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Jan 6, 2017 1:54 PM
Jan 2017
I thought so :)
I'm going to read the manga now :)
Jan 6, 2017 1:56 PM

Feb 2013
Izumo is the only one who isn't afraid of Rin.
I got chills after I saw that song after the episode, I remembered what happened in the manga, this is going to be great!
Jan 6, 2017 1:57 PM
Jan 2017
Actually I think this is kind of awesome, them being mean again, and a new plot.
I kind of thought they made up again too fast and although I liked how in the end shiemi hugged Rin and Yukio I'm looking forward to the ending of this new plot.
Jan 6, 2017 2:11 PM
Jan 2017
I like how nobody has voted that they thought this show was awful, yet
Jan 6, 2017 2:15 PM
Nov 2013
Nice first episode. I recently just finished season 1 and have not read the manga. I understand that this is leaving off after episode 17 of the anime and pretending the original material never happened, so that's good (even if it feels a little abrupt).

I gotta say, this was a very good start to the season. The production values look and feel very strong as well, and the soundtrack (especially the OP song!) are all top-tier. Really excited for the rest of the season!
Jan 6, 2017 2:18 PM
Oct 2016
toutoune134 said:
How is the music? As good as the first season? Sawano is working with a kouhai on it so I wonder what kind of approach did they take.
From what we've heard so far, it seems pretty good. A bunch of familiar melodies are already returning, but theres some new stuff too. some of the classic themes seem to have gotten a little upgrade, including the exorcist battle theme with yuko kawai. Overall, so far, it sounds promising. We'll need to see more episodes though
Jan 6, 2017 2:26 PM
Aug 2010
WTF...... So everything after Rins secret was revealed was filler and doesn't count? I haven't read much of the manga so don't really know where arc ends and filler begins but honestly it feels like a cluster fuck that only readers of the manga can decipher. I am guessing that the movie also never happened in this time line as well.

I'm going to still watch but my issue is exactly how much time is going to be wasted with rehashing the same thing, (Rin proving himself), again. Frankly I do not want a show that's going to take half a season with this kind of plot where No one trusts him . Also Shiemi seems completely out of character even if you drop the fillers off season 1. She's the one who ran up to him when he was out of control but now she's scared? Makes no sense.
digritzJan 6, 2017 2:36 PM
Jan 6, 2017 2:33 PM

Jan 2015
digritz said:
WTF...... So everything after Rins secret was revealed was filler and doesn't count? I haven't read much of the manga so don't really know where arc ends and filler begins but honestly it feels like a cluster fuck that only readers of the manga can decipher. I am guessing that the movie also never happened in this time line as well.
Yeah it's pretty much like you say.

The last canon thing in S1 was Rin's trial. However without Amaimon invading, that never happened. Everything after was a filler and this is what really happened.
Jan 6, 2017 2:33 PM

Jun 2014
I literally just finished rewatching S1 last night to refresh my memory for this and I almost forgot about the fact that they're pretending episodes 18-25 don't exist. That probably explains why I was momentarily confused about why Rin was still struggling with the candles, and why all of his classmates (except for Izumo, who seems to be the only one who can use her brain) are nervous around him.

Anyway, I thought the first season was all right, so my expectations for this one aren't super high or anything. I like how they wasted no time and got right into the story though, so that's good. Also, I liked the OP.
thebrentinator24Jan 6, 2017 3:25 PM
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Jan 6, 2017 2:44 PM
Oct 2016
Hold on a minute...if you listen during Shiro's dialogue towards the end of the episode (Yukio's brief memory); doesn't it sound like he's no longer voiced by Fujiwara Keiji? Dont tell me they swapped him for another seiyuu!
Jan 6, 2017 2:46 PM

May 2012
I forgot how much I hated the other characters in their class, including Shiemi, other than Izumo and Rin during this arc >_>

Anyway, nice start to the season. Refreshing my memories on some of these earlier parts. The OP was pretty nice too ^^ Excited to see how the ED's gonna be in the next episode

Jan 6, 2017 2:47 PM

Jun 2008
Fuckyeah this show is back! :D
They changed Fujimoto's voice actor, but i don't mind because Hirata Hiroaki is Fujimoto's new voice actor :D And he really fits!
Jan 6, 2017 2:59 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
Well, i dont remember a lot from the first episode (been around 2 years since i've watched it i think ?) but i sure enjoyed the first episode.

That OP is dope tho, i have mixed feelings when it comes fron UVERworld but i really like this one.

Crashpilot said:
Hold on a minute...if you listen during Shiro's dialogue towards the end of the episode (Yukio's brief memory); doesn't it sound like he's no longer voiced by Fujiwara Keiji? Dont tell me they swapped him for another seiyuu!
well they dont have a choice, hes on indefinite hiatus because of his health problems
DatRandomDudeJan 6, 2017 3:02 PM
Jan 6, 2017 2:59 PM
Jul 2018
Man I haven't watched Ao no Exorcist in years, and from my understanding parts of the manga doesn't correlate with the anime? Anyways, I wasn't a huge fan of the first season but I did enjoy watching it. I feel I'm gonna have the same reaction for this one as well.

From my first impression, I think this season is gonna get a lot darker than the first one. Especially between Yukio and Rin.

The OP played at the end. Although “Core Pride” is still my favourite song on the Ao No Exorcist OP's, I found the style and animations extremely well done for this one. Probably one of the best OP's I've seen.
Jan 6, 2017 3:03 PM

May 2016
I feel like every minute of the episode was just getting better and better :D!

Jan 6, 2017 3:07 PM

Nov 2011
How I've missed this show! Animation was amazing and AoE wouldn't be complete without an OP by UVERworld. Izumo proving best girl than Shiemi. She pissed me off. Konekomaru never fails, still annoying AF.
Jan 6, 2017 3:19 PM
Apr 2016
I feel my childhood bursting in. Finally.
Jan 6, 2017 3:31 PM

Aug 2016
Pretty happy that they are going along wiht the manga as I have been reading it after all these years. Shame it's only gonna be 12 episodes. They got a lot of material that they can use now.
Jan 6, 2017 3:37 PM

Jun 2015
Im crying tears of joy
Jan 6, 2017 3:38 PM

Jan 2015
MelodyElodie said:
Pretty happy that they are going along wiht the manga as I have been reading it after all these years. Shame it's only gonna be 12 episodes. They got a lot of material that they can use now.
I guess that they want to examine whether people would still be interested in AnE.

If sales are good then probably they will begin working on Illuminati arc right of the bat. If not then well 12 episodes will hurt less than making another like 12-13
Jan 6, 2017 3:56 PM

Mar 2013
Nice start, But only thing I liked about this arc in the manga was the monk business! hopefuly if this sells well they adapt Illuminati Arc
Jan 6, 2017 3:58 PM

May 2015
Feels so good to see Ao no Exorcist back again. I'm so gonna enjoy this season to the fullest. Although, it does feel a bit weird since the group is much less forgiving here compared to the previous original route they took.

So far I'm liking what I see. Art and animation were still as good in my opinion and the OST is still great. Loved the OP as well. Can't wait to see what this season will bring!
ReverberateJan 6, 2017 4:02 PM

Jan 6, 2017 4:18 PM

May 2015
Ah...I keep remember charcters from previous season. They ring in my head, but they are behind smoke. At the last 10 minutes thay all go back. :D

Question: Tell me if I remember correctly. At the end of s1 the second brother (with glassess) got blue flames too, right?
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Jan 6, 2017 4:29 PM
Jun 2016
aaaaaah, i'm so happy the wait is over!! i really missed my children, most of all rin of course...

i loved the new art and animation style, it looks a lot more realistic and modern but imo still stays true to the "original" one and feels natural to me... idk i just like the "glossy", more three-dimensional animation style and light effects a lot better.

i did also thoroughly enjoy the background music in this ep, and the op ofc, i think it looks amazing!

can't wait for the other 11 eps!
Jan 6, 2017 4:32 PM

Jan 2015
FrozenRaider said:
Ah...I keep remember charcters from previous season. They ring in my head, but they are behind smoke. At the last 10 minutes thay all go back. :D

Question: Tell me if I remember correctly. At the end of s1 the second brother (with glassess) got blue flames too, right?
Look few comments higher, I already explained it few times here :v
Jan 6, 2017 4:35 PM

Aug 2016
I heavily enjoyed this first episode; a lot better than the writing on the filler episodes back in the original.
That new OP is great!
Jan 6, 2017 4:38 PM

Jul 2011
Glad they picked up from the manga. I'm happy to ignore the anime original ending from last season. They're gonna adapt the best arc this season. :D

I remember this arc is what made me like Izumo. She ain't gonna change her attitude over things like this. :)
Saying that, Bon and his crew went through a lot because of Satan so their reactions are reasonable. Shiemi though... :X
MirorinJan 6, 2017 10:04 PM
Jan 6, 2017 5:41 PM

Jun 2016
LOL I love how they show flashback on why people discriminated Rin but not Yukio, because Yukio didn't inherit blue flame. According to season 1, Yukio used blue flame. why are they trying to fix this now?
Jan 6, 2017 5:46 PM

Oct 2014
pretty bad start for sure mostly because of the awful we are not so different monologue from the villain and the ridiculous distraction plan
well at least from what i remember the impure king arc has some cool stuff so i will keep watching
Jan 6, 2017 5:58 PM

Nov 2010
Episode 1 - Vol. 5, Ch. 16-17[-mid]

Whaaa--- Okay, so this is Chapter 16 where the little boy gets kidnapped. Wait. But who's the masked person? I thought that we had already cleared that up in the last season. Wasn't the masked person --------. Whelp. Maybe this is a recap? Or maybe the last season was just an alternative ending? Hmmm. It's following the chapter as far as I know. Okay. Todo-san is evil. They've retrieved the kid. Rin's flames burned the miasma on the boy and Todo escapes. Yukio eventually gets away from him and goes to inject some sort of serum into the boy and the miasma comes up on his body. He injects the rest in him or is giving the boy some of his blood? wat. i think I'm missing something really valuable. HAHAHA.
Anyway, the boy is brought back to his momma safe and Mephsito and Shura come back to tell them that the Left Eye has been stolen.
If nobody thought about it, or read the manga, most people probably would've thought that the outburst that Rin said to Yukio about making him eat his dust was kind of out of nowhere. Obviously he had been thinking about this.
Apparently, now they're going to Kyoto and Kuro/Blacky is joining alongisde Rin. I think that this was when Shi---OH. THERE SHE IS. It looks like they haven't talked to each other in a while. OMG. THE KYOTO BOYS. MY LOVES. They're giving Rin the cold shoulder which means that the last part of last season totally didn't happen. HAHAHA. They're following the manga now.
So, everybody is afraid that Rin is going to go on another rampage and is weary of him instead of being his best friend. Eyebrow girl---Kamiki decides to sit next to Rin anyway. Shura comes in and explains their mission. OH, there's the puppet guy that I don't recognize in the manga. Mission is to help out the exorcists in Kyoto then stand as security.
Rin asks why Kamiki decides to sit with him and she tells him that humans and demons mix all the time. In the last season she already said this line in a different scene SO WE'RE STARTING ALL OVER, GUYS. ALTERNATE WORLD IN THE LAST ONE. That world was also good. HAHA. I'm fine with this. Kamiki goes total savage, callinig Bon and Shiemi out on being afraid of him. There's, then, a flashback to Yukio explaining to the squad that Rin was the Son of Satan. Yukio, too, but he didn't get the blue flames.
Bon and Rin square up again. They blame what had happened on Rin but it wasn't like he did it himself. Shura wakes up and makes them break it off. HAHA. The punishment didn't happen?
Well, a lot of fans probably hadn't seen Ao no Exorcist in a while but I had finally caught up like, last week, so this doesn't feel that far for me. If anything, this anime still has great music. It's nice to see all of the characters that we'll be meeting in the thee song. Or... ending? I can't tell. This seems like a theme. OMGGG. THE OTHER KYOTO BOYS. I CAN'T WAIT.
Jan 6, 2017 5:59 PM

Jan 2015
natsu791 said:
LOL I love how they show flashback on why people discriminated Rin but not Yukio, because Yukio didn't inherit blue flame. According to season 1, Yukio used blue flame. why are they trying to fix this now?
18-25 eps of S1 are invalid, it was anime original
Yuuta_Kaoru said:
HAHA. The punishment didn't happen?
I guess that in order to fit in 12 episodes (we have 18 chapters to adapt, so it's quite a lot) they want to cut some of these a little bit less important scenes like this one or Mephisto talking to Exwires in class from chapter 16.

There is a possibility that they will pick it up in the beginning of the next episode but we will see.
ZinzooJan 6, 2017 6:08 PM
Jan 6, 2017 6:18 PM

Nov 2010
Zinzoo said:
Yuuta_Kaoru said:
HAHA. The punishment didn't happen?
I guess that in order to fit in 12 episodes (we have 18 chapters to adapt, so it's quite a lot) they want to cut some of these a little bit less important scenes like this one or Mephisto talking to Exwires in class from chapter 16.

There is a possibility that they will pick it up in the beginning of the next episode but we will see.

Oh, dang. Yeah. I meant to type in something about how there's only twelve episodes. (Or did I and I just forgot. BAHA) Hopefully this means that this company will continue to run through the rest of the series, too. I haven't read past the episodes (I read as the anime goes) so I haven't figured out just how far the series is, manga-wise.
Looking at last season, each episode (excluding 18-25) had a good one-two chapters. I mean, it was going to be the Kyoto arc so I guess the twelve episodes are going to be covering that.

Either way, hope this makes sense. I'm excited. HAHA.

Also, totally forgot that they could possibly be bringing in the punishment in the beginning of next episode.
Jan 6, 2017 6:37 PM
Jan 2017
Finalmente estão seguindo a manga, ent estamos excluindo aquela parte da nave espacial do Satan e do dispertar do Yukio
Jan 6, 2017 6:59 PM

Dec 2013
Been there, seen that. Great episode. And that UVERworld opening is even better than Core Pride.
Jan 6, 2017 7:02 PM

Jan 2013
Such a good episode. Reminded me of that good old atmosphere of this anime. AOTS for sure
Jan 6, 2017 7:06 PM

Jun 2009
Awesome first ep of the Kyoto arc and again a fantastic op you cant stop listening too 10/10 and waiting for more :D
Jan 6, 2017 7:07 PM

Mar 2011
I-I got confused, but by reading your comments, I should forget about what happened in episodes 18-25, it's actually what got me confused so I had to stop the video and come here to check, I'm glad I did.
Awesome start, it made me feel like whenever I waited for a new episode of this anime back then :')
Jan 6, 2017 7:14 PM
Oct 2012
this gives me hope. lets face it, 5 years after the last bit and it gets a second season. keep hope everyone because this can happen to all the good anime!
Jan 6, 2017 8:07 PM

Sep 2014
This was better than I remember, I thought s1 was pretty meh.
Jan 6, 2017 8:08 PM
Feb 2015
lots of rins reactions dont make much sense, Izumo said something abt exorcists sharing linage with humans before but he reacted suprised, when bon talked abt the blue night he acted suprised but I'm positive that was talked abt early season 1, i get that hes refreshing us but why doesnt he know? it feels like it would be confusing to lead into season 2 from a rewatch...idk
Jan 6, 2017 8:14 PM

Mar 2016
Yeah not filler again, straight toward main story
After 6 years waiting for this

I'd like my favourite J-rock band has been taking part in opening theme..

Jan 6, 2017 8:34 PM

Mar 2009
So, basically, they're pretending like the filler in the first season never happened? And instead, they're going back to adapting the manga with this season? That's...interesting. I don't think that happens too often when it comes to anime adaptations? On the other hand, that's extremely confusing to anime-only watchers. Thankfully, the comments here cleared everything up.

But more importantly, best girl Shura is back! <3
Jan 6, 2017 8:40 PM

Jul 2016
A heavy mood for the first episode. Dang, I didn't read its manga, I'm not aware about 18-25 were filler. So it started after Rin vs. Amaimon fight. This is great considering the heavy mood and awkwardness between Rin and his friends was still fresh, Rin's on his way to prove that he can be trusted, looking forward for his developments.

Nice, OP is much better than the 1st season's OP.
Jan 6, 2017 8:59 PM

Oct 2012
well this was confusing
Jan 6, 2017 9:14 PM

May 2015
ayy it's been a while.

lol fuck everyone except for izumo, rin and kuro
Jan 6, 2017 9:23 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Daamn, didn't realize how much I missed this series. It was also the start of when I really got back into anime, so Ao no Exorcist has a special place in my heart. I love listening to the soundtrack, although I'm not feeling it as much as the first season's, but we'll see, since it's not just Sawano. I'm also so happy to see it ignore that terrible anime original ending and go right into the arc. The visuals look great so far too.

As for the content of the episode itself, nothing much else to say except that it's setting up for the arc. It's sad that Rin is being treated that way because of who his father is, but at the same time, the fear is not unfounded.

The OP looks great too, and UVERworld~

Mirorin said:

I remember this arc is what made me like Izumo. She ain't gonna change her attitude over things like this. :)
Saying that, Bon and his crew went through a lot because of Satan so their reactiosn are reasonable. Shiemi though... :X

Same, didn't care much for Izumo at all until this point. Disappointed in Shiemi too :/
Jan 6, 2017 9:46 PM

Dec 2016
Maybe it's nostalgia, maybe it's because I missed the Okumura brothers more than I realized but I can already tell that i'll be looking forward to this every week. Funny enough I didn't even love the first season all that much, but somehow this looks promising.

That OP is amazing.

Anime was the catalyst of my life's downward spiral.
Joining MAL was the nail in my coffin.

Every day I keep screaming into the void,
but god just tells me to shut up.
Jan 6, 2017 10:02 PM

Jul 2010
So happy to watch this again! It's been so long, and I've always really loved Blue Exorcist. It's refreshing to watch a classic shounen with a really rich world. Was a little confused at where exactly this was placed in the story, but I figured it out from the flashbacks. Not motivated enough to rewatch the first season, lol.
Jan 6, 2017 10:04 PM

Apr 2015
Ayyee glad that Ao No Exorcist is back, can't believe it's already been about 5-6 years since the first season aired. Awesome start to the second season, I know this second season is going to be amazing. Everyone in the team except for Eyebrow Girl (bless her) is pissing me off, though.

Glad they didn't change the art or VAs, unlike what happened to the newest season of D. Gray Man.

"As promised, all that you seek, all that we desire, is prepared up there. On top of the Tower."
Jan 6, 2017 10:07 PM

Feb 2013
Might've been funny if they addressed the original plot of the 1st season by having Rin wake up and say "whoa, I just had a dream where I destroyed Amaimon, Yukio became a paladin overnight, my Grandpa was an evil pope, and Satan, the King of Gehenna, was actually just a broody sadsack that misses mom."

But yeah. Decent stuff. Fans of Blue Exorcist must be feeling the sort of redemption I want as a fan of Soul Eater and Pandora Hearts.

And yeah that was one dope OP.
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