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May 14, 2016 5:46 AM

Feb 2014
Welp, our collective group of 'geniuses' are living up to the tag name I've just given them with their interrogation of Masaki. -_-

Hayato's slowly becoming a more annoying character too, still thinking that Mitsumune can't think or act under himself whatsoever. Thank goodness Mitsumune punched the idiot in the face though. =D

Mitsumune's past is properly sad. Losing his twin was sad enough, but his mother couldn't accept that fact and started calling Mitsumune 'Tokimune'. It's sad that she doesn't want to accept that Tokimune died, but because of her condition, she's completely forgotten about Mitsumune. )=

However, Nanko and Lion are thankfully sane and can obviously see that Masaki isn't a ghost. These two and already my favourite characters now! =D

Overall, this episode was pretty good, although the other characters's stupidity and downright fucking retarded reasons at times are getting a little stale.
May 14, 2016 6:07 AM
Jan 2015
I think I took too many screenshots with this episode. My sides hurt! Hahaha.

PS: That said, Toki.. err.. Mitsumune's past was a real sad (and disturbing) one.

PPS: This is a show I would love to write about and here's my blog . If you have the time, kindly visit that site. Thank you.
May 14, 2016 6:08 AM

Dec 2015
This was a much better episode overall. The directing seems to have really picked up. Hell, there was even an edit during the cold open that was like the sort of thing you'd see in a Wes Anderson movie.
May 14, 2016 6:22 AM

Jan 2014
japaniMay said:
kurapikasass said:
Ah, man. Mitsumune's backstory explains why he seemed so cardboard at first. He literally was faking his identity his whole life and this is the first time he's able to try to figure out who he actually is.

I love Speedstar but he needs to chill. I want to know his backstory so much and watch him get some much needed character development. He needs to change the way he thinks about Mitsumune because it's stopping him from growing as a person...


I feel like Speedstar's backstory relates to why he's so possessive over Mitsumune.

That's what I'm thinkin' ~
May 14, 2016 6:27 AM

Jan 2014
Hayato wants Mitsumune to be dependant on him. It has clearly become an obsession, given that Masaki is trying to give him self-asteem, and Hayato doesn't like that.

Of course they had to tie her words into a cliffhanger >_> cmon I want to know the truth T_T
May 14, 2016 6:52 AM

Nov 2014
Since the end of episode 4 I've been getting my fix for this series by effectively spoiling myself in this chain of threads. lmao. I've been waiting for the first major Masaki-related breakthrough in the series before I start watching again, then I'll just chain them all together... Seems like I'm getting close.
May 14, 2016 6:53 AM

Feb 2016
I thought this episode was alright.

I was already long suspecting Masaki and the monster being very connected before this episode even aired (proof: ) and so this episode just reinforced that belief. To me the most interesting part of this episode was Mitsumune's backstory.

The logic of Mayoiga is still aggravating though.
May 14, 2016 7:14 AM

Mar 2016
Irrelative said:
I know I'm most likely(am) beating a dead horse by saying this again when we're 7 episodes in, and this statement has been forced down people's throats but... for the umpteenth time...

These characters are so. fucking. retarded.

Still needs to be said again.
May 14, 2016 7:17 AM

Jun 2013
Jesus Christ, there are two of them: Mitsumune and Tokimune. It would be fun to see them both alive with Tokimune being an asshole and Mitsumune a wuss and watching them interact as middle schoolers, high schoolers then adults. Like someone mentioned, that little flashback reminded me of the game "To The Moon."

Speedstar's being a possessive boyfriend again. Poor Mitsu-chan. Poor Masaki-chan. It was so satisfying to see Mitsumune punch Speedstar. I'm sure the reason he's on that trip is because he's gay. He doesn't want to live in the real world anymore because of how homophobic Japanese society can be.

Best girls will forever be Nanko and Lion. I am fucking pissed at Lovepon and the other morons that are so fucking gullible. I'm disappointed at Valkana, he was supposed to be one of the level-headed leads in this series, an asshole and up-tight, but sane nonetheless. I was shipping him with Koharun too. Fuck you in this episode, Valkana. Mitsumune gained brownie points in my book for punching his wannabe husband.
ApawtheCorgiJoMay 14, 2016 7:27 AM
May 14, 2016 7:26 AM

Jun 2009
Bibimbapski said:
I'm sure the reason he's on that trip is because he's gay. He doesn't want to live in the real world anymore because of how homophobic Japanese society can be.

I would applaud Mayoiga at least once if it was daring enough to do that, but I doubt they will...
I bet it'll rather be that he has an older sibling or relative who orders him around all the time, so he likes to control somebody in his life.
Waiting for: God Eater (PSP)

May 14, 2016 7:34 AM

Apr 2014
Sometimes I wonder if there are any mental institutions or professional therapists in the world of anime? It's insane to think people would just allow Mitsumune's mother to do that to her son instead to help her dealing with her loss.
Also we got some good ole mass hysteria regarding Masaki being a ghost. They seem to jump to any possible explanation to their situation regardless of how outrageous it is. At least Lion and Nanko seem to have at least a bit of common sense in this show.
May 14, 2016 8:22 AM

Nov 2014
Halicone said:
Sometimes I wonder if there are any mental institutions or professional therapists in the world of anime? It's insane to think people would just allow Mitsumune's mother to do that to her son instead to help her dealing with her loss.
Also we got some good ole mass hysteria regarding Masaki being a ghost. They seem to jump to any possible explanation to their situation regardless of how outrageous it is. At least Lion and Nanko seem to have at least a bit of common sense in this show.

It's a lot more common in the world than you think that people don't seek help for serious crap like this. There's a number of motivations for not doing it -- ignorance in the severity of the issue, public appearance worries, personal shame, disbelief in the effect of therapy, etc.
May 14, 2016 8:26 AM

Feb 2016
Finally a better eps. Mitsumune flashback seems make sense. While everyone become psycho,only Lion and Nanko that we can trust now. I wonder if Masaki will say

"Congrast! u guys have entered our prank show" XD
RazierMay 14, 2016 8:32 AM
May 14, 2016 8:26 AM

Nov 2011
Speedstar is totally gay for Mistumune and unexpectedly a yandere too.

May 14, 2016 8:40 AM
Jan 2014
I admit this was actually a great ep. I always liked Mitsumune and disliked (not really hate) Masaki from the start but this ep made me cherish them both and I... I actually am fine shipping both of them now (sorry Maimai but you're my... 5th option for Mitsumune the others are because of this ep, Masaki, ofc Hayato, Lion & Nanko tied, and Jack too as #6)
On with the episode
+Mitsumune backstory was sad. I actually feel I can relate a bit (having the "dominant" older bro) but the only difference I have is our mom trusts me more but sometimes I feel she relies on my brother more, being the more talented but has a lousy personality. The forced changing of his name, even by his dad. That part was devastating for me, I don't know why. And to the user above me who explained Tokimune's features was quite interesting. TIL
+Masaki giving such good advice. I second to that! "Have more faith on yourself" (Though I am still wary with Lion's words with Mitsumune being the most dangerous. Best to ignore it I suppose)
+Valkana and Koharun, the pair right now is "shakey" (lack of a better word) but both can be redeemable for me. (disregarding Valkana's questionable actions during the trial, I admit I did not understand what he was trying to accomplish. Mitsumune has his fist, Hayato has a knife, despite of the situation and Koharun can't beat the majority of #teamkill.)
-Mikage is just an eyesore. Lovepon, good job girl. Shokei count for this ep was... i dunno 1? But so far, both of you need to go. (Lovepon could stay a longer for new Pukey jokes).
+Lion was always best girl but right now with Nanko, we have best yuri pair (ps. Isn’t Lion and Nanko 14 & 17 respectively? So me shipping them with each other err… w/ Mitsumune too (16) justified? Masaki (17) and Hayato (16), Maimai (17 or 16), Jack (15 or 16) if I remember right). MVP's of the ep
-And now character spotlight: Hayato. I actually cheered on him a few eps back for the same reason I am disliking him now: for being a manipulative bitch/bastard (I can't hate him, he's cute/hot.... oh and we haven't really found out his backstory yet. I have faith in him). “You seduced Mitsumune”. I can’t help but laugh on that one.
+Preview is interesting. Potential Masaki backstory, possibly Nettaiya (for narrating the preview), Nanko (PI findings?), Dahara, and Koharun (IST-ish I forgot the initials backstory?).
My post is already a bit long but last part (possible future group)
Protagonist(?) –Mitsu, Masaki, Valkana, Koharun, Lion, Nanko, Jack (he still owes Mitsumune for sticking up for him), probably Maimai (because Mitsu reminds her of her ex, so possibly defend him & it’s different w/ Dahara since she doesn’t lose much, Dahara’s bio said he sponsored the trip, assuming for Koharun), possibly from minor cast, Soy Latte, Yamauchi (both just seemed so spineless but are good people if their bio is true, and also if they live long enough)
Antagonist(?)-Mikage and Lovepon leading as they would execute anyone suspicious or dangerous to them, Military guys (association with Mikage & Lovepon), 3 Yuuna’s (Yuuna-has somewhat the same mindset as Mikage, Yuuno is too paranoid, Yuune just joins the other two), Toshiboy (annoying Yottsun #2), Dahara (if we follow his character bio with his possible crush on Koharun)
The remaining people are undecided but is potentially high on #teamkill
Sorry for any wrong grammars or spelling. English is not my 1st language.
Otaku-thonMay 14, 2016 7:16 PM
If there's no one happy, is it really a victory?
- Kuroko Tetsuya
May 14, 2016 8:46 AM

Dec 2014
Mitsumune past... deep man
I really liked this episode... so Masaki's past for the next episode huh
May 14, 2016 9:10 AM

Oct 2012
Finally one better episode but man, they are really deranged now, almost everyone of them.. Doing witch hunt against innocent girl only shows how much they fear of someone pointing against them. And even if they managed to kill Masaki they would find another scapegoat again in no time. They really have to feel desperate if they are falling into crowd logic.

At least there are few people who are stong enough not to give in into mob rule - Valkana, Nanko and Lion - and those are the most likeable characters of this show.

Still, I'm almost positive that the cliffhanger at the end was just to create fake suspense as Masaki's revelation will be most likely very disappointing or mundane.. she's probably just seeing or imagining things as everyone else or she is returning to the village because everyone in the real world thinks she's dead.
May 14, 2016 9:22 AM

Apr 2014
I'm surprised to say that I actually completely unironically like what they did with mitsumune's backstory. All the others were fairly uninspired, but mitsumune's is legitimately f*ed up, and didn't feel like just another overused trope. Its kinda weird in a series which up until this point has been a so-bad-its-funny sort of thing.

Mitsumune's mother, too, unlike a lot of other batshit crazy parent characters who have a negative impact on everyone around them I've seen, she doesn't come across as a horrible person, just a slightly broken one
MagmafrostMay 14, 2016 9:25 AM
May 14, 2016 9:33 AM

Mar 2015
Inugirlz said:
What the actual fuck are they all doing? They should all just go to jail. Fucking psychopaths. There is not one ounce of proof that Masaki is a ghost/the mastermind or anything and yet they all jump of this stupid bandwagon and declare things like taking out and "neutralizing" her?

Mob mentality is very dangerous
May 14, 2016 9:34 AM
Mar 2009
The show is a group therapy session that has gotten terribly out of control due to having twice as many people as the suggested maximum number of attendees.

And the therapist being a magic forest that likes scaring people.
May 14, 2016 9:42 AM

Mar 2016
May 14, 2016 10:00 AM

Jun 2014
Kiyono said:
Jerkhov said:
Only a few of the important characters haven't had their backstories told yet, guessing they might start to be more shortened from now on, which is for the better.

Mitsumune's backstory reminds of something else in an anime, but I can't remember which one, with the parent still calling them their siblings name.

Have you ever seen or played the game "To The Moon"?

Only a little bit of it, didn't get very far in it
May 14, 2016 10:07 AM

Dec 2013
Oooo this is such a mess. It's even more Lord of the Flies than Lord of the Flies itself.

Lion and Nanko are the only two with brains that aren't the size of peas.. well actually I feel like Dahara actually knows something and is hiding stuff from them. He is the tour guide after all.

Cannot wait to hear the reveal from Masaki next episode, though I have my doubts whether they'll actually believe her confession.
May 14, 2016 10:21 AM

May 2012
kurapikasass said:
Stark700 said:
I think this episode had more flashbacks than most episodes so far about Mitsumune. Can't be surprised considering that he is a main protagonist. I find his personality rather reserved although he does seem to have a nice mother.

Kinda weird seeing Mikage again....
Lion is still the most aware about the recent events.

If you actually watched the video subbed for once, you would know that his mother wasn't very nice and completely erased his existence with his brother's so she could cope, making him realize that she never cared about him at all and it was always his brother that was favored. What's the point of watching anime if you don't even know what's going on half the time? Is it really worth being the first person to post for e v e r y s i n g l e a n i m e if you don't ever actually enjoy the experience?

LOL his mother was nice, but she just went crazy after his brother died. Seems like she felt responsible for it since she was remorseful and saying "i'm sorry".

Just because she forgot about Mitsumune after the death of her other son it doesn't mean she was a bad mother, she just lost herself. That happens in real life too. Maybe she liked Tokimune more, but it doesn't mean she didn't love Mitsumune, just that she couldn't bear the loss of her other son.
I despise woke people.
May 14, 2016 10:44 AM

Mar 2014
Well I thought Mitsumune's backstory was pretty decent

That last scene though....everyone has become batshit insane, believing that they are killing a ghost without EVER talking things through. And what is Valkana even doing?! First he holds back Hayato who wants to stab Masaki, then Mitsumune shows up to defend her and Valkana holds him down so Hayato can stab her anyway? My goodness this logic.....
May 14, 2016 10:52 AM

Apr 2016
Twins! When I see twins, for sure something secret is going on with the story and I'm freaking out but here I don't know if that's the case. The ghost thing and stabbing Misaki and so on really made me angry because these people are all crazy and annoy me all the time. At one moment during the episode I thought if this was a story about a village which makes them fight with the thing because of which they ran off so that they can go back and have a normal life, I'd be so disappointed. I hope that's not the case.
Perfect12May 14, 2016 1:45 PM
May 14, 2016 10:53 AM

Mar 2014
Holy shit that last scene

It's like they weren't even trying
seizonsha said:
devinder said:
From Mitsumune's backstory, this show works quite well as a commentary on Japan's stigma of mental disorders.

What stigma of mental disorders? (o.O'')
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
May 14, 2016 11:01 AM

Jan 2014
Kaetokiha said:
kurapikasass said:

If you actually watched the video subbed for once, you would know that his mother wasn't very nice and completely erased his existence with his brother's so she could cope, making him realize that she never cared about him at all and it was always his brother that was favored. What's the point of watching anime if you don't even know what's going on half the time? Is it really worth being the first person to post for e v e r y s i n g l e a n i m e if you don't ever actually enjoy the experience?

LOL his mother was nice, but she just went crazy after his brother died. Seems like she felt responsible for it since she was remorseful and saying "i'm sorry".

Just because she forgot about Mitsumune after the death of her other son it doesn't mean she was a bad mother, she just lost herself. That happens in real life too. Maybe she liked Tokimune more, but it doesn't mean she didn't love Mitsumune, just that she couldn't bear the loss of her other son.

Yeah, but when Mitsumune took on his brother's identity, she didn't question where 'Mitsumune' was, making him feel like his existence never mattered. His father kept telling him to bear it too, even to the point when he started to see him as his brother. His mom might've been nice but she always favored his brother, even before he died. In the end, his mother didn't /love him/ because he didn't exist anymore in her eyes.
May 14, 2016 11:11 AM

Apr 2012
Oh wow I actually want to know what's gonna happen now....... okay no I don't give a damn.
I don't get these people, they absolutely have no reason to think that Masaki is a ghost, but they already want to kill her... kill a ghost... good luck xDD The flashbacks are still good, the only good scenes in the anime. But what the hell is wrong with Hayato? Why is he so obsessed with Mitsumune? xD Just when I thought this anime can't be more ridicilous we got a gay best friend xD Don't even try, the yaoi feels won't save this shit xDD
OokamiRisuMay 14, 2016 11:16 AM
May 14, 2016 11:37 AM

Jun 2013
so his mom went crazy after his brother died and everyone went in to kill the witch mode fucking stupid people well fear can do many things to your mind
May 14, 2016 11:46 AM

Feb 2009
Jerkhov said:
Only a few of the important characters haven't had their backstories told yet, guessing they might start to be more shortened from now on, which is for the better.

Mitsumune's backstory reminds of something else in an anime, but I can't remember which one, with the parent still calling them their siblings name.

I can only remember two manga titles: Bokura no Hentai and Goth (well, sort of). But I'm sure there's more.

art by とうこ
May 14, 2016 11:50 AM
Aug 2012
Very interesting episode although they could search for help in some mental hospital instead of keeping up with this and speedstar is a bitch annoying because he thinks he knows everything ofcourse.
May 14, 2016 11:55 AM

May 2012
kurapikasass said:
Kaetokiha said:

LOL his mother was nice, but she just went crazy after his brother died. Seems like she felt responsible for it since she was remorseful and saying "i'm sorry".

Just because she forgot about Mitsumune after the death of her other son it doesn't mean she was a bad mother, she just lost herself. That happens in real life too. Maybe she liked Tokimune more, but it doesn't mean she didn't love Mitsumune, just that she couldn't bear the loss of her other son.

Yeah, but when Mitsumune took on his brother's identity, she didn't question where 'Mitsumune' was, making him feel like his existence never mattered. His father kept telling him to bear it too, even to the point when he started to see him as his brother. His mom might've been nice but she always favored his brother, even before he died. In the end, his mother didn't /love him/ because he didn't exist anymore in her eyes.

She got you know what that means? I have a friend whose mother lost her sanity. She would take a shower with the water from the toilet and wound shit all over the house. She liked to make holes in the walls and shove wires inside. She would laugh for no reason and didn't recognize anyone.

Mitsumune's mother didn't get this bad, but she still lost herself to the point that she would not recognize her own son. She didn't acknowledge that her other son died.

When someone keep talking as if a dead person is still alive you know that person already insane.
I despise woke people.
May 14, 2016 12:23 PM

Oct 2015
I was kinda hoping someone would get killed at the end

The two adults definitely knew about the apparitions that were around the forest, thats why they could bring anyone with a horrible life into the hell they deserved. They are the guiltiest of them all and should be executed with a guillotine.

I kinda have a tiny bit more respect for Mistumune, but he still acts like an idiot around the "ghost". I'm just suprised he didn't have depression, or even melancholic depression, or even just killed his mother.

That detective girl, she points out the most obvious things, its annoying.
I read "tokimune" as sparkle chest, idk why..

I hope everyone gets beheaded after this episode bcuz they all deserve to die.
ur mum gay lol
Soundcloud - Lunar Aura
May 14, 2016 12:28 PM

Oct 2014
kurapikasass said:
Stark700 said:
I think this episode had more flashbacks than most episodes so far about Mitsumune. Can't be surprised considering that he is a main protagonist. I find his personality rather reserved although he does seem to have a nice mother.

Kinda weird seeing Mikage again....
Lion is still the most aware about the recent events.

If you actually watched the video subbed for once, you would know that his mother wasn't very nice and completely erased his existence with his brother's so she could cope, making him realize that she never cared about him at all and it was always his brother that was favored. What's the point of watching anime if you don't even know what's going on half the time? Is it really worth being the first person to post for e v e r y s i n g l e a n i m e if you don't ever actually enjoy the experience?

That's something that I think you would be able to grasp even without subs. There were enough visual cues to know what's going on, I think. On another note, his statement could have just as easily been sarcasm.

I don't want to derail this thread with a pointless argument, but I will just say this. 1) People enjoy mediums differently, so I don't think it's fair to assert your definition of enjoyment as the "proper" way. 2) The only way to get good at understanding what's going on without subs is to simply watch them without subs. Even if you don't understand what's going on 50% of the time, you will eventually get better. You can't just wait until you're 100% and then start watching things raw because...that's impossible. A bit of a catch 22. That's why so many Japanese learners (or language learners in general) never get very good at it.

Anyway, apologies for slightly derailing the thread. I just found that attack to be somewhat unfair. Especially since others used it as an opportunity to "jump" him (although, I'd hardly call simply saying "agreed" "jumping"...). But I've made my case, so I won't derail it any further.


Anyway, back on topic. I think that I'm actually understanding Mistumune for once. He seemed so annoying, but now that I know just why he is the way that he is, I can appreciate him a bit more. I'm glad that I was able to see his backstory. Hayato is getting more annoying though. Someone needs to put him in his place. Just like Lovepon. Having a messed up past doesn't give you an excuse to just treat people any way that you want.
May 14, 2016 12:29 PM

Feb 2015
LOL this show has some of the most idiotic characters I've ever seen in anime. Lets get the ghost.... OK lets bring crosses, Salt & a large wooden hammer.
May 14, 2016 12:33 PM

Aug 2015
Can't believe there are people are apologizing for Mitsumune's mom and calling her 'nice' ━Σ(゚Д゚|||)━ Her loosing her sanity isn't a good excuse for her erasing the existence of her other kid. That is already bad parenting, and sequentially makes her a bad mother.

That being said, I actually enjoyed t his episode more than the rest. The phasing was still a mess, some most characters are still unbearable, and their actions are still irritating. Also I was staring to think Valkana was somewhat reasonable, but this episode he left me down...

Even so, I am kinda looking forward to next week's episode. If there is one thing this anime excels at, is in making relatively cliffhanger endings. I am curious to what Misaki wants to say.
May 14, 2016 12:37 PM

Feb 2015
Character : 4/10
why ? first of all, this character never fail to make me mad AF. never fail to piss me off. but i didn't mean i think the character in general is bad. i think it was watchable and well made considering life problems elements in this story, but i just can't handle people like that. i just dislike it. on top of that, in this episode, all those bunch of idiots were trying to kill Misaki even tho Misaki wasn't a ghost (blood is a proof) then speedstar said it was just an illusion. then i'm like "fuck this shit. explain your word first before you make an action you stupid!" that was when i snapped. i pause the episode for a while. and not only that. All of them who already saw the monster or something that they called "Life problem" which they hide inside their heart and turned into a form of something like a mosnter, they blame Misaki because they think Misaki is the one who made all of them. and y'know what ? the reason is because Misaki is a Ghost even tho there is no logical proof that Misaki is a ghost. and when Speed star injured Misaki with a knife, they can completely saw a fresh blood. and that was not enough of a proof ?! if i were there i would lick that knife and drink it to proof if it's a blood or not, or maybe forced them to drick the blood.

This bunch of idiots are so fucking coward. trying to blame Masaki because they thought she was the one who made all of their nightmare back to life again. say, who is the complete coward now here ? someone who can't or don't even want to face their own reality like that, it's pointless for you all to make a new life because sometimes, that nightmare will haunt you all again. even if they reall killed misaki, the situation will just get much worsed. they will get mind fuck, started to doubt every one, killed every one, and no one left. well that kind of story would be kinda nice to see but with this episode, i really doubt that will happen. i'm not gonna say the characters aren't well made instead it's well made considering the life problem element. i just dislike it.

now i want to talk about Mitsumune's mother. i can't blame her. some people might became like her too in that kind of situation. but that was too far and too cruel. not only she saw Mitsumune as Tokimune but she erased the existence of Mitsumune too as if she only had one kid. and i found that really cruel. well made but i dislike it again.

i really dislike the character so much. but the story is looking great so far imo.
May 14, 2016 1:08 PM

Jul 2014
You make it look as if everyone was convinced that Masaki is a ghost who has to be neutralized, but my impression is different. These people are the loudest and that's all about it. Which characters can actually stab Masaki? Lovepon? Hayato seemed to be hesitating, but he acted out of jealousity, so it has nothing to do with suspecting her anyway. Yuuna and Toshiboy are probably the best at talking, though I'm not sure about the latter, same with Mikage. Valkana's actions are a bit troublesome to explain, but perhaps he didn't believe that Hayato would have guts to severely hurt Masaki, so his intention was to threaten her.

I mean, it was obvious that she knew something. I'm not surprised that keeping it a secret caused distrust - why not to share her information with other people who are supposed to be in the same boat? "They won't believe me if I tell them" is not the best mindset to have in such an odd village, so I hope it's not the case. Whatever reason she may have - monsters, fear, mental trauma and some article about a missing girl called "Misaki" can be enough to draw insane conclusions. I suppose they are jumping on them just to feel like they are actually doing something to get out of this dire situation, but I hope they will chill as soon as they get some valid clues.
HimadayoMay 14, 2016 1:12 PM
"If they say there is no chance of victory, she will create one with her own sword."
The avatar picture was made by おみず on Twitter.
May 14, 2016 1:39 PM

Feb 2015
Well, that escalated quickly. I guess they were trying to show the dangers of a mob mentality, but that jump to them suddenly torturing her was a bit much. I wonder what we'll find out from Misaki next week.
May 14, 2016 2:00 PM

Sep 2011
sei_mikoto said:
Jerkhov said:
Only a few of the important characters haven't had their backstories told yet, guessing they might start to be more shortened from now on, which is for the better.

Mitsumune's backstory reminds of something else in an anime, but I can't remember which one, with the parent still calling them their siblings name.

I can only remember two manga titles: Bokura no Hentai and Goth (well, sort of). But I'm sure there's more.

Angel Beats is what you're thinking of. The character who's brother was the master potter. In that case it was him who did it to himself as he tried to take on his brothers mantel.
May 14, 2016 2:00 PM

Jan 2014
MegaShadowFist said:
kurapikasass said:

If you actually watched the video subbed for once, you would know that his mother wasn't very nice and completely erased his existence with his brother's so she could cope, making him realize that she never cared about him at all and it was always his brother that was favored. What's the point of watching anime if you don't even know what's going on half the time? Is it really worth being the first person to post for e v e r y s i n g l e a n i m e if you don't ever actually enjoy the experience?

That's something that I think you would be able to grasp even without subs. There were enough visual cues to know what's going on, I think. On another note, his statement could have just as easily been sarcasm.

I don't want to derail this thread with a pointless argument, but I will just say this. 1) People enjoy mediums differently, so I don't think it's fair to assert your definition of enjoyment as the "proper" way. 2) The only way to get good at understanding what's going on without subs is to simply watch them without subs. Even if you don't understand what's going on 50% of the time, you will eventually get better. You can't just wait until you're 100% and then start watching things raw because...that's impossible. A bit of a catch 22. That's why so many Japanese learners (or language learners in general) never get very good at it.

Anyway, apologies for slightly derailing the thread. I just found that attack to be somewhat unfair. Especially since others used it as an opportunity to "jump" him (although, I'd hardly call simply saying "agreed" "jumping"...). But I've made my case, so I won't derail it any further.


Anyway, back on topic. I think that I'm actually understanding Mistumune for once. He seemed so annoying, but now that I know just why he is the way that he is, I can appreciate him a bit more. I'm glad that I was able to see his backstory. Hayato is getting more annoying though. Someone needs to put him in his place. Just like Lovepon. Having a messed up past doesn't give you an excuse to just treat people any way that you want.

I was critisizing him for not ever trying to understand. Not his Japanese. All of his reviews are vague and usually are just speculations of what he thinks he sees because he cares more about posting first than the anime itself. That's all I have to say about the topic. ~
May 14, 2016 2:06 PM
Jul 2011
bluebear_tora said:
Ooh main char backstory...
So the theory is true, as many predicted. He did have a brother and that too a daredevil one.
That is one overpossessive mother, forgetting about her other son. Kinda feel sad about Mitsumune.
Lol the comedy kicks in whenever the group tries to debate over something and this time twice.
Really looking forward to the mystery of Nanaki village, atleast it gotta hold some weight for this anime.

The really sad part was how the mother was already forgetting about Mitsumune even when they were both alive. The scene where they both drew pictures but the mother couldn't stop looking at Tokimune's long enough to notice Mitsumune was even there.
May 14, 2016 2:13 PM

Mar 2013
they all came to this place to run from there previous life and fears,
what this place or whatever possess it try showing them is thats runing away
is not the answer, thats also what Masaki try show Mitsumune.
everything will stop the moment they will accept who they are.....
May 14, 2016 2:28 PM

Nov 2015
Mezter said:
Wow. Hayato was actually a prick...well he was never normal I guess.

Poor Masaki though, I think the people themselves are more dangerous than any other supernatural phenomena.

I totally agree.

Also the flashbacks were interesting, Poor Masaki she has to deal with all those delusional people.

May 14, 2016 3:06 PM

May 2015
Mitsumune punched his buddy. What a sight, lol. Fucking hilarious that most of those guys thought that killing Masaki would end everything. They all have shit in their heads, lmao. Cliffhangerrrrr.

May 14, 2016 3:26 PM

Nov 2014
This show is funny. I don't know what to think, everything is just chaotic

Hi there
May 14, 2016 3:40 PM

May 2016
The dialogue in this episode felt so fucking fast, I had to check twice if I'm not watching it sped up. Plus, the cliffhanger was almost the Oregairu S2 level of cruelty.

I'm enjoying this quite a bit, while still being disappointed, that we didn't get a proper thriller this season; I'm seriously starving for something like that.
Specimen021May 14, 2016 3:57 PM
May 14, 2016 3:47 PM

Jul 2012
Thug_Gou said:
FragOutFire said:

Valkana: Do not stab that girl! Let's be rational! Oh no, this kid just punched his friend... Better hold him down, make sure he doesn't hurt anyone anymore, while his friend prepares to OJ Simpson this poor girl

that's some amazing bipolarism, valkana

Oh shit! ROFLMAO I was wondering why he was holding Mitsumune back while Hayato was gonna stab Masaki xD xD xD

"Let's hold this kid, he punched someone. Just let that other kid with a knife run loose and stab some bitches"

I mean, I understand tying her up 'cause she is suspicious. But dude, they were all too much crazy. Mob mentality is a really scary thing. Is like they are all going in Loveporn's pace "LET'S KILL EVERYTHING GHAAAARRR".
Well, Misaki is suspicious, but I do think Koharun and Dahara are too. Like, Dahara is always worried if people will stay in the village. Maybe it is just because of Koharun, but still. Not suspicious in a mastermind kind tho, but more like they know more than they are letting others know...
Episode was not so bad. Just the witch hunt thing got me really anxious (and mad at these stupid characters) D:
Yeah, Hayato is a possessive friend. His past is totally going to be related to that.

May 14, 2016 3:51 PM

May 2012
LoneWizard said:

LMAO,ofc...Only thing this anime lacked was a gay yandere...

FragOutFire said:

Valkana: Do not stab that girl! Let's be rational! Oh no, this kid just punched his friend... Better hold him down, make sure he doesn't hurt anyone anymore, while his friend prepares to OJ Simpson this poor girl

that's some amazing bipolarism, valkana
HAHA,that was hilarious af...And valkana is probably the most sane person other than Lion in the group...

Inb4 Mitsumune's brother's soul lives inside Mitsumune which is why Lion was scared looking at Mitsumune...

I think Nanko-san is the most sane person. Although we still have to see her background, she seems to be smart and she is actually cool.

If they show her story, it probably will show that she is a real detective investigating this dumb tour or she likes to pretend she is a detective. I hope it's not the latter.
I despise woke people.
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