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# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
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Ashita no Joe
- TV 3/79 3 episodes in, and it already executes Megalo Box's narrative beats way better and convincingly, including Joe being a free spirited drifter or life.
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Enen no Shouboutai
- TV 10/24 It indeed isn't the most original thing in the world, but IMO it sits snugly in the territory of still being fairly entertaining despite that, partly because of ex-SHAFT geling with Okubo's sense of style.
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Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai!
- TV 1/20
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Keroro Gunsou
- TV 6/358 So I heard this is similar to Ika Musume (or rather, the other way around), and so far the test is passed with arguably more aggressive but character centric wacko than IM.
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Kidou Senkan Nadesico
- TV 2/26 It was about time to watch this after so long, and it's a VERY peculiar mix of serious and humorous right from the get go. But it's a damn fine mix so far.
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Nomad: Megalo Box 2
- TV 1/13
TV: 6, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 0.38, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00

# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
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5-toubun no Hanayome
8 TV 12 I expected way worse given the premise, and so far it's... decent? Thank God it focuses more on the character's quirks and chemistry, while not taking things too seriously. Also appreciating a sorta harem that has a concrete direction.
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A-Ko The Versus
4 OVA 2 Note: mixing mediocre nonsense silly with awful nonsense seriousness is not a good combination. Especially when you have a specific installment to compare things to.
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Aa! Megami-sama!
8 OVA 5
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Aa! Megami-sama! (TV)
8 TV 24
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ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka
8 TV 12 A conspiracy-filled, inter-state show that commits the things I don't like in these sort of shows, but it mostly balances them with a tasteful sense of kind of theatrical "swag" and likeable cast? It's a combo I could like, and still do.
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AD Police
4 OVA 3 As much I like the Blade Runner/Snatcher inspired world along with the character designs and music, it's still a shallow attempt for a serious story, when pacing is all over the place along with the characterisation, and fanservice doesn't makes up for it
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Afro Samurai
5 TV 5
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Aho Girl
4 TV 12 At its best, it's a 7.5/10 decent loony shenanigan that isn't afraid of making girls into the wackos too. At its worst, it's the author's self-pleasing that is both lame and juvenile, and sadly this occurs way more often than the former scenario.
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6 OVA 7
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AIKa R-16: Virgin Mission
4 OVA 3 The burly Christmas spirit of my heart told me to watch something unique for this holiday, and I went with Battle of the Buttocks. Or for the more Eastern oriented people out there, Oshiri Onslaught.
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AIKa Zero
3 OVA 3 Zero, like the score I'd gave to this BUEHEHEHE. But in all seriousness, this is an Oshiri Onslaught prequel, for your gentlemanly and scholar needs about DEEP plots on the posterior.
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Akagami no Shirayuki-hime
6 TV 12 I wish the side characters would have been better than sort of plot devices, because at it's core this is a fairly solid if still a bit lacking shoujo show with a very likable heroine and excellent audiovisual production values.
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Akagami no Shirayuki-hime: Nandemonai Takaramono, Kono Page
7 OVA 1 It may not be a strong 7, but it was good to have a side episode without the more typical shoujo conflicts.
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Akame ga Kill!
5 TV 24 Essentially what you get when a teenager discovers that cartoons can be violent, and this applies to both positive and negative. Former when you need something truly mindless and gorey, and latter when it's an overhyped show at its most typical.
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Akanesasu Shoujo
7 TV 12 For a mobage-accompanying anime, this was a wilder ride than I thought, and depending on your tolerance to a certain trope, it's a surprisingly good case of a story ending up way differently than what you'd think at the start.
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5 TV 12
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8 Movie 1
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Amagi Brilliant Park
7 TV 13 One could argue that the more serious side of the show didn't had that much weight in it, but in all honesty, I don't mind it here for one simple reason: this is the first KyoAni show since Fumoffu and Nichijou that I not only endured but had fun with it.
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Amagi Brilliant Park: Nonbirishiteiru Hima ga Nai!
7 Special 1 It was exactly like what a TV episode can do when it doesn\'t try to be serious or concentrate on the actual plot, and for that, it made a good choice. Still has that long-lost vibe KyoAni had with FMP sequels/Nichijou, make that as you will.
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Amagi Brilliant Park: Wakuwaku Mini Theater - Rakugaki Backstage
- Special 7 So, this is KyoAni essentially taking an even more rounchier attitude with Amagi than the TV series did, while applying tiny patches to tiny things in some episodes? Okay, it doesn't reflect the show as much, but whatever.
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6 TV 12 The highs of it were lower than Aria, and the lows were higher than Aria. As much the lows benefit from the smaller, more character-centric scale, the highs are also held down because of it, plus further highlighting how Amano's style can vary quality-wis
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Anime Tenchou
5 OVA 1 About as good as any run-to-the-mill commercial can be with the aid of a hot-blooded character created and designed by Shimamoto Kazuhiko.
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Ao no 6-gou
9 OVA 4
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Aoi Sekai no Chuushin de
3 TV Special 3 If this would be an educational video about every single bad animu cliche ever, and how to miss the point of the concept of parody, this would be a frequently referenced material.
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6 OVA 1
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Arakawa Under the Bridge
8 TV 13 It's always a good thing when a relaxing, mildly wacky series never forgets what it is, and is able to constantly approach situations with its own brand of style no matter what happens in the story. Propably one the most hippy-ish anime out there.
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Arcade Gamer Fubuki
2 OVA 4 Don't write a semi-serious story with random humour at 4AM after a hard day, otherwise you'll end up with a result where randomness is uninspired and lacks style, and the story is boring.
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Arcade Gamer Fubuki: Kabe no Mukou no Paradise
1 Special 1 I know fanservice Specials are usually on the lowest level of the priority ladder when it comes to effort, but this one lacks so much of it even the lyp-synch is atrociously lazy.
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Aria the Animation
8 TV 13 May steer towards 8/10 later on, but it's still a surprisingly chill and slow SoL that pretty much celebrates life as a whole, with a "simple" yet likeable cast. Your mileage will depend how much you're willing to ride with the "celebration" part.
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Aria the Avvenire
7 Special 3 The first episode is the one I liked the most, but even so, it was neat seeing this series with up to date and nice looking visual production values, even if the new kouhais could have been more different than just an almost copy-paste of Akari and co.
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Aria the Natural
7 TV 26 This season admittedly made me realize that I like the franchise more when it's about the characters first and everything else second, and in those times, it was a natural (heh) progression of S1, leading the way to the finale.
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Aria the Origination
9 TV 13 One of the earlier eps were sadly a good reminder of how Aria can be boring/unengaging, but the rest was generally a great way to close what was built up all this time, with goodbyes both good and bad. Amano's "theatrical" idealism did favours here.
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Aria the Origination: Sono Choppiri Himitsu no Basho ni...
7 Special 1 Akatsuki being busted twice like the dumdum he is was a good watch along with Akari being herself, but it admittedly feels a bit "underwhelming" when you know that Origination is taking big steps towards *something* big.
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Aria the OVA: Arietta
7 OVA 1 I have a feeling I should have watched this after Natural, but in terms of an episode about teacher-pupil relationship, this brought the standard the series usually does.
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Asobi Asobase
7 TV 12 Would have easily gotten an 8, but despite how rude n' crude the humor seems to be and fairly much so is, it's still more of a surprisingly comfier watch than something that constantly sideswipes you with random high quality bullshit. Still good.
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Ayane-chan High Kick!
5 OVA 2 If you can imagine a genderbent, kickboxing Hajime no Ippo but without the detailed insight into boxing and any sort of mentionable development, buildup and characterisation, you'll get this. Not offensively bad, but it's very unmemorable.
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Azumanga Daiou The Animation
8 TV 26 Still the best "four-five girls doing weird shit" anime out there.
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Azumanga Daiou: Gekijou Tanpen
6 Special 1
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Azumanga Web Daiou
7 ONA 1
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9 TV 13
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8 TV 15
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Bakemonogatari Recap
- TV Special 1
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7 TV 12 A more consistent quality would have pushed this show to the upper 7s, but as it is, it's a fairly decent weird-sensed ("dick") humored take on the girls do something setup, with some dipping in quality after a while.
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Bannou Bunka Neko-Musume
7 OVA 6 Ye olde rather innocent and lighthearted comedy from the '90s that can be a bit sugary at times, but still not enough to handicap its overall feeling of fun that even includes some character development on the decent side.
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Bannou Yasai Ninninman
5 Movie 1 It wasn't able to cross that line where the kid-centered mentality of the story could not harm the quality for the older viewers, and the overall artstyle isn't as imaginative as the other Anime Mirai projects. Tarrocman in particular is rather annoying.
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8 TV 12 I'd say it's one of those ideal shows if you want to watch a coming of age story that isn't hard or "grand" in the slightest, but can be greatly enjoyable due to its genuine approach of both the subject, the rural setting and almost all characters.
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7 TV 11 Megaman X as a bartender? Why the hell not!
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Bastard!! Ankoku no Hakaishin
5 OVA 6 Even if it was amusing when it was silly, the story still couldn't made up its mind what it wanted to be in general, swapping sometimes badly timed sillyness with boring story back and fort with plot holes, and an MC that has unexplained Deus Ex powers
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Batman: Gotham Knight
8 OVA 6
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Bayonetta: Bloody Fate
5 Movie 1 Have you played the first game? Can you imagine it without a single shred of gameplay and having the story all the way? If you thought the story was uninteresting and just a vehicle for the game's stages, this is what you'll get in animated form.
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9 TV 12 I have no idea how good Zootopia is, but Beastars is a pretty neat approach of a more realistic humanoid animal world its own set of inherent setbacks and injustices. And with good CG too.
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6 TV 12 Eps 7-9 were useless and the increasing fagservice/yuri/ecchi MC Satuo ripped out a huge chunk out of the show's enjoyment, but that aside I liked this show.
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4 TV 12 It's one thing that the post-GA story direction feels rather aimless and toothless if this adaptation is anything to go by, and it's another that the visuals are having an existential crisis trough the entire show.
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Bible Black
5 OVA 6 Am I ridicilous if I say that the story had more moral than Death Note, despite the rest the anime is just an encyclopedy for kinky shitness?
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Binbougami ga!
4 TV 13 The show had some good episodes despite its "shout in 24/7" style, but the amount of drama was way, way too much for a show like this, it was badly structured and all that drama doesn't even lead to anywhere due to the constant resetting.
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Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS Gaiden: Ami-chan no Hatsukoi
- Special 1 I'm not going to rate this since I only watched it on a whim after YT suggested it and I haven't watched SM at all in 16-18 years, but it reminded me of one thing I liked about it back then: the way it handles goofy humor in general just clicks with me.
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Black Lagoon
9 TV 12
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Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage
8 TV 12
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Black Magic M-66
6 OVA 1 It's a considerable choice of watch if one's interested in a Terminator-esque story with Shirow's chara- and mechanic designs, but it's really nothing to write home about compared to say GitS or Dominion Tank Police.
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Blue Gender
5 TV 26
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6 TV 12 Probably one of Trigger's better outings, but honestly, I really wish Nakashima would up his writing chops consistently, because this brand of "not fully explored character writing partially leaning on DON'T THINK, FEEL" has been used one too many times n
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Boku dake ga Inai Machi
5 TV 12 One spectacular example of a series losing its edge late in the game, and frankly, the quality of the first 8 episodes is the reason the score isn't any lower. Because good audiovisual directing choices can't save a story betraying its own promise.
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Boku no Hero Academia
8 TV 13 For a shounen that doesn't try to reinvent the wheel but rather makes it spin well enough, it did its job. The antagonist portrayal may be lacking, but there's enough heart and soul put into this to make it a more recommendable shounen, for all ages.
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Boku no Hero Academia 2nd Season
8 TV 25 The general opinion still stands: it isn't the most revolutionary shounen ever, but it certainly follows the footsteps of OG Dragon Ball and One Piece enough to be a serviceable shounen with an actual heart in it.
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Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
5 TV 12 Was it worth it to finish it after 2 years? No, not really. The presence of continous storyline and occasional seriousness is ironically the main reason why the story seems so obnoxious, preachy, and immaturely cliche.
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Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai: Relay Shousetsu wa Ketsumatsu ga Hanpanai
3 OVA 1 Repetitive rape and poop jokes that are not even vaguely funny or witty? Apparently PewDiePie got his hands on this OVA.
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Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan
8 OVA 4
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Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan 2
4 OVA 2 Way to ruin a good series with a needless overdose of fanservice.
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Brave Witches
5 TV 12 It's weird how BW is better than SW in terms of the base premise taken seriously, and yet SW still being more "fire-y" about its execution despite the dumbness and pantyshot galores, but here we are, at a wasted opportunity.
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Bubblegum Crisis
4 OVA 8 The last episode is the best one, and that's because it's like a mini side-OVA. The rest showcases why '80s OVAs can be bad. Rather good visually and musically, but otherwise it's a poorly written, cliche'd C-schlock carried by its style and music.
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Burn Up! W
5 OVA 4 An average, run-to-the-mill entry in the action-ecchi-comedy genre mix, altough the graphical production values and character designs stand the test of time successfully.
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Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002
5 TV 52
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Change!! Getter Robo: Sekai Saigo no Hi
9 OVA 13 Do admit I bounced off hard the first time, but another shot at it recently, and it's a very, very good OVA of the manly hotblooded mecha variety. Makes it obvious where Gurren Lagann got some of its ideas from.
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Chiisana Ahiru no Ooki na Ai no Monogatari: Ahiru no Kwak
8 TV 52
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Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro
9 TV 12 First episode wasn't all that convincing, but the rest were my brand of fairly mean spirited, and even surprisingly daring humor, and it managed to be consistently highly funny for the most part, while delivering that "weirdo everyday feel".
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7 TV 26
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Choujigen Game Neptune The Animation
5 TV 12 The definiton of pleasing established fans: it's targeted towards fans of the games more than gathering new fans. The intentionally retarded humour works despite this, but not the serious side of the story that's awful and takes itself too seriously.
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Chrno Crusade
7 TV 24 Very satisfying ending for this kind of a series.
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4 TV 23 You know the feeling when a story can't function with all it's might because the characters are initially bad, and both the emotional presentation and the resolution is cheesy? That's Nagisa's arc in a nutshell, which was the least horrible arc in the bun
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Clannad: After Story
4 TV 24 This has one of the derpiest, most cowardly endings I ever witnessed so far for a "serious" show. While AS had a very good theme for the most part, the execution felt really rushed, often immaturely overdone and way too sentimental for its own good.
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Corpse Party: Tortured Souls - Bougyakusareta Tamashii no Jukyou
2 OVA 4 I thought this was supposed to be a horror, and not an anatomy lesson for butchers after drilling trough a shitload amount of weed like a rabbit. Too bad the weed wasn't strong enough to reverse the effects of increased blood pressure and weakened sanity.
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Cowboy Bebop
9 TV 26
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Cowboy Bebop: Tengoku no Tobira
9 Movie 1
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Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo
4 TV 25 So, Sunrise... you wanted to make a serious and gruesome show with romance on both genders and a dash of social commentary? Yeeaah... how about not doing it on a level of a 12 year old first.
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Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Kibou-hen
1 TV Special 1 A culmination of all that could make DR horrible, sasuga Kodaka and Lerche.
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Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Mirai-hen
5 TV 12 For the most part this series had the cheese and ham that can make DR tolerable, and Aoi was great here, but the "twist" at the end tainted the experience quite a bit, to the point a 7 is the max I'd give to this even on an ironic level.
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Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Zetsubou-hen
3 TV 11 The beginning was getting fairly close to make DR decently likeable with the silly school shenanigans, but then the "twist" came, and turned almost everything into garbage that sucked away even the cheese and ham, effectively killing the series.
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Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation
3 TV 13 "Dr. Fuckedupdaptation, or how I learned that sticking to the 12-13 episodes limit, and trimming most of the source's (supposed) meat to the point of making it severely underwhelming and insanely rushed is a suicide at best".
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Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha
8 TV 25
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Dead Leaves
8 Movie 1 The Great Escape plus Imaishi's over the top/style in animation/story cranked up so high it's one of the closest things to substitute weed = DL. Just like FLCL, it recquiers a certain amount of suspension of disbelief to make DL work, put it pays off.
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Death Billiards
7 Movie 1 The animation wasn't as fluid as it was in LWA, but in turn the story and characters had fairly more originality and seriousness that worked out well for the most part, even if it leaved somes things hanging.
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Death Note
6 TV 37
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Dengeki Oshioki Musume Gootaman: Gootaman Tanjou-hen
4 OVA 1 This is one of those cases where you know it's meant to be stupid, but it's handled in such a lame and tired manner you can't help but roll your eyes a lot no matter how there are a few passable bits here and there.
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Detroit Metal City
9 OVA 12
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Detroit Metal City: Birth of the Metal Devil
7 Special 1 From what I remember it's just like the first episode of the OVA series, except with virtually no new scenes. Maybe my memory about the series is a bit hazy, but I don't remember the pacing of the dialouges being this fast.
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Devil May Cry
2 TV 12
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Devilman: Crybaby
6 ONA 10 A constant battle between Nagai, Yuasa and the scriptwriter that sometimes makes for enjoyable low-A material, sometimes a mid-C shlock, sometimes a totally corner cut mess. A lot of shows would envy the chaotic balance the ONA has, but as it is, whoop-wh
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Dirty Pair
7 TV 24 If it would have the more polished wiring of the OVA and wouldn't have some of those dud episodes, it would be a stronger 7. It's still a decent Sunday afternoon action cheese tromp that aged fairly well in its own way, including the duo.
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Dirty Pair Flash
4 OVA 6 I really hope the brief chara development for Kei and Yuri will serve as a setup for better sequels, because this reimagening was very haphazardly put together visuals aside. And I'm saying this without even seeing the core series.
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Dirty Pair Flash 2
6 OVA 5 My rating may seem underselling, but it\\\'s a massive improvement over Flash 1, for one reason only. It dropped the shit grade seriousness, implemented silliness in place of it, and voila, suddenly it\\\'s a better title.
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Dirty Pair Flash 3
5 OVA 5 It would be just a tiny bit weaker than F2 is only the first and last episodes would exist, but with the other three around, I can't help but feel that it's a step back. Still better than F1 though.
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Dirty Pair OVA
7 OVA 10 The fourth episode is too weird for its own good, but that aside, as long as you don't take it seriously and treat is as a B-grade slightly cheesy action series, it's a fairly good time for its age.
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Dirty Pair: Lovely Angels yori Ai wo Komete
7 OVA 2 Now this is more closer to the 10 episode OVA's quality. More polished writing and style, and the visuals get more chance to shine in the silly moments.
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Dirty Pair: The Movie
5 Movie 1 It's a good thing the movie has '80s cheese and music up the wazoo, because otherwise the only thing it does good story-wise is to demonstrate that DP isn't suited for a length of a movie without being unnecessarily long and stretched.
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Dogs: Bullets & Carnage
4 OVA 4 It could've been a cool Hellsing-wannabe since those scenes are somewhat decent, but the story (along with its quality) is all over the place and can't find the exact tone it tries to archieve. I liked the Rammstein cameo though.
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Dokyuu Hentai HxEros
7 TV 12 Could've used less outright focus on fanservice, because this is a much better musing on emotionally restored man-female romantic relations than it will likely ever get credit for.
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7 OVA 4 The "true" storyline has a few blind spots partially due to the short length, but the OVA still makes for a relaxing watch with a very likeable sense of humour and '80s cheesiness. The OST is very good, altough the song placement could use work.
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Dragon Ball
7 TV 153
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Dragon Ball GT
3 TV 64
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Dragon Ball Kai
7 TV 97
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Dragon Ball Z
6 TV 291
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Dragon Ball Z Special 1: Tatta Hitori no Saishuu Kessen
8 TV Special 1
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Dragon Ball: Episode of Bardock
4 Special 1
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Dragon Half
9 OVA 2
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Dragon's Heaven
6 OVA 1 It's obvious that the great, Moebius-inspired art style is what carries the anime, but the too long intro and abrupt ending is mostly what hindering this from being more decent girl-meets-robot, if still more art-style ridden OVA than it could have been.
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7 TV 12 The humor is VERY hit or miss, and yet dare I say that I like this show more than Hellsing. It's got a less restrictive premise, and Hirano is clearly having fun with that, without a shred of wariness of what others think about his approach.
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Drifters: Special Edition
8 OVA 1 A Hirano-flavoured cheesecake of wackos being action wackos with great visuals/music, but now with a more interesting premise, and a main character that is much more likeable than Alucard? Will look forward to the series.
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Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru?
8 TV 12 Glad to see this isn't an empty ecchi stuff, but a genuinely good edutainment series that is as educational as is funny, and adding Doga Kobo's style is a match made in heaven.
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Elfen Lied
3 TV 13
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Emblem Take 2
4 OVA 2 The premise is promising and the character design is the kind of old-school I always liked, it still doesn't makes up for the bad characterization on the MC's part that keeps repeating the same points due to the constant reseting.
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Evangelion Movie 1: Jo
8 Movie 1 Even if the pacing is a bit too fast for my liking compared to the TV series, the movie still does a good job at being a recap/remake hybrid, partially because it covers/crams in less material than recap movies usually do.
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Evangelion Movie 2: Ha
8 Movie 1 If the 1st movie was the testing ground, then this one is the real deal: it fixed the 1st movie's slight pacing issues, and actually molds the story in a way that it not only still vaguely resembles the TV series, but fits in the movie format as well.
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Evangelion Movie 3: Q
4 Movie 1 The subtitle is right: they couldn't redo the more accessable but still rather good approach of the first two movies. The 2nd movie's ending proved to be such a large corner, the entire writing of this movie practically rammed into it head-first.
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Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya
5 TV 10 I'm willing to assume this franchise has a middling S1 syndrome, for how the decently stupid humor and good fight scenes are teamed up with exposition dumps and fairly bad drama towards the end. At least it isn't risky yet.
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Final Fantasy
3 OVA 4 Thank you Boku no Eruption for making a video about this, it's just as awful and shallow as you said it was.
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Fire Emblem
4 OVA 2 It would've been downright average if I wouldn't be a fan of FE games, but with it, it's just an adaptation with an awfully fast first, and a decent, but still lackluster second episode.
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9 OVA 6 This certainly needs some more rewatches due to the twisted storytelling, but that aside, it was a pleasure to watch this with its excellent wtf-factor, balls-to-the-walls humour, and stylish storytelling/character design.
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Flying Witch
6 TV 12 It would worth a 5 otherwise if it weren't for the fairly enjoyable cast and some better episodes/scenes. It just doesn't really reach the same quality that NNB and Aria has.
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Frame Arms Girl
- TV 12 Can really understand why this show would worth a 3 or 4 for many, but for me, this was a surprisingly earnestly dumb and "confident" dumb fun show with a fun human MC and competent use of CG. Especially for a toy commercial series.
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Full Metal Panic!
7 TV 24
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Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid
8 TV 13
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Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid: Wari to Hima na Sentaichou no Ichinichi
6 Special 1
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Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu
9 TV 12
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Fullmetal Alchemist
9 TV 51
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Fushigi Yuugi
7 TV 52
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Gabriel DropOut
9 TV 12 Would be a 8.5, but there's no way I'll give an 8 to this if Konosuba S2 was also an 8. This show is right in my alley in terms of pure cartoony fun that never turns too serious, with VERY good VA and animation work.
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Gakkou no Kaidan
6 TV 19
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Gakuen Tokusou Hikaruon
5 OVA 1 I suppose this can ease the thirst of those who want any kind of tokusatsu fix with fairly good audiovisual production values, but for everyone else, I don't see it being better than average. It's just there, so to speak.
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Galaxy Angel
7 TV 24 If you like '90s, early '00s humor, you'll probably like this show. It hits all the right buttons to be a genuinely silly and entertaining show that doesn't robotically follow the stylistic elements of the time, but effectively uses them.
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Galaxy Angel 3
7 TV 26 The better episodes contain some of the best in the entire franchise, and yet the worse episodes are some of the blandest in the franchise. And the second half unfortunately had more of those. It's a mixed season really.
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Galaxy Angel 3 Specials
7 Special 2 This Special had two episodes, but when it comes to changing the tides of S3, these weren't enough by virtue of episode number sadly.
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Galaxy Angel Music Collection: Shouen to Shien no Cassoulet
7 OVA 1 It follows the decent suit the more serious Forte episodes have, but this is where its quality lies for everyone. If you haven't liked these episodes before, than sadly this won't probably turn you over either.
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Galaxy Angel Specials
8 Special 2 See tags for vanilla GA.
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Galaxy Angel Z
8 TV 9 Isn't a radical change compared to S1, but the humor is perhaps more snappier now, and the situations got more creative as well.
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Gallery Fake
7 TV 37
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9 TV 24
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7 TV 13
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Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
9 TV 12 A surprisingly good and varied comedy that takes and twists a lot of shoujo tropes and cliches without ever losing sight of the main objective that is lighthearted and decently creative fun with a very likeable set of cast.
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Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun Specials
8 Special 6 Basically what you get if you take an episode of the TV series and don't make the skits seamless. It isn't a negative thing mind you as the Specials are good, but it still makes you appreciate the effort that makes 4-koma adaptations "seamlessly flow".
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Ginga Ojousama Densetsu Yuna: Kanashimi no Siren
8 OVA 2 Watched this before playing the game, and it does a good job at translating the general style and approaches the franchise has. It's VERY taste dependant, to the point it might feel like an unintentional parody of 90s anime, but I do like its casual dumbn
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Girls & Panzer
4 TV 12 The term "passion" doesn't exactly resonate with abusing boring family drama/lolmoe cutesiness and dull characters. So is existing tanks acting like RC cars with mounted cannons and ruining mildly enjoyable tank battles.
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Girls & Panzer Movie
- Movie 1 Won't rate until I rewatched the TV series, but the movie was either good enough to change my PoV on GuP for the better, or 2012 me is different from 2016 me. For a school-closing premise, the movie never went too gloomy and lost its style, that's a bonus
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Girls & Panzer: Kore ga Hontou no Anzio-sen desu!
4 OVA 1 If you liked the TV series, you'll like this one as well for sure. If you haven't liked it, well, you'll dislike the cast once again, and wonder once again how is this meant to be for tank fans with these whack tank physics.
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Go! Go! Ackman
7 OVA 1 It's a shame this didn't became a full-ledged TV series, its style of humour is fairly reminiscent to that of Dragon Ball (not Z/GT) with its slapstick and sometimes vulgar, yet still enjoyable and "cartoony" nature.
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Golgo 13
6 Movie 1 That 6/10 is entirely on Dezaki being Dezaki-good as always, because otherwise it's still the same boring, shallow MATURE shlock Golgo was always been.
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Golgo 13: Queen Bee
4 OVA 1 Despite the excellent OP/ED song and that little scene in the ending, let me summarize the OVA in Golgo fashion: "..." and "lot'sa sexting". I have a feeling this wasn't the best entry point into this franchise for me.
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Grand Blue
7 TV 12 With more often on-point direction and visuals this would have been an easy 8.5, but it was still a very good, 2000s-esque comedy that combines the comedy with the serious diving surprisingly well.
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Grappler Baki (TV)
6 TV 24 A blend between traditional shounen and fairly realistic fighting/training and implementation of existing martial arts. The characterization is on the generic side with a few exceptions, the blend and the fights/trainings are essentially the stars.
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Gravity Daze The Animation: Ouverture
- OVA 1 I don't know how much this was true to the game, but aside of the ending part being somewhat rushed, this was an alright interquel-promotion. Do sort of like the humor of this, along with the "cazs" Kat and Crow have.
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Great Teacher Onizuka
10 TV 43
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Grey: Digital Target
3 Movie 1 Or how to have a Terminator-esque plot combined with a world where there's more than meets the eye, and still mess it up due to insisting on being a Z-grade '80s action OVA that doesn't bother to notice its own potential.
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Grisaia no Meikyuu: Caprice no Mayu 0
3 TV Special 1 If there is a contest for "edgiest MC backstory that is told in a completely straight-faced manner", this SP places high on it. In addition of providing shota service in incest and gay pedo flavours too.
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GS Mikami
7 TV 45 Asian Ghostbusters with authentic, lighthearted and enjoyable '90s humour, fairly varied situations and a likeable cast of characters = this show. Some may find 45 eps too many, but the quality is consistent enough to not make this an issue.
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GS Mikami: Gokuraku Daisakusen!!
7 Movie 1 A usual kind of episode from the TV series + more pronounced lightning and shadowing = this movie.
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Gun x Sword
7 TV 26
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Gunsmith Cats
8 OVA 3
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Hachimitsu to Clover
6 TV 24
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Hachimitsu to Clover II
6 TV 12
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Hakaima Sadamitsu
8 TV 10
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Hamelin no Violin Hiki: The Movie
7 Movie 1 A Slayers-esque story and style with a somewhat anti-hero main character, and music-infused magic instead of just pure magic? Colour me intrigued enough to tackle the TV series some time.
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Hametsu no Mars
1 OVA 1 I'd like to believe that this was made for a bet regarding if it's possible to make a motion picture without a shred of coherent story exposition and correct amount of saturation that doesn't make characters glow. The bet was succesful.
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Hanamaru Youchien
7 TV 12
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5 TV Special 5 The emphasis on the new character didn't let the story play out and come together the way it could have been, and two S2 arcs showcase it much, much better what S2 is capable of.
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Harukana Receive
8 TV 12 Deceptively solid sport series with generally good characterization, great visuals and matches, and a samba-influenced OST, all belie what some may get from the Kirara origin and the character designs.
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Hataraku Saibou
7 TV 13 Some episodes weren't as good as they could have been, because this is a cute little alternative to Once Upon a Time... Life, with genuinely adorable moments between characters.
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Hayate no Gotoku!
5 TV 52
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Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic
7 TV 12 Last two not-as-good eps aside, this season was an improvement over S1 for sure, with its more polished style in both the humor and the handling of the overall cast. Would want an S3.
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6 TV 13
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Hellsing Ultimate
6 OVA 10 The amount of downright confusing or overdone script towards the end was a blow to the show and some parts could've used more exposition, but in turn it's still one of the better over-the-top/OP action series with a charismatic set of cast.
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Heppoko Jikken Animation Excel♥Saga
9 TV 26
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Hi☆sCoool! SeHa Girls
5 TV 13 A word of warning: you really need to be a hardcore Sega fan to get the most out of this show, and even then it's not worth more than a weak 6/10. If anything, the characters, jokes, and that sort of jazz is just not strong to support the concept enough.
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Hibike! Euphonium
8 TV 13 Audiovisual production values were very good as usual for KyoAni, but I was positively surprised at how solid the actual show was all-around. Don't go assuming that it's just another K-on, or a show where music is just alibi for romantic bullshitting.
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Hibike! Euphonium 2
5 TV 13 Jesus Christ, I'm getting flashbacks to Clannad in terms of how bad the drama was in this episode, and even dragging better characters into it. At least Yuko turned out to be better now.
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Hibike! Euphonium: Kakedasu Monaka
7 Special 1 The one time when an OVA could have been a legit, low-key optimistic sendoff instead of a grand finale, and yet this happens. Oh well, at least this feels like a legit episode, and not just a quote-unqoute unaired filler.
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Hibike! Euphonium: Suisougaku-bu no Nichijou
- Special 7 The one with Sapphire was mediocre, but the rest were good and fitting for the job even with the slightly more goofy tone, and with still better production values than a lot of shows out there.
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Highschool of the Dead
3 TV 12 "You want zombie killing, boy? How about neglecting that and fill the series with andolescent fantasies?"
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Hikyou Tanken Fam & Ihrlie
6 OVA 4 This is the kind of show that greatly relies on how much you can enjoy '90s style, maybe even nostalgia it brings. If you don't then this may be just another fantasy comedy OVA from that period, but if you do, it's a nice little popcorn show.
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8 TV 12 Yakuza: Dad Souls of the Esper Raiser Kind, and it does a good job at mixing humor with the whimsical and the emotional, all in its own flavour.
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Hokuto no Ken Movie
5 Movie 1 The brutality is well done, but everything else falls short partially because the movie made retarted choices in some scenes. The main problem however is that the execution lacks that substence that could make this more than a glorified gorefest.
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Hokuto no Ken Zero: Kenshirou Den
5 Movie 1 Not only it was underwhelming as a prequel, but it showcases decently how the already stale story and the pretentousness of the franchise has aged horribly enough to make it average. The amount of Derp was a bit too much even for a movie.
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Honoo no Tenkousei
8 OVA 2 It's almost a sin this haven't received a full series given how it has a simple, yet good sense on how to poke fun at '70s sport cliches both in content and graphical presentation. Plus it's one of the few partially Go Nagai parodies that actually works.
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Hoshi no Koe
8 OVA 1
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Hotaru no Haka
9 Movie 1
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Houkago Teibou Nisshi
7 TV 12 Typical CGDT stuff, in a way that won't leave you with any particularly negative feelings afterwards. Not DogaKobo's most imaginative adaptations, but it was fine for this material.
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Hunter x Hunter (2011)
8 TV 148 The pacing of the CA arc prevents me from giving a wholehearted 9, but overall HxH is pretty much one of the best shounens you can watch at this moment. Basically a shounen written in a seinen mindset, and it really shows despite its kiddy exterior.
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Hunter x Hunter Movie 1: Phantom Rouge
5 Movie 1 It's rather ironic this is supposed to be a canon side-story, and yet it feels like a lazy cash-in shounen movie. I would rate it a 3 or 4 if I would compare this to the (reboot) series' standards.
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6 TV 13
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Iria: Zeiram The Animation
4 OVA 6 Even a refreshingly competent, fairly well rounded character from the "strong female" archetype can't save a show that is so average it's barely memorable besides the mentioned character and the Opening.
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Iron Man
3 TV 12
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Irregular Hunter X: The Day of Sigma
5 OVA 1
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Ishuzoku Reviewers
9 TV 12 Sometimes a more fanservice heavy stuff with still funny, immature and entertaining sense of humor just works, and this had passed the test with flying colours.
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Issho ni Sleeping: Sleeping with Hinako
1 OVA 1 You know what they say: if you don't have enough loops... USE MORE LOOPS!
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Issho ni Training Ofuro: Bathtime with Hinako & Hiyoko
1 OVA 1 As someone who decided to excersice frequently at the start of this year and lost 28kg so far, I question the legitimity of these excersices. Not that this is the only problem of the OVA: its very existence is an enigma to me.
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Issho ni Training: Training with Hinako
1 OVA 1 And on the seventh day, God said: "Art thou ready for animation? Because this one actually has keyframes this time, for the cost of quality."
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Itai no wa Iya nanode Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu.
9 TV 12 I may had not watched all nu-isekai anime that were inspired by SAO, but this is probably my favourite right now. Not only great feel-good fun, but also deceptively smartly uses an OP MC.
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Jigoku Shoujo
5 TV 26
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Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori
4 TV 26
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8 Movie 1
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Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita
8 TV 12 The time-reseting arc was the weakest point of the show, but the show was still good, with fairly unique art style, good sense of "WTF-static, yet very true" humour, and messages that are not forced, but are natural, well presented parts of the concept.
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Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita Specials
7 Special 6 I kinda wish that this special would replace the time resetting arc of the TV series. One reason for this being that this has to be one of the trippiest things in the franchise.
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Jinzou Ningen Kikaider The Animation
6 TV 13
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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (TV)
6 TV 26 Tip: don't rely too much on the "overdramatic, obvious reactions on purpose" gimmick without knowing when to stop. It does makes the franchise have its own flavour of over-the-topness, but often it's so overdone it could be called "Shounen for the blind".
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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
8 TV 24 It's not *as* bizarre as Battle Tendency was, but evens things out with the varied enemy/situation scenarios, much stronger supporting cast, and better production values/directing. That, and the dramatic scenes were handled considerably better than in S1.
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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders - Egypt-hen
8 TV 24 Lackluster/asspull finale aside, this is probably the best Jojo part in anime form as of date, with combining Battle Tendency's bizarreness and battle style with SC1's more ironed out sense of overdramaticness and the Stand concept.
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7 TV 12 While the show certainly had visual inconsistencies, weak serious scenes, and a little more character presentation for the side characters would've been handy, I still enjoyed it for what it is (B-style action), and I'm looking forward to season 2.
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Jormungand: Perfect Order
7 TV 12 A good follow up to S1 that fixes some of its weak points (weak serious scenes, visual incosistencies), but the ending is fairly a letdown, and there were parts that could've been fairly better. Aside from this, S2 is the better season of the series.
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Joshikousei: Girl's High
6 TV 12 As much as I like its sense of humor, it doesn't help that it feels cheap graphically speaking, and the more serious bits often doesn't feel quite as home as they could. Still not that far away from a 7.
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Joukamachi no Dandelion
7 TV 12 As much as it handles the 9 characters fairly well for what it wants to do, the matter of "getting" the heart of the show is a VERY major aspect that cannot be bypassed. If you don't, you may even dock 2-3 points from my rating.
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Juubee Ninpuuchou
9 Movie 1
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Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
8 TV 12 The narrator can be difficult to deal with in the first ep, but IMO he's not an issue after that, resulting in a still great rom-com that knows to make use of its established characters and them being sideswiped by the most random things.
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Kaleido Star
6 TV 51
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Kamen no Maid Guy
6 TV 12
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Kamen no Maid Guy: Ano Natsu, Ichiban Yutaka na Chichi.
6 OVA 1 Aside of a very few amount of full-on boob shots, this ep. was more or less like what I remember the TV series to be. The ecchi is still as present as ever, but the OVA is still more on the stupid than the ecchi side, which is favourable for me.
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8 TV 12 Hayao Miyazaki: the TV series.
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Kamichu! Specials
7 Special 4
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Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko: Everything Flows
8 TV 4 For a short series, this did a good job on delivering a sentimental story without going overboard, and keeping the distinction between the cat and the human cast, even if it may seem rushed in places at times.
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Kanojo, Okarishimasu
5 TV 12 "Wasted effort" describes the visual and direction side of things, because the base story relies too much on people being dumb at romance to make things go forward.
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Kansen 3: Shuto Houkai
5 OVA 2 Average as fuck (seewhatididthere), but it holds up fairly well storywise for a hentai.
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Kansen: Inyoku no Rensa
3 OVA 2 THE WHOLE CITY IS OVERTHROWN BY ZOMBIES *shows a small campfire over the city*
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Kantai Collection: KanColle
4 TV 12 A part of me wants to at least complement the series for being a more balanced, less annoying and T&A filled approach than Strike Witches or GuP was, but it's still a short, rushed mess that didn't lived up to its potential.
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9 OVA 6
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8 TV 12 The last episode was a mindfuck in both good and bad ways, but that aside, it's one of Nisio's best works. The dialogues are as lenghty as in the Bakemonogatari franchise, so the 45 minutes long episodes may drive away some.
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Katsugeki Shoujo Tanteidan
5 OVA 1 It's a poor man's Project A-ko. That's all there is to it.
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Katte ni Kaizou
5 OVA 6 Zetsubou Sensei with 1000% more physical vulgarity and much less charm/uniqueness = this show. It has it enjoyable and decent parts even in the vulgar department, but these are few.
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Kazoku no Hanashi
8 ONA 1 The constantly "jumping" screen may put off some people as well as the way the ONA presents some things, but even so, it has everything one could expect from a good short, slice of life themed movie.
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3 TV 12
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8 TV 12 Now this is a way to do a seemingly fanservice bait show that instead honest to goodness focuses on its more serious premise and being hype about a sport despite not being above nonsense and good. Less QUALITY could have been better though.
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Kenpuu Denki Berserk
9 TV 25 A fantasy story I actually like? And on top of that it has very good paced character expansions, an excellent MC and legitimite maturity that doesn't afraid of being violent, yet doesn't use it childishly? As much one more episode would be good, me likey.
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Kenritsu Chikyuu Boueigun
7 OVA 1 If you take a Rumiko Takashi title with the "usual" asshole level but without the romance plot, this would be a result. Still holds up well when it comes to the casualness of its random, sometimes asshole-ish humor.
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Kiddy Grade
6 TV 24
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Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor
5 OVA 7 Verdict of the rewatch: nothing changed significantly, it's still as average as I thought back then. Only this time I'm more bothered by how the fifth/sixth episodes are essentially faulty beta version of the second movie.
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Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor 2 the Movie
8 Movie 1 The script could have used more naturality at some points, but its musings about peace and war are still as relevant as they were back there, and the direction did a good job at conveying the heavily uncertain air of the subject.
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Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor the Movie
8 Movie 1 I wouldn't mind if a part of the support cast would have been more emphasized and the end was a tiny bit too sudden, but this is a good step-up from the Early Days OVA: the blend of humor/likeable cast and detective story works considerably better here.
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Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor: New OVA
6 OVA 16 The second half of the Griffon arc had a very lousy ending, but as far as filler-grade episodes go, most of these would've been better than a lot of the fillers in the TV series. Still worths a 6, but it's the upper layer of it compared to the TV's lower
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Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor: Reboot
8 Movie 1 I really hope this will get the Dragon Dentist treatment later down the line, because this is a surprisingly solid reboot that keeps the general atmosphere and attitude of the franchise, but without rehashing it.
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Kidou Senshi Gundam 0080: Pocket no Naka no Sensou
8 OVA 6
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Kidou Senshi Gundam: Dai 08 MS Shoutai
8 OVA 12
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Kidou Senshi Gundam: Dai 08 MS Shoutai - Miller's Report
6 Movie 1 The movie exlusive elements are pointless given how they're so underdeveloped they doesn't flesh out anything both regarding the show, and Miller herself. The only saving grace are the scenes straigth from the OVA, which are still rocking.
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Kidou Senshi Gundam: Dai 08 MS Shoutai - Sanjigen to no Tatakai
7 Special 1 Altough Amada's constant shouting whilst combat is jarring even compared to the original OVA series, I'm pleasently surprised that the OVA manages to capture the graphical style and battle scenes of the original series even with the modern-day animation.
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Kiitarou Shounen no Youkai Enikki
8 TV 12 One of the better/cuter/rascal-y (short) shows of the year, and yet it's barely talked about? Meh. It's still among the more quality short anime though, and that's what matters.
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Kill la Kill
7 TV 24 Despite the serious side of things having room to improve and the lacking budget, the show proved itself to be a worthy blender of Imaishi's past works, from loud hot-bloodedness to hyperactive and quirky humour, all wrapped up in unique graphical style.
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Kill la Kill Specials
7 Special 2 An OVA that REALLY feels like an actual "unaired" episode? And it's more of a closure than the 24th episode was: still certainly not something that holds literary/deeper values, but it reflects KLK with all its stylishly overblown simplicity.
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Killing Bites
7 TV 12 An actual B-metal fun action series with a rocking OST, and a healthy sense of not going full edge, and actually caring about character backstories? Well, well, well.
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Kiniro Mosaic
7 TV 12 Wasn\'t Non Non Biyori grade by any stretch of the imagination, but for what it was, it was still a nice little cutesy SoL even if it isn\'t the most memorable in the bunch.
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Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World
8 TV 13 This is about the closest thing one can get in anime form that captures the essence of learning about different cultures, or in this case, the many aspects of human nature. Even more so when the writing doesn't offer a forced interpretation about them.
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Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - Byouki no Kuni - For You
7 Movie 1 It's a good bit more character driven and cinematically expanded than a usual episode in the TV show, which is a small breath of fresh air even if the 3DCG is somewhat poor for a movie.
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Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - Nanika wo Suru Tame ni - Life Goes On.
6 Movie 1 It's a shame that there wasn't enough exposition on Kino's personal dilemma, it makes the movie somewhat half-done that only her training got enough focus.
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Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu
8 TV 24 Even if some the philosophy didn\'t came out as solid as it could\'ve been, overall it\'s still a good blend of action/gore story mixed with musings about \"nature\". Not sure if I could attest a \"classic\" label given its age, but it still holds up.
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Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon
7 TV 13 Now this episode was more in form with the series - fairly cute/decently serious, and a good preparation for the end game.
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Koisuru Asteroid
5 TV 12 Nothing inherently wrong with it, but this is one of those "doin' it for the paycheck" kind of gigs, as far as DogaKobo's output goes.
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Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!
7 TV 10 As long as you see this show as a "cartoony", trashy, scummy take on the fantasy concept that SAO and its brethren botched in recent years, it's a surprisingly decent romp that takes trashy fun over everything else. Some party may feel too scummy though f
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Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2
8 TV 10 It's the kind of sequel that this show needed: basically the same, but the humor got sharper and better timed, the characters are more scummy/loser, and DEEN's loose animation and the VAs work just became more on point.
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Kore ga Watashi no Goshujinsama
3 TV 12
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Kore wa Zombie desu ka?
5 TV 12 A good testament to how pointless lolplot and fagservice tropes only add unnecessary amount of salt to the wound for an otherwise passable, brainless fun series that could've been more than what the "salt" caused.
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Kore wa Zombie desu ka? of the Dead
5 TV 10 Slightly weaker than S1. It concentrates more on SoL and humour with omitting S1's lolplot aspect, but the SoL/humour aspects are too average and plain to make it more than passable average, let alone atone the franchise's mediocre quality and clichefest.
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Kore wa Zombie desu ka? OVA
6 OVA 2 I don't see the point of having another beach sequence in the second ep., but the first ep. overall is a good template of what the series should've been. A really, really weak 6 in my book, but this direction is better than what S1 had.
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Koufuku Graffiti
7 TV 12 Some may question the \"oversexed\" eating and might find it too bland/slow for a SoL, but I had a considerably better time with it than I would\'ve expected. It\'s cute, it\'s endearing, and while never being a drama, it still touches on heavier subjects
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Koukaku Kidoutai
9 Movie 1
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Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex
9 TV 26
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Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society
9 TV Special 1
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Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG
8 TV 26
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Koukaku no Pandora
7 TV 12 A VERY strong 6 may be more appropriate on a surface level, but it's an odd enough mixture of early 2000s anime humor and cyberpunk that it's hard to rate well, and the similarly odd low-key directing doesn't help. I *did* had my fun with it though.
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Kouryuu Densetsu Villgust
7 OVA 2 I haven't played the game so I don't know how true this adaptation is to it or not, but it does a good job at being a short, fairly fun teaser with likeable characters and very good animation at places for those who haven't played it.
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Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai
4 TV 12 Perhaps I'm too harsh on this, but with how strong 7 it was before, the last few eps really took out the wind out of the series' sail, leaving a remnant that could have been a decent, more 'tude Mizushima show.
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Kuma Miko
4 TV 12 I'm being VERY generous with that 5. Started out as a "daring" SoL comedy about an awkward miko and her bear. Then it was a lackluster and witless Watamote clone with some better scenes/eps sprinkled in. Then the last few minutes ruined the whole thing th
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Kuzu no Honkai
4 TV 12 The general negativity and sex-crazed trainwreck this show is makes it not good to binge it. Or to actually watch it.
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Legend of Duo
5 TV 12
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Legend of Lemnear: Kyokuguro no Tsubasa Valkisas
5 OVA 1 Normally I'd give a 4 for this, but the music, and the visual style/animation provided by Urushihara were easily good enough to warrant a kind plus point. That still doesn't change the shlock, forgettable, empty OVA taste at all though.
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Little Witch Academia
8 Movie 1 Not the most original plot, but it's more than enough for a pseudo-experimental project given it still has its fun, cartoony charm, and the graphical work is just marvelous, worthy successor of FLCL's and TTGL's style.
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Little Witch Academia: Mahoujikake no Parade
8 Movie 1 Despite the larger "scale" story-wise, it's still "just" LWA1 but being longer and looking even better than the first one did. And still proves that Kickstarter can do good things once in a while.
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Lost Universe
6 TV 26
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Love Hina
8 TV 24
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Lupin III
8 TV 23
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Lupin III vs. Meitantei Conan
8 TV Special 1
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Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro
8 Movie 1
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Lupin III: Sweet Lost Night - Mahou no Lamp wa Akumu no Yokan
6 TV Special 1 I wouldn't say it puts the Lupin name into disgrace, but it's still one of the more generic installments of the series due to how it loses steam after a while. Lupin is still a cool bro though.
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Lupin the IIIrd: Jigen Daisuke no Bohyou
7 Movie 1 While the story itself isn't the sharpest and the way the sniper got caught could potentially feel bullshit for some, but I'd say this was a better presentation of the "new age Lupin" than the Mine Fujiko series was.
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Lupin the Third: Mine Fujiko to Iu Onna
5 TV 13 The production values of graphical style and OST were good and Lupin/Jigen/Zenigata were good as always, but the stories had many things left to be desired when it comes to pacing and quality, and the "true" storyline was way too alien and disjointed.
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Machikado Mazoku
8 TV 12 I'm willing to say this may be one of the most unassuming titles of year, because the level of sharpness it has in character writing and tone balance is nothing short of impressive, despite still being a mostly lighthearted Kirara stuff.
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Macross Δ
6 TV 26 I really wish the whole show would have been like the first half, because it's a better idol show than a lot of the other ones, and the rookie flyboy story would have complemented it greatly.
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Macross Plus
8 OVA 4 Has the usual Watanabe-branded obsession with the past, so this needs at least two watches to really seep in, but it's worth it.
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Mad★Bull 34
4 OVA 4 The first episode was fairly good for an '80s buddy cop story, but the OVA should've ended at that point because the rest is an increasingly very dull, unremarkable experience afterwards.
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Mahou Gakuen Lunar! Aoi Ryuu no Himitsu
7 Movie 1 I don't know a lick about Lunar in general, and I was still fairly entertained by the fast paced random humor this little movie had. That's a sign of a game tie-in hitting the minimum of legit acceptable level.
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Mahou Sensei Negima!
7 TV 26
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Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
5 TV 12 The definition of "misused potential": I like the realistic direction it aims for when it comes to the "magical girl" profession, but it fails to integrate this concept without being such a blatant try-hard at impressing the viewer.
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Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica Movie 1: Hajimari no Monogatari
5 Movie 1 Fairly well done recap movie in regards of pacing and visual enhancements, and the more compact nature makes it work a tiny bit better, but it still suffers from the tendency of being prideful enough of its concept to shove the despairness into the viewer
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Mahoujin Guruguru (2017)
8 TV 24 Sometimes too fast pacing aside, this is a pretty competent little '90s fantasy-comedy with today's visual fidelity, with an earnestly bratty and adorable tone too. It's even a good alternative if you haven't liked Slayers IMO.
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Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
4 TV 26 If you view this seriously, it's a pretty flawed spectacle of a Gary Stu fanfiction colliding with near-blind patriotism/ nationalism. If you don't take it seriously, it's a 8.5-9/10 worthy mindless fun about the miracles of His Holy Highness Onii-sama.
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Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Raihousha-hen
4 TV 13 TAKE MY CHILDREN, GARY JESUS IRON ONII-SAMA MAN! (insert ironic 10/10 here)
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Majo no Tabitabi
4 TV 12 What if you took Kino no Tabi, made Kino a egotistic little cunt, give the stories barely any good build-up or message to take, and pretend it's still good? This.
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Majokko Tsukune-chan
8 OVA 6 A bit of warning, this is one of those "random for random's sake" titles, so approach it as such. It worked for me for the most part though: the intentionally cheap production values fit the show's zany nature well, and the fast paced sense of random as w
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Makai Senki Disgaea
6 TV 12
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Manyuu Hikenchou
7 TV 12 As much as I think this show is a good example of the case of taking a moronic premise and bring it to the end like your life depends on it, it\'s also its own demise if the dumbness doesn\'t hook you and feel utterly disgusting, insensitive an tasteless.
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Manyuu Hikenchou Specials
- Special 8 It's still passable if you liked the TV series, but I'll be honest and say that it doesn't work quite as well without it being a part of the show's "plot".
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Maoujou de Oyasumi
7 TV 12 Gets a bit redundant by the end, but it's still the patented wholesome, well directed and animated Doga Kobo goodness you got to expect.
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2 TV 12 I've heard before that Mizushima is rather bad when it comes to horror, and yeah, this sure was awful by the minute. First half was more ironically fun, but after a while it was just sadness. Shirobako/Ika Musume where are you?
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7 OVA 7 It's a very faithful representation of Go Nagai's wonderland with still excellent pre-digital art, though for better or worse, it also replicates the outdated-ness and weaknesses of Nagai's style.
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Mazinkaiser SKL
6 OVA 3 The debate regarding fate was unnecessary and the pacing was a little too fast for lay down everything enough, but that aside it's a good OVA for those popcorn-munching, lazy saturday afternoons with manliness and "fighting mechas with metal music" style.
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Medaka Box
3 TV 12 I shouldn't say this due to this season only being an "intro season", but this show was a complete waste of time for me so far. Why they didn't call this show "Pamper Medaka as much as you can" is beyond me, as nobody can shut the hell up about her.
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Medaka Box Abnormal
5 TV 12 The sings of quality increase are there (fairly interesting story/feel), yet S2 still suffers from S1's pretentous yet empty style and shitty characters. Better than S1, but still doesn't deserve a cookie.
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Megane na Kanojo
5 OVA 4 The first two episodes were fairly adorable and its couples were decent, but the rest just didn't had the kind of juice that would make the story more than a somewhat oversentimental romance stuff.
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Metal Fighter Miku
5 TV 13 I give it has some odd charm at times and some cinematographic choices are nice, but it was unnecessary to make this a team sport-centered show when Miku is the only who gets any mentionable time. A better focus would've done wonders for this show.
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Midori no Hibi
6 TV 13
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Mikakunin de Shinkoukei
8 TV 12 A legitimately adorable rom-com with a lovely set of characters and an enjoyable balance between rom-com drama and fun times? Me likey, certainly enough to already calling one of 2014's less known good experiences.
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Mikakunin de Shinkoukei: Kamoniku tte Midori-ppoi Aji ga Suru no ne.
7 OVA 1 Ironically enough this feels more Special-y than the official Special on the first disk volume, but that doesn't take away anything, it was an adorable little set of flashbacks regardless.
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Mikakunin de Shinkoukei: Mite. Are ga Watashitachi no Tomatteiru Ryokan yo.
7 Special 1 I like it when an onsen episode doesn't take the easy way out and actually tries to be in-line with the parent franchise. Which this OVA did well.
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5 Movie 3 I kind of liked the segment with Shigeru and the repair boys, but overall the OVA is just a little novelty extra about the show's world that isn't particularly good or well delivered.
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Mitsuboshi Colors
7 TV 12 Yotsubato meets Kids Next Door with a way more grounded approach that still manages to be cute and bratty at the same type, and it's even adapted by Silver Link? Could use less QUALITY, but it was consistently on point with its charm.
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Mizugi Kanojo The Animation
8 OVA 4
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Mob Psycho 100
8 TV 12 Not counting the little dip around ep8, the series *just* missed the amount of pizzas it could have to make it a 9, and despite that, it's still obvious that this was ONE's main project, being more character centric and serious than OPM. Don't let the art
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Monogatari Series: Second Season
9 TV 26 Signs of rushed pacing/production can be spotted at times, but that aside, it does a great job as a sequel. It has a lot more freedom/diversity/meat in its storytelling and charadevelopment, and puts it into good use. AOTY 2013.
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Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou
8 TV 12 It's VERY hard to talk about this show. It's a very entertaining bullshit silly fun that doesn't afraid to go full throttle with the strange premise, but it's so person-specific and odd (sometimes too odd) that that 8 might as well be 1 for other people.
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Morita-san wa Mukuchi.
4 TV 13 It barely offers anything besides the kind of unique look and behaviour of the female lead, altough I do appriciate that the episodes are just as lenghty as they should be, unlike being a 23 minutes long torture per episode.
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6 TV 10 The characterization played an underdog role so it could've been better even if it does its job, but the drama was handled well except for the final eps. The implementation of the management tactics was pulled off well, making the show a fairly unique one
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4 TV 12 A.K.A. Charlie's Angels - animu version. With all the additional fanservice and boobs made out of basketballs.
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Mugen no Juunin
8 TV 13
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Mushishi Zoku Shou
8 TV 10 The episodic formula makes the less stellar episodes stand out more than they should, but otherwise it's a solid series that touches some neat topics and concepts, with production values and pace that really bring out the zen-esque vibe.
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Mushishi: Hihamukage
7 TV Special 1 Basically a standard Mushishi episode only in 45 minutes instead of 23. If you watched at least one Mushishi episode, you should know well what the word "standard" means in this context.
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Mutant Turtles: Choujin Densetsu-hen
2 OVA 2 Thank god ChipCheezum and Ironicus commentated over this, as the show practically rapes a part of my childhood in the ass. It's basically Power Rangers combined with TMNT, only much more shittier.
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Muteki Kanban Musume
7 TV 12 Brings nothing new to the table, but still a decent, relaxing watch for those who like slapstick humour in their animu, that in addition isn't afraid of exploiting the characters' traits for creating entire segments worth of situations effectively.
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2 TV 220
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Natsu no Arashi!
7 TV 13 Not the most original show to go by, and the serious moments could've used a little better exposition character-wise, but that aside it's one of those shows where almost every element falls into place well enough to make it entertaining.
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Natsuki Crisis
5 OVA 2 If onlythe 1st episode would exist, I've given 6, for having an odd '90s charm to it that makes even the almost forced conflict being resolved fairly entertainingly along with Natsuki herself, but 2nd ep really highlights how bleeding the writing could be
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Nazo no Kanojo X
7 TV 13 The episode itself was good, but not enough for a final episode, unless they make a season 2. Overall not the best series for watching the advancing romance, but it does a good job to show small steps of a good romance, the two MC's do make a good pair.
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Nazo no Kanojo X: Nazo no Natsu Matsuri
7 OVA 1 I was expecting the usual "fagservice OVA for the horny fans" kind of deal, but fortunately it was just like an episode from the series, even though it had moments that were lolwtf even for this show.
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7 TV 24 Not the most convoluted story, but the writing is self-aware enough to leave the "meat" to the last episodes, and not make it more serious than it is. Instead it takes it easy for the most part with efficency, making it a fun watch with rocking OST.
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Needless+: Saint Lily Gakuen no Himitsu
7 Special 12 The fanservice has more emphasis than in the TV series, but it retains the wtf essence of the series, which is a big plus among specials nowadays.
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6 TV 26
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Nekomonogatari: Kuro
9 TV Special 4 Mixture of Bake and Nise: the fanservice is similar to the latter but handled much better, and the plot while similar to the former, is more heavier in its theme and execution than Bake's arcs.
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Nerima Daikon Brothers
6 TV 12
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New Game!
7 TV 12 Despite how piss poor ep10 was, and how the game development angle was more of a premise than an explored topic, this was still a lively and lighthearted show that still managed to have decently emotional moments here and there.
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New Game! Watashi, Shain Ryokou tte Hajimete nanode...
7 OVA 1 It's New Game, it's an OVA, it's about as good as these two metrics would tell you.
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New Game!!
8 TV 12 If S1 only tried to walk, then S2 does it. Still isn't radically different or less idealistic, but there is a better balance between humor and seriousness, and gets the working hurdles of the early-mid 20s age range in the creative field.
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7 TV 26 The second watch provided a fairly better experience with this show, altough its flaws are still present in the form of often cumbersome pacing and hit-or-miss effect of directing of the scenes.
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Nichijou: Nichijou no 0-wa
5 OVA 1 The first part with the fishing analogy was decent, but the rest was mediocre. Altough I have to admit that the OST breathed together with the visuals even in the franchise's first venture into animation.
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Ninin ga Shinobuden
7 TV 12
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Ninja Ryuukenden
3 OVA 1 [nerd voice]Excuse me sir, but this adaptation is inaccurate because there are no eagles in it and Ryu doesn't hop backwards when he gets hurt, therefore it sucks.[/nerd voice]
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- PV 1 I haven't seen Nisekoi, but I still like how average and by the book it looks and then it gets paired up with a franchise whose two representatives are the polar opposites of the term I described Nisekoi as a whole with.
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6 TV 11 The second arc does so many things wrong it's the bastard child of the franchise, and the biggest flaw of this installment. The first one is much better, and better than some of Bake's arcs, but the later installments are more meatier in general.
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No Guns Life
6 TV 12 A rather accurate recalling of late'90s-early 2000s action anime, and while it is more on the more stereotypically poser/shalowed side of things, it was a still a recalling of a time that had passed by now.
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Non Non Biyori
8 TV 12 It may be a "cute girls doing cute things" show, but that shouldn't push away those who doesn't like the genre: it's a "healer" type of show at its earnest coupled with many "scenery porn" scenes, and succeeds at that without being "moe moe kyun".
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Non Non Biyori Movie: Vacation
9 Movie 1 If Natsumi is your favourite, you're in for a feast. Easily could pass as one of S2's better episodes.
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Non Non Biyori Repeat
10 TV 12 Now THIS is how you follow up a low-key SoL despite technically not being a sequel: put more overall (and meaningful) emphasis on all the characters, and step up the game in pretty much every production value angle. AotY 2015 winner.
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Non Non Biyori Repeat: Hotaru ga Tanoshinda
7 OVA 1 The second story ending abruptly is pretty much why I haven't gave this an 8. Nevertheless, I'm still craving for an S3, and this OVA was a cute reminder why Silver Link is one of the SoL aces currently.
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Non Non Biyori: Okinawa e Ikukoto ni Natta
8 OVA 1 About as good as the most part of the first TV series, including the scenery/music porn.
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Nurse Witch Komugi-chan Magikarte
7 OVA 5 Altough Excel Saga easily has the upper hand when it comes to energy, quality and pacing, this OVA is still a decent follower of ES's wacky and somewhat self-aware humour, especially for a magical girl show. Those who hate ES will propably hate this too.
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Nurse Witch Komugi-chan Magikarte Special
4 Special 1 Plastering so many musical clips into this special hurted the pacing a lot, it would've been better if it would've been just like any other episode both in structure and quality.
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Nurse Witch Komugi-chan Magikarte Z
6 OVA 2 I wouldn't say this "season" is mentionably better or worse than the first one was, but the 2nd ep. is just too "busy" with being the finale of the entire franchise to pack the same punch S1's finale did, which was the kind finale this franchise needed.
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Ochikobore Fruit Tart
8 TV 12 May seem like it coasts by slight fanservice and LOL IDOLS ARE TRASH humor, but it paces itself out nicely shortly after the start, and ends on a note that leaves with a funny reminder that Kirara Magazine has more than meets the eye.
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Ojousama wa H ga Osuki: The Animation
7 OVA 2
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One Piece Movie 04: Dead End no Bouken
5 Movie 1 I expected a standard, albeit enjoyable shounen movie, and I got a standard, albeit forgettable and average shounen movie with a shit antagonist. Not terrible per se, but I sure hope there are better OP movies out there.
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One Piece Movie 06: Omatsuri Danshaku to Himitsu no Shima
7 Movie 1 Now this is the kind of movie that takes an attempt in a concept the parent series doesn't do, and while it isn't awful, you can't help but feel that it both could be more natural and daring with it despite it being "brave" with it to a fair extent.
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One Piece: Jango no Dance Carnival
6 Special 1 Too bad that the 3DCG could've used work and the episode itself was so short, this "Dance Island" concept paired with the europop music would've worth an entire episode.
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One Piece: Mezase! Kaizoku Yakyuu Ou
7 Movie 1 The style of conversations wasn't the best choice even though it still makes sense, but despite that this was a decent special with fairly good humour and graphical quality. Which btw looks much better than the Thriller Bark arc.
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One Piece: Romance Dawn Story
6 OVA 1 The graphics could've used a bigger budget and Nami's final backstory is better than this "beta" version, but it does its job for an alternative beginning for the series, as the "final" one wasn't that good either.
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One Piece: Yume no Soccer Ou!
3 Movie 1 The soccer theme would've provided many soccer anime cliches to poke fun at, and yet this special was very bland and non-creative, especially compared to the baseball special.
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One Punch Man
9 TV 12 As long as you don't judge it entirely on the first episode, and came to accept the notion that this show operates in its own way and style, it's a surprisingly good superhero story that combines its odd humor with seriousness well. AotY 2015 #2
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One Punch Man: Road to Hero
7 OVA 1 It was a more or less alright OVA, but it also exemplifies why the first episode of the TV series weren't as good for me as the others in general, with the show's world not being wide enough yet to contrast Saitama.
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8 TV 12
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Oniichan dakedo Ai sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne!
- TV 12 Not going to score this, because, well, it's super hard to properly rate it. I had fun with it, and even mildly noteworthy in its own right for its own brand of nonsense shenanigan in all aspects, but it's hard to recommend it genuinely.
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Ooya-san wa Shishunki!
7 TV 12 Partly because of its length (that could use 3 min. per episode BTW), but this series is the very definition of 7/10. Not remarkable or particularly memorable, yet it's simply "alright" enough to provide low-calorie entertainment if you want a short one.
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Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu.
6 TV 12 I do admit that the show's steam died down a little as it gone on, but at the end of the day, it was still a stupid-silly little show enough to be in the upper layer of 6, or the lowest layer of 7 depending on my mood.
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8 TV 25 A more consistent quality could've pushed this series to a 8.5-9, but even as it is, it's a noteworthy mixture of mostly balls to the walls mean-spirited humor that doesn't shy away from more emotional moments. It IS extremely taste-reliant though.
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Osomatsu-san Special
7 Special 1 Wouldn't have scored this over a 7 either way, but I still wish Pierrot would lay off the F6 segments at this point, segments like the Virgin Hero one is much more truer to this show.
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Osomatsu-san: Ouma de Kobanashi
8 TV Special 1 I expected a cheap, uncreative episode, and walked away with one where I was not only positively surprised, but also left pondering on how was this collab even approved to begin with. Not that it matters now is it.
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Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta...
8 TV 12 Doing double-duty as a videogame-based isekai AND an otome riff, and being pretty good and wholesome at both. Don't mind if I can has it.
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Ouritsu Uchuugun: Honneamise no Tsubasa
7 Movie 1 While the overall pacing is a bit lackluster and the movie could've been a bit shorter, the central theme was executed well enough to make its still revelant points and intepretation about the arms race of the Cold War work.
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Ozanari Dungeon: Kaze no Tou
5 OVA 3 If there would be an argument about how much surplus of fantasy comedy shows were back in the day, this would be a worthy title to bring up. It's right in that limbo where there's nothing atrociously bad in it, but it's massively, painfully dime a dozen.
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Paniponi Dash!
7 TV 26
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Panty & Stocking in Sanitarybox
5 Special 1 It was average even for a special, and the flash-style animation was overused a bit.
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Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
8 TV 13 Easily one of those cases when a show with stupidity and vulgar mindset hits that spot where it loops and becomes a mindlessly fun show with many pop-culture references. English dub is a fine alternative.
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Panzer Dragoon
3 OVA 1 It's one thing that this game OVA is much, much more of a tie-in than a honest adaptation, and it's another that it just reeks no effort and care all over the place. If you say '90s animes are all so good, then no, this one isn't.
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Parappa the Rapper
7 TV 30
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Perfect Blue
9 Movie 1 A.k.a. "Satoshi successfully presents the way how to do a direction where the last 10 minutes make all the seemingly scattered around puzzle pieces fall into their place."
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Pikmin Short Movies
8 Movie 3 An adorable and charming (albeit not the exact same as the game) depiction of Pikmin both as a franchise and the creatures themselves, though don't expect the more serious, underlying tone of the games to be represented here. The lack of it is not a negat
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Planet With
9 TV 12 For a first-time with Mizukami as an author, this was a pretty point-bland representation of what he seems to stands for, mainly strong sentimentalism paired with level-headed self-awareness and warmth. Truly Getter Robo/TTGL/early DBZ but more personal.
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Plastic Little
5 OVA 1 As much character designs and animations are a sight to behold, this not being a 2-3 episode OVA hurts things a LOT. Not nearly as borderline hentai as Legend of Lemnear was, but the length's limitations just hold it back from being outright better.
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Plastic Neesan
5 ONA 12 It had the potential to be WTF in a good way, and while a handful of episodes did lived up to this, the rest of them unfortunately were either unpolished, or just plain uninspired and lolrandom.
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Princess Connect! Re:Dive
6 TV 13 More entertaining than I would have ever thought, but frankly, the director's Kore wa Zombie and Konosuba works were much better realized and put together on the writing level.
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Project A-Ko
7 Movie 1 It may drive away those who don't like 80's humour in general, but it does a solid job at being an audiovisual treat with a very silly, somewhat self-aware sense of humour and poking fun at things from the '70s and '80s.
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Project A-Ko 2: Daitokuji Zaibatsu no Inbou
5 OVA 1 The audiovisual portion received the same amount of care as the first installment did, but it's apparent they didn't knew how to keep the humour fresh, resulting a sequel that mostly lacks the charm and soul the first installment had.
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Project A-Ko 3: Cinderella Rhapsody
6 OVA 1 I'd still take A-ko 1 over this, but it certainly was an improvement over 2 and Vs due to 3 changing the formula a bit to give a shot at a silly romance-ish plot, and it worked better than what I expected. Still not as balanced as A-ko 1 was.
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Puni Puni☆Poemii
8 OVA 2
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R.O.D: The TV
7 TV 26
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Ranma ½: Akumu! Shunmin Kou
7 OVA 1 Even if some older humour tropes are a bit overused in the OVA, the overall package is still a nice reminder of Takahashi's lighthearted, likeable comedy style from the '80s/'90s that may have some aged aspects, but is still enjoyable.
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8 Movie 1 It was a good movie for what it was: mindless, action filled, and stylish. Not to mention this has to be Madhouse's most amazing feat in the animation department.
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Rhea Gall Force
7 OVA 1 For a more "humane" way of telling a Terminator-esque story in one OVA, it's a surprisingly solid one with a decently realized cast and still good production values, without trying to be too cool, or having a "cut-off" ending.
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Riding Bean
8 OVA 1 Calling it "Gunsmith Cats - Beta version" is a rather accurate judgement in my opinion: it represents the same gun-toting, car-chasing n' wrecking, light-hearted attitude the "final version" does, and the production values support the OVA's lively nature
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Rio: Rainbow Gate!
7 TV 13 "Surprisingly entertaining, no-fucks-given-about-anything dumb comedy about a pachinko maslot" wasn't an opinion I expected to have, but here we are.
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4 TV 24
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Rockman Hoshi ni Negai wo
7 OVA 3
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Roots Search: Shokushin Buttai X
2 OVA 1 Here's a piece of advice: your show won't gonna be deep just because you mention God, and the meaning of life. Also, being actually scary would help matters a lot, because this is crap, with barely any redeeming quality aside of uncensored violence.
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Roujin Z
6 Movie 1 It had the potential to tap into the issue of taking care of the often lonely elderly, but it was a bummer for me that this tapping didn't went further than what the early part of the OVA suggests early on, and turned more action-y.
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Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan
8 TV 94
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7 TV 12 It's missing a factor in its humour that could elevate it into higher grounds and the overall quality could use more consistency, but all things considered, it's a fairly enjoyable "absurd" styled take on the cute-girls-paired-with-military-things templat
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Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata: Ai to Seishun no Service-kai
4 TV Special 1 I'm not planning to hold this episode 0 against the entire series blindly yet, but if you want to make fun of something via self-aware humor, at least try to be better than the things you make fun of and have a good sense of humor.
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7 OVA 2 The laid-back attitude it represents needs time to get accostumed to, but as an appetizer for the movie/manga, the OVA does a good job to represent the story's sense of humour that builds on Buddha's/Jesus's quirks.
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Saishuu Heiki Kanojo
7 TV 13
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Sakamichi no Apollon
7 TV 12 Last episode's first half didn't do justice, but the second was a little better with the end of emo Kaoru. Overall it's a very good show with hiccups till ep 10., but after that, it starts to go downhill with the forced drama, which sort of redeemed by ep
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Sakigake!! Cromartie Koukou
10 TV 26
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Sakigake!! Otokojuku
4 TV 34 It had potential to be a good parody against stubborn patriotism and the first episodes seemed to indicate this, but unfortunately it quickly became a generic fighting series with a bad, and an average fighting arc with deus ex machines all over the place
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Sakigake!! Otokojuku Movie
4 Movie 1 I haven't expected it to fix the franchise's flaws, but the severly rushed pacing hurts the already mediocre story, and the fights are still horribly repetitive, along with how the movie STILL constantly cheats death.
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Sakura Taisen
7 TV 25
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Sakura Taisen: Kanzaki Sumire Intai Kinen - Su Mi Re
6 OVA 1 I'm having a hard time to rate this one at all. On one hand it feels better delivered than most outings of the franchise (aside of some overdramaticness), but that has more to do with blind assumptions about ST4 rather than one based on the franchise's qu
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Sakura Taisen: Ouka Kenran
5 OVA 4 A good example of a videogame-based OVA that isn't meant to be its own, independent experience in the first place: it has the elements a 13/26 episode long series could use and build upon, but the low episode count makes them lazily thrown in and underdev
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Sakura Trick
6 TV 12 If you're watching it for the not-serious bits you might get some entertainment from the sense of silly the show (plus some yuri if you're fan of it), the characters and the audio/visuals have, but the "actual story" is so lackluster and lacks weight that
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Sakura-sou no Pet na Kanojo
5 TV 24 The show betted everything on the "cliche, but still decent and cheesy" mentality, and while this worked out well for the larger part, it still bit more than it could've chewed when somewhat frequently turned into a melodrama. Last 5-6 eps were a bad joke
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3 OVA 3 Also known as "why you don't make anime adaptation for shoot'em up games from the '80s 101". Because it's that useless of an attempt to do.
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Samurai 7
7 TV 26 The second part was a little lackluster, but the first half is a good transition of the movie.
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Samurai Champloo
9 TV 26
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Samurai Deeper Kyou
7 TV 26
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Sansha Sanyou
6 TV 12 If I'd say this show is a run-to-the-mill deal in a good way, that would be the perfect description. It's decently enjoyable for one time, but it's a throwaway enough show to not reach 6, despite the likeable main cast and great animation.
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7 TV 12 The quirkiness made serious moments a bit rushed, to the point it made some bits hurting the series, but in turn it's the kind of quirkiness that makes the show fresh and interesting from beginning to end. Even if it makes it less accessable for some.
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Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
8 TV 12
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Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Special
9 Special 1
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School Days
2 TV 12
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School Rumble
8 TV 26
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School Rumble Ni Gakki
7 TV 26
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School Rumble San Gakki
6 OVA 2
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School Rumble: Ichi Gakki Hoshuu
7 OVA 2
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Seitokai no Ichizon
5 TV 12 Would worth a 6 with its decent self-aware humour/parodies and tolerable cast, if it weren't for the desperate effort to make the club more "personal" trough the course of boring drama and bad graphical production values.
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Seitokai Yakuindomo
2 TV 13 "Your handy-dandy guide for redundant, effortless, and boring sex jokes for every occasion: The Animated Series"
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Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai! Specials
2 Special 6 The first three episodes would've netted a "3/10 for reals, 7.5/10 for stupid fun" rating, but the last three were awful enough to warrant the 2/10 I settled with. Awful, mostly because they channel the main series way too well.
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Sengoku Basara
8 TV 12 Overall the franchise left a neutral impression for me aside from Takeda, but technically it's still a good show as much as an adaptation can be about a hack n' slash game. Could've been a little better, but since this is a Capcom-related show done right
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Senjou no Valkyria
Stick with the game. Permanently.
4 TV 26
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Senjou no Valkyria 3: Tagatame no Juusou
7 OVA 2
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Senki Zesshou Symphogear
5 TV 13 I'm still conflicted about this show: it sort of has that overdrive hype factor, but it's nowhere near solid enough to fully salvage the show from being negatively anime, and genuinely elevate into a sort of popcorn fun.
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Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV
7 TV 13 I may be weird for skipping seasons 2-4, but this is so in-line with Kaneko's JRPG era writing, I can't help but like it for all its cheesiness and authentic JRPG-theatric feel. Liked it about as much as the first season.
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Senran Kagura
5 TV 12 A mediocre adaption in every possible aspect, proves that most fighter game stories are slim when they're not paired with a game.The unintentional fun factor is good enough to make it less bad, and has its faint charm compared to other tit-parade shows.
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Senran Kagura Estival Versus: Mizugi-darake no Zenyasai
4 OVA 1 If you're one of those who didn't liked the TV series because it didn't had fully exposed bare boobiez and more animu hijinx, then rejoice. You just found your Nirvana with this, and you can write an essay about how the TV series was a wasted potential.
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Senran Kagura Specials
2 Special 6 I'd have to be drunk to call the TV series anything else than mediocre, but at least it had its faint charm in its story. The Specials traded these things for much more fanservice/stupidity, and it was a horrible trade.
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Senryuu Shoujo
7 TV 12 A reasonably well-produced, cutesy romance story that doesn't commit the mistake of being longer than it should be per episode? Indeed.
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Sensei no Ojikan: Dokidoki School Hours
5 TV 13 "Meanwhile, back in Green Eyes land..."
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5 TV 13 Qualitywise it's all over the place: sometimes it has legitimetly good humour and mocking attempt against RPG cliches, and sometimes it's so lame you can see the writer's scratched face as he tried to came up with something funny or witty.
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7 TV 12
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Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai
5 TV 12 On one hand, I decently enjoyed the creativity of the sex jokes and the absurdity of the show's world and it's characters, aside of Kajou's lame ass. On the other, the more serious/action side if way too superficial and boring, and the cast didn't helped.
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Shin Evangelion Movie:||
7 Movie 1 Probably was the best way to end these movies after so many years, and is an interesting view into Anno's current mindset with the first half's more slice of life-y focus, but ultimately, this entire movie series didn't needed to exist at all.
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Shin Getter Robo tai Neo Getter Robo
8 OVA 4 Slightly underwhelming aside, there's a reason why GR is often cited as one of the inspirations for TTGL. An attitude-filled mecha fest that may be too brash for some, but I really liked the confident-smug nature of the overall style that holds up well ov
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Shin Hikari Shinwa: Palutena no Kagami
5 ONA 3 Good thing the ONA's used the OST of the game, as it was the best thing in this short and fits to the motif of the game perfectly. Studio 4C's episode was the best but shortest, I.G.'s was the blandest, and Shaft's was the trippiest and non-sensical.
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Shinchou Yuusha: Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru
8 TV 12 Expected nothing, got children's anime levels of visual humor and energy, and a better Konosuba 2 than Kemono Michi is, and even the endgame was good. Easily willing to assume this show may have the best comedic character animation in its year.
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Shingeki no Kyojin
5 TV 25 You know the feeling when a story has a large potential, and that potential is obnoxiously undermined due of the trying-way-too-hard-to-be-"epic" way the author approaches the story? And when it's paired with an OST that is the best thing in the show?
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Shingeki no Kyojin: Ano Hi Kara
- TV Special 1 I agree with the show: the road to pick up that boulder was such an engrossing and immersive adventure with multi-layered, complex characters, they need to recap and savour it like a fine wine. /sarcasm
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Shinryaku! Ika Musume
7 TV 12 It could've used a little bigger scale of virtue in its humour, but that aside, it's one of those shows that are good to generally make you feel better due to its simple but light-hearted style and likeable characters. Moe animes could learn from this.
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Shinryaku! Ika Musume Specials
6 Special 2 The only reason I don't give this a 7 is that the first episode wasn't AS good as it could've been, but the second one redeemed that for an extent.
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Shinryaku! Ika Musume: Ika Ice Tabena-ika?
5 Music 1 The animation and coreography was fairly good, but that generic J-Pop music is hurting my ear. I'm not expecting Judas Priest or anything, but the instrumental version of S1's opening is perfect for this series, they should've used that song instead.
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Shinryaku!! Ika Musume
7 OVA 3 All three OVA episodes were more or less just as good in every aspect as a better episode in both TV series, altough this means they won't gonna pull in people who didn't liked the franchise to begin with. I wouldn't mind a Season 3 at this point.
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Shinryaku!? Ika Musume
7 TV 12 A bit weaker compared to S1, but still good enough for a 7 rating, and a good watch for anyone who liked the first season. Sanae haters will propably loathe this season though, as she appeared the most when it comes to side characters. See tags for S1.
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Shinseiki Evangelion
8 TV 26
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Shinseiki Evangelion Movie: Air/Magokoro wo, Kimi ni
9 Movie 1 About 3-4 times more controversial than the TV series is. Either you'll hate it like no tomorrow or you'll end up watching it multiple times just to get different conclusions each time. The symbolism is a bit overdone, but I'm in the latter party.
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8 TV 24 If you think EVERY anime original show sucks balls as of late, I think this one is an exception. It\'s a surprisingly solid, endearing and consistent show despite the rocky beginning and some scenes scratching the limit the show can make it truly fitting.
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Shirobako Specials
- Special 2 It\'s hard to rate these OVAs in all honesty. On one hand they\'re pretty mediocre and forgettable, but on the other hand, at least they have a meta value for being the first episodes of the shows the Shirobako cast produced.
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Shonan Junai Gumi!
7 OVA 5
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Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou
7 TV 12 The world building is certainly up to taste given its rather minimalistic way of it being poured, and so are the girls' strangeness and "dunceness", but I strangely liked how their oddness made otherwise mundane, or even simple points more interesting.
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Skull Man
7 TV 13
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7 TV 26
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Slayers Next
9 TV 26
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Slayers Try
8 TV 26
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Sonic X
5 TV 78 What's this? Sonic Adventure 2 style storyline stretched out for 78 episodes? Thanks, but no...
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Sonic: Night of the WereHog
5 ONA 1
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7 OVA 2 Propably the most faithful conversion of the games.
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Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo: Anata to Koibito Tsunagi
5 OVA 1 Now I understand why this a popular YTPMV material: you barely have to pitch-shift anything, as the voice acting is squeaky as hell. The music is kinda nice though.
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Sora no Iro, Mizu no Iro
7 OVA 2 Take notes School Days, this is how you handle "one guy - multiple lovers" situation without them going bonkers. This goes to production values and characterization as well.
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Soreyuke! Uchuu Senkan Yamamoto Youko
8 OVA 3 Rewatched it some time ago, and honestly, I liked it way more this time around: the overall writing and humor clicked much better, and got to better appreciate Shinbo's directing.
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Soul Eater
4 TV 51
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Space Adventure Cobra
6 Movie 1 A little dated, but still an enjoyable movie. The Retsupurae of the Sega CD game is a must to watch.
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6 TV 13 I do appriciate Watanabe's take on Futurama's freedom in the "future" theme and Excel Saga's "randomness of the week" concept, the quality of the episodes are rather varied. Some are alright, some are very good, and some are like jokes going on too long.
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Space☆Dandy 2nd Season
6 TV 13 This season had a fairly better set of episodes overall, but my gripe with the franchise still remains. The "artist collaboration" concept is actually a unique one artistically speaking, but the quality of the show is all over the place because of it and
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Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna
6 TV 25
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6 TV 12 It was a fairly good toku show for the longest time, with Trigger finally letting the Anno side of the Gainax legacy into play, it's the final episode and a certain character's handling at the end that doesn't let me give it a full 7. Still probably Trigg
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Star Fox Zero: The Battle Begins
- ONA 1 May seem to be on the basic side of the matter in itself, but it still does a decent job for a short at showcasing the overall feel of Star Fox down to the characters, which is legit less cringe-y than basically anything since post-SF64.
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8 TV 24 The characters didn't became tolerable enough in the end and the sudden romance felt forced, but that aside, it was much, much better than I expected it to be. The first 12 episodes may seem pointless, but they're actually building things up.
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Steins;Gate: Oukoubakko no Poriomania
7 Special 1 Didn't added that much to the story, but it was a good special in the mentality of "for the lulz", and the OkabexKurisu shippers will more than likely love this special.
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Strike Witches
5 TV 12 The WW2 references were surpriseingly good for a show like this, along with the dog fights/OST, but the series has fallen victim to the fagservice, making an essentially shoujou show into some mutated bullshit.
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Strike Witches 2
5 TV 12 See S1's tags for opinion. Essentially the same as S1, except it's pretty much a bonus season with how it feels like it solely consist on episodes that weren't aired in S1, making continuity flawed.
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Strike Witches: 501 Butai Hasshin Shimasu!
8 TV 12 Really expected nothing, and got something that is stronger than the Brave Witches adaptation. Which is kind of sad, even if this spinoff is a good example of magnifying character traits while still being true to them, coupled with good humor.
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Strike Witches: Operation Victory Arrow
5 OVA 3 The first 2 episodes were significantly better than the last, but the OVA still retains the aspects of the franchise that makes it work less. Because those two episodes were still weirdly decent in their own way despite the too-blatant niche targeting.
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Suisei no Gargantia
6 TV 13 The awkward feeling when everything is there for a decent show about a "brainwashed" soldier's coming of age, and yet something is just missing to make it have as much impact as the concept might suggest.
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Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu
5 TV 14 Do the Haruhi? How about do the Mario? Mario always had more quailty than this anyway.
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Sword Art Online
2 TV 25 This is what you get when someone with fanfiction desires, and a case of ADD so severe he forgets what he wrote 5 seconds ago writes a story about something he barely knows anything about, and doesn't dare to be as serious as the premise would suggest.
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Taiho Shichau zo
8 OVA 4
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Taiho Shichau zo (TV)
7 TV 47 If one can imagine YUA as a TV series with significantly worse graphical production values, then I don't see why would one be dissapointed with this one. Unless one's expecting a deeper, heavier take on the story than the OVA did.
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Taiho Shichau zo in America
6 TV Special 1 This should be the part where I'm bitching about NM poking fun at America, but 1: I'm not american, so I have a sense of humour in this topic. 2: The episode itself wasn't that good, and apparently YUA can't have good charadesigns after the '90s.
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Taiho Shichau zo Special
6 TV 20 The early episodes could've used less instances of peeping on women and stealing their stuff, but this is still a decent special series if one can get behind a YUA that is more ecchi-er and much less visually impressive than the first OVA was.
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Taiho Shichau zo The Movie
7 Movie 1
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Taiho Shichau zo: Nagisa no Koutsuu Yuudou
7 TV Special 1 More fanservicey than the entire first TV series was, but it's not on the same level of ecchiness as the Mini Specials are in general. More or less on the same level as most YUA episodes are, which makes it a fun watch for those who already like the franc
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6 Movie 1 Take Redline, make it 30 minutes long and have fairly less charm, and you have this. Those who liked Redline will propably love Tailenders' visual flare as well neverthless, but if you haven't liked Redline, then don't bother with this.
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7 OVA 4 May be a bit on the sentimental side for a short OVA, but that doesn't take away much from doing a good job at what it was meant to be, i.e. a healing story with likeable tone and cast. It got me interested for the TV series.
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TANK S.W.A.T. 01
4 OVA 1 I have no idea why studios try to use 3DCG with Shirow's works as of late, because this lazy, low frame-rate CG is anything but good and faitfhul. And the sad thing is that this wouldn't be a that bad bone for anime-only DTP followers otherwise.
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Tantei Opera Milky Holmes
8 TV 12 May have not always been laugh out loud funny, but it not only consistently delivered a sense of good that not only always lift up my mood, but animators had a lot of fun too, and it executes the phantom thief/detective trope actually well. And apparently
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Tantei Opera Milky Holmes Movie: Gyakushuu no Milky Holmes
7 Movie 1 Made the bold move to start being familiar with MH using this movie, and I think I have a good idea now how it is. The movie does follow a certain template with the serious scenes, but the humor is the kind of sugar overdose that just makes you curious wh
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Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
6 TV 12 They should've left the serious aspect of the love for the final ep., it's based around too much of obsessiveness to be taken seriously until that point, combined with how ovedramatic the script is at some points. The rest was fine, albeit nothing special
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Tasogare Otome x Amnesia: Taima Otome
5 Special 1 A.k.a. "the first half of the series in a nutshell": it's certainly not horrible and can be sort of entertaining while it lasts and the SHAFT-esque visuals are decent too, but has nothing much to make it worth remembering.
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- TV 12 Uh... this sure is something, I suppose. It's not out loud laugh funny, but the kind of unfiltered pure random clusterfuck on fast forward that makes you question what is even going on. And I don't know whether this is good or not.
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Teekyuu 2
- TV 12 See tags for S1.
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Teekyuu 3
- TV 12 See tags for S1. I'm getting further convinced that I'm developing a morbid fascination towards this show, because I'm more and more getting pulled in despite not being a "fan".
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Teekyuu 4
- TV 12 See tags for S1. I'm feeling like a speed addict at this point, send help please.
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Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki
8 OVA 6
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Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
9 TV 27
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Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Ore no Gurren wa Pikka-Pika!!
5 OVA 1 It doesn't bring shame to the franchise in any way and more Kamina screentime doesn't hurt, but overally speaking it's mediocre enough to tell how this was only thrown together to be an extra of the NDS game, and nothing more.
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Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Parallel Works
7 Music 8
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Tenpou Ibun: Ayakashi Ayashi
8 TV 25
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Tenshi no Drop
- TV Special 1 Well, something did dropped in me after those last 20 or so seconds, and it wasn\'t weight. And it\'s probably for the best to not even ponder on how it even connects to the kind of bizarrely fun/tolerable stuff before it.
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The Cockpit
8 OVA 3
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7 TV 25 Would\'ve liked better balance between fluffiness and seriousness, and more characters having chance at being fleshed out, but for game adaptation, it\'s decent as long as you can roll with the fluff and sentimentalism. Might be harder than you\'d think.
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The iDOLM@STER Shiny Festa
6 OVA 3 The first two episodes are fine for a PSP game extra but nothing to write home about, but the last one was good enough to wish it was a TV episode instead. Heck, the last episode is honestly better than what one would expect from a game extra.
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The iDOLM@STER: 765 Pro to Iu Monogatari
6 Special 1 The Yayoi-Iori segment should've been put into the TV series for putting more emphasis on their relationships, and the other segments are serviceable extra.
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The Rapeman
6 OVA 2 For how much I expected an OOGA BOOGA I'M THE TERROR OF THE NIGHT bullshit, I got a banal as heck concept presented in a way that has this sense of weird "effort" put into its scenarios, in a very cheesy/banal way. Wouldn't mind 4 eps of this.
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Thermae Romae
6 TV Special 3 Altough it wasn't as good as Cromartie, it was still able to made me smile countless times, and I generally had a good time watching this. A typical "nothing special, but still enjoyable" kind of show, and a worthy part of the NoitaminA block.
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Toaru Hikuushi e no Tsuioku
7 Movie 1 The script could've been better and the story was a little cliche, but it was still a nice movie neverthless with good dogfights/chara designs, and the general old-school feel is good too.
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Tokusou Senshatai Dominion
7 OVA 6 The last episode hurted the series with being sloppy both in story and animation and the plot didn't answered some questions, but fortunately this OVA retained the '80s action/comedy blend of the first series enough to not make things worse.
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Tonari no Seki-kun
9 TV 21 A very good example of how to make a simple premise work well by being imaginative about the possibilities and character behaviours it can provide. And while the production values are fairly simple, it supports the concept just fine.
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Tonari no Seki-kun OVA
8 OVA 1 I think this is a good testing ground for those who want to give this series a try. It uses the same, build-up style short humour the main series is using, and albeit the production values seem very low, the audiovisual direction serves its purpose right.
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Top wo Nerae 2! Diebuster
5 OVA 6 The only thing that remotely lives up to Gunbuster is the amusing audiovisual production values. Everything else is a wasted potential due to the writing's shortcoming of being too underdeveloped and hasty at multiple points.
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Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster
8 OVA 6 If NGE is the problematic and crude, yet talented younger brother and TTGL is the energetic kid brother, then Gunbuster is the gentle, composed and experienced older sister whose ways are the example that the brothers are following in their own ways.
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Top wo Nerae! Kagaku Kouza
7 Special 6 It's a nice touch to dedicate these specials to explain the science of the show's world, as opposed to just resorting to the way of today's usual Specials.
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Transformers Superlink
5 TV 51
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- ONA 1
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9 TV 26
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Trigun: Badlands Rumble
8 Movie 1
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Tsuki ga Kirei: Michinori
- TV Special 1 If nothing else, at least the last few minutes are unique, so that's a plus for a mid-season recap episode.
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Tsurezure Children
5 TV 12 While inoffensive and non-overdramatic, only 2-3 couples managed to legitimately hold my interest, while the rest were varying in quality, but ultimately failing to deliver the overall package that the potential had.
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Tteotda Keunyeo!!
6 ONA 5 I would rate this with a 4 if it would be a "normal" anime due to the cheesiness of the romance, but since it's essentially a series of continous, short music clips, it has the perfect length to nullify this shortcoming.The choice of music tracks was good to
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Uchouten Kazoku
8 TV 13 If Tatamy Galaxy wasn't one's cup of tea, don't hesitate to give UK a chance: it has a somewhat similar sense of maturity and quirky humour, but it's much more easily digestable, and the family-centric theme works well. AOTY 2013.
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Uchuu Patrol Luluco
5 TV 13 For how much I liked the more high-octane moments/animations of this, the show still feels like yet another testament to the opinion that Imaishi is lacking when it comes to storywriting. The lack of "I love you, but not romantically anymore" most especia
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Ueno-san wa Bukiyou
7 TV 12 It's an accurate representation of the joke level of a fifth grader, and it's done in a way that is easy to like if you're up to slightly repetitive yet still varied enough immaturity.
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Usagi Drop
8 TV 11 The ending was actually the best way to close a series like this in my opinion. It was a pleasent suprise overall, and this is how slice of life is done right, KyoAni/Key.
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Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai!
7 TV 12 For how much fuss this caused last summer, I do would say this is a good execution of "average guy meets pixie girl" premise, with an actually good build up of character relations.
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Variable Geo
6 OVA 3 About as dumb as the premise makes it seem, but it's oddly reasonably decently put together despite its alloted episode number, and how much you could get out of a videogame adaptation of this sort.
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Vividred Operation
3 TV 12 Multiply my rating by 3 to see how much the unintentional hilariousity overpowers the ass-expo/gay fagservice, and the lazy, uninspired and constantly corner-cutting shittiness of the overall writing that deserves that 3.
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Warau Salesman New
7 TV 12 While it may fall some to trappings of half-episodes formulaic shows at times enough to fall short of an 8 rating, it's still an interesting and oddly ominous series with an MC that truly befits a series like this, and an audiovisual presentation that's a
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Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
9 TV 12 Even if the semi-episodic format and overall style may discourage some, the comedic yet naturalistic way it approaches the mindset/behavior of introvert people makes the show superb, along with the audiovisual flavour. AOTY 2013.
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Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!: Motenaishi, Nazomeite Miru
7 OVA 1 The first half may be misleading of its quality, but the second half makes the kind of use of it that is fitting for this franchise and channels its spirit properly, even if a better episode would work better if this is indeed the last Watamote anime ever
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Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita!
8 TV 12 May be conceptually similar to UzaMaid, but DogaKobo likely chose this series to adapt on purpose, it's everything UzaMaid wasn't: indulges in its gimmick without being creepy, the character dynamics are neat, the emotional moments are there, and DK could
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Watashi, Nouryoku wa Heikinchi de tte Itta yo ne!
6 TV 12 I really wish this would have had a considerably better handle on tone consistency, because otherwise this would be a pretty decent stuff.
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White Album 2
7 TV 13 One of 2013's hidden goodies. It's essentially one of the more earnest, all-around decent ways to tell a story about three people whose friendship gets messed up by love, including the charas themselves, and does a good job at being stand-alone.
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Witch Craft Works
7 TV 12 You! Yes, you! Have you had enough of useless self-insert MCs being way less competent than the rest of the all-female cast? Here's WCW which uses this trope but it's possibly one of the more earnest and doesn't-take-itself-too-seriously examples of it.
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Witch Craft Works: Takamiya-kun to Imouto no Warudakumi
7 OVA 1 Aside of being fairly good, this OVA is a good example of what I think of WCW in a way: the franchise works more the less it pays attention to the "actual" story and instead looney shit is in the focus.
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World Witches Hasshin Shimasu!
7 TV 12 The increase in characters left its toll on the consistency of the writing unfortunately, but it's still easily one of the better comedic spinoffs out there.
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Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
9 TV 11 Not only a seinen rom-com that actually knows how to handle both humor and romantic relationships, but also understands how current twenties people "work", both in general and geekdom-wise? Me approve.
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4 TV 12
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Yagate Kimi ni Naru
8 TV 13 It's fairly taste-dependent with the amount and kind of teen drama going on, but IMO it speaks for itself that it's a shoujo-ai, yet it touches and explores concepts of love that even hetero romances not always dare or care about. Without the LOL LESBIANS
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Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru.
7 TV 13 It's rather refreshing if you don't follow romcom cliches to a T, and have a writing that dares to have its own, more thought out agenda and not restricted to a juvenile target audience.
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Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. OVA
7 OVA 1 I personally liked the TV series's 13th episode as an anime-only material better, but that doesn't take away my impression that this OVA is a fine work for an extra being packaged together with a handheld game.
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Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku
8 TV 13 The ending is too \\\"unfinished\\\" for my liking compared to S1, otherwise this season did exactly what a sequel for a series of this kind should do: being more serious, and dealing with meatier material.
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Yama no Susume Second Season
7 TV 24 Saying that YnS is a low-calorie "cute girls doing stuff" kind of show isn't far away from the truth at all, that doesn't necessarily mean that it's bad. Nothing grand but it get the job done, and it's on the more personal/professional side of its topic.
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Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei
8 TV 11 Altough the style and the fast dialoge isn't my cup of tea that much, I still like this show a lot when it comes to the technical standpoint. It was certainly unique in a way, and it was good to watch this before the final exams.
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Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san. (TV)
7 TV 13
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Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san. Z
5 TV 13 The trend at the end of S1 continued and reached a point where the franchise actually started losing its edge, even if a few episodes didn't suffered from this.
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Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta
6 TV 13 An otherwise alright shounen series with a ho-hum first main arc, and with a tendency of going overboard with the fluffiness at times. Audiovisually somewhat impressive for a TV series though, and has its little charm when it doesn't go overboard.
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Yozakura Quartet: Hoshi no Umi
7 OVA 3 Not the most complicated thing in the world and can be a bit too "shouneny" at times, but it certainly has its own likeable charm, and the graphical production values are pretty good. Was better than the reboot's first main arc.
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Yuri Kuma Arashi
4 TV 12 It\'s basically the same dilemma as with KanColle: a part of me at least wants to appreciate the basic idea they wanted to go for, but aside of being rushed, it sacrifices way too much on the world- and character building for the sake of being \"symbolist
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Yuri Seijin Naoko-san
6 OVA 1 This is pretty much what you get when Nichijou's nonsense style is combined with perversion that works to some degree, but still relies on one's preference of WTFness too much.
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Yuri Seijin Naoko-san (2012)
5 OVA 1 See tags for the other OVA. The only thing this OVA does worse is the overall momentum of the episode, which sometimes becomes boring.
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Yuru Camp△
8 TV 12 If Rin and Nadeshiko are S grade, then the rest of the characters are B grade, and by the end, this was an A grade iyashikei. Could have been an S of course, but having a likeable kuudere as the mainest protagonist really helped selling the hobby.
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8 TV 112
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Yuugen Kaisha
6 OVA 4 Like Ghost Sweeper Mikami, except with considerably better animation but considerably worse content. It can still do its job as a very-very light entertainment and has some decent moments, but overall it doesn't offer anything that makes it stick out.
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5 TV 12 As much Yuzuko and a portion of the show were decent enough, the density of the whole thing just isn't consistent enough to make an overally good watch, even if there are good scenes scattered around.
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Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
9 TV 13
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Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Bangaichi
9 OVA 2
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Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
8 TV 13
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Zone of the Enders: 2167 Idolo
6 OVA 1 The OVA did its job as a prequel to show what kind of role the Orbital Frames and the Metatron are playing in the franchise and the fight scenes were good, but it's fairly underwhelming as a stand-alone title, it was more world-driven.
TV: 307, OVA: 143, Movies: 55, Spcl.: 35, Eps: 0, Days: 114.36, Mean Score: 6.4, Score Dev.: -0.84

# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
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Abenobashi Mahou☆Shoutengai
- TV 8/13 Episode 8 did the second best job so far at giving equal attention to the humour and the variety of references/parodies.
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Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season
- TV 8/12 So Shirayuki past has been in this arc, but really not that much improvement over the first season? Yeah, this season doesn't have the improvement what I'm looking for, even if Raj is more tolerable now.
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Ano Natsu de Matteru
- TV 2/12
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Appleseed XIII
- OVA 1/13
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B-gata H-kei
7 TV 6/12 Suprisingly well thought for a seemengly generic ecchi.
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Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu LOVE!
- TV 4/12 I still like this series, but so far I still don't get that spark that makes me say this is truly a recommendable, remarkable series, even if it makes for a fairly entertaining half an hour every week.
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Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
- TV 14/46 Do admit that I like the humorous moments more than the serious ones, but to its credit, it certainly doesn't suffer from pretentiousness, or Madoka's obsession with edge.
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Bomberman Jetters
- TV 3/52 So uh, it's a more earnest and entertaining children's show than I thought, to the point it's kind of a bummer to see any of these characters get sad. And apparently White Bomber will suffer more than NGE's Shinji huh...
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Burn Up Excess
- TV 8/13 I can't say I come to like Nanvel, but she was fairly better here than her usual "girl with the high-as-fuck pitched voice" performance. Plus episode makes me realise even more how average the show is when it isn't conentrates on humour.
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- TV 3/12 I like how the blooming love triangle conflict makes me go OH GOD NO, and yet I still have faith that it won't even be a conflict, and will be resolved in the same awkward dumb bad/good way the series is rolling with.
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- TV 4/12 I\'m starting to wonder where this show will go in the end, partly because it\'s 1 cour, and partly because the flashback game is starting to get more concrete now despite not even reaching the halfway point.
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Gatchaman Crowds
- TV 4/12 I have a feeling we're soon reaching a point where GALAX will prove people aren't as black hearted as the gender confused alien thinks, and this'll be the moral message.
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Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri
- TV 2/12 It's like this episode is trying to test my patience: the presentation of the conflict is embracing both sides, and yet the MC's characterization is always making sure to make me groan at least a little bit.
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- TV 31/201 The underground ring accident didn't seemed to turn into a legitimate story arc (but made a very good follow-up episode come into play), but maybe Gin having amnesia will be an arc. Not that I demand it though.
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Gyakuten Saiban: Sono "Shinjitsu", Igi Ari!
- TV 4/24 On-hold till the show is over, 'cause A-1 is making me lose hope in this adaptation enough to not meddle with it on a weekly basis.
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Hajime no Ippo
- TV 19/75 One thing I liked about this series even 7 years ago is that it has a fairly good variety in opponents, and I think Ippo's fight against a more psychological fighter proves this well.
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Hajime no Ippo: Rising
- TV 1/25 I'm starting to think Madhouse is the go-to studio when it comes to faithfully reviving franchises from 10-15 years ago. Stalled until I restart the franchise to get a more detailed impression than I got 7 years ago as a newbie.
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Hatsukoi Monster
- TV 1/12 Only gave a shot to this after reading how supposedly weird the premise is for a shoujo show, and uh, yeah, it's something alright. Enough to not now what even think of it, and making a second episode a lot more necessary.
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Heavy Object
- TV 18/24 I really wish fairly intrusive lore building/cringey fanservice attempts/meh drama would be improved upon, because HO grabs that shlocky B action movie vibe more accurately than meets the eye.
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Hellsing: The Dawn
8 Special 1/3
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Houseki no Kuni
- TV 2/12 Better CG than nu-Berserk, and a starter that showcases the entire likely emotional range and world of the show? Sign me up.
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Hyouge Mono
- TV 4/39 "Fashion shows" were never so classy as in this episode. And I have the feeling I soon have to resort to hungarian fansubs given how complex the language is used in the show.
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Ike! Ina-chuu Takkyuu-bu
- TV 8/26 I'm starting to honestly wonder how would this show survive any sort of censorship, it just keeps raising the bar in its vulgarity factor. "At least" it's gender equal about it, with how Maeno's dong is one of the frequent raunchy elements.
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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 4: Diamond wa Kudakenai
- TV 16/39 Either I suddenly got used to the way DiU is rolling, or Araki managed to pull it together with the appearance of Rohan, and the Jotaro-Josuke episode. Either way, this is more like it now.
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- TV 5/13 It's kind of amusing how this series and Nichijou share the same impression for me with how the second major segment in each episode is the one that makes me uninterested the most.
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Kekkai Sensen
- TV 7/12 If I was wondering last week about the "fillers" and the 1-cour length, this episode hammers it in all the more, even though ironically it has more to do with the central plot. Perhaps there will be a second half later this year?
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Kishin Douji Zenki
7 TV 28/51
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Koe de Oshigoto! The Animation
7 OVA 2/2
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Kyattou Ninden Teyandee
- TV 12/54 With a recap episode done reasonably decent enough to be a recap *and* serve function in the main story, I propose the question: why was Ep10 ALSO a recap?
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Kyou kara Ore wa!!
- OVA 6/10 For a minute I thought the twins will be like every single nemesis in this franchise, but fortunately they got involved in the humour.
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Kyousou Giga (TV)
- TV 5/10 I swear, this is Monster all over again. I don't hold any particular dislike against this series, but somewhy I just don't have the motivation to not watch it without large gaps.
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Love Lab
- TV 3/13 I know this episode was crutial to character building and they threw in the slight self-awareness factor in places, but I still hope this kind of drama won't gonna become permanent later on. It just isn't good enough to shift any larger focus to it.
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Love Live! Sunshine!!
- TV 1/13 I don't know how much this show is a good representation of LL, but I much prefer the lightheartedness of the regular Idolmaster TV series more than this one. And the character designs too.
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Lupin III (2015)
- TV 13/24 You can tell you haven't watched Lupin in a while when your thinking "wow, that was bullshit", and then you remember that the entire franchise IS about making bullshit fun.
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Lupin III: Part 5
- TV 5/24 Should have Lupin wear a different coloured jacket to signify the style difference, for so far it's an entertaining way of mixing social media with the usual Lupin style that isn't afraid to get more violent, but not to the point of being edgy.
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Magic Kaito 1412
- TV 21/24 I wasn't a fan of the way ep20 turned out, but 21 was enjoyable for the usual flair of Kaito putting on a flashy show and Conan being halfway between being amazed and keeping up with him.
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Mahoromatic: Automatic Maiden
- TV 3/12 I still how nostalgically charming the writing is when it comes to humor, the seriousness really sneaks up on you for a potentially VERY bittersweet mixture. I'm actually hoping it'll pull it off, because it's surprisingly effective so far.
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Mairimashita! Iruma-kun
- TV 3/23 Disgaea meets Hayate no Gotoku, directed by the Milky Holmes director? Wholesome.
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- TV 4/52 So this seems like what if '90s Gainax made their own Pokemon series, and for that, even the English dub is pretty good at being a more peppy version of this show formula.
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Mix: Meisei Story
- TV 1/24 First experience with Mitsuru Adachi, and I can immediately see why Touch is so revered. Wholesome and charming, yet oddly realistic right off the bat.
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- TV 2/12 The Full Metal Jacket segment found on YT made me give this a chance. It's rather silly, but most of the time, it's my kind of silly so far.
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- ONA 12/26 An obsessive female chara without steering into obnoxious and/or yandere territory, and the show being all the more silly for it? For the time being, why not.
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- TV 24/74 As amusing trainwreck Eva is in a good meaning when it comes to writing, it's still nice that the show cares enough to make her obsession of Tenma a bit more personal than it seems, while still keeping the "psycho" part of it.
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Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou OVA
- OVA 1/2 Getting reminded why you liked a series to begin with, but getting the second half of it some time later is a known torturing method from medieval ages. Especially when the studio's big project of the year was a trainwreck in the end.
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Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu]
- TV 3/12 For such an oddball concept of LP-ers being involved in a death game, it's a surprisingly versatile story in terms of tone. It's not lolrandom goofy x serious, but serious x more concrete sense of balanced humor.
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Nihon Animator Mihonichi
- ONA 6/35 The fifth, Gundam-themed short felt like a lazy, unimaginative attempt for such an event, but the sixth one was fairly adorable.
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No Game No Life
- TV 3/12 I may return to this at a later time, but for now, it didn't grabbed me enough to be interested in it, aside of Yoko Hikasa proving once again just how much range she has with her voice.
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One Piece Airing
8 TV 377/- Moria was a lame boss, but Zoro's sacrifice was a frigging good replacement.
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One Punch Man Specials
- Special 1/6 In a sense I'm glad these sort of stories are relegated to Specials and the TV series didn't had more: it's fairly entertaining, but there's a reason why I was glad the TV got rolling after a short while.
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Ore Monogatari!!
- TV 14/24 Good, this Oda kid haven't caused conflict, but instead let Ai reach a conclusion of sorts for herself. All is well.
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Persona 4 the Animation
6 TV 13/25
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Ping Pong the Animation
- TV 1/11 I have a feeling the show's artstyle will generate a similar diversity as Aku no Hana did last year, altough PP does it well enough to believe there isn't lazy execution involved in its graphical side.
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Pokemon Sun & Moon
- TV 4/146 If you don't think Rowlet isn't a cutie-pie, the fourth ep will likely challenge your opinion on him. Legit one of the better "mascot-other-than-Pikachu" 'mons out there.
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Punch Line
- TV 1/12 There were many shows lately that tried to channel the FLCL/wacky Gainax feel either partially or fully, but I feel Punchline is probably one of the closest successful attempts I ever seen. For how long it\'ll hold up, that\'s the important question.
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Rail Wars!
- TV 1/12 As much You're Under Arrest I was expecting, it's either not present or this episode was just revving up the engine of the series. Wasn't terrible mind you, but I'm not convinced yet.
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Rance 01: Hikari wo Motomete The Animation
- OVA 1/4 A friend of mine's stream made me curious about this franchise, and while the humor isn't outstanding so far, it has the potential to be better as long as that and the sexting is balanced.
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Ranma ½
- TV 3/161 Only intending to watch 40-something episodes to counter Rumiko's inability to write longer arching stories, and for that, the first three episodes were generally likeable and cute.
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Re: Cutie Honey
8 OVA 1/3 The first episode was oddly amusing to watch, it has Gainax written all over it. And Horie Yui voicing Honey = win for me.
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- TV 6/22 I guess I asked for too much: I hoped for more revelations, and I got a cheap drama device in the form of Subaru's father. It's like they just had to include some drama... o wait.
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- TV 4/12 I have to say that this arc didn't convinced me about this show after the first two episodes, though those two were "just" more by the principle of more flashy action. Not going to drop it, but won't check on it for a while.
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Sabage-bu! Specials
- Special 4/6 With 4 episodes out, this seems like just smaller sized portion from what the show delivered style-wise. Make that as you will in regards of the TV series.
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Saber Marionette J
8 TV 9/25
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Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata
- TV 2/12 I like how the story tries so hard to make Kato a boring character when she's the only tolerable and not punch-worthy thing. And good going with the Hanekawa reference there, it's not like I found Neko White alone so good it shits on this show completely.
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Sakura Quest
- TV 3/25 So the humor seems to be a snarkier, more Office-like approach compared to Shirobako, but the serious side isn't quite as unique or hitting yet, despite still being not bad. Not a combination I was expecting.
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Salaryman Kintarou
- TV 6/20 Okay, it was a retarded move on Kintaro's part to put down his son so close to the rails. And if it was a sole plot device to make Ishikawa change his mind, then it was rather cheap.
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Samurai Flamenco
- TV 4/22 It's kind of ironic how Mari was much more prepared for her superhero job than Hazama was, but I think they could've toned down her bossy behaviour a good lot.
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Saraiya Goyou
8 TV 5/12
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Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai!
- TV 7/12 The whole "assassin" business is taken so seriously in a stupidly adorable way I don't have the heart to poke fun at it. Altough I have a feeling I'm just too ignorant when it comes to pro wrestling.
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Senran Kagura Shinovi Master: Tokyo Youma-hen
- TV 4/12 Had barely any hopes after how the post-Nintendo era stories were degrading over time, but this might be the most competent showing of this era so far, even if it runs the full gambit of what makes both surprisingly decent shounen, and a rather mismanaged
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Senyuu. 2
- TV 1/13 Let's see if it'll have consistent quality this time, or it'll repeat S1 and will constantly waver between mildly enjoyable and plain uninspired.
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Servant x Service
- TV 3/13 As much he didn't seemed to be any good, Hasebe is shaping out to be the most likeable member of the cast. I'm putting the show away until it's finished due to it not being charming enough to follow it frequently.
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Shingeki no Kyojin OVA
- OVA 2/3 The 2nd OVA is easily my favourite part of the franchise so far, just because the otherwise meh overraction/seriousness factor actually complimented the intentionally goofy tone.
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Shingeki no Kyojin Season 2
- TV 6/12 Not sure how should I feel about Reiner and Berthold being wasted on this sort of plot twist, but at least the show is still more entertaining than S1, if Isayama's style still being unlikable.
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Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
- TV 7/13 The more this goes on, the more I get the feeling this show is getting the hang of balancing rakugo with the character-centric approach, and this got cemented when Bon's self-confidence got boosted by the cross-dressing play.
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Show By Rock!!
- TV 2/12 I still don't think this show is bad or too kiddy, but it doesn't hit that charm for me that can make me actively stay and watch it. I'll give the third episode a shot, but I can imagine this ending up dropped.
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Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C³-bu
- TV 3/13 I see someone took a page from Nisio's "how to visualize a woman's resolve by cutting her hair" mentality and went with it. Too bad they stretched out the resolve finding by omitting the gentler side of Sonora's advice.
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Taiho Shichau zo: Second Season
- TV 4/26 As much of a '90s fluff this franchise is, that little train of thought of the police (=people) being closer to each other without high tech machinery rings more truer today than back in YUA's times. I still like how GPS seems so modern in YUA.
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Tari Tari
- TV 3/13 I've changed my mind, as the show isn't terrible by any means, but like Dusk Maiden, it has problems when it comes to motivation to watch. I'll wait 'till the end of the series, and I might continue watching it.
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Teekyuu 5
- TV 1/12 Same old Teekyuu, same old idioticness, same old questioning of myself why I find it amusing enough to watch.
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Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken
- TV 3/24 Certainly not a bad thing when an nu-isekai series actually tries to create a JRPG-esque world, with an MC who is not only nearing 40, but isn't a pansy either.
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The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls
- TV 9/13 I like cute stuff when I find it cute, but perhaps this episode was too cuddly and cutesy for me, and it didn't helped that the three girls weren't fleshed out much either. Oh, and this show has trouble portraying just how fat Kanako is supposed to be.
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Tiger Mask W
- TV 9/38 Started catching up on this show, and it's still a weirdly true to its time, yet still modernized mix of a sequel/remake. It's still hella fun though, more so with Toei actually putting effort into the execution.
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Toaru Kagaku no Railgun
- TV 7/24 "How dare Judgment not use a fortune teller to know where incidents are gonna happen, they should arrive the second something happens! Let me blow them up just for shits and giggles, they'll learn their lesson this way!"
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Toji no Miko
- TV 8/24 Ep2 didn't left me with the most positive impressions, but ep3 does make it feel like the staff seems to know what it wants to get out of this. It's still no masterpiece, but it still upholds the feel that this show starts with how other shows would handl
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Tonari no Seki-kun Specials
- Special 1/2 If the next episode will be as good as this one, I'll can safely say that this Special series is a nice treat for everyone who likes the franchise even one bit.
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4 TV 16/25 Trying of finish it out of sheer curiousity, but it still seems forced as hell. If there IS character development in here, I have a hunch how some characters turn out. Fun trivia: Judas Priest somehow fits to this anime way too well.
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Tsuki ga Kirei
- TV 5/12 Love triangle trouble approaches? OH NO, though I have faith this show won't jump the shark.
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Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru!
- TV 1/12
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Uchuu Kyoudai
- TV 67/99 Deneil and Mutta - bros for life. Or teacher-student pair for life, to be exact.
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Ushio to Tora (TV)
- TV 8/26 Maybe I should binge watch this show in every few weeks. It's still a fairly enjoyable if a more standard '90s shounen, but following it for week from week isn't suited for it I think.
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Vinland Saga
- TV 3/24 *Neat warrior content intensifies*
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Walkure Romanze
- TV 1/12 If this would be a Pokémon scenario, I would shout "I choose you, eroge-turned-into-generic-harem!". It's kind of astonishing how it follows the textbook without a single ounce of desire to put its own take on it.
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Yoru no Yatterman
- TV 1/12 Will I last longer with this Tatsunoko reboot than with Gatchaman Crowds? Who knows, there's nothing to guarantee that this won't end up in the on-hold pile sooner or later.
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Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san
- TV 3/12 Was expecting something worse and it's still fairly dumb, but in a way that you may get from an around 2002 ecchi series, plus with characters being taken for somewhat more than just fanservice fodder.
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Zankyou no Terror
- TV 3/11 I'm not surprised Watanabe stated that he was influenced by high-budget western action series when he made this show, even the cinematography and the colour palette is handled in a fashion that stays closer to a live-action series than more typical animes
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Zombieland Saga
- TV 2/12 I liked this episode better than the first, but still unsure whether I'm 100% into this or not. Still promising at the end of the day, so I'm still sticking around.
TV: 83, OVA: 7, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 4, Eps: 0, Days: 16.42, Mean Score: 7.1, Score Dev.: -0.33

# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
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Air Gear
3 TV 7/25 Jet Set Radio - any kind of cool stylishness = Air Gear
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Arc the Lad
5 TV 5/26 I guess I should've played the games before watching the anime.
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Attack No.1
6 TV 20/104
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Bakumatsu Gijinden Roman
5 TV 6/12 Lupin III without its charm and loveable set of characters = this show. The OP/ED is very good, but the show itself is just mediocre in every sense.
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Binbou Shimai Monogatari
2 TV 2/10 "Yo dawg! We heard you like drama, so we put drama in your drama, so you can drama while you're drama." The amount of manipulation is ridicilous and frightening, and the show literally grabs every chance to put cheap sappiness in it.
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4 TV 167/366 Has more quality than Naruto, but still not as enjoyable as it could've been.
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- TV 5/13 Motivation lost due to the uninteresting plot and weak characters.
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Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
- TV 2/12 I'm not sure how I would endure Rikka for (propably) 22 episodes when she's so obnoxious even now it's not even funny. Not that she was funny in the first place, and this can be said about the show too, which is still boring and cliched for me.
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7 TV 17/26 It was enjoyable till ep. 15, but got pretty stale onward.
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- TV 2/13 I'm starting to get the picture about this series' infamous status: the way the drama is handled is rather ham-fisted for its own good. Not Clannad territory yet, but I'm not inclined to take it as seriously as the story wants me to do.
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Dagashi Kashi
- TV 6/12 It may partly be my fault, but there's not enough emphasis on the characters themselves to make this show amusing for me in the long run, and the candy aspect isn't something that is a keeper as far as interests go.
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Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai.
- TV 1/12 It's still a mistery for me how women can act like they're being fingered when they're showering, but that aside, the whole show seems like the generic, run to the mill, borderline hentai show with the lack of good WTF-factor.
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Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge
- TV 1/13 Protip: be sure to know how much your concept isn't exactly normal, otherwise the story will come off as something that glorifies a fetish so much it not only becomes empty, but actually creepy and awkward to watch.
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Date A Live
4 TV 10/12 It speaks for a paragon in storytelling when an episode's legitimite awfulness correlates with how much exposure of actual storyline occures in it. A storyline that is a cross-breed between shitty harem, and elementary school level fantasy world.
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Denpa Kyoushi
- TV 1/24 One word of advice: if you haven't seen GTO or Golden Boy yet, DON'T judge them based on this. In its essential it's the formula done wrong and modernized badly.
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Devil Survivor 2 The Animation
- TV 6/13 I sincerely hope DeSu1 has a much better story, because DeSu2's story so far is so bland and forgettable, it has practically nothing in it that made me interested in the SMT franchise.
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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka
- TV 1/13 RIDE OF THE VALKYRIE'S BOOB STRING. And it's a ride I feel I'd need to be 8-12 years younger and an MMORPG fan to partake in. And the string is tickling my "this is stupid even for me, for someone who likes dumb things" sense.
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- TV 6/12 The show is a fairly solid, less vulgar Milky Holmes when Mao is around, but unfortunately she's not around to elevate things, so welp.
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- TV 1/12 They succesfully genderswapped a generic KyoAni show: this time they expect me to be a blind fujoshi fangirl instead of a blind moe-moe-kyun fanboy. Get a load of this variety.
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Grisaia no Kajitsu
- TV 5/13 The animu was too strong in this one for me, the same kind that made me dislike Clannad AS a lot: the humour is hitting those notes I usually find annoying, and the drama is uninteresting due to the awful characters.
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Grisaia no Kajitsu Specials
- Special 1/6 -insert joke about how those carrots were longer than my interest in this franchise after the first five episodes-
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Guilty Crown
2 TV 10/22 I made the same mistake what I did with Kill me baby: I watched another episode despite my sheer hatred. The result: O GOD WHY. I really should stop myself whenever I have the urge to watch this.
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Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica
3 TV 2/12 The MC is delightfuly competent unlike many of his ecchi "I'm a pervert with an IQ of a carrot" MC colleagues, but aside from that, the show seems to be the usual random "serious" story with fantasy bullshit and idiotic situations entitled as ecchi moment
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Hataraku Maou-sama!
- TV 2/13 It's not bad by any stretch of imagination, but the humour is on the generic side enough to not click with me, and Saint Young Men executed a similar premise much better.
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Hidamari Sketch
5 TV 4/12 Thank god Shaft got its hand on this show, otherwise even the visuals would be mind-nubbingly dry and boring. The school segments are fairly tolerable, but the rest makes me wonder how this show got four seasons in the first place.
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Himouto! Umaru-chan
- TV 1/12 This show is channeling Haruhi's spirit WAY too well for its own good as far the MC and in-story tolerance towards her goes, and that was a clear sign that I should jump the ship despite barely stepping on it.
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- TV 1/22 Doesn't seem that much shitty for a recent KyoAni stuff, but in all honesty, I wasn't impressed that much, even with the apparently high production values in the graphical department.
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Inferno Cop
1 ONA 2/13 I can't believe the creative minds of Gainax left for THIS. Production values are pretty much non-existent including animation, topped with a nonsensical story and humour that is lame and cheap as it can ever be.
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6 TV 105/167
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Jungle Taitei
7 TV 23/52
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Just Because!
- TV 1/12 Tsuki ga Without Any Taste or Character Kirei
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3 TV 3/13 Apparently drinking tea, acting like a douchebag and harassing groupmates with less self-confidince equals to music-based anime these days.
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Kanon (2006)
4 TV 10/24 FEEL THE POWER OF THE FEELINGS, BITCH! Too bad it's executed in a way I can't give a single fuck to it.
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Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor: On Television
6 TV 36/47 Dropped due to getting fed up with filler-grade episodes, *might* return later. The show is essentially a weird duality of a very good take on real-robot genre in its nature, but it's just so unpolished in regards of writing that it seriously hurts it.
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Kidou Senshi Gundam 00
- TV 2/25
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Kill Me Baby
1 TV 3/13 KILL ME.
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- TV 1/38 The story being not my cup of tea is one thing, but the CG is just so god awful that even Yu Yu Hakusho looks better, which was hand-drawn. Gonzo on the other hand has found its worthy opponent on the "awful CG" category.
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- TV 1/12 The first few minutes were fairly surprising, but afterwards the show does a horrible job to hide the tailored, overdone nature of the drama, and that transition to "humour" is pricelessly out of place, in a bad way.
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Koutetsujou no Kabaneri
- TV 9/12 Mamoru Miyano voice-acting a psychotic bishounen must be a curse placed on him ever since Death Note.
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3 TV 14/24 Because everyday things are fun, amirite? (nope)
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2 TV 2/12 The originality in this is killing me.
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Megalo Box
- TV 9/13 The more it went on, the more it gets shackled by trying to emulate the snappy delivery and manliness of old OVAs, and ended up being a clumsy and incompetent sport series with undeservedly good audiovisuals.
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3 TV 3/12 For the record: a bunch of fetish-based characters doesn't equal to well-thought characters.
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Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-san
- TV 3/13 I would even like this show if it weren't for the impression that almost nothing makes me smile, nor do I think about how likeable the overall feeling of the show is. [badumtish]One can say... it's dry.[/badumtish]
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6 TV 8/47 I know it's a personal point of mine, but: amount of sentimentalism = BLEH.
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Nichijou: Original Jikai Yokoku
4 Special 4/25 Note: placing lolrandom dialoges on top of reused footages doesn't count as effort. A season 2 would be an effort however.
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Nurse Witch Komugi-chan R
- TV 4/12 Looking for an example about a company who made a reboot so cutesy and fluffy, that the original incarnation would mock it to the ground, like how that OVA was intended towards the magical girl genre back in the day? Tatsunoko frigging did it.
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Oniichan no Koto nanka Zenzen Suki ja Nai n da kara ne!!
1 TV 3/12 See my notes regarding MM! for further details. Also the character design is so horrid, everyone looks like a goddamn chicken who haven't slept for a whole week.
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Ore ga Ojousama Gakkou ni "Shomin Sample" Toshite Gets♥Sareta Ken
- TV 6/12 Loving it when a series has a good enough premise for a zany show, yet the practice just cannot quite reach that level of quality. Too stereotypically LN adaptation to sustain the interest.
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Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai
3 TV 4/12 The title is right: the imotou is not cute, at all. And her animu is shit to boot.
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Ouran Koukou Host Club
7 TV 5/26
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Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai!
6 TV 6/12 I'm dropping this, since this is like a less interesting, more cutesy version of Usagi Drop, which doesn't even try to reach territories that UD did. Altough Raika (or rather, Yui Horie) was a kinda cool addition to the series with her personality based o
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7 TV 156/276
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Princess Principal
- TV 1/12 A.k.a. the season's show clearly engineered for Western teenaged anime fans, with self awareness-lacking pretentiousness and weird-bad premise.
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Queen's Blade: Rurou no Senshi
2 TV 3/12 What's that, story and coherent characters along with good randomness? I'm sorry, I haven't heard you because of the tittines.
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4 TV 20/56 What were you thinking, Capcom...
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Rosario to Vampire
3 TV 3/13 Another shit for the youth.
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Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga.
- TV 1/12 "Yes Your Honor, I'm guilty of giving this a try. But in my defense, HorribleSubs gave an intriguing name to it, and I agree with them. It's bafflingly, stupidly shit, and not only because of the way fanservice plays out."
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Seitokai Yakuindomo OVA
- OVA 2/8 I almost forgot why I disliked the TV series so much, but the OVA refreshed my memory. Good to see the author is still working on earning that Guiness Record in "make as many variations of lame, pre-teen level sex jokes as you can".
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Seitokai Yakuindomo*
- TV 2/13 See tags for S1. It has better production values than S1 did, but that's about the only difference there is, which translates to the same annoying experience to me in this case.
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Shakugan no Shana
5 TV 8/24 Oh hey, it's one of those animes who are aimed to teenagers in way no one can enjoy it who is older than 18.
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Shining Hearts: Shiawase no Pan
- TV 1/12 WHY SEGA, WHY?!
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Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight
- TV 4/12 Diet Ikuhara-Love Live? I dunno desu, but why not...
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4 TV 4/24
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So Ra No Wo To
- TV 2/12 It's a good thing that the characters belong to an ACTUAL platoon, and their tank is sort of like a mix of a Metal Slug and a Metal Gear, but that aside, I "love" how the heads are constantly changing shapes and qualities. Btw ahoy twin-tailed douchebag!
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SoniAni: Super Sonico The Animation
- TV 1/12 I knew it really well that this series is propably not in my alley, but 8 minutes was more than enough for me to be sure of this. Obviously not enough to form credible judgement, but I just can't last longer than that.
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Soushin Shoujo Matoi
- TV 2/12 It's a real shame 3/4 of this show is boring generic "serious" magic mystery, because the remaining 1/4 would be a fun little magical girl series.
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3 ONA 2/10 Da fuck did I watched... It's like Akikan and Strike Witches wrapped up into one, with Xebec's horrible, noseless character style.
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Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid
- TV 1/12 I only planned to humor this for one episode, and that was too kind of a thought. It's just a crude capitalization on yuri, and miles behind Senran Kagura in terms of genuine earnestness.
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Waisetsu Missile The Animation
- OVA 1/1 The guy from that one Retsupurae persuaded me to watch this for the Milk Party segment, and I still can't decide which one is the bigger mindfuckery: MP itself, or the way the guy reads it. I guess reading it for the Internet is slightly worse.
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Zero no Tsukaima
2 TV 2/13 Because KuguRie is clearly an underused voice actress, and there is not enough generic romance animu with a violently pricky female lead out there.
TV: 66, OVA: 2, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 2, Eps: 0, Days: 12.8, Mean Score: 3.9, Score Dev.: -3.18

Plan to Watch
# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
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"Bungaku Shoujo" Movie
- Movie -/1
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5-toubun no Hanayome ∬
- TV -/12
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91 Days
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Abashiri Ikka
- OVA -/4
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Adachi to Shimamura
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Alien 9
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Allison to Lillia
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Amagami SS
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Animentary: Ketsudan
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Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
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Appleseed Saga Ex Machina
- Movie -/1
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Arakawa Under the Bridge x Bridge
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Area 88
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Armitage III
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Arve Rezzle: Kikaijikake no Yousei-tachi
- Movie -/1
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- Movie -/1
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Back Arrow
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Bad Boys
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Battle Fighters Garou Densetsu 2
- TV Special -/1
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Be-Bop Highschool
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Beastars 2nd Season
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Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen II - Doldrey Kouryaku
- Movie -/1
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Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen III - Kourin
- Movie -/1
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Black Cat
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BlazBlue: Alter Memory
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Blue Seed
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Burn Up!
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Chikyuu Bouei Kigyou Dai-Guard
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Chokin Senshi Cashman
- OVA -/1
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City Hunter
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Cross Game
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Cyber City Oedo 808
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Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei
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Dororon Enma-kun Meeramera
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Doubutsu no Mori
- Movie -/1
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Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken (2020)
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Edens Zero
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Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na!
- TV -/12
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Enen no Shouboutai: Ni no Shou
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Eyeshield 21
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- ONA -/13
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- OVA -/7
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Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory
- TV -/12
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Fushigi no Umi no Nadia
- TV -/39
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Fushigi no Umi no Nadia: Original Movie
- Movie -/1
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Ga-Rei: Zero
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Gall Force: Chikyuu Shou
- OVA -/3
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Getter Robo Arc
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Giant Robo the Animation: Chikyuu ga Seishi Suru Hi
- OVA -/7
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Gifuu Doudou!!: Kanetsugu to Keiji
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Gin no Saji
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Giovanni no Shima
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Golden Batman
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Grappler Baki
- OVA -/1
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Grappler Baki: Saidai Tournament-hen
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Great Pretender
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Gundam Build Fighters
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Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor
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H.P. Lovecraft no Dunwich Horror Sonota no Monogatari
- OVA -/1
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H2O: Footprints in the Sand
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Hajime no Ippo: New Challenger
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Hanappe Bazooka
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Hataraki Man
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Hataraku Saibou!!
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Hokuto no Ken
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Hokuto no Ken 2
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Hokuto no Ken: Raoh Gaiden Ten no Haoh
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Hoozuki no Reitetsu
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Hunter x Hunter
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Hunter x Hunter Pilot
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Hunter x Hunter: Greed Island
- OVA -/8
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Hunter x Hunter: Greed Island Final
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Hunter x Hunter: Original Video Animation
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Inazuma Eleven
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Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
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Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita: Ningen-san no, Yousei-san Memo
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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Adventure
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Jujutsu Kaisen
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Junketsu no Maria
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Juubee Ninpuuchou: Ryuuhougyoku-hen
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Juushin Liger
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Kachou Ouji
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Kageki Shoujo!!
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Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai? Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
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Kaizoku Oujo
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Kamisama Kazoku
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Key the Metal Idol
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Kidou Butouden G Gundam
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Kidou Senshi Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory
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Kidou Senshi Gundam MS IGLOO: 1-nen Sensou Hiroku
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Kidou Senshi Gundam Unicorn
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Kidou Senshi Gundam: The Origin
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Kimi ni Todoke
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Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - Tou no Kuni - Free Lance
- Special -/1
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Kitaku-bu Katsudou Kiroku
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Kizumonogatari I: Tekketsu-hen
- Movie -/1
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Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu.
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Kotonoha no Niwa
- Movie -/1
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Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:1 Ghost Pain
- Movie -/1
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Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:2 Ghost Whispers
- Movie -/1
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Koukou Butouden Crows
- OVA -/2
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Kyousou Giga
- ONA -/1
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Litchi DE Hikari Club
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Love Live! School Idol Project
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Love Live! School Idol Project 2nd Season
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Lupin III: Part 6
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Lupin III: Princess of the Breeze - Kakusareta Kuuchuu Toshi
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Macross: Do You Remember Love?
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- OVA -/2
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Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
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Mairimashita! Iruma-kun 2nd Season
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Megami-ryou no Ryoubo-kun.
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Meikyuu Black Company
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Metal Skin Panic MADOX-01
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Minna Atsumare! Falcom Gakuen
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Mouryou no Hako
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Mousou Dairinin
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Mudazumo Naki Kaikaku: The Legend of Koizumi
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Munou na Nana
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Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season
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Muv-Luv Alternative
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Natsu no Arashi! Akinaichuu
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Nerawareta Gakuen
- Movie -/1
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NHK ni Youkoso!
- TV -/24
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No Guns Life 2nd Season
- TV -/12
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Noein: Mou Hitori no Kimi e
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Non Non Biyori Nonstop
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Odd Taxi
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Oh! Edo Rocket
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- TV -/136
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Okusama wa Mahou Shoujo
- TV -/13
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One Piece Movie 08: Episode of Alabasta - Sabaku no Oujo to Kaizoku-tachi
- Movie -/1
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One Punch Man 2nd Season
- TV -/12
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Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki
- Movie -/1
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Ookami to Koushinryou
- TV -/13
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Osomatsu-san 3rd Season
- TV -/25
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Osu!! Karate-bu
- OVA -/4
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Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta... X
- TV -/12
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Otona Joshi no Anime Time
- TV Special -/4
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- TV -/12
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Phantom Yuusha Densetsu
- OVA -/1
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- TV -/22
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Ranpo Kitan: Game of Laplace
- TV -/11
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Ring ni Kakero 1
- TV -/12
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Rokudenashi Blues
- Movie -/1
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Saint☆Oniisan (Movie)
- Movie -/1
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- TV -/12
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Sakura Taisen: Katsudou Shashin
- Movie -/1
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Samuraider: Nazo no Tenkousei
- OVA -/1
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Sayonara Watashi no Cramer
- TV -/13
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Seisenshi Dunbine
- TV -/49
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Seitokai no Ichizon Lv.2
- ONA -/10
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Sentouin, Haken shimasu!
- TV -/12
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Seto no Hanayome
- TV -/26
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Sexy Commando Gaiden: Sugoi yo!! Masaru-san
- TV -/48
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Shakunetsu Kabaddi
- TV -/12
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Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi
- TV -/50
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Shin Getter Robo
- OVA -/13
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Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z-hen
- TV -/26
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Shin Megami Tensei: Tokyo Mokushiroku
- OVA -/2
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Shinsekai yori
- TV -/25
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Shizukanaru Don: Yakuza Side Story
- OVA -/1
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Shoujo Kakumei Utena
- TV -/39
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Shoukoku no Altair
- TV -/24
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Shounan Bakusouzoku
- OVA -/12
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Shouwa Monogatari
- TV -/13
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Slam Dunk
- TV -/101
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Sonny Boy
- TV -/12
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Sora no Method
- TV -/13
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Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru
- TV -/12
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Soukou Kihei Votoms
- TV -/52
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- TV -/12
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Steins;Gate Movie: Fuka Ryouiki no Déjà vu
- Movie -/1
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Strike Witches: Road to Berlin
- TV -/12
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Super Cub
- TV -/12
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Taiho Shichau zo: Full Throttle
- TV -/23
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Taiyou no Mokushiroku: A Spirit of the Sun
- TV Special -/2
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Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Movie 1: Gurren-hen
- Movie -/1
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Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Movie 2: Lagann-hen
- Movie -/1
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Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken 2nd Season Part 2
- TV -/12
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Tensura Nikki: Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken
- TV -/12
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Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo
- Movie -/1
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- TV -/13
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Tonikaku Kawaii
- TV -/12
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Top wo Nerae! & Top wo Nerae 2! Gattai Movie!!
- Movie -/2
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Toshokan Sensou
- TV -/12
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Turn A Gundam
- TV -/50
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Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199
- OVA -/26
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Uramichi Oniisan
- TV -/13
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V.G.Neo The Animation
- OVA -/3
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Virtua Fighter
- TV -/35
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Virus: Virus Buster Serge
- TV -/12
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Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song
- TV -/13
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Wangan Midnight
- TV -/26
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Wolf's Rain
- TV -/26
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- TV -/13
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WXIII Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor
- Movie -/1
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Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
- OVA -/2
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Youjuu Toshi
- Movie -/1
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- OVA -/7
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Yuru Camp△ Season 2
- TV -/13
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Yuu☆Yuu☆Hakusho: Meikai Shitou-hen - Honoo no Kizuna
- Movie -/1
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Zone of the Enders: Dolores, I
- TV -/26
TV: 139, OVA: 41, Movies: 32, Spcl.: 1, Eps: 0, Days: 0, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00

TV: 601, OVA: 193, Movies: 87, Spcl.: 42, Eps: 8764, Days: 143.96, Mean Score: 6.2, Score Dev.: -0.97
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