classical piano pieces are uniquely related to the composer, you can directly tell who compose this or that piece particularly if you have listened to some of the pieces composed by those particular composers. Chopin's Nocturnes or etudes can only uniquely be connected to Chopin. Others may try to imitate it, but will not be able to

Now Rap IMO is not a music genre, its just people talking really fast with beats, maybe a little bit of melody, but people talk also have melodies, are they art? Of course not. Coz when we start to say that people talking are form of art, then the sound of my fart will also be an art form, coz it can form a simple melody as well. Poetry is an art, because the words can be beautiful. But most rap, if not all, are talking garbage, so its not art form

An art should be unique and really has the quality of perfection amd beauty in it. It is subjective, yes, but it can be determined whether its worth to be called an art or not

Jul 27, 2022 6:58 PM
Jul 2022
Well I did think Karl Malone was a god basketball player until I found out he fucked a 13 year old when he was in college.

I collected jerseys and had to sell it, too bad I didn't burn it.
Jul 27, 2022 8:34 PM
Dec 2010
I don't really get what's going on with US artists.
But Singapore's arts scene is like non-existent. It's one of those areas neglected in favor of the nation's development.
They are trying to revitalize it but well, it's not moving much.
Jul 27, 2022 8:36 PM

May 2013
To an extent. Artists are a wild bunch and they could very well find themselves in their art and be a completely different person otherwise.

However... there's an extent. You can't actually be two different people at once. So a seperation of art and artist can only go so far... they kinda have to meet in the middle (no matter how fucked up you are lol).

And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
Jul 27, 2022 9:24 PM

Jul 2015
In general yes, but I wouldn’t feel good about supporting people who have done really bad things like that financially.
Jul 27, 2022 10:43 PM

May 2013
Yeah to be fair R Kelley's art is definitely fucked lol so you can call say he's still himself xDD
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
Jul 28, 2022 6:54 AM
Dragon Idol

May 2017
I wanna say I can but very likely just like others I won't always be able to.
Jul 28, 2022 7:18 AM

Mar 2015
I'd be lying if I said listening to Marilyn Manson didn't make me feel kinda dirty...but I still do it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jul 28, 2022 7:43 AM

Jun 2016
Sometime but I feel like it would be weird to separate them completely when the artist projects themself into their art
Jul 28, 2022 7:45 AM

Apr 2012
Depends on the situation. For example, I didn't care that Stephen King was a naive leftist, but when he started praising WW2 Ukrainian collaborators to please the Ukrainians, that was the last straw for me.
Jul 28, 2022 8:07 AM
Yare Yare Daze

May 2022
Rap is just Misogyny, drugs and murder. Songs don't have that. It's idiot noise.

I think it's the money and popularity. You can buy anything you want, be with pretty much anyone you want. You start thinking you're royalty.

@xMizu_ The Kelly is fucked lol. He did it to himself like bill Cosby.
Jul 28, 2022 8:09 AM

Sep 2018
It depends on where you draw the line, and how you’re supporting the artist.

I’ve discussed this a lot, as I’m a long-time fan of The Ren & Stimpy Show, and a few years ago news broke that John K, the creator, was a groomer and pedophile, aside from creating abusive work environments and overall not being that great of a guy. This news hit me particularly hard, as I was a pretty big fan of his work, and was really disgusted with his actions.

I realized, though, he’s not gaining any money from me enjoying Ren and Stimpy, he was fired less than halfway through the show’s run. Hell, even his victims that spoke out about him recommended to separate the art from the artist, as there was nothing wrong with Ren & Stimpy or anyone who likes it, just the man who created the characters.

I think it’s hard to 100% separate the art from the artist, as an artist myself we put a little bit of ourselves in everything we do. I think it’s best to acknowledge the artist and what they did wrong, but if you continue to enjoy the art they made, that’s okay. It’s kind of hard to control what we like, after all. I believe you shouldn’t financially support them either, but that’s more of a personal preference people can make I believe.
Jul 28, 2022 8:11 AM

May 2021
You sure can. Though do keep in mind that knowing the artist well would help you with whatever message the artist has conveyed through their art.

Jul 28, 2022 8:21 AM
Dec 2010
It sounds like a common phenomenon, tbh. It's like the first taste of fame. Sorta like a honeymoon.
People overhype it until they realize there are requirements or downsides to it.
Jul 28, 2022 8:30 AM

Mar 2012
Only as long their end product doesn't reflect or promote their ideals but in such cases I'd rather just pirate than actually buy anything from them.
Jul 28, 2022 8:40 AM

Jun 2020
I always do.. IDK if it's good or bad, but I prefer it this way for myself, to separate the art from the artist. There are instances where I am curious of the artist and what they're like, but it doesn't negatively influence (atleast directly) my enjoyment of the art. (It may positively influence the experience of the art though). There are instances where I love the artist more as a person, than their art too. Most of the times though, I am unaware of the gossip or information about their private lives. (it is of no interest to me, unless I find something curious about the artist - even if I somehow get to know of the gossip/information, I tend to forget it or remember vaguely - I don't feel strongly about it - generally).
Jul 28, 2022 9:13 AM

Oct 2017
As long as they aren't still profiting off the work yeah I can.
Jul 28, 2022 10:25 AM

Dec 2019
Yeah, although depending on what the artist did, it may be rather difficult; but nonetheless, I still think that the type of person someone is has nothing to do with their skill. Like Hitler, I like his paintings and acknowledge his skill so I have respect for him as an artist, but I have zero respect for him as a person because of the horrible acts he committed. I also recently found out about what the author of Rurouni Kenshin did. While I still love the series, I have zero respect towards the author now as a person. Also people who think that if you enjoy a work of an awful person you are "supporting them and what they did" are fucking idiots. Just because I enjoy their work it doesn't mean that I'm supporting the creator and what they did.
Jul 28, 2022 11:36 AM

Jun 2014
Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't.

I used to listen to Charles Manson's music when I was younger, particularly his song "Sick City."

Although, I don't know if I could ever watch anything in the Harry Potter franchise ever again.

Jul 28, 2022 11:54 AM

Apr 2013
Yes, I advocate separating the art from the artist in most situations, so long as the work is good. Hell, in some cases the actions of the artists are what makes the work popular in the first place. Take a look at G.G Allin or Burzum for example. I dont think most of the people who listen to them actually condone what they did. But the work is valuable as it provides insight into the mind of people like them.

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Jul 28, 2022 11:54 AM

Aug 2011
No I don’t think so, what you make comes from you! Rather subconscious or not it is a reflection of the artist rather they are controversial or not.
desu desu binches
Jul 28, 2022 2:12 PM

Dec 2015
Yeah I can which is for someone hard for others easy. Here it will be slightly controversial but will show the point of it which will be from my personal view. For example we have the drawings and paintings made by Hitler or songs we have also Alexandrov's choir [*], both of their arts are nice, as much as I am not a fan of the paintings the songs performed by Alexandrov's are very nice and I like to listen to them and I don't care if they were in frontlines and most likely harming/hurting people from my country as it doesn't effect their music. Alot of other artist did some bad stuff which for me doesn't affect my judge for their art for example there is a polish rapper Bonus RPK and there were rumors that he is selling drugs for younglings as much as I hate that fact I don't dislike his music even knowing that factor no matter if it true or not.

ZettaikenJul 28, 2022 2:17 PM
Jul 28, 2022 2:36 PM

Jun 2019
No, there is no need to. But spare me your moraline, please.

philtecturophy said:
Depends, if you mean separate Chopin's pieces such as his nocturnes, ballades, scherzo, etc. from Chopin, then no, its not possible

Each classical piano pieces are uniquely related to the composer, you can directly tell who compose this or that piece particularly if you have listened to some of the pieces composed by those particular composers. Chopin's Nocturnes or etudes can only uniquely be connected to Chopin. Others may try to imitate it, but will not be able to

Now Rap IMO is not a music genre, its just people talking really fast with beats, maybe a little bit of melody, but people talk also have melodies, are they art? Of course not. Coz when we start to say that people talking are form of art, then the sound of my fart will also be an art form, coz it can form a simple melody as well. Poetry is an art, because the words can be beautiful. But most rap, if not all, are talking garbage, so its not art form

An art should be unique and really has the quality of perfection amd beauty in it. It is subjective, yes, but it can be determined whether its worth to be called an art or not

Amity rather asked whether you could still respect Chopin after learning that he had stayed 9 years with someone as boring as George Sand.
Jul 28, 2022 5:09 PM
Yare Yare Daze

May 2022
Samurai X creator did that. I admit I start being a fan.

Drug deal is different case. I blame the people not the person who selling it. Even if he sold kids that's more on the parents in my mind. You should know what your kid can be trust one. My mom starting driving home because I couldn't be trust at that time.

I don't know who they are. I try not to learn anything about European people in history. I am from france I never consider myself french always Asian and Jewish,
Jul 28, 2022 5:24 PM

Dec 2013
Meusnier said:
No, there is no need to. But spare me your moraline, please.

philtecturophy said:
Depends, if you mean separate Chopin's pieces such as his nocturnes, ballades, scherzo, etc. from Chopin, then no, its not possible

Each classical piano pieces are uniquely related to the composer, you can directly tell who compose this or that piece particularly if you have listened to some of the pieces composed by those particular composers. Chopin's Nocturnes or etudes can only uniquely be connected to Chopin. Others may try to imitate it, but will not be able to

Now Rap IMO is not a music genre, its just people talking really fast with beats, maybe a little bit of melody, but people talk also have melodies, are they art? Of course not. Coz when we start to say that people talking are form of art, then the sound of my fart will also be an art form, coz it can form a simple melody as well. Poetry is an art, because the words can be beautiful. But most rap, if not all, are talking garbage, so its not art form

An art should be unique and really has the quality of perfection amd beauty in it. It is subjective, yes, but it can be determined whether its worth to be called an art or not

Amity rather asked whether you could still respect Chopin after learning that he had stayed 9 years with someone as boring as George Sand.

Never heard of George Sand before, but I looked it up on wikipedia, and he was a famous French Novelist. Seems he has some connection to Chopin, but too lazy to read about it in Wiki

Jul 28, 2022 5:30 PM

Jun 2022
i dont separate the art from the artist. instead i reject the notion that you should only appreciate art made by a pure angel who agrees with you perfectly

StarfireDragon said:
Yes, I advocate separating the art from the artist in most situations, so long as the work is good. Hell, in some cases the actions of the artists are what makes the work popular in the first place. Take a look at G.G Allin or Burzum for example. I dont think most of the people who listen to them actually condone what they did. But the work is valuable as it provides insight into the mind of people like them.

love burzum love vatican shadow love death in june my music taste is just extremely fascist
Jul 28, 2022 10:37 PM

Jun 2019
philtecturophy said:
Meusnier said:
No, there is no need to. But spare me your moraline, please.

Amity rather asked whether you could still respect Chopin after learning that he had stayed 9 years with someone as boring as George Sand.

Never heard of George Sand before, but I looked it up on wikipedia, and he was a famous French Novelist. Seems he has some connection to Chopin, but too lazy to read about it in Wiki

It is a "she"—George Sand is the pen name of Aurore Dupin. They were famously lovers during 9 years. I am surprised that you did not try to learn more about Chopin's life. Céline praised her memoirs, but their value is mostly historical, not literary.

Amityblight said:
I don't know who they are. I try not to learn anything about European people in history. I am from france I never consider myself french always Asian and Jewish,

It is a pity, for ignorance is never justifiable. And it does not even make sense from your viewpoint considering the fundamental importance of the history of the Jews in Europe.
Jul 28, 2022 10:53 PM

Oct 2016
It depends. I try not to support people I know did horrible things but sometimes its difficult. Its like trying to separate Filthy Frank and Joji.
Jul 28, 2022 11:38 PM

Dec 2013
Meusnier said:
philtecturophy said:

Never heard of George Sand before, but I looked it up on wikipedia, and he was a famous French Novelist. Seems he has some connection to Chopin, but too lazy to read about it in Wiki

It is a "she"—George Sand is the pen name of Aurore Dupin. They were famously lovers during 9 years. I am surprised that you did not try to learn more about Chopin's life. Céline praised her memoirs, but their value is mostly historical, not literary.

Amityblight said:
I don't know who they are. I try not to learn anything about European people in history. I am from france I never consider myself french always Asian and Jewish,

It is a pity, for ignorance is never justifiable. And it does not even make sense from your viewpoint considering the fundamental importance of the history of the Jews in Europe.

Chopin is the only person who I idolized so much, as can be seen in my MAL profile, I only put him as most favorite person, the person who I want to meet so much, but I don't think I deserve. It is true that my knowledge about his personal life is very limited, its a bit unfortunate, but I always try and struggle to learn for years about him, getting to know more about him through his works, also by watching and listening discussion mostly about interpretation and techniques to learn about his works. I even developed pure joy, ecstatic feeling, pain and frustration about his works, learning his etudes in the past, even until now, his works are tremendously become a big part of my life, hundreds of hours practicing his works, trying to understand what he wants to convey through his music, the gesture of body that I should use to perform ideal sound for each of the piece, sight reading his compositions while learning them note by note, every details, thats how deep my feeling to him, from physical and mind, happinness and exhaustion, he has become big part of me, through his works.

Jul 29, 2022 8:08 AM
Yare Yare Daze

May 2022
I wouldn't call it ignorance. I learn history for culture and people curious about. I have zero interest in learning about Europeans.

@UgleyCat was Thr Cosby show written by Bill tho? Take Chris "404 not found" promos in wwe or WCW they aged like milk but he didn't write those lol. Bill books are definitely awful now.
Jul 29, 2022 9:24 AM
Lost πŸ’Ž Diamond

Dec 2012
I can and do, I still love Rurouni Kenshin despite what the author did and I think Hitler's paintings are beautiful
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Jul 29, 2022 9:42 AM
Oct 2019
philtecturophy said:

Now Rap IMO is not a music genre, its just people talking really fast with beats, maybe a little bit of melody, but people talk also have melodies, are they art? Of course not. Coz when we start to say that people talking are form of art, then the sound of my fart will also be an art form, coz it can form a simple melody as well. Poetry is an art, because the words can be beautiful. But most rap, if not all, are talking garbage, so its not art form

An art should be unique and really has the quality of perfection amd(sic) beauty in it. It is subjective, yes, but it can be determined whether its worth to be called an art or not

Can we all just agree to not post bait on the forums? Literally every thread is full of garbage takes like this and I'm beginning to lose faith in humanity. This is such a Ben Shapiro take that nobody in music would corroborate. Next will we be saying that Shoenberg's music isn't actually such because of his rejection of tonality?

Also Hitler's paintings are mediocre postcard crap only worth any study because such a terrible person made them. Sort of like serial killer artwork is only viewed because of the connection to a serial killer. In that case people are only viewing the art BECAUSE of the artist.

So that boils down to the question: can we truly separate the art from the artist? The answer is yes - but with a caveat. Once we learn about the artist, it becomes increasingly difficult to separate them from the work. Hearing a random song on the radio is just that: random. But learning about the artist and then the about the composition, and then their life story etc. the art becomes more and more entwined. So I think realistically we cannot separate the artist from their art, we can only choose to ignore.
Jul 29, 2022 9:53 AM

Dec 2013
ThoreauBureau said:
philtecturophy said:

Now Rap IMO is not a music genre, its just people talking really fast with beats, maybe a little bit of melody, but people talk also have melodies, are they art? Of course not. Coz when we start to say that people talking are form of art, then the sound of my fart will also be an art form, coz it can form a simple melody as well. Poetry is an art, because the words can be beautiful. But most rap, if not all, are talking garbage, so its not art form

An art should be unique and really has the quality of perfection amd(sic) beauty in it. It is subjective, yes, but it can be determined whether its worth to be called an art or not

Can we all just agree to not post bait on the forums? Literally every thread is full of garbage takes like this and I'm beginning to lose faith in humanity. This is such a Ben Shapiro take that nobody in music would corroborate. Next will we be saying that Shoenberg's music isn't actually such because of his rejection of tonality?

Also Hitler's paintings are mediocre postcard crap only worth any study because such a terrible person made them. Sort of like serial killer artwork is only viewed because of the connection to a serial killer. In that case people are only viewing the art BECAUSE of the artist.

So that boils down to the question: can we truly separate the art from the artist? The answer is yes - but with a caveat. Once we learn about the artist, it becomes increasingly difficult to separate them from the work. Hearing a random song on the radio is just that: random. But learning about the artist and then the about the composition, and then their life story etc. the art becomes more and more entwined. So I think realistically we cannot separate the artist from their art, we can only choose to ignore.

I doubt you understand what art truly is, or incapable of having any sense of art. You cannot just say everything that has sound is an art, or everything that can be visualized by sight are art form. If I put a banana on top of a cow dung, is it an art? Of course not. Idiots can say, yeah it has artistic values, then the value of humanity is reduced at that point.

Most rap is not art, likewise chacarron by El Chombo is not an art as well. Its just sound, like engine's sounds etc.

Jul 29, 2022 10:50 AM
Oct 2019
philtecturophy said:
ThoreauBureau said:

Can we all just agree to not post bait on the forums? Literally every thread is full of garbage takes like this and I'm beginning to lose faith in humanity. This is such a Ben Shapiro take that nobody in music would corroborate. Next will we be saying that Shoenberg's music isn't actually such because of his rejection of tonality?

Also Hitler's paintings are mediocre postcard crap only worth any study because such a terrible person made them. Sort of like serial killer artwork is only viewed because of the connection to a serial killer. In that case people are only viewing the art BECAUSE of the artist.

So that boils down to the question: can we truly separate the art from the artist? The answer is yes - but with a caveat. Once we learn about the artist, it becomes increasingly difficult to separate them from the work. Hearing a random song on the radio is just that: random. But learning about the artist and then the about the composition, and then their life story etc. the art becomes more and more entwined. So I think realistically we cannot separate the artist from their art, we can only choose to ignore.

I doubt you understand what art truly is, or incapable of having any sense of art. You cannot just say everything that has sound is an art, or everything that can be visualized by sight are art form. If I put a banana on top of a cow dung, is it an art? Of course not. Idiots can say, yeah it has artistic values, then the value of humanity is reduced at that point.

Most rap is not art, likewise chacarron by El Chombo is not an art as well. Its just sound, like engine's sounds etc.

I doubt you even understand what the English language truly is, or I doubt you are incapable of having any sense of writing. You cannot just write something and say it has truth to it. /s Doesn't it sound silly to say something like that? If I put a bunch of numbers together and called it a proof you would be right to call me stupid. Just like in math, you need understanding to write something and then have it be true. What you are saying lacks even that basic logic. Will you say that Mozart is less of an artist because he liked to put potty humor in his music? Did he therefore degrade humanity? Perhaps before insulting someone - and this is just a theory - you should take the time to educate yourself on the subject. There is pretty much no scholarly work that agrees with you (unless you count some writings by Adorno who is hotly contested). Feel free to actually do research on this and come back with a functioning response. Think of it as the scientific method, if you like. Let us further humanity together by gaining new and nuanced understanding.
Jul 29, 2022 11:22 AM

Dec 2013
ThoreauBureau said:
philtecturophy said:

I doubt you understand what art truly is, or incapable of having any sense of art. You cannot just say everything that has sound is an art, or everything that can be visualized by sight are art form. If I put a banana on top of a cow dung, is it an art? Of course not. Idiots can say, yeah it has artistic values, then the value of humanity is reduced at that point.

Most rap is not art, likewise chacarron by El Chombo is not an art as well. Its just sound, like engine's sounds etc.

I doubt you even understand what the English language truly is, or I doubt you are incapable of having any sense of writing. You cannot just write something and say it has truth to it. /s Doesn't it sound silly to say something like that? If I put a bunch of numbers together and called it a proof you would be right to call me stupid. Just like in math, you need understanding to write something and then have it be true. What you are saying lacks even that basic logic. Will you say that Mozart is less of an artist because he liked to put potty humor in his music? Did he therefore degrade humanity? Perhaps before insulting someone - and this is just a theory - you should take the time to educate yourself on the subject. There is pretty much no scholarly work that agrees with you (unless you count some writings by Adorno who is hotly contested). Feel free to actually do research on this and come back with a functioning response. Think of it as the scientific method, if you like. Let us further humanity together by gaining new and nuanced understanding.

tldr and too lazy for the prolonged debate, so I will just put these two videos and let your miniscule brain digest and contemplate what is art, and how should it sounds and looked like:

Also not quite get why you mentioned about my education all of sudden.
FYI, I am educated in both architecture and classical piano, also am a civil engineer. See my MAL blog.
philtecturophyJul 29, 2022 11:25 AM

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