Riding Bean is one of Kenichi Sonoda's early works, and though it was originally planned as a series, only one episode was ever released.
The anime follows the exploits of the legendary courier "Bean Bandit" (a truly unfortunate moniker), and his partner Irene Vincent. They are framed for the kidnapping of a wealthy heiress, and are subsequently hunted by the police and various other parties.
The art and animation of Riding Bean is quite typical of it's time, and bears a resemblance in places to the style of Lupin and Giant Robo. Riding Bean does however have something that sets it aside - the chases. Very few
Alternative Titles
Japanese: ライディング・ビーン
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Finished Airing
Feb 22, 1989
46 min.
R+ - Mild Nudity
based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
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Your Feelings Categories Nov 30, 2015
I love trashy 80s anime about hyper masculine crap such as cars. It's silly trashy fun. The dub in this is beautifully bad purely because the main character who has a very enjoyably tricked out car has zero charisma. The dubbing of Percy, his arch rival, is a riot though. Percy is the over the top police detective obsessed with catching our hero, The Road Buster!!! The Road Buster (aka - Bean Bandit) does criminal underworld driving jobs and trashes many police cars every time. This anime has a strong sense of fun to it. Percy is especially fun, but take time to enjoy the
Aug 13, 2011
Ever imagined an anime version of "The Fast and the Furious"? Well, me neither. But if there was one, it'd probably be something similar to "Riding Bean" (okay, I concede "Initial D" might be a more obvious choice, but I haven't seen that yet).
"Riding Bean" is about cars. Cars, gangsters, and more cars, to be exact. All the action centralises around fast and furious car chases down the highway, or the main character (nicknamed "Bean Bandit") doing some incredible things with his incredible sports car (named "Roadbuster" - you just know it's a badass car because it has a name) to get him out of ... May 22, 2015
What I initially thought would be an Ender’s Game porno turned out to be a ridiculous eighties action story with healthy doses of blood, cars, and pedophilia to appeal to every possible demographic. Riding Bean was the precursor to my last review, Gunsmith Cats, and even contains Rally Vincent as a secondary character. But unlike Gunsmith Cats, Riding Bean kind of sucks.
In what I assume is Chicago, Bean is a courier who, along with his partner Rally, get framed for kidnapping a young girl while the actual kidnappers take her father hostage and steal the ransom money. In a fit of testosterone laden action, Bean ... Sep 8, 2012
As a person outside of having to review the show, this show is pretty awesome for vintage anime and I truly injoyed it. As a reviewer… I have to nit pick. The problem with that is that the story is really very good and I believe it has the workings of becoming a whole series is the Manga-ka Kenichi Sonoda had not had a falling out with the studio. After the OVA was created, Kenichi created the manga and the manga ‘Gunsmith Cats’ where Rally Vincent was the star though her design was altered.
Anyway, going back to the story, it’s pretty awesome in how ... Feb 4, 2022
“Riding Bean” is, for the most part, an enjoyable watch. With a 46-minute runtime, it delivers an intriguing plot with a decent, yet open-ended conclusion, and doesn’t overstay its welcome or get stale. The character designs are nice to look at, the animation and voice acting are decent, and the all-English soundtrack is pleasant. It takes place in Chicago, which is kind of unusual for an anime, and that, paired with the music, gives this OVA a distinctly “American” feel that only a few other anime I’ve seen have managed to accomplish.
Similar plots have been done before, but that doesn’t mean it’s not fun to ... Oct 29, 2019
Riding Bean is an awesome, awesome, awesome—oops, accidentally clicked the repeat button—OVA and my favorite adaptation from the Ken'ichi Sonoda répertoire. If you have ever experienced Gunsmith Cats, this is like that—ramped up to two-hundred! Half-naked girls, explosions, crazy car chases, the fetishization of rare guns, and much more! Since this is a forty-six minute OVA, there will be spoilers! You have been warned!
• Bean Bandit and his voluptuous friend, Rally, are professional getaway drivers. In the first scene we are already exposed to Bean’s badass nature as he chases a bunch of robbers down in his custom Porche chassis (with Corvette ‘Stingray’ machinery)! Bean is ... Dec 1, 2019
So here's the thing. Riding Bean is pretty mediocre. It's a little schlocky 80s action OVA that I only watched because it's attatched to Gunsmith Cats... and it's not that particularly exciting. But here's the thing, the crappy english dub elevates this to a whole another level of schlock. The protagonist sounds like a tool, the antagonists sound absolutely ridiculous, the side characters are all trying so hard. ''I'll have a stawbewy ice-cweam and miwk''. All of it, accidental brilliance, and I doubt I would've enjoyed this OVA nearly as much in its original form. So props to you dub team, you crazy bastards. You
Sep 16, 2009
Riding Bean is a prequel of Gunsmith Cats, featuring a character of Smith.
Bean is a hired driver for sly tasks, be it driving criminals after a bank robbery, or taking the little daughter of a millionaire back to his father. For those tasks he used his bullet proof modern sports car and performs his missions without fail. The story was pretty entertaining, sometimes silly but in a positive way at that. And was good for this genre of anime. The animation was very good and you can see that it had a good financing backing the project. The character were all consistent, except a slight fail ... Apr 28, 2021
This film aged extremely well, in my opinion. Try watching it in HD.
Don't watch it dubbed though. I listened to about 10 minutes of the dub, laughed, and switched to sub. The story is really straightforward and easy to follow, and the premise is also really easy to pick up. The 80s action movie vibes in the film are very strong, but I think it was executed well -- nothing too cliche. It didn't feel contrived, even though you had over-the-top action sequences. Furthermore, I really liked the characters. I think it was a nice contrast to have the anti-hero being sensitive regarding children and ... Apr 3, 2023
Riding Bean is a fast paced OVA with a competent narrative and excellent animation. Only clocking in at 46 minutes, it is impressive how much was able to be crammed in. The OVA is mostly non stop action featuring car chases and shootouts but does spend some time to develop some character motivations. The animation is well done and does not feel dated. The music fits well within the setting and makes the overall experience more enjoyable. The only real detractor is that some of the characters are not as well fleshed out as the others but should be expected
Jan 5, 2025
Sometimes one of the cruelest things in the world of anime is when something has so much promise that you want it to see it be successful, but yet you have to endure the fact that you only get to enjoy just one episode of something that could of been so much more. This is pretty much the case of Riding Bean where the viewer only gets to enjoy one 45 minute ova episode of the adventures of Bean Bandit and his partner Rally Vincent. However, for as unsure as it may be - it's better to get something in the world of anime instead
Feb 23, 2023
The animation, the music, the voice acting and the action, this OVA has it all. Too bad Kenichi Sonoda and Toshiba EMI had a falling out so there were no more episodes.
Based on Bean's fast and smooth driving skills, it's obvious that they get away again in the end. His sunglasses flying off when he angrily ate those walnuts back at the mansion when his car was insulted was hilarious. I never saw The Warriors but I loved the reference at the end. The part where Rally throws her magazine while keeping one in the chamber to kill the henchman taking Chelsea hostage was badass. I wonder ... Nov 25, 2022
Sort of like an anime version of Walter Hill's The Driver, but with a set-up that involves a kidnapped kid. I actually remember renting this back in the day from Blockbuster, but upon watching it now, I remembered none of it! Overall, it' a fun little animated OVA with really awesome animation. It's by the same guys that went on to do Gunsmith Cats. Sadly though, this was supposed to turn into a series, and ownership rights went sort of haywire, the same way the original Bubblegum Crisis was cut short. Hell, the source manga was never even finished. But at least this is a