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Mar 3, 2017 3:15 AM

Oct 2014
JustALEX said:

Oh and I suppose the ENTIRE Left is, right?

Oh's just retarded SJWs that you people seem to think is representative of the entire left side of the political spectrum.

Oh and you might want to ask CONSERVATIVES what they think about free speech when it comes to allowing people with controversial comments speak at their events.

You mean when left didn't allow Milo Yiannopoulos( a conservative) to speak at Berkeley? People like you who attack the opposite side for trying to bring up problems today are the biggest problem. Why don't you attack the left instead who has insane problems taking any reality check?
Mar 3, 2017 3:16 AM

Sep 2012
NiBer said:
Yomiyuki said:

don't think he was talking about sweden
i would hope no one here is delusional enough to defend the mass exodus of immigrants to sweden.

don't think he was talking about topic at all, deserved no response, I gave him one.

You're delusional if you think Sweden should accept so many, no, in fact, any immigrants. Sweden is not the babysitter of the world. Let your own damn country take care of you, not Europe and America. Work on your own country, and stop derailing my topic.

what the fuck are you talking about, can you even read?
where in my post did i mention anything about wanting sweden to accept immigrants?

Oh maybe, maybe it's the clothes we wear
The tasteless bracelets and the dye in our hair
Or maybe, maybe it's our nowhere towns or our nothing places
But we're trash, you and me
We're the litter on the breeze
We're the lovers on the streets
Just trash, me and you
It's in everything we do
It's in everything we do

Mar 3, 2017 3:55 AM

Jun 2008
NiBer said:
JustALEX said:

Oh and I suppose the ENTIRE Left is, right?

Oh's just retarded SJWs that you people seem to think is representative of the entire left side of the political spectrum.

Oh and you might want to ask CONSERVATIVES what they think about free speech when it comes to allowing people with controversial comments speak at their events.

You mean when left didn't allow Milo Yiannopoulos( a conservative) to speak at Berkeley? People like you who attack the opposite side for trying to bring up problems today are the biggest problem. Why don't you attack the left instead who has insane problems taking any reality check?

Uh...actually you got it ALL WRONG!

Berkeley DID allow Milo to speak....just like MANY other "liberal" University

They ultimately cancelled his event because of the riots.

If you want to blame anyone....blame the retarded rioters!

Berkeley along with MANY universities that Milo went to....ALLOWED him to have his faggot ass in there.

And you have me mistaken with someone else.

Unlike many of YOU people (Right-wingers) I attack BOTH sides....not just one.

Unlike YOU people...I'm not afraid to attack people who have similar ideals to me when they do something retarded.
Mar 3, 2017 4:32 AM

Oct 2014
JustALEX said:
NiBer said:

You mean when left didn't allow Milo Yiannopoulos( a conservative) to speak at Berkeley? People like you who attack the opposite side for trying to bring up problems today are the biggest problem. Why don't you attack the left instead who has insane problems taking any reality check?

Uh...actually you got it ALL WRONG!

Berkeley DID allow Milo to speak....just like MANY other "liberal" University

They ultimately cancelled his event because of the riots.

If you want to blame anyone....blame the retarded rioters!

Berkeley along with MANY universities that Milo went to....ALLOWED him to have his faggot ass in there.

And you have me mistaken with someone else.

Unlike many of YOU people (Right-wingers) I attack BOTH sides....not just one.

Unlike YOU people...I'm not afraid to attack people who have similar ideals to me when they do something retarded.

You mean whenever he has a speech he's being protested constantly?
See, again. you're attacking the side being attacked instead of the attackers. Shame on you. You attacking right wingers today is like people attacking jews in nazi germany, it's easy to do and everyone else is doing it. Utter shame on your part. Wake up cuck.
Mar 3, 2017 4:39 AM

Oct 2014
Yomiyuki said:

what the fuck are you talking about, can you even read?
where in my post did i mention anything about wanting sweden to accept immigrants?

ErwinJA said:
Zeally said:
Immigrants actually commit less crimes than native borns well at least in America.

It's not even close
Yet people are suddenly so afraid of immigrants because they saw one incident on TV/news then some how extrapolate to the conclusion that immigrants are destroying their country.

This is really just propaganda, as its purpose is not to educate, but obfuscate.

If we're questioning the threat posed, relative percentages of criminality are more important than share of the total. Considering the portion of the population that are citizens, it would be absurd for the citizens to not vastly outstrip non-citizens. So, what we really want to know is whether the non-citizen share of crime is higher than its share of the population. If it is, they are, on average, more dangerous than citizens. If not, they are, individually, less of a threat. It's that simple.

Now, about 14% of the US population was born a non-citizen. That might suggest that are magic number is 86%, but . . . it's not. Why? Half of those are naturalized citizens. See the chart? Yeah, an immigrant who attains citizenship will be moved to the "citizen" class. So, if we see an area where citizens don't make up at least 93% of the total, that means a non-citizen immigrant is, relatively speaking (and in aggregate!) more dangerous. Several dominoes have fallen.

And, of course, there are other issues as well. There are several communities - most famously black, but also other minorities with high portions of immigrants, that protect their criminals for various reasons. This goes beyond just refusing to cooperate, but even juries acquitting on what should be open-and-shut cases. This chart has the obvious flaw in that it only follows convictions. That means anyone who got away with it doesn't count. This could, of course, go for or against either side - we don't know.

Now, overall, I don't see much difference - most of the numbers are either within the margin of error, or balanced out by other figures that go the other way. Compared to citizens, non-citizens are not particularly more dangerous.

Of course, looking at this thread title, there is an elephant in the room. A single (non-white) segment of the US population makes up a disproportional share of several of these crimes. Remove it, and the criminality rate for white citizens is significantly lower than for immigrants overall. At that point, however, we might as well start parsing immigrant populations as well, where we'll see the same trends - certain groups make up a disproportional share of the total crimes. And only at that point do we have anything that's even arguably useful and arguably not propaganda.

Stop derailing my topic.
Mar 3, 2017 4:42 AM

Dec 2009
Depends on where you draw the line for what anti-white propaganda is. If something is explicitly hateful against the white race, then of course it's anti-white. But things such as commercials featuring mixed race couples, showing whites as villains in movies, or any trivial pop culture thing like that that many of the alt-right complain about, I don't really think it is unless again, it's spreading a message of hate against white people.

As for politics, that's a different matter. Different people have different reasons for supporting the same thing. Not all people who voted from Trump are racists, not everyone who supports immigration is anti-white. If racists or SJWs want to throw in a racial narrative to support their platform or to discredit others, it's up to the individual to decide whether he believes it or not but staying out of the race issue is also an option because politics is much more than "liberals hate white males" or "Trump hates all minorities".

When it comes to politics, I'm pretty much saying, just think for yourself.

Well, that's how I see it at least.
Mar 3, 2017 4:43 AM

Jul 2015
@NiBer learn to use the edit button please, because 5 posts in a row is way too much.

OT: It goes both ways, but it's pretty easy to ignore half the context to write shit like this thread. I think it's a bit more complex than "whites/blacks are evil", but that probably makes me a libtard cuck SJW for you :-3.
Mar 3, 2017 4:48 AM

Oct 2014
Clebardman said:
@NiBer learn to use the edit button please, because 5 posts in a row is way too much.

OT: It goes both ways, but it's pretty easy to ignore half the context to write shit like this thread. I think it's a bit more complex than "whites/blacks are evil", but that probably makes me a libtard cuck SJW for you :-3.

Responding to each individual.

Elaborate. Be specific.
Mar 3, 2017 5:04 AM

Feb 2012
Damn traitors we should have all their heads.
Mar 3, 2017 5:09 AM

Sep 2012
NiBer said:
Yomiyuki said:

what the fuck are you talking about, can you even read?
where in my post did i mention anything about wanting sweden to accept immigrants?

ErwinJA said:
This is really just propaganda, as its purpose is not to educate, but obfuscate.

If we're questioning the threat posed, relative percentages of criminality are more important than share of the total. Considering the portion of the population that are citizens, it would be absurd for the citizens to not vastly outstrip non-citizens. So, what we really want to know is whether the non-citizen share of crime is higher than its share of the population. If it is, they are, on average, more dangerous than citizens. If not, they are, individually, less of a threat. It's that simple.

Now, about 14% of the US population was born a non-citizen. That might suggest that are magic number is 86%, but . . . it's not. Why? Half of those are naturalized citizens. See the chart? Yeah, an immigrant who attains citizenship will be moved to the "citizen" class. So, if we see an area where citizens don't make up at least 93% of the total, that means a non-citizen immigrant is, relatively speaking (and in aggregate!) more dangerous. Several dominoes have fallen.

And, of course, there are other issues as well. There are several communities - most famously black, but also other minorities with high portions of immigrants, that protect their criminals for various reasons. This goes beyond just refusing to cooperate, but even juries acquitting on what should be open-and-shut cases. This chart has the obvious flaw in that it only follows convictions. That means anyone who got away with it doesn't count. This could, of course, go for or against either side - we don't know.

Now, overall, I don't see much difference - most of the numbers are either within the margin of error, or balanced out by other figures that go the other way. Compared to citizens, non-citizens are not particularly more dangerous.

Of course, looking at this thread title, there is an elephant in the room. A single (non-white) segment of the US population makes up a disproportional share of several of these crimes. Remove it, and the criminality rate for white citizens is significantly lower than for immigrants overall. At that point, however, we might as well start parsing immigrant populations as well, where we'll see the same trends - certain groups make up a disproportional share of the total crimes. And only at that point do we have anything that's even arguably useful and arguably not propaganda.

Stop derailing my topic.

yeah, ur even more illiterate than your average sweden invader

Oh maybe, maybe it's the clothes we wear
The tasteless bracelets and the dye in our hair
Or maybe, maybe it's our nowhere towns or our nothing places
But we're trash, you and me
We're the litter on the breeze
We're the lovers on the streets
Just trash, me and you
It's in everything we do
It's in everything we do

Mar 3, 2017 5:18 AM

Jul 2015
@NiBer I lived in St-Denis, in the street where the terrorist hid and got assaulted. There are no "islamic" no-go zones in France as Fox News is claiming. It's true that cops don't go there, but it's not because of sharia. Drug dealing happens in daylight there, because it's easier for the state to let it run wild than to provide employment to it's citizens. Right wing suburbs around Paris spent decades evading as much taxes and urbanism laws as they could, resulting in ex-commie towns who played the game of integration and social mixity turning into massive shithole where only the poorer (often first-generation immigrants) stayed. The problem, at least here, isn't that people are "invading" France to tear down its culture, but that these people have been rejected for decades and used as sacrificial lambs to our great capitalist society (who needs unemployment to maximize profit). These people have other common points than European culture (be it religion, culture, skin color) so it's not really surprising to see them fall back to these. It's stupid, but a pretty common reaction.

I'll take a wild guess and add that it's probably how you ended up being "red-pilled" too. Don't take too much pills or memes dude, it's not good for your health.
Mar 3, 2017 5:34 AM

Dec 2016
NiBer said:
In sweden, virtually 100% of crimes are perpetrated the immigrants, sweden has become the rape capital of europe, so you're completely wrong.

Are you sure about that? Please feel inclined to properly back up this statement. Because ''virtually 100%' sounds like something from a newspaper that conveys a false picture.
Mar 3, 2017 5:35 AM

Apr 2014
I mean, I guess if you like getting raped by Muslims, then there are no no-go zones.
Mar 3, 2017 5:38 AM

Jul 2015
@Altairus funny joke, because current riots in France started when a cop raped a brown dude in broad daylight in a "no-go zone" suburb and walked out of tribunal without any rape accusation.
Mar 3, 2017 5:38 AM

Dec 2016
NiBer said:
Shame on you. You attacking right wingers today is like people attacking jews in nazi germany, it's easy to do and everyone else is doing it. Utter shame on your part. Wake up cuck.

Enough trolling for today? That statement is insulting and horrid.
Mar 3, 2017 6:12 AM

Oct 2014
Clebardman said:
@NiBer I lived in St-Denis, in the street where the terrorist hid and got assaulted. There are no "islamic" no-go zones in France as Fox News is claiming. It's true that cops don't go there, but it's not because of sharia. Drug dealing happens in daylight there, because it's easier for the state to let it run wild than to provide employment to it's citizens. Right wing suburbs around Paris spent decades evading as much taxes and urbanism laws as they could, resulting in ex-commie towns who played the game of integration and social mixity turning into massive shithole where only the poorer (often first-generation immigrants) stayed. The problem, at least here, isn't that people are "invading" France to tear down its culture, but that these people have been rejected for decades and used as sacrificial lambs to our great capitalist society (who needs unemployment to maximize profit). These people have other common points than European culture (be it religion, culture, skin color) so it's not really surprising to see them fall back to these. It's stupid, but a pretty common reaction.

I'll take a wild guess and add that it's probably how you ended up being "red-pilled" too. Don't take too much pills or memes dude, it's not good for your health.

Absolute lie. There are pleny of no-go zones in France.
Yeah, definitely no go zones. Muslims are totally peaceful and not rapey and islam is a religion of peace.
Mar 3, 2017 6:18 AM

Oct 2014
BlueBlack37 said:
NiBer said:
Shame on you. You attacking right wingers today is like people attacking jews in nazi germany, it's easy to do and everyone else is doing it. Utter shame on your part. Wake up cuck.

Enough trolling for today? That statement is insulting and horrid.

I love this. 'Trolling'.
My statement is true.
Everyone disagreeing with you must be a troll, right? Either a troll or a racist or a bigot, there's no way anything bad's happening in Europe right now!
Mar 3, 2017 6:36 AM

Dec 2016
NiBer said:
BlueBlack37 said:

Enough trolling for today? That statement is insulting and horrid.

I love this. 'Trolling'.
My statement is true.
Everyone disagreeing with you must be a troll, right? Either a troll or a racist or a bigot, there's no way anything bad's happening in Europe right now!

Did you refer to my other post? Because the videos are from sweden.
Mar 3, 2017 7:14 AM

Jul 2015
@NiBer Why do you open a discussion thread when you don't want to discuss? I'm sorry my own, RL experience contradicts your propaganda YT vids made by people who live at the other side of the world, but I lived neartly two years in a "no-go zone", and I'm as atheist and white as you can get.

The funny thing is, I hate religions with a passion and I think they're a huge problem, but your simplistic and communautarist reaction is exactly the reason why they are a problem in the first place.
DeathkoMar 3, 2017 7:18 AM
Mar 3, 2017 7:19 AM
Feb 2017
Zeally said:
Immigrants actually commit less crimes than native borns well at least in America.

It's not even close
Yet people are suddenly so afraid of immigrants because they saw one incident on TV/news then some how extrapolate to the conclusion that immigrants are destroying their country.

This is the most retarded graph I have ever seen. How can you actually use such crap as evidence of who commits more crime? You do realize that "immigrants" and even sometimes "illegal immigrants" become citizens, right?
Mar 3, 2017 7:36 AM

Feb 2017
Humans have this rather compelling tendency to compete and eliminate. Over thousands of years, there has been various civilizations that held strong for centuries before dissipating away in the flow of time.

And when one such civilization is at its peak, the rest of the world will look upto it and that civilization (using military force or otherwise) prove to the world that they are the chosen ones. So its reasonable to assume that there has never been any known civilization that actually helped to promote peace and coexistence among humans.

We need a target for our violent urges and so we create one. Thats all there is to it. Whether it be wars, or racism or crime or economy, it just follows one simple principle, "Might is right".

So those of you claiming to be on the right and mighty side today, will witness the downfall of your splendor only for another set of people to take that place. Its always just a matter of time before the hero becomes zero!
Best ending line in anime history = "My name is Saiki Kusuo. I am a psychic."
Mar 3, 2017 7:49 AM

Jun 2016
I used to think "anti-white propaganda" was some sort of conspiracy theory, until Europe started to allow hordes of refugees and migrants in and let them do whatever they want and blatantly and publicly call of the destruction of their own (white) cultures. Recently after the election, the media here in the US has been doing the same thing, but the media in Europe is more open about it and more extreme at this point. So now I admit that anti-white propaganda is real.

The way I see it, the global elites want one "human" race with no cultural attachments that they can easily enslave, and their starting with whites first because they would resist the most and the others (probably Asians next) would fall like dominoes.
Mar 3, 2017 7:58 AM

Oct 2014
Clebardman said:
@NiBer Why do you open a discussion thread when you don't want to discuss? I'm sorry my own, RL experience contradicts your propaganda YT vids made by people who live at the other side of the world, but I lived neartly two years in a "no-go zone", and I'm as atheist and white as you can get.

The funny thing is, I hate religions with a passion and I think they're a huge problem, but your simplistic and communautarist reaction is exactly the reason why they are a problem in the first place.

The 'my own experience' therefore everything atrocious going on in Europe is automatically untrue. Just because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean it's true, if you haven't exaggerated it (living in a no-go zone, huh), or even told the truth.
'My own experience' isn't an argument against what's now daily going on in Europe. Even if what you said WAS true, it doesn't invalidate serious problems caused by a massive refugee influx.
Mar 3, 2017 8:49 AM

Dec 2012
This whole "multiculturalism = less white people" bullshit is falling apart at the seams. Notice that it's mostly regressive white cucks pushing the white guilt agenda. I'd rather not get too hung up on "anti-white" specifically, however, as it's only a symptom of a much larger social slave trade.

On the topic of red-pilling, it was such a refreshing moment to see an alliance form between the Alt Right and Hotep. Ironic how white nationalists and black power advocates can work together for each other's mutual interests better than so-called tolerant, peaceful, caring, kind, inclusive, loving ((("liberals"))).
Mar 3, 2017 8:50 AM

Mar 2012
Even putting aside the fact that 'white pride' was born from xenophobia rather than a reaction to decades of oppression like most pride movements, one big reason I'll never be proud of the fact that I was born white is because of threads like this.

When you create a non existent problem just so you can pretend you're oppresed, you're really no different from them 'Essjaydoubleyoo' folk you've been complaining about since 2013.

EDIT: Oh, and I just realised your name is a thinly veiled racial slur. Really helps your 'non hateful' case.
SeibaaHomuMar 3, 2017 8:53 AM
Mar 3, 2017 8:54 AM

Jun 2015
imeli said:
Minorities don't like white people because they are jealous of our angelic skin color and higher level of intelligence.
higher level of trolling more like it.... and angelic skin color?

sure thats true

Mar 3, 2017 8:54 AM
Apr 2013
I'll never be proud of the fact that I was born white

Shoryu said:
Life-enhancing-body-suits are good and all, but they can't protect you against the void.
Shoryu said:
Hopefully a better quote in the near future
Become a friend of Blahkabelison, they're a female.
Mar 3, 2017 9:13 AM

Mar 2012
Don't get me wrong. I don't resent the fact that I was born white. I'm actually relieved that I've never had to deal with real oppression.

But like, I don't see why I should be proud of it. Even putting aside the inherent racism in the 'white pride' movement I just think it's a very weird thing to be proud of. I mean, whites are by far the dominant race where I come from. There's nothing unique or special about me. There isn't any real form of oppression for me to fight against. All things considered I'm pretty fuckin privileged.
SeibaaHomuMar 3, 2017 9:16 AM
Mar 3, 2017 9:20 AM

Oct 2014
SeibaaHomu said:
Don't get me wrong. I don't resent the fact that I was born white. I'm actually relieved that I've never had to deal with real oppression.

But like, I don't see why I should be proud of it. Even putting aside the inherent racism in the 'white pride' movement I just think it's a very weird thing to be proud of. I mean, whites are by far the dominant race where I come from. There's nothing unique or special about me. There isn't any real form of oppression for me to fight against. All things considered I'm pretty fuckin privileged.

Because we built the civilization,

Mod Edit: Removed unnecessary words.
RawrbertoMar 6, 2017 11:19 PM
Mar 3, 2017 9:32 AM

Mar 2014
I'm not proud of being white but I'm not ashamed of it either (although I am proud over my two ethnicities but IMO it's different from being proud over one's race)

I don't think it's going to go so far that anti-white rhetoric is going to turn white people into slaves or whatever but I still think it's retarded because A) it's racist B) it envenoms the debate and C) I don't believe in collective guilt (the funny thing is that a lot of the people who complain about les evils whiteys all the time are white themselves)
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Mar 3, 2017 9:48 AM

Jul 2014
Jesus H. Christ, this thread pretty much sums up why CE gets the reputation it does.

OT: That kind of shit is pretty commonplace where I live, and was especially big around 2015/early 2016. Regardless, I feel that racism in all its forms is utterly abhorrent and find it ridiculous that so much emphasis is still placed on something as trivial as the amount of melanin in a person's skin. That's why I don't like racial pride either.
Take care of yourself

Mar 3, 2017 10:06 AM

Jan 2015
I know that in the video those women said a lot of bullshit but... at 1:33 we can read the following: "London England now 49% white, its no longer 'London', this is white genocide. Its wrong and it must be stopped''.
White genocide?? seriously?
Also, that youtube comment section is full of racists supporting ethnic cleansing.
Mar 3, 2017 10:09 AM
Jul 2018
I don't think there is much more hate towards whites than there is towards blacks or others but it seems more accepted, tho in everyday life, most people just don't give a fuck really.

SeibaaHomu said:
Don't get me wrong. I don't resent the fact that I was born white. I'm actually relieved that I've never had to deal with real oppression.

But like, I don't see why I should be proud of it. Even putting aside the inherent racism in the 'white pride' movement I just think it's a very weird thing to be proud of. I mean, whites are by far the dominant race where I come from. There's nothing unique or special about me. There isn't any real form of oppression for me to fight against. All things considered I'm pretty fuckin privileged.

You right now:

Mar 3, 2017 10:12 AM

Oct 2011
Trazilibo said:
I know that in the video those women said a lot of bullshit but... at 1:33 we can read the following: "London England now 49% white, its no longer 'London', this is white genocide. Its wrong and it must be stopped''.
White genocide?? seriously?
Also, that youtube comment section is full of racists supporting ethnic cleansing.

Pretty much. Things escalated quickly I'd say. I didn't know MAL was so extreme. It's sad seeing a forum post like this :l.
Mar 3, 2017 10:21 AM

Sep 2012
aedonis said:
Trazilibo said:
I know that in the video those women said a lot of bullshit but... at 1:33 we can read the following: "London England now 49% white, its no longer 'London', this is white genocide. Its wrong and it must be stopped''.
White genocide?? seriously?
Also, that youtube comment section is full of racists supporting ethnic cleansing.

Pretty much. Things escalated quickly I'd say. I didn't know MAL was so extreme. It's sad seeing a forum post like this :l.

>i didn't know mal was so extreme
it's not...
this is just like 2 people being retarded and two literal whos that i've never seen posting before today.
alti doesn't count.

Oh maybe, maybe it's the clothes we wear
The tasteless bracelets and the dye in our hair
Or maybe, maybe it's our nowhere towns or our nothing places
But we're trash, you and me
We're the litter on the breeze
We're the lovers on the streets
Just trash, me and you
It's in everything we do
It's in everything we do

Mar 3, 2017 10:38 AM

Sep 2009
Hoppy said:
Immahnoob said:
Unnecessary hatred is never ok. Now it's more acceptable to attack white people.
It's pretty foolish and it will backfire, I mean, it's already happening.

We're lucky it's just the conservative counterculture for the most part and in the US we have a center-right president and the UK got Brexit, it could've been much much worse. We barely missed the big one (and in Sweden, the worst is pretty much bound to happen and it's a question of when than if).

What does this have to do with "anti-white propaganda"?
Losing an Argument online?

Simply post a webpage full of links, and refuse to continue until your opponents have read every last one of them!


"I was debating with someone who believed in climate change, when he linked me to a graph showing evidence to that effect. So I sent him a 10k word essay on the origins of Conservatism, and escaped with my dignity intact."

Mar 3, 2017 10:45 AM

Mar 2014
Darek said:
SeibaaHomu said:
Don't get me wrong. I don't resent the fact that I was born white. I'm actually relieved that I've never had to deal with real oppression.

But like, I don't see why I should be proud of it. Even putting aside the inherent racism in the 'white pride' movement I just think it's a very weird thing to be proud of. I mean, whites are by far the dominant race where I come from. There's nothing unique or special about me. There isn't any real form of oppression for me to fight against. All things considered I'm pretty fuckin privileged.

You right now:

Based TJ is based as always
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Mar 3, 2017 10:48 AM
Jul 2018
I just
Don't care anymore
I don't care about what race I am or what another person's race is
Are these people dumb? Absolutely.
But the people in this thread who are defending white "superiority" and "supremacy" are equally dumb.

Fighting racism with more racism juuuust stirs the already boiling pot.
removed-userMar 3, 2017 10:56 AM
Mar 3, 2017 11:03 AM

Feb 2016
Did anyone actually watch the video and look at the "sources" in the description?

That is incredibly hilarious.

Mar 3, 2017 11:12 AM

Oct 2014
clandestine said:
I just
Don't care anymore
I don't care about what race I am or what another person's race is
Are these people dumb? Absolutely.
But the people in this thread who are defending white "superiority" and "supremacy" are equally dumb.

Fighting racism with more racism juuuust stirs the already boiling pot.

Black person proud to be black = not racist
Asian person proud to be Asian = not racist
White person proud to be white = racist
Don't you see the hypocrisy here? Wake up!

Mod Edit: Removed unnecessary words.
RawrbertoMar 6, 2017 11:13 PM
Mar 3, 2017 11:21 AM

Apr 2012
NudeBear said:
It's pretty obvious that the entire world already admires and loves Westerners and Western culture. Ha sure, people that hate white people do exist. Newsflash, we (non-whites) have to deal with racism too. However, to take the fact that racism against white people exists and extend it to some grand accusation about how the rest of the world is out get white people and eliminate them from the planet is nothing more but delusion.

Nice superiority and persecution complexes bro. Get some help and go see professional.
The fact that "reverse racism" is a term that is also commonly used tells me you're the delusional one.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Mar 3, 2017 11:25 AM

Oct 2014
Trazilibo said:
I know that in the video those women said a lot of bullshit but... at 1:33 we can read the following: "London England now 49% white, its no longer 'London', this is white genocide. Its wrong and it must be stopped''.
White genocide?? seriously?
Also, that youtube comment section is full of racists supporting ethnic cleansing.

Every country deserves to fight for their culture and inheritance to remain intact. We are not the babysitter of the world. Take care of your own damn country.
Since when did become norm for white people to take everyone. Why doesn't Japan then allow influx of millions of refugees there? Why doesn't your country then take in millions of potential ISIS members? You didn't think of that, did you?
But we're racist ones, right. For trying to preserve our entire fucking history.
Mar 3, 2017 11:27 AM

Oct 2014
aedonis said:
Trazilibo said:
I know that in the video those women said a lot of bullshit but... at 1:33 we can read the following: "London England now 49% white, its no longer 'London', this is white genocide. Its wrong and it must be stopped''.
White genocide?? seriously?
Also, that youtube comment section is full of racists supporting ethnic cleansing.

Pretty much. Things escalated quickly I'd say. I didn't know MAL was so extreme. It's sad seeing a forum post like this :l.

It's sad that people would rebel to such disgusting anti-white hatred, right. Stay ignorant.
Mar 3, 2017 11:35 AM

Apr 2012
NudeBear said:
Immahnoob said:
The fact that "reverse racism" is a term that is also commonly used tells me you're the delusional one.

Sure buddy. Why don't you just run along and go masturbate to children or something.
There's no need to be upset. It's like you haven't been here the past 4 years and haven't seen what the media has been doing.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Mar 3, 2017 11:55 AM

Jan 2015
NiBer said:
aedonis said:

Pretty much. Things escalated quickly I'd say. I didn't know MAL was so extreme. It's sad seeing a forum post like this :l.

It's sad that people would rebel to such disgusting anti-white hatred, right. Stay ignorant.

I am not ignorant mate. Being against ethnic cleansing and being able to understand what's wrong in the phrase "London England now 49% white, its no longer 'London', this is white genocide. Its wrong and it must be stopped'' its not being ignorant. There is hate towards every race, but if you study a bit of history its obvious that some races and nations were at a historical disadvantage that left some scars on society.
Mar 3, 2017 12:03 PM

Apr 2012
AnnoKano said:
Hoppy said:

We're lucky it's just the conservative counterculture for the most part and in the US we have a center-right president and the UK got Brexit, it could've been much much worse. We barely missed the big one (and in Sweden, the worst is pretty much bound to happen and it's a question of when than if).

What does this have to do with "anti-white propaganda"?
Because it's tied together?

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Mar 3, 2017 12:42 PM

Nov 2008
Immahnoob said:
AnnoKano said:

What does this have to do with "anti-white propaganda"?
Because it's tied together?

There was anti-white propaganda when it came to remainers/remoaners, heck they went as far to blame old people for Brexit which didn't happen when Trump got elected.

Mar 3, 2017 12:51 PM
Jun 2015
DrGeroCreation said:
Carto738 said:
Africans and Middle Eastern people think they are better than us but they are growing up in a world we created. To be honest I don't mind it, because without us and our handouts their being would collapse in a day. They are just living in their own blatant ignorance, and honestly that is better than them chimping out everywhere.
Yeah like America and Europe would be anything without exploiting natural resources from Africa and the Middle East. Blacks literally physically helped build America.

RedRoseFring said:

This is it. The second most racist thing I've read today.
This is Mal what else did you expect.

NiBer said:

The fact it's true? Majority of immigrant Africans/middle easterners think awfully little of whites.
How do Africans repay white people coming to help them in Africa? By Boer genocide.

This is is. This is the second most sjw thing I've read today.
Yeah and you white right wing fuckers care the world for non whites and don't bash non whites constantly online. Yeah Africans should replay whites ten fold for raping Africa during the Scramble for Africa

Because we were smart enough to use them. They were primitive. It was like using a cow for milk or a chicken for eggs. They were just our tools and they couldn't do anything without direction from us. Before we go there, they were just standing on valuables shouting ooga booga at each other. Africa was ripe for the taking, and we took it - why? Because we were smart; taking candy from a baby almost. They had sticks and cowskin shields while we had guns and cannons.

If there is anybody to blame for the situation in Africa and why they are as stupid as they have always been is simply the Africans themselves. They couldn't defend themselves or do anything productive and still can't because they are weak and retarded. It's evident in their iq's, their jobs, their skills, the unemployment rates, the crime rates etc.

Of course, not every black person is as retarded as I'm explaining, but that's simply because of inter racial breeding, which is sickening, especially between whites/asians and blacks.

The entire continent of Africa is fucked. The African communities in Western countries - fucked.
The rest of the continents - fucked. White communities- fucked, literally.

It's unfortunate, for us.

Edit: After reading more of your posts, I see you are absolutely retarded. Blacks did build and work the lands of most of South America , but because that's what tools do. They didn't 'build' the bridges, we did. They didn't 'build' anything. You don't look at a piece of furniture someone made and say " Wow that hammer did a nice job on this chair" you say " Wow whoever made this did a nice job" .

They were simply tools- straight and simple . There is no need to apologize to tools. Africans actually handed themselves over, which is pretty funny. Anyways, at least nowadays they produce [b]some[b/] good to society, but it is far outweighed by the bad. Hence - you and your race doesn't deserve to be in the world we built. Go back to your huts in Africa.
NoLongerAWeebBroMar 3, 2017 2:22 PM
Mar 3, 2017 1:03 PM

Jan 2009
i like some actual statistics on that claim that racism against whites are popular worldwide when majority of the economy and even the entertainment sector run by white people are popular all around the world

seems to me that video as evidence of anti-white propaganda is just overgeneralizing/exaggeration
Mar 3, 2017 1:09 PM

Sep 2009
Hoppy said:

There was anti-white propaganda when it came to remainers/remoaners,

And what was this anti-white propaganda?

Hoppy said:
heck they went as far to blame old people for Brexit which didn't happen when Trump got elected.

They blamed old people because old people overwhelmingly voted for Brexit, while most young people voted remain. This is a talking point because those old people will not have to live through the consequences of Brexit, while the young people will.

But I do not see what this has to do with being anti-white.
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