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Fullmetal Alchemist
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Dec 7, 2011 9:53 AM
Feb 2010
I loved the ending of this series (not 100% though). Cos I love alternate universes/dimensions and I love European history. I also liked that Ed ended up with his dad so he wasn't all alone in our universe circa 1920's. I guess I'll watch Brotherhood in some time.
blindassassinDec 7, 2011 9:57 AM
Jan 21, 2012 9:06 AM

Feb 2010
insan3soldiern said:
The show was intelligent and thought provoking at the beginning but it lost it's footing in the second half around the time the "teacher" showed up.
I believe so too. It got kinda weird after the "fillers" started. It wasn't bad, and it certainly wasn't shit. It was just that, weird.
jimboli92 said:
the ending to make more sense if Ed had stayed dead
I kinda wish he stayed dead too, but that's just because I like fucked up endings.

And btw no one should be able to survive a bullet that goes through the head, even if they are the goddamn motherfucking Roy Mustang. >_>

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Jan 31, 2012 12:31 PM

Nov 2011
This episode was just... wow.
Really sad to know that this anime is over. Ed never fails to surprise me, I'm happy for Al's body and for Roy's killing King Bradley.
Now that FMA is over, time for Brotherhood (and re-watching FMA).
Episode score: 10/10
Anime score: 10/10
Feb 6, 2012 9:15 AM

Oct 2011
This was.....amazing.


Now on to Brotherhood!
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Mar 29, 2012 12:12 PM

Mar 2012
Amazing series...I love every damn character. The ending was sad and happy altogether
End Zionazism
Sep 8, 2012 6:48 AM

May 2012
Great ending of this fantastic Anime! It's quite an open ending with lots of open possibility's, I really loved the journey of Al and Ed the Full Metal Brothers!
I do wonder what the movie and brother hood will give me!

I really loved it so I'll give this anime a 9/10
Oct 8, 2012 12:55 PM

Jul 2009
the ending was great :D

but i do feel like it was rush sometimes

finally the General dies!!!

but wtf he killed he's adopted son just like that?!???

damn you!!!

and wow that archer just won't die!!!!!!!!

finally Riza kills him.

i thought Roy would die from those wounds to be honest O_____O

Riza crying T___T

finally envy dies..

i think he didn't have anything to trade with so he dies just like that.

so did Dante and Gluttony died together or did one or another survived??

that's your fault Dante for letting Gluttony go berserk.

i really like the look of Ed on the Gate, but i don't know if he was to go to a world where he's a student or something

Ed's body is sooo cool :)

Ross and Denny along with Sheska :D

the Ishabal people have can now be left in peace.

even the exile one is welcome as well

so Roy Mustang finally became the general!!!

Riza is soo gorgeous, and they're soo sweet :)

he even had the same eye patch as the General Brad

awww :D

Al is now back to normal!!!!!!!

Izumi and friends are alive and well :)

hope her sickness won't worsen

Rose's baby is all grown up!

Trisha's Grave :(

seems Al is bent on relearning Alchemy and will try to regain his memories and his brother as well

as always Izumi can't refuse their look XD

Winry worried once again since Al will have to endure all those training again..


seems Hohenheim is doing well :D


he still has his automail, im surprised on how Ed is still conversing with his father. just to show you no matter how much he hates he's father. he'll still listen to him all this time.

some more of the ending scenes :P

wow tucker is still desperately trying to revive nina.

serves you right for tampering Nina in the first place.

aww Roy Mustang and Riza :)

Wrath thrown in the trashcan where you deserve.

Hughes T__T

Rose and obasan!!!!

Tringham Brothers!!

Winry trying her best to become the best automail mechanic ever!!!!

even Paninya and Dominic are training her also :P

Armstrong showing why he has the best muscles in the universe!!!!

Izumi looking over Al :)

Ed and Al will soon meet someday!!!!!

yeah the ending was kinda rush, everyone seems to either die or cast off.

i also didn't like how Al lost he's 4 year or more worth of memories.

i wonder how will he be able to remember Ed??

i love Hohenheim's explanation that Ed paid the price of sacrificing those hard work for Al to be back again.

for me i'll give this a 9/10

i do know Brotherhood will be more amazing than this, so im excited :D

but i'll be watching the movie first to see the events right away!!!!
Oct 29, 2012 5:25 PM

May 2012
I don't care what people say, i LOVE that this anime had the balls to go out on a limb and incorporate parallel dimensions, that stuff to me is always so fucking cool! I loved the twist when i first saw it and i still love it now!

Having Ed end up in "our world" so to speak is genius. Oh yeah, and a kid gets strangled to death... So there: What a fantastic ending to a great anime! Though the movie "Conqueror of Shamballa" is a more than worthy expansion. Check it out!

What makes this ending better than Brotherhood's is that it's not a traditional "happy ending" where everyone lives happily ever after; there are casualties, there are unresolved mysteries and there's even food for thought after you finished watching!
who_dat_ninjaOct 29, 2012 5:29 PM
Jan 3, 2013 7:10 PM

Jul 2012
ok, tbh The Series started going downhill ever since Hughes died. Since the 2nd half begain, Edward become too indecisive and stuck on what to do. The characters' personalities suddenly change too. Like this ep, Just when their mission about accomplished, they got the stone, and Wrath and Gluttony starts crying and getting sensitive >,> Lotta boring talk. And The Fuhrer's child happens to run home with the skull to save Mustang, that was really cheesy. also WTF happened to Dante? She the biggest evil, did Gluttony eat her? What happened to him then? Also Edward and Alphonse playing hot potato with their LIFE LOOOOL. first how did Al, activate the stone's magic if Gluttony ate it all? and second, What's the point of sacrificing oneself to save the other, if they gonna keep saving each other back and forth. Through a confusing mess...Edward is trapped in the other world, and Al is back in real world past 4 year memories gone. A weak ending in my opinion. I was really HOOKED to the series, after ep 5 when Edward starts to uncover the secrets of the stones and his adventures, but after Hughes died, it became less exciting and lots more boring talk. The series is STILL GOOD, and it is definitely the only shonen i'll ever watch, no naruto, one piece from me. It is a CLASSIC! 9/10
iamKetranLangJan 26, 2013 2:48 PM
張大です for 張大勇督察
Jan 8, 2013 4:43 AM

Nov 2010
Well done. that was a great ending.
overall really enjoyed the anime, one of the best.
Apr 21, 2013 6:41 PM

Jan 2012
this anime is just a giant loop. an adventure of revival with no end!

Einstein is a load of crap hahahaha
My Guitar Covers:

Jul 28, 2013 2:26 PM

Jun 2013
This is a nice ending. I have a few questions. I don't know if I should call them questions or plot holes. If Al forgot what happened in the last four years, where does he think Ed is? And how did Ed get to the other world when he sacrified himself to bring Ed back? Also, how did he even do that?!
Aug 20, 2013 12:24 AM

May 2013
Ohhh, I'm not sure how to rate this one.... I just loved soooo much of this anime that it'd be a 10 for me when I glance at the big picture xP but I think I should give it a 9 because of the transition of some of the scenes that were confusing a bit ;X Plus, I didn't really like a lot of the OST's, eheh ^ ^' and how Al had his "dumb" moments (pondering about Sloth partly being their mom or being taken advantage of by Tucker reviving Nina)

Friggin Wrath still had that arrogant prick look on his face at the end D:< Come of think of it, he still doesn't know that Izumi is his real mother so he was kind of just left hanging there -___-'

But I'm satisfied with t/he ending. I kind of like conclusions with a "look off into the distance in determination because it's not the end of everything" type of feel :} Since they're always together, a little bit of time away from each other will strengthen their already super strong bond (:

I'm also happy for Lieutenant Hawkeye because Roy is FINALLY looking at her in a romantic light :DDD We already know her polished uniform look is amazing, but my gawd, her feminine look is just adorable :')

Guess I'm settling with 9/10
I can't bring myself to give this an 8 when I love it so much xD
Sep 2, 2013 1:01 PM

Jan 2013
I gave it a 10/10. You might say I'm easy to please, others say I can be harsh. I feel like I've watched enough anime to distinguish the good from the bad, and the good from the great. This definitely falls into the later category.

With that said, the last four or five episodes, compared to the rest of the series, was a little less up to par. It was as if the anime was so bent on being entirely original and cool that it through plot twist and after twist and then just stopped. Damn it, they didn't even kill Dante! I don't remember what happened to Gluttony... does he just disappear??? Wrath's final scene was... laying on the ground? And Al's memory? I don't know, I believe they did the best they could with an ending, it just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.
Sep 9, 2013 9:15 PM

Jul 2013
I just finished it. I thought The final episodes got much better than say episodes 40-46. I did really like this ending, but I cant wait to watch the movie and move on to brotherhood. I only thing I wasn't crazy about was alphonse not having his memories. WHY? Is it a part of him didn't want to remember everything? WOuldnt that be distressing to wake up and realize everything that happened? whatever though, it was great. And I loved the whole parallel worlds thing.
Sep 14, 2013 7:39 PM
Apr 2012
what an ending...

i started tearing up when ed died, but i couldn't believe
but i cried so much when i thought roy had died... then al went missing and then ed and i was crying so much at that point...!!ugh! :'(

but i can't say it wasn't great, a great ending has nothing to do with a happy ending, and even though it was bitter-sweet, the ending was very well done. well, the villains just kind of disappeared but i was happy it didn't have a big 3 episodes fight about everyone! they focused on the brothers, and that's a good thing.

and that song near the end was so perfect and pretty... :)
bubblelineSep 14, 2013 7:46 PM
Sep 18, 2013 1:28 PM

Jan 2013
I don't think the ending was perfect, and maybe the explanation that "Nothing in the world is perfect" fits this series very well. I do believe that quote though. Shou Aikawa probably wrote it in so he could get away with leaving the ending the way it is. :P
With all of the people complaining about the ending, I was expecting it to be much more depressing and terrible than it actually is.
I thought it was great. They still have a dream that they can chase, a dream that, even if they never achieve it, they can follow it.
It's always better to try than to stay static.

Also, the reason why Al lost his memories is because in order for Ed to revive him, he had to give up more than just his life, he also had to give up the 4 years of hard work that Al had in his memories (Apparently, memories are very valuable when it comes to alchemy).
That's what was explained in the show. But it kind of doesn't make sense, it's not like the events that were attached to those memories were erased, and supposedly Ed still remembers everything, so shouldn't Ed lose his memories as well?
That's like if I wrote a book and read it, but then I suddenly forgot about the book completely (If that can happen), but the book still exists. I wouldn't think memories like that would be of much value.
Maybe it would make more sense if they used the word "Knowledge" instead of memories. Because the Gate receive all of Al's abundant knowledge of the past 4 years.

I did like the ending. Isn't it great that you can think so much just because everything wasn't explained?

I like Both Brotherhood and the Original series. Personally, they are both completely different in my opinion, and they can both be watched an equally appreciated.
Brotherhood is more of a Shounen, and FMA is more of a Seinen (Towards the end).
It all depends on tastes. Which do you enjoy more?

I liked Brotherhood more, because it left me with a great feeling at the end (I'm a sucker for feel good stuff.)
But, FMA was not completely depressing, like I was expecting.
FMA is definitely more emotional than Brotherhood, It's also much slower paced.
Brotherhood is MUCH more epic though, and deals more with the morals of war, rather than emotions and Lives like in FMA (Brotherhood does talk about this quit a bit as well.).

The execution of both series are completely different as well, despite both being by the company Bones (Which I only recently found out).

I would not recommend one over the other, they're both great series.
I do recommend seeing FMA first, and then Brotherhood, so you will not have the slightest bit of depression in your heart.

Keep pursuing your dreams! ~ Wynn
My brother and I compose classical and modern music, please click the link below if you're interested.

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Keep pursuing your dreams! ~ Wynn
Jan 19, 2014 12:22 PM

Oct 2013
The ending was brilliant, but too bad ed and al are separated in two different worlds, now onto he movie: Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shamballa, i hope they'll reunite once again..

Overall score 9/10
Jan 31, 2014 5:31 PM

Jun 2012
well this was a good show but for a moment i thought when envy did go trough the gate that she would be used as equivalent trade. i was hoping Al would turn to this armor again and that Ed would have to live with a auto mail again and all is back to how it was and they have learned from there mistake.

in the end i give this show a 9 it kept me hooked up and okay i wasn't hoping for this ending but it was not bad either.
RobertovkJan 31, 2014 5:35 PM
"When a flat-chested loli hugs you, she holds you closer to her heart"
"--I am a single bullet. It has no heart. Therefore, it does not think. It just flies straight towards its target."
Feb 3, 2014 10:55 AM

May 2009
-Angy- said:
I watched Brotherhood before this one, and now that I've seen those 51 episodes I can proudly tell that I don't have any regret about starting with brotherhood.

Brotherhood was far better.

The ending was good, I can't deny it, but all elements were badly tied up, I don't know well how to explain this but I think there was something missing for this one to be very good.
same here. i feel something is missing in this series. the character feel less deep. to me brotherhood was ar better
Feb 18, 2014 9:26 AM

Sep 2013
Lol agreed. Fullmetal Alchemist brotherhood is far better. So many great characters don't even exist in this anime from the manga!

Some of the stuff don't even make sense.

I was expecting to see an epic battle between Roy and Fuhrer. But anyways, the ending was okay. It's a good series, but I prefer brotherhood.

I can just imagine the pain people been through when they watched this. Brotherhood was more shocking and entertaining. All of you guys should watch it if you didn't yet. 7/10 or maybe 6
eunoia33Feb 18, 2014 9:34 AM

Mar 19, 2014 8:28 PM
Oct 2013
I might have made a mistake by reading the manga first because obviously FMA is quite different. But as a stand-alone series it was actually pretty awesome. This finale was epic and touching...I may even like it better than the one in the manga (and FMA Brotherhood) just because it isn't so happily-ever-after. I definitely need to watch the movie to find out what happens now! I am still expecting FMA Brotherhood to be better just because it follows the manga more but I will find out :D
May 3, 2014 12:12 PM

Oct 2010
Manifest said:
Awesome ending. Cant wait till Full Metal Alchemist 2 just to see a different take on the story, its a pity they are just remaking it and following the manga storyline. Would rather have them continue on the anime story, which was very good (I haven't read the manga so can't really compare).

don't compare then
May 30, 2014 11:19 PM

Oct 2013
red hot
"Urushibara Ruka. The mannerisms and voice of a woman... No... More feminine than any woman. But he's a guy. Taller than Mayuri, but so very thin... But he's a guy. Looks great in a miko outfit... But he's a guy. It's already twilight And yet, it's so hot. The cicadas are crying. But... He's a guy."
Aug 7, 2014 5:45 AM

Jul 2013
That was a great ending although I'm sad that after Ed came back after Al saved him and got his limbs back that he sacrificed himself for Al and then Al came back with no memories of the last 4 years or so and Ed was stuck on the other side.

I wish they were together.

I'm glad Roy defeated the Fuhrer and that he didn't die!

I'm gonna watch the movie this afternoon.
Sep 22, 2014 9:22 PM

Jan 2014
And rewatch complete. Still great all around.
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Sep 30, 2014 4:11 AM

Oct 2010
There it goes again.

I remembered bawling like a kid when the Etude plays and Ed's soul just stood in front of the gate with tears on his cheeks.
When I realized that Al lost 4 years worth of his memory I bawled again. Ha. Guess this was one of the most unfair thing they can do to us. Felt like rewinding time to fly to Japan to go to Bones and stop them to create that scene when he was laughing with Den beside the river, you know. I even thought once - though Al was my favorite character - maybe he'd be better off dying than losing his memory... Or, or, at least living with Ed in our world... But PLEASE please not the memories :''/ ..Aaah, stupid Aikawa. Terrible Aikawa.
It was a bit calming to see Hoho with Ed, at least he won't be the only person from Alchemy Land stranded in the forsaken world of us, but still, seeing him using prosthetics and losing his alchemy also used to be too much of a despair for me.

I used to reaally... reaaaally hate this ending, to the point when I watched the movie and... had an even more intense hatred... Haha (but that's another story).

It is very nice now that I can see things from a different perspective, and able to point out some flaws and inconsistencies in the series, but still I can't help it. This whole anime was great, is great, and I think... will always be.
Nov 16, 2014 11:13 AM

Aug 2014
The ending for me, was unsatisfying. They had to end with a "sudden" new problem such as Ed & Al being separated and Al not remembering anything. I get why it happened but it was a bit out of the blue.
But Ed & Al getting separated was not I was expecting, the main point was that they got their bodies back but to also stay together. I'm not saying I don't like sad endings, sometimes sad endings makes the story good.
However I already knew there would be a movie and the Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood series which I already have watched. So I knew there would be something way better coming next :) Btw I really loved this show, I really enjoyed it!
Nov 18, 2014 12:23 AM

Aug 2010
I'm unsure how I managed to power through this series, it's not bad per say, but I hated how they changed almost everything and added so many characters while taking out many of the ACTUAL characters. Why didn't they have the manga's new greed instead of making up a whole new character? Honestly, I may have liked this if I didn't read the manga first, but I didn't. I read the manga first so therefore, I didn't like the anime and look forward to Brotherhood.
While I guess it was kind of cool that they got to see their mom and all that, the whole Homunculus thing was changed completely and their father is suddenly actually a human that jumped from body to body? The whole reason he left was because he went to go find a way to turn himself human so that he could die with the women he loved.
Plus, I happened to like Envy's real form of multiple people monster thing....
All in all, I really didn't like how they changed and added things and made it basically a fanfiction...but I must say that I probably only disliked it so much because I read the manga first. It would have been a great stand alone anime, if it went by different names or something, but that's not what it was.
My biggest complaint would be that Tucker is still alive, that bastard doesn't deserve to live after what he did.
Nov 18, 2014 3:56 PM

Nov 2012

They left out characters in the manga cause at the point that the anime was airing, those characters didn't exist yet in the manga.. the manga was published from 2001 to 2010 (the manga was running monthly)
the anime was airing from 2003 to 2004

So at the point the anime was airing the manga was still in it's earlier chapters. characters such as Ling Yao and May wasn't introduced yet in the manga's earlier chapters.
Drastic-MeasureNov 18, 2014 4:00 PM
Dec 4, 2014 7:28 PM

May 2014
Just finished watching it!
The ending doe :D I actually like it.
Dec 12, 2014 2:06 AM

Jan 2014
The older I get, the more I appreciate the intent and thematic significance behind this ending and the series as a whole. And the more furious I become that this series has been shamelessly shafted by the mainstream anime community.
Dec 28, 2014 8:54 AM
May 2012
I don't know if I am satisfied with the ending or not......but oh well, they didn't follow the Manga. While this Anime isn't bad (it's good), I just wonder why they didn't just follow the freaking Manga?? I would be pretty bummed if Brotherhood didn't happen.
Oh well, I shall watch the specials and movie of this Anime, and after that, I shall watch Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood :3
I want to sleep already, so I will just watch them later after I woke up early~
Dec 28, 2014 5:01 PM

Feb 2013
Tengai said:
I don't know if I am satisfied with the ending or not......but oh well, they didn't follow the Manga. While this Anime isn't bad (it's good), I just wonder why they didn't just follow the freaking Manga?? I would be pretty bummed if Brotherhood didn't happen.

There was barely any material to work with back in 2003. For this series to follow the manga it would have to end in 2010, which means it would be airing for seven years, is that what you'd prefer?
Jan 12, 2015 7:37 PM
Sep 2014
Oh, its finaly over.
Great ending, i couldnt wish for better one.

Brothers were so annoying for 4/5 of the show. Dumb, naive ... i hated Al most of the show.
Comedy part was good, Mustang scenes xD, especially "warehouse 13" episode.
Story, it was good, good idea but missing drama. If they make this show serious, without comedy and shit.
Episode 7 is strongest episode of the show :(
NarcoJan 13, 2015 5:08 AM
Jan 15, 2015 11:05 AM

Jun 2013
It sucks that the brothers had to seperate, but there's a chance they'll be able to reunite. I think this was a fair ending, and one of the "better" ones I've seen so far.
Feb 15, 2015 7:30 AM

Apr 2013
I'm disappointed, expected something way better. The first half was nice, but the second anime-original half sucked balls. 4/10 I hope Brotherhood will be at least twice as good.
Feb 17, 2015 3:34 AM

Jan 2014
Watafak ppl. THis is the best thing ever. Period. <3
Feb 24, 2015 12:43 AM

Jun 2014
Good realistic ending for this. Bittersweet and that sucks but I feel like this end made the most sense.

I can't wait to watch the movie now and see what Brotherhood has and see what they changed!! :))

9/10. also cuz childhood anime. ♥
Mar 16, 2015 7:05 AM

Sep 2014
Sick ending. So they pulled together a few loose ends, twirled them and threw them aside. They didn't explained anything with the ending and gave no message besides "nobody learned anything". Great. The only saving grace for this ending was the shipping of Mustang x Riza, lol.

My ratings for this show really dropped over its course. 5/10 in the end but only because I rate the entire show and not just the last 10-20 episodes.
Apr 12, 2015 7:30 PM

Dec 2012
I really like how this version emphasizes the concept of equivalent exchange and focuses on the philosophical aspects of alchemy. The Elric brothers were completely selfless when it came to each other and made equal sacrifices to support one another. The blend of fictional sciences and real principles was incredibly well done, particularly the parallels drawn between the two worlds.

This series really deserves a round of applause. It is the exception when it come to filler and anime original stories. Often times I see stories and characters crumble to inconsistencies once they stem from the original source and vision. Not only did FMA provide what I consider a superior story to its manga counterpart, but the early filler was very well planned out as it served for some incredible foreshadowing later down the road.

This was very much worth the rewatch and I don't regret throwing everything else to the side this weekend to do it. I was afraid that I might see it differently after all of this time but it's as every bit splendid as I remember and more. In fact, seeing Brotherhood in between my last rewatch of this helped to enhance my perspective on this version and focus on its true selling points. I can't wait to rewatch Brotherhood in the near future and compare my thoughts on both as they're easily deserved masterpieces on my end. Standing strong at my #3 spot, I think a 10/10 is an equivalent trade for the incredible journey this took me on.
May 7, 2015 9:15 AM

Dec 2014
Seems like I'm the only one that thought the ending was terrible. It felt rushed and incomplete. But besides the ending I thought it was okay. I didn't really like any of the jokes as they felt out of placed and forced. One that comes to mind is Ed and Al revealing to everyone at the river that the Generals secretary was a Homunculi and Sheska makes a joke about how she thought she was an alien. It's suppose to be a big "everyone finally knows" type of thing and then they throw in this poorly timed joke.

I have high expectations from Brotherhood. I think it'll hold up to all the praise it gets even if I didn't really like the original.
Overall I give it a 6/10
May 8, 2015 5:20 PM

Jan 2014
The ending with Ed and Al separated suggests their journey and search for answers never truly ends, just as ours never does. It is purposefully left open because uncertainty and subjectivity is one of the story’s major themes. There are different points of view and philosophies everywhere, different ways of life which we can arguably never comprehend or understand.

In the same vein, the show gives no definite answers as to whose philosophy is “correct” in the end - Ed’s, Dante’s, etc. - but leaves them on a relatively equal stance, leaving it to the viewer to decide what they believe. Al’s concluding monologue ponders this deconstruction of the concept of “equivalent exchange”.

The only absolute the series provides is this: the world isn’t perfect. Humanity is flawed. And yet the world perseveres, and can continue to be inspiring and beautiful, even without a perfect, definite system, even with all its imperfections. Conflict will always arise because humans are inherently flawed; we all have our own goals, beliefs, and emotional vulnerabilities which lead to mistakes. We all contribute to the world and its struggles through our own actions with no certainties, and while imperfect and uncertain, humanity and the world as we know it wouldn’t be the same without these imperfections.

We are imperfect individuals, yet we together collectively form our imperfect world, which fittingly “turns on a tilted axis, just doing the best it can”, as Hohenheim observed. In other words: all is one, and one is all.
Jun 7, 2015 12:11 AM

Dec 2014
After 5 years of constantly restarting this anime over and over again, I finally completed it, and am I glad I did. I finished it 3 hours ago and I'm already missing it.
Jun 12, 2015 6:33 PM

Apr 2014
You know.. I'm surprised. Whenever people talk, the ending of the 2003 FMA anime always has a bad reputation for its ending, with the majority of viewers being disappointed with it. I went into this anime thinking that FMA was going to be terrible. Given that I loved FMAB with all of my heart, I thought that there was no way that this anime was going to compare, but i have to say, FMA really held its own. The ending, albeit rushed in the demise of dante and gluttony and the fate of wrath, had a really solid ending in terms of summarizing the core principles of the anime (which were actually, some what stronger in this one), and while it was by no means everybody gets to live happily, it made a lot of sense, and was actually refreshing because it wasn't exactly what everybody was expecting. 8/10 for me. Pleasantly surprised!

Jun 14, 2015 4:06 PM

Jan 2014
jemetire said:
You know.. I'm surprised. Whenever people talk, the ending of the 2003 FMA anime always has a bad reputation for its ending, with the majority of viewers being disappointed with it. I went into this anime thinking that FMA was going to be terrible. Given that I loved FMAB with all of my heart, I thought that there was no way that this anime was going to compare, but i have to say, FMA really held its own. The ending, albeit rushed in the demise of dante and gluttony and the fate of wrath, had a really solid ending in terms of summarizing the core principles of the anime (which were actually, some what stronger in this one), and while it was by no means everybody gets to live happily, it made a lot of sense, and was actually refreshing because it wasn't exactly what everybody was expecting. 8/10 for me. Pleasantly surprised!

I hate to say it like this, but the ending to FMA 2003 only has such a bad reputation because of the Brotherhood circlejerk and because people don't understand what it was aiming for in the first place, or don't like that it isn't "happy". It's really aggravating, but that's what the FMA 2003 fanbase has to put up with. At the very least, I'm glad you gave FMA 2003 a fair shot. With the stigma it gets from the Brotherhood fanbase, it can be hard for new people to give it a chance. Even when it sorely deserves one.

I actually really like how they handled the conclusion of Dante's, Gluttony's, and Wrath's stories. The implication that the weakened Dante and the monstrous Gluttony (which she was responsible for creating, in the end) took each other out is a really fitting end for her; that final shot of the empty elevator is powerful. Wrath was going through his own kind of personal hell for the entire series and wasn't mentally well, and now he's now out there wandering around on his own, implicitly looking for his own answers (which is also a moral of the story: you have to do the best you can, find your own answers, because there is nothing definite). It's also great irony how he's wanted to "become Ed" this whole time, and how he really has in a way with his automail arm and leg (made by Winry too, nonetheless), just not in the way he originally wanted.
Jun 14, 2015 11:38 PM

Sep 2014
zacrathedemon5 said:
jemetire said:
You know.. I'm surprised. Whenever people talk, the ending of the 2003 FMA anime always has a bad reputation for its ending, with the majority of viewers being disappointed with it. I went into this anime thinking that FMA was going to be terrible. Given that I loved FMAB with all of my heart, I thought that there was no way that this anime was going to compare, but i have to say, FMA really held its own. The ending, albeit rushed in the demise of dante and gluttony and the fate of wrath, had a really solid ending in terms of summarizing the core principles of the anime (which were actually, some what stronger in this one), and while it was by no means everybody gets to live happily, it made a lot of sense, and was actually refreshing because it wasn't exactly what everybody was expecting. 8/10 for me. Pleasantly surprised!

I hate to say it like this, but the ending to FMA 2003 only has such a bad reputation because of the Brotherhood circlejerk and because people don't understand what it was aiming for in the first place, or don't like that it isn't "happy". It's really aggravating, but that's what the FMA 2003 fanbase has to put up with. At the very least, I'm glad you gave FMA 2003 a fair shot. With the stigma it gets from the Brotherhood fanbase, it can be hard for new people to give it a chance. Even when it sorely deserves one.

I actually really like how they handled the conclusion of Dante's, Gluttony's, and Wrath's stories. The implication that the weakened Dante and the monstrous Gluttony (which she was responsible for creating, in the end) took each other out is a really fitting end for her; that final shot of the empty elevator is powerful. Wrath was going through his own kind of personal hell for the entire series and wasn't mentally well, and now he's now out there wandering around on his own, implicitly looking for his own answers (which is also a moral of the story: you have to do the best you can, find your own answers, because there is nothing definite). It's also great irony how he's wanted to "become Ed" this whole time, and how he really has in a way with his automail arm and leg (made by Winry too, nonetheless), just not in the way he originally wanted.

Actually, I thought FMA03's ending was complete and utter trash before I even watched FMAB or knew anything about it. But for the general reputation you might be right. People often only realise something is trash when they have something related they can compare it to.
Jun 18, 2015 10:22 PM

Jan 2014
Miragee said:
zacrathedemon5 said:

I hate to say it like this, but the ending to FMA 2003 only has such a bad reputation because of the Brotherhood circlejerk and because people don't understand what it was aiming for in the first place, or don't like that it isn't "happy". It's really aggravating, but that's what the FMA 2003 fanbase has to put up with. At the very least, I'm glad you gave FMA 2003 a fair shot. With the stigma it gets from the Brotherhood fanbase, it can be hard for new people to give it a chance. Even when it sorely deserves one.

I actually really like how they handled the conclusion of Dante's, Gluttony's, and Wrath's stories. The implication that the weakened Dante and the monstrous Gluttony (which she was responsible for creating, in the end) took each other out is a really fitting end for her; that final shot of the empty elevator is powerful. Wrath was going through his own kind of personal hell for the entire series and wasn't mentally well, and now he's now out there wandering around on his own, implicitly looking for his own answers (which is also a moral of the story: you have to do the best you can, find your own answers, because there is nothing definite). It's also great irony how he's wanted to "become Ed" this whole time, and how he really has in a way with his automail arm and leg (made by Winry too, nonetheless), just not in the way he originally wanted.

Actually, I thought FMA03's ending was complete and utter trash before I even watched FMAB or knew anything about it. But for the general reputation you might be right. People often only realise something is trash when they have something related they can compare it to.

I direct you to my post earlier on this page that breaks down why the ending is practically perfect for the series. If you already noticed all those details and whatnot as it is, then, well, that's on you. I thought FMAB's ending was better too, until I went back and actually thought about 03's ending and what it expresses. Which ending I find superior is clear as day now, and it isn't FMAB's (as nice as that ending is).
Jul 1, 2015 6:18 PM
Feb 2011
I previously thought I regarded FMA higher over FMA:B mostly for the nostalgia, but after rewatching this over half a decade later I have to say I stand by my rating. This series was great. I do like the ending in FMA:B (who wouldn't want a happy ending), but the ending here was true to the main themes and values of the series, as jemetire mentioned above. I love a happily-ever-after ending just as much as the next person but I prefer the way this series closed, tragic it may be. Al's monologue at the end about equivalent exchange summed it all perfectly.
JujikaJul 2, 2015 8:28 AM
Jul 13, 2015 7:37 PM

May 2015
I'm at a loss for words. Very sad ending. I really hope Brotherhood solves some of these issues. I wanted the brothers to be with each other with fully normal bodies so bad. I thought it would happen. Now they are farther apart than they ever were. I was sure they would be with each other normally because of Al saying he wishes he could touch Ed again like they used to. I thought that was foreshadowing. I'm not going to watch Brotherhood for a bit though, I need this anime to settle in. Very saddening ending. What a great anime.
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