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BL Manga 'Doukyuusei' Gets Anime Adaptation

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Mar 15, 2015 7:18 AM

Jan 2014
OMG!!! Huzzah!!!

Nakamura sensei's art is really unique and you know exactly when it's one of her works. Kusakabe x Sajou pair is so sweet.

Doukyuusei was only the second BLCD I've listened to, and I always thought the voices were perfect for the characters. HiroC is of course a BL seiyuu kami XD and Kenji Kojima was just so cute as Rihito. (So for sure I won't have to worry one bit about the VA part -cough cough Shougo-)

Kyaaa!!! -faints-
Mar 15, 2015 7:28 AM
Aug 2013
Kaioshin_Sama said:
In general I just grow weary of these things that aim at a very specific very fervent demographic. It feels like there's too much anime that comes out now that just has one very niche audience in mind. Oh well I guess, it is what it is. People probably can't relate so whatever, I'll leave it at that.

As other people have pointed out, numerous times, actual BL series are about as rare as hen's teeth. Not only that, but when they are made, they are usually farmed out to cheaper studios like Deen and JC Staff. A1 at least gives the illusion of "taking this seriously" right off the bat, since they're usually chosen for higher profile series.

Also, I'd like to point out that no matter how much you try to dress it up in fancy words, saying "I don't want studios to make things I'm not interested in" is ridiculously immature.
Mar 15, 2015 9:09 AM
Jul 2018
I'm so glad. It will be tv series? I don't think it will be tv series because there is only 6 chapters. I hope it animate into movie! I love BL movies. there was only 2 BL movies
Mar 15, 2015 9:10 AM

Oct 2011
Kaioshin_Sama said:
In general I just grow weary of these things that aim at a very specific very fervent demographic. It feels like there's too much anime that comes out now that just has one very niche audience in mind. Oh well I guess, it is what it is. People probably can't relate so whatever, I'll leave it at that.

Okay then why don't you go complain about the copious amounts of moe anime that come out every season instead of the occasional BL thing?
Mar 15, 2015 9:45 AM

Oct 2012
Mar 15, 2015 11:02 AM

Oct 2007
Squatta said:
Kaioshin_Sama said:
In general I just grow weary of these things that aim at a very specific very fervent demographic. It feels like there's too much anime that comes out now that just has one very niche audience in mind. Oh well I guess, it is what it is. People probably can't relate so whatever, I'll leave it at that.

Okay then why don't you go complain about the copious amounts of moe anime that come out every season instead of the occasional BL thing?

I have.

tokinokanatae said:
Kaioshin_Sama said:
In general I just grow weary of these things that aim at a very specific very fervent demographic. It feels like there's too much anime that comes out now that just has one very niche audience in mind. Oh well I guess, it is what it is. People probably can't relate so whatever, I'll leave it at that.

As other people have pointed out, numerous times, actual BL series are about as rare as hen's teeth. Not only that, but when they are made, they are usually farmed out to cheaper studios like Deen and JC Staff. A1 at least gives the illusion of "taking this seriously" right off the bat, since they're usually chosen for higher profile series.

Also, I'd like to point out that no matter how much you try to dress it up in fancy words, saying "I don't want studios to make things I'm not interested in" is ridiculously immature.

It concerns me that A1 isn't considered one of the cheaper studios these days as a result of getting to do a lot of more high profile stuff. Though their biggest problem isn't cheapness so much as overscheduling and overworking of their animators making it difficult if not impossible to keep their schedules. And more other concern isn't that I don't want studios to make things I'm not interested in but that certain boundaries that were previously set are now becoming okay. This essentially has detailed make out scenes in it so if this is on TV I really wonder how they're going to find a way to get that past censors and if that's really the kind of content that late night anime wants to start trying to push. It's already getting kind of bad with it's tendencies towards erotica in other stuff.

I just feel like anime's glorification and fixation on hyper sexualization is about to hit a new level with stuff like this and that it's not going to help it's image much by being given Aniplex's aggressive promotion. Granted they might tone it down, but the way they are I somehow doubt it.
PeacingOutMar 15, 2015 11:09 AM
Mar 15, 2015 11:37 AM
Mar 2010
nikolai131 said:
A-1 Boys Loving Pictures... Dear god I didn't expect them to fall even lower than they already have...

Yes, because making a BL anime means a studio has fallen. *sarcasm*

Check out the News Club for daily rankings, discussion on future CD and BD releases, manga and novels. New members are welcome!
Mar 15, 2015 11:48 AM

Aug 2011
Kaioshin_Sama said:
Squatta said:

Okay then why don't you go complain about the copious amounts of moe anime that come out every season instead of the occasional BL thing?

I have.

tokinokanatae said:

As other people have pointed out, numerous times, actual BL series are about as rare as hen's teeth. Not only that, but when they are made, they are usually farmed out to cheaper studios like Deen and JC Staff. A1 at least gives the illusion of "taking this seriously" right off the bat, since they're usually chosen for higher profile series.

Also, I'd like to point out that no matter how much you try to dress it up in fancy words, saying "I don't want studios to make things I'm not interested in" is ridiculously immature.

It concerns me that A1 isn't considered one of the cheaper studios these days as a result of getting to do a lot of more high profile stuff. Though their biggest problem isn't cheapness so much as overscheduling and overworking of their animators making it difficult if not impossible to keep their schedules. And more other concern isn't that I don't want studios to make things I'm not interested in but that certain boundaries that were previously set are now becoming okay. This essentially has detailed make out scenes in it so if this is on TV I really wonder how they're going to find a way to get that past censors and if that's really the kind of content that late night anime wants to start trying to push. It's already getting kind of bad with it's tendencies towards erotica in other stuff.

I just feel like anime's glorification and fixation on hyper sexualization is about to hit a new level with stuff like this and that it's not going to help it's image much by being given Aniplex's aggressive promotion. Granted they might tone it down, but the way they are I somehow doubt it.

I seriously doubt there's going to be anything even close to graphic making out/sex scenes in this because when it comes to making anime out of BL, they never ever go past light kisses (unless it's an OVA, which, well, it's not on TV so it changes some things). It's kind of naive to believe that they'll have any sort of intense erotic scene shown on TV. If you've scene any BL anime (I'm going to assume you haven't) then you know this. Sekai-ichi's manga was pretty damn graphic and the anime in comparison was light af. They never go too far with BL anime and I don't really care about the sex because TV laws are there for a reason (even though ecchi shows seriously test them).
Mar 15, 2015 11:55 AM
Aug 2013
Kaioshin_Sama said:
It concerns me that A1 isn't considered one of the cheaper studios these days as a result of getting to do a lot of more high profile stuff. Though their biggest problem isn't cheapness so much as overscheduling and overworking of their animators making it difficult if not impossible to keep their schedules.

So what does this have to do with a highly respected BL series by a highly respected author being made by a high profile studio?

Kaioshin_Sama said:
And more other concern isn't that I don't want studios to make things I'm not interested in but that certain boundaries that were previously set are now becoming okay. This essentially has detailed make out scenes in it so if this is on TV I really wonder how they're going to find a way to get that past censors and if that's really the kind of content that late night anime wants to start trying to push. It's already getting kind of bad with it's tendencies towards erotica in other stuff.

So wait a second, are you saying that, in a medium where women have been showing off their panties since the inception, it's somehow too far to show two people that are dating kissing? Would you have this problem if the couple was male/female? I mean, you keep on trying to move the goalpost and be vague about "making anime that appeals to a wide audience" but I can think of few things MORE universal than a series about a high school romance. Were you this up in arms about "Say I Love You" getting animated, which I promise has more sex than Doukyuusei?

Kaioshin_Sama said:
I just feel like anime's glorification and fixation on hyper sexualization is about to hit a new level with stuff like this and that it's not going to help it's image much by being given Aniplex's aggressive promotion. Granted they might tone it down, but the way they are I somehow doubt it.

What are you even talking about? Doukyuusei has absolutely no sex whatsoever. What little sex there is is in the sequel, which is mostly implied and between two people in a committed relationship. Sex is something people have, Kaioshin. It doesn't mean it's there solely for titillation or pornographic purposes. And frankly, I'm beginning to disbelieve you even "skimmed" the series, from the way you're characterizing it.
Mar 15, 2015 12:41 PM

Mar 2013
You realize A1 isn't the only anime studio that operates like a sweatshop right?
Mar 15, 2015 12:56 PM

Feb 2013
Kaioshin_Sama said:
Why am I not even surprised that people are losing their shit over something like this and calling it beautiful the way MAL seems to describe ever mediocre looking A-1 show

Have you ever put some thought into the fact that people may have different tastes than you

Man cannot relate to this fanbase at all

Then SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! You know you can't relate then GET OUT!!! can't you simply qccept the fact that something not for you. You have literally no reason to be here other than to whine

and it's like I'm the only person who has literally never heard of this

Nope.......Neither have I, You do'nt see me whining about it

I don't know I sometimes really do wonder if people are actually serious about their fervor for stuff like this.

People like different stuff than me???? They must be Trolls

it's like I'm the only one that looks at this announcement and just laughs out loud.

Of Course you're the Dumbest of us all

What scares me more is that people legitimately seem to think A-1 is some great studio bringing out great titles all the time

No, In fact in fact outside of your ass, people are pretty Vocal on the A-1 hate train

Like I really truly wish I could get as excited as so many people seem to over stuff like this but nope...derisive laughter is the first emotion still....

Perhaps if you were'nt such a tryhard hipster you could

And with that I'll gladly put some distance between this sort of thing and myself.

You should try that sometimes, it does many of us favours ya know

It clearly has it's target audience

With the level of Intellgence you tend to display, I wonder how long it took you to figure that out

In general I just grow weary of these things that aim at a very specific very fervent demographic. It feels like there's too much anime that comes out now that just has one very niche audience in mind.

You talk as if Anime has'nt always been like this, everything is made for a certain audience, or do you think your precious Gundams were made for the entire population in mind

Also No.......You've grown weary of Nothing, If not you would have shut up by now

People probably can't relate so whatever, I'll leave it at that.

I just love how you present yourself as some Special person whose been enlightened on the sins of Humanity or something, when in reality you're just another generic hipster who unlike others can't muster a well thought out sentence if his life depended on it
King_of_HereticsMar 15, 2015 1:20 PM
Mar 15, 2015 1:06 PM

Sep 2011
How is it possible that one person could think A-1 studios is well liked, they are like one of the most actively and vocally disliked studios on this site, they do pale in hatred by that of deen or gonzo but A-1 is about as far from a beloved studio as you can get. Its painfully obvious the reason people are excited cause a demographic that is incredibly rare and often treated like shit is getting anything at all.

Like seriously how many BL shows are there in anime, like fucking 12 in the past 10 years if even that
JizzyHitlerMar 15, 2015 1:10 PM

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Mar 15, 2015 1:09 PM

Aug 2011
tokinokanatae said:

Kaioshin_Sama said:
And more other concern isn't that I don't want studios to make things I'm not interested in but that certain boundaries that were previously set are now becoming okay. This essentially has detailed make out scenes in it so if this is on TV I really wonder how they're going to find a way to get that past censors and if that's really the kind of content that late night anime wants to start trying to push. It's already getting kind of bad with it's tendencies towards erotica in other stuff.

So wait a second, are you saying that, in a medium where women have been showing off their panties since the inception, it's somehow too far to show two people that are dating kissing? Would you have this problem if the couple was male/female? I mean, you keep on trying to move the goalpost and be vague about "making anime that appeals to a wide audience" but I can think of few things MORE universal than a series about a high school romance. Were you this up in arms about "Say I Love You" getting animated, which I promise has more sex than Doukyuusei?

Kaioshin_Sama said:
I just feel like anime's glorification and fixation on hyper sexualization is about to hit a new level with stuff like this and that it's not going to help it's image much by being given Aniplex's aggressive promotion. Granted they might tone it down, but the way they are I somehow doubt it.

What are you even talking about? Doukyuusei has absolutely no sex whatsoever. What little sex there is is in the sequel, which is mostly implied and between two people in a committed relationship. Sex is something people have, Kaioshin. It doesn't mean it's there solely for titillation or pornographic purposes. And frankly, I'm beginning to disbelieve you even "skimmed" the series, from the way you're characterizing it.

This is basically what I was trying to get at (and I haven't read Doukyuusei myself but I've wanted to which is why I tried to be more general in my response). In a medium where girls are constantly getting "accidentally" molested and nudity in certain shows is the norm why is it bad that this anime may or may not portray two people making out?
Mar 15, 2015 1:12 PM

Feb 2013
NotJizzyHitler said:
How is it possible that one person could think A-1 studios is well liked

It's called "The Art of living in your Anus" We all should take classes
Mar 15, 2015 1:15 PM

Sep 2011
King_of_Devils said:
NotJizzyHitler said:
How is it possible that one person could think A-1 studios is well liked

It's called "The Art of living in your Anus" We all should take classes
can we wind up like this afterwords

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Mar 15, 2015 1:20 PM

Nov 2013
NotJizzyHitler said:
King_of_Devils said:

It's called "The Art of living in your Anus" We all should take classes
can we wind up like this afterwords
Oh man that's the funniest thing I've seen all day xD
Mar 15, 2015 1:30 PM

Jun 2011
This is great news! I wonder what it will look like when her art style gets adapted to screen..
I want it to be a full length anime so they can cover the whole story.. Is that asking for a lot? History tells us that most anime adaptations of yaoi manga are based on longer stories.
In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king
Mar 15, 2015 1:32 PM

Sep 2011
sorakin said:
This is great news! I wonder what it will look like when her art style gets adapted to screen..
they already showed a PV

Not sure how it contrasts to the art but at least the backgrounds look quite gorgous

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Mar 15, 2015 1:35 PM
Aug 2011
I really like this style.
Might be good since A-1 SoL is usually a cut above the rest of the shit they produce.
Will check out the source material.
Mar 15, 2015 1:46 PM

Feb 2013
NotJizzyHitler said:
King_of_Devils said:

It's called "The Art of living in your Anus" We all should take classes
can we wind up like this afterwords

I heavily doubt it..........that is the legendary pinnacle that even the likes of Roricon and Kaioshin have'nt been able to reach
Mar 15, 2015 4:53 PM

Apr 2013
for some egoistic reasons and tastes I don't want to see it animated. :<
not the most positive comment in this pile but...ego, I guess.

or maybe I would have prefered it voiceless...yeeeeeeeees, that's it. and short?
Mar 15, 2015 6:55 PM

May 2013
I will be all over this. I actually like this manga artist's works, but haven't read this one. I heard it was great though.
“Victor can’t be satisfied by anyone but me.”

Mar 15, 2015 7:10 PM

Oct 2007
So if I understand correctly the logic in arguing for the merits of adapting such material is that because the opposite gender has been sexually exploited in this medium far to much (which I agree with by the way) the solution is to double down with the other gender as opposed to perhaps backing off a bit and maybe doing something a little less fringe with studios time and money? People have rather interesting thought processes these days.
Mar 15, 2015 7:39 PM
Aug 2013
Kaioshin_Sama said:
So if I understand correctly the logic in arguing for the merits of adapting such material is that because the opposite gender has been sexually exploited in this medium far to much (which I agree with by the way) the solution is to double down with the other gender as opposed to perhaps backing off a bit and maybe doing something a little less fringe with studios time and money? People have rather interesting thought processes these days.

How is Doukyuusei exploiting the opposite gender? Like I said, it's a sweet, innocent high school love story. You have yet to explain how that is even remotely fringe.
Mar 15, 2015 8:03 PM

Aug 2012
Kyaa! XD Hiroshi Kamiya's going to be in this! <3
This series sounds and looks very interesting! Definitely going to watch this. =)
Mar 15, 2015 8:21 PM

Oct 2007
tokinokanatae said:
Kaioshin_Sama said:
So if I understand correctly the logic in arguing for the merits of adapting such material is that because the opposite gender has been sexually exploited in this medium far to much (which I agree with by the way) the solution is to double down with the other gender as opposed to perhaps backing off a bit and maybe doing something a little less fringe with studios time and money? People have rather interesting thought processes these days.

How is Doukyuusei exploiting the opposite gender? Like I said, it's a sweet, innocent high school love story. You have yet to explain how that is even remotely fringe.

I don't know they seem to be pushing the limits of what you can typically show on TV anime even late at night right here.
Mar 15, 2015 8:24 PM

Nov 2007
Shadow-Chan said:
waijuuhachi said:

I feel like they probably made a mistake in posting that info. The live action movie looks to be completely unrelated.

I didn't even add that line and I wondered if it's true. The info is indeed unrelated to the manga.
The 2008 movie is a live-action adaptation of a completely different romance novel related to JUNON.
同級生 (2008年の映画)

I'm sorry, I looked wrong when I read about live action mentioning in a Chinese site (it was actually mentioning about Seven Days). I've deleted that part.
tsubasaloverMar 16, 2015 7:27 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Mar 15, 2015 9:01 PM
Aug 2013
Kaioshin_Sama said:

I don't know they seem to be pushing the limits of what you can typically show on TV anime even late at night right here.

Uhh, that's not from Doukyuusei so why are you even bringing it up? Even if they do get to the sequel material, that scene is very important to the plot, so I'd imagine it would still be there, just probably (even more) implied.
Mar 16, 2015 5:41 AM

Aug 2011
tokinokanatae said:
Kaioshin_Sama said:

I don't know they seem to be pushing the limits of what you can typically show on TV anime even late at night right here.

Uhh, that's not from Doukyuusei so why are you even bringing it up? Even if they do get to the sequel material, that scene is very important to the plot, so I'd imagine it would still be there, just probably (even more) implied.

Even if it was, why are you so worried about it pushing the limits of what can be shown on TV? I don't understand, it'll just be toned down severely like it always is. Anime is almost always toned down from what it's respective manga shows. Paradise Kiss (though I haven't read the manga) had like three sex scenes so it's not like this is anything new (anime has done some pretty gross non-con stuff before that's much worse than a consensual sexual act??).
Mar 16, 2015 6:37 AM

Oct 2009
Not a fan of the art but will give it a try.
Mar 17, 2015 7:34 AM

Feb 2014
I'm so happy. Doukyuusei is maybe my favourite manga ever.
I just love the way Nakamura Asumiko illustrates her manga and characters are so cute. I'm waiting forward!
Mar 17, 2015 9:26 AM

Feb 2015
An actual good BL manga (and made by an awesome mangaka) getting an anime adaptation...

I... I don't believe this. The world must be a hologram or something.

In all seriousness, I love Doukyuusei. Such an adorable and lighthearted romance. Can't wait!
Mar 18, 2015 9:41 AM

Aug 2013
Another BL manga with that painful skinny/"realistic" artstyle, UGH.

I think I'm just starting to realize that BL is truly aimed at women, and that I'll just never like it despite being bi. I just can't get behind these designs they always use.
Mar 26, 2015 8:58 PM

Mar 2015
Frostav said:
Another BL manga with that painful skinny/"realistic" artstyle, UGH.

I totally agree with you. 'Doukyuusei' really has quite an crappy art style(even in comparison to other, older Yaoi animes). It reminds me of the art style of the "Kono Danshi" series. I did not like this style either.

But I will watch it anyway. Yaoi animes are rare enough: beggars can't be choosers.
HelenusMar 26, 2015 9:04 PM
Mar 28, 2015 12:12 AM

Oct 2011
oh hell yes
Apr 1, 2015 9:36 AM
Dec 2009
YumeHunter said:
Kaioshin_Sama said:
Why am I not even surprised that people are losing their shit over something like this and calling it beautiful the way MAL seems to describe ever mediocre looking A-1 show where the first shot in the trailer is of a CGI fan. Man cannot relate to this fanbase at all...and it's like I'm the only person who has literally never heard of this apparently amazing author of the source. I don't know I sometimes really do wonder if people are actually serious about their fervor for stuff like this. It's like hooray a fujoshi story...with Hiroshi's like I'm the only one that looks at this announcement and just laughs out loud.

What scares me more is that people legitimately seem to think A-1 is some great studio bringing out great titles all the time these days when it's just so clear it's all a bunch of shameless commercial pandering. It just makes me very tired and weary every time they have an announcement like this to the degree it seems to make everyone else lose their freaking minds. Like I really truly wish I could get as excited as so many people seem to over stuff like this but nope...derisive laughter is the first emotion still....
So much "what" going on my head right now. And what fanbase you mean? BL fanbase? Also there's only couple people saying they think the author is their favorite. No one is saying she's the best and if you're outside BL fanbase, it's no wonder you've never heard of her. It's the same thing as with Love Stage. I don't think anyone outside the BL fanbase knows BL authors, the only exception being Nakamura Shungiku. The same is that I personally don't know anyone author for example from ecchi genre because I'm not in that fanbase (no matter how good they are suppoused to be). Also there's nobody praising A-1 for doing good shows. Like I personally said, I like how they deal with slice of life shows. They are not necesserly good but at least they are adapted way better than shounen shows by A-1. There's only couple A-1 shows that I've liked (from what I have seen since I've not seen everything) and they are Silver Spoon, Tsuritama and Working.

Also might I point out that this is actually the first BL show that Hiroshi Kamiya will be in. It's no wonder people are happy.

Uhhh......Actually. Kamiya was already in a BL anime series which was Sekaiichi Hatsukoi.

Apr 1, 2015 5:04 PM

Sep 2013
I'm glad that more BL are turning into anime but this BL isn't the best choice.
Apr 1, 2015 11:21 PM

Aug 2012
YumeHunter said:
Kaioshin_Sama said:
Why am I not even surprised that people are losing their shit over something like this and calling it beautiful the way MAL seems to describe ever mediocre looking A-1 show where the first shot in the trailer is of a CGI fan. Man cannot relate to this fanbase at all...and it's like I'm the only person who has literally never heard of this apparently amazing author of the source. I don't know I sometimes really do wonder if people are actually serious about their fervor for stuff like this. It's like hooray a fujoshi story...with Hiroshi's like I'm the only one that looks at this announcement and just laughs out loud.

What scares me more is that people legitimately seem to think A-1 is some great studio bringing out great titles all the time these days when it's just so clear it's all a bunch of shameless commercial pandering. It just makes me very tired and weary every time they have an announcement like this to the degree it seems to make everyone else lose their freaking minds. Like I really truly wish I could get as excited as so many people seem to over stuff like this but nope...derisive laughter is the first emotion still....
So much "what" going on my head right now. And what fanbase you mean? BL fanbase? Also there's only couple people saying they think the author is their favorite. No one is saying she's the best and if you're outside BL fanbase, it's no wonder you've never heard of her. It's the same thing as with Love Stage. I don't think anyone outside the BL fanbase knows BL authors, the only exception being Nakamura Shungiku. The same is that I personally don't know anyone author for example from ecchi genre because I'm not in that fanbase (no matter how good they are suppoused to be). Also there's nobody praising A-1 for doing good shows. Like I personally said, I like how they deal with slice of life shows. They are not necesserly good but at least they are adapted way better than shounen shows by A-1. There's only couple A-1 shows that I've liked (from what I have seen since I've not seen everything) and they are Silver Spoon, Tsuritama and Working.

Also might I point out that this is actually the first BL show that Hiroshi Kamiya will be in. It's no wonder people are happy.

Lol He's been in a BL show before.
Apr 2, 2015 1:13 AM

Jul 2011
tsubasalover said:
Shadow-Chan said:

I didn't even add that line and I wondered if it's true. The info is indeed unrelated to the manga.
The 2008 movie is a live-action adaptation of a completely different romance novel related to JUNON.
同級生 (2008年の映画)

I'm sorry, I looked wrong when I read about live action mentioning in a Chinese site (it was actually mentioning about Seven Days). I've deleted that part.

Oh okay, glad I pointed it out. ^^

royalyaoi said:
I'm glad that more BL are turning into anime but this BL isn't the best choice.

Maybe... but from what has been adapted and possible other choices, this is pretty good and TV appropriate in comparison. It will have little to censorship since it doesn't really have asexual focus, and it's short enough to be covered completely. I actually hope they focus less on the kissing though (there's more than I remembered) and more on the atmosphere though.

I'm thinking it might be something like a 6-8 episode OVA. There simply isn't enough material. I think 20 mins/ep, 6-8 eps, is about how they can pace it without dragging it out. Watching the drama CD, that seems about right... I guess maybe a 1 cour TV series if they drag it out like it seems in the PV. I'm dying to know what type of adaptation it will be. >_<
MirorinApr 2, 2015 2:30 AM
Apr 9, 2015 1:55 AM
Apr 2015

[I can't wait for this anime to air! It has nice animation. Plus Kamiya Hiroshi is in there! ♥______♥ /drools;]
Apr 9, 2015 1:58 AM

Jan 2015
Cool, I don't know the series yet but I welcome any new BL anime. : )
Byakko no Kogenta! Kenzan!
Apr 10, 2015 9:13 PM

Jul 2012
I'm not a huge fan of this manga or the author but A1 is great at slice of life and having a non-Shungiku work is a blast.

What worries me is the length of this manga. At the most, it can fill an hour and a half. But with the sequel, it can be a two cour, I think.

But, I'm looking forward.
Apr 11, 2015 8:40 AM

Jan 2015
Oh god... OH GOD

Director: Shouko Nakamura (Mawaru Penguindrum)
Art Director: Chieko Nakamura (Yuri Kuma Arashi)

Apr 11, 2015 9:08 AM
Sep 2014
Definitely I don`t wll see this show
Apr 12, 2015 3:05 AM

Mar 2008
I absolutely dislike the art of the mangaka, reminds me so much of the stick figures from clamp, only that they are much worse here.
well, I overall wasn't a big fan of the manga so I think I will pass, except if I hear the adaption is REALLY good

Xenocrisi said:

Director: Shouko Nakamura (Mawaru Penguindrum)
Art Director: Chieko Nakamura (Yuri Kuma Arashi)

actually, this could be interesting
Apr 12, 2015 12:48 PM

Feb 2015
Probably gonna watch because Kamiya-san (o´▽`o)
Apr 12, 2015 2:53 PM

Jun 2013
Probably will be an OVA but sounds good to me :)
Apr 23, 2015 5:52 AM

Jan 2014
So a movie huh... I dunno whether I should be happy or not.
I expect it to be tv series though but like everyone says with that much volume it won't be enough to make it tv series. hic......

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