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Russia cracking down on "feminist extremists"

Aug 29, 2017 8:14 PM

Aug 2009

Truly it is up to glorious mother Russia to rid the world of the feminist scourge and bring back traditional values. It's time to finally treat these extremists like the threats they are and lock them up for their disgusting wrong think.

Hopefully my sarcasm came though, but yeah I'm a bit torn on this. On one side if these feminists are really carrying out extremist activities and are being violent and disrupting religious ceremonies by whipping their tits out like those Femen clowns, then yeah by all means lock them up. If they're just meeting and discussing their values, I don't really see why they are being persecuted just for having some different ideas.

In a way I understand why they are doing this... like trying to cut the problem at it's roots, before it spreads and suddenly you have feminists in your government and legal system, but this is probly going a bit too far. Idk maybe it will work and they will be able to bring back the tradcon values and live like it's the 1950's. This is also the country that decriminalized some forms of domestic violence, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. As much as I'd like to be impartial I can't help, but be amused with this.
LoneWolfAug 29, 2017 8:24 PM

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
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Aug 29, 2017 8:36 PM

Nov 2008
I don't like the intentions of Putin's crackdown, it's 2017 not 1950. I don't mind the law on paper but unfortunately, it should not pass as it's a product of pushing antiquated values and not so much maintaining the peace and public safety.

Aug 29, 2017 8:54 PM
Jul 2018
okay, i hate modern feminists as much as the next person, but going back to the 1950s? ew, no thank you, ewww.
Aug 29, 2017 9:09 PM

Jan 2009
another authoritarian regime showing its true colors so whats new?
Aug 29, 2017 9:10 PM

Apr 2014
Allowing feminists and other radical leftists to infiltrate our universities has brought the US to the rotten state it's in now.

Government is oppressive no matter what. Might as well oppress the elements that would have your society corroded out from within and swallowed up by some horrible mix of Chinese and Muslims.

Ending the university system altogether might just solve this problem though. Even if you have groups of degenerates meeting up, it won't matter because they can't indoctrinate your children.
Aug 29, 2017 9:14 PM

Jan 2009
Altairius said:

Ending the university system altogether might just solve this problem though. Even if you have groups of degenerates meeting up, it won't matter because they can't indoctrinate your children.

ending university system? like ending all universities? if so good luck with your economy

but ye you still have H1B

Aug 29, 2017 9:17 PM

Apr 2017
just a hop skip and a jump away from pointing at someone, shouting feminist at them, and then burning them at the stake
イカロス --I K A R O S D E S U-- "Hai master" <3cruise

Becoming the bell of my heart
dont click here, baka -->>
Aug 29, 2017 9:31 PM

Apr 2014
isekai said:
Altairius said:

Ending the university system altogether might just solve this problem though. Even if you have groups of degenerates meeting up, it won't matter because they can't indoctrinate your children.

ending university system? like ending all universities? if so good luck with your economy

Typical leftist who thinks only Big Brother can educate us.

If you can demonstrate knowledge, it shouldn't matter where you gained it.
Aug 29, 2017 9:34 PM

Jan 2009
Altairius said:
isekai said:

ending university system? like ending all universities? if so good luck with your economy

Typical leftist who thinks only Big Brother can educate us.

If you can demonstrate knowledge, it shouldn't matter where you gained it.

lol oh right we got online schools and youtube educational videos now, too bad its not yet as effective as a university/college education no matter how bad the current college education is
Aug 29, 2017 10:01 PM

Apr 2014
isekai said:
Altairius said:

Typical leftist who thinks only Big Brother can educate us.

If you can demonstrate knowledge, it shouldn't matter where you gained it.

lol oh right we got online schools and youtube educational videos now, too bad its not yet as effective as a university/college education no matter how bad the current college education is

There's no evidence for that. The evidence is all in the direction of universities being little more than extremely expensive daycare. As for actually useful career paths, people should just have to prove they have the knowledge.

I know it sucks to think of a world where people aren't paying tens of thousands to be indoctrinated into your worldview, but try to make actual arguments.
Aug 29, 2017 10:10 PM

Jan 2009
Altairius said:
isekai said:

lol oh right we got online schools and youtube educational videos now, too bad its not yet as effective as a university/college education no matter how bad the current college education is

There's no evidence for that. The evidence is all in the direction of universities being little more than extremely expensive daycare. As for actually useful career paths, people should just have to prove they have the knowledge.

I know it sucks to think of a world where people aren't paying tens of thousands to be indoctrinated into your worldview, but try to make actual arguments.

you have no evidence for what you are saying either, and im not a blind follower here since i said the education like college is shit too but its the best we got right now and it shows

you have to convince me and us on how to get better education dude, show us this alternative you are thinking of
Aug 29, 2017 10:11 PM

Mar 2008
They went to camp to talk and get away from things.

The women – Lolita Agamalova, Lada Garina, Elena Ivanova, Taisia Simonova, and Oksana Vasyakina – had planned to spend a week in a small camp by the Black Sea to learn more about feminism and exchange best practices in a friendly environment free of “sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and any sort of xenophobia.” But a few days before the camp’s launch, Simonova and several others received hate messages on social networks from supposed Cossacks threatening to attack the camp because allegedly feminism runs contrary to “traditional values.” On August 12, another “Cossack” threatened Simonova, one of the organizers, on her cellphone. The organizers decided to cancel the camp for security reasons, but by that time, some of the participants were already on their way.

Aug 29, 2017 10:23 PM

Apr 2014
isekai said:
Altairius said:

There's no evidence for that. The evidence is all in the direction of universities being little more than extremely expensive daycare. As for actually useful career paths, people should just have to prove they have the knowledge.

I know it sucks to think of a world where people aren't paying tens of thousands to be indoctrinated into your worldview, but try to make actual arguments.

you have no evidence for what you are saying either, and im not a blind follower here since i said the education like college is shit too but its the best we got right now and it shows

you have to convince me and us on how to get better education dude, show us this alternative you are thinking of

The default is not putting taxes and tuition fees into an insanely expensive, ideologically biased, dysfunctional education system. The burden of proof is on you to show that we should be putting all of this money toward these places and granting them status as arbiters of education.
Aug 29, 2017 10:27 PM

Jan 2009
Altairius said:
isekai said:

you have no evidence for what you are saying either, and im not a blind follower here since i said the education like college is shit too but its the best we got right now and it shows

you have to convince me and us on how to get better education dude, show us this alternative you are thinking of

The default is not putting taxes and tuition fees into an insanely expensive, ideologically biased, dysfunctional education system. The burden of proof is on you to show that we should be putting all of this money toward these places and granting them status as arbiters of education.

look again i know the education system right now is shit but you are just criticizing the education system without detailing any alternative, show this better alternative you have in mind is what im asking you repeatedly now
Aug 29, 2017 10:46 PM

Apr 2014
isekai said:
Altairius said:

The default is not putting taxes and tuition fees into an insanely expensive, ideologically biased, dysfunctional education system. The burden of proof is on you to show that we should be putting all of this money toward these places and granting them status as arbiters of education.

look again i know the education system right now is shit but you are just criticizing the education system without detailing any alternative, show this better alternative you have in mind is what im asking you repeatedly now

Okay. I get now that I have to explain this in more detail because you've been indoctrinated to think you have to have government run education of some kind.

I'm saying let each individual decide where they look for knowledge on a given subject. They could pay someone, or they could just learn on the internet. There is zero evidence that the only valid way to learn something is by paying tens of thousands plus taxes into some bloated leftist system.
Aug 29, 2017 10:54 PM

Jan 2009
Altairius said:
isekai said:

look again i know the education system right now is shit but you are just criticizing the education system without detailing any alternative, show this better alternative you have in mind is what im asking you repeatedly now

Okay. I get now that I have to explain this in more detail because you've been indoctrinated to think you have to have government run education of some kind.

I'm saying let each individual decide where they look for knowledge on a given subject. They could pay someone, or they could just learn on the internet. There is zero evidence that the only valid way to learn something is by paying tens of thousands plus taxes into some bloated leftist system where you end up having to take a bunch of classes that have nothing to do with your job path of choice.

lol how many times im gonna keep saying that i know the education system is shit right now but its the best we got at the moment

so your only problem is the college debt? simple support the proposal of Bernie Sanders that taxing more the rich will create more middle class by making the government fund more freely the college education for example

although we do not have evidence if online education is a better alternative than traditional education, we do know that online education functions like home school education that i heard is not better than a traditional school education
Aug 29, 2017 11:02 PM

Apr 2014
isekai said:
Altairius said:

Okay. I get now that I have to explain this in more detail because you've been indoctrinated to think you have to have government run education of some kind.

I'm saying let each individual decide where they look for knowledge on a given subject. They could pay someone, or they could just learn on the internet. There is zero evidence that the only valid way to learn something is by paying tens of thousands plus taxes into some bloated leftist system where you end up having to take a bunch of classes that have nothing to do with your job path of choice.

lol how many times im gonna keep saying that i know the education system is shit right now but its the best we got at the moment

so your only problem is the college debt? simple support the proposal of Bernie Sanders that taxing more the rich will create more middle class by making the government fund more freely the college education for example

although we do not have evidence if online education is a better alternative than traditional education, we do know that online education functions like home school education that i heard is not better than a traditional school education

Am I talking to a brick wall? I'm asking why we need an education system at all.

There would be no college debt for the rich to pay if you did away with these colleges.

By online education I mean just literally finding information online, not "online classes" out of some college.
Aug 29, 2017 11:09 PM

Jan 2009
Altairius said:
isekai said:

lol how many times im gonna keep saying that i know the education system is shit right now but its the best we got at the moment

so your only problem is the college debt? simple support the proposal of Bernie Sanders that taxing more the rich will create more middle class by making the government fund more freely the college education for example

although we do not have evidence if online education is a better alternative than traditional education, we do know that online education functions like home school education that i heard is not better than a traditional school education

Am I talking to a brick wall? I'm asking why we need an education system at all.

There would be no college debt for the rich to pay if you did away with these colleges.

By online education I mean just literally finding information online, not "online classes" out of some college.

because the traditional education we have works for many years now, without a strong educated workforce then technological advancement will be less or stop and then the economy will suffer

the only major problem i see right now is the right wing economics like trickle down economics

as for college education sure some are outdated info but its still the best place for learning the basics since learning in a learning oriented environment is tons better than learning on the internet where you will be more distracted to open another tab and procrastinate, i do not know about your whole college setting there but this is my experience here in a third world country

thats why im asking you to detail this alternative you have in mind like online education and convince me or even us skeptics about your idea
Aug 29, 2017 11:17 PM

Mar 2014
Of course the """free speech advocating""" ctrl + alt rightists love this and "muh bringing back traditional values" (like having the right to beat up your wife), going back to the 1950s would be the only way for them to get laid after all
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Aug 29, 2017 11:19 PM

Apr 2014
isekai said:
Altairius said:

Am I talking to a brick wall? I'm asking why we need an education system at all.

There would be no college debt for the rich to pay if you did away with these colleges.

By online education I mean just literally finding information online, not "online classes" out of some college.

because the traditional education we have works for many years now, without a strong educated workforce then technological advancement will be less or stop and then the economy will suffer

the only major problem i see right now is the right wing economics like trickle down economics

as for college education sure some are outdated info but its still the best place for learning the basics since learning in a learning oriented environment is tons better than learning on the internet where you will be more distracted to open another tab and procrastinate, i do not know about your whole college setting there but this is my experience here in a third world country

thats why im asking you to detail this alternative you have in mind like online education and convince me or even us skeptics about your idea

What do you mean by "it works"? Why would allowing people complete freedom in education and freedom from college debt lessen the education level of the workforce? That's precisely backward.

That's on you if you can't focus. You're not cut out for that line of work then. You've been saved all of this time and money and you're complaining about getting distracted by your porn tab?

There's not that much detail to add. You just learn wherever and then demonstrate to a given employer that you have the necessary knowledge. It's on you to explain why we should add this burden of time and money that gets eaten up in the current system.
Aug 29, 2017 11:27 PM

Jan 2009
Altairius said:
isekai said:

because the traditional education we have works for many years now, without a strong educated workforce then technological advancement will be less or stop and then the economy will suffer

the only major problem i see right now is the right wing economics like trickle down economics

as for college education sure some are outdated info but its still the best place for learning the basics since learning in a learning oriented environment is tons better than learning on the internet where you will be more distracted to open another tab and procrastinate, i do not know about your whole college setting there but this is my experience here in a third world country

thats why im asking you to detail this alternative you have in mind like online education and convince me or even us skeptics about your idea

What do you mean by "it works"? Why would allowing people complete freedom in education and freedom from college debt lessen the education level of the workforce? That's precisely backward.

That's on you if you can't focus. You're not cut out for that line of work then. You've been saved all of this time and money and you're complaining about getting distracted by your porn tab?

There's not that much detail to add. You just learn wherever and then demonstrate to a given employer that you have the necessary knowledge. It's on you to explain why we should add this burden of time and money that gets eaten up in the current system.

because there is no proof that the alternative works better like the online education you speak of simple as that

you underestimate the need for learning oriented environment then, a lot of people are easily distracted even in a school setting, and homeschooled kids are usually either regretting it or it shows they perform poorly in the real world

its not always about choice and you cannot simply control your attention always

your alternative is just so shallow thinking though and without even proper evidence to back it up that its better than we have now
Aug 29, 2017 11:32 PM
Mar 2011
Altairius said:
isekai said:

look again i know the education system right now is shit but you are just criticizing the education system without detailing any alternative, show this better alternative you have in mind is what im asking you repeatedly now

Okay. I get now that I have to explain this in more detail because you've been indoctrinated to think you have to have government run education of some kind.

I'm saying let each individual decide where they look for knowledge on a given subject. They could pay someone, or they could just learn on the internet. There is zero evidence that the only valid way to learn something is by paying tens of thousands plus taxes into some bloated leftist system.

its still taching statesm at its core so weather it left or right i disagree both anti fa[ what they were now] and the alt right are staist in ideals
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Aug 29, 2017 11:35 PM
Mar 2011
isekai said:
Altairius said:

What do you mean by "it works"? Why would allowing people complete freedom in education and freedom from college debt lessen the education level of the workforce? That's precisely backward.

That's on you if you can't focus. You're not cut out for that line of work then. You've been saved all of this time and money and you're complaining about getting distracted by your porn tab?

There's not that much detail to add. You just learn wherever and then demonstrate to a given employer that you have the necessary knowledge. It's on you to explain why we should add this burden of time and money that gets eaten up in the current system.

because there is no proof that the alternative works better like the online education you speak of simple as that

you underestimate the need for learning oriented environment then, a lot of people are easily distracted even in a school setting, and homeschooled kids are usually either regretting it or it shows they perform poorly in the real world

its not always about choice and you cannot simply control your attention always

your alternative is just so shallow thinking though and without even proper evidence to back it up that its better than we have now

i was home school bettwen grade 1 and grade six wit home schooling its the quilty of he turtors and how motivaed the studnt is to lerrn

"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Aug 29, 2017 11:42 PM

Jan 2009
DateYutaka said:
isekai said:

because there is no proof that the alternative works better like the online education you speak of simple as that

you underestimate the need for learning oriented environment then, a lot of people are easily distracted even in a school setting, and homeschooled kids are usually either regretting it or it shows they perform poorly in the real world

its not always about choice and you cannot simply control your attention always

your alternative is just so shallow thinking though and without even proper evidence to back it up that its better than we have now

i was home school bettwen grade 1 and grade six wit home schooling its the quilty of he turtors and how motivaed the studnt is to lerrn

well its just an educated guess on my part to relate homeschooling with online education because we do have data on how good online education is to replace traditional school settings
Aug 29, 2017 11:46 PM
Mar 2011
isekai said:
DateYutaka said:

i was home school bettwen grade 1 and grade six wit home schooling its the quilty of he turtors and how motivaed the studnt is to lerrn

well its just an educated guess on my part to relate homeschooling with online education because we do have data on how good online education is to replace traditional school settings

in my view online is more likely ot fall ot political idealouges and not teach you facts but there own based views
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Aug 29, 2017 11:50 PM

Apr 2014
isekai said:
Altairius said:

What do you mean by "it works"? Why would allowing people complete freedom in education and freedom from college debt lessen the education level of the workforce? That's precisely backward.

That's on you if you can't focus. You're not cut out for that line of work then. You've been saved all of this time and money and you're complaining about getting distracted by your porn tab?

There's not that much detail to add. You just learn wherever and then demonstrate to a given employer that you have the necessary knowledge. It's on you to explain why we should add this burden of time and money that gets eaten up in the current system.

because there is no proof that the alternative works better like the online education you speak of simple as that

you underestimate the need for learning oriented environment then, a lot of people are easily distracted even in a school setting, and homeschooled kids are usually either regretting it or it shows they perform poorly in the real world

its not always about choice and you cannot simply control your attention always

your alternative is just so shallow thinking though and without even proper evidence to back it up that its better than we have now

You're flipping the burden of proof. You're the one suggesting we take on a burden in time and money, and you have to explain why.

You're just making baseless statements. There's no evidence that a "learning oriented environment" can only be created in a college.

It's you and your parents problem if you can't pay attention.

The evidence that it's better is that it lessens the burden in time and money, and thus frees a larger segment of your population, particularly the lower class, to pursue the path they want. Your argument is effectively "well, there's no evidence that putting down this bag of rocks that I'm carrying will help, so I guess I just have to carry on".
Aug 30, 2017 12:00 AM

Jan 2009
Altairius said:
isekai said:

because there is no proof that the alternative works better like the online education you speak of simple as that

you underestimate the need for learning oriented environment then, a lot of people are easily distracted even in a school setting, and homeschooled kids are usually either regretting it or it shows they perform poorly in the real world

its not always about choice and you cannot simply control your attention always

your alternative is just so shallow thinking though and without even proper evidence to back it up that its better than we have now

You're flipping the burden of proof. You're the one suggesting we take on a burden in time and money, and you have to explain why.

You're just making baseless statements. There's no evidence that a "learning oriented environment" can only be created in a college.

It's you and your parents problem if you can't pay attention.

The evidence that it's better is that it lessens the burden in time and money, and thus frees a larger segment of your population, particularly the lower class, to pursue the path they want. Your argument is effectively "well, there's no evidence that putting down this bag of rocks that I'm carrying will help, so I guess I just have to carry on".

>"well, there's no evidence that putting down this bag of rocks that I'm carrying will help, so I guess I just have to carry on".

thats a bad analogy considering we are talking about if online education is better than school settings, by that analogy then why study at all? derp just remove all the rocks you are carrying

history shows the school settings works even if there are problems and now you are proposing an alternative which is online education so really the burden of proof is on you to explain why its better and not the other way around

Aug 30, 2017 12:23 AM

Apr 2014
isekai said:
Altairius said:

You're flipping the burden of proof. You're the one suggesting we take on a burden in time and money, and you have to explain why.

You're just making baseless statements. There's no evidence that a "learning oriented environment" can only be created in a college.

It's you and your parents problem if you can't pay attention.

The evidence that it's better is that it lessens the burden in time and money, and thus frees a larger segment of your population, particularly the lower class, to pursue the path they want. Your argument is effectively "well, there's no evidence that putting down this bag of rocks that I'm carrying will help, so I guess I just have to carry on".

>"well, there's no evidence that putting down this bag of rocks that I'm carrying will help, so I guess I just have to carry on".

thats a bad analogy considering we are talking about if online education is better than school settings, by that analogy then why study at all? derp just remove all the rocks you are carrying

history shows the school settings works even if there are problems and now you are proposing an alternative which is online education so really the burden of proof is on you to explain why its better and not the other way around

That is the most blatant strawman I've ever seen.

That is not what we are arguing about. We are arguing about whether you need government run education. Learning online is merely one of the possibilities in the absence of that. The bag of rocks is the time and money wasted going to and paying for government schools, not the burden of learning itself. I'm amazed that you're able to communicate elsewhere on this forum given how badly you misunderstood what I was saying.

"History shows it works". What does this mean? The burden of proof is on you to demonstrate that the only valid way to learn is in government schools. That is the positive claim. This is how logic works.
Aug 30, 2017 12:27 AM

Jan 2009
Altairius said:
isekai said:

>"well, there's no evidence that putting down this bag of rocks that I'm carrying will help, so I guess I just have to carry on".

thats a bad analogy considering we are talking about if online education is better than school settings, by that analogy then why study at all? derp just remove all the rocks you are carrying

history shows the school settings works even if there are problems and now you are proposing an alternative which is online education so really the burden of proof is on you to explain why its better and not the other way around

That is the most blatant strawman I've ever seen.

That is not what we are arguing about. We are arguing about whether you need government run education. Learning online is merely one of the possibilities in the absence of that. The bag of rocks is the time and money wasted going to and paying for government schools, not the burden of learning itself. I'm amazed that you're able to communicate elsewhere on this forum given how badly you misunderstood what I was saying.

"History shows it works". What does this mean? The burden of proof is on you to demonstrate that the only valid way to learn is in government schools. That is the positive claim. This is how logic works.

well im not the smartest guy around here due to my mental health but really i asked you whats the alternative to school settings or universities in the first place and you said online education even though i was the first to talk about it, the fact is you have not said any alternative in the first place
Aug 30, 2017 12:50 AM

Aug 2014
What were they doing though?
I'm all for stopping the extremist feminism and the social justice stuff, but regular feminism should be fine :/
Aug 30, 2017 12:55 AM

Apr 2016
Ardanaz said:
but regular feminism should be fine :/

There is no such thing as regular feminism.
Aug 30, 2017 12:57 AM

Aug 2014
Swagernator said:
Ardanaz said:
but regular feminism should be fine :/

There is no such thing as regular feminism.

Of course there is -___-
Just because there are a bunch of extremists in the group lately doesn't mean that the regulars don't exist anymore.
Aug 30, 2017 1:09 AM

Feb 2015
Going from one extreme to the other is never good. Needs more middle ground.
Aug 30, 2017 1:35 AM

Apr 2014
isekai said:
Altairius said:

That is the most blatant strawman I've ever seen.

That is not what we are arguing about. We are arguing about whether you need government run education. Learning online is merely one of the possibilities in the absence of that. The bag of rocks is the time and money wasted going to and paying for government schools, not the burden of learning itself. I'm amazed that you're able to communicate elsewhere on this forum given how badly you misunderstood what I was saying.

"History shows it works". What does this mean? The burden of proof is on you to demonstrate that the only valid way to learn is in government schools. That is the positive claim. This is how logic works.

well im not the smartest guy around here due to my mental health but really i asked you whats the alternative to school settings or universities in the first place and you said online education even though i was the first to talk about it, the fact is you have not said any alternative in the first place

Teaching yourself online is one possibility. Others would be paying a tutor or a private school.

The point is that these colleges should not have a monopoly on "expertise", and should receive no taxes. If you can demonstrate the required knowledge, it shouldn't matter if you have a piece of paper from a given institution.
Aug 30, 2017 1:43 AM

Jan 2009
Altairius said:

Teaching yourself online is one possibility. Others would be paying a tutor or a private school.

The point is that these colleges should not have a monopoly on "expertise", and should receive no taxes. If you can demonstrate the required knowledge, it shouldn't matter if you have a piece of paper from a given institution.

private schools are common here and i graduated from a college christian public school myself so ye i do not see a problem with that as long as the school is producing competitive enough future workforce
Aug 30, 2017 1:49 AM

Apr 2014
isekai said:
Altairius said:

Teaching yourself online is one possibility. Others would be paying a tutor or a private school.

The point is that these colleges should not have a monopoly on "expertise", and should receive no taxes. If you can demonstrate the required knowledge, it shouldn't matter if you have a piece of paper from a given institution.

private schools are common here and i graduated from a college christian public school myself so ye i do not see a problem with that as long as the school is producing competitive enough future workforce

We're still forced to get a degree and pay taxes on Harvard and these other cancerous institutions though. This severely limits the % of the population who is able to enter higher paying jobs. Anyone concerned with class mobility should be completely with me on this.
Aug 30, 2017 1:56 AM

Jan 2009
Altairius said:
isekai said:

private schools are common here and i graduated from a college christian public school myself so ye i do not see a problem with that as long as the school is producing competitive enough future workforce

We're still forced to get a degree and pay taxes on Harvard and these other cancerous institutions though. This severely limits the % of the population who is able to enter higher paying jobs. Anyone concerned with class mobility should be completely with me on this.

you pay taxes for a private school like Harvard? even if that is the case its still one of the best school around the world so dont you think the taxes you pay are worth it?

sure you may not be a student of Harvard but that kind of school helps your economy and the world economy as a whole more producing intelligent workforce
Aug 30, 2017 2:49 AM

Apr 2014
isekai said:
Altairius said:

We're still forced to get a degree and pay taxes on Harvard and these other cancerous institutions though. This severely limits the % of the population who is able to enter higher paying jobs. Anyone concerned with class mobility should be completely with me on this.

you pay taxes for a private school like Harvard? even if that is the case its still one of the best school around the world so dont you think the taxes you pay are worth it?

sure you may not be a student of Harvard but that kind of school helps your economy and the world economy as a whole more producing intelligent workforce

No, it doesn't. There is no evidence that Harvard can teach people anything they can't learn elsewhere. It's gigantic parasite and runs purely on prestige.

It's also horrendously anti-white in its admittance, as are all other major universities in the US (anti-Asian as well, to a lesser degree). Whites should be 77.46% of enrolled students based on SAT scores, but are only 44.35%. Within that, Jews are 23%, and are overrepresented based on test scores by a factor of 3. They discriminate like this through a process called "Holistic Review" (newspeak if I ever heard it). In other words, non-Jewish whites are getting the shaft.

Of course, it would be a huge scandal if universities were discriminating against blacks or Hispanics. It's starting to be a scandal that they discriminate against Asians, even though whites are more discriminated against, especially non-Jewish whites.

We need to just pull funding from all of these cancerous institutions and stop requiring degrees. Allow people to learn on their own terms. That is how you unleash the true potential of your population. I suspect balkanization is more likely to happen than that though, unless you think "new Americans" are suddenly going to start supporting meritocracy.
AltairiusAug 30, 2017 2:56 AM
Aug 30, 2017 3:10 AM

Jan 2009
Altairius said:
isekai said:

you pay taxes for a private school like Harvard? even if that is the case its still one of the best school around the world so dont you think the taxes you pay are worth it?

sure you may not be a student of Harvard but that kind of school helps your economy and the world economy as a whole more producing intelligent workforce

No, it doesn't. There is no evidence that Harvard can teach people anything they can't learn elsewhere. It's gigantic parasite and runs purely on prestige.

It's also horrendously anti-white in its admittance, as are all other major universities in the US (anti-Asian as well, to a lesser degree). Whites should be 77.46% of enrolled students based on SAT scores, but are only 44.35%. Within that, Jews are 23%, and are overrepresented based on test scores by a factor of 3. They discriminate like this through a process called "Holistic Review" (newspeak if I ever heard it). In other words, non-Jewish whites are getting the shaft.

Of course, it would be a huge scandal if universities were discriminating against blacks or Hispanics. It's starting to be a scandal that they discriminate against Asians, even though whites are more discriminated against, especially non-Jewish whites.

We need to just pull funding from all of these cancerous institutions and stop requiring degrees. Allow people to learn on their own terms. That is how you unleash the true potential of your population. I suspect balkanization is more likely to happen than that though, unless you think "new Americans" are suddenly going to start supporting meritocracy.

well you mention private school as one of the alternatives anyway so at least i can agree with that but for the rest im still skeptical when USA is known for having the worse education among rich countries i heard
Aug 30, 2017 6:24 AM

Nov 2009
traed said:
They went to camp to talk and get away from things.

The women – Lolita Agamalova, Lada Garina, Elena Ivanova, Taisia Simonova, and Oksana Vasyakina – had planned to spend a week in a small camp by the Black Sea to learn more about feminism and exchange best practices in a friendly environment free of “sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and any sort of xenophobia.” But a few days before the camp’s launch, Simonova and several others received hate messages on social networks from supposed Cossacks threatening to attack the camp because allegedly feminism runs contrary to “traditional values.” On August 12, another “Cossack” threatened Simonova, one of the organizers, on her cellphone. The organizers decided to cancel the camp for security reasons, but by that time, some of the participants were already on their way.

A literal monster. Based Putin for cracking down these dangerous terrorists.

Yes, this is sarcasm.
Aug 30, 2017 6:37 AM

Apr 2013
Bernrika said:
traed said:
They went to camp to talk and get away from things.

A literal monster. Based Putin for cracking down these dangerous terrorists.

Yes, this is sarcasm.

Now if only Putin can eradicate universities to end the indoctrination of shitliberalism ideology, he will end up being the greatest president in modern times.

Aug 30, 2017 7:20 AM

Mar 2015
ahhh... umm...guys... pretty sure putin is happy with feminist actually... pretty sure the one that is a conservatist is markel...

"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Aug 30, 2017 8:05 AM

Mar 2014
Bernrika said:
A literal monster. Based Putin for cracking down these dangerous terrorists.

Yes, this is sarcasm.
A real human bean
And a real hero
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Aug 30, 2017 11:40 AM
Jul 2018
Comic_Sans said:
Bernrika said:
A literal monster. Based Putin for cracking down these dangerous terrorists.

Yes, this is sarcasm.
A real human bean
And a real hero

Putin loves you too, as a person, as a human bean
Aug 30, 2017 1:42 PM

Mar 2012
spuukiebuugi said:
okay, i hate modern feminists as much as the next person, but going back to the 1950s? ew, no thank you, ewww.
I'm not sure that the next person would say "I hate modern feminists".
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Aug 30, 2017 2:46 PM

Oct 2014
This is no different from hate speech laws. It's just targeting different groups in Russia's case. I don't think it's a long-term solution. It will probably only strenghten the opposition forces in the long run.
Aug 30, 2017 3:18 PM

Jan 2011
Probably "NGOs" funded by America, good job Russia.
Aug 30, 2017 3:56 PM

Jul 2015
thes russo femenist mor is crazy than normal variety

Aug 30, 2017 4:00 PM

May 2015
Modern feminism is cancer anyway.

Aug 30, 2017 6:01 PM

Jul 2016
Putin is the Savior of Russia.

While it is Soviet, it's the best Russian Anthem.

You need to educate yourself on that Domestic Violence law, it was about fixing the sentences. Because in Russia, if someone hit another person, they would get a minor sentence, but if they hit a family member, they would get 2-5 years.
So the new laws were justified.

Not to mention, they were implemented at the will of the Russian people, who were sick of their spouses being sent away for years because of something so minor. So these laws were the democratic will of the Russian people.

Ardanaz said:
What were they doing though?
I'm all for stopping the extremist feminism and the social justice stuff, but regular feminism should be fine :/

Feminism is always justified in the beginning, but it has no brakes, it never stops. Then you end up with countries like Sweden, Canada and Australia, where women have more rights than men, and get special treatment.
Feminism should be outright banned, if people want equality, then they can be Egalitarian.
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