Hi there and welcome to my profile, you can call me Rob.
Please understand that I won't accept your friend request unless we've been in a friendly close "virtual" contact. Otherwise just comment, ask but please be respectable.
Here's a brief early Bio of myself on anime;
- First anime I remember watching was likely Heidi, in the beginning of the eighties. Since then I always gave preference to Japanese cartoons (the “Japanese thing” being evidenced by those strange characters always appearing at the ending credits. I somehow learned they were “Japanese letters” very early). Luckily, the national television aired Japanese cartoons regularly during those days. I believe it was usual in a handful of western european countries as well during the 80's, or even earlier, France was definitely king of anime in the western world in those days though.
- The real first obsession was Saint Seiya back in 1989/90 (which I might admit has never faltered). Around the same time, I watched a Akira bike chasing movie scene (in TVE, Spanish channel) and I thought it was the best thing ever animated in the world, was totally revolutionary. I still think it's an amazing feature and I rewatch it every now and then.
- During the early nineties I watched some anime VHS, most of them brought by american companies Manga Entertainment distributed in my country at the time, thus misleading me and pretty much the rest of the country making us start to call “Manga” to any Japanese animation” (There are still people there referring to anime by the "manga" moniker today). The translation was pretty bad too.
- By middle 90's I learned that Japanese animation was called anime. And also fell in love with Rumiko Takahashi manga drawings and stories. Mostly because of an article that I read on Takahashi-Sensei on a Brazilian magazine and the fact that Ranma ½ manga was being published in my country of residence at the time, Portugal. (Unfortunately it was discontinued in early stages by lack of popularity, but the seeds were already planted.)
- Some time after that, I had anime put to rest (also forced by lack of quality anime on the TV at the time), but picked it again around 1999, thanks to the glorious south american Locomotion TV channel, a TV channel dedicated exclusively to alternative animation with a big leaning on anime. It's incredible how something like that could have existed at that time, or until now for a matter of fact.
- Around 2000 I got aware of manga translation groups on the internet. (On those days of the 56k modem to have a chapter translated online was worthy of celebration!)
- In 2001/02 I slowly started downloading anime thanks to the increase of internet bandwidth speeds and P2P software being popularized. The video definition of those files would shock the current generation.
- Around 2003/04 I regularly started following "fresh" weekly anime. In a more regular basis since somewhere in 2004. The arrival of ADSL internet speeds helped greatly.
From 2009 on, my interest in anime has decreased drastically, with real life becoming more complex and the free time being extremely limited.
The industry even though has always going in for the pocket of the consumer, is heading mostly towards a way that I dislike/disagree with it's orientation on extreme otaku culture interests as mixing echii and loli together in a bizarre cosplay and pedophile festival.
The animation is also too bright and smooth to my eyes.
As a result I don't have a big interest to watch many anime series as I did in the previous decades and just follow very few shows a year if any.
Some information regarding how I personalize my lists.
* My "Watching List" is obvious for things I watch frequently, let's say within a time frame of a week to a month, everything else that Takes more time to watch might end up on the "on hold list" or even on the "dropped list".
* I haven't added any episodes to the various anime that I have watched on my formative years, childhood and teenager years (VHS and TV days). Judgement is changing all the time and in my childhood/teenager years was definitely changing at the speed of light comparing to these days. And there's a high chance I haven't watched all episodes of a certain series (nor would remember) so it's unfair to add them here. So I leave series I watched in the 80's and 90's with zero episodes added in the "on hold" list, in the hopes I might get to rewatch some of these treasures again and then properly re-evaluate them.
* It's also important to refer that I don't use this site to track quantity and I have no interest in a big "watched list", I often forget to add series anyway. So I don’t use “Rewatching” nor "Total Times Re-watched Series" thing.
* I re-evaluate my ratings, from time to time. I'm still growing up and my views change and grow too.
* My Manga List is pretty incomplete and I don't know if it'll ever be complete, I'm pretty lazy with that list and I don't remember the titles I have read any more during my strong manga reading period, which was in the early 00s.
And anyway I also don't understand how MAL can measure the manga that someone have read.
* I’m pretty sure that my whole my "Anime List" is also incomplete. Sometimes I forget to add the titles.
* I don’t watch Hentai and I don't have much patience for Echii (except for some old school echii anime) and I don't understand Moe/loli complex/ whatever general modern anime tendencies. So please don't try to convince me how your taste is good for you and therefore it should be for me too. (Yes, people send me messages like this out of the blue).
I am always on the lookout for some alternative title that might show up in these dark ages like Monster, stuff from Masaaki Yuasa or some Jousei/Seinen/whatever-weirdo from the Noitamina block, to give you an idea.
So if you have any modern alternative anime recommendation or a old school title you think I should know or watch, or have a question, you can just drop a line and feel free to ask whatever you are interested in as long you do it in a respectful manner.
Hola Rob-san!
Spring has finally arrived! The air is fresh with a cool breeze. The birds are singing in my backyard while I observe them to be hopping from tree to tree. The San Gabriel mountains, i.e. Big Bear and Mount Baldy are covered in snow and beautiful.
This time of year always brings me renewed hope.
I hope you and yours are doing well and enjoying the beauty that is Spring!
I like all anime, although I tend to favour older. I tend to dislike the most popular modern anime series with their hyper tempo, smart ass one liners, mega flashy colour palette and modern otaku stereotypes. Most series seem to be done for the low attention span brains these days.
Affirmative. you're right, Very happy and appreciate you following it. especially the (popular part), I understand why there is a difference in their assessment of anime & various controversial ones circulating — On the other hand, animation is also intended to be enjoyed nor just entertainment or mere knowledge, like consumers;
However, anti-criticism also has negative impacts on future generations.
call it a food analogy, whether it's the best of all time "is not necessarily true if haven't tasted it all".
This connection is also related to their views and tastes in selecting/consuming (anime).
Hola Rob-san,
Wishing you a wonderful wintertime as you and yours prepare for Christmas. This year has flown by so fast!
Stay warm and cozy with hot chocolate and a glowing fireplace.
I do hope you will consider watching this one as well if you haven"t already. I really enjoyed it as it was very well done with memorable characters and story line. ^^)
Hola Rob-san!
On your side of the world are the Spring flowers in full bloom? In SoCal, we had several rainstorms that truly blessed us with so many flowers everywhere you looked.
Here at home, I have enjoyed walking around the yard looking at even the tiniest of flowers in order to appreciate their beauty. The cool breeze and the song of our many birds makes for a very enjoyable morning, afternoon even night. ^^
Have a wonderful Spring and a great Summer!
I am so happy to see you watched and enjoyed MaoMao and company. A truly enjoyable anime.
Ah ... Rob-san, you remain a gentleman as always. Wow, 10 years already - where has the time gone?
May we both continue to age with grace, style, and dignity.
Let's not forget fun!
It made me feel bored and didn't enjoy it at all. Although at my age I don't suppose I'm going to watch something that reinvents the wheel as you said, I want to pass my time with something that I like. Well, we can't agree with everything we watch and also we can watch something in a period of our life and rate it high or low, depending on our current mood.
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Spring has finally arrived! The air is fresh with a cool breeze. The birds are singing in my backyard while I observe them to be hopping from tree to tree. The San Gabriel mountains, i.e. Big Bear and Mount Baldy are covered in snow and beautiful.
This time of year always brings me renewed hope.
I hope you and yours are doing well and enjoying the beauty that is Spring!
May this new year year bring you new joy, health and prosperity. Stay safe in this grand world of ours since there are still many areas of darkness.
What are you planning to watch this new anime season?
Affirmative. you're right, Very happy and appreciate you following it. especially the (popular part), I understand why there is a difference in their assessment of anime & various controversial ones circulating — On the other hand, animation is also intended to be enjoyed nor just entertainment or mere knowledge, like consumers;
However, anti-criticism also has negative impacts on future generations.
call it a food analogy, whether it's the best of all time "is not necessarily true if haven't tasted it all".
This connection is also related to their views and tastes in selecting/consuming (anime).
-glad to share your thoughts :)
thanks for the reply,
Wishing you a wonderful wintertime as you and yours prepare for Christmas. This year has flown by so fast!
Stay warm and cozy with hot chocolate and a glowing fireplace.
Hope you had a wonderful summer and now looking forward to Fall and Winter, Rob-san!
and if yes, what is the reason in your opinion?
I want to hear from both adult and youth perspectives
Have a great Summer!
I did watch Apothecary Diaries when it aired. It was one of my favorites along with Sousou no Frieren.
On your side of the world are the Spring flowers in full bloom? In SoCal, we had several rainstorms that truly blessed us with so many flowers everywhere you looked.
Here at home, I have enjoyed walking around the yard looking at even the tiniest of flowers in order to appreciate their beauty. The cool breeze and the song of our many birds makes for a very enjoyable morning, afternoon even night. ^^
Have a wonderful Spring and a great Summer!
I am so happy to see you watched and enjoyed MaoMao and company. A truly enjoyable anime.
May we both continue to age with grace, style, and dignity.
Let's not forget fun!