The unknown is always too easy labelled as a threat, and it is easy to join that particular chorus who claim it, mainly due to fear, fear of failure and concern of personal cost.
On the basis of that postulate, the journey resumes for our SnK characters, as they prepare to undertake a fierce battle against those who want to annihilate humanity...however, is that these guys objective?
It is well known the one-of a kind storytelling attributes this adaptation has: the understated foreshadowing –great for those who like to re-watch shows-, the captivating epicity, the more than famous plot twists; nevertheless, it never stops to amaze
Alternative Titles
Japanese: 進撃の巨人 Season3 Part.2
More titlesInformation
Finished Airing
Apr 29, 2019 to Jul 1, 2019
Spring 2019
Mondays at 00:10 (JST)
Production I.G, Dentsu, Mainichi Broadcasting System, Pony Canyon, Kodansha, Techno Sound, Pony Canyon Enterprises
Wit Studio
23 min. per ep.
R - 17+ (violence & profanity)
based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
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Filtered Results: 204 / 221
Your Feelings Categories May 19, 2019
*Review contains spoilers till episode 4!*
We are blessed that we're living in a timeline when we are getting return to shiganshina animated. We have linked horizon back for the OP, we have been teased with the basement in this season and on top it, we have the banger soundtracks from season 1 back! While the previous part of the season was primarily focused on politics and mystery, this season has been primarily focused on action and hype. But trust me, this season has a lot more to it in the coming episodes! This season started off with 3000 levels of hype with Erwin's epic speech ... Jun 30, 2019
*Clap clap* before I start this review I will like us all to bow our heads and have a moment of silence for all our fallen comrades, just like us they them-self started this series from season 1, but as time passes and more seasons are release many has fallen and so I will like to congratulate each one of you for making it this far and finally being able to see what is in that damn basement! lol
Now let's begin this review. Imagine if you were a fish that since birth has been living inside a fish tank, you are unaware that there is a ... Jun 30, 2019
*Minimum Spoiler Review*
TL;DR: From Titans being shredded to human bodies being melted, this is the season fans have been waiting for since Season 1. We have been blue balled long enough. It's time to finally find out what's in that bloody basement. If you didn't watch any previous seasons, don't even bother reading or watching this anime. Go back to watching your crappy anime. We are in the endgame now. [Story: 9/10 , Characters: 8/10, Art: 9/10, Sound: 8/10, Enjoyment: 10/10] "Everyone will die someday. Does that mean life is meaningless?" - Erwin Smith The second part of Shingeki no Kyojin or Attack on Titan ... Jun 30, 2019
[Spoiler Warning]
Prior to season 3, little was known about the origins of the titans, as the previous seasons focused on humanity’s survival in the face of impending doom. While bits and pieces were revealed through the Reiss family history, nothing about the titan’s origins were divulged. Until now! Yet, should we be pleased with these revelations, or disappointed with the paltry character development? Because let’s face it: Attack on Titan’s (AOT’s) characters are terribly written. Starting with Eren Yeager, he’s gone from being a vengeful edge-lord who was consumed with killing titans at all costs, to a whiny, vengeful edge-lord ... Jun 30, 2019
Attack on Titan is the face of anime. It exploded onto the scene in 2013 with popularity unmatched by any other anime. No other anime has left as titanic of an impact as this one. It's the anime that introduces many newcomers into the medium. Many with no exposure to anime whatsoever have still heard of or even watched Attack on Titan. So it's only appropriate that it would be great, because that's what should be expected from what is essentially the representative of all anime. And for me, every season leading up to this one has met these high standards and been great.
But this...this ... May 19, 2019
This season of Attack on Titan is known to be one of the best arcs of the whole series (is that really saying much though), but the ones who have decided that is none other than the manga readers. That is the one and only reason why it is rated so highly, especially after the snooze ride of a third season. I will give my opinion as an anime watcher only. I do not care what happens after, this is just my thoughts of the anime so far. MAY INCLUDE SPOILERS
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story 4/10: The story is quite simple, our characters want to rebuild the Wall Maria, ... May 20, 2019
English isn't my native language, so you may find some redaction mistakes; anyway, I'll try to do my best in this review.
- This review cointains spoilers - Early in the first season (I don't remember the exact episode), it was stated that the basement of the Yeagers house was pretty important, from that moment, throughout the show we have been given some hints about it's importance and how to get there seems to be vital for mankind; each time stronger, each time louder, there has been a lot of talk around it, more and more things pointed out toward this basement, and after two and a ... Jul 4, 2019
After years and years of foreshadowing, teasing and promising great things, Attack on Titan is back and ready to reveal its mysteries. Was it worth the wait though?
*This review will mention parts of season 1 and season 3. It will contain spoilers for the whole show* I remember the times when I was excited for a new Attack on Titan episode. There were problems back then too, sure, but I was able to enjoy it regardless. That is because for everything I watch there is a limit to the bs I can take. I know this is a review for season 3 part 2, but some ... Jun 3, 2019
Segura essa review goodtaste:
Erwin starts the show being the best character ever made in anime industry, he is smart, strong, beautiful, and with devotion with devotion! The narrative is so deep that i can even describle, the coffee is the best foreshadowing that i see, and builds that world with maestry, nothing less expected of the master Hajime Isayama, the tension and the hype of ''pan pan pan'' soundtrack is such epic, i can't describle too. To finish i would like to put, shingeki is my favorite anime of all time because is just so realistic and mature to be considered ''shounen'' anime to ''young boys''. May 22, 2019
Kino. Pure, undiluted, unsatured, unconfined kinomatographique. Shingeki no Kyojin, or Shingeki no Kino as I like to call it, is what comes up when you combine kino art, with kino story, with kino music. This anime feels like it's been the work of Spielberg, Eastwood, Nolan and Tarantino combined.
Story 10/10 As I've already caught up with chapter 117, I'm not gonna spoil this a lot. This season is about Erwin, Eren and Armin, really. Erwin coming to terms with his fate, Eren pushing forward, and Armin, well, you'll see. Eren continues his eternal quest for freedom and revenge, through ending his enemies, titan or human. You ... Jun 30, 2019
Attack on Titan, the franchise that made a huge impact in the anime industry once again proves itself capable of carrying the torch. Before watching this part 2, I confess that the announcement of 10 episodes was slightly worrying. I approached this season with a bit of trepidation even with some of the jaw dropping cinematic trailers. Truth to be told, Attack on Titan has a lost some hype over the years but still manages to maintain a strong fan base. It’s for that reason and its many successes that we’re getting part 2.
At its most fundamental level, Attack on Titan has been a ... Jun 30, 2019
I do not think I can ever give a 10/10 as quickly as I can for Part 2 of Season 3 of Attack on Titan. It has set the new standard for adaptations. Isayama's master storytelling, the exquisite soundtrack by Sawano, the emotional tight rope the studio had us walk throughout, the sweat-inducing action, and the perfection of the voice cast. Everything in this season has been fine tuned, and the end result is one of the greatest animated feats that I have ever had the pleasure of watching.
I have read the manga up to its most current chapter as of this review, but ... May 20, 2019
Personally, I believe the art, sounds and music of every SnK season were amazing. However, there were a few specific episodes/scenes in Part 1 that desperately lacked background music and weren't as immersive as in the previous episodes/seasons.
Nevertheless, I still believe Part 1 was great although it would've been closer to a 10/10 with these small fixes. Season 1 was masterful, season 2 was great.. and so was Season 3 Part 1 (after rewatching the season and initially disliking the direction the story took, I believe I misjudged at first). Anyhow, while Part 2 didn't end yet.. It's amazing so far, chaotic and full of interesting points ... May 28, 2019
This is a review up till episode 5 of season 3 part 2.
*Not really spoilers but I'm going to talk about episode in 5 in general without referring to scenes* Im sorry but after watching episode 5, you have to concede that despite all the general hype of the show and people talking down on it due to it becoming so mainstream, that this show is a godamn masterpiece. Episode 5 brilliantly manages to intertwine all the character's arcs leading up to this episode. Unlike shitty GOT, this show executes a climax to its peak potential rather than leaving the audience disappointed and expecting more. I know ... May 19, 2019
From a long time i've been following this foro in multiple animes without an account, but today's episode was /'that'/ impresive.
Honestly, i wasn't sure that they were going to pull off such a memorable episode. It's hard to make an episode to be able to capture a part of what it really may have felt 'the realizing of their certain death', the girl throwing up, that guy in total shock asking the obvious question 'are we gonna die?', the dispair is palpable. This Studio did it perfectly, the soundtrack chosen by them, the single tone, was perfect to make us feel the increasing stress in ... Jun 30, 2019
This is the arc I think a lot of people were waiting for. The one with lots of answers. Seen folks complain for years about all the questions introduced with no immediate answers and I've seen endless memes about Eren never getting to that basement. Well we're here, we made it all the way to the sea even. But that's not enough. I think that's what Eren means at the end there, that they thought the sea would grant them freedom but in they search for freedom they only discovered that there's so much more out there. Like finally opening a door and then seeing
Jul 1, 2019
I don't like writing negative reviews, and before I start I have to say that I gave this a positive average score. However, not everybody think that Snk is the best thing out there, and I feel it's necessary to give voice to "other" opinions too. Mine, in this case.
The show is nice. The animation is good and it's very entertaining. I'll give it that. However it has a lot of flaws, and this season, while it's in some aspects more interesting than the previous ones, it's also lacking a bit. My biggest probleme with this anime is more of an adaptation issue. ... Jun 9, 2019
The Basement guys... My head was never that mindfucked... (Story)
RTS Arc is just perfect, end of story. The music is as always OUTSTANDING. Character development is cleary noticable and very well written. Especially Mikasa and her Squad. What I also really like are the flash backs and also how the scenes are switching, pure professional work there. ... Jun 5, 2019
Attack on Titan season 3 part 2 is simply perfect in every way! It has an awesome opening song, like I am very thankful that we have Linked Horizon performing the opening song again they really killed it with this new opening song they made. They teased awesome stuff and hell in this season we have absolute awesome moments regarding characters like Levi and others. I reckon this season is going to end with the basement secret being revealed. I am out of words to describe this ineffable season Attack on Titan just keeps getting so much better and better with each new season.
Story ... |