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Character you liked initially but grew to dislike as the anime went on

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Jun 2, 2019 6:11 AM

Oct 2017
Probably character like L.

When you are of younger age, you'd find those edgy characters "cool", but as you grow older you would just realize all their actions lack rationality, and it's edgy for the sake of it.

Also I grow to hate those overpowered mc without a good reason on shows that leaning toward a serious tone, especially in an isekai setting.

I also hate shows that the author desperately try to depict mc as someone who's useless/ lack any distinctiveness at the beginning, but quickly reveal it actually has the most overpowered gimmick very soon after the mc got mistreated due to his lack of power.
Jun 2, 2019 6:21 AM
Nov 2017
I immediately thought about griffith, but maybe that's not what it means. I like griffith as a character, but hate him because he's a great villain (villain is suppose to be hated, of course).

If you mean something like hate them as the character, I will choose Kirito. He had potential, but his harem, perfect personality and a skill to "hack" makes me just hate him.

The others will be Sasuke from Naruto, Onodera from Nisekoi, and... I can't really think about anyone else.
Jun 2, 2019 6:36 AM

Mar 2009
For the most part, I'm generally pretty good at picking who I like and dislike from the start. I think big shifts upset me, when they don't feel authentic.

For example, I dropped TTGL because Simon became a Kamina clone.
Jun 2, 2019 6:52 AM
Apr 2018
Haruhi Suzumiya. Thank God for Disappearance.
Optigisa said:
I thought Shinpachi was the funniest dude ever when I started Gintama, nope, he was what ruined the show for me.
Also that one: his screams and remarks made me laugh a lot early on. By Gintama', I just wished he would stop appearing.
Jun 2, 2019 6:52 AM

Sep 2011
like the entire cast of Shingkei no Bahumat virgin soul, such a fucking disaster of a TV series.

Also the entire cast of gundam seed by destiny including anyone from destiny's cast. Its absurd how much that series actively tried to ruin anything decent about it, and how much it succeeds in that regard.

Aastra343 said:
Definitely Chika, she grew to be quite an annoying one.
I mean shes meant to be annoying to a degree which lends itself well to the joke with her being shes a condescending asshole that gets frequently blown the fuck out for being so rude to everyone, I just hope S2 happens so we can see this more directly as the anime only started to lightly cover this part.

It was really weird that her of all character got so popular honestly, shes the only one of the main 5 characters that is played exclusively for laughs and is kind of made out to be a not particularly good person

Ventus_S said:

I also hate shows that the author desperately try to depict mc as someone who's useless/ lack any distinctiveness at the beginning, but quickly reveal it actually has the most overpowered gimmick very soon after the mc got mistreated due to his lack of power.

Youd love world trigger, main character is super in over his head and has to eat alot of shit before gradually getting better and adapting, and even then hes mostly using wits and clever thinking as hes still really weak compared to the people hes going up against.
JizzyHitlerJun 2, 2019 6:56 AM

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jun 2, 2019 6:57 AM

Jul 2016
SaiDrew said:
Haruhi Suzumiya. Thank God for Disappearance.
Optigisa said:
I thought Shinpachi was the funniest dude ever when I started Gintama, nope, he was what ruined the show for me.
Also that one: his screams and remarks made me laugh a lot early on. By Gintama', I just wished he would stop appearing.

So selfish, my God, what he did to his poor friends was sad.
Jun 2, 2019 7:11 AM
Jul 2018
[quote=Ventus_S message=57734810]Probably character like L.
and Light Yagami
Jun 20, 2019 11:03 AM

Aug 2018
Naofumi Iwatani, he just became boring
Jun 20, 2019 3:09 PM
Mar 2016
Optigisa said:
I thought Shinpachi was the funniest dude ever when I started Gintama, nope, he was what ruined the show for me.

he keeps shouting obvious stuff and its passed off as humor
my ears can't take it anymore and im only on ep 20
Jun 21, 2019 12:30 AM

Aug 2018
I would say it's probably Sanji lol I thought he would have been more influencial
Jun 21, 2019 6:54 AM

Nov 2014
Kazumi from Gokukoku no Brynhildr She started as a cool morally ambigous hacker who only acts according to her interests, just to became the representation of everything wrong with one dimensional tsunderes. Hot headed, contradictory behaivour, and just being downright awful with the boy she """""""likes"""""""".
Jun 21, 2019 6:58 AM

Mar 2016
I've never disliked a character that I initially liked instead, I'd hate the author if they ruin and or waste the potential of a character that I like.

Ne: Dreamy Kid
Fi: Edgelord
Te: Shit-talker
Si: Borderline OCD
Jun 21, 2019 7:08 AM

Jan 2019
Chinatsu from Tsukigakirei was the first character that came to my mind. Initially I really liked her; she was sweet and her feelings for Kotaro seemed genuine. But once Kotaro begins dating Akane and Chinatsu still wants to confess her feelings for him that ticked me off. Plus, she’s Akane’s best friend; that just seems like a big stab in the back if you ask me. Maybe it’s just me, but if I like a girl and she already has a boyfriend I consider her “off limits” which includes confessing my feelings for her. I know people feel like they have to get it off their chest, and I did feel bad for Chinatsu, but I still don’t think she went about her feelings in the right way. Oh, and then when she wanted to be alone with him at the carnival when she knew he and Akane were a couple that just seemed so manipulative. Anyways, yes, within one episode she went from sweet and likable to annoying and selfish. Again, I think it depends on what you personally think is appropriate and inappropriate in how you deal with relationships. That’s my two cents! :)
Jun 22, 2019 11:33 PM

Mar 2016
Reinhard from LOTGH. He initially looked pretty cool with how he handles things as a leader, but his growing obsession with wanting a fair fight with Yang gradually ruined my impression of him in the long run.

Yes, this is an unpopular opinion :P
Jun 23, 2019 1:07 AM

Jan 2010
Kingushii said:
Mika Hyakuya, I like him a lot in 1st Season especially when they are still kids but at the 2nd Season I started to dislike him maybe his personality change I guess.

Yes he does changing. It will be explained later in the story. It's on purpose and is one of important plot point later on. So don't give up on him!! XDD

Anyway onto the topic, for me:

I really loved her when she was first introduced, Yoshiwara arc was amazing. She is badass, independent, strong. She went up to 2nd place after Kagura. But then she fell for Gintoki (like all recurring female chars in Gintama lmao) and suddenly it brings out her tsundere side to the surface. I hate female tsunderes in general, but what disappointed me more is the author totally use her tsundere side as romantic comic relief and now I can lump her with Otae. Gintoki doesn't need more violent girls around him smh. The author uses her as one of Gintoki's violent girls that has a crush on him more than a good and interesting character she was once. She used to be interesting, now she is just yet another boring and annoying tsundere girl. A shame.

Tbh I'd grown to hate Kaneki so much now that I've forgotten why I used to have him in my favorite character list in the first place.
Jun 23, 2019 1:16 AM

Oct 2018
Sasuke from Naruto and Aoyama from Sakurasou are the two I can think of.
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Jun 25, 2019 1:27 PM

Nov 2009
Asaeed said:
Minori, Toradora. I liked her quirkiness at first but she became so obnoxious at the end with all the drama she was involved in. She just kept getting worse and worse imo. She went from my favourite of the three (Ami, Taiga and Minori), to the worst by the end of the show.

Omg agree to this so muchi she became so annoying at the end

Also besides Minori,

Light Yagami from Death Note
Hinata Hyuuga from Naruto
Touka from Tokyo Ghoul

I liked them at first but then I couldnt handle even seeing them for 1 sec
Aug 18, 2019 4:28 PM
Sep 2017
Hakaze from Zetsuen no Tempest. She was great in the first half but in the second half of the anime, the writers reduced her to a shitty love interest swooning over the MC. I usually don’t mind female characters falling in love with the protagonist but it was off-putting in this anime.

@Shicchi “like all recurring female characters in gintama” Do you watch Gintama with your eyes closed? Only Tsukuyo and Sa-chan fell in love with Gintoki. Otae, Kagura, Kyubei, Catherine, Otose, and Tama are not love interests of Gintoki. Neither are minor characters like Nobume, Mutsu, and Matako. Go check aniDB and look at related entities. Otae and Tsukuyo are two different characters and Otae and the reasons for all the times they hit Gintoki are different. I don’t see you complaining about Matako who literally has no personality aside from being Takasugi’s fangirl. Oh, and Otae is not a tsundere.
LeonhartAugustAug 18, 2019 5:59 PM
Aug 18, 2019 4:34 PM

Sep 2017
Well, two that come to mind quickly, Haruno Sakura and Zero Two of Darling in the Franxx...
Aug 18, 2019 4:38 PM

May 2014
Griffith. When i first saw him he was my fave character, but by the end of the series that wasn't the case in the slightest.
Aug 18, 2019 4:51 PM
Jul 2018
I liked Zenitsu from Kimetsu no yaiba in the beginning, after episode 14 I realized I didn't anymore. I still don't hate him but he is like Sanji from One Piece, except Sanji has things I like and Zenitsu doesn't have any trait I like except for his powers.

I started liking that white haired dude from Bungou Stray dogs, but then he quickly became boring. His dialogues are so damn corny. Also, he is not the smartest character nor is he interesting to me.

I loved Anri from durarara, but when her arc in the first season began she made many stupid decisions. I am still pissed because I truly found her interesting and even more after her past was revealed but I hate characters who continue making stupid decisions when they clearly know better.

Alice from Pandora hearts. I honestly ended up not caring for her.

Pretty much everyone from Naruto
Aug 18, 2019 5:05 PM
Jul 2013
Yuri-Crusader said:
Senki Zesshou Symphogear . And the mc Hibiki

Eh... Symphogear's strong point isn't the plot, as its filled with a lot of plot holes and silly stuff the writer thinks would result in a good plotline, which isn't the case. People like it for the music and sometimes for the hype moments (although some of the fandom think the story is great and that the cast is interesting). She is just a genki girl, what did you expect from her?

The first thing that comes to my mind since I just finished Chuunibyou recently is Rikka. I didn't really like her from the very beginning, but atleast the entire thing with her dad made her have atleast something that is interesting and "justifies" her stupid behavior. Once they got past that, season 2 made me completely hate her. From being delusional to literally having mental illness, running around at night looking for a coin to summon an imaginary dragon while she was sick for some stupid idea about love, seriously, how can Yuuta love her, or anyone else for that matter. Her entire relationship with Yuuta feels like a daughter-father type of relationship, or heck, even just a mentally retarded character that Yuuta enjoys taking care of, but there is literally nothing romantic, or any passion in their relationship, unless everyone forces it. She didn't pay attention to what Satone was saying the entire time, kept on bringing her in even though she kept on getting jealous of her interactions with Yuuta and didn't pay attention to the fact she still loves him. I don't know if I purely hate Rikka or season 2 is just this bad to make me feel like whoever wrote the plotline just wanted to milk some more money and didn't think of a plotline and just slapped random ideas every episode even if they make no sense or make nearly every character dumb, but Rikka is the most hated one for me.
Aug 18, 2019 5:08 PM

May 2015
Sasuke Uchiha for sure. Like I get he's supposed to be the edgy anti-hero but it's done so poorly.
Aug 28, 2019 7:55 PM

Jan 2010
MeisterDM said:
Hakaze from Zetsuen no Tempest. She was great in the first half but in the second half of the anime, the writers reduced her to a shitty love interest swooning over the MC. I usually don’t mind female characters falling in love with the protagonist but it was off-putting in this anime.

@Shicchi “like all recurring female characters in gintama” Do you watch Gintama with your eyes closed? Only Tsukuyo and Sa-chan fell in love with Gintoki. Otae, Kagura, Kyubei, Catherine, Otose, and Tama are not love interests of Gintoki. Neither are minor characters like Nobume, Mutsu, and Matako. Go check aniDB and look at related entities. Otae and Tsukuyo are two different characters and Otae and the reasons for all the times they hit Gintoki are different. I don’t see you complaining about Matako who literally has no personality aside from being Takasugi’s fangirl. Oh, and Otae is not a tsundere.

Aw damn I wished I read your reply when it's still fresh lol. I don't even remember what I wrote.

Okay, using the word "all" was wrong I guess. I should have used the word "most", which would still wrong for you I guess lol. I guess I used that expression for the sake of emphasis only.

Please note I have irremovable shipping goggles when watching anything, so there would always be bias.

Otae: It's heavily hinted in the movie Benizakura Hen, to the point I was really annoyed by it. Pretty sure there were more hints throughout the movie.
Kagura: Obv not his love interest. But they are very close. Though normies would take their relationship as siblings or parental as the author intended to.
Kyuubei: Only in that one prank episode I guess. But she obv loves Otae lol.
Catherine: Lol.
Otose: Eww.
Tama: There were hints, but it can also be just gratitude because he saved her.
Nobume: She is one of my favorite female character in Gintama (top 3) and I ship her with her master and also Sougo. I called them duo sadist lol.
Mutsu: She looks like the type of female character I like. Not much to tell about her.
Matako: I wouldn't have remembered her at all if you didn't explain it in the next sentences lmao. I'm not against fangirl character.

Obv Otae and Tsukuyo are two very differrent character. I hate Otae since the very beginning. I grew to dislike Tsukuyo much later in the series since she's been introduced.
I guess Otae is not a tsundere, more like, a violent girl.
All the time Otae hit Gintoki were for comedic reason (as far as I remember), and I absolutely hate that kind of role. Personal preference here.
As for super minor characters like Mutsu and Matako, I don't care enough about them to actually feel anything towards them. So no, I have no opinion on them. But in the time they appeared, I don't mind them at all.

So, I'd say, Gintoki's possible love interest aside from the obvious Tsukuyo and Sacchan are Otae and Tama.

I'm so behind Gintama rn, will catch up once the mood strike.

Good day~
Aug 28, 2019 8:12 PM
Jul 2018
Joseph Joestar started out funny but got grating and annoying as Battle Tendency went on, IMO.

Senile old man Joseph is great, though.
Aug 28, 2019 8:22 PM
Aug 2019
Pretty vanilla but definitely Goku.
Aug 28, 2019 8:32 PM
Jul 2018
There was a point when I was thinking that Subaru from Re: Zero was, no joke, the most multi-layered character I've seen in fiction.
Then I realized as Re: Zero went on how stupid, unlikeable, obnoxious, boring, he is.

HeruruMeruru said:
Joseph Joestar started out funny but got grating and annoying as Battle Tendency went on, IMO.

Senile old man Joseph is great, though.

I can empathize, even though Joseph is one of my favorite characters in anime of all time. What do you think of old Joseph (Part 3 Joseph)?

Ventus_S said:

I also hate shows that the author desperately try to depict mc as someone who's useless/ lack any distinctiveness at the beginning, but quickly reveal it actually has the most overpowered gimmick very soon after the mc got mistreated due to his lack of power.

I forgot what video it was in, but I remember Digibro coined a term for this archetype: the, "overdog posing as the underdog".
Aug 28, 2019 8:37 PM
Jul 2018
Umm... The only character I can think of right now is Light Yagami.. Because of the things that he thinks for his father and sister in the mid I guess
Aug 29, 2019 2:35 PM
Sep 2017
HeruruMeruru said:
Joseph Joestar started out funny but got grating and annoying as Battle Tendency went on, IMO.

Senile old man Joseph is great, though.

I like his young counterpart, but old joseph is pretty meh. I disliked that he cheated on his wife and I don’t like his senile self. That plot point came of nowhere.
Aug 29, 2019 3:44 PM
Jul 2018
MeisterDM said:
HeruruMeruru said:
Joseph Joestar started out funny but got grating and annoying as Battle Tendency went on, IMO.

Senile old man Joseph is great, though.

I like his young counterpart, but old joseph is pretty meh. I disliked that he cheated on his wife and I don’t like his senile self. That plot point came of nowhere.

Yeah, Joseph cheating on Suzie Q was kind of the straw that broke the camel's back for me, but him getting senile was kind of like a "ha, serves you right" to me.
removed-userAug 29, 2019 6:04 PM
Aug 29, 2019 3:54 PM

Apr 2016
I’d say Levi from AOT, I liked him initially but through the series going on I didn't found anything interesting in him, so I stopped to like him.
Aug 12, 2020 8:48 AM
Jul 2018
Otae from Gintama
Initially was fine , getting a bit of laughs but as the series goes on ( at least till the part I am on ) she just gets annoying and becomes a violent bitch who thinks she is above everyone else , I hate her with all my heart
Aug 12, 2020 9:23 AM

Jul 2019
Suzaku in Code Geass but if I remember correctly it didn't take many episodes for me to start disliking him.
Life is a despicable endurance race
Aug 12, 2020 9:40 AM

Jul 2019
Dragonland04 said:
Otae from Gintama
Initially was fine , getting a bit of laughs but as the series goes on ( at least till the part I am on ) she just gets annoying and becomes a violent bitch who thinks she is above everyone else , I hate her with all my heart

Yeah, she is the first one that came to my mind as well. I can't say I hate her, but I definitely like her way less than I did in the first season of Gintama.
Aug 12, 2020 9:57 AM

Oct 2019
Dio Brando. He was one of my favorite characters because of Jump Force, but after watching a few episodes of Jojo I didn't really like him anymore.

Also that one cousin from Elfen Lied. I forgot her name, but she started to get annoying after Nyu/Lucy was missing and when she got left with that scientist guy.
Aug 12, 2020 10:06 AM

Sep 2018
Mimosa from Black Clover

When she was first introduced, I thought she was pretty cute and positive, but as she spent more time with Asta, he's basically all she talks/thinks about. Also, in the dub (which i'm rewatching w/ my dad), she has this really high voice that can get annoying after a while and 90% of her sentences have the word "Asta" in it
Aug 12, 2020 10:13 AM
Sep 2017
Dragonland04 said:
Otae from Gintama
Initially was fine , getting a bit of laughs but as the series goes on ( at least till the part I am on ) she just gets annoying and becomes a violent bitch who thinks she is above everyone else , I hate her with all my heart

She has every right to beat kondo’s ass since he constantly stalks her and invades her privacy. Otherwise, she can be needlessly violent.
Aug 12, 2020 10:20 AM
Jul 2018
TohsakaDM said:
Dragonland04 said:
Otae from Gintama
Initially was fine , getting a bit of laughs but as the series goes on ( at least till the part I am on ) she just gets annoying and becomes a violent bitch who thinks she is above everyone else , I hate her with all my heart

She has every right to beat kondo’s ass since he constantly stalks her and invades her privacy. Otherwise, she can be needlessly violent.

Dear , Kondo isn't the only one she hits or assaults , she does the same shit with almost every other important character
Aug 12, 2020 10:24 AM
Jul 2020
She’s kind of new but Inca from Fire Force, she sees herself getting messed up in the future and still goes with the white clad, seems kind of dumb.
Aug 13, 2020 7:28 AM

Feb 2020
The first one to come to mind is Zero Two. I never was as fond of her as other people were but I definitely liked her, she had potential and I was really looking forward to see how she would develop, I even expected her to become one of my favorite characters if this potential was used correctly.
Well after an arc that lasted 2-3 episodes and really wasn't as good as it could've been, Zero Two became uninteresting. Everything that made her good just disappeared completely and by the end, she had nothing left of the original, intriguing Zero Two. That disappointed me so much...
Aug 13, 2020 8:29 AM
Dec 2018
Haruhi Suzumiya, Sakura Haruno, And Mei Sunohara from Clannad.
Aug 13, 2020 7:44 PM

Aug 2020
Rikka Takanashi from Chuunibyo. She was really funny at first, but became a lame and unfunny character later on.
Aug 13, 2020 7:56 PM

Nov 2013
Thats a pretty good question. Im surprised that nothing comes to mind for me.

Well, thought about and its definitely Araragi Koyomi. The more the series went on, the more I realized that he's one of the most boring characters in the story.
DGemuAug 13, 2020 8:27 PM
Aug 13, 2020 8:03 PM

Jan 2010
I'll never forget Tsukuyo.

I really really liked her at first. Being strong, badass, independent and all.
That is until mangaka decided to make her join Gintoki's fangirl club which also bring out her tsundere side. Not only I hate tsunderes, but it also reduced Tsukuyo to just yet another tsundere gag trope character. Tragic.
CrimsonMidnightAug 13, 2020 8:11 PM
Aug 13, 2020 8:16 PM

Sep 2017
Basically the whole cast of Masamune-kun no Revenge except for yoshino she's pretty cute ngl. They started out fine, but then they got worse to the point where I couldn't help but feel animosity towards everyone. I couldn't finish the last few episodes.
Aug 13, 2020 8:57 PM

Aug 2016
Onizuka from teacher onizuka was ok at the beginning, but eventually turned more and more annyoing and retarded. the rest of the cast (except for Kanzaki) was saving the anime.

Also, some characters in haruhi suzumiya. haruhi was a b*tch since the beginning, the rest of the cast were always "meh", but turned infuriating as episodes went by. the only decent ones were probably Nagato, and maybe Tsuru.
MichaelJacksonAug 13, 2020 9:01 PM
Aug 13, 2020 9:06 PM

Aug 2016
MajinSage said:
Haruhi Suzumiya, Sakura Haruno, And Mei Sunohara from Clannad.

Mei sunohara was so f*cking annoying and pretentious in clannad afterstory (currently watching it) seriously, ruined the first episodes. Hope she doesn´t appear ever again because I like how they focus on the main couple again.
Aug 13, 2020 9:09 PM
Jul 2018
Pretty basic, but Izuku Midoriya.
Like a lot of people, he was what originally got me into the show. I thought he was absolutely amazing and awfully charming in the first season; I may or may not *mildly* hate him now

And of course, if you consider Pokemon anime; Ash and Misty by far.
I loved and still do like Misty, but rewatching the later bit of Indigo League + most of Johto Journeys, she's kinda worthless. Misty's essentially there 'cause Pokemon needed a poster girl. Her bickering with Ash simply gets annoying and she does practically nothing but follow Ash and co. and do minimal effort tasks.
With Ash, I truthfully thought he was quite endearing in Indigo League, plus a lot of early Pokemon. I can hardly recognise him any more//
removed-userAug 13, 2020 9:21 PM
Aug 13, 2020 9:16 PM

Feb 2020
Eren Jaeger
Armin Arlert
Mikasa Ackerman
Light Yagami
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 5, 2022 3:29 PM
Sep 2021
LeonhartAugust said:
HeruruMeruru said:
Joseph Joestar started out funny but got grating and annoying as Battle Tendency went on, IMO.

Senile old man Joseph is great, though.

I like his young counterpart, but old joseph is pretty meh. I disliked that he cheated on his wife and I don’t like his senile self. That plot point came of nowhere.
I wish the author never wrote him as being a cheater in the first place. He's such a great character and him cheating just tarnishes it. I wish he could've come up with another way of having Joseph.
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