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Apr 24, 1:30 PM
Mar 2009
Rarely but I have dropped a few I hated.
Apr 24, 1:47 PM

Feb 2020
Yeah, I usually only drop things if I get really bored. I generally don't drop things if I hate them, if I hate a show I keep watching it in hopes that it eventually redeems itself, (it never does.)

the End of the dragon sphere
Speak not the Watchers‚ Draw not the Watchers‚ Speak of me. Paint my likeness.
Write not the Watchers‚ Sculpt not the Watchers‚ Write about me. Carve me into stone.
Sing not the Watchers‚ Call not the Watchers' name. Sing of me. Call for me.
Please. Please realize...that I am here.
Hello, friend.
Apr 24, 2:28 PM

Aug 2016
I technically dropped my first anime even before I went to pre-school
Apr 24, 2:48 PM

Nov 2017
ı drop shows if they are too uninteresting to watch for me
Apr 24, 3:57 PM

Sep 2019
I do this but not all that often since coming across uninteresting or bad shows hardly happens with me. Whenever a series gets too uninteresting or annoying in some way i usually drop it and never think twice about it. Personally i don't really get how some folks hate dropping anime because for me it's not even that hard to do so.
Apr 24, 4:33 PM

Jul 2012
I never used to drop shows because it felt like a it's gone forever kinda thing. Well, that and I wanted to up my 'completed' count.

First show I dropped was Terra-Formars S2 a few years ago, now I'm fine with dropping shows and clearing out my 'on hold' from time to time.

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.

Apr 24, 4:36 PM
Apr 2024
I used to be a completionist, for movies, tv shows, anime, But right now I drop a lot more than watch, I don't have any rules, just watch if it doesn't click then I dropped it (I started doing that 4-5 years ago)
Apr 24, 4:39 PM

Aug 2012
I don’t drop shows, but if I am not enjoying it I don’t have intentions of watching the second season or any follow up specials.

Apr 24, 4:43 PM

Jun 2017
I drop shows immediately now once I realize it's just not my type of anime (anymore), and that can happen after just one episode..
Otherwise I tend to drop a show (usually one airing) when I'm not sure it's going to get much better, typically five episodes in, but I potentially pick it up later if there's any hype towards the end of it.
But in general for most of the years I've been watching I have just been more picky to start and finish a show. My time is more precious now:')
Apr 24, 5:05 PM

Aug 2012
"Do you drop shows? (explain criteria for when)"
Yes I do, since always.
It's all about feeling, if I feel something's not to my liking I'll probably drop it.
Storytelling, world building, animation, characters and many more could be the reason why the drop happens.

For example:
Kimetsu no Yaiba, even though the animation was beautiful, the story felt bland and I did not like the MC.
Monster was slow, the animation didn't click with me and it left me way too bored to continue.
Some seasonal anime I watched 1 or 2 episodes and dropped right away, because I just didn't find it interesting enough.

"Do you use the 3 episode rule?"
Sometimes I do.
Mostly for highly rated/praised shows. Even if it doesn't get me going in the 1 episode, I'll give it some more episodes and see where it goes.

"Do you drop airing shows? And if started dropping shows I would like to know how much time you were watching shows before you started to."
I can drop any type of show at any part. It doesn't matter, when I'm done I just give up and move on.
1,2,3 or 40+ episodes... It happens.
Apr 24, 5:56 PM

Dec 2022
Do you drop shows? All the time. Criteria? Whenever I feel like it. I do not apply any artificial rules to my consumption of entertainment, everything should be decided on the spot based on current feelings and current information, rather than some weird restrictions you came up with years ago.
Apr 24, 7:54 PM

May 2018
Yes, I tend to give "average" anime the 3-episode treatment but if it truly sucks I'll drop at episode 1. Yes, airing shows included.
Apr 25, 12:09 AM

May 2018
But of course, I am the drop king, baby!
People should lean how to drop anime from me!
Apr 25, 12:27 AM

Apr 2013
I never drop a show I started, though I have a few which I discontinued, meaning I did not watch the sequels. For example Naruto and Strike Witches.
On my dopped list are only shows which I watched as a child on German TV but never finished.
Apr 25, 4:26 AM

Feb 2024
I'm a completist, I watch everything available from the anime at the moment, if it's something really 1/10 I watch it at 2x speed. However, if I don't like the anime, I won't follow the new seasons that come out after I've already finished what was available at the time.
Apr 25, 6:17 AM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
No. Maybe when I get to 10k, I'll drop a single one just for fun.

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
Apr 25, 6:39 AM

Aug 2012
I still have a no-drop rule (Been almost 12 years). No matter how bad a show gets, I stubbornly force myself to sit it out till the bitter end.

I use the 3-episode rule in a different way. I watch 3 episodes a day. Never more. Never less. I have to balance my professional life too, you know! :D

I now avoid watching ongoing shows mostly because I was getting overwhelmed by the multiple airing anime. Now, I wait for them to finish airing and watch them one at a time.
Apr 25, 6:47 AM

Jun 2010
I don't drop shows. But I do watch an episode or two to "test out the water." After watching the episode(s), I will be able to determine if I will pick it up. At other times, particularly a long series, after watching for like 100 episodes, I will take a break from that series and watch others or read manga, or watch movies/TV series. After some time, I will go back to that original series and continue from where I have stopped.
Apr 25, 6:48 AM

Mar 2016
If a show isn't worth my time, I drop it.
Just an avid anime watcher of 18 years, not much else I could say about myself (that I don't want to reveal, of course, just ask if you wanna know more!)

"So...look up, face forward, toward your chosen horizon and just...walk on." - Noah, Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Apr 25, 8:17 AM

Feb 2022
I rarely do, only if its painful to keep watching, but even then its very rare I usually just endure the pain
Apr 25, 8:40 AM
Apr 2017
i dont drop shows becuase im a completionist. i make sure i finish it even it bores me to death. now why do i do such a thing to myself. its because i just want to see what really made them greenlight the anime from the source.

The other part is. It makes it much easier to talk to people who might dropped the show quick but supposed its a gem afterwards. and on the other hand i can rant about it to my hearts content.
Apr 25, 8:48 AM

Nov 2023
So far none. I only add shows which I really like.

I know people make promises all the time
Then they turn right around and break them
When someone cuts your heart open with a knife, now you're bleeding
But I could be that guy to heal it over time
And I won't stop until you believe it
'Cause baby you're worth it
Apr 25, 9:06 AM

Jan 2018
I don't drop shows at all no matter what. I am unofficially part of the no drop club.
Konan_Edogawa_Apr 25, 9:10 AM
Apr 25, 9:09 AM

Jan 2018
Reply to Kundi-Man
i dont drop shows becuase im a completionist. i make sure i finish it even it bores me to death. now why do i do such a thing to myself. its because i just want to see what really made them greenlight the anime from the source.

The other part is. It makes it much easier to talk to people who might dropped the show quick but supposed its a gem afterwards. and on the other hand i can rant about it to my hearts content.
@Kundi-Man I am kind of in the same boat. I do not want to miss out on a gem simply because I dropped something to quickly. Anybody with no drops on their MAL profile I unofficially add them to the no drop club :)
Konan_Edogawa_Apr 25, 9:18 AM
Apr 25, 9:12 AM
Apr 2017
Konan_Edogawa_ said:
@Kundi-Man I am kind of in the same boat. I do not want to miss out on a gem simple because I dropped something to quickly. Anybody with no drops on their MAL profile I unofficially add them to the no drop club :)

Happy to see someone has the same opinion as mine.
Apr 25, 11:29 AM

Jul 2023
I typically don't drop shows, mainly because I enjoy having the closure of finishing a series. Even so, as time goes on I've felt more and more compelled to drop an anime I clearly don't have an interest in. What's the point of watching if it's not entertaining and you basically have to force yourself through till the end. I'd use my time better just watching something else.

This feeling has especially grown with each trash isekai I happen to watch, sometimes you just gotta drop; especially if you have a lot to watch/read.

Also, the 3 episode rule doesn't resonate well with me. I feel like it's too black and white and doesn't work across the board. Sure, it does gather a good sample of the entire series you're about to watch, but it varies. Some series start out amazing and then turn to shit, which happens very often actually. Then, we have series that seem bad for the first half of season 1, and then the rest of the show is great after everything is laid out. The 3 episode rule would also be hard to use when scaling a large series—like a shonen. I prefer to watch and judge a series based off my own enjoyment.
It'll all be okay in the end. If you're not okay, it's not the end.
Apr 25, 11:44 AM
Jun 2023
I usually do not drop shows unless and until I'm really bored from the show
Apr 25, 2:43 PM

Sep 2014
i try not to if i can help it
i don't find it fair to judge something when i haven't experienced it whole
Apr 25, 2:50 PM

Oct 2023
Rarely, even if the show is terrible, at the very least have watch the first 3 episodes...
Apr 25, 5:34 PM
Jan 2024
1. I rarely drop shows but yeah I drop shows if they got too boring or too slow. me personally I'd watch the first 3 episodes and if it's not good, I'll drop them. and I will always see the rating of the anime I wanna watch. if they're under 7.50 then Im not gonna watch it.

2. yeah, like I said I'll watch the first 3 episodes

3. of course I drop airing shows if it gets too boring
Apr 25, 7:55 PM

Sep 2017
yes, im not gonna waste my time on a show I don't like

Apr 25, 8:19 PM

Aug 2010
Yes, I drop shows. I can drop at any point but would at least watch a whole episode. Most of shows I drop are airing shows because I can lose interest in the middle of waiting for new episode to be released, while I tend to binge completed shows.
Apr 25, 8:38 PM

Mar 2024
Three episode rule.
I've forgotten a lot of the show's I've dropped
Apr 25, 8:49 PM
May 2012
No, I do not drop. I start watching something when I'm ready to go trough everything even disappointment. I'm very cautious in choosing what to watch, that way nothing is really that much disappointing. Very often a show that I do not enjoy at the beginning turns better and the opposite so I think I should finish everything because there's always hope to get better. If I cant keep going I just slow down and move to something else but I will come back to finish it when I find myself ready to. If a serie turns into shit I just stop right there and I'm not going for the next season.
Apr 26, 1:44 AM

Nov 2015
yes, dropped a lot of shows, my only criteria for dropping a show is if it's boring, i will not watch +12 episodes of a boring ass show even if i've only watched 1 episode and don't know how the rest goes (tho i will try to give every dropped anime another chance when the anime world ends and there's nothing new anymore)
Apr 26, 4:39 AM

Apr 2024
I drop more anime than I do manga tbf. But yes, occasionally I do let series go.
Apr 26, 7:33 PM

Feb 2014
Not often, the last one was Osamake while it was airing, and that was 2021, I rarely start a show with the idea that I will drop if I don't like it, but I'm also selective and meticulous with what shows I gonna watch, be it seasonals or backlog.
Apr 27, 3:03 AM

Feb 2014
"Do you drop shows? (explain criteria for when)"

Yes i do when I give it around 6-8 episodes but nothing interesting for me changes

"Do you use the 3 episode rule?"

very rarely unless its so bad i can't watch it anymore

"and do you drop airing shows?"

yes and very unlikely i'd try to watch it again
May 21, 2:13 PM
Feb 2024
Yes, if I don't like a show, I don't see the point in continuing watching it. I watch anime to be entertained. When watching an episode is more of a chore than something I want to do, I drop.
May 21, 2:15 PM
Call me Oniichan

Jan 2007
No, I watch them to the end even if I hate them, at anywhere between 1.5x to 4x speed just to see how it ends.
May 21, 2:17 PM

Jan 2021
I drop shows rarely and sometimes I revisit them when I feel like watching

I just put it there to remember I didn't like it or got bored
May 21, 2:35 PM

May 2018
I don't respect people who don't drop. They simply have no personal taste. No-drop policy is plain idiocy.
3 episode rule is stupid. No way I waste a whole hour on something I know is bad from first few minutes.
I drop and put on hold without any backthoughts. I don't possess an eternity after all. My time is limited.
I would miss a lot of great stuff if I kept with all those unworthy things I ever started.

May 21, 2:42 PM

Jul 2013
Yes, I drop shows all of the time. I only complete shows that I truly Hyperdimension Neptunia and Senran Kagura.
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