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Jun 27, 7:07 AM

Nov 2019
What are your unpopular opinions about anime? Are there aspects that you weren't on the side of the masses?
What reasons did your opinion divulge from the status quo?

Mine would have to be CGI>2D (when both are done perfect)
There's just something attractive seeing free flowing movements in CGI.
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Jun 27, 7:08 AM

Feb 2020
Tantei Opera Milky Holmes: Alternative and TD are much better than the main series.
Jun 27, 7:10 AM

Aug 2017
Tsundere characters aren't cute, they're fucking annoying.

I have this opinion cause I've dealt with people like this and it never paid off.
Jun 27, 7:12 AM

May 2019
ST63LTH said:
Mine would have to be CGI>2D (when both are done perfect)

I'm going full contrarian and say that 3D CGI is more enjoyable and immersive than traditional flat 2D.

i have a huge soft spot for mid 2000's low to medium budget CGI that looks like PS2 games.

tchitchouanJun 27, 7:26 AM
Jun 27, 7:16 AM

Feb 2024
Oh look, yet another hot takes thread with another name. What else is new?
JoeChipJun 27, 7:20 AM
Jun 27, 7:23 AM

May 2024
There's nothing cute about CGDCT.

Also, do ppl really care this much about unpopular opinions? There are way too many threads about this.
Jun 27, 7:27 AM

Feb 2021
Can't wait for the hot takes that aren't actually hot takes....
Jun 27, 7:39 AM
Apr 2024
-ghost in the shell is overrated
-gundam narrative is better than unicorn
-saying evangelion is a deconstruction is a disservice for both the show and the mecha genre
-animation quality is less interesting than how they use the animation (for example bocchi's animation is more interesting than demon slayer's)
-gundam the witch from mercury is good and the ending wasn't as bad as people say
-you don't have to understand everything about a show to love it
-if someone finds depth in an anime that you don't find deep, listen to him before saying it is not that deep because you just might have missed it
Jun 27, 7:41 AM

Apr 2020
I have a theory there’s not a single unpopular anime opinion because anime fans love to complain about everything
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 27, 7:45 AM

Nov 2021
These threads change the landscape, keep it up. You, personally need to keep going as a pion.
Jun 27, 7:47 AM

Sep 2016
Rotoscoping looks far superior to keyframing.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jun 27, 8:06 AM

Nov 2019
Reply to JoeChip
Oh look, yet another hot takes thread with another name. What else is new?
@JoeChip great yet another low effort bait reply
Jun 27, 8:14 AM

Nov 2019
Your mom is hotter than anime girls. Change my mind!
Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Helpppppp!

Jun 27, 8:16 AM

Feb 2024
Reply to ST63LTH
@JoeChip great yet another low effort bait reply

I see truth looks like bait to you huh? Good luck with your attention seeking.
Jun 27, 8:17 AM

Feb 2024
Reply to SgtBateMan
Your mom is hotter than anime girls. Change my mind!

How do you know that did you meet her?
Jun 27, 8:20 AM

Nov 2019
Reply to JoeChip

How do you know that did you meet her?
@JoeChip of course, I'm hiding in the wardrobe. Don't tell anyone.
Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Helpppppp!

Jun 27, 8:27 AM

Nov 2019
Reply to JoeChip

I see truth looks like bait to you huh? Good luck with your attention seeking.
@JoeChip at least this time it improved, good work
Jun 27, 8:31 AM

Feb 2024
Reply to ST63LTH
@JoeChip at least this time it improved, good work

I simply gave you the attention you seek so desperately, my boy .
Jun 27, 8:32 AM
Dec 2020
Baki is actually a great anime that makes sense if you use your brain to understand it which isn't even that hard to do tbh
A character doesn't need a backstory to be good
One piece's anime still sucks even if the animation are goated
Bleach's ending is actually pretty good
If you like lolis you gotta be locked up
Jun 27, 8:34 AM

Nov 2019
Reply to JoeChip

I simply gave you the attention you seek so desperately, my boy .
@JoeChip relax stop @ me. what’s your unpopular anime opinion? you haven’t answered the thread
Jun 27, 8:35 AM

Feb 2024
Reply to SimplyBrazen
There's nothing cute about CGDCT.

Also, do ppl really care this much about unpopular opinions? There are way too many threads about this.

It's just another attention seeking boy, there is nothing we can do
Jun 27, 10:24 AM

Oct 2017
While some of these opinions may not be so unpopular outside of fandom spaces, they sure as fuck seem to be online and I am as usual probably going to get a lot of shit for these.

I've said this a million fuckin times and I must reiterate it as it is a hill I am willing to die on. FMA 2003 is a much better show than Brotherhood was on many levels, even if Brotherhood was a decent show overall. The directorial style of 03 was generally more visually striking than Brotherhood with the camera angles used even if Brotherhood on the surface may look better with its brighter colors, since while the colors may be brighter in Brotherhood, the camera angles and composition generally were way more creative and dynamic in 03. The pacing in Brotherhood is also really fucking bad and hurts the series overall, with the speed running of the first 13 or so episodes leading to important plot points from the manga being skipped over and exposited towards the audience later, breaking the "show don't tell" rule. With 03's slower pace there isn't really any skipping of any of the early material and it in fact gets expanded on a bit which heavily benefits certain storylines such as with Shou Tucker. When the story splits off from the manga in 03 it doesn't feel unnatural, and the new lore seamlessly ties in with established characters and concepts which leads to a great alternative interpretation of the themes of the story. While Brotherhood has a bit more optimism, 03 tries to put the characters we love as low as possible and messing with their minds and morals which brings the philosophical elements of the series to the forefront. 03 tends to ask questions about what makes us human. It just hits me much harder than Brotherhood ever could, and I love it for that, and wish that the show got more praise online that it rightfully deserves. The fact that there is no legal way to watch this classic at the moment is upsetting.

Dragon Ball Super is not that great, and it feels like collectively the Dragon Ball fandom has forgotten how shit the show was when it came out and only really care about the action. Super's first two arcs were fucking awful and the idea to retell the movies with worse quality animation and an ungodly amount of filler actively made me question the existence of the show when it came out. Even when the new stuff comes up it's not that great with the U6 v U7 arc being horribly mid, the Future Trunks arc being essentially a bunch of fanservice with a god awful ending that came out of nowhere, and the Universe Survival arc really only has the action going for it as the stakes are essentially 0 considering we know that U7 will at least survive in some way considering Super is a midquel taking place right before the end of Dragon Ball Z but right after Buu is defeated. This isn't even going to the character assassination the series has gone through with "Stupid Super Goku" actively regressing and unlearning some of the lessons he learned literally in the Original Dragon Ball. Super just feels like what non-DB fans think Dragon Ball is: Flashy lights and colors with very little substance to it.

The general anime fandom has to genuinely be up there for the most toxic fandoms I have engaged with and been a part of online, only really beaten out by the Star Wars fandom but I have talked about this a million times. This community really needs to grow up and stop allowing reactionary "anti-woke" sentiment to be so prevalent and left unpunished, stop trying to push women minorities and new fans out, and allowing people to genuinely criticize things without being harassed for being "too woke tourist".
This post is brought to you by your local transfem gamer goblin. Will not tolerate bigotry and will fight against "anti-woke" sentiment to make the anime community a safer place.
Jun 27, 10:32 AM

Oct 2022
Evangelion is way overrated and people (mainly its fans) speak of it like is way more smart than what it actually is. Many of the “simbols” and stuff like that was out there because “it looked cool”, and this come from the creator of the series.

For many is was just one of the first tv shows that put more serious topics on the table. Thats is.
Jun 27, 11:23 AM

May 2021
ST63LTH said:
Mine would have to be CGI>2D (when both are done perfect)
There's just something attractive seeing free flowing movements in CGI

That is really breaking the status quo 🤯 But hey, to each their own :3

Let's see how many shitty opinions i can spew 😁

- One Outs is a terrible sports anime and all the psychological aspects it's suppost to showcase about sports is done 100x better in Haikyuu!!

- Madoka Magica is a terrible psychological anime which doesn't develope it's characters beyond their stereotypes

- However, sterotypes in anime aren't always bad, when done well they can provide a good foundation for characters and be the source of great comic relief

- Shounen being full of badly written female characters is a myth
What debating with DigiCat is like according to APolygons2
That's why I thought a discussion would be pointless. It doesn't feel like a debate. It feels like I'm playing chess and somehow lose to an uno reverse card after loosing all my monopoly money lol
Jun 27, 11:27 AM

May 2021
Reply to Guilmon1
-ghost in the shell is overrated
-gundam narrative is better than unicorn
-saying evangelion is a deconstruction is a disservice for both the show and the mecha genre
-animation quality is less interesting than how they use the animation (for example bocchi's animation is more interesting than demon slayer's)
-gundam the witch from mercury is good and the ending wasn't as bad as people say
-you don't have to understand everything about a show to love it
-if someone finds depth in an anime that you don't find deep, listen to him before saying it is not that deep because you just might have missed it
Guilmon1 said:
-if someone finds depth in an anime that you don't find deep, listen to him before saying it is not that deep because you just might have missed it

These are very wise words
What debating with DigiCat is like according to APolygons2
That's why I thought a discussion would be pointless. It doesn't feel like a debate. It feels like I'm playing chess and somehow lose to an uno reverse card after loosing all my monopoly money lol
Jun 27, 11:32 AM

Aug 2017
-"Ecchi is only enjoyed by teenagers, I've grown out of ecchi as an adult": probably the worst common argument. Enjoying a genre has nothing to do with your age no matter what it is, nobody "grown out" of anything, you can't suddendly stop enjoying a genre you always liked once, it makes no sense. You still like it but you don't want to admit as adult for illogical reasons. You're an adult, you have the freedom to like what you want, no one can tell you anything, no one can control you since you're not a minor anymore. Others claim ecchi is bad since is ridiculous, ecchi was never serious, it was made to make you horny and being funny. It's the oldest marketing tactic in the book: Sex sells. A very few claim cry about "sexualization of underage characters" as a reason they don't enjoy ecchi series anymore but it makes no sense since: 1) it's fiction so if you treat underage characters and underage real people as the same especially with you being an adult, you're stupid. 2) many ecchi with adult characters exist so you're stupid for not knowing 3) pretty sure you read tags of a series you want to watch, if its tagged as ecchi and you complain about their existence, you're stupid too (yes, I know some Anime have ecchi scenes despite they area not ecchi but they are not prominent enough to be tagged as ecchi and if you're a weirdo in my eyes if u complain about human nature, yes I used to complain about FF random ecchi scenes in serious scenes but honestly they weren't too many, I was biased against the show in the first place and I have no idea about how important the ecchi culture is in Anime in general, now I changed).
Adults don't lose their libido from their teenager years, it's still there so you can still enjoy ecchi series. In some cases, an adult libido is even stronger than before like in my case. I'm more sexual as an adult unlike my teenagers years, the main reason I was too depressed before and I couldn't handle my emotions so I lose much time, now I'm the one in charge.
Part of being an adult is you stop worrying about external validation (as long as you aren't hurting or bothering anyone, of course). Nobody is too old to enjoy ecchi. Who cares what other people think? There's no victim in this scenario, there's no problem. It's fictional characters with unrealistic designs. I don't see why people should kill their libido from a certain age. If all that remains is fantasies, where is the problem?
NurguburuJun 27, 11:40 AM
All weebs creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by western animation. You will no longer know hunger, nor pain. Your Anime have come to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom. And the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their western animation ways… For you, there will be great wrath.
Jun 27, 12:40 PM

Aug 2019
ST63LTH said:
Mine would have to be CGI>2D (when both are done perfect)
There's just something attractive seeing free flowing movements in CGI.

While I still prefer 2D over CGI, I do agree that CGI can look good when done right. "The First Slam Dunk" is a top-tier example of that.
Jun 27, 1:19 PM

May 2018
Speaking of CGI, I consider CG hentai superior to any other form of hentai.
For particular series, my unpopular opinions are:
Sket Dance > Gintama
Billy Bat > Pluto > Monster
Tatami Galaxy spinoff movie > Tatami Galaxy 2022 ONA > original Tatami Galaxy

Jun 27, 2:56 PM

May 2024
Reply to LSSJ_Gaming
While some of these opinions may not be so unpopular outside of fandom spaces, they sure as fuck seem to be online and I am as usual probably going to get a lot of shit for these.

I've said this a million fuckin times and I must reiterate it as it is a hill I am willing to die on. FMA 2003 is a much better show than Brotherhood was on many levels, even if Brotherhood was a decent show overall. The directorial style of 03 was generally more visually striking than Brotherhood with the camera angles used even if Brotherhood on the surface may look better with its brighter colors, since while the colors may be brighter in Brotherhood, the camera angles and composition generally were way more creative and dynamic in 03. The pacing in Brotherhood is also really fucking bad and hurts the series overall, with the speed running of the first 13 or so episodes leading to important plot points from the manga being skipped over and exposited towards the audience later, breaking the "show don't tell" rule. With 03's slower pace there isn't really any skipping of any of the early material and it in fact gets expanded on a bit which heavily benefits certain storylines such as with Shou Tucker. When the story splits off from the manga in 03 it doesn't feel unnatural, and the new lore seamlessly ties in with established characters and concepts which leads to a great alternative interpretation of the themes of the story. While Brotherhood has a bit more optimism, 03 tries to put the characters we love as low as possible and messing with their minds and morals which brings the philosophical elements of the series to the forefront. 03 tends to ask questions about what makes us human. It just hits me much harder than Brotherhood ever could, and I love it for that, and wish that the show got more praise online that it rightfully deserves. The fact that there is no legal way to watch this classic at the moment is upsetting.

Dragon Ball Super is not that great, and it feels like collectively the Dragon Ball fandom has forgotten how shit the show was when it came out and only really care about the action. Super's first two arcs were fucking awful and the idea to retell the movies with worse quality animation and an ungodly amount of filler actively made me question the existence of the show when it came out. Even when the new stuff comes up it's not that great with the U6 v U7 arc being horribly mid, the Future Trunks arc being essentially a bunch of fanservice with a god awful ending that came out of nowhere, and the Universe Survival arc really only has the action going for it as the stakes are essentially 0 considering we know that U7 will at least survive in some way considering Super is a midquel taking place right before the end of Dragon Ball Z but right after Buu is defeated. This isn't even going to the character assassination the series has gone through with "Stupid Super Goku" actively regressing and unlearning some of the lessons he learned literally in the Original Dragon Ball. Super just feels like what non-DB fans think Dragon Ball is: Flashy lights and colors with very little substance to it.

The general anime fandom has to genuinely be up there for the most toxic fandoms I have engaged with and been a part of online, only really beaten out by the Star Wars fandom but I have talked about this a million times. This community really needs to grow up and stop allowing reactionary "anti-woke" sentiment to be so prevalent and left unpunished, stop trying to push women minorities and new fans out, and allowing people to genuinely criticize things without being harassed for being "too woke tourist".
LSSJ_Gaming said:
I've said this a million fuckin times and I must reiterate it as it is a hill I am willing to die on. FMA 2003 is a much better show than Brotherhood was on many levels, even if Brotherhood was a decent show overall. The directorial style of 03 was generally more visually striking than Brotherhood with the camera angles used even if Brotherhood on the surface may look better with its brighter colors, since while the colors may be brighter in Brotherhood, the camera angles and composition generally were way more creative and dynamic in 03. The pacing in Brotherhood is also really fucking bad and hurts the series overall, with the speed running of the first 13 or so episodes leading to important plot points from the manga being skipped over and exposited towards the audience later, breaking the "show don't tell" rule. With 03's slower pace there isn't really any skipping of any of the early material and it in fact gets expanded on a bit which heavily benefits certain storylines such as with Shou Tucker. When the story splits off from the manga in 03 it doesn't feel unnatural, and the new lore seamlessly ties in with established characters and concepts which leads to a great alternative interpretation of the themes of the story. While Brotherhood has a bit more optimism, 03 tries to put the characters we love as low as possible and messing with their minds and morals which brings the philosophical elements of the series to the forefront. 03 tends to ask questions about what makes us human. It just hits me much harder than Brotherhood ever could, and I love it for that, and wish that the show got more praise online that it rightfully deserves. The fact that there is no legal way to watch this classic at the moment is upsetting.

I disagree with the fact that Fma is better than Fmab. Don't get me wrong, 03 was great and all, but Fmab is on a whole different level. If you prefer the tone of 03, I can understand why Brotherhood might not resonate with you as much. The series has a more somber, introspective tone and philosophical themes compare to Fmab. But saying that 03 is overall better? That's just delusional.

One of the most common complaints about 03 is its pacing. Fma takes its sweet time in telling the story of the Elric brothers. Fmab plows through in 10 episodes what it takes 03 over 20 episodes to cover. The beginning of Fmab is very fast pacing in its plot, that because they did not want to repeat every little thing that Fma already covered. One thing that 03 did better than Brotherhood is the development of Maes Hughes. Also the relationship between the Elric brothers and Nina Tucker had more time to shine thanks to the slower pacing. Some episodes of Fma such as 4, 10 and 11-12 felt somewhat unnecessary to the overall story.

Just like you said, 03 splits from the manga, creating a different narrative while Fmab follows the manga closely to the end. As a fan of the manga, I naturally have a preference for Brotherhood. The manga itself is the main reason that people even wanted to watch the shows in the first place. Fmab is more focused on the plot, but the 03 is more about character development. I love both Fma and Fmab, each one brings something unique to the table. Fmab has a more traditional shounen feel, with action-packed, true to the manga and full of epic moments.

Another thing are the endings, the ending of the 03 where Al and Ed are separated was not that great. Ed goes to help some soldiers on the other side of the door of truth. But then, the door shuts behind him trapping him and leaving Al alone on the other side. Like that? it was pretty foolish and super strange. They had to make Conqueror of Shamballa, to make sense of the ending. The movie was like the rescue mission to fix all the loose ends and give us that closure we needed. Brotherhood ties it up a little better and sweet. I think it sticks to all the laws of alchemy and alchemy lore better than 03. The series highlights Ed and Al journey of growth, as they learns to lean on others for help, love and support, ultimately realizing the strength of the bonds they shares with his newfound family.

Jun 27, 2:59 PM

Dec 2021
Mentioned in a different thread, so I'll just quote it.

Daviljoe193 said:
It's probably the only take that I know next to nobody else shares with me, which is that subtitles belong on the top of the screen, not the bottom. Subtitles on the bottom of the screen just look wrong to me. Thankfully my video player lets me move subtitles wherever I want, and I also have a bunch of shell scripts to automatically change the subtitle positions on anime for whenever I have access to the softsubs in either ASS or SRT format, which tends to look a lot nicer because it ends up using the exact same edge spacing that would be used if the subs were on the bottom.

Example of what that looks like, vs bottom subs.

Subtitles at 1.25x size, since encoding a long clip into a 2 mb gif required a lot of fiddling with framerate and resolution, so the subs look larger than they'd normally look. BTW, this is Gallery Fake.
Opinions are opinions, and differing opinions can co-exist. 🙂 But I don't do debate, life's too short to spend time debating people.
Jun 27, 3:00 PM

Jun 2024
More yuri anime should be produced

Mieruko chan needs a 2 season

WataMote needs 2 seasons (it gets good after chapter 80 i swear)

Most of the animes are famous just because they are used for self insert
Jun 27, 3:30 PM

Oct 2013
Reply to JaaShooUhh
Tsundere characters aren't cute, they're fucking annoying.

I have this opinion cause I've dealt with people like this and it never paid off.
@JaaShooUhh It's kinda like a balancing thing for me. Sometimes they lean more cute than annoying and vice versa. It's violent ones that can fuck off completely though. And this is from someone who likes some legitimately insane characters. And they can fuck off for one reason and one reason only. It's not funny. They try to make it seem funny, but it pretty much never is. This isn't a moral thing. It just straight up is never done in a way that makes me laugh.

I can see how in general they'd piss you off in real life though.
Jun 27, 4:06 PM

Feb 2014
Mine remains nostalgia and emotional connection inflate the quality of a show. The most important anime in your life is just another meh series to those who didn't go on the same emotional journey as you.
The whole point is to not be like everyone else; otherwise you're just like them.
Jun 29, 7:31 AM

Feb 2021
Brunilde said:
If you like lolis you gotta be locked up
Saying that while having a lolicon mangaka on your favs.......
Jun 29, 8:17 AM
May 2021
-Griffith done nothing bad.
-I prefer him at Guts(that I love too)
-Jojo ops and Eds are 🤢
-Dio is good,but I think even in Jojo there is better
-Gintama is the saddest anime.
-Yandere are life
-Tsundere are🤢🤮
-JJK is mid except 0
-Demon Slayer is GOAT-Tier
-Ai Oshi no Ko is 🤢🤮
-Makima is🤢🤮
-I prefer Gojo's past a lot at Shibuya
-Hell's Paradise is the best from 2023
-Vf is🤢🤮and other language
-Japanese purist
-Hiro Mashima is the best mangaka,the author and the best personnalitie in ALL TIME
-Re:Zero op 1(even it's in my Top10 all pieces),Steins Gate and 0 ops are bad bad.
-Mirai Nikki is a MASTERCLASS
-Long life to Gaisai Yuno
-Makoto from School days done nothing bad.
-The ost for his death is amazing.
-Anything is better than School Days
-Fairy Tail fan service ecchi is very safe
-Makoto Shinkai is best real
-Ghibli and Miyazaki and Joe Hisaishi I really really can't with them
-JC Staff is a good studio(not one of the best sure)
-Gintoki have a past more sad and shocking that Guts
-Gintoki is the character that has more suffier
-Ryōgi❤Shiki👑両儀 式 is the best writting character
-Kara no Kyōkai is the best Masterpiece
-The Kill la Kill's ecchi is the best and in reality the fan service isn't that much because of the what each scenes really focus
-Kill la Kill has a level of animation equal to JJK and DS
-Kill la Kill is the best Masterpiece of freedom imagination
-Ryōgi Shiki destroy both Saitama and Goku,and even all the fictions verse.
-Jellyfish is the best CGDCT
-Saenai is a absolute Masterclass,and Top10 romance and by far best harem
-Shinobu Oshino is not a Loli
-Monogatari is 1000000000% legit and safe
-Hisoka is only interested in power
-Endings are better than ops
-Emilia>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Rem(she is also a Queen even Emilia is too strong)
-Ichigo Vasto Lorde make very bad bad the end of the fight with Ulquiorra
-Jellal was a great vilain
-Zeleph is well writing
-Grey has the best past and developpemt of Fairy Tail
-Mira stronger than Erza
-Acnologia will always be the strongest's Fairy Tail verse
-Acnologia could kill Gojo and Sukuna
-Kara no Kyoukai has the best soundtrack
-The greatest ed are from HxH
-The greatest ops are from Black Clover and Bleach
-Mugen Ichigo is good,but classic bankai look better
-Stop death threat to Mangaka and other
-Stop make wars about shiping and other,just do it in peace
-Anime and mangas are the best from the Fiction
-The best anime decade is in fact 2000's
-The best anime decade about charm is 90's
-Women are a lot more well drawing in 90's.Since 2000,the chara-designs in generally are in fallllllll
-Naruto/Pain is GOD Tier animation
-All Naruto have a great animation and ib totallity the best beetwen the Big3
-Bleach have the best enjoyable fights
-両儀 式 Ryōgi Shiki has the most beautiful eyes
-After Miura,Hiroya Oku is the best for visual arts
-Eclipse is not the best Berserk arc
-Grand blue isn't funny
-Umino Chica is the best woman mangaka
RyogiSHIKI7Jun 29, 8:21 AM
Jun 29, 8:28 AM
May 2021
Reply to JaaShooUhh
Tsundere characters aren't cute, they're fucking annoying.

I have this opinion cause I've dealt with people like this and it never paid off.
Jun 29, 8:31 AM
May 2021
Reply to FanofAction
@JaaShooUhh It's kinda like a balancing thing for me. Sometimes they lean more cute than annoying and vice versa. It's violent ones that can fuck off completely though. And this is from someone who likes some legitimately insane characters. And they can fuck off for one reason and one reason only. It's not funny. They try to make it seem funny, but it pretty much never is. This isn't a moral thing. It just straight up is never done in a way that makes me laugh.

I can see how in general they'd piss you off in real life though.
I understab you a lot🤧.
Even i love from all my 🤍Noelle she really angry me more of the Time because of "bakkasta"
Jun 29, 10:25 AM

Apr 2015
-Kirito and Asuna are overhated characters
-Saber isn't a unique character
-Gurren Lagan mech designs are dumb
-Ecchi is as quality as other genre's
-Black Lagoon is only popular because of Revy
-Blood and gore doesn't automatically make a show "mature"
-Liking CGDCT doesn't make you a "pedo"
"Well, she's flatter than a pancake"
-Mimi Alpacas
-Tobiichi Origami 
"Are you trying to turn the dormitory into a strip club!?!
-Atena Saotome 
Jun 29, 11:35 AM

Jan 2021
-If you have any problems with lolisho, you are a tourist.
-Oshi no Ko far better then Kaguya Sama.
-Many people overestimate good animation contribution to popularity & ratings.
-Re:zero (anime) isn't top 5 isekais.
-I want to eat your pancreas > Silent Voice & Your Name.
CielordYesterday, 1:01 AM
spiritual successor of lord rothchild.
Jun 29, 2:44 PM
Sep 2017
Reply to RyogiSHIKI7
@RyogiSHIKI7 You have a tsundere (Tohno Akiha) in your favorites haha…
Jun 29, 6:06 PM
Dec 2020
Reply to MadanielFL
Brunilde said:
If you like lolis you gotta be locked up
Saying that while having a lolicon mangaka on your favs.......
@MadanielFL i'm not that much invested in the mangakas's life to know that lol, also can you please tell me which one? please i'm curious
Jun 29, 6:14 PM

Nov 2019
unpopular opinions

All animes are trash, there is no such thin as a 10/10, people are stupid on this app and overrate anime, bunch of losers fr
I am a COMPLETIONIST. Aiming to finish AS MANY ANIME as possible before DEATH, Despite them being SATISFACTORY or if they are BORING.


No anime has actually satisfied my anime taste, That I can call a MasterPiece (10/10), still searching... hopefully one day I will find that show and obsess over it till I die.
Jun 29, 6:55 PM
Jul 2020
Monster seemed to me to be an extremely repetitive, predictable and empty anime. Besides Johan is an unrealistic and pitiful representation of a serial killer, he looks like a character out of a Hollywood blockbuster movie. I can understand that there are people who like it or find it a good anime anyway but it is far, far away from being a masterpiece.
Jun 29, 7:30 PM

Feb 2021
Brunilde said:
i'm not that much invested in the mangakas's life to know that lol, also can you please tell me which one? please i'm curious
Akira Toriyama was literally drawing nude underage girls in his manga for the sake of comedy fan-service...
Jun 29, 11:14 PM

Aug 2018
Reply to Cielord
-If you have any problems with lolisho, you are a tourist.
-Oshi no Ko far better then Kaguya Sama.
-Many people overestimate good animation contribution to popularity & ratings.
-Re:zero (anime) isn't top 5 isekais.
-I want to eat your pancreas > Silent Voice & Your Name.
-Re:zero (anime) isn't top 5 isekais.

Just genuinely curious, if you don't believe Re:Zero is a top 5 isekai what do you have instead in such a list?
Jun 29, 11:15 PM

Jan 2009
slice of life genre is boring for me thats about it
Jun 29, 11:34 PM

Jan 2021
Reply to TheDoodle
-Re:zero (anime) isn't top 5 isekais.

Just genuinely curious, if you don't believe Re:Zero is a top 5 isekai what do you have instead in such a list?
@TheDoodle Tensura Eminence in Shadow Konsuba Mushoku Tensei Overlord & TBATE.

Don't bother trying to start a argument saying Re:zero better, cause i'm not gonna reply.
spiritual successor of lord rothchild.
Jun 29, 11:44 PM

Aug 2018
Reply to Cielord
@TheDoodle Tensura Eminence in Shadow Konsuba Mushoku Tensei Overlord & TBATE.

Don't bother trying to start a argument saying Re:zero better, cause i'm not gonna reply.
I wasn't going to. I just really like Re:Zero so saying you have other isekai over it made me curious as to what they are. I've read or watched all those you mention all of them good though I read TBATE quite some time ago that I cant really recall what happens.
TheDoodleJun 29, 11:50 PM
Yesterday, 12:01 AM

Jan 2021
TheDoodle said:
I wasn't going to. I just really like Re:Zero so saying you have other isekai over it made me curious as to what they are. I've read or watched all those you mention all of them good though I read TBATE quite some time ago that I cant really recall what happens.

I see, well thanks for not turning this into a argument, it's just most Re:zero fans i encountered will crucify you for saying that any other isekai is better then Re:zero.
spiritual successor of lord rothchild.
Yesterday, 9:45 PM

Aug 2019
Reply to Nemo_Niemand
Speaking of CGI, I consider CG hentai superior to any other form of hentai.
For particular series, my unpopular opinions are:
Sket Dance > Gintama
Billy Bat > Pluto > Monster
Tatami Galaxy spinoff movie > Tatami Galaxy 2022 ONA > original Tatami Galaxy
Nemo_Niemand said:
Sket Dance > Gintama

Absolutely! It's always a good occasion when I come across someone else with this opinion.
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