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Feb 2, 2016 8:31 PM
Feb 2015
Bait thread from years ago. Move along.
rametheusMay 28, 2021 6:53 PM
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Feb 2, 2016 8:34 PM

Jun 2012
Anime got the viking burial it deserved. Now we just need to learn to accept its bastard son.
I'm also filled with pure-hearted ulterior motives.

Feb 2, 2016 8:39 PM

Jan 2009
this answers it

ANN said:
It used to be, back in the 80s when Japan was flush with money, a company would just decide to make a one- or two-part OAV. They'd throw a few hundred thousand dollars at an animation production company, and the production company would haphazardly churn out an OAV. They'd release it on video, a few thousand rental shops across Japan would buy copies, and the show would turn a tidy profit. Or if a longer series seemed possible, the TV networks would pay most of the cost, and support the show with commercials.

Those days are long gone. The collapse of Japan's bubble economy hit the rental market hard, and media companies stopped feeling so adventurous about making direct-to-video content. The TV networks also drastically cut the number of shows they're willing to spend money on, since most anime don't bring in ratings, and it's far cheaper for them to just make another cheap talk show. So, in the early 90s, anime producers faced a challenge: how would they keep getting investment to make new shows?

The answer, it turns out, was to join forces with other companies, and form what's called "Production Committee," or Seisaku Iinkai. The producer meets with other companies that could also benefit from a show being made, and tries to convince them to chip in.

TL;DR japan entered economic slowdown so TV channels/networks can no longer fund anime on their own
Feb 2, 2016 8:39 PM

Nov 2008
I like anime as it is now with the exceptions being the neutered mcs and bad LN adaptations, and both are often related to each other, I don't want a neutered male lead, anime needs real men who live right not a man that acts like a woman more than the women.

Feb 2, 2016 8:46 PM

Feb 2015
Rametheus said:
Holybaptiser said:
Anime got the viking burial it deserved. Now we just need to learn to accept its bastard son.
I do not think so, unlike cinema and literature where there are some titles from the past held in very high regard, analyzed even today, and known by almost everyone whilst the average fan only read/watch the popular stuff that's made to sell, anime has no such thing. Everyone knows Shakespeare, but not everyone knows Evangelion.

English writer and his work is taught in school vs. a 26 episode Japanese cartoon. It's just saturated with less than innovative titles, but you can only know that by looking at from the inside. Just like you can think French cinema is great but you only name a couple titles because the rest are shit.
Feb 2, 2016 8:52 PM

Jul 2014
did you mean: Death of Creativity & Innovation Within the MAL Forums

although I guess that ^ already started happening a long time ago
Feb 2, 2016 9:01 PM

Mar 2015
Rametheus said:
However, after anime went digital in the 21st century, creativity along with quality went down the drain.
-Adapts generic light novels and mangas
most of them are ads, and they are only booming
-Instead of being about quality, anime is made to pander through wish fulfillment
i fail to see corelation between quality and wish fullfillment. isn't entertainment medium is wish fullfillment to begin with?
-the influx of harems, ecchi, high school anime, and edgy shounen that tries to be smart
Go Nagai laugh at this statement. anime this days are soo pussy.
-Everything is now done in moe style
older shows even have bigger eyes. especaly 80's. glad we now also get big iris
-Male characters are now feminine, and aimed at a market that wants homosexuality, and the "trap" stuff where males look and act like females
nice, now i don't see exagrated muscle everywhere, also asian not really like big body to begin with
-Characters are usually the same tropes with different color pallettes as difference
you can put old charater on most type charater nowdays. they are more series made = more charater made= more similiarity
-There's almost no variety in art style, but visuals are used to cover up bad-writing
just go with this season, you can enjoy scifi-ish style (dimension w) until showa style (eresed and showa ganroku rakugo shinju
-Slice of lifes about about are started being made
they are always like that since long time ago. ask sazae-san for answer
-Dumbed down shows for cheap entertainment
anime is entertainment medium to begin with, one of the way showing it is stupidity
-Quantity over Quality
more people = more sorce = more competition = more shows

people change, industry change, that's how the world works. deal with it or leave.
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Feb 2, 2016 9:59 PM

Aug 2013
The only good thing about old anime is that they're almost entirely hand drawn and look very fluid, regardless of the visual quality. Whereas nowadays it's all CG and cheap panning shots to pad out the episode, in spite of technological advancements.
Feb 2, 2016 10:07 PM

Aug 2014
The anime industry was going fine until Haruhi blew up and changed everything.
Feb 2, 2016 10:20 PM

Aug 2008
Remind me of this topic yesterday.

Most people here don't paid for anime. If you don't like modern anime, then you should quit watching anime. Anime industry is actually growing more than ever.

Anime industry is growing and not declining. Just because you don't like something or you think it's bad, doesn't mean other people think it's bad. Just quit being anime fan and you will make your life better.How to make anime good again or perhaps should I say how can you make anime industry create anime that is consider good by your standard is by buying the anime bluray/dvd that you think is good. You don't have the right to complain if you do not paid for it. Moe, ecchi, special school, harem, SoL anime does help the industry generate money. According to Youku, a Chinese streaming website, Musaigen no Phantom World is currently the most viewed anime in 2016.

Here are other top viewed anime in Youku in previous years.

Absolute Duo, Seiken no World Break and Trinity Seven are among those most viewed anime in Youku and I believe Youku is a legitimate streamers where anime industry get money from it. There is NOTHING you can do to change it unless you decided to pour money into it. No amount of complain in MAL or youtube reviewer such as thatanimesnob will change the industry.
ZapredonFeb 2, 2016 10:36 PM
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Feb 2, 2016 10:25 PM

Apr 2014
Lmao, anime fans become more and more similar if not exactly the same already with wrestling fans.
Wrestling fans :"#PG-era sucks bring #Attitude-era back" in every forum about wwe.
Anime fans:"Today anime suck full of ecchi harem bullcrap bring back the gud ol days back!" in every anime discussion forum.
Its quite mind-boggling how people can't just suck it up or just leave it already if he thinks the industry has fallen that bad.
Feb 2, 2016 10:30 PM

Oct 2013
tr1ckst3r said:
Lmao, anime fans become more and more similar if not exactly the same already with wrestling fans.
Wrestling fans :"#PG-era sucks bring #Attitude-era back" in every forum about wwe.
Anime fans:"Today anime suck full of ecchi harem bullcrap bring back the gud ol days back!" in every anime discussion forum.
Its quite mind-boggling how people can't just suck it up or just leave it already if he thinks the industry has fallen that bad.

Its the same thing with video games as well. For eg, old final fantasy gamers can't accept that the newer final fantasy games are not turn base anymore. Technology has improved and trend has change, its either you adapt to these changes or move on to something else.
Feb 2, 2016 10:31 PM

Oct 2014
You don't have to watch anime. Just watch older stuff if you don't like new stuff. Anime producers are mostly targeting Japanese children and teenagers. You are not part of this demographic and have no reason to complain. I personally enjoy modern anime, but if you don't then you don't have to go on about it. There are modern American TV shows that will likely interest you more.
Feb 2, 2016 10:49 PM

Aug 2015
Just my 2 cents

I bet people from the 80's said the same shit that you're saying OP like "animu from the 80's sucks, 50's animus are the best" or be like "80's animu sucks, animu from the stone age are the best"

like seriously if you're actually confident in your taste in anime, you wouldn't feel the need to express that kind of bullcrap and just shove it on everyone's faces.
MizunashiFeb 2, 2016 10:56 PM
Feb 2, 2016 11:02 PM

Jul 2012
OP said:
Male characters are now feminine, and aimed at a market that wants homosexuality

I approve of this :^)

But seriously, there's actually less BL/Yaoi/Shounen-Ai shows now compared to before which is pretty odd.

Also, at the "more feminine" thing, please look at the entire shoujo/BL timeline. If anything, the designs are getting better and more real looking.

MayukaFeb 2, 2016 11:05 PM
Feb 2, 2016 11:17 PM

Aug 2014
This thread is basically
"I like old anime but not new anime, so therefore the industry is dying!!!!"

I disagree with you OP. While it's true that new anime aren't as creative, don't go around and pretend like old anime were all creative and innovative. All animes draws their inspiration from somewhere, even the old ones, not to mention there have been plenty of new shows that were successful/popular both in JP and the west.
Feb 2, 2016 11:19 PM
Jul 2018
All anime sucks.
Repent now before being consumed by the mediocrity of the Today.

Begin anew with novels, visual novels and manga, the only true catalysts of enlightenment which originate from the land of the rising sun.
Feb 2, 2016 11:19 PM

Aug 2012
Honestly, buy the blu-rays of the anime you like and hope for the best
Feb 2, 2016 11:19 PM

Dec 2009
I can't agree with this. Sure there are those 'generic' animes that just seem to have a repeat every season, however there are ones that are fresh and interesting. I'm sure you'd like examples but I'm too lazy to list them. Besides it's all up to opinion in the end.

Feb 2, 2016 11:22 PM

Nov 2012
wow i've never seen this type of thread before...
oh well, at least this time it wasn't made by someone who has seen only like 10 shows
Feb 2, 2016 11:27 PM
Dec 2010
Rametheus said:
Anime was at its height between the years of 1980 and 2000, the greatest anime were conceived during this period.
-There were a greater variety of anime
-The best directors were allowed much more creative freedom
-Originals were being made
-Actual good novels are adapted
-Anime made during this time utilizes deep and relevant themes
-Had its really bad stuff like the gore OVAs, but the renowned titles are deserving
-Violence and sex are treated in a mature way to tell a good story
-Lots of variety in art styles
-Male characters look and act like males, and uphold male values
-Shows actually required the input of your thinking
-Quality over Quantity

Sekko Boys provide that all these still happen in modern anime, so what's your point?
Feb 2, 2016 11:34 PM

Feb 2013
Rametheus said:

However, after anime went digital in the 21st century, creativity along with quality went down the drain.
-Adapts generic light novels and mangas
-Instead of being about quality, anime is made to pander through wish fulfillment
-The influx of harems, ecchi, high school anime, and edgy shounen that tries to be smart
-Everything is now done in moe style
-Male characters are now feminine, and aimed at a market that wants homosexuality, and the "trap" stuff where males look and act like females
-Characters are usually the same tropes with different color pallettes as difference
-There's almost no variety in art style, but visuals are used to cover up bad-writing
-Slice of lifes about about are started being made
-Dumbed down shows for cheap entertainment
-Quantity over Quality

Not all new anime is bad, there are always exceptions, but modern anime as a whole is collectively getting worse. How can anime be good again? What caused anime to change so much? Is it the shift in viewerbase, where the new generation enjoys being pandered to and doesn't do much thinking because of technology? Is anime now made to appeal to a more liberal mindset in current society? What do you think of this issue as a whole?

According to your profile you watched an absolute fuck ton of anime. Though with a mean score of under 4 it makes me wonder why?

Like idgaf bout this thread topic cuz' it's been beaten to death harder than the creativity in the anime industry. I just want to know why?

Why do you continue to watch anime (you claim 1200+ series) if you hate 95% of it?

Everything gets shittier over time, it's called reality.

As long as there is a medium where I can watch cute girls doing cute things and contemplate my existence by watching Makoto Shinkai films I'm happy.
Feb 2, 2016 11:42 PM

Mar 2012
RozenAquaMarine said:
Just my 2 cents

I bet people from the 80's said the same shit that you're saying OP like "animu from the 80's sucks, 50's animus are the best" or be like "80's animu sucks, animu from the stone age are the best"

like seriously if you're actually confident in your taste in anime, you wouldn't feel the need to express that kind of bullcrap and just shove it on everyone's faces.

this is silly too. what does confidence in your taste have to do with expressing problems?
Mayuka said:

did you call

holier than thou bitch right here

Feb 2, 2016 11:44 PM
Sep 2013
j0x said:

TL;DR japan entered economic slowdown so TV channels/networks can no longer fund anime on their own

More like there is no reason that to put money on anime because they become lower ratings.
Market wise ad revenue is almost flat in late-90s to 00s and the pure budget wise,anime is pretty cheap compared with live-action drama,just anime viewer rating got into slump because of aging society so no reason to air primetime except programs still can earn high viewer ships or toy-selling anime.
Feb 2, 2016 11:47 PM

Jan 2016
Feb 2, 2016 11:49 PM

Apr 2013
Anime is fine as it is today, for me last year was one of the best years in anime overall so I got nothing to complain about. Also Shingeki no Kyojin 2nd will save anime.
Feb 2, 2016 11:49 PM

May 2014
I guess I disagree...sure, fanservice has gotten more extreme and prominent in a lot of anime, but that sexualisation is the same with literally every medium nowadays. I hate to say it, but sex really does sell; all industries have to evolve with the times and the anime industry struggles as is. So yes,
there has been an increase in ecchi/fanservice anime, but that does not mean there has been a death of innovation in the anime industry!

Many may disagree, but I don't necessarily believe anime was better years ago- there were good and bad anime then, and there are good and bad anime now. You only have to watch more recent anime like Death Parade, Fate/Zero, Psycho-Pass, Yuri Kuma Arashi, Zankyou no Terror etc. as well the the currently airing Boku Dake no Inai Machi to see that anime is still creative and innovative.

I think a lot of people look back on shows from the '80s and '90s that are considered classics and hold them in high regard because during the time they aired they were genre defining. Perhaps in another ten years, anime that aired in recent years will be held in the same regard to newer fans.
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Feb 2, 2016 11:49 PM
Oct 2014
Starting a post with a affirmation like that is not good, since its subjective. I also dont understand the point of saying that "originals were made", like, does that matter at all? What i want is something good i dont care the source material for it.
The "quality over quantity" is like... wrong? I mean, look at titles from the 80´ and first half of the 90´ they are 100+ episodes (Hokuto no Ken, Dragon Ball, Touch, LOTGH, etc) I dont think of ANY show that keep the quality constant for that number of episodes. Stop thinking that everything from the past was better, yeah, there were probably a lot of good series that were fantastic but there were some that were shit, the same that is happeing right now...
About the "ecchi, harem, rom-com" its sells, so its produced, I mean, anime is made to earn money you know... When it stops selling the product may change, dont be so pessimistc about the industry.
Feb 2, 2016 11:58 PM

Nov 2009
keragamming said:
Its the same thing with video games as well. For eg, old final fantasy gamers can't accept that the newer final fantasy games are not turn base anymore. Technology has improved and trend has change, its either you adapt to these changes or move on to something else.

Real-time RPGs have been possible since my PC started being able to run RPGs at all, which was like 20 years ago.
Did you know the Elder Scrolls line was real-time from its start in 1994?
Might and Magic line of games was turn-based from 1986, and its latest release is still turn-based in 2014.
Turn-based RPGs exist for a reason. They are for the people who prefer chess over basketball.

And I said my words here:

MAL has its own seasonal chart:

Besides looking for a fresh anime to watch, it's really good at seeing the true picture of the shows which happen in a season: there are all sorts of shows. Right now, the top ones are: a mysterious show; a show about school and supernatural battles and girls; a slow-paced fantasy adventure in a game-like world; a comedy show; a strategic show about JSDF doing to a fantasy country the same things USA does to near-east countries; a sci-fi detective show.

In short, there is still plenty of variety in anime, and there are still experimental, unusual and artsy works.
Feb 3, 2016 12:03 AM

Nov 2009
FCT77 said:
I also dont understand the point of saying that "originals were made", like, does that matter at all? What i want is something good i dont care the source material for it.

Basically, anime-originals are better adapted to anime format than adaptations are. Visual novels of the dating sim variety are particularly infamous for being adapted into ill-conceived harems as the authors try to cram multiple mutually-exclusive timelines into an anime's linear timeline.
Feb 3, 2016 12:11 AM
Oct 2014
flannan said:
FCT77 said:
I also dont understand the point of saying that "originals were made", like, does that matter at all? What i want is something good i dont care the source material for it.

Basically, anime-originals are better adapted to anime format than adaptations are. Visual novels of the dating sim variety are particularly infamous for being adapted into ill-conceived harems as the authors try to cram multiple mutually-exclusive timelines into an anime's linear timeline.

I wasnt particularly thinking of visual novels but, it seems you are talking more of a bad adaptation than adaptations in general. I dont play visual novels but from what i have heard Clannad, Kanon and Steins Gate are good VN adaptations, its depends on the director and not only for VA´s but for every adaptation.
Feb 3, 2016 12:12 AM
Dec 2015
There's probably as much good and bad as there was in the 80s and 90s but being someone who watches mostly "older" stuff I just cannot get into the animation used for a lot of newer shows. I know its a superficial thing but everything after a certain point has this really clean, soft look. I'm willing to watch something if its good but this drives me nuts.

I know there are lots of people who feel the opposite way..but then again I am pretty old I guess.
Feb 3, 2016 12:23 AM

Jan 2009
umashikaneko said:
j0x said:

TL;DR japan entered economic slowdown so TV channels/networks can no longer fund anime on their own

More like there is no reason that to put money on anime because they become lower ratings.
Market wise ad revenue is almost flat in late-90s to 00s and the pure budget wise,anime is pretty cheap compared with live-action drama,just anime viewer rating got into slump because of aging society so no reason to air primetime except programs still can earn high viewer ships or toy-selling anime.

ye that too, anime is targeted at young audiences but japan has a aging population and not much old people watch anime there now a days
Feb 3, 2016 12:33 AM

Oct 2013
You know what I've notice is that you guys complain about how modern anime sucks, but yet you guys eat it all up. And watch all the modern anime and also watch all the ovas,movies, spinoff and specials for those modern series as well.

I understand that some people are completionist, but to go out of your way to watch all the fairy tail specials, movies, ova ect is another thing. Obviously it shows that you have some interest in modern anime. if modern anime was that bad as you claim I don't think you would be so in to it.

@Flannan the turnbase fanbase for final fantasy isn't as big anymore, plus they want the new final fantasy series to be more appealing for people that don't like turnbase game. Basically they are trying to win over new fans to get into the final fantasy franchise by not using turnbase system. This is a business after all, there main goal is to make more money.

People generally don't like changes. Everything should be the same all the time.
keragammingFeb 3, 2016 12:37 AM
Feb 3, 2016 12:40 AM

May 2013
It's impressive how much bullshit you managed to fit in one post OP
I hope one day I can be a great shitposter like you.
Feb 3, 2016 12:56 AM

Aug 2015
keragamming said:
You know what I've notice is that you guys complain about how modern anime sucks, but yet you guys eat it all up. And watch all the modern anime and also watch all the OVAs, movies, spinoff and specials for those modern series as well.

People generally don't like changes. Everything should be the same all the time.

Agreed. It is funny that some of us just constantly complained how the some of the modern anime seemed mediocre in their eyes when there are some of the old anime that felt mediocre as well. They just forget the bad ones and remembered the good ones (to be specific, any animated series that have Western influence... which is something we don't see often in modern anime, which most of them are oriented towards Japanese audience due to their culture being explored by those shows). It is quite funny too that despite while they do complain, they are still watching modern anime even if they will expect that most of them will be mediocre in the end. To be honest, one solution for that matter for those people: quit watching anime and find a new hobby, like making an anime out of your ideal storyline.


Also, I am wondering what do you mean by 'actual good novels' (for older anime), OP? Have you actually read those novels then to judge that they are good or better than those novels that have anime adaptations among modern anime shows?
Frankies_MonsterFeb 3, 2016 1:26 AM

Feb 3, 2016 1:05 AM

Nov 2009
FCT77 said:
flannan said:

Basically, anime-originals are better adapted to anime format than adaptations are. Visual novels of the dating sim variety are particularly infamous for being adapted into ill-conceived harems as the authors try to cram multiple mutually-exclusive timelines into an anime's linear timeline.

I wasnt particularly thinking of visual novels but, it seems you are talking more of a bad adaptation than adaptations in general. I dont play visual novels but from what i have heard Clannad, Kanon and Steins Gate are good VN adaptations, its depends on the director and not only for VA´s but for every adaptation.

Kanon did suffer from this flaw. It is good because the original was good, but its composition is the same pointless mashup of different routes.
I'm not sure if Steins; Gate was even a dating sim.

But those are not the only kinds of source material that suffers in adaptation, just the most infamous one. There are also fillers for long-running anime, anime stretched (Rokka no Yuusha) or cramped (Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou) to fit into 12 or 24 episodes, anime censored to hell (Mahou Sensei Negima and Kodomo no Jikan), anime adapted from light novels which contain more long-winded explanations than fast-paced action (SAO)...
Feb 3, 2016 1:21 AM

May 2015
Here's an idea.

If you can produce a research or a paper that proves it, some study that shows the past used to be so much better I'll believe you.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Feb 3, 2016 2:29 AM

Sep 2015
I will not deny that anime from the 90s to mid 2000s is a lot different from the majority of stuff there is now. Just watching an episode of Bebop can show that. BUT I do think it's starting to get somewhat better. Shows like Death Parade, Terror in Resonance, Junketsu no Maria, Gatchaman Crowds, Kekkai Sensen, Gakkou Gurashi, Rage of Bahamut, etc have all shown that creative force is moving in a good direction in the industry (hopefully).
amk_2397Feb 3, 2016 4:26 PM
Feb 3, 2016 2:32 AM

Apr 2015
Animu needs more MOE like K-ON! or animu that can make a good atmosphere! Deep? Pretentious? Oh cmon, EVERYTHING IN ANIMU IS PRETENTIOUS!! Stop sayin that one animu was pretentious while others not!! Animu itslf is an escapism from our work, so wish fulfulment shows are the best to save our stress! Anyone that disagree with me wanted to just stressed themselves until the point of suicide.

K-ON is objectively better than LoGH.
YouFeb 3, 2016 2:38 AM
Feb 3, 2016 3:10 AM

May 2013
I have not watched old anime and don't intend to do it, so I can't compare. Anyway, the decreasing of the innovation is totally clear.
The industry is not dying, I think they are really happy with this situation. Writers don't even need to think, just write something safe (cliched, ecchi, harem, stereotypes) and wait the money.

"In declining cultures, wherever the decision comes to rest with the masses, authenticity becomes superfluous, disadvantageous, a liability." Friedrich Nietzsche
Feb 3, 2016 7:25 AM

Mar 2015
Duuuuudeeeeee do you even watch prehistoric anime bruh? Paleolithic Era was the peak of the wall carving anime industry. Studio Neanderthal was the best! But no one appreciates them cause they're all watching all of those sh*t A.D. shows.
“Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth. But the world isn't perfect, and the law is incomplete..." -Alphonse Elric

"Then and now, what I protect has never changed!" -Sakata Gintoki

I'll take anything like The Pet Girl of Sakurasou. Anything as good as that.
Feb 3, 2016 8:13 AM
Feb 2014

Creativity and innovation still exist if you actually bother watching shows and seeing for yourself. Yes formulas are repeated, but embedded concepts within make some of what is airing, superior to others.

The creators of most airing anime today probably are better at creation than you will ever be.
Feb 3, 2016 8:53 AM

Jan 2013
Rametheus said:
Anime was at its height between the years of 1980 and 2000, the greatest anime were conceived during this period.
-There were a greater variety of anime
-The best directors were allowed much more creative freedom
-Originals were being made
-Actual good novels are adapted
-Anime made during this time utilizes deep and relevant themes
-Had its really bad stuff like the gore OVAs, but the renowned titles are deserving
-Violence and sex are treated in a mature way to tell a good story
-Lots of variety in art styles
-Male characters look and act like males, and uphold male values
-Shows actually required the input of your thinking
-Quality over Quantity

However, after anime went digital in the 21st century, creativity along with quality went down the drain.
-Adapts generic light novels and mangas
-Instead of being about quality, anime is made to pander through wish fulfillment
-The influx of harems, ecchi, high school anime, and edgy shounen that tries to be smart
-Everything is now done in moe style
-Male characters are now feminine, and aimed at a market that wants homosexuality, and the "trap" stuff where males look and act like females
-Characters are usually the same tropes with different color pallettes as difference
-There's almost no variety in art style, but visuals are used to cover up bad-writing
-Slice of lifes about about are started being made
-Dumbed down shows for cheap entertainment
-Quantity over Quality

Not all new anime is bad, there are always exceptions, but modern anime as a whole is collectively getting worse. How can anime be good again? What caused anime to change so much? Is it the shift in viewerbase, where the new generation enjoys being pandered to and doesn't do much thinking because of technology? Is anime now made to appeal to a more liberal mindset in current society? What do you think of this issue as a whole?


Why? Are you literally watching no shows?

1. Of course the directors were given creative freedom. No one knew what they were doing. They didn't even have to try hard. There was NO COMPETITION.

Anime is a hard place to survive in. Everyone's trying to outdo one another and really really amazing anime are coming from it.

2. Fuck anime originals. Animators aren't story writers, most "Anime Originals" are the quality of Guilty Crown and "Chaos Dragon." Some of the best material in anime are adaptations. To Aru Hikuushiii No Koiuta is a great anime, based off of a LN.

3. Outside of Legend of Galactic Heroes what old anime novel adaptations were good? The future has Spice and Wolf and Durarara.

4. Violence and Sex was always shallow for the most part. We still get shows that treat violence and sexuality with respect like Gangsta, but old and new anime had fanservice moe anime, and hyper violent edgefests.

5. This complaining about male characters shit again. Male characters right now are fucking fantastic. They're usually either extremely interesting or flawed. Hitsugi no Chaika has a great male MC. Gundam IBO just came out with fantastic male characters. Rakudai Kishi's male character is also really good. Same with Taimadou and Erased, and I'm going to stop listing. Your argument is idiotic.

6. >Characters are usually the same tropes with different color pallettes as difference

Old anime had no real memorable characters. They were so very samey, and when they were "unique" they stuck to tropes. Anime developed and they realized that to create memorable characters they had to dramatize certain elements of their characters and thus "created" tropes.

One of the best old anime Space Battleship Yamato has the hotblooded character, the Kuudere, and the ditzy heroine trope in it.

7. >Quality over Quantity
Have you actually looked at old seasons of anime?
2 good shows aired that season.
I enjoyed like 10 shows that season.
Feb 3, 2016 10:00 AM

Jan 2013
OP your thread couldn't be more bias, you just like older anime compared to the newer stuff. You don't have to write paragraphs to explain that.
Feb 3, 2016 10:12 AM

Jan 2008
This is one of the dumbest post ever. Some of the stuff in that list is hilarious.

"Violence and sex are treated in a mature way to tell a good story".
"Male characters look and act like males, and uphold male values"
"Anime made during this time utilizes deep and relevant themes"
"Actual good novels are adapted'

You have to be trolling. I can go to any year between 1990-and 2000 and prove you wrong.
Feb 3, 2016 10:13 AM
Jul 2018
While the 90s were just an incredible era for anime, there's still a lot of good stuff being made today.

But there's also a lot more anime being released, which means more crap along with the gems, which forces people to do a lot more filtering to get those great experiences. That, I agree, is very annoying.

Also, some of the more "lowbrow" genres are completely flooded and that can give the impression that anime, as a whole, has gone to hell. Luckily, that is not the case. Yet.
Feb 3, 2016 10:45 AM

Aug 2014
Snappynator said:
This thread is basically
"I like old anime but not new anime, so therefore the industry is dying!!!!"

I disagree with you OP. While it's true that new anime aren't as creative, don't go around and pretend like old anime were all creative and innovative. All animes draws their inspiration from somewhere, even the old ones, not to mention there have been plenty of new shows that were successful/popular both in JP and the west.

Completely agree with this .
Also Creativity was and still the same , if there are more shows then its more likely that there will be more bad shows as well .
You just took the best from those 20 years and compared them to the new shows .
I'm sure there was bad shows in that period , but people forgot about them .

In short : You're Biased towards old anime .
Feb 3, 2016 10:46 AM

Mar 2015
Rametheus said:
Kuma said:

people change, industry change, that's how the world works. deal with it or leave.
And I have my right to complain about it if the changes are for the worse.
so change = worse? no you are not.

also you are not answer any of my argument.
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Feb 3, 2016 10:48 AM

Mar 2012

I will say this again.

Anime are Commercial Advertisement instead of Medium telling a story.
If you think 90`s era are the best then there are tons of bad anime are made like those 90`s OVA too.
The good old anime in the past are the popular and memorable ones while the forgotten anime are the bad ones and the ones aimed at children.

You can`t force japan to change the industry, if you do then they`ll laugh at you for being a Baka Gaijin.


LOTGH Novel and Browser game is more popular than the anime in japan.
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