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Dec 10, 2017 11:42 PM
Jul 2018
I generally love a lot of their videos, but hoollly shit, are these guys beyond pretentious.

Digibro, Pedantic Romantic, Under the Scope, Pause and Select, all speak in dull, monotonous voices, as though they are giving a professional college presentation about science, in a satirical attempt to appear "smart", even though they are talking about Japanese cartoons. It's embarrassing.

Chibi, BobSamurai, ThatAnimeSnob, their voices annoy me to a point where my ears bleed when I hear them.
removed-userDec 12, 2017 9:26 PM
Dec 11, 2017 12:03 AM

Jun 2014
I don't really care about their videos, but dislike none of them and Gigguk once subbed to me so he did me right.
Dec 11, 2017 12:07 AM

Nov 2014
While I think that e-celebrities might have occasional good and interesting ideas I think that people who consider themselves fans or "bros" of e-celebrities are generally either dumb children or annoying idiots.
(dumb children get a pass because they're children)
I don't care about e-celebrities personally like others seem to do, if one of the people listed in this thread like digibro or gigguk got hit by a truck tomorrow I doubt I wouldn't even bother to shrug.
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Dec 11, 2017 2:38 AM

Mar 2016
I like the reaction videos, also some top anime list, I don't really watch full commentary videos but I'll try to search what people likes in this thread.
Dec 11, 2017 7:03 AM

Mar 2012
Indifferent, I'm completely indifferent to anime youtubers. My tastes don't affirm with any of the factions in the anime community so there's no point in wasting my time watching someone's opinion about some series. I can use my own brain to decide what's good and what is not. Majority or popular opinion/criticism doesn't make a difference to me.
Dec 11, 2017 7:23 AM
Feb 2017
I only keep track of two: Gigguk and Glass Reflections.
Dec 11, 2017 7:30 AM

Feb 2016
I don't hate them, cuz I don't follow much of anime youtubers except Digibro, which I like his way of analyzing sometimes, and I unfollowed both theanimeman and Misty lately.
Dec 11, 2017 7:33 AM

Sep 2015
I'd suck Demo's dick any day. I don't like most of them animu youtubers because they are boring af but demo persuaded me with his humor and dope playlists.
Dec 11, 2017 9:01 AM

Nov 2011
I like AkiDearest and Gigguk. But overall I’m whatever about them- really just depends if their videos are good.

Dec 11, 2017 11:48 AM

May 2017
Well, there are some I like such as gigguk the anime man noble.
I tend to watch these guys for comedy then there are guys like double4anime and forneverworld who I just watch for the cringe and a good laugh. I guess if I had to answer your question I would assume the reason they get hate is most likely because "some" not everyone mainly diehard fans tend to fanboy such as double4anime if you just make one joke about naruto you won't be seeing lights for a few weeks I can tell you that.
Dec 11, 2017 1:31 PM

Jun 2017
Gigguk, double4anime, TheAnimeMan, Akidearest, pewdiepie, and more. There all great lol
Dec 11, 2017 5:19 PM
Jul 2018
I do not watch them instead I had prefer to know other MAL user's opinion (or review). But recently I got a new Youtube channel that reviews anime by someone looks like professor - Nearly On Red - and he reviews each episode more than half hour and goes so much into detail of each episode!
Dec 11, 2017 5:43 PM

Aug 2014
Most anime youtubers I happen to come across when one of they videos goes onto my recommended list, tend to be boring or overzealous which is off-putting. I wouldn't say I hate them, but I do dislike them as my own general opinion on anime youtubers.
Dec 11, 2017 5:49 PM

Nov 2017
I don't bother watching reaction/reviews. I only watch youtubers that explain theories and stuff like power levels, etc on the anime I like. They help me understand more about the show.
Dec 11, 2017 5:54 PM

Jan 2015
darksorcerer said:
mumkey jones is my favorite "anime youtuber" he make some deep analytical reviews

Smh I was just about to say that. Mumkey is truly the anime youtuber we deserve.

Dec 12, 2017 12:42 AM

Sep 2017
I follow several: Glass Reflection, Gigguk, The Anime Man, Super Eyepatch Wolf, Exclamation Point, Weekly Manga Recap, Suede, Anime Dissection, and Bennett the Sage.

Reviews, analysis, manga, recent stuff, old stuff, memes and weeb trash: I get a bit of everything of varying degrees for amusement and inspiration to check out anime/manga I may have never considered otherwise. I prefer some more than others, but I don't take any of them too seriously.
Dec 12, 2017 12:56 AM

Nov 2014
I used to watch a few really long ago but since im much older i dont find them that intresting anymore, but there are some who's still making some good content that really makes you think about anime.
Dec 12, 2017 2:53 AM

Aug 2015
To be honest, I only know of a few, and like even fewer of them. There's ShinePHD (formerly known as Einshine), I like him because he's really funny. I don't mind the Anime Man, he has good opinions and likes similar anime to me but I absolutely hate his girlfriend Akidearest, she's just so loud and annoying.
Dec 12, 2017 3:50 AM

Nov 2016
İs it weird i didn't even watch any of them but i already dislike them somehow
Dec 12, 2017 8:12 AM

Mar 2017
Tekiku said:
I like Gigguk and I used to like Akidearest and TheAnimeMan.


I'm surprised that a lot here are saying they like Gigguk, never knew he was the most popular in what he does
An admin's dickhead Soul banned me from MAL t('v't)
Dec 12, 2017 8:27 AM
Feb 2017
He's one of the more brutally honest when it comes to critiquing the fan base and its flaws, while also being endeared by those same flaws.
Dec 12, 2017 10:30 AM

May 2016
I never watch anime channels anymore but I stay subscribed to Glass Reflection just because I think he's a cool guy.
Dec 12, 2017 10:35 AM

Jun 2010
I couldn't care less about what they say.

Actually the only opinion that matters to me iif a show is good is mine.
Dec 12, 2017 10:43 AM
May 2017
I feel like this thread is half-filled with people doing the equivalent of denying the usefulness of the internet in middle school in the early 2000s. Yes, anime youtubers, just like most other youtubers, are there to make money first. I mean, Misty/Chronexia bought a damn mansion. a lot of anime youtubers take anime super-seriously and analyse it like it's fucking Crime and Punishment - come on, really? Gigguk (the only I still like) recently made a video titled "Life Cycle of an Anime Fan" - well, half the people on this thread and most of the anime youtubers never finished the journey and are stuck in that bullshit-elitist stage of having supposedly-refined taste and pretending that anime is an incredible art form. let's face it - anime is an excuse to make fanservice involving underage characters to increase sales, because nothing sells like baby animals having sex (my Media/Communications professor never said anything more true than this).
Dec 12, 2017 12:12 PM

Oct 2015
I used to watch Glass Reflection. I still like the guy but I'm not watching anymore cause wasting time watching someone talking about anime doesn't make sense. I'd much rather watch the anime. Time is precious and I'm in my senior year in high school preparing for finals.
Dec 12, 2017 12:50 PM

Sep 2014
I dont really care about them, as they distract myself from watching anime by making me watch some video about anime. I do watch meme videos though. Because fun things are fun.

The only exception would be Gigguk, started as this hillarious parody dude, but recently I've found his more serious videos to be on point.

Most anime dedicated channels just annoy me, because they post way too much which overall limits quality.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Dec 12, 2017 6:32 PM

Dec 2016
only watch them when I'm in bed falling asleep or really bored. some are pretty entertaining and some are just downright corny lmao
Dec 12, 2017 8:28 PM

Feb 2015
The Anime Man and Misty Chronexia were fine. I rarely watch their kind of content these days, but I'm still subscribed to them.

Now I follow those that makes shitpost content like Loliconics and Kurosai.
Dec 12, 2017 9:00 PM

Jun 2009
I like Bob Samurai and Anime Man. Bennett the Sage is a mixed bag for me. His taste in anime never made any sense to me.
Dec 12, 2017 9:21 PM

Nov 2016
TheHopefulOtaku said:
I generally love a lot of their videos, but hoollly shit, are these guys beyond pretentious.

Digibro, Pedantic Romantic, Under the Scope, Lost Pause, all speak in dull, monotonous voices, as though they are giving a professional college presentation about science, in a satirical attempt to appear "smart", even though they are talking about Japanese cartoons. It's embarrassing.

Chibi, BobSamurai, ThatAnimeSnob, their voices annoy me to a point where my ears bleed when I hear them.

Lost Pause is Anything BUT pretencious M8. And If You think his voice is Monotonous you should see his old HearthStone Shit. He Spoke like he was in Watchmojo in that video,
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Dec 12, 2017 9:25 PM
Jul 2018
-KaneKo- said:
TheHopefulOtaku said:
I generally love a lot of their videos, but hoollly shit, are these guys beyond pretentious.

Digibro, Pedantic Romantic, Under the Scope, Lost Pause, all speak in dull, monotonous voices, as though they are giving a professional college presentation about science, in a satirical attempt to appear "smart", even though they are talking about Japanese cartoons. It's embarrassing.

Chibi, BobSamurai, ThatAnimeSnob, their voices annoy me to a point where my ears bleed when I hear them.

Lost Pause is Anything BUT pretencious M8. And If You think his voice is Monotonous you should see his old HearthStone Shit. He Spoke like he was in Watchmojo in that video,

Oh, shit! I meant, "Pause and Select", not, "Lost Pause"! Sorry I'll edit that.
Dec 12, 2017 9:28 PM

Nov 2016
TheHopefulOtaku said:
-KaneKo- said:

Lost Pause is Anything BUT pretencious M8. And If You think his voice is Monotonous you should see his old HearthStone Shit. He Spoke like he was in Watchmojo in that video,

Oh, shit! I meant, "Pause and Select", not, "Lost Pause"! Sorry I'll edit that.

Now I See Where You Are Coming From.. (but really how do you mistake a man who only talks about anime memes and VNs with a man Who's every thumnail is Black and White Tumblr style?)
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 12, 2017 11:21 PM

Apr 2014
I really like The Cartoon Cipher, Has some really well edited videos on some interesting stuff.
Dec 13, 2017 12:25 AM
Jul 2017
I like watching some of them.

Gigguk and mudan tv, cause they're funny and aleczandxr mainly because he had almost similar taste as mine and cartoon cipher because he makes good content.

I don't take other anime youtuber's seriously, but i watch them just for passing time.
Dec 13, 2017 12:30 AM

May 2014
I like Digibro fuck everyone else..
Dec 13, 2017 12:57 AM
Nov 2017
I rarely watch anime youtubers but when I do, I mostly feel indifferent. I admit I enjoyed some videos too. And also a special few make me cringe. Unfortunately, I can't drop any names because I don't remember any of them. I just watch them when I'm bored or I got lured by a click bait title.
Dec 14, 2017 10:02 AM
Feb 2014
Irrelevant wastes of space that contribute nothing worthwhile to society.
Dec 15, 2017 11:10 AM
Sep 2015
NihilisticLoner said:
Digibro, Pedantic Romantic, Under the Scope, Pause and Select, all speak in dull, monotonous voices, as though they are giving a professional college presentation about science, in a satirical attempt to appear "smart", even though they are talking about Japanese cartoons. It's embarrassing.

Ah hell yeah ma dude. I don't know if it's 'satirical', though - Digi, Lachlan, and I absolutely intend the inflections in our voices.

And why can't talking about Japanese cartoons have meaning? There's a ton of vetted, peer-reviewed, academic-backed publications from very prestigious institutions that talk about anime, manga, and various intersections in Japanese media and history. Hell, if you take a look at my video descriptions, I source a lot of my materials and you can find some. If you want some recommendations, I'm more than happy to give some.

edit: plural of voice is voices, I messed up lol
Dec 15, 2017 11:34 AM
Jul 2018
PauseandSelect said:
NihilisticLoner said:
Digibro, Pedantic Romantic, Under the Scope, Pause and Select, all speak in dull, monotonous voices, as though they are giving a professional college presentation about science, in a satirical attempt to appear "smart", even though they are talking about Japanese cartoons. It's embarrassing.

Ah hell yeah ma dude. I don't know if it's 'satirical', though - Digi, Lachlan, and I absolutely intend the inflections in our voices.

And why can't talking about Japanese cartoons have meaning? There's a ton of vetted, peer-reviewed, academic-backed publications from very prestigious institutions that talk about anime, manga, and various intersections in Japanese media and history. Hell, if you take a look at my video descriptions, I source a lot of my materials and you can find some. If you want some recommendations, I'm more than happy to give some.

edit: plural of voice is voices, I messed up lol

I looked up the definition of inflections, and I don't understand how the word matches the context you are using.

Your monotonous voice isn't my only problem with your videos. You also use unnecessarily complicated vocabulary, your Konosuba review being the example that comes to mind first. Seriously. Every time I've watched any of your videos, I've literally had to rewind probably over 5 times. I have less difficulty reading science in school than watching your videos.

Treating entertainment on the same level as math, history, science, acting as though you are a teacher in school teaching subjects as important as these, is, I find, insulting, and beyond pretentious.

I apologize if I come off as condescending. I don't know how else to express my opinion, other than to be as blatantly honest as possible.
Dec 15, 2017 11:56 AM
Sep 2015
NihilisticLoner said:
I looked up the definition of inflections, and I don't understand how the word matches the context you are using.

Your monotonous voice isn't my only problem with your videos. You also use unnecessarily complicated vocabulary, your Konosuba review being the example that comes to mind first. Seriously. Every time I've watched any of your videos, I've literally had to rewind probably over 5 times. I have less difficulty reading science in school than watching your videos.

Treating entertainment on the same level as math, history, science, acting as though you are a teacher in school teaching subjects as important as these, is, I find, insulting, and beyond pretentious.

I apologize if I come off as condescending. I don't know how else to express my opinion, other than to be as blatantly honest as possible.

You're using the term 'satirical' as if we're making some sort of commentary on how to speak, that's there's some sort of derision in way we present ourselves, but I'm saying that aural presentation is probably intended. No 'satire' - so it's really the 'satirical' part I'm responding to.

I don't think I'll be able to really change your mind on your position of me (because I don't think my vocabulary is unnecessarily complicated, especially since I try to be *very* careful about what it is I say), but I do strongly recommend you familiarize yourself with the literature before casting aspersions on the field as a whole.
Dec 15, 2017 12:35 PM
Jan 2013
NihilisticLoner said:

I looked up the definition of inflections, and I don't understand how the word matches the context you are using.

Your monotonous voice isn't my only problem with your videos. You also use unnecessarily complicated vocabulary, your Konosuba review being the example that comes to mind first. Seriously. Every time I've watched any of your videos, I've literally had to rewind probably over 5 times. I have less difficulty reading science in school than watching your videos.

Treating entertainment on the same level as math, history, science, acting as though you are a teacher in school teaching subjects as important as these, is, I find, insulting, and beyond pretentious.

I apologize if I come off as condescending. I don't know how else to express my opinion, other than to be as blatantly honest as possible.

You do know that they actually DO give college presentations about anime(and related media) in Japan right? P&S is actually using a lot of the literature on the subject as a base for his videos. He doesn't even cover most of it, there is a ton of information out there and just one person is not enough, it's a shame there aren't more channels that do this, and that people react so negatively to the one who does.

I'm not saying you have to like this, but to find it insulting? really?

Not everyone wants to consume "japanese cartoons" because of memes and or what have you. If you are not interested in this sort of content, that's cool. It is rich to call it pretentious though, because many of the creators of anime you watch are aware of this stuff. The people(some of them) you consume content from are all as pretentious as you claim he is.
Dec 15, 2017 1:05 PM
Jul 2018
PauseandSelect said:
NihilisticLoner said:
I looked up the definition of inflections, and I don't understand how the word matches the context you are using.

Your monotonous voice isn't my only problem with your videos. You also use unnecessarily complicated vocabulary, your Konosuba review being the example that comes to mind first. Seriously. Every time I've watched any of your videos, I've literally had to rewind probably over 5 times. I have less difficulty reading science in school than watching your videos.

Treating entertainment on the same level as math, history, science, acting as though you are a teacher in school teaching subjects as important as these, is, I find, insulting, and beyond pretentious.

I apologize if I come off as condescending. I don't know how else to express my opinion, other than to be as blatantly honest as possible.

You're using the term 'satirical' as if we're making some sort of commentary on how to speak, that's there's some sort of derision in way we present ourselves, but I'm saying that aural presentation is probably intended. No 'satire' - so it's really the 'satirical' part I'm responding to.

I don't think I'll be able to really change your mind on your position of me (because I don't think my vocabulary is unnecessarily complicated, especially since I try to be *very* careful about what it is I say), but I do strongly recommend you familiarize yourself with the literature before casting aspersions on the field as a whole.

What do you mean, "familiarize" myself to literature? Animation is not literature.
Even what you just wrote right now: "aspersions on the field as a whole", is unnecessarily complicated.

My criticism has nothing to do with the subject matters of your video and how you study them.
My criticism is based purely on your word choice and voice.
I don't need to study college literature to observe those two basic things.

Plake said:
You do know that they actually DO give college presentations about anime(and related media) in Japan right

Your point?

Plake said:
P&S is actually using a lot of the literature on the subject as a base for his videos.

I despise monotonous voices, even in school. It's why I absolutely hate having to listen to other peoples' presentations.
But in the case of actual academics as history, it's a LITTLE, bit more justified.

Plake said:
I'm not saying you have to like this, but to find it insulting? really?

Yes, really.

Plake said:
Not everyone wants to consume "japanese cartoons" because of memes and or what have you.

Literally, the only reason people consume "Japanese cartoons" is because of entertainment.
Science, math, history, these are not "entertainment". Entertainment should not be taken as seriously as these subjects, when the purpose of entertainment is purely to entertain, not for something as important as getting a job.

Plake said:
The people(some of them) you consume content from are all as pretentious as you claim he is.

How can the consumers of a product be "pretentious"?

The purpose of a monotonous voice is to be as serious, objective, matter-of-fact, as possible.
Entertainment is hardly subjective. Entertainment is a medium that thrives on subjectivity and personality and NOT exist for academic purposes.
Dec 15, 2017 1:58 PM

Jun 2010
"Anime Youtuber" is a broad definition. Are you all talking about "reviewers" or also people who make mashups, AMVs or MADs? I have no issues with the latter.

The root of the problem with "anime youtube reviewers" is that anime, or any other silver screen production for that matter, cannot be comprehensively and thoroughly analyzed via 5 minutes videos filled with MEMES, distracting imagery, unnecessary onomatopoeia and puns.
There's a reason why most reviews for whatever the object is, are presented in a written medium. There's a reason why acclaimed critics WRITE for acclaimed magazines and newspapers. When you write about something, you can proofread, reflect and rearrange your thoughts. It's a creation process that takes time, knowledge but above all, concentration.
Most YouTube "reviewers" already lack basic knowledge of the industry and medium they are discussing, making that their first mistake, but what makes them utterly unbearable is the trivialization of the key elements of a review, just so they can make more MEMES in order to receive more LIKES.

Youtube is a place for mainstream entertainment content creators and forwarders.
If you write reviews, you care about how your words are reaching others, not how many SUBSCRIBERS you'll get from talking about a LULZ anime.
A review is an analytical literary composition, not entertainment.
Dec 15, 2017 2:54 PM

Sep 2016
they are fine but their fans are not fine at all

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Dec 15, 2017 5:11 PM

Sep 2013

Dude you talk and act like a highschooler, ease up. Mathematics and science are entertainment, that's why shit gets done lol.
Dec 15, 2017 5:13 PM
Jul 2018
nep-nep said:

Dude you talk and act like a highschooler, ease up. Mathematics and science are entertainment, that's why shit gets done lol.

Uh, no. Math and science were never created for the purpose of entertainment.
I seriously can't believe people on MAL are willing to go so low as to treat Japanese cartoons on the same level as education.
It's disgusting.
Dec 15, 2017 5:20 PM

Sep 2013
NihilisticLoner said:
nep-nep said:

Dude you talk and act like a highschooler, ease up. Mathematics and science are entertainment, that's why shit gets done lol.

Uh, no. Math and science were never created for the purpose of entertainment.
I seriously can't believe people on MAL are willing to go so low as to treat Japanese cartoons on the same level as education.
It's disgusting.
lol that reply time, this reminds me of old MAL days

Talk to mathematics professors. You don't "go out and discover mathematics because it's so super duper SERIOUS and OBJECTIVE," no one in the real world acts like that. You go and solve problems because you're drunk and you made a bet, or because you fucking can.

Also lol, "same level of education".
Dec 15, 2017 5:22 PM
Jul 2018
nep-nep said:
Also lol, "same level of education".

Well, Lost and Pause seems to think that nothing is strange about talking about anime like it's an actual educated topic.
This seems to be the thing with you guys on MAL: you will scratch, and claw, to find ANY, reason to argue with someone, no matter how stupid that reason is.
Dec 15, 2017 9:19 PM

Jul 2014
NihilisticLoner said:
nep-nep said:
Also lol, "same level of education".

Well, Lost and Pause seems to think that nothing is strange about talking about anime like it's an actual educated topic.
This seems to be the thing with you guys on MAL: you will scratch, and claw, to find ANY, reason to argue with someone, no matter how stupid that reason is.

> Says anime isn't an educated topic

Okay, then how about all of these books about anime written by actual scholars and doctors?

- The Anime Machine: A Media Theory of Animation by Dr. Thomas Lamarre
- Moe Manifesto: An Insider's Look at the Worlds of Manga, Anime, and Gaming by Patrick W. Galbraith
- Anime from Akira to Howl's Moving Castle: Experiencing Contemporary Japanese Animation by Susan Napier
- Anime: A Critical Introduction (Film Genres) by Rayna Denison
- Anime’s Media Mix: Franchising Toys and Characters in Japan by Marc Steinberg
- Anime Fan Communities: Transcultural Flows and Friction by Sandra Annett
- Cinema Anime: Critical Engagements with Japanese Animation by Steven T. Brown
And so on and so forth

How about, rather than running your mouth like some edgy, know-it-all teenager, you instead actually pick up a book and start reading?
Dec 15, 2017 9:26 PM
Jul 2018
RogerSmith2004 said:
NihilisticLoner said:

Well, Lost and Pause seems to think that nothing is strange about talking about anime like it's an actual educated topic.
This seems to be the thing with you guys on MAL: you will scratch, and claw, to find ANY, reason to argue with someone, no matter how stupid that reason is.

> Says anime isn't an educated topic

Okay, then how about all of these books about anime written by actual scholars and doctors?

- The Anime Machine: A Media Theory of Animation by Dr. Thomas Lamarre
- Moe Manifesto: An Insider's Look at the Worlds of Manga, Anime, and Gaming by Patrick W. Galbraith
- Anime from Akira to Howl's Moving Castle: Experiencing Contemporary Japanese Animation by Susan Napier
- Anime: A Critical Introduction (Film Genres) by Rayna Denison
- Anime’s Media Mix: Franchising Toys and Characters in Japan by Marc Steinberg
- Anime Fan Communities: Transcultural Flows and Friction by Sandra Annett
- Cinema Anime: Critical Engagements with Japanese Animation by Steven T. Brown
And so on and so forth

How about, rather than running your mouth like some edgy, know-it-all teenager, you instead actually pick up a book and start reading?

Fine, they can fit the definition of education.
That doesn't make them as important as freaking math, history, science, geography.

"How about, rather than running your mouth like some edgy, know-it-all teenager"
I find it very fascinating how I've just written in my profile description a set of very specific reasons why I despise (most) people on MAL with a blood-filled passion...
And then I talk to people who PERFECTLY fit those reasons. There's no gray, no between-the-lines, you guys fit into my reasons like...I dunno, something.
Seriously. If anything, I need to congratulate you on how easily you communicate your feelings.

You're calling me an edgy teenager, yet, ironically, I find you to be the edgy teenager.
Actually, I should add that to a list of reasons why I hate people on MAL.
"Insult other people, yet they actually are the ones who fit their insult".
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