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Apr 25, 2018 2:36 AM

Jul 2013
I like reviews since it gives me more insight in what I'm about to watch, but a lot of the time users put spoilers in them so I also tend to avoid them
Apr 25, 2018 3:04 AM

Sep 2015
Energetic-Nova said:
If an anime with over an 8 average, as a top helpful review that says 5 or lower, I assume that that anime is controversial.

Top reviewer for Neon actually attacks it's fans.

Nothing new, there's plenty of top reviews that dedicate portions (or even sometimes the whole thing) to attacking the fanbases for it. Welcome to MAL, where we'll only care about people being dicks in that way whenever we're a part of the fanbase being treated so.

Just handwave it and hold it against the review in question because it's a pretty immature way to go about approaching a product that very, very much can make a negative review seem like it's coming from a place of prejiduce more than rational thought. Let them shoot themselves in the foot with that.

Apr 25, 2018 3:25 AM

Apr 2018
Energetic-Nova said:
If an anime with over an 8 average, as a top helpful review that says 5 or lower, I assume that that anime is controversial.

Top reviewer for Neon actually attacks it's fans.

Oh wow this guy tried REALLY hard to make it seem like his criticism is constructive and objective.
In reality it's just a rant, which he said so himself, TWICE, LOL.
Now correct me if i'm wrong but a review should be anything but a "rant".

"Some of you are probably wondering why I wrote this review if I dislike the show so much. The reason is simple. I'm sick to death of seeing the show aired on the various channels that show anime, and I'm even more fed up with the fact that newcomers to anime are indoctrinated by magazines and other people into liking this piece of tripe, especially when there are far superior animes out there that rarely get mentioned anywhere."

The guy is angry and his feeling are hurt in some way.

"Okay, I'm REALLY going to upset a lot of you out there with this review."

The guy wrote the review simply to "upset" people, and maybe to get some attention.
Judging by the poorly written review, he doesn't really care about helping anyone in anyway.

"Neon Genesis Evangelion is one of the most mediocre animes I have EVER seen."

He keeps saying it, because his main goal, as i said is to upset the fans.
In reality he didn't give any really good arguments as to why it was "the most mediocre" anime.
He was whining about the main character, how much he didn't like him and how he wanted to "slap" him.
Good arguments everybody *clap* *clap* *clap*
All and all he didn't like the anime mostly because of how much attention this anime has been getting and because how the "newcomers to anime" got "indoctrinated" into liking the anime.... *bursts out laughing*.
Calls it mediocre 10 times, then at the end calls it " piece of tripe".
It's possible that the first time he watched it he didn't like it that much,
which doesn't necessary mean the anime is a "piece of tripe" but that simply it wasn't to his taste.

But dat review tho.

GodMilkkApr 25, 2018 3:53 AM
Apr 25, 2018 3:38 AM
Apr 2018
You don't have to give a shit about the reviews. Just fap and chill
Apr 25, 2018 4:52 AM

Apr 2018
StrongManxD said:
You don't have to give a shit about the reviews. Just fap and chill

My answer can only be one:

Apr 25, 2018 7:01 AM

Jul 2016
I don't read reviews very often,but writing reviews is fun.

Life is empty without anime

Apr 25, 2018 7:36 AM

Oct 2015
Yes I do read them occasionally and I care about their points in the review. It's good to be able to view a show in a different light.
Apr 25, 2018 7:48 AM
Mar 2018
I'm awful at reviewing things. If I liked it a lot I give it a 10. I don't think too much about what rating I give, but now that I've looked back at them some seriously did not deserve such a high rating. That's probably the issue. I can't be the only one that does that. I'd like to go through each and give them fair scores soon though. Something like berserk 2016 having almost a 7/10 is baffling based on the backlash it got. If it got so much hate, how can it still keep a somewhat solid rating? Now, lower than 7 is nothing to write home about, but still. I have seen somewhat average ratings of series where the review describe it as abysmal.
Apr 25, 2018 7:51 AM
Mar 2018
The more I've thought about it, the more I've realized that you should just take most ratings with a grain of salt. There are too many factors to why something has the rating it does, and not all of them are a representation of it's quality or if you may like it.
Apr 25, 2018 8:02 AM

Sep 2017
I'm writing a review but never read others review. Review nowadays just a personal opinion of the show...

Apr 25, 2018 11:18 AM

Nov 2016
Unfortunately i sometimes read or let my eyes wander through them.
if the synopsis doesnt make any sense i have to just look at the scores in the reviews.
i usually just average out the scores on the first page.

if its like 8, 6, 10, 9 then its a good anime

if its 2, 3, 1, 6.... then unfortunately i have to read the review and most likely end up not watching
its probably a bad anime
sometimes you get lucky and the hater giving the bad review is mentioning things you enjoy as bad things.

people are just like that. they hate everything
Apr 25, 2018 11:20 AM

Feb 2015
It doesn't help that most reviews are either haters mindlessly bashing on it and giving it a 3 or lower, or fanboys fanboying about it and rating it a 9 or 10.
Apr 25, 2018 11:27 AM
Feb 2018
MAL reviews? I've never read it.
I assume all MAL reviews are just like youtube comments.
Apr 25, 2018 11:43 AM

Oct 2016
You need to train yourself to not care.
Apr 25, 2018 12:05 PM

Mar 2008
I don't read anime reviews on mal or other anime sites well, more like i don't care tbh

Apr 25, 2018 5:47 PM

Dec 2017
MAL reviews will always be a mixed bag because you never know who is writing them or their knowledge of storytelling. I used to look at reviews before I started watching a series, but I've also found that some "reviews" can just be simplified to complaining. I don't really care about MAL reviews anymore seeing as I never know what I'm going to get.
Apr 25, 2018 6:48 PM
Jan 2018
I don't pay much attention to them. There are just too many elitist's and fanboys, so I can never really know if it's an honest review. I watch an anime based on my personal preference, not other people's.
Apr 25, 2018 7:45 PM

Aug 2016
Most reviewers on MAL are utter dogshit, especially that ZephSilver guy. He fuck'n pales in comparison to someone like literaturenerd.
People who put MAL stats in their sigs are losers lol
Apr 25, 2018 9:48 PM

Mar 2017
I mostly read the ones with a low score, regardless if its the top or not. I guess I'm just lucky I don't find biased reviews much. Most of the time though, I agree with the points made in a review that I read
An admin's dickhead Soul banned me from MAL t('v't)
Apr 25, 2018 9:49 PM

Jul 2008
GodMilkk said:

Funny thing is in most of those reviews that are bashing decent animes have no constructive criticism, ZERO.

"Constructive criticism" means criticism from which the creatives can learn and improve the anime from.

Since when is it the job of anime fans to tell creators how to get better? That's a much different and deeper level of involvement than a standard review. And do you seriously think those creatives are reading English language reviews of their anime on MAL, anyways?

Finding an anime "boring" is NOT a constructive criticism. Explaining and exposing certain flaws and holes in the story IS a constructive criticism.

Reviews are mostly opinions, and opinions are subjective. Ergo, there is nothing wrong with calling an anime "boring".

Anyways, this all sounds like a bunch of butthurt bitching because an anime you like got bad reviews. Why anyone would be upset by this, instead of simply ignoring it is anyone's guess.

As for the general question, I do glance at MAL reviews sometimes before deciding to watch a series. Some are useful.
Apr 26, 2018 2:54 AM

Apr 2018
YoungVagabond said:
GodMilkk said:

Funny thing is in most of those reviews that are bashing decent animes have no constructive criticism, ZERO.

"Constructive criticism" means criticism from which the creatives can learn and improve the anime from.

Since when is it the job of anime fans to tell creators how to get better? That's a much different and deeper level of involvement than a standard review. And do you seriously think those creatives are reading English language reviews of their anime on MAL, anyways?

Finding an anime "boring" is NOT a constructive criticism. Explaining and exposing certain flaws and holes in the story IS a constructive criticism.

Reviews are mostly opinions, and opinions are subjective. Ergo, there is nothing wrong with calling an anime "boring".

Anyways, this all sounds like a bunch of butthurt bitching because an anime you like got bad reviews. Why anyone would be upset by this, instead of simply ignoring it is anyone's guess.

As for the general question, I do glance at MAL reviews sometimes before deciding to watch a series. Some are useful.

Maybe i didn't use "constructive criticism" as it's intended definition.
What i meant is you should of course express your opinion but back up your criticism.
You should support your thoughts with specifics and good solid arguments.
You can call an anime "boring" but that's very subjective, so you should at least expain as to what,why etc. made it "boring" for you.

"Reviews are mostly opinions, and opinions are subjective"

If you want to be only subjective in your review, it would be better to just go to the forum and share your feelings and your opinion, if you don't want to back it up.

"opinions are subjective"
Not true.
Sure, an opinion may not always be build on facts or knowledge but it should be based on them as much as possible in a review, that is.
I mean if you just express your opinion in a review WITHOUT, giving good arguments and backing up your criticism , then it's just a rant and a failed review.
There won't be any point, because the biggest reason to review an anime in MAL is to be helpful to others.
I would change "constructive criticism" with "critically appraise" tho, because you are right about that.

"this all sounds like a bunch of butthurt bitching because an anime you like got bad reviews."
Your presumption is WAY off the mark. Not true at all.
I didn't "bitch" at all, i backed up everything i had to say and i did it once again.
In all honesty i made this thread because i have been browsing animes for years now and i noticed how many of them had TOP bad written reviews about them with REALLY low scores.
First i didn't even give much thought to it i just found it bizarre.
After some time i started reading those reviews and i noticed how much they were trashing a given anime without giving any good arguments, or if there was any, they were simply untrue and very ignorant.
But no i am not "butthurt" about anything, simply because if i like and enjoy something that's all that matters and i would care less if someone else disliked it.
Simply put i have never really been a "fan boy" of something in my life.
It's actually more probable that you're "butthurt" as seeing how you have written 40 reviews.
Also i never said that the general idea of writing a review about something is bad.
I do think that the reviews here are more harmful then not.

Apr 26, 2018 3:19 AM
Aug 2013
The last I checked. I do not think china has its own version of MAL, were the views of dissenters are shut down.

IF you are part of the Brain-off gang, there are numerous non-analytical reviews on this site.

And except for that only newbies based their opinions on reviews and ratings on this site.
UknwWhuApr 26, 2018 3:37 AM
Apr 26, 2018 3:38 AM

Jul 2008
GodMilkk said:

"opinions are subjective"
Not true.

Try looking at a dictionary instead of basing everything on your feels.

If opinions weren't subjective, they would be objective, and thus called (drumroll)...facts. A review full of only facts ("This anime has 26 episodes, it's in the mecha genre, there is a character called Yusuke...") would suck.

Also, you've been on this website for a whopping 2 days and are already crying about the tremendous harm and emotional duress that negative reviews have put you through. Maybe MAL isn't the right place for you?
Apr 26, 2018 3:44 AM

Jun 2011
GodMilkk said:
Energetic-Nova said:
If an anime with over an 8 average, as a top helpful review that says 5 or lower, I assume that that anime is controversial.

Top reviewer for Neon actually attacks it's fans.

Oh wow this guy tried REALLY hard to make it seem like his criticism is constructive and objective.
In reality it's just a rant, which he said so himself, TWICE, LOL.
Now correct me if i'm wrong but a review should be anything but a "rant".

"Some of you are probably wondering why I wrote this review if I dislike the show so much. The reason is simple. I'm sick to death of seeing the show aired on the various channels that show anime, and I'm even more fed up with the fact that newcomers to anime are indoctrinated by magazines and other people into liking this piece of tripe, especially when there are far superior animes out there that rarely get mentioned anywhere."

The guy is angry and his feeling are hurt in some way.

"Okay, I'm REALLY going to upset a lot of you out there with this review."

The guy wrote the review simply to "upset" people, and maybe to get some attention.
Judging by the poorly written review, he doesn't really care about helping anyone in anyway.

"Neon Genesis Evangelion is one of the most mediocre animes I have EVER seen."

He keeps saying it, because his main goal, as i said is to upset the fans.
In reality he didn't give any really good arguments as to why it was "the most mediocre" anime.
He was whining about the main character, how much he didn't like him and how he wanted to "slap" him.
Good arguments everybody *clap* *clap* *clap*
All and all he didn't like the anime mostly because of how much attention this anime has been getting and because how the "newcomers to anime" got "indoctrinated" into liking the anime.... *bursts out laughing*.
Calls it mediocre 10 times, then at the end calls it " piece of tripe".
It's possible that the first time he watched it he didn't like it that much,
which doesn't necessary mean the anime is a "piece of tripe" but that simply it wasn't to his taste.

But dat review tho.

Yeah it is completely against the guidelines. And it is still there. over 2k words long. lol.

There are plenty of negative reviews for Evangelion which do not attack people or repeat themselves over and over again.

It isn't that Evangelion doesn't have legit things you could say wrong about it.

I love the ending, but it is not to everyone's taste. Some people don't like loose ends. Meanwhile, me, who is always feeling like they can guess the ending of everything provided enough context, loves the Evangelion original ending for defying I suppose logic? but also just a lot of conventions going the opposite way I expected.

Some people care a lot about animation consistency. Or screen resolution. Some care about proper storytelling convention going exactly as they expect. For the Call to action, rising action, climax, falling action to be right where they should be, some people like myself, enjoy stuff being just different in the usual pace.

some think eva is too slow, older fans thought it was too fast. lol.

you could talk about the lack of character development for a few of it's characters.... or the fact they have a random mascot character which makes no sense in a more realistic world.

There is plenty to talk about.

Yet, half the reviews love to rag on about fans in the reviews for Evangelion.

And I had seen a LOT of anime before watching either Neon Genesis or Cowboy Bebop. Guess what? I loved Evangelion, and kinda thought it might have been better had I watched Bebop while it was in syndication instead of over the course of 3 days at a friend's house. It just feels very built for syndication despite being so short. It has a lot of amazing characters, lot of rich atmosphere. I see why people love it. It is just weird to me that there are "extra episodes" which I felt didn't need to be there. And yeah Ed was annoying. and intentionally so. Doesn't mean it isn't a fantastic anime. Just one not for me. Long anime, I allow for a lot of filler. It is just interesting that Bebop, an anime original, has fake filler. Evangelion has a recap episode. That is it.

Bebop, unlike Evangelion, does not suffer some sort of rehashing curse. Nor is it referenced so incredibly much that you have seen the imagery so much by the time you get around to it. Relaxed pacing makes it an easier sit than something so jam packed with information there isn't enough time to focus on everything... Evangelion is more for the fan who likes to rewatch things over and over and find something new. Bebop is great for a lot more fans.... nobody sits around and tells you you don't get it. There isn't some 20+ year long waifu war. lol. And Bebop's last episode is definitely it's strongest episode.

Evangelion is a better scifi than Bebop. But scifi is hardly a respected genre anyway. Evangelion is the anime you watch when you are frustrated with anime. Bebop is the anime you watch to relax. Which is to say, Evangelion is more an anime you don't watch as a beginner, where Bebop definitely is an anime that gets you into anime.
Energetic-NovaApr 26, 2018 4:10 AM
The anime community in a nutshell.
Apr 26, 2018 3:56 AM

Jul 2015
Energetic-Nova said:
If an anime with over an 8 average, as a top helpful review that says 5 or lower, I assume that that anime is controversial.

Top reviewer for Neon actually attacks it's fans.

Funnily enough, I always have that specific review in mind when I think about what's wrong with MAL reviews. That was a very long and fancy way to say "Shinji is a pussy and NGE fans are blinded by nostalgia lololol". A huge ass paragraph is dedicated to @Archaeon telling us he wants to punch the fictional MC... great, but I'm not sure how it's supposed to help people who read that review and might have more empathy (^:

@GodMilkk I have more respect for Polyphemus' review and its honest 1/10 and reasonning, than for that rant about unrelated meta shit Energetic-Nova linked.
DeathkoApr 26, 2018 4:00 AM
Apr 26, 2018 3:59 AM

Dec 2015
I don't care. Since I watch mainly airing stuff there are no reviews when I start watching. For older stuff I try to use the recommendations - which are more helpful.

If I want to decide whether to watch an anime or not I look there. Tons of anime I liked mentioned = I'm more likely to watch it.

Tons of anime I didn't like or didn't watch (for some reason) mentioned -> less likely to watch it.
Apr 26, 2018 4:13 AM

Apr 2018
YoungVagabond said:
GodMilkk said:

"opinions are subjective"
Not true.

Try looking at a dictionary instead of basing everything on your feels.

If opinions weren't subjective, they would be objective, and thus called (drumroll)...facts. A review full of only facts ("This anime has 26 episodes, it's in the mecha genre, there is a character called Yusuke...") would suck.

Also, you've been on this website for a whopping 2 days and are already crying about the tremendous harm and emotional duress that negative reviews have put you through. Maybe MAL isn't the right place for you?

First off if you want to argue or discuss a certain topic, you should not ignore 99.9% of the things i said.
I didn't ignore anything you said, you should do the same, or i would not reply to you again.
Now about the dictionary:
definition of "opinion" : "a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge".
You're viewing everything as black or white. Here's something that will blow your mind:
NOT everything is black or white.
You're saying opinions ARE only subjective.
Now i hope you see how ignorant that thinking is.
Opinions CAN be based on facts or knowledge but as the definition says that's "not necessarily" always the case.
Which doesn't mean opinions are never based on facts or knowledge.
"My opinion is MAL is one of the best anime related sites."
My opinion here won't be based only on my feelings, because i can give arguments or facts.
An argument doesn't need to be necessary filled with facts but at least with, for example "good reasoning".
I NEVER said the reviewer should ONLY be objective. You can express your "subjective" opinion but at least it should be backed by logic or at least to be rational as much as possible.
But if you're going to be led just by your emotions without any arguments stick to the forums and don't write reviews.
That's all i was saying.

"Also, you've been on this website for a whopping 2 days"
Oh here we go.. Even tho i replied to your comment and told you i have been on this site for years, you say this?
This just proves you didn't even read my whole comment, yet you still continue to argue, so ignorant of you.
You understand that i don't have to register to this site (drumroll) to use it right?

"already crying about the tremendous harm and emotional duress that negative reviews have put you through."
Again, presuming and spouting shit. Where in my comments did i "cry" or showed emotional "duress"?
I only shared my observations and backed up my opinions with arguments.
I never implied once in my comments that i was dealt "tremendous harm" by the negative reviews.
All and all your only argument was that opinions can be only subjective with means they can't be backed up by facts. I hope you now realize how ignorant you sound.
Other then that you didn't give any other arguments, all you did was to try and make me look like i was emotionally hurt, even tho i didn't give this kind of impression once.
Also i won't reply to you again, because that's all the time i can give to someone who argues with people without any good arguments and doesn't even read everything they have to say.

Also, there is a reason why almost no one found your reviews helpful.

Apr 26, 2018 4:19 AM

Apr 2018
Clebardman said:
Energetic-Nova said:
If an anime with over an 8 average, as a top helpful review that says 5 or lower, I assume that that anime is controversial.

Top reviewer for Neon actually attacks it's fans.

Funnily enough, I always have that specific review in mind when I think about what's wrong with MAL reviews. That was a very long and fancy way to say "Shinji is a pussy and NGE fans are blinded by nostalgia lololol". A huge ass paragraph is dedicated to @Archaeon telling us he wants to punch the fictional MC... great, but I'm not sure how it's supposed to help people who read that review and might have more empathy (^:

@GodMilkk I have more respect for Polyphemus' review and its honest 1/10 and reasonning, than for that rant about unrelated meta shit Energetic-Nova linked.

Fair enough. You should respect whatever you like, who am i to judge.
Apr 26, 2018 4:45 AM

Jun 2011
Objective Review:

"A process that involves the thorough and consistent examination of applications based on an unbiased evaluation of scientific or technical merit or other relevant aspects of the proposal. The review is performed by persons expert in the field of endeavor for which support is requested, and is intended to provide advice to the individuals responsible for making award decisions."

About game reviews:
"Objectivity does have its place in reviews. It’s crucial for the facts and features of a game to be accurately reported. However, that’s only half of the responsibility."

So, are you reporting resolution in the anime? That is an objective feature. Frames per second? If characters were off model? Did the wheels on the car spin or stay in place? Does this anime have a dub? Did you watch this subbed or dubbed? Is this hentai available in an uncensored format? Did you watch this anime censored? (Tokyo Ghoul for instance). Did you watch the director's cut episodes or the original cut (Evangelion)? Did you read the manga, read the light novel, or play the game first? (important for people in the same situation)

Now I would say there is also this realm in the middle. Like connections to myth, theory,literature, movies, other anime and shows. Things beyond what you feel is basic cinematography, judging direction. If you felt the character voices fit or not. Enough frames to animate the desired outcome? Like the animated running without enough frames to feel fluid.

I think all of this is valuable information in a review that is opinion, but it is certainly more focused.

I think one of the most opinionated parts of a review are usually: Characters and character designs, artstyle, music, and if they liked the twists if there is any, or their feelings on slice of life as a genre. lol.
The anime community in a nutshell.
Apr 26, 2018 6:08 AM

Jul 2015
@Energetic-Nova I'd agree with this in general, and tend to skip reviews that are focused on how the reviewer felt.
I feel art style and music can be "reviewed" in a way that leaves little place to subjectivity too. To take the Evangelion franchise as an example again, music plays a role and isn't some thing you can look at in a vacuum. The music during Asuka's revelation/mindrape is interesting for other reasons than "I like the songs", wich is quite often how people review the soundtrack of a show. Same goes for art style, really.
Apr 26, 2018 8:46 AM

Sep 2017
Meh I have only every typed 1 review... so I mean I don't really care for reviews.
Bury me in some fashion, in something fashionable.
Apr 26, 2018 8:58 AM
Jan 2016
Well. Everyone has different opinions and SOME special people share their opinions. I don't usually read them beforehand, I read them after I've finished watching and i only read them only if I had time
Apr 26, 2018 6:57 PM

Jun 2011
Clebardman said:
@Energetic-Nova I'd agree with this in general, and tend to skip reviews that are focused on how the reviewer felt.
I feel art style and music can be "reviewed" in a way that leaves little place to subjectivity too. To take the Evangelion franchise as an example again, music plays a role and isn't some thing you can look at in a vacuum. The music during Asuka's revelation/mindrape is interesting for other reasons than "I like the songs", wich is quite often how people review the soundtrack of a show. Same goes for art style, really.

Which is why I say comparing it to other art is a little more valid than just simply stating if you liked it or not . Like if you know this has a hyper shoujo art style/Year 24 group (oniisama e) or “feels Clamp” (code geass do to character design being done by them) or “has a western feeling” (bebop), modern moe(k-on), oldstyle moe, highly detailed backgrounds, ghibli-like or pastel pallet(Natsume’s book of friends). It communicates more than just I liked it.
The anime community in a nutshell.
Apr 26, 2018 7:26 PM

Oct 2017
Just read the reviews based on the person who wrote them, not based on the "most helpful" ones.

There are still some decent MAL reviewers while I found a lot of "most helpful" reviews are garbage.
Apr 27, 2018 8:14 AM

May 2014
People review by story and characters even though you should take animation and sound into consideration so you have a shitty system that nobody follow cause they'll rate whatever they don't like a 1 regardless
Apr 27, 2018 9:14 PM

Jul 2013
Do I take this site's reviews seriously? no, especially from kids with little experience in anime or none at all. So yeah, I don't really see the big deal about MAL's reviews or perspective on anime.
Apr 27, 2018 9:18 PM

Jul 2015
My question to you, is what anime did this happen to that you really like? Because lets be honest you are doing this just to vent.
May 4, 2018 4:30 PM

Dec 2012
GodMilkk said:
Clebardman said:
I went through the top "60" to thing what the hell OP was ranting about. I think @Polyphemus might want to join. I can't say I agree with him all the time, but its clear looking at his reviews that he puts thoughts into them and isn't trolling. Did it occur to you, @GodMilkk, that it might be his genuine opinion on the show? And that this review earned 700 likes because of its content and not just the rating it gives to the show?

I never said that i view this reviews as a "troll".
Having an opinion is fine but when writing a review you should not be "influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts."
This is what it means to be objective and unbiased towards something.
Also it's important to analize every important aspect of an anime, if you want the review to be considered well-made.
Let me give you an example.
The anime we are both talking about is "Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2".
Now the review made by Polyphemus only truly reviews the story and characters nothing more. Which is not what a proper review should be.
If you're going to waste an hour to write a review at least make it right.
Half of it was constructive criticism-(ish) the other half was just plain anger and emotion put into it.
You're supposed to review an anime as a whole not only the story or characters.
What about the voice actors or the cinematography, editing or sound? Was the animation as a whole well made(the CGI for example)?
Now i'm not a big fan of Code Geass but considering the first season was made 2007, just by evaluating the technical elements which i listed, you can't give it a 1.
Even if the story and characters are complete and utter "crap".
I can and did. They weren't that good. If the substance is that garbage, it's hard for any quality of animation to make up for it. Show is not at all worth watching, so it's a 1.
I am important. I have a girlfriend. Check out my podcast
May 4, 2018 5:10 PM

Apr 2017
i watch a lot of my anime now based on recommendations but when looking for anime they're pretty helpful

they're usually well written and organized so i can see what the show's strengths and weaknesses are

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ πš–πšŠπš•'𝚜 CUTEST πš›πšŠπšŒπšŒπš˜πš˜πš—
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ADORABLE πš‹πš˜πš˜πš™ !
πš’ πš πš’πš•πš• KISS πšπš‘πšŽ πšŒπš’πš‹πšŽπš› πš›πšŠπšŒπšŒπš˜πš˜πš— !
May 4, 2018 5:48 PM

Dec 2012
No, I don't take them seriously. I don't even read reviews.

I discovered the fallacy of reviews pretty early on in life; they're just some schmuck's opinion that has a 50/50 chance of being absolutely useless to me because I'm also a schmuck capable of forming an opinion too, only I'm a way better judge of what I like then someone who isn't me. Why not not just eliminate the middle man and just watch anything that sounds interesting for efficiency's sake? There is nothing wrong with making mistakes in your choice of entertainment, there are no consequences, and the solution when it happens is easy; just drop it. Failure can be a learning experience as well, sometimes a "mistake" can even result in you watching a show you don't normally watch, liking it, and expanding your horizons.
KruszerMay 4, 2018 6:02 PM
"The name's Gambit. Remember it."
-Gambit "X-Men '97"

May 5, 2018 5:48 AM

Mar 2017
Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.

But I don't take them serious.
May 5, 2018 5:49 AM

Apr 2018
I wish we could rate reviews, however not how be rate animes but rather privately, so next time i see a review i should be able to sort reviews by my most liked reviewer.
This world is so small but we still cant find our ways.
Aug 14, 2018 11:04 PM

Aug 2017
I like read reviews with scores of 1-5.
All weebs creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by western animation. You will no longer know hunger, nor pain. Your Anime have come to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom. And the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their western animation ways… For you, there will be great wrath.
Aug 14, 2018 11:16 PM
Oct 2017
My opinion on MAL anime reviews is big. I have the biggest of MAL anime reviews. My opinion is so big it may be hard to fit in here, but I do have an opinion on MAL anime reviews and boy is it big. I think my opinion on MAL anime reviews is big and it might the biggest opinion I have because I think I have a big opinion on MAL anime reviews. I think big and hugely on MAL anime reviews and that my opinion on MAL anime reviews is quite big now that I think about it. Mostly I think my opinion is big on MAL anime reviews
Sep 17, 2020 12:54 PM

Jan 2016
I don't take the reviews too seriously. How can someone watch two seasons of a show and rate them both 1 and then leave a review? If you didn't like it, then drop season 1. it's so dumb.
Sep 17, 2020 12:58 PM

May 2018
There are too many useless fanboyish 10/10 reviews which are inconsistent as hell. I'd better read something negative/funny, it makes more sense.
Sep 17, 2020 1:09 PM

Apr 2017
I think some reviews are just rants. Some reviews legit try to cover the good and the bad. Some reviews are just fanboyism at their finest. If we want constructive and helpful reviews, try suggesting to mods and the site owner to rework the review system to force structure into them.

Rasly2 said:
I wish we could rate reviews, however not how be rate animes but rather privately, so next time i see a review i should be able to sort reviews by my most liked reviewer.

That would just be a user popularity contest which is hardly objective of how objectively critical a review is of a show.

Rithic said:
I don't take the reviews too seriously. How can someone watch two seasons of a show and rate them both 1 and then leave a review? If you didn't like it, then drop season 1. it's so dumb.

Some people watch everything no matter how good or bad it is. It doesn't matter to them. These people might be tired of everything and rarely give a good rating. These people might be legit critics who have valid points. I actually think the latter group deserves some respect but you kind of need to take some time analyzing the poster's profile to figure out what kind of reviewer they are.
There's no inherent right or wrong in this universe, but when we think with emotions rather than logic, we make things so.
Sep 17, 2020 1:12 PM

May 2020
i read them from time to time to laugh at them
I said with a posed look
Sep 17, 2020 1:48 PM

Jan 2016
SongstressSL said:
I think some reviews are just rants. Some reviews legit try to cover the good and the bad. Some reviews are just fanboyism at their finest. If we want constructive and helpful reviews, try suggesting to mods and the site owner to rework the review system to force structure into them.

Rithic said:
I don't take the reviews too seriously. How can someone watch two seasons of a show and rate them both 1 and then leave a review? If you didn't like it, then drop season 1. it's so dumb.

Some people watch everything no matter how good or bad it is. It doesn't matter to them. These people might be tired of everything and rarely give a good rating. These people might be legit critics who have valid points. I actually think the latter group deserves some respect but you kind of need to take some time analyzing the poster's profile to figure out what kind of reviewer they are.

Yea true, that's why I check their profile to see if they are trolls. I found a troll yesterday who had a featured review on Code geass.
Sep 17, 2020 2:12 PM

Dec 2015
It depends on what's in written. Yes, we can easily find ridiculous reviews in this site. Look at the 4th most voted review of SNK Season 3, made by one of the most famous pseudo-critics of this site: Karhu. I honestly believe it's safe to say his reviews are objectively wrong. He doesn't even try to hide he is being biased on what he writes. He deliberatly twist the perspective of certain events to make people falsely believes that a certain event had a cliche/bad writting execution, when the event has so much at stake and importance to the overall well written plot, proven by events form S3P2.

However, reviews are also the last bit of hope when you have a legitimately overrated anime. When I read negative reviews of shows like Kimetsu no Yaiba, Tower of God, SAO Alicization WoU and even Evangelion, I shout a big "THANK YOU!" from relief there's people who noticed the big mistakes from thoses series.
BetterTasteSep 17, 2020 2:17 PM
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