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Oct 7, 2015 10:15 PM

Apr 2012
This was better than I expected.
Oct 7, 2015 10:24 PM

Jan 2009
the whole episode i was like "meh" but then i saw the dog and i was sold
also during the first half i couldn't focus because i kept wondering when the mother was gonna die
Oct 7, 2015 10:57 PM

Jan 2014
Meh. Better than what I expected, though
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Oct 7, 2015 11:23 PM

Nov 2012
this was actually... pretty good! i liked the songs, and the scene at the beginning was really intriguing.
Oct 8, 2015 12:17 AM

Apr 2014
Impressive music but not much otherwise.
Oct 8, 2015 1:15 AM

Jan 2015
Seems good, glad I didn't skip it!

Oct 8, 2015 2:48 AM

Mar 2014
Well so far they have managed to combine diabolik lovers with high school star musical (both are at the bottom of my watchlist I might add) which means it is looking pretty grim for this anime..... that is until I saw what I hope to be the super badass brother who rekts shit up. Student council might have redeemed themselfs with that little rescue (regardless of ulterior motives) after that weak and forced introduction. So all up.... 50/50.

Also, told cops thieves broke in house and mother was attacked.
cops show up, thieves gone, mother gone
cops "she probably went out, see ya"..... 10/10 cops.
Powered by yuri.
Needless to say, I finish all anime I start, no matter my initial opinion, no matter how bad it gets, I WILL FINISH IT!
Oct 8, 2015 3:30 AM

Jun 2015
Liked the first episode(even tho reverse haram is not really my thing).
Was fearing if it would be another copy of DL. Glad to see t'is not the case. A better watch compared to most of the shows of this season.
Oct 8, 2015 4:19 AM

Jan 2013
As many others seem to be, I also am pleasantly surprised, as I, too, was expecting some kind of reverse harem setup where the heroine is a doormat.

Don't know what to think about the musical thing though, it was also surprising. It's not bad at all, just weird.

SchwingBoner said:
Not the hair style of death!

Oct 8, 2015 5:13 AM
Jul 2018
Wow. That scene at the beginning was so 10/10.

Ritsuka introduced herself through a song. I loved that part.

The concil song was hilarious tho. Similar thing happened in the first episode High School Star Musical. XD


I love reverse harems and I'm a big fan of 'em.
The way this episode held a potential, I believe I can expect a good reverse harem series out of this. I hope I'll enjoy the next, upcoming episodes.

I am looking forward to the 2nd one!
Oct 8, 2015 6:38 AM

Jul 2013
SheyCroix said:
Heeeeeeeeey It's a musical!!!!!!!! hahahaha

first High School Star Musical now this...... well I don't mind but lol what's this? xDDD

Exactly! xD I'm still not sure will I continue with High School Star Musical but I'll definitely watch this one. Dance with Devils seem promising for now.
Noir… It is the name of an ancient fate. Two sisters who watch anime. The peace of the newly born, their black hands protect.
Oct 8, 2015 6:49 AM

May 2014
Great 1st episode
"I lost all of what you could call feelings of love. They weren't sealed, so they can't be released. They weren't broken, so they can't be fixed. That which is lost, cannot be recovered." Shiba Tatsuya
"There are no regrets. If one can be proud of one's life, one should not wish for another chance." Saber
"No matter what happens, no matter how crazy things get, I'll always try to restore balance." Korra
"It's madness to let others take what's yours and accept it blindly." Baatar Jr
"Instinct is a lie, told by a fearful body, hoping to be wrong." Zaheer
"Partner in crime, partner in time" Chloe Price and Max Caulfield
Oct 8, 2015 7:48 AM

Mar 2008
I love musicals but it felt cringy there.

The beginning scenes and music was 10/10.
Oct 8, 2015 8:26 AM

Oct 2014
Lol the moment when she start singing..I just can't stop laughing
Oct 8, 2015 9:00 AM

Feb 2015
black cat and pink flower pedals?
Your lie in april?
How long until season 3 of Spice and Wolf?
The World May Never Know.
Oct 8, 2015 9:02 AM

Feb 2015
As reverse harem goes, this was quite different. Sure, there were some cliches but overall it was pretty good. Decent animation, beautiful songs and what seems to be an interesting plot, oh! And don't forget the bishounens! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

I'm glad Ritsuka isn't like the heroin in Diabolik Lovers...
Oct 8, 2015 9:40 AM

Sep 2015
My jaws dropped when the heroine suddenly start singing while walking to school lol.
The musics are not bad i guess, curious to see the future episodes.
Oct 8, 2015 10:23 AM
Nov 2013
The introduction was so good along with the art/animation, seiyuu cast and almost everything was nice but is this gonna be a musical anime? i don't really want that.

The heroine is likeable so far but i'm afraid that she will turn into a lifeless doll or something, please don't be yui komori twin sister (in terms of personality lol) anyway i hope the show will get better because this episode was a little bit boring.
Oct 8, 2015 10:39 AM

Oct 2015
I really liked the introduction. It was mysterious and well done. Like the majority already said I was also caught off guard when heroine started singing but well .. we will see how it turns out with the singing.
The rest was also nice. The heroine is likeable and I am really looking forward to see her brother!
Oct 8, 2015 10:44 AM

Feb 2010
first 3 minutes of this episode was great and other stuff just soooo cliche -_______-
couldnt stop rolling my eyes till end
this singing out of nowhere just made me confused is this japanese version of Disney cartoon or something, bishes looks like they escaped from Diabolik Lovers *nosebleeds*, atleast haruka oops i mean ritsuka have some backbone and gonna "show" those devil bishes who is boss here pffff
Oct 8, 2015 10:51 AM
Jul 2007
Surprisingly not bad. I was astonished when first Ritsuka, then the boys began to sing. Also the into was wonderful and interesting. And it has quite good music. Story and characters are cliché, though.
Oct 8, 2015 12:00 PM

Apr 2011
Yess! I was seriously hyping this like crazy and was afraid that I had hyped it too much BUT I didn't hype it enough! (I FREAKING LOVED IT!) I did NOT expect this to be as well done cos come on it's REJECT and Diabolic Lovers was so badly done (but i'm still watching it, lol).. but I guess it was my fault to think it'd be like DiaLovers (it's broadcasted on Nico AND it's only 10minutes) while Dance with Devils is from an ACTUAL studio and an ACTUAL full length anime *p*

I think Dance with Devils & High School Star Musical are my two animes of the season, LOL. I LOVE MUSICALS AND HOW MUCH THEY MAKE ME LAUGHH, hahaha.
Oct 8, 2015 12:23 PM

Dec 2010
I was pleasantly surprised. Looking forward to next week!
Deliveries go here pls <3
Candy Kingdom
Oct 8, 2015 12:26 PM
Sep 2015
First Ayanagi Academy's Kao-kai (from STARMYU) now Shiko Academy's Student Council... why all those singing school councils?

Do school council members often sing in Japan? :D
Don't take me wrong, I do love singing. The song was great, I really liked it. But it just feels little bit awkward...and kind of funny :)
Oct 8, 2015 1:59 PM

Mar 2013
a decent episode.
better than expected, like Ritsu so much. she is a cutey.
but, man, whats wrong with Rem's shoes ? it looked weird, LOL
Oct 8, 2015 3:06 PM

Sep 2015
I wanted to know why the demons wanted the Grimoire, Even though it will make them a race that will rule the whole world? For what kind of reason. My first impressions is that the anime is fantastic I want to know the demon families and the family background of Rem and back stories of each main character in the anime.
Anime/MangaFan Mahwa fan
Oct 8, 2015 3:15 PM

Aug 2008
This was pretty terrible.

Why do they break out in random song?!
Oct 8, 2015 3:21 PM

Sep 2012
„Surprisingly good“

Really, I expected this to be like Diabolik Lovers, but it was quite good.
Trying to watch all available anime series so you won't have to anymore, the list of anime I can recommend is still in progress, tho
Oct 8, 2015 5:26 PM
Jul 2014
The sheer quantity of cliches made this hard to take seriously. Mehhhhh.
Oct 9, 2015 4:02 AM

Nov 2013
Diabolik Lovers: The musical
Pretty meh so far.
You all need to watch Nami.

Oct 9, 2015 5:06 AM

Nov 2014
surprisingly this was better than i expected but my expectations were already quite low...
but i suppose i'll give it another chance it could get better
Oct 9, 2015 5:17 AM

Jul 2012
Glad this didn't turn out like Diabolik Lovers, and I jumped when suddenly the music got cut at the end of the episode.

Also, It feels weird to see a musical anime but I guess it is okay.

SchwingBoner said:
Not the hair style of death!

Definitely what I thought, but she didn't die (I guess).
Oct 9, 2015 5:26 AM

Apr 2011
I wasn't aware that you could get more cringeworthy than Lance N' Masques this season. I stand corrected. Also, "Great Rem".... come on, crunchy. You can do better than that.

askani said:
This was pretty terrible.

Why do they break out in random song?!

Well, it is called Dance with Devils..... though I do share the sentiment.
Oct 9, 2015 10:58 AM

Jun 2013
The musical is a bit meh. The story though is interesting so far.
Oct 9, 2015 11:29 AM

Sep 2015
This was definitely an introductory episode. From what we've seen so far, it looks like it could become another girl surrounded by a whole bunch of guys show. But there's also the potential that maybe it could be more than that. This wasn't necessarily a great episode, but it wasn't bad, either.

To me, the biggest standout for this series is the musical numbers. Will this be a regular thing in the episodes? I hope so, because it would make things a little more interesting. :)

I'm curious to see where this series will head, and I'm hoping it'll be decent. At least it's not another Diabolik Lovers, since the female protagonist actually has a backbone!
Oct 9, 2015 1:29 PM

Jan 2008
They all are so painfully stereotypical (like, they recited their schticks already in this so-bad-it's-good Student Council Song!), but there is a chance they won't treat the Heroine like shit, so they have this one going for them. Also Sexy Shoulders and Obviously-Yandere have godly voices. Pop quiz: why the most feminine guy has the biggest harem/gets the playboy route?
Oct 10, 2015 3:46 AM

May 2012
This was much better than what I expected.
Oct 10, 2015 6:29 AM
Jul 2014
NaChiKyoTsuki97 said:
I admit it: Being a film music geek, the beginning musical sequence made me laugh, and its not just the surprise that they used ACTUAL EngLISH voice overs, but the blatant rip-off of Danny Elfman and his Alice in Wonderland score:

Interesting bit of info. Thanks.
Oct 10, 2015 9:57 AM

Jun 2012
I'm surprised by how good this episode was. I was expecting another Diabolik Lovers... Dance With Devils may end up one of my favourites this season.
Oct 10, 2015 10:22 AM

Dec 2014
Not too fond of the musical aspect, but that wasn't so bad.
Oct 10, 2015 12:23 PM
Jul 2018
I like it.
Oct 10, 2015 1:55 PM
Mar 2012
Uncanny said:
People said that this would be a lot like Diabolik Lovers, so I was expecting to hate this right off the bad, it's actually not terrible. That said, it's not great either. 3/5, generic. Will probably wait a few more episodes to see if it's worth watching or not.
More or less this. Though I never even tried one episode of Diabolik Lovers.

The girl seems pretty much reverse harem cliche to me, though.
Oct 11, 2015 12:42 AM
Jan 2013
Why is every guy in the reverse harem the same kind?

Everyone is some kind of jerk.Non even Keima from Twgok had such an attitude.

Lol at priest oni-chan.Even incest works in reverse.

A literal anime high school musical.

Watching this for the silly ride.

Oct 11, 2015 12:57 AM
Jan 2013

Everyone is some kind of" prince or badass"lol.little variation.

Maybe for the host club but...

Oct 11, 2015 3:33 AM
Nov 2014
YaoiWarrior said:
The very start of it seemed so interesting. Then it introduced the girl, she started walking, and starting singing. Oh God...

Glad to see I'm not the only one on that. I totally lost it when the student council guys started singing, damn I was laughing hard, wasn't expecting that at all!

Will continue to watch for the lolz-factor and see if the story will be actually interesting or not cliché. (The MC being the grimoire is almost certain tho, with how the intro was presented and all...)
Oct 12, 2015 12:48 AM

May 2010
I hope no one compares it to DiaLovers from now on. That piece of trash should be just considered as a part of an exclusive dustbin.

I like how the girl actually talks back. Hope she remains like that. And I hope gets some control over her/ pendant's powers so that the future kissing attempts can be negated.

The animation was nice, too. 6.5/10, I am expecting good things from this show.
Oct 12, 2015 12:50 AM

Jul 2012
genesic123 said:

Everyone is some kind of" prince or badass"lol.little variation.

Maybe for the host club but...
Not really.

Utapri: Sunshine boy, Arabian prince, Playboy, Serious traditional, Serious cool modern, Tall nice boy, Hot blooded little brother, Robotic feminine boy, Tsundere rockstar, Daddy/nice man, Ice prince
I could do the rest if you'd like but don't insult reverse harem without knowing the tropes.
Oct 13, 2015 4:00 AM
May 2015
R.I.P to mom, looks like a lot of people were keeping some secrets from Ritsuka, so the question is who's the baddie here, those student council brats or some else?

BTW has anybody notice that Rem is wearing girly shoes?
Oct 13, 2015 8:08 AM

Jan 2015
So...Diabolik Lovers 23 min ver.?
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