Mywifesson said:shiro_kai said:Mywifesson said:
shiro_kai said:Every time that girls does that weird behaviors when Tsun does something, like in the beginning of the episode, makes my my brain crunch.
She is at the same the girl who can let LITERALY any guy kiss her without even thinking about it at any moment and fell nothing and then suddenly in the next moment she gets weird just because the guy who she is going out for one week put his head on her shoulder, thats make absolutely no fuckin sense!
I can't figure out what the hell is wrong with her personality.
Pretty obvious at this point its a rumor spread by people who don't like her. The artist is drawing parity between the dichotomies of being a beautiful popular girl that women despise and spread rumors about vs a detestable guy who gets rumors spread about him for his hobbies.
I think the point that was brought up in episode one where he asks "why am I being treated like this for liking something" is a poignant one that will play into the story. The reason the rumors spread was probably because Iroha had a crush on her friend's boyfriend or he liked her or some variation of that situation, and that is also why she doesn't want any friends.
In the first episode she was going out with at least two guys (or at least made enough things with them to make they think they are going out, and was just playng with them), and she was about just a week in the town , so was not JUST a rumor. She was promiscuous before Tsun.
this is the logical progression
>Spread rumor Iroha is a whore
>Iroha is a whore I'm gonna get some box
>Goes up to Iroha and tries to force something
>gets denied
>knows about other guys who are rumored to have smashed
>thinks he is better than those guys
>aren't we dating?
something along those lines, the preconception that she is an easy girl effected the encounters with the two men, and they perceived something different than Iroha herself. Since Iroha has no friends they might have asked to go somewhere with her and she agreed because she has no friends.