god i wish final fantasy looked like this. i wanted to take a point away for the eye strain during a couple scenes (so much flashing) but the cutout animation immediately returned that point
if you've ever experienced being a 12-year-old girl, this ova will resonate with your fucking soul. if you haven't, you probably will complain that the characters cry too much
really just lost a point for the amount of students crushing on teachers. a little bit i can gloss over (as its definitely unrequited here) but there was sooooo much
mostly disregard my rubric for this. it was very cute, it made me laugh a few times (was really good at telling like rapid-fire gags), was also immature and unfunny several times so ymmv but its literally like an hour long so
honestly i was not expecting like fluff fanfic oneshot compilation vibes, i thought this was gonna be primarily comedy dfgjkndfj (i think i slightly conflated this with 'the 100 girlfriends who rly rly love you')
was like 20% raunchier than i was expecting, also kintaro's like gag faces were so unappealing, other than that it was a lot of fun (and that ending was so good)
the concept of re-styling or transliterating fairytales will always be cool, but i feel like a lot of these failed to deliver more than their elevator pitch. important things were often explained poorly. still, it was interesting, i liked the last two episodes (bremen and pied piper) the most but they definitely wouldve been stronger told by a different anime about fairytales. also someone in the reviews said that these arent significantly darker than the original grimm stuff and thats so true LOL
i feel like hellsing and hellsing ultimate are two entirely different anime and the reviews did not prepare me whatsoever. if i had to rewatch one, though, it would be this
Alucard is the Specialest Boy in the World and Here's Why: The Animation. fantastic but the rapid power creep makes this a bit exhausting by the last few episodes
imagine you buy a $5 Burger Gacha from your fav cheap fast food place. the actual burger is thin af and there's way too much lettuce, but it's not bad. in the bag there was also a $2 drink. you enjoy the drink, but if the $2 went to improving the burger instead, it would've made more sense, right? That's hellsing the dawn
i think cute art style plus edgy story can be a winning combo, but this is more "let's be horny yay!!!" than "let's explore different fetishes openly in an entertaining way". like i think i wanted this to be more niche horny than just exhibitionism the anime
there was nothing interesting, compelling, or likable about anything here. plot full of holes, run-of-the-mill art, fairly weak sound, annoying characters, even the ecchi was bad. it's short but none of it is worth your time i promise
possibly the most sexist movie i've ever seen! the art was good though, and it gets points for having Toxic Yaoi (lol). it should be an 8 but i can't in good conscience give an anime with like three sexual assault scenes higher than a 7
was going into it hoping it was like a jrpg. it very much was, but also like a jrpg, plot points just sort of happened and there was no time to explore any characters meaningfully. looked great tho
the only anime brave enough to ask the question "what if catgirls were cat sized? and what if we Didn't make that really weird and uncomfortable?" 10/10 conceptually
the story was good except for when it wasn't. engaging as hell though, and i've ripped off this concept enough times with OCs that i have to give it at least an 8
i sideloaded nu:carnival for awhile, i am the actual target audience for this. 4 points only because the boys are hot (the older guy with the scar and the twins were some highlights) but this is honestly more of a cautionary tale than an anime
gamer references rly carried this. cute but the romance was extremely slow, which for a 10 episode-er made it so a lot of side characters were underdeveloped
imagine making a harem isekai where the love interests actually fall for the MC for like understandable reasons. and the MC is a woman. AND THE HAREM IS BISEXUAL. i am a bit biased as this was my first villainess anime so i wasn't sick of the genre yet lol
don't watch this, it'll infect your brain with The Shaft Disease and you'll become obsessed with it but be unable to recommend it to any of your friends (because it's about a guy who tries to kill himself every episode).
well... the way characters who were not fair-skinned japanese men were written was inexusably bad, in my opinion. the actual story is like, a 5. i'm putting it at a 7 because the artists, VAs, and sound crew did a much better job than the writers
i'm not usually a samurai anime fan but, as a film, every aspect of this was so solid. art, sound, writing -- this feels like a letterboxd film major movie but anime
great vibes. great backgrounds. great character designs. unfortunately i need to be tested for adhd so this was all nullified by how bored i was. anime doesn't need to have tons of animation to be good but this movie had like 40 frames
i think some of that insane animation budget shouldve gone towards getting non-instrumental music for the band(s) to perform. also the YT subs i watched were incredibly bad, lyrics or background text would overwrite the dialogue translation
everything good about the manga (gorgeous art, interesting multi-faceted side characters) was cut. meanwhile i felt the manga needed more exposition, and this had even less somehow. and god i wish we lived in a world where this didn't have to have such an abrupt ending
this actually kind of rocks. love how gory and weird it is. really wish i couldve seen it in japanese though, the dub was fine but did kind of take away from the vibes
in ~2018, an amv of this movie set to heavyweight by infected mushroom activated a vampire obsession that i haven't been able to satiate. if you ever see this at a 10 and not an 8, know that the obsession has gotten worse
7.5 if it was possible. it was interesting but not super satisfying, feel like it needed more character exploration but was hindered by being so episodic. anyways all i care about today is how the hell does watanuki get an eyepatch next season??????
pan-european mythology fanfiction is actually a cool idea, tbh. should be a 6 but this was so unabashedly bisexual, like... they made cu chulainn gay, i gotta give them credit for that
such good animation holy shit. a few bits and pieces were just kind of unfunny but this was a delight to watch. wish the columbo expy did more columbo things
it might get better but it really just felt like BNHA (magic comedy version) which sucks bc i really hoped this was gonna be funny... but like so many of the establishing story beats were just The Same
i'm a dumbass who starts watching old anime because there's a GNC yaoi boy in it without realizing that the anime is extremely episodic/non-linear. my fault