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Feb 10, 2017 5:44 PM
Jul 2018
hello this thread is there to share my opinion and impression about the anime which is named above. I watched this anime a few months ago, at first i didn't expect anything from it, however after watching episode after episode i really got invested into the characters and felt sympathy to their lifestyle since i really can relate to them living each day devoid of anything with anxieties that i just can't understand or are unexplainable and having not many social contact and constantly being worried of something. It doesn't appeal with it's details, animation or phenomenal design but the characters and soundtracks are making this anime as good as i think it is. I also really enjoyed that it didn't overestimated and stayed true to be a normal slice of life story (besides the ecchi implied scenes) It's a push in the right direction when it's comes to this kind of anime plot in my opinion which shouldn't be taking lightly to write since there's a lot of deepness to the scenes in this anime (watch a mothersbasement video) in the end i wanna just convincing myself that i can still change myself like Satorou did and make some progress in my life. Writing this for the second time since i accidently deleted the tab and since i'm not used to write essays i'll leave it like this.
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Feb 10, 2017 5:57 PM

Feb 2013
yes lol i watched it in high school at around the same time i was fantasizing with a friend of making a visual novel
yamazaki is still my fav nhk
Feb 10, 2017 6:08 PM

Apr 2016
To an extent. I don't remember all character name, but the guy with glasses who was forced to go back to his countryside is my favorite of the show. His development is outstanding alongside with his personality.

The other characters are well-constructed as well, the scene the Neet dude got back to social was damn touching, with his sister lying in the bathroom added up to the feel.

Protagonist is great as well, he experience different incidents and changed his life witht the girl who made a huge impact on his life. If i remember well, the author of the original source created this one based on his own life experience, sadly he didn't make it out of the shut-in lifestyle like the protagonist of the show.
Feb 10, 2017 6:30 PM

Sep 2013
No, I think it was bad, to be fair. The romance between the main characters was just terrible and the introduction of the scam arc was appaling. I would say the depression theme could've been handled better (for instance, the suicide try or the NHK thing being too central) and that in the end the anime was quite predictable.

The Tatami Galaxy is a similar anime but outstyles it in every way.
Feb 10, 2017 6:38 PM

Jun 2015
On a bare-bones level, sure. But judging from how far I am into into it, I'm not feeling any sort of profound analysis of the dilemma they're in. Satou as far as I'm concerned isn't really developing in a meaningful fashion, and just keeps going back to square one with his little "conspiracy" gag. The portrayal is there, but I'm seeing little progress from that point on. Oh, and the comedy doesn't really make me laugh either.
Feb 10, 2017 7:06 PM

Mar 2015
It did, at least its hikikomori theme, and on a personal level too. It's a real struggle to get out of his situation, that much I can tell cuz I've been there. Hard to keep thinking how you're gonna reintegrate yourself back to being a productive member of society. How you're gonna cover up for who/what/where you've been, and how people'll perceive you after all that time you've been reclusive. Most of the time you'd contemplate, and think you'd know what to do, but then struggle finding why/how you're gonna do it. And eventually you'd find yourself stuck in a helpless loop. Lucky for him he's got some emotional support system, which actually makes a whole lot of difference in this situation. After all, we'd all like someone special to reach out to us and help us up when we've tripped down.

Just wish they didn't crammed in absurd stuff with it though, the conspiracy/scam stuff really threw me off. Other than that, I sincerely hope they make more anime that tackles these sad real life situations and actually pull it off better.

Even if the future awaiting me is so bright that it's blinding,
If I'm to face it alone, there's no real meaning in it.. ♫♫

Feb 10, 2017 8:09 PM

Oct 2014
nhk is especially designed to ressonate with everyone in this plot they give the protagonist a dozen disorders that make his personality completely unbelievable just for anyone with any of this kind of issues can relate
outside of this forced relatability the author tries himself his hardest to creat i did not find much value in the show.The main message being that people in this kind of condition are lazy losers that can never change they have to be forced by others to leave this situation showed the author complete lack when trying to understand the reality of those in this condition
Feb 10, 2017 8:10 PM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
Totally. This and Watamote are my biography.

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
Feb 10, 2017 8:13 PM
Jun 2015
It is the best anime using hikkimori as a major part of its theme because of its positive but somewhat grounded conclusion. Watamote fails because tomoko never progresses and after awhile it is a cringe comedy of watching the main characters misery. Kuma Miko is another one that falls into the category of watamote but its ending was bleak and cynical, the main character is psychologically tortured and sexually assaulted by her cousin and the bear throughout the show and its no wonder she cannot overcome her social anxiety.

The part that resonated in Welcome to NHK is the idea that Satou is stuck in a loop of depression that he struggles to get out of. Every step he makes getting out of his predicament he falls back in the same state he was in a future arc. Any one can probably relate to this concept is when trying to do an extremely difficult task. You think you made progress and then are overwhelmed and feel you are back to square one. The only problem with the show is the black comedy can detract from its depressing themes; The author purposely trivializes the more depressing aspects of the show to make the viewer laugh at the absurdity (The suicide arc).
Feb 10, 2017 8:19 PM

Oct 2014
15poundfish said:
It is the best anime using hikkimori as a major part of its theme because of its positive but somewhat grounded conclusion. Watamote fails because tomoko never progresses and after awhile it is a cringe comedy of watching the main characters misery. Kuma Miko is another one that falls into the category of watamote but its ending was bleak and cynical, the main character is psychologically tortured and sexually assaulted by her cousin and the bear throughout the show and its no wonder she cannot overcome her social anxiety.

The part that resonated in Welcome to NHK is the idea that Satou is stuck in a loop of depression that he struggles to get out of. Every step he makes getting out of his predicament he falls back in the same state he was in a future arc. Any one can probably relate to this concept is when trying to do an extremely difficult task. You think you made progress and then are overwhelmed and feel you are back to square one. The only problem with the show is the black comedy can detract from its depressing themes; The author purposely trivializes the more depressing aspects of the show to make the viewer laugh at the absurdity (The suicide arc).

satou also never progress during the entire series all he does is to be forced by other to do things(create the game) or to be forced by the situation he is in the way he ended up resolving his social issues is by having no more money to survive
where is the development or character conclusion in that?
Feb 10, 2017 8:26 PM

Sep 2013
@gabrielrroiz his "development" is shown in the exact same way of the kid that didn't leave his room (pretty sure he was the brother of the girl who scammed Satou): when the food ends or he has no money, he "walks outside" and stops being a NEET.
Feb 10, 2017 8:36 PM

Oct 2014
Wintovisky said:
@gabrielrroiz his "development" is shown in the exact same way of the kid that didn't leave his room (pretty sure he was the brother of the girl who scammed Satou): when the food ends or he has no money, he "walks outside" and stops being a NEET.

The sad part is that his development and him being forced by circunstances is the main point of the show and how all characters ended up solving their issues
This lack of understanding about the hikkikomori situation is unforgivable
gabrielrroizFeb 10, 2017 8:40 PM
Feb 10, 2017 8:37 PM

Jul 2015
It was sooo relatable. I, too, want to jump off of a cliff. :)
Feb 10, 2017 8:42 PM
Jun 2015
gabrielrroiz said:

satou also never progress during the entire series all he does is to be forced by other to do things(create the game) or to be forced by the situation he is in the way he ended up resolving his social issues is by having no more money to survive
where is the development or character conclusion in that?

That is the development, a hikkimori can only exist if someone is supporting them. Each arc of him failing is thinking of a grand way to escape his hikkimori life. His first attempt was becoming a game maker, the second was a relationship with Hitomi, the third was real money trading in a MMORPG and finally was becoming sucked into a get rich quick pyramid scheme. Each time was a failure and without money his only choice was a part time job. The main development is to escape hikkimori life is to start small by finding any job you can find. The show in black comedy fashion makes getting a job trivial, when in real life if you have an empty resume for as long as satou you will struggle to find a job.
15poundfishFeb 10, 2017 8:48 PM
Feb 10, 2017 9:04 PM

Aug 2009
In a lot more ways than I thought was possible.

Shit times, shit times.

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Feb 10, 2017 9:42 PM

Nov 2015
show had like 3 good episodes.
I'm truly sorry you suffer from anxiety and the only role model you can find is from a cartoon but its bullshit. your waifu isn't going to knock on your door and save you.
its like saying big bang theory resonates with you.
Feb 11, 2017 12:45 AM

Jun 2008

Cuz I got a job, friends, and I'm not delusional.

But it was still fun to watch.
Feb 11, 2017 1:06 AM

May 2015
I found it to be an ubelievable caricature.

You don't solve social anxiety by having your angel and girlfriend-to-be almost commit suicide.

Satou is zero character, mostly stares at walls, doesn't have social anxiety except screaming from time to time.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Feb 11, 2017 3:08 AM

Feb 2016
I like the anime but I could not relate with it at all. I have the highest academic degree, I have a job that I love and enjoy and I have a good social life.
Feb 11, 2017 3:08 AM

Dec 2015
I'm not sure resonated is the right word for me, it's not like I connected on some personal level or felt like I could identify with Satou. It's not like the characters or situations they find themselves in are all that realistic (though sure these things do happen) But does it really have to be? it's an anime at the end of the day, how much realism do you really want?

So no it didn't resonate with me, but it is still damn entertaining and one of my all time favourite anime.
Feb 11, 2017 6:21 AM

Mar 2016
I used to be a shut in myself in my 3rd year in university, and I still have my depression high when I was watching it, so I can relate to Tatsuhiro. But I think I can relate to it better if it has a more serious atmosphere.
Kurniawan_KtrFeb 11, 2017 6:40 AM
"People who don't see that anime has changed are either wearing "glasses" or watching only a certain type (and or era) of anime"
"Having a low mean score doesn't necessarily mean one doesn't enjoy anime. Rating system is not a school grading system."
"Elitist is people who think he is superior than others. Not necessarily ones who insulting/critisizing your favorite anime or people who enjoy a certain type of anime"
"Fanboy is people who translating "your favorite anime is shit" into "you are shit".
"Being a fanboy is an indication of elitism"
Feb 11, 2017 6:38 AM

Jun 2016
It did when I was actually a shut in which was a long time ago. I didn't have anxiety like Satou but I just hated everything so I was in a pretty negative mind set back then. Also I did see it in high school and I saw it a couple more times after that, plus I own the DVD so yea Welcome to the NHK is good stuff heh

Dekuduc said:
TheBrainintheJar said:
I found it to be an ubelievable caricature.

You don't solve social anxiety by having your angel and girlfriend-to-be almost commit suicide.

Satou is zero character, mostly stares at walls, doesn't have social anxiety except screaming from time to time.

people with those problems are just empty shells with no character either

I did know one person in my life with social anxiety but I often questioned that when she used to meet guys off the internet and be hanging out at their houses ... Yea, not for nothing but if you're knocking boots every other night and are trying to convince someone that you have social anxiety so much then you need to come up with another story heh
Feb 11, 2017 6:46 AM
Jan 2017
I haven't gotten around to watching it yet, but seeing as how I'm an antisocial shut in, it probably would.
Feb 11, 2017 8:50 AM

Jun 2015
In addition, I prefer WataMote just for the fact that the MC has more of a reason be anxious, and that it's actually funny.
Feb 11, 2017 10:06 AM

Jan 2014
TheBrainintheJar said:
I found it to be an ubelievable caricature.

You don't solve social anxiety by having your angel and girlfriend-to-be almost commit suicide.

Satou is zero character, mostly stares at walls, doesn't have social anxiety except screaming from time to time.

Pretty sure people with social anxiety aren't known for screaming, that's more of something you'd find with autism. Are you sure you aren't confusing autism and social anxiety? I know you've said you have a habit of screaming randomly.
I love Christine

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness." - Henry David Thoreau

Feb 11, 2017 10:28 AM

Feb 2010
Everyone who thinks Misaki is an angel or ideal waifu or whatever obviously either didn't pay attention or is just a very, very bad judge of characters. That girl is even more of a wreck than Satou and borderline psychotic. If you're so shallow that you can't see beyond a cute outer appearance and see what kind of person she really is and why she's doing what she's doing and what her role is in the show, then I don't know what to say. Rewatch the show.

AltoRoark said:
On a bare-bones level, sure. But judging from how far I am into into it, I'm not feeling any sort of profound analysis of the dilemma they're in. Satou as far as I'm concerned isn't really developing in a meaningful fashion, and just keeps going back to square one with his little "conspiracy" gag. The portrayal is there, but I'm seeing little progress from that point on. Oh, and the comedy doesn't really make me laugh either.

You don't seem to have much experience with mental problems like that if you can't relate to that. Going back to square one is something I've done dozens of times with my depression and anxiety. This never ending cycle of trying to do something, to get over it, then failing and going back to square 1 is a big part of what made Welcome to the NHK so relatable and realistic to me. There's not much progress because in reality there is no beautifully constructed character development culminating in a tearful scene and the resolution of all former problems. It would be nice but it's not a realistic conclusion. No, people don't change that easily, but they can adapt to their situation and at least learn to live with themselves and start building their own, little happiness from there. Instead of trying to solve all your problems by changing into another person who doesn't have those problems, you need to accept your current self. To me, that was one of the core themes of Welcome to the NHK.
I probably regret this post by now.
Feb 11, 2017 10:33 AM

Jul 2016
I related to it because I used to be the shy kid who didn't talk to anyone from all of my life up to 4th grade I think. Then we moved/new school and I changed. The anime hit me hard because I used to be alone all the time and I could relate to Satou and his situation.
Feb 11, 2017 11:39 AM

Jun 2015
Pullman said:
Everyone who thinks Misaki is an angel or ideal waifu or whatever obviously either didn't pay attention or is just a very, very bad judge of characters. That girl is even more of a wreck than Satou and borderline psychotic. If you're so shallow that you can't see beyond a cute outer appearance and see what kind of person she really is and why she's doing what she's doing and what her role is in the show, then I don't know what to say. Rewatch the show.

AltoRoark said:
On a bare-bones level, sure. But judging from how far I am into into it, I'm not feeling any sort of profound analysis of the dilemma they're in. Satou as far as I'm concerned isn't really developing in a meaningful fashion, and just keeps going back to square one with his little "conspiracy" gag. The portrayal is there, but I'm seeing little progress from that point on. Oh, and the comedy doesn't really make me laugh either.

You don't seem to have much experience with mental problems like that if you can't relate to that. Going back to square one is something I've done dozens of times with my depression and anxiety. This never ending cycle of trying to do something, to get over it, then failing and going back to square 1 is a big part of what made Welcome to the NHK so relatable and realistic to me. There's not much progress because in reality there is no beautifully constructed character development culminating in a tearful scene and the resolution of all former problems. It would be nice but it's not a realistic conclusion. No, people don't change that easily, but they can adapt to their situation and at least learn to live with themselves and start building their own, little happiness from there. Instead of trying to solve all your problems by changing into another person who doesn't have those problems, you need to accept your current self. To me, that was one of the core themes of Welcome to the NHK.

Yeah I know that going in repetitive cycles is a symptom of anxiety. What I'm saying is that Satou doesn't really develop in a meaningful way like Shinji. So he falls in love with Misaki, an outsider. That's not really what i consider a profound stage in development as it doesn't have much relation to his dilemma we saw at the start. Plus, even when he fucks up, things always seem to turn out okay in the end.

Oh and I don't think anyone is really saying Masaki is an angel or "ideal waifu" or whatever. It's just that having anyone just knock on your front door to fix your problems is something that rarely happens, and it feels quite cheap.

EDIT: Just realized how much I fucked up with my grammar just then :x
AltoRoarkFeb 12, 2017 7:53 AM
Feb 11, 2017 11:45 AM

Feb 2010
AltoRoark said:
Pullman said:
Everyone who thinks Misaki is an angel or ideal waifu or whatever obviously either didn't pay attention or is just a very, very bad judge of characters. That girl is even more of a wreck than Satou and borderline psychotic. If you're so shallow that you can't see beyond a cute outer appearance and see what kind of person she really is and why she's doing what she's doing and what her role is in the show, then I don't know what to say. Rewatch the show.

You don't seem to have much experience with mental problems like that if you can't relate to that. Going back to square one is something I've done dozens of times with my depression and anxiety. This never ending cycle of trying to do something, to get over it, then failing and going back to square 1 is a big part of what made Welcome to the NHK so relatable and realistic to me. There's not much progress because in reality there is no beautifully constructed character development culminating in a tearful scene and the resolution of all former problems. It would be nice but it's not a realistic conclusion. No, people don't change that easily, but they can adapt to their situation and at least learn to live with themselves and start building their own, little happiness from there. Instead of trying to solve all your problems by changing into another person who doesn't have those problems, you need to accept your current self. To me, that was one of the core themes of Welcome to the NHK.

Yeah I know that going in repetitive cycles is a symptom of anxiety. What I'm saying is that Satou doesn't really develop in a meaningful way like Shinji. So he falls in love with Misaki, an outsider. That's not really what i consider a profound stage in development as it doesn't have much relation to his dilemma we saw at the start. Plus, even when he fucks up, things always seem to turn out okay in the end.

Oh and I don't anyone is reallt saying Masaki is an angel or "ideal waifu' or whatever. It's just that having anyone just knock on your front door to fix your problems is something that rarely happens, and it feels quite cheap.

I think I took those formulations directly from this thread. And in my perception she wasn't really solving any of his problems, she was using him to feel better about herself because he's even more of a loser than she is from societies point of view (though she thinks less of herself). Considering her backstory and personality I don't consider it unrealistic that she joined her aunt in heading out pamphlets for a sect. From the start she was looking for ways to meet people who are even more pathetic than her so she might stop hating herself so she put herself in a situation where you'd encounter sad and lonely people. Those are the only ones that even talk to people who hand out cult pamphlets.

So idk, I don't find their 'relationship' that develops cheap I find it to be fairly well-written and in accordance with both of their personalities and backstories.
AlcoholicideFeb 11, 2017 12:10 PM
I probably regret this post by now.
Feb 11, 2017 12:07 PM

Dec 2013
The interaction with his friend was salvageable and entertaining but the romance turned ridiculous and the latter 1/4-1/2 was sub-average imo. It's been ages since I've seen it but I remember the "resolution" being a major eye roll.
Feb 11, 2017 1:08 PM

Oct 2012
TheBrainintheJar said:
I found it to be an ubelievable caricature.

You don't solve social anxiety by having your angel and girlfriend-to-be almost commit suicide.

well that's exactly what it was trying to tell you at the end, that no one was going to help him out of his problems but himself. which was him starting to work as a traffic director
Feb 11, 2017 6:29 PM

Mar 2014
Whilst Welcome to the NHK did resonate with me strongly, I don't think it was brilliant but I did enjoy it none the less, here's why:

I think of course much like a lot of people it resonated with me because of a past of depression or just some dark times, blah blah but I won't get into that, the meetup pact scene especially was very powerful but overall when I had finished it I was at least for a few days a little out of it seemingly.

However, as I said, whilst I acknowledge it had a certain effect on me i'm not tunnel visioned into saying it was good solely because of that, it had romance that had been done better in well pretty much anything I can think of off the top of my head unfortunately and the arcs just sort of were all over the place and sometimes so seemingly confusing and irrelevant but I enjoyed it so that's that!
Feb 11, 2017 6:36 PM

Oct 2010
I was both surprised and disappointed to find that it did not, in fact, resonate with me at all. I have dealt with mental health issues my whole life but found the characterization in the show ultimately quite bland and yet, at the same time, unrealistically far-fetched. I would love to see more shows that deal with adults facing realistic mental illness.....but this just wasn't it. It had all the trappings of being about real problems without any of the actual depth.
Feb 11, 2017 7:15 PM

Sep 2013
@Pullman I doubt anyone really thinks Misaki is an ideal waifu or an angel. Everyone knows about her stalking Satou and the fact that she got in contact with him because she initially thought he was "even worse than her". The show literally spits this out to you and I don't think anyone is naive enough to think she is a precious and pure girlfriend who fell from heaven. Shallow is not a cool word to use loosely.
Feb 11, 2017 7:30 PM

Jan 2014
I'll be honest it did resonate with me a lot. It reminded me of a time of my life I don't wish to go back to. Right now I am doing something with my life in college and hopefully land a good engineering job when I graduate but there was a time in my life where I would just sit in my room day to day and venture out very little, my social anxiety was pretty bad and really early in my college student life I became super depressed for whatever reason and did ponder if life was even worth living. Luckily I never followed through on that but the thoughts did cross my mind, and for that small part of my life I kind of viewed myself as a worthless failure.
Someone who probably has a good social life and doesn't have social anxiety wouldn't see the show the same way but for someone like me it hit home pretty hard. Needless to say I think the show is fantastic, and I personally love anime that make me think of my own personal life, not many shows can do that. The show taught me that I can not let failure in my life bring me down as it can be a slippery slope, many people are more vulnerable to the hikimori/depressed state than they think they are.
Feb 11, 2017 7:35 PM

Oct 2014
TheBrainintheJar said:
I found it to be an ubelievable caricature.

You don't solve social anxiety by having your angel and girlfriend-to-be almost commit suicide.

Satou is zero character, mostly stares at walls, doesn't have social anxiety except screaming from time to time.

well the anime solved satou issues by having him starve and simply decide to get of out of his houses and get a job
that is a way better way of developing the character
Feb 11, 2017 7:37 PM

Mar 2016
First off mothers basement can suck it but I will agree that there's a factor of reality to NHK. While it's very Japanese in presentation it still resonates with a lot of western fans because succeeding in the job market can be a huge pain. Some people don't really have any connections or incentives to go one way or another in life, and it's easy to get stuck in an unhealthy situation or try things out that sound hopeful but could totally fail. It's very easy to let that anxiety overwhelm you.

Click the banner for anime lists, discussions, reviews, and let's plays!
Feb 11, 2017 7:42 PM
Jul 2015
i have watch it 2 times and it´s incredible, I really liked a lot the anime, it shows you very important things.
Feb 11, 2017 7:44 PM

Feb 2010
Wintovisky said:
@Pullman I doubt anyone really thinks Misaki is an ideal waifu or an angel. Everyone knows about her stalking Satou and the fact that she got in contact with him because she initially thought he was "even worse than her". The show literally spits this out to you and I don't think anyone is naive enough to think she is a precious and pure girlfriend who fell from heaven. Shallow is not a cool word to use loosely.

You keep doubting then. I'll keep believing what I see that people have written black on white, here and on other occasions when the show came up.

If this is about you thinking I was targeting you with that remark then rest assured, I literally just mean the people who actually called her an angel or ideal waifu coming to save the day. It's as simple as that.
I probably regret this post by now.
Feb 11, 2017 7:50 PM

Oct 2014
Pullman said:
Everyone who thinks Misaki is an angel or ideal waifu or whatever obviously either didn't pay attention or is just a very, very bad judge of characters. That girl is even more of a wreck than Satou and borderline psychotic. If you're so shallow that you can't see beyond a cute outer appearance and see what kind of person she really is and why she's doing what she's doing and what her role is in the show, then I don't know what to say. Rewatch the show.

AltoRoark said:
On a bare-bones level, sure. But judging from how far I am into into it, I'm not feeling any sort of profound analysis of the dilemma they're in. Satou as far as I'm concerned isn't really developing in a meaningful fashion, and just keeps going back to square one with his little "conspiracy" gag. The portrayal is there, but I'm seeing little progress from that point on. Oh, and the comedy doesn't really make me laugh either.

You don't seem to have much experience with mental problems like that if you can't relate to that. Going back to square one is something I've done dozens of times with my depression and anxiety. This never ending cycle of trying to do something, to get over it, then failing and going back to square 1 is a big part of what made Welcome to the NHK so relatable and realistic to me. There's not much progress because in reality there is no beautifully constructed character development culminating in a tearful scene and the resolution of all former problems. It would be nice but it's not a realistic conclusion. No, people don't change that easily, but they can adapt to their situation and at least learn to live with themselves and start building their own, little happiness from there. Instead of trying to solve all your problems by changing into another person who doesn't have those problems, you need to accept your current self. To me, that was one of the core themes of Welcome to the NHK.

no one is trying to argue about him being some kind of ideal waifu the show makes pretty clear she has a hidden motivation to help satou and that her actions are quite selfish
my problem is with the character concept itself a pretty girl that wants nothing but to help you to solve your social issues is a ridiculous wish fullfillment idea by itself in a show that is trying its hard to portray relatable situations putting this kind of unbelievable ideas is completely off
and i find the case of character regression a very realistic issue for this kind of situation i myself never leave my home outside of going to university i know that this kind of issue revolves in a endless cycle of highs and lows where there is seamingly no progress but i still find that aspect poorly done in nhk
compared this with one of my favorite portrayals of a depressive teenager in the medium rei from 3-gatsu no lion his constant regression more than simply halting the progress in the series always served to show a different side of the protagonist they where motivated by different circusntances and the protagonist reacted differently every time
i find none of that in satou
Feb 11, 2017 9:19 PM

Sep 2013
Pullman said:
Wintovisky said:
@Pullman I doubt anyone really thinks Misaki is an ideal waifu or an angel. Everyone knows about her stalking Satou and the fact that she got in contact with him because she initially thought he was "even worse than her". The show literally spits this out to you and I don't think anyone is naive enough to think she is a precious and pure girlfriend who fell from heaven. Shallow is not a cool word to use loosely.

You keep doubting then. I'll keep believing what I see that people have written black on white, here and on other occasions when the show came up.

If this is about you thinking I was targeting you with that remark then rest assured, I literally just mean the people who actually called her an angel or ideal waifu coming to save the day. It's as simple as that.

I know you weren't "targeting" me, I simply think your response was too arrogant.
Feb 11, 2017 11:18 PM

Nov 2013
It's quite enjoyable anime overall. But it fail to hit me. I just found it to be just a story about some dude struggling in life and nothing more. It's not that uncommon.

Also the visual was crap to me but the English dub was one of the best though.
DannyTheDonkeyFeb 11, 2017 11:24 PM
I'm too weird to live but much too rare to die.

Feb 11, 2017 11:32 PM

Nov 2009
BatoKusanagi said:
Totally. This and Watamote are my biography.

In contrast, Watamote did resonate with me, but NHK did not.
Feb 12, 2017 6:09 AM

May 2015
gabrielrroiz said:
TheBrainintheJar said:
I found it to be an ubelievable caricature.

You don't solve social anxiety by having your angel and girlfriend-to-be almost commit suicide.

Satou is zero character, mostly stares at walls, doesn't have social anxiety except screaming from time to time.

well the anime solved satou issues by having him starve and simply decide to get of out of his houses and get a job
that is a way better way of developing the character

It's a convenient, physical solution to a spiritual problem. There is no insight here. So hunger pushed him outside - what then? How did it affect his psychology?

jayss said:
TheBrainintheJar said:
I found it to be an ubelievable caricature.

You don't solve social anxiety by having your angel and girlfriend-to-be almost commit suicide.

well that's exactly what it was trying to tell you at the end, that no one was going to help him out of his problems but himself. which was him starting to work as a traffic director

Satou is saved by Misaki's troubles. It's the Power of Romance that saves him, not a change in the psyche or physical conditions.

Dekuduc said:
TheBrainintheJar said:
I found it to be an ubelievable caricature.

You don't solve social anxiety by having your angel and girlfriend-to-be almost commit suicide.

Satou is zero character, mostly stares at walls, doesn't have social anxiety except screaming from time to time.

people with those problems are just empty shells with no character either

No one in real life is an 'empty shell with no character'. We're all fully developed. We just can't see it in others.

AltoRoark said:
In addition, I prefer WataMote just for the fact that the MC has more of a reason be anxious, and that it's actually funny.

Unlike NHK, in WataMote social anxiety affects every interaction. It's far more darker, funnier and sympathetic.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Feb 12, 2017 8:58 AM

Jan 2010
Moved from Anime Discussion

I really enjoyed the series much more than the novel and manga. In the anime, Satou doesn't do drugs, but because of this, it makes his hallucinations seem derived purely from his own anxieties, which I believe is a lot more tragic than being drug-induced. Also, unlike other similar titles, this isn't really funny. Or, should I say, it's funny in a sense, but it's not a series made to entertain. It really hurts if you think about it long enough, and the traumas that the characters go through hit a bit too close to home to really enjoy as entertainment. It's even more tragic when you consider the author wrote NHK out of his own experienced, and after the series, relapsed into being a hikki, mirroring Satou never really being able to escape his spiral of anxieties and depression.

As far as how it resonates with me, I think Megumi Kobayashi and her brother were the characters from the show that really got to me. I've seen peoples' lives get destroyed by MMOs, so it really hurt to see it reenacted.
Mar 24, 2020 5:32 PM
Jun 2017
Damn i regret not watching this anime early.So relatable to me.Because of this anime i knew problem will i get if i stayed like this forever.
May 13, 2020 8:33 PM

Oct 2017
Yes it did. I've lived the neet life and it's very hard to escape. This anime really got everything right with being a neet. Terrific series!
May 13, 2020 8:46 PM

Aug 2018
Jake_DTHW said:
Yes it did. I've lived the neet life and it's very hard to escape. This anime really got everything right with being a neet. Terrific series!

just because you don't have a career and sit around at home doesnt mean you creep on elementary school kids and have paranoid delusions
May 13, 2020 9:10 PM

Oct 2017
epidemia78 said:
Jake_DTHW said:
Yes it did. I've lived the neet life and it's very hard to escape. This anime really got everything right with being a neet. Terrific series!

just because you don't have a career and sit around at home doesnt mean you creep on elementary school kids and have paranoid delusions

I forgot about the elementary kids.
Jun 5, 2020 7:29 PM

Sep 2014
I guess to a degree I can but since this was solved by both Satou and that other Neet just getting jobs and suddenly they dont have problems with society anymore I really cant.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
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