All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 173.8
Mean Score:
- Watching6
- Completed949
- On-Hold23
- Dropped26
- Plan to Watch186
- Total Entries1,190
- Rewatched10
- Episodes11,166
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 25.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries242
- Reread0
- Chapters4,519
- Volumes487
All Comments (1589) Comments
I'm good, just working and watching time slip by in general. That real boring grind you know.
Yeah holy crap... 2020 always felt so far away and it looks/feels weird to type out. Why aren't we all flying yet or something? What an actual letdown.
Wasn't expecting you to log in to wish me this since it's been a while. Thank you!!! (。♥‿♥。) I feel honored and flattered.
My internet has been a little shitty lately but that's not as bad as not having a laptop... that sucks. Anyway, I hope you've been well. This year has mostly felt crazy fast for some reason to me.
The whole site taking this long to come back fully has been so shady and vague. Glad I don't support it with money otherwise I would have been pissed.
I mostly read manga. Except for One Piece- shit, I can never keep up with that. You were gone all this time and that Big Mom arc was still going on and I was bored to death with it. But at least Marco (my best boy) has FINALLY made an appearance it seems. I'm saved, my soul is healed.
Eh about anime idk, I don't even like Boku no Hero Academia and everyone loves that apparently. Still I don't mind that it gets sequels, movies and all that. Better than most of the other garbage that keeps getting part 2's and part 3's. I just want to tell Japan to stop wasting their ¥Yen¥.
the girl's reaction was the most hilarious thing to me
It's been a long time! :O
I'm good but god I didn't even get to post a happy birthday (Happy super belated birthday btw) since as you can probably tell, MAL has broken a lot. We couldn't even log in for weeks.
Do you even watch anime anymore? I watched 3 whole series this year so far. :p
Seasons may change and hobbies may too but bros and hos that once JoJo'd together are forever.
In all seriousness... wherever you are and whatever you're doing I hope you have a blessed new year!
And thanks, babe! :* ><