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Magical Girl Raising Project (light novel)
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Dec 10, 2016 7:19 AM

Nov 2011
Cranberry is not messing around. Just taking the fight to Swim Swim like that...damn.
Still, Swim Swim is still pretty OP. please nerf

I find it kinda cute to see some of Tama's past.
Ripple still reminiscing about her friend Top Speed...;_; I really hope she's prepared because she's fighting with a feeling of vengeance now.
Dec 10, 2016 7:31 AM

Mar 2013
What a jobber.

And Swim Swim strikes again.

Guys, this is why you shouldn't follow rules so strictly.
Dec 10, 2016 7:57 AM

Apr 2013
I knew it after seeing where the previous episode stopped, but I'll have to say that I'm fairly disappointed that Lerche doesn't intend to make the 12th episode the extra chapter. They even went as far as adding original scenes in that one, like the ripple /top speed illusion, and the ripple magical transformation completely out of place.
Magical girls in Mahoiku don't take that long to transform, it's pretty much instantaneous.
They could have definitely put the content in 11 episodes rather than 12 and use the 12th for the extra chapter. As it stands, peoples will miss ton of explanations as well as a good sneak peak of the direction the story takes after this first arc.
ZefyrisDec 10, 2016 8:40 AM
Dec 10, 2016 8:18 AM

Apr 2010
So Ripple going on the offensive and someone is still delusional about not fighting each other.
Which won't work with SwimSwim guess things are going to get messy next episode.
Dec 10, 2016 9:52 AM
Jun 2015
Oh my the preview title went zap. Thats creative.
Dec 10, 2016 9:53 AM
Jun 2012
I still found it funny that People called her delusional when she isn't.

A shame anime left out most of Snow's thoughts through out the situations, since most of her character are in those.

No SWRP next week ;_;
noireoDec 10, 2016 10:01 AM
Dec 10, 2016 9:56 AM

Jun 2010
Man, what can I can I say about this episode? The only emotion I can feel is hatred. Somehow, right when you think she can't get any worse, Swim Swim just keeps doing the worst fucking things.

Seriously, though.

Fuck Swim Swim.

Zefyris said:
I knew it after seeing where the previous episode stopped, but I'll have to say that I'm fairly disappointed that Lerche doesn't intend to make the 12th episode the extra chapter. They even went as far as adding original scenes in that one, like the ripple /top speed illusion, and the ripple magical transformation completely out of place.
Magical girls in Mahoiku don't take that long to transform, it's pretty much instantaneous.
They could have definitely put the content in 11 episodes rather than 12 and use the 12th for the extra chapter. As it stands, peoples will miss ton of explanations as well as a good sneak peak of the direction the story takes after this first arc.

Are we actually positive it's not going to be 13 episodes? Even if it is 12, they could always do an OVA or something.
Dec 10, 2016 9:58 AM
Jun 2015
Snow white is just annoying, she doesn't want anyone to fight yet she's not proactively trying to stop it.
Dec 10, 2016 10:01 AM

Apr 2016
wowow another bloody episode ;)
Dec 10, 2016 10:06 AM

Mar 2013
I forgot this.

They actually animate it! How she cares about her subjects.
Thank God.

Pretty much everyone in Tama's family gives up on her yet Ruler doesn't give up on Tama.
Dec 10, 2016 10:08 AM

Mar 2015
Go Swim Swim I'm cheering for you ^-^ destroying girls left and right. I'm sad that flav is setting her up though :( Hang in there you can make it .. i hope
Dec 10, 2016 10:10 AM

Feb 2016
this anime is edgy af xd

Fuck Swim Swim. Ruler was good, but got replaced by this little shit that kills her own subordinates... That Cranberry fight was too quick and anticlimatic again..
She could sense all around her but somehow still got a surprise attack. And the cold killer that witnessed so many girls dying, of course will get shocked by Swim Swim being a child. XD
Dec 10, 2016 10:13 AM

Jan 2015
That's right, the end is near. Stop chit-chat and cryingand keep slashing. And talking about slashing that's how Swim-swim hold onto her own way of thinking about "never let anyone knows about your real Identity". Oh well, since the risk just get higher if she don't kill Tama at that very moment.
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Dec 10, 2016 10:14 AM

May 2012
Aw man... I know she's just a kid with a warped perspective, but damn, Swim Swim's definitely now up there for my most disliked characters >_>

Cranberry went down in a really unexpected way. I thought she was gonna be final boss too

Dec 10, 2016 10:18 AM

Apr 2013

neonie said:
Man, what can I can I say about this episode? The only emotion I can feel is hatred. Somehow, right when you think she can't get any worse, Swim Swim just keeps doing the worst fucking things.

Seriously, though.

Fuck Swim Swim.

Zefyris said:
I knew it after seeing where the previous episode stopped, but I'll have to say that I'm fairly disappointed that Lerche doesn't intend to make the 12th episode the extra chapter. They even went as far as adding original scenes in that one, like the ripple /top speed illusion, and the ripple magical transformation completely out of place.
Magical girls in Mahoiku don't take that long to transform, it's pretty much instantaneous.
They could have definitely put the content in 11 episodes rather than 12 and use the 12th for the extra chapter. As it stands, peoples will miss ton of explanations as well as a good sneak peak of the direction the story takes after this first arc.

Are we actually positive it's not going to be 13 episodes? Even if it is 12, they could always do an OVA or something.

We are, except for OVA.
ZefyrisDec 10, 2016 12:12 PM
Dec 10, 2016 10:19 AM

May 2016
I politely ask the Anime Gods to make the next episode good, because if it is, then I'll get to say I was right about this show all along, even if only to myself.
Dec 10, 2016 10:20 AM

Aug 2014
I'm sad we didn't see more of Cranberry's thoughts on why she didn't kill Swim Swim right away like in the novels. But I'm so happy they've shown Ruler's good side! And I legit started crying with the scenes with Ripple imagining Top Speed.
Dec 10, 2016 10:20 AM
Oct 2015
Poor Tama....

Another girl that had a horrible life and died a tragic death.
Dec 10, 2016 10:23 AM

Apr 2013
Aquamirror said:
this anime is edgy af xd

Fuck Swim Swim. Ruler was good, but got replaced by this little shit that kills her own subordinates... That Cranberry fight was too quick and anticlimatic again..
She could sense all around her but somehow still got a surprise attack. And the cold killer that witnessed so many girls dying, of course will get shocked by Swim Swim being a child. XD

she wasn't surprised. Pretty surprised by the result of the scratch, though.
Her reacting to swimswim being a child isn't what you're thinking. She doesn't give a fuck about killing a magical girl who is still a little child. What she reacted too, is with how good and promising she was she was imagining her quite older. And she hesitated killing her rather than keeping her alive due to the promise she was showing. It's that hesitation that killed her.

BTW, bear in mind something, as it's easy to make the mistake and think it backward. The reason we're being shown THIS particular death game and not any of the previous ones she orchestrated is because in this one she screwed up, which never happened before. This is because it's her last, and because it will start everything, that we're seeing this one. So obviously yes she screwed up and died. If she didn't, the author would have told you about another game, not that one.
Dec 10, 2016 10:28 AM

Oct 2013
got a couple more tears out of me this episode. thank god this is almost over lmfao. I just feel dead inside.

I still haven't really gotten the "why" part of the magical girl raising project, other than this being a second iteration(?) of it. And it seems like we won't really get it either, which is disappointing. The edgy factor stopped being funny after about 3-4 episodes in. Now i'm just tired.
I couldn't think of anything cool to put here.
Dec 10, 2016 10:32 AM
Mar 2016
I just hate how fast the fight between Swim Swim and Cranberry was. I expected at least a good 10 or so minutes but we instead got random clips that are out of place, and flashbacks that were too dragged on. I loved the light novel but I feel like this story is too long for 12-13 episodes...but too short for around 23-24 episodes. It feels so rushed these past few episodes. Like they are only showing us the highlights of a fight or removing some well needed 'oomph" to certain scenes that could have been more emotionally impactfull like the thoughts that were racing through Mary's mind before thousands of shards of glass penetrated her or Sister Nana' final thoughts and last words before hanging herself with Winterprion's scarf. I feel like this would have been a better experience for someone that didn't read the light let me know how the anime has been for you so far.
Dec 10, 2016 10:39 AM

Nov 2014
T_T why Swim Swim killed the bests girls of the show. After Tama's flashback, i feel sad for Ruler too.
And thanks to god they give us a little flashback about the first minutes of episode 1.
Dec 10, 2016 10:40 AM

Aug 2015
fateoffate said:
What a jobber.

And Swim Swim strikes again.

Guys, this is why you shouldn't follow rules so strictly.

Another one has joined the squad.

A three way battle for the final episode though It seems that only Ripple and Swim-Swim will go on a death match.
SeijiroUshioDec 10, 2016 10:58 AM
Dec 10, 2016 10:45 AM

Mar 2013
CaramelleAngel said:
other than this being a second iteration(?) of it.

No, it has several iteration after Fav and Cranberry become partners.
Anymore details are huge spoiler for the next Arcs so I'm not talking about it here.
Dec 10, 2016 10:49 AM
Mar 2010
This was great, but sucks at the same time, because obviously best girl Swim Swim will get killed by Ripple somehow ;[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
Dec 10, 2016 10:50 AM
Jul 2012
The three girls I wanted to survive did up until this point sadly atleast one of them will likely die next episode. Why couldn't Swim and Ripple both just stop now that it's over.
Dec 10, 2016 10:50 AM

Feb 2011

literally worse than hitler
Dec 10, 2016 10:53 AM

Aug 2016
GGGGRRRRRR ffs. Why did I cry so much at the death? And then at the flashbacks too?! This anime's just exhausting to watch now, after going through what happened this week, I am SO glad it's ending next week... is ending next week... right?
Forever wishing for an unrealistic Anime romance.
Dec 10, 2016 10:54 AM

Jul 2015
The first deaths were ok, now these killings became boring. Should have more build-up.

I thought Cranberry would give a good fight, but no. sigh

AdrianRubinskyDec 10, 2016 10:59 AM
Dec 10, 2016 10:54 AM

Jul 2013
Swim Swim can fuck herself. Poor Tama, just when she saved her friend from dying and when she managed to last that much ;_;

I honestly don't know how this is going to end.

fateoffate said:
What a jobber.
Pretty much this.
IllyricusDec 10, 2016 10:57 AM
Dec 10, 2016 10:57 AM

Dec 2014
Good episode.

The opening sequence was pretty interesting, I suppose that was one of the very first games which ended in Cranberry winning. Wonder if any information regarding this project will be explained next episode, though I doubt it.

I just can't like Swim Swim at all, I don't get why she goes this far to kill everyone.
I was hoping Cranberry would put her in her place, I was pretty happy after she got blown away but talk about anti-climatic deaths, Tama has an OP power. I knew Tama was gonna die after that though. :|
The flashback with Ruler was actually really nice, She's better than Swim-Swim by miles.

Top Speed and La Pucelle flashback. T.T Ripple remembering Top Speed was just really sad, Especially the part where she takes Top Speed's body back home is really poignant. :(

The transformation scene came out nowhere but hey it was nice. XD
Alright Ripple, I'm placing all hope on you. Please win, Please put an end to Swim-Swim cause seriously, Screw her.
Dec 10, 2016 11:02 AM

Jul 2014
And Swim Swim just gets worse and worse, this time needlessly killing Tama and not getting ruthlessly killed like she really should have been by Cranberry. That aside, Ripple's transformation and various hallucinations really felt out of place, and it's really obvious that they did that just to have enough content to end on.

With just three girls left now, I hope this show can end with a bang, and hopefully with the long-overdue death of Swim Swim, one of my most-hated anime characters of 2016.
Dec 10, 2016 11:08 AM

Jan 2015
Really incredible for me, how you can kill your own teammate and in that same day do homework >_< Not to mention that she daily kills people as a child and goes to school the next day x_x
Dec 10, 2016 11:16 AM

Aug 2015
Swim Swim hate train just keeps getting longer and longer. Killing somebody before doing homework sure feels good... and Ruler didn't say that you have to kill other magical girls who learn your identity. I can't feel any sympathy for her now, even if she's just a 7 year old.

Poor Tama didn't even get to know why she died
Dec 10, 2016 11:19 AM
Nov 2010
remember everyone it's all nemus fault for telling swim swim in her dream that she could be ruler. Literally all of this is the fault of nemu lol
Dec 10, 2016 11:26 AM

Dec 2014
well three are left and count is down to 2..... I hate where things are going.... each episode leaves me more sad than the previous one
Dec 10, 2016 11:30 AM

Feb 2015
MrJc said:
remember everyone it's all nemus fault for telling swim swim in her dream that she could be ruler. Literally all of this is the fault of nemu lol

Nope, it's not Nemurin's fault.

I don't think every 7-year old girl would take that advice as going ahead and killing everyone.

Dec 10, 2016 11:33 AM
Nov 2010
Victorian-Doll said:

Nope, it's not Nemurin's fault.

I don't think every 7-year old girl would take that advice as going ahead and killing everyone.

Hey if she didn't talk to her in her dream I highly doubt she would of went Hey I could be ruler if I just got rid of Ruler
Dec 10, 2016 11:33 AM

Oct 2013
fateoffate said:
CaramelleAngel said:
other than this being a second iteration(?) of it.

No, it has several iteration after Fav and Cranberry become partners.
Anymore details are huge spoiler for the next Arcs so I'm not talking about it here.

I meant the selection test before this, though I've done some reading and it seems like this wasn't the first of Cranberry's test as master so
I couldn't think of anything cool to put here.
Dec 10, 2016 11:34 AM

Jun 2013
Poor Tama
Ripple better kill Swim Swim
Dec 10, 2016 11:35 AM

Apr 2013
CaramelleAngel said:
fateoffate said:

No, it has several iteration after Fav and Cranberry become partners.
Anymore details are huge spoiler for the next Arcs so I'm not talking about it here.

I meant the selection test before this, though I've done some reading and it seems like this wasn't the first of Cranberry's test as master so

Cramberry has done many test before this one, never screwing up until now. hundred of magical girls have died due to this, unknown from the higher up.
Dec 10, 2016 11:38 AM

Feb 2015
MrJc said:
Victorian-Doll said:

Nope, it's not Nemurin's fault.

I don't think every 7-year old girl would take that advice as going ahead and killing everyone.

Hey if she didn't talk to her in her dream I highly doubt she would of went Hey I could be ruler if I just got rid of Ruler

Ayana/Swim Swim seems pretty emotionless to begin with, and Ruler praised her even before that dream. Many young girls dream of being a princess, but their ideal princess doesn't just go and kill everyone, does she?
And Nemurin didn't have bad intentions, and she didn't even know that she can die in this 'game'. So blaming Nemurin is just cruel.

Dec 10, 2016 11:42 AM
Nov 2010
Victorian-Doll said:

Ayana/Swim Swim seems pretty emotionless to begin with, and Ruler praised her even before that dream. Many young girls dream of being a princess, but their ideal princess doesn't just go and kill everyone, does she?
And Nemurin didn't have bad intentions, and she didn't even know that she can die in this 'game'. So blaming Nemurin is just cruel.

Oh I never said she did it on purpose, And I am a cruel person but in the grand scheme of things Nemu giving her that little push and encouragement caused all of the death from swim swim. Sucks that she took her advice and did what she did but I can still blame her. Obviously She didn't do it on purpose but hey Swim Swim is one messed up child.
MrJcDec 10, 2016 11:45 AM
Dec 10, 2016 11:42 AM

Jan 2015
So they add some anime original scenes? Well, that means no 1.5 here.

Tama kills Cranberry. This is really ironic. The one that can be describe as strongest Mahou Shoujo from all 16 is killed by one that can be described as weakest one.

Swim Swim kills Tama. And we have flashbacks after her death. Why rest couldn't get their flashbacks after their deaths and not before?
Also nice to see good side of Ruler.
Dec 10, 2016 11:52 AM

Jan 2012

Tama's power is just op, sad she got to show how strong she is by killin' Cranberry brutally to save her "friend" just to get killed by said "friend".

Expected to end like that after hearin' its 12 episode, still a shame about the special chapter and chances for next Arcs i guess.

Interesting title choice for final episode, not really fittin' for an epilog, so maybe we get a teaser for Arc 2:Restart at least. There is some time left with the chosen paddings in this episode.

Glad they showed Tama's past with Ruler. Ruler was by far the better ruler than Swim Swim ever could become with her "misinterpretations" or believings in ruler's tsundere words "to be a ruler". Didnt see a princess that kills yet @ Nemu~
Dec 10, 2016 11:52 AM

Jun 2010
Poloir said:
GGGGRRRRRR ffs. Why did I cry so much at the death? And then at the flashbacks too?! This anime's just exhausting to watch now, after going through what happened this week, I am SO glad it's ending next week... is ending next week... right?

No. Next week you will become a magical girl, and enter the death game your self. Your first opponent? Swim Swim.
Dec 10, 2016 11:58 AM
Jul 2018
Tama, i apologize for having called your power useless.
Koyuki, i understand you, but stfu, i want to see swim swim dead.
Kano please kill Swim Swim, make sure she suffers as much as possible...
no, i dont care that she is a child.

now then, all we need is a Homura and a Madoka to save everyone.
Dec 10, 2016 12:07 PM
Sep 2009
Honestly, I just cant feel anything with all these magical girls dying left and right. Their deaths are too fast and random and their characters are not developed enough to produce any emotions.

This show is a good example of a good idea poorly executed.
Mahou shoujo madoka magica is a similar show, but executed right.
Dec 10, 2016 12:12 PM

Feb 2015
qetou said:
Honestly, I just cant feel anything with all these magical girls dying left and right. Their deaths are too fast and random and their characters are not developed enough to produce any emotions.

This show is a good example of a good idea poorly executed.
Mahou shoujo madoka magica is a similar show, but executed right.

While I adore Madoka Magica and is one of my personal favorites, there was something rushed in it as well

I think this show should have more episodes. At least 15. I agree that deaths are random but they are done well (well..mostly, expect Mary's death, so boring). I guess this novel has spin-offs and stuff, so I guess it will have sequels? Hope they do better job on them, if so.

Dec 10, 2016 12:15 PM

Sep 2014
depending on the last episode this could become my season favorite.
Damn. After all this anime may break my heart.
All these cute girls. Its worse then GoT ._.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
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