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Delicious in Dungeon
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May 10, 4:19 PM
Feb 2015
The dog looks scruffy and dumb lol, the nightmare become fun dream for Marcille and we have nekomimi, izutsumi into the team
May 10, 7:14 PM
Oct 2022
Reply to Noumu
MinxNight said:
Will Izutsumi Include as a main character with the group?

Yes, she will be part of the group from now on.
@Noumu So why are they keeping the psycho that decided to hold their friend hostage again?
May 10, 7:18 PM
Mar 2020
Another great episode! Especially the dream sequence.
May 10, 9:28 PM
May 2024
episode 7 has boobies harpy boobies
May 10, 9:59 PM
Feb 2024
Reply to Estoy_Gordo
Quite the nasty spell Maizuru put on Itsuzumi with that shikigami. Would that be considered black magic too?

Senshi would make quite the good dad, showing tough love when necessary. I don't know why there are so many Senshi panty-shots, or rather loin-cloth shots, though...but okay then.

Lol, smacking the wurm monster with the magic tome.

What an emotional episode, that quite literally dove into Marcille's inner fears and facing her demons, so to speak; with her having a longer lifespan and eventually having to see her friends pass away before her. Very interesting symbolism with how the wurm was turning Liaos rapidly aging, and the subtle detail of the portrait paintings changing in the background to show more context as the story progresses. I also loved how Marcille saw Laios as a big fluffy cute dog.

This might have been of the best episodes to date.
Estoy_Gordo said:
Quite the nasty spell Maizuru put on Itsuzumi with that shikigami. Would that be considered black magic too?

I don't think so.. It's relative not dangerous I'd say and moderately easy to defeat. She could've make a cuter drawing too lol
May 11, 1:59 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Delicious in Dungeon: INCEPTION

Wasn't expecting an episode like this, but I liked it. This show continues to deliver in unexpected ways.

also yeah... what was that standing behind everyone when they woke up from their dreams? Was that Falin??! I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt that that wasn't an error, pretty sure trigger is more refined than that. They're probably going to refer to this scene later in some sort of reveal that Falin was near them this entire time.


May 11, 4:21 AM
Apr 2021
BRO what is with the Senshi fanservice??? Shit got me crying man😭😭🤣🤣😭😭😭

Itsuzumi seems like the dumb but happy and nice type I hope she joins the crew in their adventure now I think she’d make a great addition to the crew :D

What a nice ending for Marcille did you guys see how detailed and bright her eyes were when she saw her dream again? She’s so adorable I’m happy everything went well for her in this episode🥰
May 11, 4:48 AM

Oct 2019
Welp, I cried, and laughed my ass off within one episode so I am obligated to call it peak
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May 11, 5:54 AM
Mar 2024
Reply to IzanaSolos
Senshi got mad because of bad manners at the table xD

While enjoying their meal, Laios and his companions fall prey to an ambush by an unexpected assailant. To their surprise, it's the youthful servant girl who had accompanied Shuro's group. Taking Marcille hostage, she demands the removal of a mysterious spell that has been cast upon her. When Marcille inquiries about the nature of the enchantment, the girl unveils herself by pulling back her hood. Later, Marcille is plagued by a nightmare induced by a monstrous entity, haunting their thoughts.

Sureau didn't like the idea of using dark arts on Farlyn, but it seems okay when Maizuru does it to Izutsumi... or maybe Maizuru only used the neck spell. Maybe the neck spell is a kind of safety measure in case Izutsumi becomes like Falin. I couldn't help but laugh when Laios tried to figure out the meaning of "papa and pipi" with a three-pronged family tree. Overall, a really cool episode. I wonder if this will make Marcille want the grimoire even more, which could lead to trouble later.

Really liked the direction of this episode, especially the fact that the entire nightmare was in black and white.

It never was said that Maizuru used Black Magic on Asebi and changed her. It only was said that Asebi changed because of Black Magic I think someone else probably changed Asebi and Maizuru "just" used the second spell that looks like a collar because she didn't trust Asebi.

How much this Episode was different from the Manga? I mean it feels like the Anime changed a lot in this Episode.
May 11, 6:15 AM
Aug 2021
masterpiece dungeon meshi make me hungry
May 11, 7:21 AM
Sep 2021
Nice dream/nightmare themed episode in the 2nd half & in the 1st half, laios & his team got a new companion.
May 11, 9:06 AM
Oct 2020
rare Laois & Marcille Moment
May 11, 10:41 AM

Feb 2021
She's using a book as a weapon but not read the spell inside it XD
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May 11, 11:38 AM

Jun 2019
Reply to HyperlinkBlocked
@Noumu So why are they keeping the psycho that decided to hold their friend hostage again?
@HyperlinkBlocked The gang told Izu they're looking for a means to deal with Falin, ideally bringing her back to normal, or killing her for good if that can't be done. Izu is sticking with because if there is a way to go back to normal herself, she wants it... While she held Marcille hostage, there's little reason for them to be fighting or outcasting someone that would likely starve to death on their own. Senshi is too good natured and wishes to feed the young, and Laios is fascinated by Izu's existence.


Episode was solid, the voice for Izu is great and they're giving her a bit of bounce to her animation. It's nice.

I thought the pacing on the first part was a little fast. Not the worst thing but they got though that chapter quickly.

The Nightmare chapter was adapted near perfectly. Only nitpick is that the "Papa and Pipi" joke was better in the manga. The direction of the shots was great and having it be mostly black and white, with color coming in as Marci overcomes the nightmare, was a solid touch.

May 11, 2:41 PM
Jul 2023
This episode is a really well written lore-expanding filler, I liked it.
May 11, 5:20 PM

Jul 2017
Laios and the part facing Asebi (from Shuro's group) who's taken Marcille hostage and like Falin, cursed as a hybrid beastman under ancient magic, and wants Marcille to get rid of the curse as exchange of their freedom. And Senshi realizing that Asebi hasn't eaten proper, makes simple risotto for her, which she gobbles down without table manners, and angers him greatly that she doesn't respect his customs, like holding a spoon. And despite having an oni summoned through Asebi's anger, Laios and Senshi thankfully eliminated the Oni, and as to Asebi following them, knowing Marcille and her dark, ancient, black magic is her only path, but the same dark, ancient, black magic is still quite unknown to them, especially since they're still experimenting on saving Falin. If they can save her, Asebi is the same.

Laios in a dream, seeing apparitions of his parents which he hasn't seen for a long time, it affects Marcille the same, and it's all because of a Nightmare giving people bad dreams, which Laios did fall under the impression, but managed to get out of it. As to Marcille's dream, her escapism dream, learnt from Falin herself while curing Shuro, faces a rather daunting monster in total monochromatic black-and-white. Still, saving young Marcille whilst within her dream realm after the discourse of Falin, he...treats her the same. But finding out that a part of him is aging quite fast, the fear of death overwhelms her, especially to loved ones. And regardless, Marcille is safe from her dream thanks to Laios, and looking like clams, the cooking process for quite the fascination.

Some interesting ideas within the dungeon, that's for sure.
May 11, 7:39 PM

Mar 2008
Izutsumi is cute. Who'da thought with the whole getup she had.

Poor Marcille having a Nightmare like that.

Okay this is second time Laios has acted like a k9. Lowkey furry vibes lol
May 11, 10:16 PM
Apr 2023
It's as if Marcille can really become a family with Laios and Falin the way that those 2 can really make good things happen with Marcille.
May 12, 7:13 AM

Apr 2018
Reply to Arifandi999
Estoy_Gordo said:
Quite the nasty spell Maizuru put on Itsuzumi with that shikigami. Would that be considered black magic too?

I don't think so.. It's relative not dangerous I'd say and moderately easy to defeat. She could've make a cuter drawing too lol

The answer to this is, likely, no, but for a fairly different reason. I don't feel like this is a spoiler, Marcille has pretty much already explained this in the anime, she's just not really being listened to lmao

So, how dangerous the magic is or isn't doesn't at all matter for whether it'd be considered Ancient/Black Magic or not. The difference is the source - ancient magic draws from a different source than ordinary magic, making it stronger, but what it's used for is up to the caster. Could be resurrecting people, could be growing flowers, doesn't really matter it'd still be ancient magic.
That being said, there's some spells and rituals that can only be performed with ancient magic and creating artificial beastkin is one of them, but that's not the spell Maizuru put on Izutsumi herself.

On an unrelated note, idk what exactly that background Falin is, but it's not, well, Falin haha
I think it's just some skins maybe, we can see Senshi hanging them up earlier in the episode.
[EDIT] On second thought I think it might be the doppelganger wolf from the previous episode
elanyMay 12, 7:16 AM
May 12, 9:27 AM

Nov 2018
May 13, 7:48 AM

May 2015
Senshi panties shots are worth living for!
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
May 14, 9:25 AM
Feb 2016
senshis using a magic hot plate instead of using resources on a fire. the real character development.
May 14, 11:30 AM

Dec 2023
Nice catgirl addition to the party :3
May 14, 3:48 PM

Jul 2011
It only took one episode for Izutsumi to become waifu of the season.
May 14, 5:51 PM

Jul 2016
Senshi's panty-shots this episode were next level 👌

Loved the nightmare segment with Laios and Marcille. Laios was this close to give her more trauma but fortunately, he managed to help her in the end. Excellent development for them both.
Marcille remembering Laios as a fluffy dog was very cute, by the way.

Also welcome to the group, Izutsumi.
May 15, 4:32 AM
Jun 2019
best episode so far. hell this is even one of the best anime episode I've ever seen
May 15, 3:05 PM
Oct 2010
It was very enjoyable to delve into the backstory of the character Marcille.
May 17, 3:46 AM

May 2015
The nightmare has a nice gothic ambiance.

Also didn't know nightmares looked like mussels.
May 17, 4:18 PM

Jul 2023
I think the cat girl is here to stay for some time, and she feels like an eye sore, someone who is part of their out-group. She detests eating monsters, but she'll have to if she wants to hang out with the party.
patkarununganMay 19, 4:25 PM
May 17, 5:03 PM

May 2019
This was a bit of a weird episode especially with Marcille's nightmare but hopefully she'll be in better spirits going forward since Laios helped her out.
May 18, 4:58 AM
Apr 2024
too typical mean cat girl joined the team :/ and she's not even allowed to hold the cutlery the way she likes ://
May 19, 3:53 PM

Jun 2015
Insane episode. A lot more serious than the usual ones but super well animated!!! Studio Trigger deserves an award for this beauty.
May 19, 10:18 PM

Jan 2011
Thought they might have left one Izutsumi scene out, but went back and checked and it's later on.
May 31, 2:45 PM
May 2020
every episode gets better
Jun 1, 8:37 AM
Mar 2010
Episode 19 is by far one of my favorite episodes in the series besides 15-17. Btw character joins the party and new food ofc.
Jun 8, 4:13 PM
Mar 2019
So, they can eat nightmares now.
Jun 13, 5:10 PM

Apr 2018
I like Izutsumi! We needed a cat girl, even if it's a cursed one and that she wants to go back to her original body, but seems like it's impossible right now :S
Marcille's nightmare with Laios was really creepy and well done actually.
Jun 18, 6:01 PM
Oct 2021
Oh me, Oh my. Now this is how you write an elf with a dilemma on aging. This was so well done and creative. And the humor clicked just as well. This was amazing. I just wish a lot more people would actually see how great this show is both in terms of it's fantasy and world building, and then characters. Marcille, you're amazing!
Jun 22, 9:12 PM
Dec 2022
This goes pretty deep, I would've never guessed that this show was about more than just cooking had I chosen not to watch it...
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