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Oct 25, 2019 5:22 PM
Apr 2019
Veteran weebs that bully new ones are so egotistic and annoying. Leave them alone! Someone needs to start SOMEWHERE. This is why some people avoid our community so much.
Oct 25, 2019 5:51 PM

Nov 2008
Captiaanuniverse said:

I'd an analysis of the different behaviours between noobs and vets would be better, I mean, what counts as bullying?

I would say 'going out of your way to make someone feel bad' would count as bullying. Not saying something like "I've seen more anime than my opinion is stronger."

But...some people get offended by everything.

Oct 25, 2019 6:23 PM
Oct 2019
Why would I bully somebody for being new to Anime? That's only going to keep Japanese culture from having a vast impact on the US culturally, it hinders everyone in the process. Nothing good can come out of that.
Oct 25, 2019 7:09 PM

Aug 2017
I'm a veteran weeb. Any reason for bullying is pathetic.
All weebs creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by western animation. You will no longer know hunger, nor pain. Your Anime have come to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom. And the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their western animation ways… For you, there will be great wrath.
Oct 25, 2019 8:21 PM

Aug 2009
Given the shows that I hold on a pedestal, me talkin' shit about when younger fans are into would be pretty fuckin' retarded, because my taste is shit.


Oct 25, 2019 9:24 PM
Jul 2018
Kuro_Neko04 said:
mhkr said:
Just go back to r/Animemes dude. MAL isn't like that

lmao the funny thing is that in r/Animemes everyone is basically a normie which like to be called weeb.

They are all "Huh git gud n00b" but then if you mention a "classic" like Suzumiya Haruhi they don't know a shit since they just follow recent seasonal and popular anime.

How does that even matter? If I watch something for enjoyment as a hobby, why should anyone care about that? As an individual it's pretty dumb to watch something just to get to know more classics, because others expect that of you. Others could demand you easily to do something, but they will never give you back the time you wasted to get acknowledged by them. Which are some strangers you would never care about otherwise and at the end they don't care if you did it either, so it becomes even funnier.
removed-userOct 25, 2019 9:31 PM
Oct 26, 2019 12:01 AM

Sep 2015
Bread_lover_666 said:
Veteran weebs that bully new ones are so egotistic and annoying. Leave them alone! Someone needs to start SOMEWHERE. This is why some people avoid our community so much.

You say that last part like it's a bad thing whenever I'm pretty sure plenty of people who are into this want to encourage exactly that, lmao

Maneki-Mew said:
Kuro_Neko04 said:

lmao the funny thing is that in r/Animemes everyone is basically a normie which like to be called weeb.

They are all "Huh git gud n00b" but then if you mention a "classic" like Suzumiya Haruhi they don't know a shit since they just follow recent seasonal and popular anime.

How does that even matter? If I watch something for enjoyment as a hobby, why should anyone care about that? As an individual it's pretty dumb to watch something just to get to know more classics, because others expect that of you. Others could demand you easily to do something, but they will never give you back the time you wasted to get acknowledged by them. Which are some strangers you would never care about otherwise and at the end they don't care if you did it either, so it becomes even funnier.

If you want to watch only the latest and most topical seasonals and nothing else, that'd be your prerogative. But if you only do that and refuse to look at things on a more holistic level outside of that one realm you're interested in, then walk into discussions and posture at being an authority on the topic or a certain genre or whatever, then by all means, people can tell you to fuck off. Because, unfortunately, it's not so black and white to where DURRR PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO CONTROL THE INTERESTS OF OTHERS WHY DO THEY CARE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE DO GOTDAMN WEEBS and to try to treat it like such is completely disingenuous. Nobody is going to give a fuck if little Hans only watches seasonals. When he walks into a discussion and expects to be seen as having the same breadth of perspective and knowledge of the medium as somebody who's been watching anime for a decade, though, then he's simply out of his depth.

I do think things like this tend to be more on that side of things. You're free to do as you please, but there's always going to be a degree of having to earn your stripes before you present yourself in a certain way to others in things like discussion or else you'll just come off as ignorant and posturing. Pure individuality and self-determination doesn't suddenly win your opinions respect, and having your opinion respected certainly isn't a pre-determined outcome. You need credibility.

And this does happen frequently enough to where it's totally fair grounds to dismiss somebody on - but, pray tell, how is somebody most likely to react to the idea that you have to actually have experience and knowledge with something to...well, speak of it as if you have experience and knowledge of it? With the elitism bullshit, apparently. Not surprising considering it tends to be the case whenever an idea that you can't just have your opinion respected as soon as you shit it out onto a discussion board is brought into the equation, this time it's only new and revolutionary because nowadays that basic concept is treated as if you're trying to bully people into not liking something anymore, whenever the two things aren't linked whatsoever.
ManabanOct 26, 2019 12:07 AM

Oct 26, 2019 1:23 AM

Apr 2017
Maneki-Mew said:

How does that even matter? If I watch something for enjoyment as a hobby, why should anyone care about that? As an individual it's pretty dumb to watch something just to get to know more classics, because others expect that of you. Others could demand you easily to do something, but they will never give you back the time you wasted to get acknowledged by them. Which are some strangers you would never care about otherwise and at the end they don't care if you did it either, so it becomes even funnier.

Mb mb I think that I didn't explain well my point

The problem here is that r/Animemes users make fun of "normies"

I left Animemes for this exact reason. Everyone was making fun of ppl who watched few anime, but then, they are too normies. Because watching few "unpopular" seasonal doesn't make you a veteran ahem... Weeb. They love to be called weeb tho, probably because it make them feel special and different from the others.

That's the thing I hate.

What' the point of making fun of a guy who watched SAO and Bleach if you too watched few things?

If you want to make fun of a normie, at least watch other things except "unpopular" seasonals, which are basically popular since they are discussed every season and it's hard to not know about them if you are an anime fan.

The Haruhi thing was just an example.

So I don't give a fuck if they know what's Haruhi. Just don't insult other people if you are basically one of them. Thanks.
Oct 26, 2019 5:09 AM
May 2019
Does it matter if you're veteran or newbie? lol
Oct 26, 2019 7:45 AM

Oct 2018
Not a big fan of the word "weeb" but I'm guessing you mean anime fans who have seen a lot of shit for a long period of time bullying those who haven't done that. Well, no shit it's that way and it doesn't just happen in the anime community. Whatever community you're in, a portion of the veterans will bully the newbies. This is nothing new.
Oct 26, 2019 8:20 AM

Oct 2010
I rarely see older anime fans bashing on young ones because of their taste. Usually, conflicts happen because your fav anime is criticized, so in that way, a chain of random insults starts. I never bullied someone because of their taste, only as a joke, but I didn't take it too far. People should just watch anime, have a good time and go to mal episode discussion.
Oct 26, 2019 8:26 AM

Sep 2018
The only thing for me comes close to that is hearing "show x is da best" even tho the person saying it watched like 10 anime in general.

What even is a "veteran" someone who fought in a waifu war? Someone who watched countless shows? Someone that watched every popular show? Someone with more knowledge than the average about the medium?

-Mullerio-Oct 26, 2019 8:31 AM
Oct 26, 2019 8:49 AM

Aug 2013
Sometimes it does pop up as an obviously exaggerated meme, but it's ironic and done for fun. I haven't seen actual bullying cases in this forum.

There may be a couple of toxic users who'll attack you for liking a particular show or genre, but they can be ignored.

So far I've argued only once, against someone who was against lolicon hentai. I understood that the fight would've brought us nowhere, cut the discussion and we went our ways without any consequence.
simon443Oct 26, 2019 8:53 AM
Oct 26, 2019 8:58 AM
Jul 2018
gigguk once told me that there are some people in the anime community who may tell me that I am not enjoying anime the correct way and that in order for one to have shit taste they must first have no taste. So I don't care. I like what I like and I don't like what I don't like and we are all the same in that regard. Also I don't have as much time for anime as I would like but also when I do watch anime I feel like alot of it has only wasted my time and I am left feeling disappointed and that doesn't happen very often when I watch things that are NOT anime. So ha! Ha? I dunno. What was this thread about again?

Edit: Oh yeah I just remembered that I really hated NGE. Just thought I'd throw that in there. Okay I didn't hate it. Hate is a strong word. I really disliked it. Big waste of time.
removed-userOct 26, 2019 9:01 AM
Oct 26, 2019 9:25 AM
busy week =_+

Dec 2014
I don't see the difference between a 'veteran' weeb and a 'newbie' weeb tbvvh

CURRENT: semi-hiatus (busy)

Oct 26, 2019 9:45 AM

May 2018
FlowersInTheRain said:
some people in the anime community who may tell me that I am not enjoying anime the correct way

But you see, there are a genuine situations like that, but it happens once in a blue moon or so.

Like I tried to watch Gundam: G no Reconguista in 2015 without actual experience from other Tomino shows (other Gundam shows yes, but not the Tomino ones...except Turn A which I also dropped early).
It was practically unwatchable...
Years latter I went through the whole Universal Century (a bit forcing myself with Zeta and Victory) and returned to Reconguista...and liked it pretty well...and I actually think that it's the best Tomino show. Currently watching Overman King Gainer which is very similar to Reconguista and I am enjoying it too.
This guy writes his characters and dialogues in very absurd ways also has a weird sense of humour. Once when you get used to it those show become pretty interesting.

Same thing happened with Mamoru Oshii - I really disliked Ghost In The Shell 1995 and The Patlabor Movie 2 (watched them out of context..because people told me to do so...).
Much later started the Patlabor franchise from the beginning (which is pretty weir by the way), got used to Oshii's style and now The Patlabor Movie 2 is one of my favourites...still not that impressed by GITS 1995 (only be the rest of the franchise including Oshii's Innocence).

Very similar thing with Lupin III. Got hooked only after watching the crossover special with Detective I can enjoy even the weakest titles from the franchise.

What I mean is that sometimes you need some context or using to certain style to be able to appreciate something.
Not that this happens all the time, just in some cases.

FlowersInTheRain said:
Oh yeah I just remembered that I really hated NGE. Just thought I'd throw that in there. Okay I didn't hate it. Hate is a strong word. I really disliked it. Big waste of time.

Yeah, I dislike Eva too.

Choco-Latte said:
I don't see the difference between a 'veteran' weeb and a 'newbie' weeb tbvvh

Hint - longer waifu list for the veteran...
Oct 26, 2019 10:01 AM

Feb 2010
for gods sake can we go back to using 'weeb' for its true meaning of someone irrationally glorifying japanese culture and hating on every other culture?

Why not just say anime fan, anime nerd or even Otaku instead? That would actually be accurate. I'm definitely not a weeb, veteran or newbie. If actual weebs bully each other, I don't care because weebs are toxic.

As for anime fans? The issue is not really taste, it's just newbies often being disrespectful and talking bullshit and it's not bullying if someone with more experience who knows better tries to tell them why what they said is stupid, arrogant or utterly misinformed. When I was new, I'd soak up all the information I could gather from older fans and I would never even thought that I knew just as much or more about anime history, the industry or specific genres than people who had seen 10x the amount I had and spent many more years in this community.

But there is a lot of arrogance and disrespect from some younger fans who think that years of experience and accumulated knowledge don't make your opinions more informed, thorough and well-rounded. They watch 2 shows from a genre and think they know all that is to know about that genre and when someone who's seen 200 shows from that genre tells them they're wrong and their generalization is biased, they play the victim or just start throwing insults. It's very annoying, and it's just one example of how they completely disrespect and devalue experience and knowledge while making baseless generalizations or statements about stuff they barely know anything about.

So I don't care what people watch, I just care about experience and knowledge being respected and acknowledged, like in literally any other area of human life. Knowing what you don't know is a very nice personality attribute and it's thatz kind of self-awareness that I miss from a lot of new fans.

I mean I'm sure there are assholes who just randomly say shit about people because they like some popular shows. Just like there are some assholes who randomly say shit about people because they like some obscure or niche shows. Anime fans in general can insult each other over basically everything. 99% of their lists could be identical, but they would find that one title where they disagree and insult each other over it.

Personally I never really saw that as being related to newbie/veteran relationships tho. It's mostly people with similar-ish list sizes that insult each other over taste, I rarely see anyone with a list of my size engaging in such trite activities. Because we are usually prioritizing watching anime over bickering about taste, that's how our lists got so long. But maybe I'm just having too high of a standard for what makes a veteran anime fan because of how much I've seen and researched myself over the years. Like, you can have 1000 completed anime but if you don't know who Tezuka is, I'd still consider you a hatchling anime fan in some ways :>.
To me being a veteran fan means a mixture of experience (amount of anime watched + variety of genres and decades they're from) and knowledge (knowing at least some of the basics about the history, industry and some people like directors, voice actors or animators).
I probably regret this post by now.
Oct 26, 2019 12:11 PM
Jul 2018
I thought it was the opposite. I find many newer series that newbies like are trash but I'd never dare entering a discussion over there and type my opinion. Yet I don't care if I hear provocative opinions about classics like LOTGH, gundam, galaxy express etc
Oct 26, 2019 1:35 PM

Apr 2015
Not that common thing really. I remember only few times someone ranting back in the day, like middle 2000's, on one animanga forum site I visited how easy it was for newbies/weebs to get their daily dose of 2D ass and tits compared to them who needed to order vhs from Japan when they started. Taste tho? Everyone shits on everyone's taste.

Personally I'm more annoyed with, you know, actual weebs. Who often happen to be teenagers who think anime is the shit and try to get everyone even near them to see how "cool" it is compared to those cartoons or what ever while naruto running and talking about waifus/husbandos. Basically being idiot who tries to show either how nerdy they are or so different from others, but admittedly those moments hold their own entertainment. I'm more disappointed when young fans show no interest to learn mediums history and background, but what can you do.

FlowersInTheRain said:
Edit: Oh yeah I just remembered that I really hated NGE. Just thought I'd throw that in there. Okay I didn't hate it. Hate is a strong word. I really disliked it. Big waste of time.
Meh, I have watched it two...three times(?) and still don't think it is amazing story or peak of tv-animation nor anime. I don't see it as outlandish opinion to hold.
Oct 26, 2019 2:05 PM
Aug 2016
Never heard of such thing happening. Never happened to me and even if it were to happen, I would not care. Taste is taste, if someone says my taste is shit, it's really their problem not mine. I will continue to watch what I like regardless of what others say.
Oct 26, 2019 6:34 PM

Aug 2012
Chiibi said:
There's no such thing as a "veteran weeb".

Everyone who fits the description of "weeb" is between 11-17 years of age, cosplays in public, and speaks Japanese...poorly.

Veteran anime fans are too mature to do those things.

Precisely. Those awkward years... Then you grow up and be like "oh, I understand this now" and "why I acted that way?". Most mature anime fans either give tips to young ones or just watch things happen.
"Could you not talk with me? I'm busy breathing."
Oct 26, 2019 7:52 PM

Nov 2008
Pullman said:
for gods sake can we go back to using 'weeb' for its true meaning of someone irrationally glorifying japanese culture and hating on every other culture?

Why not just say anime fan, anime nerd or even Otaku instead? That would actually be accurate. I'm definitely not a weeb, veteran or newbie. If actual weebs bully each other, I don't care because weebs are toxic.


....I wish there were 'like' buttons on this forum lol

Oct 26, 2019 9:22 PM

Mar 2015
After thinking about this topic for a couple years, I've settled on that if you only watch a select amount of shows on repeat and almost refuse to watch anything else, you're not a fan. Simple as that. You don't 'love' anime.

I will 'bully' people like this (ง'̀-'́)ง (people who call themselves fans of anime or say that they love anime when they don't/aren't)

However, I see no real reason to bully newbies otherwise. Enjoy what you want and go at your own pace.

Just remember, newbies:

A fan is 'a person who has a strong interest in or admiration for a particular person or thing.'
~If you can't wait to watch your next anime and want to keep exploring and expanding your library/preferences, you might be an anime fan. (there are plenty of other signs as well, this is the most important imo)
~If you have 10-30 you like, but are not interested in exploring the medium too much, you like anime.
~If you really like Boku no Hero Academia, Naruto, Tokyo Ghoul, and Attack on Titan, for example, you are a fan of a few anime. You may like anime.
~If you are specifially into Dragon Ball and Naruto, for example, you are a Dragon Ball and Naruto fan.

Love - a great interest and pleasure in something.

Like - find agreeable, enjoyable, or satisfactory.

Not saying that every newbie is completely ignorant, this is just a love letter to all those ignorant people I've met/seen on the internet and in real life.

If you happen to enjoy those few anime you watched on Crunchyroll and Netflix, and have no plans to watch anything else, that's ok. I just really dislike know-it-alls and people who claim to be the ultimate fan when they will probably never escape the mainstream in their lifetime.
EhtaOct 26, 2019 9:29 PM
woah there
Oct 26, 2019 9:30 PM
Apr 2017
Chiibi said:
There's no such thing as a "veteran weeb".

Everyone who fits the description of "weeb" is between 11-17 years of age, cosplays in public, and speaks Japanese...poorly.

Veteran anime fans are too mature to do those things.

I've know people who are almost 30, cosplay's in public, and speaks Japanese poorly. It's just not for me but to each their own i guess.

For me my biggest problem is anime themed weddings T_T I can't... nope.
DarcyXDOct 26, 2019 9:47 PM
Oct 26, 2019 9:39 PM

Nov 2008
AngelicFoXus said:

For me my biggest problem is anime themed weddings T_T I can't... nope.

Yeah...that's taking it a BIT too is naming your children after Japanese anime characters. xD

I'd probably have my favorite anime love song play at my wedding though (instrumental)

Oct 26, 2019 9:54 PM
Apr 2017
Chiibi said:
AngelicFoXus said:

For me my biggest problem is anime themed weddings T_T I can't... nope.

Yeah...that's taking it a BIT too is naming your children after Japanese anime characters. xD

I'd probably have my favorite anime love song play at my wedding though (instrumental)

That is okay, there are a lot of great song from anime that would be lovely for weddings.

I can't imagine how relatives would feel if they show up for a wedding and the brides maids are dressed up as sailor scouts or Pokemon or oh god the list goes on... this is a really big cringe for me T_T
Oct 27, 2019 12:56 AM

Mar 2019
SillySlySy said:
Chiibi said:
yes, I've heard people actually do that.
I've heard lots of lies too. Separate the online joking from reality before you become one of those opinionated internet people detached from reality.

Given all the stories I've heard about the world, nothing really surprises me anymore. You could tell me the president of Iran was secretly a furry at this point and I'd probably just say "Really? Didn't know that."
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 27, 2019 1:03 AM

Oct 2019
Come on man, please don't troll like this. Let's just be all friends in here.
Oct 27, 2019 1:39 AM
Jul 2018
Kuro_Neko04 said:
Maneki-Mew said:

How does that even matter? If I watch something for enjoyment as a hobby, why should anyone care about that? As an individual it's pretty dumb to watch something just to get to know more classics, because others expect that of you. Others could demand you easily to do something, but they will never give you back the time you wasted to get acknowledged by them. Which are some strangers you would never care about otherwise and at the end they don't care if you did it either, so it becomes even funnier.

Mb mb I think that I didn't explain well my point

The problem here is that r/Animemes users make fun of "normies"

I left Animemes for this exact reason. Everyone was making fun of ppl who watched few anime, but then, they are too normies. Because watching few "unpopular" seasonal doesn't make you a veteran ahem... Weeb. They love to be called weeb tho, probably because it make them feel special and different from the others.

That's the thing I hate.

What' the point of making fun of a guy who watched SAO and Bleach if you too watched few things?

If you want to make fun of a normie, at least watch other things except "unpopular" seasonals, which are basically popular since they are discussed every season and it's hard to not know about them if you are an anime fan.

The Haruhi thing was just an example.

So I don't give a fuck if they know what's Haruhi. Just don't insult other people if you are basically one of them. Thanks.

Sure, that's more about behavior then and doesn't matter what they actually know.
I heard some times "You need to watch this and that and know these names in industry to call yourself a weeb / otaku / anime fan." So, the thing is, I'm since a long time done with people, who think they could define rules for others they must fulfill to call themselves "a true(tm) fan of..." I met some of them and it's funny and annoying at the same time. It's not only about the medium itself, but specific series too. That woman told me in a (in my eyes) normal discussion "Then you're a not real fan, you would know the name of their baby Digimon partner!!1" and desperately wanted me to agree on stuff, just because. Okay, calm down lol. No I never cared to look up the names of the little round things as babies.

Also I'm always so annoyed at "Whaaat? You haven't seen *throw around a bunch of anime*!? But they were popoular!" Good for them, but I don't care. It's not like you have to fulfill a pensum of certain anime.
I'm every day, or whenever I could, glad to sit down in peace and actually be in the mood to watch anime or read manga. Then I rarely won't care to educate myself with an anime and director I know I won't care for. Sometimes I give it a chance and if I don't care enough to continue, I drop it very soon.
You also can't tell people that they have to try a genre to know what they like. They have watched other movies and series before and know themselves well. It's another thing to trashtalk it after two anime, but that's another problem.
removed-userOct 27, 2019 1:46 AM
Oct 27, 2019 4:33 AM

Jan 2015
The group you're referring to isn't veteran weebs. It's the elitists. Plenty of veteran weebs are mature enough to not make fun of new weebs even if they're obnoxious.
Oct 27, 2019 6:13 AM

Aug 2018
ramdit said:
DaCraziGuy said:
I hate when new weebs say things like "Wow, this is the best anime ever made in the history of humankind" - Anime watched: 32 shows of 12 episodes length... that is triggering imo.

It's like considering yourself a doctor because you did 1 year in the university... dumb af. (And yes, I know it's a extreme comparison)
new weebs are normally teenagers that are easily exaggerated and gets really defensive when someone nitpicking their favorite anime. do you agree with that?
Probably most of them are like that, but there some oldies in that bunch... I had those arguments with people that is older than me... and I'm 28 yo, I still find it hard to believe but I've seen people irl acting like that.
Oct 27, 2019 6:15 AM

Aug 2018
aditya47 said:
DaCraziGuy said:
I hate when new weebs say things like "Wow, this is the best anime ever made in the history of humankind" - Anime watched: 32 shows of 12 episodes length... that is triggering imo.

It's like considering yourself a doctor because you did 1 year in the university... dumb af. (And yes, I know it's a extreme comparison)

i agree with you but there could be exceptions like he had a good senpai to guide him towards only the good stuff.
You are right, I've see people with few animes watching all the shows that are considered good by 98% of the community.
Oct 27, 2019 6:38 AM
May 2019
Inferno792 said:
The group you're referring to isn't veteran weebs. It's the elitists. Plenty of veteran weebs are mature enough to not make fun of new weebs even if they're obnoxious.
wow i don't even know that's a thing.
Oct 27, 2019 6:48 AM

Jun 2013
I'm into to anime now over a decade. and I must say, I only go to conventions to buy merch, and maybe meet a friend or too. I dont do cosplay anymore, because the scene got so toxic. And I feel highly uncomfortable actually to talk to people, cause the way you get treated is really rude. Especially if you have another point of few. These are all my experiences. Maybe it is my own fault for having bad ones.
Online its different. I started to do some photos with my anime figures and posted them on Instagram. I was so happy that I slide in such a wonderful group of nice ppl. They are very kind and helpful, I really enjoy my time talking to them.
Oct 27, 2019 2:00 PM
Jul 2018
Lujei said:
I'm into to anime now over a decade. and I must say, I only go to conventions to buy merch, and maybe meet a friend or too. I dont do cosplay anymore, because the scene got so toxic. And I feel highly uncomfortable actually to talk to people, cause the way you get treated is really rude. Especially if you have another point of few. These are all my experiences. Maybe it is my own fault for having bad ones.
Online its different. I started to do some photos with my anime figures and posted them on Instagram. I was so happy that I slide in such a wonderful group of nice ppl. They are very kind and helpful, I really enjoy my time talking to them.

It's funny, because it has been the opposite online, from some cases of people. In real I met few of these too, but their number isn't too high. Or I surround myself with another type of people. My friends (and some people I know) aren't that penetrant and don't trash talk stuff I liked constantly. Of course you could start a discussion, but they don't desperately try to change your mind and actually listen to your reasonings why you like stuff. In the end you could only say "okay, I see, you (don't) like it, maybe let's try something else" and call it a day.
I found great people to talk online too, but to me it's more likely to find them iR (even if they were weird / creepy people too). Also because they are not so overly obsessed.
Oct 27, 2019 2:15 PM
Nov 2017
There's a category of not just veterean weebs, but hardcore veteran weebs. They watch only animes that at least 10-15 years old or more. This shit is actually terrifying
Oct 27, 2019 4:02 PM

Jun 2013
Maneki-Mew said:

It's funny, because it has been the opposite online, from some cases of people. In real I met few of these too, but their number isn't too high. Or I surround myself with another type of people. My friends (and some people I know) aren't that penetrant and don't trash talk stuff I liked constantly. Of course you could start a discussion, but they don't desperately try to change your mind and actually listen to your reasonings why you like stuff. In the end you could only say "okay, I see, you (don't) like it, maybe let's try something else" and call it a day.
I found great people to talk online too, but to me it's more likely to find them iR (even if they were weird / creepy people too). Also because they are not so overly obsessed.

That's interesting. I am not really the type to trash talk or behave over hyped in public, like some people tent to, for example trying to be kawaii or something like that. But every person I get in touch with ruen out to be a creep or total nutcase. Not all of them to be fair, but the majority, which makes me think is it me or do I just have bad luck. I meet total strangers at convention who told me how they get abused by ther parents, or random suicide thoughts. I'm avoiding people kinde to prevent such conversation.
online I barely had to deal with it. We respect each other state and rl issues. But IR it's hard, its eat or get eaten. And I'm so done with how crappy I cosplayed and that I was to fat or wore to less make up. That's just toxic community. I miss to cosplay tbh, but I don't want to deal with rude ppl anymore.
Oct 27, 2019 4:10 PM

Dec 2016
Chiibi said:
There's no such thing as a "veteran weeb".

Everyone who fits the description of "weeb" is between 11-17 years of age, cosplays in public, and speaks Japanese...poorly.

Veteran anime fans are too mature to do those things.

I think he said everything that needs to be said.
Oct 27, 2019 4:15 PM

Apr 2012
DarkrusChannel said:
There's a category of not just veterean weebs, but hardcore veteran weebs. They watch only animes that at least 10-15 years old or more. This shit is actually terrifying
You haven't lived until you've watched a few dozens SOLs from the 2000s.
Oct 28, 2019 12:32 AM
Jul 2018
Lujei said:
Maneki-Mew said:

It's funny, because it has been the opposite online, from some cases of people. In real I met few of these too, but their number isn't too high. Or I surround myself with another type of people. My friends (and some people I know) aren't that penetrant and don't trash talk stuff I liked constantly. Of course you could start a discussion, but they don't desperately try to change your mind and actually listen to your reasonings why you like stuff. In the end you could only say "okay, I see, you (don't) like it, maybe let's try something else" and call it a day.
I found great people to talk online too, but to me it's more likely to find them iR (even if they were weird / creepy people too). Also because they are not so overly obsessed.

That's interesting. I am not really the type to trash talk or behave over hyped in public, like some people tent to, for example trying to be kawaii or something like that. But every person I get in touch with ruen out to be a creep or total nutcase. Not all of them to be fair, but the majority, which makes me think is it me or do I just have bad luck. I meet total strangers at convention who told me how they get abused by ther parents, or random suicide thoughts. I'm avoiding people kinde to prevent such conversation.
online I barely had to deal with it. We respect each other state and rl issues. But IR it's hard, its eat or get eaten. And I'm so done with how crappy I cosplayed and that I was to fat or wore to less make up. That's just toxic community. I miss to cosplay tbh, but I don't want to deal with rude ppl anymore.

There was one literal fedora guy, who cared very much to fulfill his fedora guy role and was hard to convince to leave us ... and a few others. I'm so glad they finally left, that one fedora guy with the standard sentences of "of course your boyfriend is conventionally attractive" and some other stuff, another one attacked my girlfriend ... that one friend wasn't even mine, he just stood there. :'D
Besides that, I picked the people I want to deal with and didn't care about the others too long. There are always some creepy people, but I don't deal with them for too long.

The cosplaying stuff: I mean, other people told me I should wear more make-up too, but not in an unfriendly way. At first I only used my daily make-up, but then it looked better with much more on. It actually depends more on how polite people are and if they are honest with their tips. Don't stop doing something you liked because someone has been rude to you. That could happen to you everywhere and if they tell you something friendly, it could be useful.
Oct 28, 2019 5:50 AM

Jan 2018
Just let people enjoy what they like, theres no reason someone should bully someone over something little as anime taste. -J
Oct 28, 2019 5:55 PM

May 2014
From my experience, I have not seen any here. But then again I am barely getting into being around the forums here on MAL. So, it can happen. And I have been a member of MAL for 5 years. Well, I don't consider myself a veteran weeb because I have seen a lot of anime. I am a person who just loves to watch anime regardless of how many shows or episodes I have seen.

Just don't be one of those new weebs and say, "OMG, this is the best anime in the whole world", but you only saw like 20 anime haha. That is the only thing that gets kind of annoying. Everyone has their taste of anime. So, I don't think anyone has a superior taste of anime to anyone else.

You have your taste and they have theirs. Then if you both have the same taste whether you are a new weeb or a veteran weeb then great :D!

" a scattered dream that's like a far-off memory. a far-off memory that's like a scattered dream. i want to line the pieces up--yours and mine. "

Oct 28, 2019 5:58 PM

Sep 2019
wait so.. when is the line drawn to consider yourself one or another?
Oct 29, 2019 3:52 AM

May 2018
RMOtaku said:
when is the line drawn to consider yourself one or another?

When you start telling to yourself "Wow, those newbs have horrible taste indeed! We were so better and definitely more sophisticated than that.".
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