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What's up with the creepy age differences in shoujo?

Mar 7, 2018 5:55 AM
Apr 2016
In shoujo series, there tends to be a male love interest who is way older than the female protagonist that it is considered underage or pedophilia in some cases.

Usagi and Mamoru from Sailor Moon (14 middle school student and 17 college student)
Amu and Ikuto from Shugo Chara (10 and 17... Imagine a 12th grader dating a 5th grade primary school kid.)
Rika and Sakura's teacher in Cardcaptor Sakura
Basically any teacher-student relationship

It may not make much of a difference when they're adults, but they're still young teenagers now.

Why is this so romanticised in shoujo? Please don't say "Age is just a number" and "Love has no age". Apparently, jail is also just a room.
Mar 7, 2018 12:08 PM

Dec 2015
I've only read shoujo manga before this where both characters were in high school or around the same age, but right now I'm reading Dengeki Daisy where the girl is 16 and the male love interest is 24 and the janitor of the high school she goes to. And I did think about that for a few seconds: yes "age is just a number" in some cases, yes he knew her brother and stuff but that age difference is already pretty big imo. I guess it's less noticeable because the male love interest acts pretty childish sometimes.

It's probably romanticised because girls often like dating someone who is older and more mature. Why the age gap is really big sometimes I cannot say, and any teacher-student relationship gives me the creeps even when the teacher is pretty young. That's why I had mixed feelings about Aria and Ezra when I watched Pretty Little Liars. I don't care what he looks like or that he's not really old, he's still her teacher and it feels a bit weird every time I realize. I can continue watching/reading as long as it's not about a 30-year-old and an 11-year-old but even when the age gap is less extreme it will still feel a bit weird... :/
Mar 7, 2018 12:09 PM

Apr 2017
kinky shit for kinky folks

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Mar 7, 2018 12:10 PM

May 2015
What's up with complaining about the age gap of people that don't exist?

Mar 7, 2018 1:13 PM

Sep 2014
how is 14 and 17 in any way creepy what the fuck?

and taboo relationships like teacher student is something people like
it's not even just anime/manga, it appears every now and then in western stuff as well
Mar 7, 2018 4:47 PM
Is a Hidden Gem

Aug 2007
The only one that ever really bothered me was the CCS one with a 4th grader and a Teacher. But a big part of this is fantasy fulfillment. A lot of people dream of being in a relationship with a mature older person. And when you are younger this can make you feel that you are also more mature for your age.

I can speak from experience as a someone who dated a 23-year-old when they were 16. This was also 20 years ago. And in the last 20 years views on this have changed a lot. When I was teen the issue with pedophiles was really only becoming a hot topic and then only with prepubescent children. After Megan's Law (at least in the U.S.) there begins to be a shift more against any sort of adult and anyone under 18. I won't say it was super acceptable when I did it, but it was also something nobody really batted an eye at.

In Japan, this shift has taken even longer. Over a decade ago my friend taught English in Japan and one of his fellow teachers was pretty open about dating a 16-year-old student. Child porn was only outlawed in Japan in 2014 and still continues to be an issue there. Fairly large age gaps in adult relationships are fairly common as generally as it seen women should be married no later than their late 20s.

So, it is a thing of cutural differences, but I do see (at least what I have read in manga) this kind of trending away or not as large of an age gap.
Mar 7, 2018 5:54 PM

Feb 2016
It's a really common shoujo trope. Why it's that way i dunno, maybe because girls like older men

The case in Cardcaptor is really strange tho
Mar 7, 2018 7:10 PM

Dec 2017
Tsukizono said:
In shoujo series, there tends to be a male love interest who is way older than the female protagonist that it is considered underage or pedophilia in some cases.

Usagi and Mamoru from Sailor Moon (14 middle school student and 17 college student)
Amu and Ikuto from Shugo Chara (10 and 17... Imagine a 12th grader dating a 5th grade primary school kid.)
Rika and Sakura's teacher in Cardcaptor Sakura
Basically any teacher-student relationship

It may not make much of a difference when they're adults, but they're still young teenagers now.

Why is this so romanticised in shoujo? Please don't say "Age is just a number" and "Love has no age". Apparently, jail is also just a room.

Wait, you find a 3 year difference to be creepy? I mean sure everyone has their own feelings on something but dang.
And to make things a bit better, in the anime Amu is 11-13 (so we'll call her 13) and Ikuto is 17, so you could call Amu 13 (which she is) to make it less creepy? I personally didn't find there relationship to be strange mostly because it wasn't portrayed in a creepy way (Ikuto even says he'll wait for her to grow up).

Now answering your question on why it's common for the male partner to be older or having a student x teacher relationship.
First off, forbidden love kind of thing's are very popular so that's one thing, and another is many girls/women tend to love older men and find them attractive, and I for one do prefer older men as well (no more than a 8 year difference), it's probably different for me because in my culture and how I grew up, girls are able to marry at 16 so it wasn't absurd when a 16+ year old girl is in a relationship with a guy who is 24 or something.
But of course, the relationship can't be one sided/forced and the girl must fully agree to the marriage.

So yea, I don't really mind age gaps in relationships or student/teacher ones, as long as they aren't forced or the male partner isn't taking advantage of the girl being younger and forcing his desires onto her.
Mar 7, 2018 7:15 PM

Aug 2015
14 and 17 isn't that bad. Once they're older it's literally irrelevant.

❝ falling sick on a journey
my dream wanders around
fields of dry grass. ❞
Mar 7, 2018 8:38 PM

Feb 2017
girls like older guys...i guess.weird but thats all i can think of perhaps not really weird as

older = stronger,more experienced,mature etc

though it makes me feel bitter,donnu why..maybe cuz it makes me feel insecure somehow cuz i dont ever wanna become mature.i wanna be peter pan. :)

Mar 8, 2018 8:28 AM

Aug 2015
It caters to a specific age group/audience really. The fact that it is uncanny and uncommon in real life only highlights the "fantasy" aspect of the manga wherein you crave to see more and more of the series with each passing chapter.

Plus this would give the author room to show the guy as someone who is experienced and mature enough to take care of the (usually) immature and problematic girl.
Mar 8, 2018 9:40 AM

Nov 2011
boys in middle-high tend to be rather immature, so in that sense, older males are more attractive due to their maturity. of course, shoujo anime-manga takes a step further by making the male significantly older than the female protagonist. it's a common trope that is apparently popular with the female audience in Japan.
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Mar 8, 2018 9:44 AM

Jan 2018
I don't know where you live, but in Malaysia you can go to court to be given permission to get married provided both side agreed. It's not like an Arabian or African marrying an Asian. Their happiness is not up for anyone to judge. Travel is a good idea for you to see how people are willing to do anything to have a good life.

Also, relationship does not mean they must have sex right away, he may care and groom her to be a good girl. 14 and 17 is a large gap? smh. .

Last but not least, read post #12 again.
Mar 13, 2018 2:41 AM

Apr 2017
Age is just a number and jail is just a room

buy mochi at the mochi store
and friends at the friend store

Mar 13, 2018 6:24 PM

Feb 2018
I don't necessarily think Usagi and Mamoru's relationship is very creepy. 14 is definitely pretty young, but 17 is still kinda young too. In the US, high school ages range from 14-18 so if you think about it that way it's not as creepy.
As for Shugo Chara, that one is definitely weird. Like someone said above, it's good he wasn't weird about it, but I don't think there's any way in real life a 10 year old should be with a 17 year old. Most 10 year olds haven't even completed puberty yet, some haven't even started it. They aren't sexual or anything so I usually try not to think of the age and then find it cute.
I've learned that manga/anime usually has some concept that is weird to me, whether it's weird age differences, incest, harems, etc. I personally don't like any of that but if it's done in a classy way I usually can deal with it.
Mar 13, 2018 6:44 PM

Aug 2015
Are you nuts?how is a 3 years age difference creepy?there are millions of couple in the world who has way bigger age difference than that.

Also when you become older/adult than an age difference of 3-6 hardly matter.I have even seen couples who were more than 10 years apart from each other.
madarchodMar 13, 2018 6:48 PM
Mar 13, 2018 7:46 PM

Nov 2008
If they're not having sex, I just don't give a shit. XD Just as long as the gap is under 20 years....

I can respect people who are bothered by a moderate age gap; I'm normally not....but it also depends on how the characters treat each other and their maturity levels.

Some couples are fan-freaking-tastic and others, I'm just like ".....ew." lol

Mar 13, 2018 10:10 PM

May 2015
DepravedMagi said:
Kittens-kun said:
What's up with complaining about the age gap of people that don't exist?

Seeing underage people ending up with adult characters is super creepy and pedophilic. Please stop with your "b-b-b-bbbut they're not real!" bullshit, thank you. If age is just a number, then jail is just a room. An example of a pedophilic relationship is mikan alice's parents, with the mother being 16 and the father being 29.

Please stop being a delusional SJW, thank you.

Mar 13, 2018 10:15 PM
Nov 2017
Dont care as long as everything is legal, and parties involved are mature enough to engage in such a relationship.

Here are two examples of extreme age gap, one is good, one is bad:

Bad-Usagi Drop: So much disappointment.

Good- Kodomo no Jikan: Was kinda creepy at times (in fact I dropped it several times), and had unnecessary fan-service imo, but the ending for the main couple was actually quite good. The potential to fuck up was immense in that manga, but surprisingly they pulled through.

Conclusion: Needs to be judged on a case by case basis.
Mar 13, 2018 10:30 PM

May 2015
DepravedMagi said:
Kittens-kun said:

Please stop being a delusional SJW, thank you.

I didn't know that being remotely creeped out by pedophilia = sjw! Wow, what a moralf** I am!

My god, why is that everytime someone gets creeped out by things like underage romance/fanservice, they get called out for it? Whats wrong with being disgusted by certain things in fiction and real life, you depraved piece of shit?

Because you're getting offended on behalf of people who aren't real, and you shit on anyone who sees no problem with it. You're a delusional fucktard.

Mar 13, 2018 10:35 PM

May 2015
DepravedMagi said:
Kittens-kun said:

Because you're getting offended on behalf of people who aren't real, and you shit on anyone who sees no problem with it. You're a delusional fucktard.

So I'm not allowed to feel emotional for the characters whenever I see something bad for them or feel anything about them in general? Ok.
I sometimes feel emotional for characters, so I guess thats a bad thing.

Not what I said, but ok. You let your morals cloud your judgement of a fictional work. That's what I'm saying. It doesn't even look like you care about context, or how the age gap is handled. It's just inherently disgusting and wrong to you.

Mar 14, 2018 7:15 PM

Nov 2008
BirdyTheMighty said:
Dont care as long as everything is legal, and parties involved are mature enough to engage in such a relationship.

Here are two examples of extreme age gap, one is good, one is bad:

Bad-Usagi Drop: So much disappointment.

Good- Kodomo no Jikan: Was kinda creepy at times (in fact I dropped it several times), and had unnecessary fan-service imo, but the ending for the main couple was actually quite good. The potential to fuck up was immense in that manga, but surprisingly they pulled through.

I'm amazed someone thinks the exact same things about the exact same manga I do. XD

(Kojika is for older guys hence the fanservice)

Mar 14, 2018 7:21 PM

Nov 2008
DepravedMagi said:
An example of a pedophilic relationship is mikan alice's parents, with the mother being 16 and the father being 29.

Actually in Japan, this would be totally legal. 16 is the marriage age for girls there. (I thought they were sweet, personally)

The correct term is

though, not "pedophilia" which only applies to prepubescent kids. UNLIKE a certain somebody in here, people being uncomfortable with even ephebophilia in fiction is totally understandable and I respect that.

ChiibiMar 14, 2018 7:49 PM

Mar 14, 2018 9:46 PM
Nov 2017
Chiibi said:
BirdyTheMighty said:
Dont care as long as everything is legal, and parties involved are mature enough to engage in such a relationship.

Here are two examples of extreme age gap, one is good, one is bad:

Bad-Usagi Drop: So much disappointment.

Good- Kodomo no Jikan: Was kinda creepy at times (in fact I dropped it several times), and had unnecessary fan-service imo, but the ending for the main couple was actually quite good. The potential to fuck up was immense in that manga, but surprisingly they pulled through.

I'm amazed someone thinks the exact same things about the exact same manga I do. XD

(Kojika is for older guys hence the fanservice)

I know, but Jesus Christ the author of KnJ like his(her?) fanservice.

I mean, when I first started reading it I was hoping that it would be a shoujo or something (yes, I did not read tags lol), and would have been just fine with a couple of kisses or vanilla romantic scenes here and there because thats kind of the way I like my romance manga.

There was another manga thats similar to KnJ (forgot name, male lead is novelist and female lead plays with his cat or something), and it did just fine without dem pantyshots. Only problem was that the male lead was an edgelord of such proportions that he put the Twilight dude to shame.
Mar 14, 2018 10:27 PM

Nov 2008
BirdyTheMighty said:

I know, but Jesus Christ the author of KnJ like his(her?) fanservice.

Lol I could have done without it too; the dialogue alone was pervy enough (though it did make me laugh out loud quite a bit xD)

Believe it or not, the author is a woman. :O

There was another manga thats similar to KnJ (forgot name, male lead is novelist and female lead plays with his cat or something), and it did just fine without dem pantyshots. Only problem was that the male lead was an edgelord of such proportions that he put the Twilight dude to shame.

Sounds kinda cute though. XD

Mar 14, 2018 10:55 PM
Nov 2017
Chiibi said:

Believe it or not, the author is a woman. :O


But jokng aside, it is rather surprising.

Chiibi said:

Sounds kinda cute though. XD

Found it. Its called "Kore wa Koi no Hanashi". Give it a read if you like, I think its pretty good (and its shoujo).

Mar 15, 2018 12:14 AM

Dec 2017
Jail is just a room, but anime characters are not reality. I know people who are 20 and date a 30/40 year old dude.

Maybe the message they're trying to send is indeed "love has no age" but I don't really care. They don't seem like anime I could enjoy.
Mar 15, 2018 2:41 AM

Oct 2016
I wonder too. There's too much series like that nowadays. Before I do read stuffs like that but now I try to avoid them as much as I can though some are unavoidable or else I won't have anything to read.

At some point I started to get bothered by the age differences. T_T But unfortunately, that's what sells so they keep on doing it.

I saw one series Kodansha licensed digitally. The guy is around in his forties I think and the kid. Well she's a kid. She's around 10 - 12 if I'm not mistaken. But I forgot the title.
Mar 15, 2018 7:27 AM

Oct 2016
Slightly off topic, but relates to a lot of the comments here.

An ex-colleague of mine has a sister who started dating her teacher after she left school. (At least, that was the official explanation given, as they were very likely seeing each other while she was still a student, though nothing could be proved) The age of consent in the UK is 16 so there was no legal action that could be taken, so the parents had to begrudgingly accept it. Around 20 years later and... They're still happily married! So it's funny to have the teacher/student trope widely seen as an example of a relationship doomed to fail. :)
Mar 16, 2018 9:40 AM
otp haver πŸ€ͺ

Jul 2017
Tsukizono said:
In shoujo series, there tends to be a male love interest who is way older than the female protagonist that it is considered underage or pedophilia in some cases.

Usagi and Mamoru from Sailor Moon (14 middle school student and 17 college student)
Amu and Ikuto from Shugo Chara (10 and 17... Imagine a 12th grader dating a 5th grade primary school kid.)
Rika and Sakura's teacher in Cardcaptor Sakura
Basically any teacher-student relationship

It may not make much of a difference when they're adults, but they're still young teenagers now.

Why is this so romanticised in shoujo? Please don't say "Age is just a number" and "Love has no age". Apparently, jail is also just a room.

I wouldn't say Usagi and Mamoru was super age gap. I mean I haven't visited the material in years but wasn't she already 15 or 16 when they started going hard. It's hardly uncommon.

Also I hate throwing the phrase "cultural differences" and "legalities" in Japan are much different then a Western perspective.

Not to mention as a woman myself that older men (even though this is not necessarily true) are seen as having their shit together and more adult. A woman is usually more emotionally mature and wants someone to connect with her on that level, which is why guys their own age are not seen as very attractive unless they're in the same class as the "cool loner guy". It's just a trope and fantasy girls can play into but with characters being more attuned and respectable in not just Shoujo but any romantic interest (sometimes male leads) for girls to get attached to. I can tell you right now, females in fandom and the internet community will be more attracted to a personality type that they can lift up and be a partner with not take care of and fix their attitude.
Mar 16, 2018 9:46 AM

Feb 2017
I hate reading manga where this is the case, it's so hard for the romance to develop because of this age gap, it's more understandable in manga with mature content otherwise it's just a lot of riff raff.

OT: I do believe it's down to the fact that gurls prefer older guys or mayb the fact that they can't convey the maturity of the male without the age gap

Mar 16, 2018 11:27 AM

Dec 2013
I'd say the age gap that creeped me out the most was the one in Glass no Kamen. Girl is 13 and guy is 24 (though he looks way older). In Please Save My Earth the love interest is 7 while the main girl is in high school.
Mar 19, 2018 10:05 PM

Jul 2014
The line between creepy and endearing can be blurry when it comes to age gap romances. The author needs to be really careful with how they present the characters, how the characters interact with each other, and how the relationship is framed.

I've found that poorly written age gap romances often have the older character right off the bat show obvious signs of love/lust towards the younger one when they first meet (i.e., intense blushing/doki-doki). If the author depicts such straight forward sexual attraction in the first few chapters, then it shows they don't give a damn about approaching such a delicate subject with the care or nuance it deserves and simply want to write a baity wish-fulfillment manga.

Another warning sign is if the author acknowledges the creepiness of the relationship but uses cheap comedy as a way to make it artificially lighthearted without truly addressing the elephant in the room. You know, those manga that make pedo jokes about the adult being attracted to the teen but forces ooey-gooey moments between them anyway?

Or how about when the author pushes for the "everyone are just hateful bastards who look down on the couple's misunderstood love" angle that is just plain lazy and wont make readers that any sort of standards want to support the couple when its such a flimsy, wishy-washy reason.

Who wants to guess the manga I have in mind?
Apr 3, 2018 11:40 AM

Jul 2015
Most Shoujo mangaka are middle aged otaku who have the libido and ability to fantasize of a succubus, some of them also have intense daddy issues
Neapolitan Nightmares
Jun 22, 2021 8:40 PM

Oct 2020
It's such a shame. Another problem that makes me unable to enjoy many shoujos , among the other shitty tropes
VanVeleca said:
Most Shoujo mangaka are middle aged otaku who have the libido and ability to fantasize of a succubus, some of them also have intense daddy issues
makes sense , it's always some weird shit with female authors
Jun 22, 2021 10:10 PM

May 2020
Yep its definitely creepy and used to be much more prevalent among older shoujos (which are the ones I've read the most).

Case in point : Fruits Basket and Gakuen Alice, both of whom feature female protagonists whose moms fell in love with their high school teacher. Also Kobato, which also has a big age gap in its couple, especially towards the end.

Like people have said, its probably due to the cultural differences and also a sign of how things change over time. A teenage girl dating someone much older than her wouldn't have been out of place around 30 years ago but people recognize that a relationship between two people who are nowhere near each other in terms of maturity is not healthy.

Jun 23, 2021 8:27 AM

May 2021
ireallywantcake said:
In shoujo series, there tends to be a male love interest who is way older than the female protagonist that it is considered underage or pedophilia in some cases.

Usagi and Mamoru from Sailor Moon (14 middle school student and 17 college student)
Amu and Ikuto from Shugo Chara (10 and 17... Imagine a 12th grader dating a 5th grade primary school kid.)
Rika and Sakura's teacher in Cardcaptor Sakura
Basically any teacher-student relationship

It may not make much of a difference when they're adults, but they're still young teenagers now.

Why is this so romanticised in shoujo? Please don't say "Age is just a number" and "Love has no age". Apparently, jail is also just a room.

The Sailor Moon example isn't that bad, where i am at 14 you're a highschool freshman and at 17 you're a highschool senior, so if those characters lived where i live they'd be going to school toghether, also yes, girls do tend to go for the older boys rather than their classmates

The second example you gave, Shugo Chara, is pedophelia, no sane teenager/adult would have a relationship whit a primary school kid

As for the teacher/student ones, i get that highschoolers have crushes on their hot teachers, but in that case it's up to the hot teacher to tell the student "no, this is inappropriate, come back when you're 18"
What debating with DigiCat is like according to APolygons2
That's why I thought a discussion would be pointless. It doesn't feel like a debate. It feels like I'm playing chess and somehow lose to an uno reverse card after loosing all my monopoly money lol
Jun 23, 2021 11:31 AM

Oct 2020
I haven't really come across a shoujo with this issue
Jun 23, 2021 1:35 PM
Oct 2020
shoujo manga teaches you more about girls desires than surveys were they give socially desirable answers. don't read "scientific" studies, read manga if you want to know about human nature!!
women are into older guys. everyone knows that from personal experience.
May 7, 2022 5:41 AM
Jan 2022
I also found this creepy and weird.
I always thought these kind of anime's or manga's are hentai that was why I was trying to avoid them.

I got a recommendation for Dengeki Daisy and after that I was fine with this.
Like as long as the older character respects that they're lover or smth was smaller than them I'm okay with it.

But a manga like Hanayome to futsuma no kishi totally annoys me, it's like he's pushing his desires towards the girl even tho he's smaller by a lot.
I hate these kind of mangas. Idk it just growed in me to hate them lmao.
maiaiMay 7, 2022 5:48 AM
May 7, 2022 5:45 AM

Aug 2018
because this is what women want. Like the guy a couple posts above me said, shoujo really shows you a lot about the inner workings of the female mind.
May 7, 2022 10:49 AM

Jun 2014
Yeah, I've always been weirded out by age gaps that are nearly 10 years or more apart. I'll never understand it.

One of the most disturbing examples, would be two minor characters in "Maria Watches Over Us," where

epidemia78 said:
because this is what women want. Like the guy a couple posts above me said, shoujo really shows you a lot about the inner workings of the female mind.

That's bullshit. Not everyone is attracted to someone who's older, and not all women are attracted to men.

May 7, 2022 12:19 PM

Aug 2018
_-_Sally_-_ said:

That's bullshit. Not everyone is attracted to someone who's older, and not all women are attracted to men.

I know, I know. Not everyone is exactly the same and trends always have outliers. But I won't forget what my facebook feed looked like when 50 shades of Grey was showing in theaters. That was certainly an elucidating moment in time, yes indeed.
May 7, 2022 4:35 PM

Jun 2014
epidemia78 said:
_-_Sally_-_ said:

That's bullshit. Not everyone is attracted to someone who's older, and not all women are attracted to men.

I know, I know. Not everyone is exactly the same and trends always have outliers. But I won't forget what my facebook feed looked like when 50 shades of Grey was showing in theaters. That was certainly an elucidating moment in time, yes indeed.

"50 Shades of Grey" is filth, and anyone who likes it should be ashamed.

I'll never understand why anyone would want to have sex, or why anyone would want someone else to touch them.

May 7, 2022 4:55 PM

May 2021
epidemia78 said:
because this is what women want. Like the guy a couple posts above me said, shoujo really shows you a lot about the inner workings of the female mind.

I'm a woman and i don't understand why women would want this

_-_Sally_-_ said:
Yeah, I've always been weirded out by age gaps that are nearly 10 years or more apart. I'll never understand it.

One of the most disturbing examples, would be two minor characters in "Maria Watches Over Us," where

In all honesty, a big agegap between 2 adults, i don't give a shit, but if that agegap involves a teenager, a child, like the example you give, it's disturbing AF 🀒

_-_Sally_-_ said:

I'll never understand why anyone would want to have sex, or why anyone would want someone else to touch them.

Ehh, 2 reasons mainly, plesure and making babies
What debating with DigiCat is like according to APolygons2
That's why I thought a discussion would be pointless. It doesn't feel like a debate. It feels like I'm playing chess and somehow lose to an uno reverse card after loosing all my monopoly money lol
May 7, 2022 4:57 PM

Jun 2014
DigiCat said:
epidemia78 said:
because this is what women want. Like the guy a couple posts above me said, shoujo really shows you a lot about the inner workings of the female mind.

I'm a woman and i don't understand why women would want this

_-_Sally_-_ said:
Yeah, I've always been weirded out by age gaps that are nearly 10 years or more apart. I'll never understand it.

One of the most disturbing examples, would be two minor characters in "Maria Watches Over Us," where

In all honesty, a big agegap between 2 adults, i don't give a shit, but if that agegap involves a teenager, a child, like the example you give, it's disturbing AF 🀒

_-_Sally_-_ said:

I'll never understand why anyone would want to have sex, or why anyone would want someone else to touch them.

Ehh, 2 reasons mainly, plesure and making babies

I don't understand. Why would anyone want to make babies? I hate babies.

Also, my libido pretty much doesn't exist anymore, so as far as I'm concerned, people shouldn't want sex, because it's a waste of time, and they could be doing other productive things with their lives.

May 7, 2022 5:25 PM

May 2021
_-_Sally_-_ said:

I don't understand. Why would anyone want to make babies? I hate babies.

Also, my libido pretty much doesn't exist anymore, so as far as I'm concerned, people shouldn't want sex, because it's a waste of time, and they could be doing other productive things with their lives.

Fair enough ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ No one said you had to have a baby, but other humans still have to procreate if we don't wanna be extinct
What debating with DigiCat is like according to APolygons2
That's why I thought a discussion would be pointless. It doesn't feel like a debate. It feels like I'm playing chess and somehow lose to an uno reverse card after loosing all my monopoly money lol

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