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Attack on Titan
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May 12, 2019 3:58 PM

Dec 2014
I don't get it, so what happened to Reiner?
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May 12, 2019 4:03 PM
Aug 2018
FuMomo-kun said:
The art is not that good anymore. It doesn't resemble the past seasons as much, and also does a worse job telling the story.

The colossal titan looks quite awful. I am okay with 3d backgrounds, but I really don't like 3d characters in a 2d anime. Plus, the model that they used looks horrible, the texture has an uncomfortable amount of details and the rigging looks lazy. I know WIT studio can do better, so I wish they would.

The flashback was done quite well. Looked like Marco's actor had a slightly difficult time to get back into character after so many years. However, Annie's actress did a fantastic job. It felt as if she'd never left.

Hope the fights end by episode 5 or 6. I really want to see the inside of the basement. Because of how faithful this adaptation is, I think they will do a good job with the revelation.

I think the art was shifted to follow the style of Isayama, and this change was done from the beginning of season 3. Also, I was expecting the colossal to be in CGI since it takes so much money and time to animate slow moving subjects. But who knows. Felt like I could share some of my opinions. Please don't kill me T-T
May 12, 2019 4:37 PM

Sep 2012
Clefairiess said:
I don't get it, so what happened to Reiner?

His strongest armor is the plot armor.
May 12, 2019 4:46 PM

Feb 2019
The whole issue about whether the the colossal titan looks bad due to being rendered in CG makes little sense to me. I am sure we we can all muster up examples of CG being far worse and far better elsewhere in this medium. At worst it is average and it hardly brakes the overall immersion.

More importantly, what I like to hope for, is that the more animators utilize CG in anime now the better equipped future animators will be to make CG look more compelling in the future and at a fraction of the cost. Some of our most anticipated adaptions may take a few hits but ultimately this experimenting will lead to better quality down the line.

Anyways, I really feel like I need to rewatch Attack on Titan because I am starting to forget all the things that have gone down in this story. The episode was great despite that but these first three episodes feel like they would have been stronger overall could I remember more of the first two seasons.
May 12, 2019 4:55 PM

Dec 2014
TheCommoner said:
The whole issue about whether the the colossal titan looks bad due to being rendered in CG makes little sense to me. I am sure we we can all muster up examples of CG being far worse and far better elsewhere in this medium. At worst it is average and it hardly brakes the overall immersion.

More importantly, what I like to hope for, is that the more animators utilize CG in anime now the better equipped future animators will be to make CG look more compelling in the future and at a fraction of the cost. Some of our most anticipated adaptions may take a few hits but ultimately this experimenting will lead to better quality down the line.

Anyways, I really feel like I need to rewatch Attack on Titan because I am starting to forget all the things that have gone down in this story. The episode was great despite that but these first three episodes feel like they would have been stronger overall could I remember more of the first two seasons.

Yeah it makes little sense to argue if this is bad or not, it's just one of the biggest main focuses of the series atm. that's not that important.

Someone bashed your brain in with a hammer mutliple times?


People are already skilled with CG in Animation, but most people who have more then 3 Braincells know that makinga 3DCG Titan Model the main focus of a series and then messing that up so badly is a BAD THING.

How can people seriously think that this is ok?

There was 0 thought put into this Titan Model, they did not even bother to animate it even remotely well.

The overall quality of the series went up over time, but the actual effort into the things that need more time was completely lost in that.

Shingeki no Kyojin turned from a genuinely great series into a quick cash grab that has no effort put into it at all. (Or well a lot less effort then the first Season)
May 12, 2019 4:55 PM

Jun 2013
Poor Marco fuck those traitors. This episode was pure hype. And Mikasa with those sword moves again. And people are seriously complaining about CG titan? Really?
May 12, 2019 5:07 PM

Mar 2017
This episode was perfect putting the CGI aside which was obvious the animation of the explosions and the ODM movement were perfect 10/10 for me
May 12, 2019 5:07 PM
Nov 2017
Lol, Subarashiiii
Never expected less
Its so fascinating that I can wait to see levi do some lashing on beast
May 12, 2019 5:21 PM

Aug 2018
Owwww, that was sad to see that Marco's death was not only related to a Titan but it happened because of Reiner, Bertolt & Annie... guess I won't regret them if they die this season (except for Annie, I can't hate her).

May 12, 2019 5:36 PM

May 2017
ABDoesThings said:
shayed__ said:

why would I leave one of my all time favorite animes just because the adaptation is not as great as I hoped it would be ?
Then you spent too much time daydreaming about an adaptation.

let a man have his dreams
May 12, 2019 5:54 PM
May 2016
Farabeuf said:
People might as well accept that the fabulous good ole days of beautiful hand drawn 2D only TV series are well and truly gone. Only films or shorts can justify doing full 2D action scenes.

ON another note, this episode reminded me of why I disliked Berthold and Reiner so much. Poor Marco. And Berthold's ridiculous answer to Armin's plea accentuates that dislike. Don't @ me on this.

I can get why you'd dislike them both but do you at least see where they're coming from? It was hinted at a few times in this ep alone that Bert looks up to Reiner's "warrior" facade as something he should follow. His answer to Armin was defiant not because he genuinely believes in killing them all, it's because he's resigned himself to following out Zeke's plan until the end. That's why we get that little moment of introspection before he transforms where he reassures himself that none of this is anyone's fault, using the cruelty of the world as a coping mechanism to justify having to kill the people he undeniably considered friends (thus why he was also scarred by having to kill Marco).

I just think it's always interesting to look at the characters with a bit of nuance, especially in this show, since Reiner and Bert are what could basically be considered child soldiers within the setting.
May 12, 2019 5:57 PM
Mar 2019
Good episode, epic music scene and hype, wow the arrival of the colossal Titan was very stressful especially when the explosion happened and the whole house was on fire, 3D CGI was very good, in my opinion this is like Titan Rodd Reiss, do not understand why people question CGI, in my opinion it is not disappointment , even OPM S2 also has a lot of CGI in every scene
May 12, 2019 5:59 PM

Apr 2019
The CGI was so beautiful, i really loved it, looked absolutely perfect
i wish they used more CGI overall, they usually blend it perfectly especially with the 3D Movement, the Colossal Titan looks amazing, i love it so much.

Can't wait for next episode.
You son of a .. turtle

May 12, 2019 6:00 PM

Nov 2018
Love the build up and OST's of this episode only downside is the CG titan
May 12, 2019 6:01 PM
Apr 2016
Wow. My heartbeat legit increased when Mikasa attacked him, I thought I'll get a heart attack. A lot of important stuff about the Titans this episode. Really good episode.
May 12, 2019 6:08 PM
Aug 2018
Everybody is talking about the cg and the explosion but nobody is talking about Mikasa vs Berthold; that scene was very good
May 12, 2019 6:24 PM

Dec 2015
Bro, upgraded version of APETITAN and YouSeeBIGGIRL/T:T are fucking lit. I legit can't wait anymore for the soundtrack to release. CGI Colossal Titan was bad, but this time it was expected. But for real, did the Colossal titan always have this bomb transformation? When he appeared on the end of episode 4 of the 1st season, it looked just like any other titan transformation. Even on the last time he appeared, it wasn't this "bombastic". Also, Hange won't die just like that right?
May 12, 2019 6:39 PM

Oct 2015
I think Reiner is schizophrenic, his personality changed when Marco was truly eaten.

It kinda annoyed me when Armin wanted to negotiate with Bertholdt, it didn't matter what reason they did what they did. The fact is that they killed so many innocent people and became terrorists to humanity. As they say, "We don't negotiate with terrorists no matter what" and that should've applied in that situation as well.

How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

May 12, 2019 6:40 PM
Mar 2019
thiago52192 said:
Bro, upgraded version of APETITAN and YouSeeBIGGIRL/T:T are fucking lit. I legit can't wait anymore for the soundtrack to release. CGI Colossal Titan was bad, but this time it was expected. But for real, did the Colossal titan always have this bomb transformation? When he appeared on the end of episode 4 of the 1st season, it looked just like any other titan transformation. Even on the last time he appeared, it wasn't this "bombastic". Also, Hange won't die just like that right?
there is also no possibility of him dying with the others, the explosion was large enough to flatten the surrounding buildings, if hanji was still alive would he be seen by mikasa and the others

Luis_Enrique1 said:
Everybody is talking about the cg and the explosion but nobody is talking about Mikasa vs Berthold; that scene was very good
I agree that most people who complain about the CGI are just annoying manga readers who feel disappointed and dissatisfied with the quality of anime that is not the same as the manga, I think episode 3 has the best and epic parts of music, especially in Titan colosal transformation

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
DeadlyRavenMay 12, 2019 6:51 PM
May 12, 2019 6:53 PM
Aug 2018
Bertolt is a badass now but how that development came to be was not really well explained.
People with low average anime scores don't have high standards. They are just bad at choosing good anime to watch.
May 12, 2019 6:58 PM

Oct 2016
whats the point in chasing Bertholt ?
they know he will transform into titan form any time.
if Hange+her squad died, it ll be the most stupid deaths so far.
no spoilers pls
May 12, 2019 7:02 PM

Feb 2014
There's no right or wrong side, coz this world is just too cruel.Bertholdt really defined his purpose of living.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

May 12, 2019 7:03 PM
Oct 2018
Episode was fine, also Justice for Hange Squad.
May 12, 2019 7:10 PM

May 2009
Thread Cleaned

Please refrain from asking where to watch even if the episode was leaked before it was supposed to air.

Be careful with spoilers and always use spoiler tags while discussing future episodes or the source material.

edit: Single phrase responses like "I like it" "This episode was good" are also removed without warning.
May 12, 2019 7:14 PM
Apr 2018
Gosh, Mikasa is always so close to killing them. It surprised me that Berthold was able to put up a (short) fight with her.

Did Hange really die that way? Strange.
May 12, 2019 7:15 PM

Aug 2015
The episode was quite amazing.
Regarding that CGI, it has been an issue since season 2 and since SnK has been adapted only by Wit Studios it is understandable. It´s way more simple to have production values when a titan like Production IG is behind you.

I am really liking this season, it will probably end up being my favorite.
May 12, 2019 7:24 PM

Apr 2013
Interesting setup for this season so far!
May 12, 2019 7:39 PM

Dec 2015
With this episode I can confirm a fact:

1) Levi and Mikasa are Ackerman family's members.
2) Reiner survived both Mikasa and Levi's attacks.
3) Bertolt survived Mikasa's attack twice!

From 1), 2) and 3) We have a fact: The Ackermans can't kill Reiner nor Bertolt.
May 12, 2019 8:11 PM

Sep 2018
That expulosion was fking awesome. I don't dislike the CG colossal as much as I thought I would. The flashbacks were really nice.....overall one of the best eps in this series ever.

Jackstyle said:
whats the point in chasing Bertholt ?
they know he will transform into titan form any time.

They weren't chasing after Bert. They were going to finish off reiner as they thought bet wouldn't transform near reiner as that wudda killed reiner as well.
majiyabakuneMay 12, 2019 8:19 PM
May 12, 2019 8:52 PM

Jan 2013
Please let armored titan be dead!!!!
Next episode will be huge!!!
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

May 12, 2019 8:58 PM

May 2015
Venumidas said:
TheCommoner said:
The whole issue about whether the the colossal titan looks bad due to being rendered in CG makes little sense to me. I am sure we we can all muster up examples of CG being far worse and far better elsewhere in this medium. At worst it is average and it hardly brakes the overall immersion.

More importantly, what I like to hope for, is that the more animators utilize CG in anime now the better equipped future animators will be to make CG look more compelling in the future and at a fraction of the cost. Some of our most anticipated adaptions may take a few hits but ultimately this experimenting will lead to better quality down the line.

Anyways, I really feel like I need to rewatch Attack on Titan because I am starting to forget all the things that have gone down in this story. The episode was great despite that but these first three episodes feel like they would have been stronger overall could I remember more of the first two seasons.

Yeah it makes little sense to argue if this is bad or not, it's just one of the biggest main focuses of the series atm. that's not that important.

Someone bashed your brain in with a hammer mutliple times?


People are already skilled with CG in Animation, but most people who have more then 3 Braincells know that makinga 3DCG Titan Model the main focus of a series and then messing that up so badly is a BAD THING.

How can people seriously think that this is ok?

There was 0 thought put into this Titan Model, they did not even bother to animate it even remotely well.

The overall quality of the series went up over time, but the actual effort into the things that need more time was completely lost in that.

Shingeki no Kyojin turned from a genuinely great series into a quick cash grab that has no effort put into it at all. (Or well a lot less effort then the first Season)

Calm the fuck down. It's not that serious.

May 12, 2019 9:39 PM
Apr 2017
They're really dragging these episodes out. This must have been the slowest-paced SnK episode yet. With pacing like this, it hardly feels like a battle is really taking place.
May 12, 2019 9:47 PM

Oct 2017
Another great episode. The flashback of Marcos death was well done.

I loved seeing Berthodlt step up.
May 12, 2019 10:00 PM
Jan 2018
FuMomo-kun said:
The art is not that good anymore. It doesn't resemble the past seasons as much, and also does a worse job telling the story.

The colossal titan looks quite awful. I am okay with 3d backgrounds, but I really don't like 3d characters in a 2d anime. Plus, the model that they used looks horrible, the texture has an uncomfortable amount of details and the rigging looks lazy. I know WIT studio can do better, so I wish they would.

The flashback was done quite well. Looked like Marco's actor had a slightly difficult time to get back into character after so many years. However, Annie's actress did a fantastic job. It felt as if she'd never left.

Hope the fights end by episode 5 or 6. I really want to see the inside of the basement. Because of how faithful this adaptation is, I think they will do a good job with the revelation.

colossal Titan was only 2d in the first season as it didn't have to do Much all it did was appear . Kick a wall . Disappear and move an arm .

It's needs to move more in S2 and now . They don't have the time to hand draw everything Especially that scale
May 12, 2019 10:08 PM

Oct 2013
0217 said:
They're really dragging these episodes out. This must have been the slowest-paced SnK episode yet. With pacing like this, it hardly feels like a battle is really taking place.

This episode adapted chapter 77,78 and the beginning of 79, if I remember correctly this episode actually adapted the most chapters in any snk episode overall.

This season on a whole is adapting two chapters per episode which wasn't the case for the previous seasons which adapted like 1.5 chapters on average with fillers included, this is the fastest pace snk season, which is why it only has 10 episodes.

This episode simple feels slow because it so happen that the two chapters it adapted were mostly buildup, they are not dragging it out at all. The only other option is to cut out some of the scenes, but why would anyone want that?

keragammingMay 12, 2019 10:11 PM
May 12, 2019 10:18 PM

Sep 2011
You guys are such strict critics lmao. The colossal titan looked fine along with that amazing remix of the Bertholdt/Reiner transformation theme from season 2.

My only problem right now is the whole "transfer consciousness" thing that Reiner does. It just seems like such an a**pull and forced, like the very definition of plot armor. Maybe they'll explain it later.
May 12, 2019 10:28 PM

Jul 2012
Alfonse said:
You guys are such strict critics lmao. The colossal titan looked fine along with that amazing remix of the Bertholdt/Reiner transformation theme from season 2.

My only problem right now is the whole "transfer consciousness" thing that Reiner does. It just seems like such an a**pull and forced, like the very definition of plot armor. Maybe they'll explain it later.

It actually gets explained.

May 12, 2019 10:29 PM
Sep 2017
All I hear when Zeke talks is "KONO DIO DA!"
May 12, 2019 10:38 PM
Jan 2016
And once again, another intense and briliant episode! And it is impossible to predict what will happen next!

Marco's dead flashback, brought me memories, was really sad the way he died, he heard the wrong conversation, unlucky, i wonder why they cryied when he was being eaten, they caused it!

Armin's attempt to negotiate failed, but i am glad he tried, and we still dont understand why they are doing that!

Mikasa vs Berthold was so cool, Mikasa is always impressing us showing that awesome moves!

Armin in command, without Hange's group, i am curious to how they will handle the fight against Berthold!

Btw is she is really dead, R.I.P Hange! T.T

May 12, 2019 11:05 PM

Aug 2012
Even though Hashimoto didn't animate the nuke scene, it was still amazing. The whole lead up with the new Youseebiggirl mixed "Apple Seed" is amazing. Sawano does it again.
May 12, 2019 11:07 PM

Aug 2012
Episode 52 Endcard by Sachiko Matsumoto
May 12, 2019 11:28 PM

Feb 2015
Bertolt was remembering when they murdered Marco because he heard them talking about the titans. Reiner is defeated and the beast titan threw a barrel with Bertolt inside, he told Reiner to lay on his back and transformed into the colossal titan. Armin realized that they must defeat him there and not near Erwin.

The episode was awsome, despite the fact that I never liked how the colossal titan looks in cgi, I would appreciate if he appeared in 2d. Now, he got to watch when Reiner, Bertolt and Annie murdered Marco by taking out his equipment, how guilty they felt and how they feel now, not out of guilt but kind of understand their mission, due to Zeke's words.
May 12, 2019 11:39 PM

Oct 2017
Damn this is going great.
May 13, 2019 12:32 AM

Oct 2015
Really good episode, the good shit's only starting. Can't wait for the next episode, I still don't believe how I managed to survive 1month between each chapter back the arc came out in the manga.

I think by this point people should've gotten used to CGI colossal titan. There is no way that Wit Studio will be able to recreate it in 2D animation like they did in season 1. But that was when they had a lot more help from other studios. The animation is looking really good, even for a studio that's supposedly going through production hell.
May 13, 2019 12:38 AM
Jun 2016
lihle808 said:
I think Reiner is schizophrenic, his personality changed when Marco was truly eaten.

It kinda annoyed me when Armin wanted to negotiate with Bertholdt, it didn't matter what reason they did what they did. The fact is that they killed so many innocent people and became terrorists to humanity. As they say, "We don't negotiate with terrorists no matter what" and that should've applied in that situation as well.

He was trying to buy time. Bertholdt even points that out...
May 13, 2019 1:27 AM

Oct 2015
So I see a lot of people throwing words like "bad animation" "bad art" here and there but can anyone actually point out where those are? Aside from the noticeable CGI which was already showcased in the past and will continue to be showcased but people can't stop bitching about it, what else is there to complain about? I'd appreciate if images were provided. I seem to miss everything
May 13, 2019 1:40 AM
Oct 2016
Lol Mikasa not used to getting kicked
May 13, 2019 2:06 AM
Jan 2019
THIS IS BURNING! (Literally)
1.In the end it was revealed exactly how Marco's death was at the hands of Reiner, Berthold and Annie.
1.1 Demonic race, disgusting race? Was there any meaning in those words of Reiner?
1.2Annie really loved her classmates, her tears showed it ... it was that or that she hated having such a heavy load.
1.3 Reiner lost his sanity from that moment, unless he was already crazy long before.
2. So "Zeke" is the name of the Titan Beast. What do you mean by "cursed history"?
3. Seeing Sasha and Conie crying for Reiner gave me some grief, although in the end the damned uses his strange ability of "Transfer of consciousness to the nervous system" and is still alive. What's up?
4.Berthold really changed, he is no longer the coward and doubtful that I saw in the previous seasons, but he fights without a concrete reason, he just follows orders.
If the humans did not do anything, then why do they fight? "I consider them companions and that is why I will kill them" ... WTF ?!
5. Mikasa's scene appearing on Berthold's back will be my new cover image. That girl is great.
6. I acknowledge Armin's efforts to do everything possible to reduce deaths, but it's too late for them.
7. I hope the crazy Hanje is still alive. This anime would not be the same without her.

Well, very good episode. Until next week.
May 13, 2019 2:48 AM

Dec 2017
Such a great episode. Battle of Shiganshina is one of my favourite arcs and the anime is doing it great.

Marco's death was even harder to watch in anime than it was in the manga...

Also I feel like the CGI Colossal Titan really isn't that bad?
shikinoutaMay 13, 2019 3:11 AM
May 13, 2019 3:03 AM
Jan 2018
Venumidas said:
TheCommoner said:
The whole issue about whether the the colossal titan looks bad due to being rendered in CG makes little sense to me. I am sure we we can all muster up examples of CG being far worse and far better elsewhere in this medium. At worst it is average and it hardly brakes the overall immersion.

More importantly, what I like to hope for, is that the more animators utilize CG in anime now the better equipped future animators will be to make CG look more compelling in the future and at a fraction of the cost. Some of our most anticipated adaptions may take a few hits but ultimately this experimenting will lead to better quality down the line.

Anyways, I really feel like I need to rewatch Attack on Titan because I am starting to forget all the things that have gone down in this story. The episode was great despite that but these first three episodes feel like they would have been stronger overall could I remember more of the first two seasons.

Yeah it makes little sense to argue if this is bad or not, it's just one of the biggest main focuses of the series atm. that's not that important.

Someone bashed your brain in with a hammer mutliple times?


People are already skilled with CG in Animation, but most people who have more then 3 Braincells know that makinga 3DCG Titan Model the main focus of a series and then messing that up so badly is a BAD THING.

How can people seriously think that this is ok?

There was 0 thought put into this Titan Model, they did not even bother to animate it even remotely well.

The overall quality of the series went up over time, but the actual effort into the things that need more time was completely lost in that.

Shingeki no Kyojin turned from a genuinely great series into a quick cash grab that has no effort put into it at all. (Or well a lot less effort then the first Season)
Venumidas said:
TheCommoner said:
The whole issue about whether the the colossal titan looks bad due to being rendered in CG makes little sense to me. I am sure we we can all muster up examples of CG being far worse and far better elsewhere in this medium. At worst it is average and it hardly brakes the overall immersion.

More importantly, what I like to hope for, is that the more animators utilize CG in anime now the better equipped future animators will be to make CG look more compelling in the future and at a fraction of the cost. Some of our most anticipated adaptions may take a few hits but ultimately this experimenting will lead to better quality down the line.

Anyways, I really feel like I need to rewatch Attack on Titan because I am starting to forget all the things that have gone down in this story. The episode was great despite that but these first three episodes feel like they would have been stronger overall could I remember more of the first two seasons.

Yeah it makes little sense to argue if this is bad or not, it's just one of the biggest main focuses of the series atm. that's not that important.

Someone bashed your brain in with a hammer mutliple times?


People are already skilled with CG in Animation, but most people who have more then 3 Braincells know that makinga 3DCG Titan Model the main focus of a series and then messing that up so badly is a BAD THING.

How can people seriously think that this is ok?

There was 0 thought put into this Titan Model, they did not even bother to animate it even remotely well.

The overall quality of the series went up over time, but the actual effort into the things that need more time was completely lost in that.

Shingeki no Kyojin turned from a genuinely great series into a quick cash grab that has no effort put into it at all. (Or well a lot less effort then the first Season)

They can't put more time into something if they haven't got time to use.

And a anime series in general are cash grabs
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