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Feb 6, 2019 12:32 AM
Jul 2018

This anime is average at best. The animation is a little wonky, but its been fun so far! I don't think articles will be singing its excellence anytime soon, but I don't want the little show to get left behind. I won't say its a bad anime; but I'm just wondering how come only the "MIND BLOWERS" ever get any attention. Sometimes, just okay is all you need. YOUR THOUGHTS.. hmmm?
Feb 6, 2019 1:01 AM

Apr 2012
I guess the show made a lot of decisions that get it less attention. If you compare it to Girls and Panzers (which some of the staff did work on) it's easy to understand:
- the CG protags, sure it's cheaper but it's less endearing than Gup ever was
- since the anime focus on dogfights, and it can't have the combat school excuse, they have to resort to enemy of the week, meaning episodic action which is less captivating than shows that focus on plot
- I guess the general non schooly premise with not a lot of characters makes it less remarkable to the moe otaku too

That said the shows feels like it could be 24 episodes, so some unexpected twists might happen here.
Feb 6, 2019 1:04 AM

Feb 2010
Cause it's on the more sleep-inducing end of average. The painful kind of mediocre. It looks wonky, nothing in it makes any sense, the characters are not fleshed out or interesting and I didn't make it past episode 3 because of all of that. It's like the opposite of fun for me, and I assume for many others as well.

As you said, it isn't terrible, but that's literally the best thing you can say about the show. It should not get attention being as mediocre as it is.

There's plenty of anime this season that aren't talked about much but are way better than Kotobuki, like Kemurikusa or Endro.

But yeah, the community at large will generally huddle around the few super big titles each season, like Shield Hero, Neverland, Dororo, Kaguya-sama etc... That's to be expected. If you want people to talk to about lesser known seasonals you can either seek out their series discussion forums and just surround yourself with more veteran fans who pick up a broader range of seasonals.
I probably regret this post by now.
Feb 6, 2019 1:18 AM

Oct 2010
I ignored this anime when I saw that the main girl was wearing a vest but not trousers on the poster. I can't take this seriously.
Feb 6, 2019 1:21 AM

May 2018
I am watching it.
The airplane dogfights are great, the setting is interesting and I like the music but the writing is horrible. Also the combination of 3D and 2D is hard to watch. Why not have all the characters in 3D? Yes, it would be ugly but at least consistent.
alshuFeb 6, 2019 1:24 AM
Feb 6, 2019 1:28 AM

May 2009
...I had not heard of this before since I ignore seasonals, but thanks for putting this on my radar (no pun intended). I might watch it later.

I hope it gets dubbed. That can help make it more endearing to me.

EratiK said:
I guess the show made a lot of decisions that get it less attention. If you compare it to Girls and Panzers (which some of the staff did work on) it's easy to understand:
- the CG protags, sure it's cheaper but it's less endearing than Gup ever was
- since the anime focus on dogfights, and it can't have the combat school excuse, they have to resort to enemy of the week, meaning episodic action which is less captivating than shows that focus on plot
- I guess the general non schooly premise with not a lot of characters makes it less remarkable to the moe otaku too

That said the shows feels like it could be 24 episodes, so some unexpected twists might happen here.
Honestly, not being set in a school probably gets it points in my book.
GlennMagusHarveyFeb 6, 2019 1:32 AM
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Feb 6, 2019 10:03 AM
Jul 2018
Pullman said:
It should not get attention being as mediocre as it is.


UGH that kills me. This show and similar are the "I'll just have a water" equivalent, but they aren't terrible. I like em even as bland as they are. They unlike the season slams have this ability to make you stop and try to justify your rating systems. I'll even gonna go as far and call them staples. If the bleh but ok didn't pave the way, ((and yes that was fun to say)) [[I'll stop..yay]] then the top tier shows would just disappear in a media format with a garbage majority sum. WE MUST LEARN TO LOVE THE LITTLE GUYS! Not the best but not terrible need our support too! I think people trying to use their media preferences as part of their identity are really killing anime. We need like an AA for fans. Anime Anonymous. Hello, I am Ziffy, and I watch mediocre shows.
Feb 6, 2019 9:59 PM

Feb 2010
Grizzziff said:
Pullman said:
It should not get attention being as mediocre as it is.


UGH that kills me. This show and similar are the "I'll just have a water" equivalent, but they aren't terrible. I like em even as bland as they are. They unlike the season slams have this ability to make you stop and try to justify your rating systems. I'll even gonna go as far and call them staples. If the bleh but ok didn't pave the way, ((and yes that was fun to say)) [[I'll stop..yay]] then the top tier shows would just disappear in a media format with a garbage majority sum. WE MUST LEARN TO LOVE THE LITTLE GUYS! Not the best but not terrible need our support too! I think people trying to use their media preferences as part of their identity are really killing anime. We need like an AA for fans. Anime Anonymous. Hello, I am Ziffy, and I watch mediocre shows.

You do you, but you can't expect other people to willingly seek out mediocrity over greatness, or even just decent-ness. That's just not very rational if you have the option. And there's plenty of shows this season, and every season, that are more enjoyable to me than Kotobuki. Probably at least 20. I don't really see any need to give the 21st or 25th best show of the season a shot just because it isn't the literal worst show of the season. I watch a lot of stuff, but even I know to be pickier than that.

Plus as I said, for me Kotobuki is on they lower side of average, being painfully mediocre and not averagely enjoyable. Maybe for you it was 'bleh but okay' for me it was just 'bleh'. There was nothing enjoyable about it, it just made me yawn and wonder about the shitty writing. It didn't fail terribly at anything specific, but it just lacked literally any appealing factors that would make me want to continue with it. Give me one thing I enjoy in a mediocre show and I can ride that thing out for 12 episodes, but if there's nothing, that's not good enough.
I probably regret this post by now.
Feb 6, 2019 10:07 PM

Aug 2018
I am honesty planning to check it out when it finished airing.

Unless someone really can convince me to check it out now.
Sorry, due to licensing limitations, this message is unavailable in your region.
Please come drink tea, eat cake and procrastinate at the Cute Girls Doing Cute Things Club. We have simulwatches! \o/
Feb 7, 2019 2:06 AM

May 2009
I find the best way to choose stuff to watch is to ignore ohter people's opinions on mediocrity or greatness and just do whatever.

Particularly when I'm told that something is "great", I find myself becoming disappointed about some stuff. I think it's because being told that it's great sets expectations too high.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Feb 7, 2019 4:47 AM
Sep 2018
Grizzziff said:

This anime is average at best. The animation is a little wonky, but its been fun so far! I don't think articles will be singing its excellence anytime soon, but I don't want the little show to get left behind. I won't say its a bad anime; but I'm just wondering how come only the "MIND BLOWERS" ever get any attention. Sometimes, just okay is all you need. YOUR THOUGHTS.. hmmm?

As Pullman said, most people don't seek out mediocrity.
Feb 7, 2019 5:40 AM
May 2016
Because good shows are alway bured by garbage
Feb 7, 2019 11:12 AM

Jul 2013
Don't seem all that impressive tbh. Only saw the 5 mins and lost interest.

Feb 7, 2019 11:16 AM

Oct 2013
The combination of 2D and 3D kinda messes my viewing experience. So I decided to drop it. But the dog fights are amazing tho.
Feb 7, 2019 11:51 AM

Dec 2012
This is the first I've heard of the show. I guess it didn't stand out too much on the season chart.

"The name's Gambit. Remember it."
-Gambit "X-Men '97"

Feb 7, 2019 6:16 PM

May 2009
Moved from Anime Discussion
Feb 7, 2019 7:19 PM
Mar 2017
GalacticMagna said:
Don't seem all that impressive tbh. Only saw the 5 mins and lost interest.
WTF you even don't watch ep 1 yet. Lol
Feb 7, 2019 7:24 PM
Mar 2017
in my opinion as long as the storyline is interesting, I will watch it to the end. I'm not a problem with the quality of animation. because there are many anime that have poor animation quality but have a good storyline.
Mar 18, 2019 4:41 PM
Jul 2018
Ah, when this discussion was moved into a thread specific to the anime the moderator made it make sense to me, yet a post trying to call attention to an overlooked anime being put in a place only people who know about the show would look, doesn't make a whole lot of sense in hindsight.
Mar 23, 2019 9:35 PM
Jul 2014
EratiK said:
I guess the show made a lot of decisions that get it less attention. If you compare it to Girls and Panzers (which some of the staff did work on) it's easy to understand:
- the CG protags, sure it's cheaper but it's less endearing than Gup ever was
- since the anime focus on dogfights, and it can't have the combat school excuse, they have to resort to enemy of the week, meaning episodic action which is less captivating than shows that focus on plot
- I guess the general non schooly premise with not a lot of characters makes it less remarkable to the moe otaku too

That said the shows feels like it could be 24 episodes, so some unexpected twists might happen here.

To add to this, there's no natural camraderie between the team, and no overarching plot. The audience has not been given a reason to care about why this is happening. Instead, we're treated to a lot of politicking in which the main characters are flatly mercenaries for hire, but which ultimately doesn't matter because we haven't been given a reason to care about the world, either.

Girls Und Panzer worked because of the amazing way the characters interacted with and played off of each other, and because the VA's emotional and voice work gave the plot meaning and weight in tandem with the overarching threat of the characters losing the only home they'd ever known. And because it was our Earth, only just a few steps removed, it captivated any military nerd who's ever wanted to drive or command a tank as a sport. Also, it's a hero's journey for the entire team as a whole, and we see them grow as a result.

Meanwhile Kotobuki's characters aren't really endearing, the fights lack weight, and plot developments that should have happened as early as episode 2 or 3 are happening at the end of the season[. Items that should have been introduced much earlier, including the impact (and threat) of the portals as well as Saburo Sakai's (yes, it's obviously him) role in helping shape the military aviation culture of the world of Kotobuki is essentially ignored. Also, the "nobody dies" aspect really does not work in aviation, when far better works like The princess and the pilot, sky-crawlers, and Area-88 have done far better work both in dogfighting and narrative.

This anime is, despite using the GuP formula, simply inferior to both GuP, Highschool fleet, as well as (by now) its season competitor, Girly Airforce; Girly Airforce has given us a reason to care, and is busy unfolding a larger set of questions for the audience to ponder as it moves to the close of its first season in preparation for a future second season. Kotobuki simply hasn't done this.
Mar 23, 2019 10:15 PM
Jul 2018
My guy , I definitely agree with all that, But I still love this show. That opening theme is the tits, and I now have this odd craving for pancakes every so often. Even though I am not invested and could give no shits, and I am being honest, I still adore this show. The episode when
I mean, I just think everyone needs a dose of mediocrity. Simple pleasures, and I hope more people accidentally stumble on this. All it costs is a bit of precious free time.
Mar 24, 2019 7:38 AM

Oct 2013
Because there are much better shows this season.
Mar 24, 2019 8:22 AM
Feb 2010
EratiK said:

- the CG protags, sure it's cheaper but it's less endearing than Gup ever was

I'd certainly disagree. GuP characters were not even half as interesting or endearing as Kotobuki's. While both shows certainly aren't character driven, I feel like Kotobuki girls are better written with more believable personalities and, especially, interactions (which make for a huge part of this show's charm)

EratiK said:

- since the anime focus on dogfights, and it can't have the combat school excuse, they have to resort to enemy of the week, meaning episodic action which is less captivating than shows that focus on plot

A fair point, however plot appears around episode 8 or 9, if it's indeed a 2-cour show (which I doubt tbh) then hopefully this point gets fixed.

EratiK said:

- I guess the general non schooly premise with not a lot of characters makes it less remarkable to the moe otaku too

It's not targetted at moe otaku, it's a show about... dogfighting. Everything in this show, aside girls' outfits, is as realistic as it gets in regards to air combat. It's aimed at true military freaks who will appreciate the realism and attention to details (no other military show had that developed to such degree). Obviously this group is a niche among a niche, so the show will remain less known, which is a damn shame, because it's worth watching just for the banter.

dc22 said:
Because there are much better shows this season.

There really aren't. Dororo is really the only other show that's objectively much better. Everything else is either mediocre, but enjoyable to a lot of people, or at the same level of "goodness" as Kotobuki.

firemagnet said:

Girls Und Panzer worked because of the amazing way the characters interacted with and played off of each other [...] And because it was our Earth, only just a few steps removed, it captivated any military nerd who's ever wanted to drive or command a tank as a sport.

GuP interactions were... as generic and flat as they get in high school anime. I still can't tell the characters apart. I'm not a tank fan, but seeing MCs tanks being all pink and shit immediately killed any sort of immersion. There's also a whole ton of plot armour in this show. It works as a moe school anime with military elements, but not as military show.

firemagnet said:

[...] when far better works like The princess and the pilot, sky-crawlers, and Area-88 have done far better work both in dogfighting [...].

That's like saying sword fights in LotR are better than in Deluge. They are all so flashy and gaudy, with chaotic camera movements, it doesn't feel like a dogfight, it feels like a bad Hollywood action movie. Kotobuki on the other hand puts 99% of its focus on historically accurate combat and attention to details. It feels like watching old footage from WW2, not a bunch of special effects made to appeal to laymen public.

firemagnet said:

This anime is, despite using the GuP formula, simply inferior to both GuP, Highschool fleet, as well as (by now) its season competitor, Girly Airforce; Girly Airforce has given us a reason to care, and is busy unfolding a larger set of questions for the audience to ponder as it moves to the close of its first season in preparation for a future second season. Kotobuki simply hasn't done this.

It doesn't use GuP formula. As mentioned before, GuP is a moe school show with military elements. Kotobuki is purely military show with moe elements here and there. Haifuri has nothing to do with actual warships. Combat sequences are dull and most of the show boils down to CGDCT, it's closer to K-ON (which is undoubtedly an amazing show) than Kotobuki. Girly Airforce is another moe crap which uses military aspects to bring in military pseudo-otaku - folks who just want to circlejerk over cute girls doing pseudo-military things. None of these shows is even close to Kotobuki in terms of genre, so there's no point comparing them. Furthermore, the last one you've mentioned sucks hard.
HuggykazeMar 24, 2019 8:48 AM
Mar 24, 2019 8:27 AM

Aug 2015
Huggykaze said:
EratiK said:

- the CG protags, sure it's cheaper but it's less endearing than Gup ever was

I'd certainly disagree. GuP characters were not even half as interesting or endearing as Kotobuki's. While both shows certainly aren't character driven, I feel like Kotobuki girls are better written with more believable personalities and, especially, interactions (which make for a huge part of this show's charm)

EratiK said:

- since the anime focus on dogfights, and it can't have the combat school excuse, they have to resort to enemy of the week, meaning episodic action which is less captivating than shows that focus on plot

A fair point, however plot appears around episode 8 or 9, if it's indeed a 2-cour show (which I doubt tbh) then hopefully this point gets fixed.

EratiK said:

- I guess the general non schooly premise with not a lot of characters makes it less remarkable to the moe otaku too

It's not targetted at moe otaku, it's a show about... dogfighting. Everything in this show, aside girls' outfits, is as realistic as it gets in regards to air combat. It's aimed at true military freaks who will appreciate the realism and attention to details (no other military show had that developed to such degree). Obviously this group is a niche among a niche, so the show will remain less known, which is a damn shame, because it's worth watching just for the banter.

dc22 said:
Because there are much better shows this season.

There really aren't. Dororo is really the only other show that's objectively much better. Everything else is either mediocre, but enjoyable to a lot of people, or at the same level of "goodness" as Kotobuki.

Also, the sound design is fucking fantastic. Whoever the sound director is really put some effort into it.
Mar 24, 2019 8:47 AM
Feb 2010
TheKillerAngel said:

Also, the sound design is fucking fantastic. Whoever the sound director is really put some effort into it.

This entire show screams "effort" or "passion". I don't care which one, but the amount of work, either direct or indirect, put into Kotobuki is astounding.

DumpsterKing said:

As Pullman said, most people don't seek out mediocrity.

This show is anything but mediocre... I could name at least 10 more popular shows this season, which are more mediocre, lazily written and much less original than Kotobuki.

Pullman said:

You do you, but you can't expect other people to willingly seek out mediocrity over greatness, or even just decent-ness.

You know... Those words would have more weight if you haven't rated Cowboy Bebop at 10/10. It's the most overrated anime in history, which suffers from a lot of the same issues as Kotobuki.
Considering you also watch Endro (which while fun, is just mediocre CGDCT show), I think you have no idea how to differentiate between "decentness", greatness and mediocrity.

To sum it all up, you are free to dislike this show, but calling it mediocre just shows how narrow your mindsets and ignorant you are. Comparing this show to stuff like GuP, Haifuri or, oh god, Girly Airforce, is just a joke proving that you guys have no idea what you're talking about and it's better you say nothing, as you obviously cannot stay objective.
HuggykazeMar 24, 2019 9:03 AM
Mar 24, 2019 9:06 AM

Mar 2016
Ignored by who, MAL drones? It's doing very well from what I can see. Mobage girls are even getting a little Youtube anime.

Was wondering where all of the moronic comments were coming from and then I realized this was originally posted in Anime Discussion.
syncrogazerMar 24, 2019 9:14 AM
Mar 24, 2019 9:16 AM

May 2012
What is the fun about ?! It is not good at all. And it has no story

If you want more entertaining anime then watch Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka
Mar 24, 2019 11:33 AM

Feb 2010
Huggykaze said:
TheKillerAngel said:

Also, the sound design is fucking fantastic. Whoever the sound director is really put some effort into it.

This entire show screams "effort" or "passion". I don't care which one, but the amount of work, either direct or indirect, put into Kotobuki is astounding.

DumpsterKing said:

As Pullman said, most people don't seek out mediocrity.

This show is anything but mediocre... I could name at least 10 more popular shows this season, which are more mediocre, lazily written and much less original than Kotobuki.

Pullman said:

You do you, but you can't expect other people to willingly seek out mediocrity over greatness, or even just decent-ness.

You know... Those words would have more weight if you haven't rated Cowboy Bebop at 10/10. It's the most overrated anime in history, which suffers from a lot of the same issues as Kotobuki.
Considering you also watch Endro (which while fun, is just mediocre CGDCT show), I think you have no idea how to differentiate between "decentness", greatness and mediocrity.

To sum it all up, you are free to dislike this show, but calling it mediocre just shows how narrow your mindsets and ignorant you are. Comparing this show to stuff like GuP, Haifuri or, oh god, Girly Airforce, is just a joke proving that you guys have no idea what you're talking about and it's better you say nothing, as you obviously cannot stay objective.

okay everyone else has no idea and you're the only one that can accurately judge anime.

Now don't quote me again with that nonsense.
I probably regret this post by now.
Mar 24, 2019 12:02 PM
Jul 2014
Huggykaze said:

It doesn't use GuP formula. As mentioned before, GuP is a moe school show with military elements. Kotobuki is purely military show with moe elements here and there. Haifuri has nothing to do with actual warships. Combat sequences are dull and most of the show boils down to CGDCT, it's closer to K-ON (which is undoubtedly an amazing show) than Kotobuki. Girly Airforce is another moe crap which uses military aspects to bring in military pseudo-otaku - folks who just want to circlejerk over cute girls doing pseudo-military things. None of these shows is even close to Kotobuki in terms of genre, so there's no point comparing them. Furthermore, the last one you've mentioned sucks hard.

Actually, it's clear that in terms of battle-narrative, battle coreography, and so on Kotobuki shares much the same formula as GuP. Which is no surprise since the plot basically didn't exist up until this past episode and episode 10.

And while I can agree with you about the sound design and music and most of the miscellany, the plot--that is the glue of the show--is subpar, was introduced too late to really matter, and doesn't cover up the fact that up until this and the last episode meaningful character development was almost nonexistent.
Mar 24, 2019 12:49 PM
Jul 2018
AHHHHH so that is why the thread was moved, apparently the anime populous can be toxic? I kid I kid, but no seriously. I love your guy's enthusiasm for the show, but we can't over paint it. The show is warm at best. Not a bright shining star burning at 10 billion degrees, but a charming warm glow. If you see it as a brilliant star that makes me happy, but I didn't make this thread to fight about it. I do like the show a lot and I still recommend everyone jumps on that train and takes it in. Kotobuki makes me smile, but everyone is different. It does seem to be picking up interest, but I would like for it to do better, a selfish want in hopes of getting another season.

Pullman said:
that nonsense.

I just quoted you with that nonsense. lol.

Also I don't want to get off topic and this next bit isn't directed at anyone, but Cowboy bebop is a 10 though, its been over shadowed since its reign at the top by many many shows, but I can remember when it was king. I recall watching it for the first time, how enthused I was. I hope I never forget to to be honest. Even so, we can all be guilty of comparing oranges to apples and changing our scores a bit. We watch a show, it blows our mind, then a few years go by and we look at it and start comparing it to other experiences instead of just the experience it offered. Anytime someone goes, "Sure show X was good but if you watch show Y".. I involuntarily roll my eyes just a bit, (even though I do it sometimes as well); but the truth is even in spite of similarities, Y is irrelevant to X. Until you can craft a pedestal for each individual show you watch, high or low. You really cant even begin to be an authority on anything but your own opinion. I watch and adore trash harems. It's the same thing, over and over and over... while I do acknowledge the redundancy, each one is its own little story. Even when an Anime is riddled with cash grab tropes and similar situations, I still try to evaluate each one independently. I try not value media against each other outside of limited speculations. In example I wont watch Parasyte and be like "well compared to VHD". I can't deny there is a convenience there and that's why we do it. If you liked X, then Y is good, or if you hated Y probably shouldn't waste your time with X, Top 5 X's, 10 worst Y's. its in our nature to do that. Competition is king in all things. I do feel its best to keep those kinds of considerations into limited brackets. As far as being able to offer a valid critique, in my not so humble opinion, you gotta stay subject focused. Even comparing a work to a creators former accomplishments is doing a disservice to the piece you are critiquing. Try to let whatever you are evaluating stand on its own, and not be held up or pushed down by something else.

COMING BACK FULL CIRCLE. I personally like magnificent kotobuki and cant wait till its complete so I can craft a review for it.
, That's why I started a thread instead of a review, and I even did it poorly, BUT there is always a next time. For example I should have went:

The Magnificent Kotobuki doesn't seem to be stirring up that much attention, that kind of bums me out cause its a truly charming little program. The mix of animation styles does throw me off a bit, but the simple episodic adventure format driven by enthusiastic characters really puts me in a good mood. While not the most compelling of anime, I do enjoy watching the cleverly crafted personalities of Kotobuki take flight, dog fight, and keep their charm with whatever situation their world throws at them. I am surprised by its lack of viewership (at the time). Kotobuki doesn't seem harbor many repelling elements, more like its suffering from a lack of a "wow" factor. Are we as fans so spoiled that a SUBS-STELLAR show just isn't good enough for us anymore? Please share your opinions as to why you think The Magnificent Kotobuki is flying under the radar. In appreciation, Grizzziff Kingsbeard.

See, is that not much better? So why didn't I do that and allow this rag tag mess be born into existence? Cause I have a bad habit of watching shows or writing content until 4 am fueled by coffee and passion. My heart is in the right place, but a over hyped caffeinated zombie rarely is able to aim true. I still want to read all your opinions tough, just you know. Be decent to each other. We're all in this together.
removed-userMar 24, 2019 12:57 PM
Mar 24, 2019 12:58 PM
Feb 2010
Pullman said:

okay everyone else has no idea and you're the only one that can accurately judge anime.

Now don't quote me again with that nonsense.

Well, you obviously misjudged this one. I never said you have no idea how to accurately judge any anime, so don't put things in my mouth please, we're not in this kinda relationship.

Also, quoting for nonsense.
Mar 24, 2019 1:16 PM
Feb 2010
firemagnet said:

Actually, it's clear that in terms of battle-narrative, battle coreography, and so on Kotobuki shares much the same formula as GuP. Which is no surprise since the plot basically didn't exist up until this past episode and episode 10.

And while I can agree with you about the sound design and music and most of the miscellany, the plot--that is the glue of the show--is subpar, was introduced too late to really matter, and doesn't cover up the fact that up until this and the last episode meaningful character development was almost nonexistent.

Yes, obviously the plot is subpar... or it's not really there. However, if it's 2-cour, it can still be saved.

I'd disagree about the formula though. There are so many differences between GuP and Kotobuki in terms of formula.
First of all Kotobuki ain't about a sports team, it's portrays actual combat and you can feel it - from voice acting through expressions down to reactions of various characters. Additionally, first episode had at least few people dead. They might have been as unimportant as last year's snow, but it clearly showed that it's actual combat.
Secondly, Kotobuki delves much deeper into peculiarities of air combat of WW2, as well as aircraft maintenance and preparation (see ep 1).
Thirdly, it treats itself more seriously as a military show - episodes are filled with well animated and choreographed action, with animations clearly putting a whole lot attention to historical accuracy. There's much less emphasis on cute girls doing cute things, although it results in not-so-stellar character development. Nothing is pink or decorated like Christmas Tree, even each girl's markings are somewhat historically accurate - not only each squadron had its markings, but US pilots used to paint stuff on their machines. As a side note, it's worth mentioning that, at least in some cases, those paintings represented female forms of their motherships / carriers.
And lastly, moe is just a cherry on top, in GuP it's one of main ingredients.
Mar 24, 2019 10:44 PM
Jul 2014
Huggykaze said:

Yes, obviously the plot is subpar... or it's not really there. However, if it's 2-cour, it can still be saved.

Kotobuki isn't a 2-cour, and that really is the problem at the heart of it; the world just isn't developed enough, nor are the characters. It's only now--in the second to last episode--becoming clear as to where they fit in, but the anime feels like it's reaching its midpoint rather than its climax.

I'd disagree about the formula though. There are so many differences between GuP and Kotobuki in terms of formula.

The battle choreography feels very similar, with this sort of predictability about who gets knocked out and when that I've seen before with the battles in GuP. So, while the battles are clearly tense to the characters, they're certainly not to the audience. This is further reinforced by Kyrie going running off after her nemesis--even more so with the framing of the fuel testing a few episodes back. There's definitely still the air of cute-girls-doing-cute-things that pervades everything and which is essentially identical thematically to what was seen in GuP save for the setting.

First of all Kotobuki ain't about a sports team, it's portrays actual combat and you can feel it - from voice acting through expressions down to reactions of various characters.

Yes, there is that thematic difference, but that's honestly the only major difference. The characters don't always feel like they're taking it as seriously as they might otherwise (except, perhaps, for Kyrie), and Kyrie's shockingly naive question about war in episode 11 really just drives it home. The Kotobuki Squadron are mercenaries for hire in a weird cargo-cult world where fortunes are made and lost in wars over whatever trash gets dropped out from our world, essentially. In spite of this, none of the cast ever really gives (and the direction certainly doesn't give) what's going on the weight it really deserves.

Additionally, first episode had at least few people dead. They might have been as unimportant as last year's snow, but it clearly showed that it's actual combat.

Yet the human cost of combat, particularly aerial combat from WWII, which saw proportionally the highest casualties of any form of combat in World War II, is played down in Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai as a whole to focus more heavily on the "cute girls doing cute things" aspect, in almost the same manner as Girls Und Panzer. Arguably, death and the possibility of injury is taken more seriously in GuP than it is the world of Kotobuki.

Secondly, Kotobuki delves much deeper into peculiarities of air combat of WW2, as well as aircraft maintenance and preparation (see ep 1).

No more so than GuP does for tank maintenance, where there are entire portions of episodes dedicated to assembling, cleaning, or otherwise maintaining the tanks in question, in addition to demonstrations of all the peculiarities of specific vehicles (like the Tiger II throwing tracks, the Tiger I (P) burning out its electric engines, etc).

Thirdly, it treats itself more seriously as a military show - episodes are filled with well animated and choreographed action, with animations clearly putting a whole lot attention to historical accuracy

In terms of speed and energy in aircraft duels, sure. Otherwise, no. There are multiple instances in Kotobuki where things like trim, climb-rate, wing-loading and so on are flatly ignored. Most prominently where aircraft like the Ki-61 and Ki-84 are turning with the Hayabusas of the Kotobuki squadron, which have a much lower wingloading (and hence much better sustained turning). This is in addition to the flatly impossible maneuvers the J7W1 flown by Isao pulls just this episode, where the J7W1 simply would not have retained enough energy to hammer-head Kyrie's much lighter (and much faster accelerating) Ki-43-II Hayabusa, among other items.

Girls Und Panzer's setting at least allows for them to explain the changes away by noting that most tanks have been modernized for the sake of the competition with better engines and the like.

There's much less emphasis on cute girls doing cute things, although it results in not-so-stellar character development.

That argument about having less of the "cute girls doing cute things" doesn't hold water at all:

-Kyrie eating pancakes
-Kyrie playing with kids
-Chika and her stuffed trilobite plush
-the whole female cast complaining about clothes and shoe shopping (when they're mercenaries who spend most of their time
-various other slice-of-life and various cute-girls-doing-cute-things throughout episodes 1-4 in particular
-various other items where the girls get to be immature while also somehow being competent mercenaries who seem to think nothing of death.

Nothing is pink or decorated like Christmas Tree, even each girl's markings are somewhat historically accurate - not only each squadron had its markings

In Girls und Panzer this actually stops after episode 3. Apart from individual team decals, the Oarai team stops decorating their tanks and gets about as serious as the Kotobuki squadron essentially right after their first curbstomp battle versus St. Gloriana. All of the tanks are painted in the correct color tones for their nations (for Germany this is either feldgrau or, in the case of the Pz IV H, a dark brown), the I-Go Ko is painted a standard Imperial Japanese Army Brown, and the M3 Lee is U.S. olive-drab.

And lastly, moe is just a cherry on top, in GuP it's one of main ingredients.

There's more moe in GuP, but to say that it isn't also the core of Kouya no Kotobuki is disingenuous at best given how the characters are portrayed and what they spend most of their time outside of combat doing. In each case, it's thematically appropriate moe.

Mar 24, 2019 11:02 PM
Jul 2018
I dunno now, after today's episode, they kind of did a terribly forced reveal what ties all the charm into a premise that kind of was and wasn't there before. Wait whose a what? There is a who? What the hey? I cant wait to see how it polishes off though. Cause its a toss up between climbing up the ladder or falling in the crapper. Not sure about it, we will see.
Mar 28, 2019 12:54 PM

May 2016
It's..........alright, despite the wonky animation
Mar 28, 2019 4:59 PM
Mar 2019
For me ,this series is one of my most favourite series. I didn't put much interest when started watching eps 1 and the uniform that girl wearing were funny. But the depth of conversation plus the very good acting of the character voice really get into me. The dogfight and inside cockpit viewing the pilot during dogfight is excellent & beautiful. I enjoyed a lot the contrast difference between the girl's personality and their harmony interraction and excellent coop during battle.
Feb 27, 12:42 PM
Feb 2024
The theme interests me but I won't even bother watching an anime like this with an all-female cast. I'd rather just re-watch Sky Crawlers.

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