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Oct 5, 2013 5:03 PM

Aug 2008
I'm kind of curious. Why did people think the first season was such a bad adaption? I mean I thought it improved on a lot of the things from the visual novel and especially made their friendship seem a bit more genuine.

Is it because unlike clannad most people got to read the visual novel beforehand so it seemed too abridged or something? I mean clannad condensed 2 females routes into 1 episode each, I think that's a little more meh personally.
Oct 5, 2013 5:23 PM

Jun 2013
it's back huh? drama is starting to appear she's a fucking badass i love it
Oct 5, 2013 5:28 PM

Feb 2013
This animation was amazing, gotta love Kurugaya
Oct 5, 2013 5:34 PM

May 2012
This episode looks miles better than the entirety of season 1. Let's hope it stays this way!
Go ***k yourself.

Polite as usual,
Oct 5, 2013 5:37 PM

May 2011
JC rolling in the raildex money, and damn that kick
Overall, fairly meh start, but hopefully it picks up
Oct 5, 2013 6:04 PM

Apr 2013
Big improvement on visuals side, great job J.C. Staff
Looking forward what LB has in store for us
Oct 5, 2013 6:07 PM
May 2012
Awesome, glad it's back. The visuals looks so much better. That OP and ED!!

Oct 5, 2013 6:58 PM

Jan 2011
YESSSSS LB is back on my brithday happy days!

first off visuals are insanely better than S1 so that's good been over a year since i read the VN so i can't speak on how well the BGM choices were,OP/ED were nice and very fitting being brand new for the series i think.

Kurugaya personally my number route so you know what they say "save the best for last"...that and for story related reason it makes more sense :P

curious to see how many anime viewers won't pick this up again thinking it's gonna be the same old stuff
Oct 5, 2013 7:04 PM

Jan 2012
I enjoyed this one episode more than the first season.
Those chicks were overreacting with their revenge, but Kurugaya was scary.

I'm curious about what those flashbacks meant and I have a feeling the first one may have something to do with Riki's narcolepsy.

I'm so excited for the next episode and I hope the rest of the season continues to be as good as this episode.
Oct 5, 2013 7:14 PM
Dec 2012
That kick! Awesome! Poor Riki suffering from narcolepsy.
Oct 5, 2013 7:37 PM

Apr 2012
Don't mess with Kurugaya :D
Oct 5, 2013 7:59 PM

Apr 2012
That was a good start. Kurugaya kicking that door looks severely awesome and now i'm hype for Kurugaya's route. Maybe they will be the canon couple....
Oct 5, 2013 8:29 PM

Aug 2012
So glad this is finally here, it started out as great as I hoped.
Oct 5, 2013 8:29 PM

Dec 2012
Back to a silly start with the pancake party, now I remember why Kud is waifu--sorry, wafu material. Damn, was not expecting Kurugaya to flip like that, took me off guard completely and it was actually a bit unsettling when she threatened to kill those girls, almost like she was dead serious. The visions Riki has are intriguing, along with Kyousuke's voice. I wonder what that's about - looking forward to this.
Oct 5, 2013 8:34 PM

Jun 2013
Woohoo! It's finally here!
I think the animation quality shot up from the last season somewhat.
That OP and ED, I LOVE IT!!! They did a really good job making those. I personally think Komari looks better in the normal school uniform.

Damn, strong start there with Kurugaya's route. They made a few, very small, changes which was pretty cool imo. Also, holy crap man! That door got demolished.

Looking forward to the rest of Refrain, I have high hopes that it'll be good.
Oct 5, 2013 8:47 PM

May 2010
It's great to see the Little Buster gang again ^^
Oct 5, 2013 8:59 PM

Mar 2013
Wow, this was really great!! Refreshing to say the least....
When Kuragaya did that kick, I was like "DAMN SON" :D
Narcolepsy sucks.....really wondering if Riki's condition will get any better.
Oct 5, 2013 9:14 PM

Apr 2012
RockerXD said:
JC rolling in the raildex money, and damn that kick
Overall, fairly meh start, but hopefully it picks up

Um, well;
how was that meh? lol
@inuvivo on twitter!
Oct 5, 2013 9:24 PM

Sep 2012
If I had to choose between Rin/Kurugaya, Kurugaya definitely.
But Mio is best girl.

*again posting reaction*
Great episode, that door kicking action and im loving it. Suginami looks really cute and I feel bad for her.
Oct 5, 2013 9:27 PM

Mar 2012
This first episode already trumps most of LB season 1. I have a feeling there's more to Riki's narcolepsy.
Oct 5, 2013 9:28 PM

May 2009
surprisingly much better start than season 1, and that kick really caught me off guard, poor door-kun..
Oct 5, 2013 9:34 PM

Sep 2012
I'm glad to see some anime-only viewers are enjoying what Little Busters has to offer under a more fitting budget.

And the increased budget is more due to JC Staff not being as busy, and more funding from Warner Bros. this season. Railgun being over is related, but Railgun selling well isn't, though I think JC Staff's art and coloring/lighting style has improved in the last year for both the Raildex series and now Little Busters.

We're not even at the best stuff from LB, so I'm glad it's off to a pretty good start.
Oct 5, 2013 9:42 PM

Dec 2012
Oh God, too much foreshadowing and I'm already getting the feels all over me...I was just surprised that the door kicking part is at the first episode...Anyway, do any of you know how many episodes Refrain will be? Will it be the same as the first season or shorter?

All in all I'm just excited for the next episodes...
Oct 5, 2013 9:44 PM

Jan 2013
Little Busters is back!! I have high expectations for this anime and so far my standards have been met. Strong start.

- So did anybody wonder how Kyousuke knew Komari had her notebooks ripped up? Even from the first season it's obvious that he knows something nobody else does.

EDIT - I really don't like the opening/ending though. Oh well you can't expect KyoAni tier OP/ED.
BullsNBears93Oct 5, 2013 9:48 PM
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Oct 5, 2013 9:44 PM

Sep 2012
Rita (singer of some awesome LB songs) tweeted that it's 26 episodes, presumably because her song plays in episode 25. She said to enjoy these 26 eps of Little Busters Refrian. It's not a complete confirmation, and she apparently wasn't supposed to let people know, but she tweeted it, went to sleep, and removed it when she woke up.
Oct 5, 2013 9:58 PM

Mar 2012
Vladz0r said:
Rita (singer of some awesome LB songs) tweeted that it's 26 episodes, presumably because her song plays in episode 25. She said to enjoy these 26 eps of Little Busters Refrian. It's not a complete confirmation, and she apparently wasn't supposed to let people know, but she tweeted it, went to sleep, and removed it when she woke up.
So it is like what FukuJun does?
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
Oct 5, 2013 9:59 PM

Sep 2012
NeoAnkara said:
So it is like what FukuJun does?

Haha, does he really do that? Too good XD
Oct 5, 2013 10:01 PM

Mar 2012
Vladz0r said:
NeoAnkara said:
So it is like what FukuJun does?

Haha, does he really do that? Too good XD
I heard he spoil some content of CG before it airing.
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
Oct 5, 2013 10:07 PM

Nov 2012
Kerozinn said:
nope. not picking it up.first season was not good enough to make me go thru another.

Lol, just think of it as Little Buster's After Story.

Here's hoping you're not giving it up entirely. :)

Want some free EN TL light novels? Take a look at my loot...→Missing out on an Anime OP/ED? Check the complete collection here...→
Oct 5, 2013 10:15 PM

Sep 2012
SharifEbeefE said:
EDIT - I really don't like the opening/ending though. Oh well you can't expect KyoAni tier OP/ED.

Really? I didn't think it was too bad, I thought the OP was awesome from 30 second mark onwards. They did "reuse" clips from Season 1's OP to show the contrast, which I didn't really enjoy at first but it grew on me in the end ><
And the ED may not have been animated and all but I found it simple and beautiful regardless~ I even think I may have enjoyed it better than Clannad's EDs
Oct 5, 2013 10:19 PM

Dec 2011
lol Rin in yandere mode in 3,2,1...
Oct 5, 2013 10:33 PM

Jun 2012
Just saw it. Excellent episode, one of the best of the series thus far. I'm a bit concerned with how much they gave away at the beginning though. Kurugaya's route was also drastically shortened, as they went through most of it already. On the other hand, that means we get to Rin and then Refrain quicker, so that's a major plus.

I think this could easily be one of the top rated animes on here, and one of my all time favorites. The ending is just so beautiful in its simplicity, showing everyone standing with smiles on their faces. Truly excellent. I guess JC Staff is capable if given the proper budget.

All I can say is that I have complete faith in them, and I am ready.
Oct 5, 2013 10:51 PM

Aug 2010
KeyIsLove said:
Just saw it. Excellent episode, one of the best of the series thus far. I'm a bit concerned with how much they gave away at the beginning though. Kurugaya's route was also drastically shortened, as they went through most of it already. On the other hand, that means we get to Rin and then Refrain quicker, so that's a major plus.

I think this could easily be one of the top rated animes on here, and one of my all time favorites. The ending is just so beautiful in its simplicity, showing everyone standing with smiles on their faces. Truly excellent. I guess JC Staff is capable if given the proper budget.

All I can say is that I have complete faith in them, and I am ready.

Pretty much this. This show definitely has the potential. Please J.C staff make it happen. Little Busters is my favorite VN depending on how refrain goes it can be my favorite anime.

Kuragaya was awesome this episode. I also really like the new OP/ED. They are good and also really short so we get longer episodes.

And it's always good to see moments like these.
Ragna92Oct 5, 2013 11:03 PM
Oct 5, 2013 10:54 PM

Oct 2010
I felt a bit of trepidation coming into this episode, but it assuaged my worries within minutes. Actually, the episode felt like a mere five minutes! I kind of regret reading the visual novel out of mistrust in Team LB's ability to pull this off.

Although the bullying sequence was short and they're revealing a tad too much, I don't have any serious issues with how they're doing Kurugaya's route. It's weird, anyways, so I'm eager to see their interpretation of it. It is one of my favorite routes in the VN, so I'm hoping its fun and relevance will be conveyed properly.

Kurugaya. So perfect. So sparkly. So short. Was she always as short as Riki? I always imagined her to be slightly taller.

OP. The song is all right. I expected a more, I don't know, "active rhythm" in the lyrics at the beginning. I'm not sure how to explain it. But the chorus and its accompanying sequence are perfect; I got chills at the "bara bara ni naru" part. And Rin. Oh my gosh, poor baby. I like the part with the reverse sequence of the school grounds becoming engulfed in whiteness, for obvious reasons, and because it reminds me of Higurashi's OP. And that final desk scene. Oh, JC, you tease so much.

ED. It's a catchy song, and I like the simplicity of its sequence. They should have removed Kud's cap and cape as well, but Komari and Kengo in just their school uniforms is good enough. I hope that they'll switch this song out for more appropriate ones after poignant scenes, like they did with Railgun S.

"But it's always sad to see a party end." Yeah, just like the "night after a festival." Oh my gosh. Immerse yourself in the LB fun fest right now, because this is going to be one emotional ride.

Oct 5, 2013 11:01 PM

May 2012
Reading the "Clannad"/ "Key" anime only viewers of little busters comments always start out like this "This show had better not go clannad on me" ohh man you have no idea.
Oct 5, 2013 11:07 PM

Dec 2012

Fine start for the new season. I thought all hope was lost, but no!
Lets see: we´ve got a better animation, Mio-chin with her original seiyuu, a bit better placed Soundtrack, nice funny parts, 2 bullies getting their asses closed and the first flying door in the history of mankind (What a shame that she had to die to accomplish her dreams, LOL).

The only thing I would criticize are some unadapted scenes and some dialogues, but the rest is good.


TimeToRepentOct 6, 2013 12:12 AM

This is how it all begins.

My RYM|My Last.Fm|My Steam
Oct 5, 2013 11:12 PM

May 2012
TimeToRepent said:

Fine for the new season. I thought all hope was lost, but no!
Lets see: we´ve got a better animation, Mio-chin with her original seiyuu, a bit better placed Soundtrack, nice funny parts, 2 bullies getting their asses closed and the first flying door in the history of mankind (What a shame that she had to die to accomplish her dreams, LOL).

The only thing I would criticize are some unadapted scenes and some dialogues, but the rest is fine.


Vladz0r: What are you doing in here!? Go finish the visual novel..

PS: Vladz0r is dead... Sadly he died around 15 hours ago.. but he cheated somehow and got to watch the first 10 minutes when he was suppose to watch nothing.
Oct 5, 2013 11:13 PM

Sep 2012
What the hell is with your avatar?
And I thought this ep was glorious since I <3 Kurugaya
It was awesome watching it in 720p on my TV in the morning.
It was pretty enjoyable and nicely done overall.

And TTR finished the VN, finally. Mfw it took him like 2-3 days to beat Refrain and I just marathoned it after Rim2.
Oct 5, 2013 11:17 PM

Dec 2012
Vladz0r said:
What the hell is with your avatar?
And I thought this ep was glorious since I <3 Kurugaya
It was awesome watching it in 720p on my TV in the morning.
It was pretty enjoyable and nicely done overall.

And TTR finished the VN, finally. Mfw it took him like 2-3 days to beat Refrain and I just marathoned it after Rim2.

HAAAA, I knew I would find you, nigga. Yay, Haruka isn´t the noisy lovable girl that we know... ;D

Agreed with You.

PS: All that he said is truth since "And" to "Rin2" LOL.
TimeToRepentOct 5, 2013 11:27 PM

This is how it all begins.

My RYM|My Last.Fm|My Steam
Oct 5, 2013 11:28 PM

Oct 2010
oh wow. The episode was actually done pretty good. Really impressed right now. O.o

Love the part with the karaoke, that and Kurugaya getting angry. Damn!
Oct 6, 2013 12:02 AM

Jun 2009
Kud and Masato seem so close in the ED. ^_^

Noticed that Rin is a lot more confident, outspoken this season, as opposed to the shy, timid girl she was back in season 1.

Seem like J.C Staff also inject more resources into LB! this time.

I prefer how they explain the door in the novel though.
AirStylesOct 6, 2013 12:05 AM
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Oct 6, 2013 12:03 AM

Mar 2009
How could anyone bully poor Kud? Bastards.

Great start. You can tell their budget has increased drastically.
Oct 6, 2013 12:08 AM

Dec 2012
AirStyles said:

I prefer how they explain the door in the novel though.

That was one of the 2-3 things I disliked about the ep. The rest was good.

This is how it all begins.

My RYM|My Last.Fm|My Steam
Oct 6, 2013 12:15 AM

Sep 2012
AirStyles said:

I prefer how they explain the door in the novel though.

I liked the anime version more. More bro screentime (Kengo+Masato) and it fit with Riki and Kurugaya's epic getaway.
If Masato told that kind of explanation in the anime, it'd be pretty dumb to watch him say that to a teacher imo. It was different in the VN entirely and fit in there, but I like how the anime changed things up much more.
Oct 6, 2013 12:15 AM

Aug 2012
AirStyles said:
I prefer how they explain the door in the novel though.

I also prefer that one. I feel pity for Masato for being trolled by Anego that time.
Oct 6, 2013 12:19 AM

Nov 2009
Nice one Kurugaya! Kengo looks cool wearing a uniform.
Oct 6, 2013 12:44 AM

Aug 2013
julyan04 said:
AirStyles said:
I prefer how they explain the door in the novel though.

I also prefer that one. I feel pity for Masato for being trolled by Anego that time.
At least door-kun has a special role in anengos route. Door-kun u are loved
Oct 6, 2013 1:06 AM

Apr 2010
Sorry y'all I'm still masato x kuu all the way
Oct 6, 2013 2:09 AM

Jan 2013
It's finally here! The epic that is Little Busters!: Refrain has finally begun!
The first episode was pretty much godlike. I'm looking forward to this!
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