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Apr 29, 3:42 PM

Apr 2021
I feel like I see a lot of weebs who hate "casuals." I've even seen some refer to them as "tourists" lmao

I think it's ironic because, among anime enjoyers, the ones who only watch popular shounen anime on occasion are the ones who are most likely to be normal people with actual social lives.

So, why do you think some weebs hate casual anime fans?
ClovisApr 29, 10:45 PM
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Apr 29, 3:46 PM

Apr 2020
to feel special about spending all their time watching anime i guess. people will always find some way to be superior to others for no reason.
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Apr 29, 3:48 PM
Jul 2018
Being casual or "tourist" isn't a problem until they start demanding change to fit their own personal feelings. They should either enjoy it for what it is or find something more suitable to their tastes.

That's mostly the sentiment I get regarding that.
Apr 29, 3:49 PM

Sep 2016
Because newcomers often complain about "certain content" that many veterans like.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Apr 29, 4:35 PM

Jul 2017
I personally have no problem with anime newcomers, since we all started at some point in our lives. If I had to guess why some veteran weebs don't like anime casuals, I would say the possible reasons could be because they:

- don't like that many casuals complain about stuff being problematic in anime like lewdness, lack of representation, etc.

- find it obnoxious that casuals consider there to be a "new best anime ever made" every season

- only watch anime that came out in 2010s and after

- dislike when people only like and talk about top rated and popular shows

- don't like people who hated anime and anime fans in the past, and now claim to be anime fans only because it's now popular and accepted

- need to feel good about themselves, and are trying to find something to brag about, and so they use their anime experience as a way to flex
Apr 29, 4:39 PM

Aug 2020
I don't hate them. I just find annoying the "I-just-started-watching-anime-and-I-will-complain-about-it" behavior that some have.

Apr 29, 5:18 PM
Aug 2018
I don't hate casuals.

Hell, even some newcomers watch way more anime than I could ever imagine myself doing.
Apr 29, 5:28 PM

Dec 2015
Except of putting themselves above to glorify themselves, probably because they have no other place to brag how good they are.

Although putting that aside I wouldn't say alot of let's say "veterans" hate on others, I would say it is more of irritation or being tired it is also often viewed in other communities either i in internet [ex. Gaming] or IRL [ex. Gym], because "casuals" usually will usually ask the same questions, search for similar stuff, will appreciate/hate same stuff it is usually the same repertoire which just repeats and some people who have seen it for 10+ times might be just tired and seem to be harsh.

Maybe the main problem here is the change of internet as for this example I will give myself, when I was new to anime [gaming too] I didn't have almost anyone who could explain to me anything, especially that back than I was a kid-early teenager so I also didn't know that much about internet/forums stuff etc. So I had to find all answers on my own by trials and errors, to figure out where to find news on seasonals, when the episodes come out, how to keep a track on anime, what is the difference of themes/demographics anime etc.
While now people instead of figuring stuff on their own they'll just instantly create a new post asking for something "trivial", without realising that if they would google it, they would find already 5 topics with the same question from previous months/years, etc. Or they will watch someone on youtube telling them what they should watch/like instead of searching on their own which actual genres/themes they like etc.

I don't care that much, as long as someone creates a good thread on forums than I am satisfied as I have a place to write a comment on a certain topic.
ZettaikenApr 29, 5:32 PM
Apr 29, 6:04 PM
Apr 2024
I don't hate casuals. But a reason for this may be, because veterans uset to get mocked for watching children "cartoon" and now those same people are the same watching it.
But me personally haven't seen any hate for newcomers IRL
Apr 29, 6:15 PM
Mar 2017
Key points moved to top of post as most won't read further:

I'm not going to join a sports team/club to make friends those people are INTO the hobby you get seen through. Many people know this and know they will fall flat blending in to the hobby being just a friend seeker not a really engaged person with the sport. You might not play well, you don't see next tiers of sports at all the clubs can offer right?

I am totally for people finding a sport series or a animal owner or whatever. If they find what suits them that's toyyfine.

I am reading/watched a few cat owner anime/manga. I am not into cats but I can tolerate what is there because the stories and dynamics are interesting and different for me to experience. Popular and casual is just an excuse if you want something particular for the individual that really suits. Them being casual but going for particular things they find appealing I respect then mainstream casual and not even trying.

People can hate or like the medium that's fine. But narrow focus/when people feel like it is a bit awkward. I can't friend seek in a sports club. People see through that. Sure in this case it's not about clubs but similar logic can apply is what I think can count for something.

Also I don't like social/emotional fitting in. If people like or dislike a medium that's totally fine but not everything to everyone is a enjoy for those purposes or a because they are "BORED" and watch whatever is on to fill in time. Or WHATEVER LOOKS COOL (also similar problem to the sub/dub problem. Whatever they experience FIRST warps their perception. So giving them the BEST can also warp their perception I think as well. You don't want to give them the WORST but the BEST isn't always the best solution as expectations are too high). Some of us are dedicated to the hobby/business/works getting finished or some want it to go on forever.

Gateway ones makes sense but also too western and not enough showing what it can offer is also a limit.

Some people just want something in the background, many of us don't want something in the background because were 'bored' or 'to be part of a community to fill their socialising and emotions quota'. We just genuinely care about the medium or the works. Not a fan of socialising/emotional quota type people/responses.

Plenty of mediums to join for socialising/emotions running wild/friendship or better effort to get to that point then because bored or acceptance of people. Plenty of ways to do that or other more suited to that mediums or more committing to the dynamic of the medium.

I'm not saying anime/manga has to be complicated it doesn't. But like many things of a nerd hobby too it's like what do people expect either.

I mean in many ways sports fans are sports nerds if you don't respect their hobby expect that with others. Not because of gate keeping it's just hard to connect well.

Anime is just watching something. Manga is just reading. But it's the respect.

I mean it's like caring about lyrics. You can hate or like them to appreciate music but at the same time music is broad. So is anime. So is sports. So it caring about details in them. It depends how far people go with them.

In a way also they expect things to suit them? I mean if westerners. It's a medium with a focus on the Japanese FIRST. Unless it is intended for a overseas audience which some are of course them going oh these tropes or this cultural focus. Like what do they expect. Them to be catered to a lot.

Some people like the weird niche details others the cultural differences. Some tropes are hit or miss.

Understand the cultural differences or tropes and just shut up or find series without those tropes. But some people won't do research as that's too hard. Well it is hard but some people are willing to put up with research. It's hard to get a TV or phone to watch them too isn't it. XD Is it that hard to find a show?

They can't rely on recommendations all the time. Many people got better working things out for themselves. What types of music, what types of games, what types of anime they like. Not just thrown at them. Or an algorithm always being right. Or barely seen anything what to recommend.

What they thought was cool, them even being USEFUL for a recommendation in the first place because they barely explain what they like. So might as well not talk at all.

Perspective matters and sometimes people are just too stupid. When they go overseas to travel they would have to, why wouldn't they a tv show/movie from another country. They just don't have a brain sometimes.

That or they are used to sanitized works (not meaning because of ecchi that means anything) and forget oh sometimes niches exist, niches make it more clear of a demographic or to broadened the medium with possibilities for things to cover of messages or settings or whatever, western or Japanese it's not hard just because they are used to the most obvious mainstream sanitized works and they are used to the narrow focus of some IPs then oh these could exist for fair reasons to tackle an angle in a niche series.

I mean there is a reason some localisation makes sense and other times not in other mediums.

Some things just differ with different animation techniques to themes to whatever.

Back of the sports club side.

It's the same thing just applied to anime/gaming is sports or any other club logic. But of course on a less club level and a more well medium without any of that but with the same do you really want to 'blend in' here questioning.

People hate fake fans. But to me fake fans seemed a bit ridiculous because if they didn't like it why bother but in that sense for the 'social/emotional appeal' seeking yeah they in a way are just seeking that and aren't worth wasting their time spending time on nothing.

They can be in the presence of someone sure but on a larger scale is that worth it not really. It's not worth the social/emotional/time spent is it. It's just wasting time.

That's the same logic I'd have for anime casuals. If you like the medium sure. If you don't like the medium that's totally fine.

If you dip in and out or ONLY watch the bare minimum don't expect to be respected. If I get seen in a sports club as not committed to it and friend seeking why wouldn't you in an anime/manga club online or offline. I think that's fair logic to go on then just 'I hate casuals' because I don't. I find superficial reasoning just sad.


Other thoughts:

To me I mostly think of it in a like with gaming. We want to see things happen not people get only into mainstream/complacent. I think the way people can get grouped or that sometimes mainstream fans are as bad as elistists. Only go so far and 'are some how a fan' they barely explored, they don't have to but you can't just watch one and say validate me as a fan like what is up with that. You can like/hate the medium and critique it I think that's totally fine I critique my favourite games/newly discovered ones or even music and there is a lot to learn from newcomers and go yeah I didn't think about how weird or particular that is. But I don't like how grouped anime/manga fans get by people either.

I don't like hearing 'oh you like anime/manga' yeah and I don't fit with that mainstream audience. So don't go 'oh you like a medium' yeah but I go way further into that medium then those that only pick the obvious IPs. Don't lump me with them. Don't group me with them. We aren't the same. We know a medium, but it's so broad don't lump me with them. We have nothing to talk about really. Nor do I want to talk to them as I know it won't go anywhere we will hit walls on topics too quickly.

That's sort of why I'd see it being the case. I get it a bit when someone I know is into the medium and they are like oh you'd get along well with them. No I wouldn't because I don't watch/read a single thing they have interest in I have completely different anime/manga tastes then them.

Did someone that watches only comedy/romances get along with an action fan. No. If in live action western media that's the case the same applies to anime/manga. The same applies if someone only plays a certain genre or certain series of games. We don't' all play [this IP inserted here[.

They can enjoy what they want but they aren't the types to go and watch or read 'via different means digitally'. They aren't the type to branch out that much to 500+ anime (let alone reach 500+) just whatever is easy or is the most talked about.

I don't expect casual to go that far but it can't be said people can bridge the gap that much either of easily talking to others the way we can on forums as they are more dedicated people on forums/elsewhere.

I don't see 500+ anime watchers as better than casuals it's just socially there is very little to talk about and the industry isn't going to get better with them just dipping in and out or narrow focus touching the medium.

Those people have no idea how annoying it is hearing. Oh I want to play what everyone else talks about. They are only going to engage in it as a in and out. We that appreciate the hobby respect the hobby/analyse it and more.

I can't stand the 'I play this to 'fit in for community/social nonsense reasons I say it for without directly saying it' yeah but that's all your doing then moving on. It's for some social/emotional high nonsense.

To me in the gaming for a non-gamer video series it USED to be great. Now it's whatever popular game to showcase and if they can still get past them. You know what I don't have to do. That why because I know they have the same interests in games as someone else I know well. They have their interests in games why throw other games at them.

It used to be fair of seeing what they liked or didn't which is fine but that's was solved already. Why not expand on those games they like. If they like city builders cover other city builders not some RPG or something that's hot and popular it's just becoming a waste. Sure they can have a perspective still but it feels like view collecting nonsense now. When it could be time better spent.

Over time it was clear a bunch of city builders and other stuff which is totally fine they are great. But eventually it turned into who cares big games or in the animal crossing or others video the 'because everyone else SOCIALLY' comment comes out. That's why I just go WHY? YOU clearly don't want to find your taste you just want to 'be around people' go find something better to do with your time. I'm sorry I can't accept people like that. Have hobbies for a reason not just because of social/emotional inflating.

The baking parody was good it put a spin on the format and it showed their hobbies outside the gaming view we saw.

I don't do social acceptance or emotional inflating BS. I accept people into or not into the medium. Not I want to dip in for a social nonsense reason. That's just stupid. Have a hobby for a reason.


Key points moved further up, continuation of thoughts:

You can like some sure but if you only talk or care about the surface level and not further that's fine but there is some fair anime fan surface level shows seasonal or otherwise. Not just I 'am an anime fan' when your not your just some watch the surface level for social gain level garbage. Or barely explore the medium.

Even some people watch the next Disney film fans of them or not. Animation fans or not. With anime it's just weird the lack of care they actually have for the medium.

Some are understandable to jump at but there is far more but most just don't even try. They care to be narrow more than anything just dip in and out or only 1 IP appeals to them or whatever. That becomes a problem.

In gaming it is. We get formulaic trash and 1 IP suits people type situations. If that happens with anime which in some cases it has it gets annoying. The industry suffers by 1 IP to care about issues or social garbage reasons for caring about a medium.

I am totally fine with those newcomer to a show/game/whatever here videos on a showcasing what it's like saying what they like or hate and the criticisms are fair (unless fans are just too narrow minded and find it PERFECT). How scripted games can be that's fine. But when it comes to limits what we accept from an outsider's perspective that we sometimes have experienced or go you know what we are used to that by now and that is something to over come or is weird yeah your right.

So to me if we only hear about big multiplayer games or mainstream anime it doesn't represent us as a whole. We appreciate the niche or core audience type more. Not say the otaku audience just core anime fans of even non-otaku pandering anime/manga.

So they can enjoy them we don't want to see only isekai or only mainstream as the only things.

I separate myself into just an anime fan that appreciates different things but also enjoys the surface level appealing anime fan only shows or niche. Not mainstream shows and ONLY ever hearing about those.
Suntanned_Duck2Apr 30, 2:59 AM
Apr 29, 6:30 PM

Mar 2008
They don't. Someone that watches anime not super frequently but is a cohesive part of the community or just keeps to themselves is welcome fine except some elitists that kind of joke around around about tastes. It's just no one wants the plague that is the sorts that just jump into the community to spew their toxicity and shit politics while making active threats against the anime industry and fans.
Apr 29, 6:35 PM

Feb 2021
Tourist is a stupid insult, did grade schoolers came up with it?

And yes, if you hate someone for simply for being "a tourist", then you're stupid too. You can't complain about anime because you have only watched 50 titles? Just how many titles you have to watch before you're "allowed" to complain, then?

What a dumb argument.
"Nobody could laugh at someone who's trying their hardest" -Machio-

Apr 29, 6:35 PM

Jul 2013
I never said (or implied) that I hate causal anime fans.
Apr 29, 6:39 PM

Mar 2008
Reply to Yuu_Kanzaki
Tourist is a stupid insult, did grade schoolers came up with it?

And yes, if you hate someone for simply for being "a tourist", then you're stupid too. You can't complain about anime because you have only watched 50 titles? Just how many titles you have to watch before you're "allowed" to complain, then?

What a dumb argument.
If you were in a country that had tourists shit up the place you would understand why it is an insult.

Why focus on negativity? Just watch what you like not get so hung up on what you dont. More people used to understand that.
traedApr 29, 6:43 PM
Apr 29, 6:41 PM

Jul 2013
What is wrong with causal anime fans btw.???
Apr 29, 6:48 PM

Oct 2018
Because the casuals have way more fun than those "veteran weebs"
If you're a fanboy, please don't waste my time.

Watch more movies, please.

Kafka, Fu Xuan, Jingliu, Topaz and Huohuo.
Apr 29, 6:50 PM

Nov 2015
The problem is “normal” people who want to wage war with the transgressive aspects of the culture. Truly casual fans aren’t an issue.
and i guess

that i just don't know
Apr 29, 6:52 PM

Feb 2021
Reply to traed
If you were in a country that had tourists shit up the place you would understand why it is an insult.

Why focus on negativity? Just watch what you like not get so hung up on what you dont. More people used to understand that.
@traed Tourists fuck shit up in certain places where I live, though not as often as other countries.

And I agree with you. Watching and discussing should always be fun.
"Nobody could laugh at someone who's trying their hardest" -Machio-

Apr 29, 7:13 PM
Apr 2021
It's like most people said, a lot of people complain, want to change or even ban some types of things in anime, and the best part of this industry is that it has content for all tastes and audiences.
Apr 29, 7:53 PM

Aug 2012
I don't hate casuals... The only thing I actively DISLIKE about the casual anime fan is when some casuals argue over how such and such anime is the best anime ever and if you disagree your taste is trash even though those particular casuals mostly watch newer or generic or popular titles. It's more annoying then anything else. Some casuals don't act like that though. I do like that I've seen a few around actually actively look into older anime, though it makes me sad that the number who do are relatively low...
Apr 29, 8:29 PM

Aug 2016
to be fair, sometimes newcomers end up being nicer than veterans , so I dont actually hate them as long as they dont bring their moral-fanboyism and/or wokism to the table.
Apr 29, 9:15 PM

Jul 2023
Reply to duchessliz87
I don't hate casuals... The only thing I actively DISLIKE about the casual anime fan is when some casuals argue over how such and such anime is the best anime ever and if you disagree your taste is trash even though those particular casuals mostly watch newer or generic or popular titles. It's more annoying then anything else. Some casuals don't act like that though. I do like that I've seen a few around actually actively look into older anime, though it makes me sad that the number who do are relatively low...
@duchessliz87 This for me, it's annoying seeing people who've watched 5 anime constantly glaze stuff like Frieren as the AOTD
I dont mind them normally though
Apr 29, 9:17 PM

Dec 2021
They generally don't. It's just a small minority of... oddballs that get upset over the idea of new fans being around. And those same oddballs tend to get upset over easily a lot of things, imo.
Apr 29, 9:25 PM

Apr 2015
The problem is that many of them demand anime to censored and changed or constantly bitch about things that have been in anime from the start.
"Well, she's flatter than a pancake"
-Mimi Alpacas
-Tobiichi Origami 
"Are you trying to turn the dormitory into a strip club!?!
-Atena Saotome 
Apr 29, 11:10 PM

Feb 2020
Because they think their tastes are simply "better".
Apr 29, 11:15 PM

Jun 2016
Preference for a Venetian style republic with them as members instead of more general democracy.
Apr 29, 11:36 PM

Nov 2019
Veterans have journeyed down the rabbit hole of trial and error so they have more understanding of tropes used in the industry.
In a fundamental sense, they've risked more time watching series and could be numb to what new anime viewers find attractive or alluring - which often times would be the animation or emotional impact on the characters.
Apr 29, 11:53 PM
Apr 2014
People don't truly hate casuals, people hate the ones that call themselves anime fans while constantly taking the opportunity to shit on 99% of anime. It is not everyone but there are enough people that it builds a bad association eventually for some people who start to think all casuals are like that unfortunately. Basically there could be 5 casuals and only 1 of them is like that, but they will remember that negative experience with that 1 casual over the other 4 who were generally positive. Also the 4 generally positive people avoid places like this, since it always devolves into very opinionated and negative experiences, where as that 1 person is seeking this place out. Every time I look at the general anime thread its the same 10 vitriolic debates with a different date attached to the start of the thread. It is what it is.
Apr 30, 12:17 AM

May 2018
"Why do veteran weebs hate "casuals"?"

It's closer to annoyance than hate.

- They never bother to learn simple things like "battle shounen" (which is only a fraction of shounen in general and not exactly the same thing as action shounen), "the three episode rule" (no, you don't watch the first three episodes of every anime, you use the rule only if you think there's a potential) and even what "anime" is (no, vaguely anime-like titles like Castelvania and Avatar The Last Aibender aren't anime).
- They take at face value terms like 'the big three" (those for sure had the biggest sells at certain period, but this doesn't make them the greatest ever).
- They always follow the hype and the trends, zero personal touch...which makes them miss tons of interesting stuff they would personally enjoy.
- The past of anime is nonexistent to them, they have no concept what legacy is.
Apr 30, 8:16 AM

Mar 2023
Because the only anime they have ever watched is mainstream craps like DBZ, AOT, OPM and JJK and they thinks that underated stuffs are just elitist shit.
Apr 30, 8:18 AM

Jan 2009
they think they are tourists that complains about problematic contents in anime
Apr 30, 8:33 AM

Apr 2021
They have a stupid delusion that watching more anime makes you greater than others and people who watch less anime can't hold any opinions. They forget that they themselves were a new casual watcher once and had opinions.
mshfqtnyApr 30, 8:36 AM
Apr 30, 8:36 AM

Aug 2012
I've been called a veteran often for some odd reason. While I don't hate casuals, I think many vets dislike casuals due to:
1) superiority complex
2) Casuals often tend to limit themselves to newer shows and specific genres.
3) They're less critical towards mistakes and flaws in anime.
Apr 30, 8:49 AM

Apr 2021
Reply to alshu
"Why do veteran weebs hate "casuals"?"

It's closer to annoyance than hate.

- They never bother to learn simple things like "battle shounen" (which is only a fraction of shounen in general and not exactly the same thing as action shounen), "the three episode rule" (no, you don't watch the first three episodes of every anime, you use the rule only if you think there's a potential) and even what "anime" is (no, vaguely anime-like titles like Castelvania and Avatar The Last Aibender aren't anime).
- They take at face value terms like 'the big three" (those for sure had the biggest sells at certain period, but this doesn't make them the greatest ever).
- They always follow the hype and the trends, zero personal touch...which makes them miss tons of interesting stuff they would personally enjoy.
- The past of anime is nonexistent to them, they have no concept what legacy is.
alshu said:
They never bother to learn simple things like "battle shounen" (which is only a fraction of shounen in general and not exactly the same thing as action shounen), "the three episode rule" (no, you don't watch the first three episodes of every anime, you use the rule only if you think there's a potential) and even what "anime" is (no, vaguely anime-like titles like Castelvania and Avatar The Last Aibender aren't anime).
so you gotta have a PhD on anime terms before watching anime
alshu said:
They always follow the hype and the trends, zero personal touch...which makes them miss tons of interesting stuff they would personally enjoy.
the only reason you don't follow hype and trends because you've finished watching most of the popular animes and now only left with lessknown animes
alshu said:
The past of anime is nonexistent to them, they have no concept what legacy is.
are you aware of the glory days of 1930's anime?
Apr 30, 9:02 AM

Aug 2013
Being casual is not being a tourist. Tourism in hobbies is more like a state of (rotten) mind. Imagine entering the hobbies and start demanding changes because of your sick morality (there's no such thing like "problematic" things in fiction), inability to separate fiction from reality, being completely ignorant, not respecting authors/creators/source culture/people that are in there for years of even decades. On the top of it, their only way to communicate is to use sarcasm/irony, memes and finding new ways to say what how problematic everything is.
This is what is making you a tourist and I honestly despise people like that from the bottom of my heart.
Tourists are not fans. Tourists are tourists.
rsc-plApr 30, 9:09 AM
Dub = fake crap. Always.
Apr 30, 9:08 AM

Oct 2017
Because some people have an elitist asshole mentality. Elitism doesn't make you look cool, it just makes you a dick and turns people away from ya.
This post is brought to you by your local transfem gamer goblin. Will not tolerate bigotry and will fight against "anti-woke" sentiment to make the anime community a safer place.
Apr 30, 9:35 AM

Aug 2016
I don't mind casuals at all, the only thing that annoys me is when someone tries to talk like they're knowledgeable talking about shit they clearly don't understand. Like, I've lost count of how many times I've seen people going "Oh, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is so much better than the 2003 anime because it's actually faithful to the manga!" and then it turns out they never even touched either the 2003 anime or the manga, they just peobably heard or read someone else saying it and decided to parrot that opinion because it's popular.
Who are you and why do you show your hostility towards a complete stranger whom you've not once spoken with before. Are you seriously asking to get blocked? Well, if that's what your intent is; to tempt me into throwing hands with someone as lowly and insignificant as you, then i may grant your wish provided you articulate yourself a bit better when trying to spite a person of my wavelength.
Apr 30, 10:33 AM

May 2018
mshfqtny said:
so you gotta have a PhD on anime

No, you simply must learn some simple terms, practically kindergarten stuff.

mshfqtny said:
before watching anime

You don't need that for watching anime, but to communicate with the fandom.

mshfqtny said:
because you've finished watching most of the popular animes

You don't need to watch all the popular stuff, only those which are interesting to you. For example not everyone would enjoy 5-toubun no Hanayome as its dedicated audience.

mshfqtny said:
are you aware of the glory days of 1930's anime

War propaganda can teach you a thing or two...for example how media brainwashing works.

Apr 30, 10:54 AM

Apr 2021
Reply to alshu
mshfqtny said:
so you gotta have a PhD on anime

No, you simply must learn some simple terms, practically kindergarten stuff.

mshfqtny said:
before watching anime

You don't need that for watching anime, but to communicate with the fandom.

mshfqtny said:
because you've finished watching most of the popular animes

You don't need to watch all the popular stuff, only those which are interesting to you. For example not everyone would enjoy 5-toubun no Hanayome as its dedicated audience.

mshfqtny said:
are you aware of the glory days of 1930's anime

War propaganda can teach you a thing or two...for example how media brainwashing works.

@alshu i don't wanna drag this on but I just wanna say that you didn't get any of my points. It might not necessarily be your fault. Maybe I was bad at relaying my thoughts.
Apr 30, 11:06 AM
Lewd Depresso

Jul 2008
well I define "casuals" in games/anime who watch/play games on very rare on occasions and very random.... who don't really do it as hobby but do it as random way to pass time... With no particular interest.

On rare occasions where I have joined in with conversations about games or Anime it just ends up having nothing to talk about or me being categorized as weirdo for bringing up niche topics or wanting to talk so much about games/anime ...

More like people that have somewhat "played games" and "seen anime". Rather than "play games" and "watch anime" ...

I don't consider myself Anime veteran or casual.. I'm just mass cope consumer xD Have enjoyed Anime since 2008 as I like to sit back in my bed, turn on my home cinema, turn off my thinking, relax as much as I can and just hope I get some sort of emotional reaction / enjoyment out of content I watch. With minor "objective" evaluation....

Games have lost their value a lot for me over course of years... still play time...mostly enjoy coop as can shittalk with friends at the same time... but have extremely hard time getting into solo plays.. as have extreme difficulties keeping myself interested/focused.... thus rather fall back to anime where I can just do nothing..
Apr 30, 11:08 AM

Oct 2018
If you've seen more shows than me you are a no life loser; if you've seen less then your opinion is invalid.

Clovis said:
I think it's ironic because, among anime enjoyers, the ones who only watch popular shounen anime on occasion are the ones who are most likely to be normal people with actual social lives.
What a fact; the opposite is also true, the ecchi/harem lovers also tend to be biggest losers there are. Especially Seraphos he loves to report posts he doesn't like; and also make 50+ posts a day for over 2 years straight. (Wonder if ill get another warning just for mentioning this guy!)
Apr 30, 11:30 AM

Jul 2012
Tourist was a term adopted in like the last couple years by casuals to dunk on other casuals.
It's just a way for a casual viewer who probably watched some random set of anitubers to give themselves credence to gatekeep a newer group of viewers.

Active veterans generally do not care what newer people in the hobby are doing because they're too busy enjoying the hobby themselves.
Apr 30, 1:05 PM
Feb 2021
They overrate shows like Frieren Which is just alright.
Apr 30, 1:11 PM

Oct 2013
Reply to AlirezYU
They overrate shows like Frieren Which is just alright.
@AlirezYU That's not a good reason to hate them, though. If you hate someone just for liking a thing more than you did, that's entirely a you problem.
Apr 30, 1:45 PM
Nov 2017
Reply to removed-user
Being casual or "tourist" isn't a problem until they start demanding change to fit their own personal feelings. They should either enjoy it for what it is or find something more suitable to their tastes.

That's mostly the sentiment I get regarding that.


Most of us veterans generally don't have fucks to give, that being said:

when a bunch of dickheads that came over due to anime being trending (hence tourists) start demanding changes to the medium to suit their delicate sensibilities and political agendas - time to take out the pitchforks and waifu body pillows
May 2, 3:53 AM

Feb 2013
I consider myself a 'veteran', although eh. Not sure if that's a title one should give themselves. I don't hate casual watchers at all. If anything, I'm happy they exist - more people involved in more passion equals more people I can connect and engage with. It annoys me some people view anime watching as some sort of a competition. Like ugh yeah I get it, I'm a compulsive watcher who consumes all kinds of trash, but that doesn't make me any better than the person who only watches trending titles for entertainment. If anything, it makes me the dumb one.
May 2, 4:06 AM

Mar 2016
I don't hate casuals, I just hate many of their hateful mindsets and the fact that most of them only stick with Shounen.
Just an avid anime watcher of 18 years, not much else I could say about myself (that I don't want to reveal, of course, just ask if you wanna know more!)

"So...look up, face forward, toward your chosen horizon and just...walk on." - Noah, Xenoblade Chronicles 3
May 2, 2:55 PM
Call me Oniichan

Jan 2007
Cuz seeing the young kids who are just getting into anime reminds them of their younger self who had bad taste in anime.
Yep, there was a time when I was a dumb teenager and enjoyed watching Death Note. Funny how that show becomes completely unwatchable when you get older.
May 2, 5:55 PM

Feb 2018
People in general need to stop worrying about how other people enjoy their time. Social media gave everyone anonymity and made it so they can freely voice their opinions to thousands of people. Very easy to throw out their random opinions on things.
May 2, 7:29 PM

May 2020
First of all, do you mean weeb or anime fan? Cause that is a whole different answer, I will assume anime fan.

Well, probably there are many reasons. The accusation I hear most often is that it's due to a feeling of superiority, and I am sure those people exist, as they do in relation to film, books and whatever else.

However, I think the majority have a different reason, Out a perceived threat to the existing culture. Casuals will often complain about some of the weird things in anime, "this is too weird", "this is too sexualized", "this makes no sense", "it's bad". The anime vets have already come to terms with these oddities, maybe they have mixxed feelings about them themselves but in their mind, this is anime, obviously they are not going to take kindly to someone who comes at them telling them they shouldn't like it and here's how it should be instead.

Sometimes critisism is not so direct, someone will say something like "If anime was more X I would like it more", "I find Y boring". Of course anime fans are not a monolith, we don't agree on everything, but there are certain things that your average anime fan wouldn't say. If you're a shounen fan you're not going to say "you know what, way too much fighting in this shounen". You understand what shounen is about and you have made your judgement of whether you are a fan or not. Maybe you have complaints but they are not complaints that go against the idea of shounen. Point is, casuals often say things that alienate them from anime fans. It's not like they are trying to piss people off or that their concerns are not real, but oftentimes I see a lack of respect for what already exists. This can make people feel defensive, particularly when they like the thing under question.

So yeah, ultimately I think it's just protective instincts kicking in. I feel the need to point out, if casuals came in, watched in peace and left positive comments I don't think anyone would have any complaints (well, some psycho would still find a way but they're the exception). The tensions only rise when the casuals start complaining and voicing opinions that criticise things they're "not supposed to" as far as the vets are concerned.
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