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Is Elitism Prevalent in Anime Community?
Jul 24, 2019 9:50 AM
May 2019
Elitists are people who demand from others to like/dislike what ever they happen to like/dislike, they are not to be confused with Anime Critics who only criticize anime and not people who watch them.

So what are your thoughts is Elitism prevalent in Anime community? And if it is what can we do to combat it?
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Jul 24, 2019 9:54 AM

Jul 2015
You dropped the E word! Hayaku, take cover!

Just use a 7-10 scale and the rabid fanboys shouldn't attack you for disliking their fav.
Jul 24, 2019 10:16 AM
Jul 2018
Why would we want to combat it?
Jul 24, 2019 10:20 AM

Apr 2015
You know what's prevalent? having most of the community been so obsessed over elitism, when the majority of you haven't actually met one yet.
Jul 24, 2019 10:22 AM

May 2009
Xstasy said:
Elitists are people who demand from others to like/dislike what ever they happen to like/dislike, they are not to be confused with Anime Critics who only criticize anime and not people who watch them.
There's like several different definitions for "elitist"/"elitism" that get thrown around the anime fandom, including:
* they only like certain well-received/"classic" shows
* they try to set standards for what is good or not, or at least they talk like they are the source of such standards
* they look down on everyone else as if what other people watch is bad
* they lord their supposedly superior taste on others, and are arrogant pricks

Also fwiw "critic" can also mean someone who assesses something rather than simply criticizing (i.e. speaking negatively of) it.

Xstasy said:
So what are your thoughts is Elitism prevalent in Anime community? And if it is what can we do to combat it?
The issue does get thrown around quite a bit, because a good amount of general-anime-related chatter has to do with sharing one's opinions on anime series, so these opinions end up getting interpreted as being somehow meaningful to social standing.
GlennMagusHarveyJul 24, 2019 10:26 AM
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Jul 24, 2019 10:23 AM

Jul 2015
Mastergold said:
You know what's prevalent? having most of the community been so obsessed over elitism, when the majority of you haven't actually met one yet.

... think about all the people who never saw a show made before 2010 but insist on parroting everywhere that old shows are outdated and objectively worse than recent ones and that people are either pretending to like them, or wearing "nostalgia glasses".
Jul 24, 2019 10:24 AM

Aug 2016
omg this should be @ people i know irl who like/dislike me based off my anime preferences...
GuapJul 24, 2019 10:52 AM
Jul 24, 2019 10:24 AM

Nov 2011
i disagree with your definition. in my view, an elitist is simply someone who consider themselves to be "better" than the "layperson" because of their "superior" knowledge, skill or any other trait that sets them apart from the rest. there are elitists in any community, and the anime community is no exception. i dont know how prevalent it is, but i dont think it matters.
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Jul 24, 2019 10:26 AM

Jan 2018
If you like being around those people, then yeah you should combat them by learning martial arts so they would tap out.
Jul 24, 2019 10:26 AM

May 2016
Elitism is necessary, if you ask me. If everyone liked everything and proclaimed everything to be great works of art, that would be an unmitigated disaster of shit-guzzling proportions. You gotta have someone to let the people know that No Game No Life is a visual abomination with actively aggravating characters and insipid writing that thinks it's genius when it's really just as flat and stale as month-old bread.

Someone has to warn the masses about the diarrhea landmines scattered throughout the anime landscape.

This glorious signature image was created by @Mayumi!

I am the Arbiter of Absolute Truth, and here is my wisdom:

"Anime was always influenced by the West. This is not news.
Shoujo is the superior genre primarily aimed at young people.
Harem/isekai are lazy genres that refuse any meaningful innovation.
There is no 'Golden Age.' There will always be top-shelf anime.
You should be watching Carole & Tuesday."
Jul 24, 2019 10:28 AM

Jul 2017
Only those who mega flex their elitism are true anime fans so there you go
Jul 24, 2019 10:34 AM

Apr 2017
Yes ofc. How many times I heard "Huhuh if u leik sao then u gae lmao xdxdkekek" or "*insert elitist anime here* is the best anime and if you don't think so then u stoopid m8" etc etc.

Jul 24, 2019 10:40 AM

Jan 2017
Zelkiiro said:
Elitism is necessary, if you ask me. If everyone liked everything and proclaimed everything to be great works of art, that would be an unmitigated disaster of shit-guzzling proportions.

I mean, I know you're exaggerating, and that you don't actually buy into the false dichotomy you're pushing here, but it's an interesting point.

People who are pickier about what they watch probably are a good metric for finding out what an average viewer is likely to enjoy. You'd need to filter for obvious biases against genre or demographic, but for gauging a consensus it probably is a good first step to look at those who are less inclined to like things, and who therefore are more likely to think positively of genuinely good shows.

Of course, you'd also need some way of distinguishing people who genuinely are just picky from those who just act that way to make themselves seem or feel superior, which (given that this is the internet) is probably impossible. And then there's the question as to whether that's even a fair description of 'elitism' in the first place, when that word carries with it certain connotations...

Zelkiiro said:
You gotta have someone to let the people know that No Game No Life is a visual abomination with actively aggravating characters and insipid writing that thinks it's genius when it's really just as flat and stale as month-old bread.

Found the Steph.
Jul 24, 2019 10:46 AM

Feb 2019
Unfortunately, people keep giving their opinions on what elitism really is, and the definition of words aren’t really subjective... it’d be nice if there is an objective definition on what elitism actually is.

I don’t really have anything to say regarding the op, so I’ll just give my opinion on what’s been said in this thread. The people described here are pretty toxic, there’s no way around that.
-Frost-Jul 24, 2019 10:55 AM
To judge others by your own standard is the height of folly.
Jul 24, 2019 10:48 AM

Mar 2012
Most of those elite wouldn't talk to a mere mortal.
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
Jul 24, 2019 10:50 AM

Mar 2015
Yes. Just mention you like any popular shounen anime and they'll come for your ass.

How to combat it? I don't think there's any way to combat stupidity.
Jul 24, 2019 10:52 AM

Jul 2017
Well of course. There are some people who think they are better than others because of their "taste". Pretty toxic.
Once you realize that what others think about what you enjoy doesn't matter, you will finally be free

Jul 24, 2019 10:55 AM
Apr 2016
The term "elitist" is rather inconsistent in anime community, honestly. People have the tendency to call someone "elitist" over them liking certain shows, as if now putting some shows in your favorites is a taboo.
Jul 24, 2019 10:56 AM

Apr 2018
You shouldn't care about what others think about your 'taste' in anime.
The way to combat them is to not give them attention.
Jul 24, 2019 10:59 AM

Jun 2017
If "Ojamajo Doremi" is a elitist show then I'm glad elitists exist.
Mastergold said:
You know what's prevalent? having most of the community been so obsessed over elitism, when the majority of you haven't actually met one yet.
Jul 24, 2019 11:09 AM

Jul 2019
No, true elitists are not prevalent. Anime community is just full of toxic people who think their taste is superior.

Reach for the

Jul 24, 2019 11:12 AM

Apr 2015

Oh I see comments like that almost all the time and you still see people in the community keep insisting that there's no such attitude within modern anime fans.
Jul 24, 2019 11:13 AM

Sep 2018
It seems to be more of casual vs hardcore which could be considered elitism. I would say it exist in the community, but not much people try to force others to watch certain anime. It is worse for other hobbies like trading card games.
Jul 24, 2019 11:26 AM

Feb 2014
I don't know about elitism, but bitching about elitism seems to be far more prevalent in the anime community.
Jul 24, 2019 12:03 PM

Apr 2016
Sorta? Not in the stereotypical way people say but in the way where people get uppity about you for liking or disliking a certain mainstream show they find great or terrible, especially if you write a review of it, in which prepare to be flooded with fanboys or haters. Look at the sig below for more.
CodeBlazeFateJul 24, 2019 12:35 PM
Jul 24, 2019 12:22 PM
Mar 2016
Nah, not really. It probably occurs most on MAL, and it's still not that prevalent.
Theniel said:
No, true elitists are not prevalent. Anime community is just full of toxic people who think their taste is superior.

Jul 24, 2019 12:22 PM

Oct 2013
Well there's plenty of people who claim their taste is superior to others around. Whether or not they're actually being serious about that claim is another story.
Jul 24, 2019 12:51 PM

Dec 2018
This is a stupid post thats been done time and time again.
Jul 24, 2019 1:08 PM
May 2019
PorchmonkeyD said:
This is a stupid post thats been done time and time again.

Legends of the Galactic Heros avatar it checks out lol.
I seriously must watch that anime I've only seen remake and I liked it.
Although I prefer Reinhard to Yang at least in the remake version.
Jul 24, 2019 1:15 PM

Dec 2018
Xstasy said:
PorchmonkeyD said:
This is a stupid post thats been done time and time again.

Legends of the Galactic Heros avatar it checks out lol.
I seriously must watch that anime I've only seen remake and I liked it.
Although I prefer Reinhard to Yang at least in the remake version.

LOTGH is pretty great, it's got it's fair share of flaw tho.
Jul 24, 2019 1:19 PM

Jun 2011
I think it is considerably rare to find one. I get called one a lot and I am not. So I know people generally just don't know what it means. I haven't met an elitist in a while. The only sniff of elitism is the people who insist sub over dub on people who watch dub only.

But to me, it takes way more than that to reach my elitism threshold. You basically have to be ThatAnimeSnob in order for me to think you are an elitist... and despite the people who genuinely follow him that must exist, I know the vast majority of people find him not much more than anything beyond a source of comedy or hate. People do not respect him.

I could count the amount of elitists I have met on one hand. And online, there are more but only because we usually lack the more casual and laid back who don't want to make lists or talk to other anime fans online.

Elitism isn't about what anime you watch, it is about your attitude... And it isn't about a single post you make or a single video, or a single interaction... it is a lot to do with consistent behavior... So few people are actually elitist on anime websites.

A good majority of people people call elitist, I noticed just have more social problems online (like myself). And the anime community does have those in spades for sure. Lacking social grace isn't enough to be elitist for me...
The anime community in a nutshell.
Jul 24, 2019 1:30 PM

Jan 2009
there are lots of elitism going on 4chan /a/ for example when i check that place from time to time and i see that here on MAL too especially among those old anime shows are better kind of threads

how to combat it? you do not need too since like haters in the anime community are usually just the vocal minority anyway, there is a silent majority that just loves anime in general and anime becoming close to mainstream is all proof you need for that
Jul 24, 2019 1:40 PM

Jun 2014
Unfortunately, yes.

There are various different types of elitists on this forum. Your best bet, is to try not to pay any heed to them, as they will just frustrate you.

Jul 24, 2019 1:52 PM

Oct 2012
The whole elitism thing is a myth for people to justify low effort in a discussion. If you want to love whatever anime you want and tell people you love a show in one-liner shows of support, then that's fine, do whatever you want. But forums like this exist for the sake of discussion. And people discuss something, they're expected to give supporting evidence. Since anime quality is subjective, supporting evidence mostly means details about what you felt about particular scenes of sequences, how you relate to them or why you didn't.

If you don't support your statements in a discussion, then your statements amount to trash. Note that I did not say your ability to like anything is worth trash. I said the value of your contributions in a discussion is worth trash.

This is where "elitism" comes in. Lazy, dishonest, or incompetent people don't want to play by the rules, so they deliberately misinterpret any attempts at a real discussion in a discussion as personal attacks on their character to subvert the perceived power dynamic (they're insecure because they have nothing to contribute) so that they could now frame engagement as something negative. Now they can say "I like X" and expect to be taken seriously, where people who expect "I like X because Y" become "elitists".

People who truly look down on people for whatever they like are rare. Most people might look down on a shitty support of something someone purportedly likes and disregard it. Everyone in the world who cares about anything does this.

If you say, "I like anything with purple in it because it makes me feel warm." Most people instinctively feel like that reason is full of shit. Some people might prod you to clarify, or just assume that you don't really despite what you just said. You call them "elitists", but it's a totally fair assumption. After all, I'm sure you're not a huge fan of bruises or COPD, which turns your blood purple from lack of oxygen, or the glow of nuclear particles from Cherenkov radiation, or ebola abscesses and flesh eating bacterial infections.

I tell you this and you say, "You're being extreme. You know what I mean."

Yeah, I know what you mean, but you clearly don't.
My subjective reviews:
Jul 24, 2019 2:09 PM

Oct 2017
By your definition I would say no.

People rarely directly demand for others to like/dislike what they like/dislike. But it is often implied. There are toxic attitudes to certain tropes/genres which I honestly get tired of defending but if it were just a case of people expressing their tastes then it wouldn't be problem. But it is often a form of elitism where the type of anime they like is superior or the type of anime they look down on is inferior. They express these opinions in a way that implies judgment of the individuals that disagree with them.

The two biggest examples are moe/romance/cute girl stuff, and shounen.

I'm guilty of sometimes judging people for only liking shounen because I think it's kind of childish but I have the self-awareness to know it's my own bias and I don't think those that like shounen are bad people or anything. Plus I try not to express those thoughts very often.

The moe/romance/cute girls stuff is what I spend a lot of time defending, even though the majority of those shows I only end up giving 5-7, I just think the level of toxicity and judgmental attitudes towards those shows is too much. They are a core part of the anime asthetic in my opinion.

But I'm not looking to debate that stuff here. Just laying out the sort of elitism that I think is quite prevelant. That is, not elitism regarding people but elitism regarding the actual anime. I call it genre snobbery.

I kind of take issue with the way you've phrased the question though. You imply that anime critics who only talk about the anime is a totally different thing than elitism against people. I think they are one and the same. There is a blurred line between reasonable critique and genre snobbery which boils down to "this genre is bad and you have trash taste for liking it". anime critics very often go over this line. I often wonder how they developed such a spiteful personality and why it's so common in anime critics.
“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Aggregate scoring is bad for the anime fandom
Jul 24, 2019 2:15 PM
Apr 2017
Deathko said:
Mastergold said:
You know what's prevalent? having most of the community been so obsessed over elitism, when the majority of you haven't actually met one yet.

... think about all the people who never saw a show made before 2010 but insist on parroting everywhere that old shows are outdated and objectively worse than recent ones and that people are either pretending to like them, or wearing "nostalgia glasses".
My, wouldn't an elitist say just that.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Everytime the words elitist/elitism are thrown around they change meaning on this website, so based on moon phase and time of day there are either only elitists or no elitists at all, pretty much.
"The problem with defining even an aspect of your personality by something that you like, is that criticism of that product appears to you to be criticism of you personally. I find it to be a very harmful attitude, [...] you can't rationally discuss a product because you've started to define yourself by its very existence."

John Bain
Jul 24, 2019 3:16 PM

Feb 2019
I really don't understand what 'elitism' is supposed to be. Apparently if you like some specific anime you're one, if you don't like some specific anime you're one, if you articulate your opinions you're one, if you don't articulate your opinions you're one, if you like critically acclaimed anime you're one, if you don't like critically acclaimed anime you're one, ad infinitum with the broad vague dichotomies. At the end of the day, it just sounds like a nice word to throw at people that one does not like or agree with.
Jul 24, 2019 3:28 PM
Jul 2018
I'll just repeat what I always say in these threads: call them connoisseurs, not elitists.
Jul 24, 2019 3:37 PM

Aug 2017
Nop, fanboyism is prevalent in Anime Community. I know a lot of ppl that gets triggered by criticism here.

"People that use the word Elitist as a response to anyone criticizing a popular show or show they like. Elitism is shitting people for liking certain shows, not criticising shows for being bad"
NurguburuJul 24, 2019 3:43 PM
All weebs creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by western animation. You will no longer know hunger, nor pain. Your Anime have come to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom. And the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their western animation ways… For you, there will be great wrath.
Jul 24, 2019 3:37 PM

Jan 2018
Aastra343 said:
I really don't understand what 'elitism' is supposed to be. Apparently if you like some specific anime you're one, if you don't like some specific anime you're one, if you articulate your opinions you're one, if you don't articulate your opinions you're one, if you like critically acclaimed anime you're one, if you don't like critically acclaimed anime you're one, ad infinitum with the broad vague dichotomies. At the end of the day, it just sounds like a nice word to throw at people that one does not like or agree with.

Pretty much this. I've gotten used to people calling me an elitist. It's kinda funny tbh.. I (mostly) gravitate toward critically acclaimed shows (the same applies to my taste in films), but I never understood how that correlated with my behavior. I've never treated someone poorly if their taste didn't align with mine, nor have I ever understood why someone would go out of their way to do so. It's just childish if you ask me.

"I am not sure that I exist, actually. I am all the writers that I have read, all the
people that I have met, all the women that I have loved; all the cities I have visited.
― Jorge Luis Borges
[url=]Goodreads[/url] | [url=]Letterboxd[/url]

Jul 24, 2019 3:40 PM

Jan 2017

No. If you believe that then you need to actually be active in other anime groups/servers/whatever on the internet. "elitists" barely exist anywhere in the community. It's a dead meme. The community is mostly dominated by casual fans who just want to watch some fun cartoons.
Assholes and fanboys exist everywhere tho. Loads of people get butthurt and mad when you don't like their fav show or agree with their way of thinking. These guys actually behave like the "evil elitists" without realizing that they're full of shit.

Greyleaf said:
Aastra343 said:
I really don't understand what 'elitism' is supposed to be. Apparently if you like some specific anime you're one, if you don't like some specific anime you're one, if you articulate your opinions you're one, if you don't articulate your opinions you're one, if you like critically acclaimed anime you're one, if you don't like critically acclaimed anime you're one, ad infinitum with the broad vague dichotomies. At the end of the day, it just sounds like a nice word to throw at people that one does not like or agree with.

Pretty much this. I've gotten used to people calling me an elitist. It's kinda funny tbh.. I (mostly) gravitate toward critically acclaimed shows (the same applies to my taste in films), but I never understood how that correlated with my behavior. I've never treated someone poorly if their taste didn't align with mine, nor have I ever understood why someone would go out of their way to do so. It's just childish if you ask me.

THIS. I agree with both of you. this dead meme should stay dead.
Jul 24, 2019 4:29 PM

May 2018
Not as much as they use to be anymore at least here in MAL.
Jul 24, 2019 4:51 PM
Oct 2018
We need more elitism tbh.
Too many casuals plaguing the anime community.

for legal reasons that's a joke
Jul 24, 2019 5:13 PM
Jul 2019
Elitism will always exist in society, whatever the subject.
it's not exclusive to the anime community.
Jul 24, 2019 5:17 PM

Mar 2017
Xstasy said:
And if it is what can we do to combat it?

Ignore those people or show indifferent behavior.
Jul 24, 2019 5:32 PM

Apr 2019
Elitism is present in all communities, given it is large enough. Anime is a generic term, so it does have elitists.
Jul 24, 2019 5:38 PM
Jul 2018
Cyber_Icarus said:

No. If you believe that then you need to actually be active in other anime groups/servers/whatever on the internet. "elitists" barely exist anywhere in the community. It's a dead meme. The community is mostly dominated by casual fans who just want to watch some fun cartoons.
Assholes and fanboys exist everywhere tho. Loads of people get butthurt and mad when you don't like their fav show or agree with their way of thinking. These guys actually behave like the "evil elitists" without realizing that they're full of shit.

Greyleaf said:

Pretty much this. I've gotten used to people calling me an elitist. It's kinda funny tbh.. I (mostly) gravitate toward critically acclaimed shows (the same applies to my taste in films), but I never understood how that correlated with my behavior. I've never treated someone poorly if their taste didn't align with mine, nor have I ever understood why someone would go out of their way to do so. It's just childish if you ask me.

THIS. I agree with both of you. this dead meme should stay dead.

Yeah pretty much all of this. People love to stoke up drama where there is none. It's annoying honestly.
Jul 24, 2019 6:17 PM

Feb 2013
I don't know about demanding to like what they like. From the experiences I've seen, it's more so certain people with unoriginal taste that try to conform to liking a particular style of series and trying not to stray too far, at the risk that someone from that same mindset might scoff at them. It's really weird. That's at least the impression I've gotten from some occasions in the past. Most likely it's brainlet teens that are new to the medium and feel there's something to prove.

Elitism of any degree isn't a problem in the first place. If you think you see it, just ignore it and it has literally no effect on you. The concept only exists in the first place because you give it attention like this. I don't even know why I'm commenting on it, I was just bored.
Jul 24, 2019 9:23 PM

Mar 2014
Not really prevalent. Most of what I've seen is just banter.

The most elitist person I've seen is someone on this forum who is so "anti-elitist", he himself has become what he hates, yet he's either so delusional that he doesn't see it.
Jul 25, 2019 1:15 AM
Jul 2019
First off I rarely post here I forgot I made a prior account years ago on my old email. So this is like my third post or something. I likely not even post again on this account. I will say sorry in advance because while I'm above average in things like I.T, Science and Maths. My English is likely below average so enjoy.

I don't think it's strictly elitism that causes what you're describing. What you're calling elitist has a lot of causes from just bias normally it's caused really by personal bias. Also a lot of anime is for teenagers which are going through mental changes so their half insane. So that's another reason for their being a lot of idiots that don't really know how to reconcile differences properly. Fandoms and communities are honestly a big melting pot for these biases to fester so you'll see it more than average I would think within if you're part of the fandom and are a part of the community in anyway friends, acquaintances or internet forums.

A lot of these biases are caused by the fandom itself as well that get formed by seeing patterns through casual observation. People change due to their experiences. If you have shonen4lyfe calling you names for liking slice of life you could start to generalise everyone that only watches shonen as stupid people. You might dislike shonen more than before to. Someone might look down at you and make you question yourself and go watch and convert to shonen4lyfe 2.0.
People are actual quite complex but you can understand why people do what we do.

It's hard to say specifically what the reason was for that person to force their opinion on others. People that insult and moan at you are generally trying to manipulate you into liking something. It's easy to do though it's not all that effective tbh.
People want to reconcile their differences but the most preferable thing making a copy of yourself. Rather than understanding each other different views which is less fun.
Making people think like you creates unity which is important for your viewpoints success. It's tribal in nature really which is a human conditional thing.
Really you should try to get them to like by explaining what's good and get them past roadblocks such as confirmation bias/bias/elitist.

I was a closet watcher for a long time due to stigma. Anime got a spike in popularity and become fashionable for a short time when people wanted to be different/special/superior.

tl;dr: people are people and they do people things because they are people. So yes anime community has this problem because people have these problems though I'd say it's worse in this community than within the general population. Though there are many good people aware people that also watch anime as well.

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