Ecchi is a genre loved by a lot of people and hated by others.
Most of the time an ecchi anime is also an harem anime and it features a male protagonist which attracts every girl in that series.
Usually, the focus in ecchi series is woman's chest. Every time.
Also, most of the time the animation in those series is bad.
Aren't you tired of these cliches?
Miru Tights is a breath of a fresh air and a masterpiece in anime. This is definitely is the one. The show that saved japanese animation from creativity bankruptcy.
Alternative Titles
Japanese: みるタイツ
Finished Airing
May 11, 2019 to Jul 27, 2019
None found, add some
Yokohama Animation Laboratory
4 min. per ep.
PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
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Filtered Results: 56 / 58
Your Feelings Categories Jul 28, 2019
Have you ever wondered what 4 minutes of heaven would feel like? Well, fear no more my dear Anime fans, Miru Tights just put an end to this eternal question. Anime has always been a niche medium representing niche and obscure topics you would not be able to see or experience elsewhere. Japanese people have created a lot of wacky genres and experimented with a lot of obscure stuff such as giant robots, battle shonen transformations, nakama power and having many girls flock to your willy. As such, they have created the dear genres we all know of and love these days. So, what happens
Aug 1, 2019
Legs are great. They are especially useful for walking and shit like that. But there's more than meets the eye! No, wait, wrong situation. There is more than their functionality because they can also be aesthetically very pleasing to look at.
Legs are not my fetish number one. Stockings may hypnotize me occasionally and perhaps blood has escaped my head after witnessing cute lil toes under ideal circumstances. However, I do appreciate certain aspects that are related to the way legs are portrayed more consistently. I love it when anime girls get on their toes to reach upper shelve, or to give a hug or kiss. ... Jul 27, 2019
[A Forest of Tights]
Tights. According to Merriam-Webster, tights are “a skintight garment covering the body from the neck down or from the waist down”. In this particular anime, we will refer to them as a skintight garment from the waist down. Denier. According to Merriam-Webster, denier is “a unit of fineness for yarn equal to the fineness of a yarn weighing one gram for each 9000 meters”. In other words, a material with low denier tends to be sheer, smooth, and silky, whereas a material with high denier tends to be thick, durable, and sturdy. For example, a 30 denier tight (sheer) is finer and and ... Jun 16, 2019
Unsurprisingly, this is gonna be a masterpiece for the ages. It's clear that the director has taken inspiration from Naoko Yamada considering the abundance of leg shots, if there's anyone you want to take from to make a masterwork of art it's definitely her and thus far Miru Tights is looking like it might be the next great classic of the decade, and perhaps the very peak of animation as a medium. Story: 10 The story is clear and precise. We observe the adventures related to the tights of the characters. Art: 10 Beautiful colors, beautiful draws and a perfect animation. ... Jun 1, 2019
Mankind has finally created a masterpiece where “men of culture” will flock to and praise. Another anime for our brethren to indulge in has come down from the heavens. In the light of all this to be honest they do a great job in the drawing of these characters and the zoom in is just WOW. The camera is appealing to the eyes, and there is just enough fanservice that doesn’t go overboard. The foot, tights, and thigh fetishes is all represented here and it goes to show that anything can be made into an anime. I applaud the studio for their hard work in
Jun 23, 2019
I don't understand why so many people absolutely love this anime. Like...Are we seeing the same anime or are people confusing this for another anime that's actually good? If not then I hope this is just a really weird meme.
The characters are bland and are so blank and boring that I honestly can't even remember their names as they're all extremely interchangeable. Not to mention one of the teenagers engages in sexual relations with a teacher who is a grown adult. I know that people have a fetish for milfs, but let's really think about the sentence of "These girls in high school are totally ... Jul 27, 2019
Alas, the days of happiness are over. Miru Tights has finished airing.
Now you may be thinking that only those with thigh/foot (and so on) fetishes would ever want to watch Miru Tights. And you’re wrong. You don’t need any fetishes to start this show, for you’ll end up with all of them by the time the show’s over. Miru Tights believes strongly in exploring the niche, educating the viewer in a way that no other anime can hope to achieve. You didn’t realise there was an ear-cleaning fetish? Well, now you know, and, even better, you want someone to shove your head in their thighs, ... Jul 27, 2019
“Thicc thighs save lives, but thigh highs will be my demise” -a man of culture.
As a short form ecchi series it’s not bad in that it doesn’t tone down the content past episode one as there are quite a few steamy scenes later on in the series. All in all though there really isn’t much worth diving into. It’s girls wearing tights. Seriously, almost all of the shots are focused on either their legs or feet. If that’s your thing, it’s a good way to kill 20 minutes. If it’s not then (you are clearly not a man of culture) that’s ok. Each episode is ... Jun 1, 2019
Miru thighs is what all anime should aim for. It’s bold, Straight forward, and faithful. There’s no unnecessary detail added that will slag it down. It understand its audience and so it gave it what it wants. It’s an anime made by quality anime practitioners and made for quality anime practitioners. More specifically it’s made for us, thigh lover. Cultured people in love with female’s upper lower limb. People undistracted by the unholy thought such as holding hand (preach me for speaking and thinking such unholy thought), it’s made for us faithful of the way of thighs and for such it’s forgiven fo--- Oh, who
Jul 21, 2023
Peak fiction!!!! Can't believe I found an anime to feed my feet fetish addiction. In the 2nd part of the season, this show was more dirty than a cultured anime. Definitely recommend!
How the fuck has this such a good animation?! This has better animation than the new Shaman King and they have better written characters than Boruto. I cant say much about this without giving many spoilers but was the greatest slice of life show out there. My only regret is that it doesn't have more episodes and that the episodes that are up are very short. But still, give this a try if you feel ... Jul 15, 2019
Let’s start by saying that I do not like this anime. I find it bizarre, stupid and childish and that's not what will stop me from doing a review. This anime has great notes in MyAnimeList because, I believe, people take it to memes and also because they are fascinated by a simple After Effects effect.
Story Well, the anime approaches the day to day of 3 friends who goes to school. For now everything normal and generic but what anime has of single is the great focus on the stockings. The stockings they wear are the unfolding of the story. For example, an episode ... Aug 4, 2019
Peak culture FTW!!!
It's not my fetish, but these legs .... THESE FEET!, I fell in love with them, did I mention a wonderful and elaborate storyline give a wonderful and unique anime? And when you add these expanded characters to the mix, you get an anime of the year! I fell in love with it. Araki literally had his finger in it. Story : 11/10 Characters design : 11/10 Sound : 10/10 Art : 11/10 Overall enjoyment : My [THE HAND] is still moving up and down up and down up and down up and down up and down up and down up and down up and down... Masterpiece. Feb 5, 2020
Seriously?! For an OVA that run for just 4 mins and all that it shows were legs in stockings?!! Man something was really wrong around here......very WRONG, so, no more BS for this BS, since I'm gonna present my ratings anyway:
Story Pathetic 1: Cu'z the plot was just too forced and just very random, nothing funny, nothing scary and just an everyday life of them school girls and their stockings. If there is, it only involves a sensei giving some suggestive notion that she molested a boy. Art Mediocre 5: Cu'z it just legs in stockings and a few panty shot , in fact the legs in stockings ... Jul 5, 2019
when i first saw the trailer to this anime i was like ah shit here we go again
but this time is was different i think anime has official gone way too far well there is two type of people 1- you are weird you are into this 2- memes about this anime 3- people are just watching this anime for the laughter 4- and true mans of culture well lets stop memes around ... Jun 27, 2019
Miru Tights is an Ecchi anime revolves around three school girls and their foot and thighs… Despite it being the most plain storyline I’ve encounter this year about foot (not that I watch that many), I find it surprising to say that this is a piece of fucking miraculous art. You can’t help but watch the whole show as nothing really happening, only the life of high school anime girls in tights (even their faces barely shown compared to their legs). I don’t have a feet fetish yet weirdly I found myself enjoying it so just imagine if I did have it! The appealing animation
Apr 27, 2020
The first morning of the new semester is rainy, with cherry blossoms falling onto the puddles. Students enter the school gate with various umbrellas. In front of the shoe locker, Yua starts chatting with her friend, Ren Aikawa, whose tights got wet from the rain. Homi, who was drenched, joins them.
While the plot description might be a bit simple, and more of a rough outline of the first episode, that's because this series doesn't have all that complex of a plot. The running time for this series, including the bonus episode, is less than an hour long. But a complex or long running plot isn't ... Jul 23, 2019
TEN (OUTSTANDING, OUTSTANDING, OUTSTANDING, OUTSTANDING, OUTSTANDING, OUTSTANDING) [I would just like to say that this anime was a ten out of ten] PS I tried to not include spoilers in this review. My friend has said good things too! PSS He is right!!!! Did I say this anime is a TEN?????? IF NOT I JUST DID!!!!! YET ANOTHER CONFIRMATION THAT I DID!!!! bazinga THIS ANIME IS NOT A 10!!!!!!! IT IS AN 11!!!!!!!also the tights are looking pretty realistic in the anime!!!! THIS REVIEW IS NOW LONG ENOUGH TO SUBMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHiKARI SHIKARIgtshrdedhjgkibrsdufjbngjhksdfyuykjmudfhbnscixgyudeisrafkljnm bghuiojvfdshb kjihgulbfdsiuohgbuyjikfdshgukjlfdshbngifdsiulkgjnhuifokdpsyhgukdfshnguiofdshn WARNING!!! POTENTIAL SPOILERS TEN (OUTSTANDING, OUTSTANDING, OUTSTANDING, OUTSTANDING, OUTSTANDING, ... May 27, 2024
So. This is a show that makes it premise very clear even before you start watching it. It's a show focused on tights, legs, feet and all that. So to those who aren't into any of that, watched it and gave it a bad rating or review... well I don't know what you were expecting. I believe even for an Ecchi about tights, legs and feet it manages to go above and beyond.
- How well does it do its job - Very well, it starts out tempting and promising and gets creative every single episode, keeping a small cast of forgettable characters, but who cares, you're ... Jul 29, 2019
Every once in a while, especially relatively lately, an unordinarily-unfamiliar show debuted that breaks out of the mainstream take on what defines the inns and outs of said show. On several instances, they end up doing very poorly with a massive neglection and a low following compared to the rest of the airing shows. Fortunately, Miru Tights not only broke the mainstream formula but always defied the odds and pushed the tides that hold similar shows from blowing up and has had quite a huge following from a big portion of the fandom for how odd and appealing to the masses it was. That might