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Jul 18, 2024
Idol (Anime) add
Before the context is lost in a few years, YOASOBI, the band, has been a sensation in the world of J-Pop for a while, not only leaving a humongous fingerprint on the Japanese pop scene, it also in the Anime medium. They have been slaying every other song they do, only bangers and never a miss. But I feel like Idol was the moment they really took over the podium and are as close to being the Anime song face in the industry, and I think that’s still an understatement of how influential and popular this song got.

The whole context of this opening is so ...
Jul 17, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Man, I remember when both the second and third seasons were announced after the first season concluded. I was still in the hype of The Shield Hero, no one can deny, that it had momentum back in the day, however, time was unforgiving, and it killed the excitement. Season two came by eventually, but it had not capitalized on the previous build-up, it was stale and boring and further segmented the franchise’s image as one of the forgotten.

Thankfully, the third season did not hiccup. After the whole Spirit Tortoise arc, which was underwhelming, this season tackled a far more interesting point which revolved around the ...
Jul 16, 2024
I have fond memories of Goblin Slayer the first season. As I have been a long-time Anime fan, I have only started to keep up with seasonal releases as recently as fall 2018 (as of writing this), and Goblin Slayer was one of those shows where I first tasted the seasonal waters. It was shocking, especially at the time, with iconic OST and tragic characters. But then time went on, new Anime came and went and the landscape has changed drastically ever since until the sequel dropped.

Diving into the world of Goblin Slayer after such a long time felt very weird and unnatural for me, ...
Jul 14, 2024
Pluto (Anime) add
It’s such a shame that a free-form medium like Anime which allows for varying approaches to storytelling, to be so streamlined and limited to a fraction of what it can really branch out to.

You have all kinds of fantasies and epics adapted into a firm bundle of eye-ear-orgasmic animation and sound that draws you in like nothing else, but there is so little dedication to more realistic stories that grip closer to reality it seems.

Pluto, is, however, a grim detective thriller set in a sci-fi near future with real-world-like geo-political tribulations with a sprinkle of existential amalgamations.

The marine lens follows Gesicht, a top-of-the-line android detective ...
Jul 12, 2024
Mushoku Tensei has proven itself multiple times over at this point that doing a review for one of its later arcs is kind of pointless unless you’re comparing it to its prequels.

One thing I really like to describe it as is that it’s the only Isekai where the past life matters. Looking at how most shows can’t even make their main plot interesting, Mushoku breaks that curse, everything is interesting because simply, everything is encompassed by the main plot.

The second part of season two takes off straight where the previous one left off, with a seamless transition to what concluded, and also includes the Labyrinth ...
Jul 11, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Sigh, again, with another sequel to yet acclaimed shows loved by many. I’m sure nothing can go wrong, right?

It was … wrong and for the wrong reasons too.

This is one of those “It’s me, not you” cases. Horimiya’s concept is very much grounded and has clear expectations. A wholesome slice of life snip from the youthful high school days of two sweethearts, anyone can like that, and that’s why the first season has gathered such a curl following to an extent. However, with that promise, a sequel came in, only, not conforming to those sequel-esque qualities. Let me cut to the chase and just say ...
Jul 10, 2024
Mixed Feelings
In vain of corporate enslavement and capitalistic exploitation, Akira Tendou, a young graduate from a prestigious university is dying inside after being defeated by his mundane daily routine that is encapsulated entirely by his job, which has been eating away his youth and passion, leaving him as motionless as a rotting zombie, with no aspirations, dreams, or drive to follow any of them. Until one day, zombie plague runs over the world, transforming his good-for-nothing life into a blockbuster movie, full of gore, excitement, and hope to live up his dreams finally.

It’s very poetic how the modern life Akira has been living was seemingly dull, ...
Jul 9, 2024
Mixed Feelings
This is a special episode that covers the first seven episodes of the anime.

It summarizes the events of those first bit sized arcs, which is very useful for the viewers who are returning to the show after the hiatus that was issued due to production scheduling problems. It was a decent refresher on what has entailed especially that it has been a while in the time. While of course, being a recap, it’s natural that a lot will be cut off to save up on time, but really, nothing that major has happened at this point of the show that it was more or less ...
Jul 9, 2024
Kaijuu 8-gou (Anime) add
This show was a weird case of “this looks generic enough for me to pass off on” and “the opening looks very interesting, maybe I should check the show out”. Guess what I did?

Yeah, you’re already here reading the review, so I’ll spare you the suspense.

I signed up for a cool Kaiju-fighting action drama but what I got instead was a wholesome slice of life-y comedy with cool Kaiju-fighting action and a bit of drama. I think I must have won the seasonal lottery. And that’s quite rare.

Now, for my personal hook, the opening still slapped and still does even after finishing the show. The ...
Jun 30, 2024
I can’t believe it’s already been 5 years since this show became mainstream, and here it is transitioning to the big END. It already felt like that last season, but during this one, it’s been officially sealed.

You don’t need me to tell you what makes Kimetsu no Yaiba worth the watch, chances are, if you’re reading this then you’ve already caught up to the point when you’d want to watch the next season in line. But let’s address a common concern in the fandom about this season now. It’s the pacing.

Although I didn’t have any problems with it per se, that would leave me wanting ...

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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