Love. The four letter forbidden word. What is it really? Is it an idea? Is it an expression? Is it a feeling? Perhaps it's something that all of us feel like it must be part of us because it's the central theme of human life. No but, seriously, think about it.
In a nutshell, Natsuyuki Rendezvous is a rare romantic josei series presented by Noitamina. In fact, Noitamina is known to present all sorts of unique and strange series that expands beyond the typical male audience such as the original [C], the musical Nodame Cantabile, the horror Shiki, and the ghostly story of Anohana. Ah
yes, speaking of ghost stories, that brings us to Natsuyuki Rendezvous.
The series has three main characters. First, there's a delicate flower named Rokka Shimao who owns a flower shop. She is the manager but more importantly, the widow of the deceased husband of Atsushi Shimao. Then, there's Ryousuke Hazuki who has poor eye sight but knows a delicate flower when he sees one. As one might expect from the pilot episode, he is in love with the flower manager. Last but certainly not least is Atsushi Shimao. He is a ghost who has been haunting the flower shop, or more specifically his wife for the past three years. Talk about stalking on a whole new level.
Three main characters, two of them guys and one of them a gentle flower. What do we get? Well, by common anime logic, a love triangle obviously. It's quite a peculiar love triangle too especially with the given circumstances. Rokka still grieves for the ghostly husband that have continued to haunt her for the past three years without her knowledge. Shimao is there but unable to cope with his former wife either mentally or physically. Hazuki-kun is trying to get the attention of his dream girl but can't seem to do so with his conflicted ideology.
Now, pause and stop reading this review. Do you still want to continue watching the series? That's a tough question to ask especially in the beginning since there's already conflict and animosity between the two main male characters. Ah, love is so damn complicated.
At any rate, this series is lighthearted and presents romance in a more realistic as well as naturalistic way despite the supernatural theme added in. But the real challenge is, can Hazuki-kun flower the pot? It's hard to say especially with interference from a certain ghostly someone. That being, the troll husband Shimao. But more than that, this series seems to have a rather slow pace especially in some of the later episodes. A slow paced romance series is never good especially fans into more intense drama. Bring on the intensity? No. It's more like bring on the slice-of-life feel. So, anyone looking forward to some intense drama in this series might be disappointed.
Despite this though, I do find some aspects of the series to be well executed. The rivalry between Hazuki-kun and ghost Shimao is a dynamic focus in the series. They are like eternal rivals, like cat and mouse, like mongoose and cobra, like ying and yang. Without them, this series would probably make you fall asleep. But with them, realism and amusing twists in the form of supernatural romance comedy is bought forth into the eyes of the viewers presented courtesy of Noitamina.
As being a josei anime, Natsuyuki Rendezvous is crafted out of simple artwork that is expressive and naturalistic like the plants of the flower shop. Life is natural and so is love, so why shouldn't the artwork be of the same? The beautiful flora backgrounds and some of the key visuals maintains that josei and lighthearted feeling that defines the rhythm of the series.
Speaking of rhythm, the music seems to continue with that in the form of a lighthearted soundtrack. The opening song, "See You" by Yuya Matsushita is sung softly but with empathy and with feeling. It presents some of the characters and their ways of struggle in not only life but also in death. The title of the song serves as a form of symbolism as Shimao sees Rokka every day but seems so far away. He's dead but still can't seem to move on to the afterlife to enjoy his days.
In the end, we should look ourselves and treasure every day we breathe in and out. Losing a loved one is never ever easy, more so in this series as the person you once knew still continues to stand besides you but seems so far away. People views it in different ways. Some shed endless tears. Some tries to move on like in Rokka but continues to struggle every day. And some just moves on flawlessly. What binds this emotion is once again the four letter forbidden word, “love”. It might seem normal but not in the case of Natsuyuki Rendezvous as love binds the ghost of tomorrow in the form of Shimao. Love here, love there, but will a viewer love this series?
To me, this series can be enjoyable at a realistic level. It has the soft rhythm and slow pace that can be relaxing to watch. And of course, being dual tagged as supernatural and josei is quite a rare case in today's anime series. Most cases you see these days are series tagged “action, romance”, “ecchi, romance”, “horror, romance”, “school, romance”, dot dot dot. Along with that, lighthearted soundtrack and the simple yet realistic artwork defines Natsuyuki Rendezvous at its finest form. Despite this though, there are flaws in this series. The pacing, conclusion, and focus are a few to name. Along with that, it's painful to watch Hazuki-kun struggle on in the subsequent episodes that may make us facepalm ourselves a few times. But, I hope you don't facepalm yourself and enjoy this series.
All in all, Natsuyuki Rendezvous is an anime that is difficult to be loved. Yet, it has its moments that are enjoyable. Being a ghost is never easy but love is just so damn complicated.
Alternative Titles
Synonyms: A Summer Snow Rendezvous
Japanese: 夏雪ランデブー
More titlesInformation
Finished Airing
Jul 6, 2012 to Sep 14, 2012
Summer 2012
Fridays at 01:15 (JST)
Sentai Filmworks
Doga Kobo
Adult Cast
23 min. per ep.
PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Available AtResourcesStreaming Platforms | Reviews
Filtered Results: 40 / 41
Your Feelings Categories Sep 13, 2012
Love. The four letter forbidden word. What is it really? Is it an idea? Is it an expression? Is it a feeling? Perhaps it's something that all of us feel like it must be part of us because it's the central theme of human life. No but, seriously, think about it.
In a nutshell, Natsuyuki Rendezvous is a rare romantic josei series presented by Noitamina. In fact, Noitamina is known to present all sorts of unique and strange series that expands beyond the typical male audience such as the original [C], the musical Nodame Cantabile, the horror Shiki, and the ghostly story of Anohana. Ah ... Jul 18, 2012
"I always wondered who was the one who suffered the most. The one who departed...or the one who was left behind"
//Before giving me a non-helpful tag please read the review. // After finishing Sakamichi no Apollon, I wondered if there was another josei anime who would make the same impact on me...and I know now for sure I found it. If else, it had made a hole different one. Natsuyuki Rendezvous is a beautiful work. The story, the art, the characters, the music, the production and direction...every thing is balanced prefectly. There´s so many things that are remarkable about this show:a grieving couple that shares everything ... Jan 21, 2013
The more I think about this series, the more I'm inclined to believe that Natsuyuki Rendezvous is not a romance.
Sure, it may say romance in the tags. It may be a josei. It may even be billed by the creators themselves as a romantic story. But the way I see it, this series is simply not meant to be a traditional romance, regardless of how it's being sold. Natsuyuki Rendezvous, simply put, is a story about life and death. Love is used as a theme in order to make the story more understandable and easy to relate to, but at its core this anime focuses on ... Feb 20, 2015
Now I think this anime is fairly unknown to people- but that is part of the reason i'm writing this to raise it's profile even by just a little.
I won't reveal any spoilers but it is one of the most heart-warming and tear jerking romances I have seen in a long time. And to be honest i'm surprised I enjoyed it as much I did because romance animes aren't really my favourites. Anyway the story focuses on the relationship between a flower shop owner and her new part-time employee that has been admiring her from afar. If it was just this I myself would ... Jul 5, 2012
2012 summer season's series seem to deal with light drama lovestories, among which this one seems to be worth the effort: not being too deep or too dramatic in dealing with actually gloom themes like death and lost love, it makes the perfect choice for a lazy summer evening watch, granted the fact that it has a strong lead male character and very good visuals.
While the plot/summary seemed to put you through some exhausting story about a love triangle including the ghost of a dead husband, the first episode depicted a show fresh and invigorating like the soft summer rain. From the color palette, with ... Sep 15, 2012
Sign, now that this 11 episode anime has ended, so, what can I say, it is "OUTSTANDING," this anime can be compared to a soap opera where the genre supernatural, romance and drama really did well. The title itself is not misleading, this is one quality anime that doesn't follow your typical run of the mill entertainment, though it still has the usual restless spirit thing that come with this anime and so as someone who can let go. It may have some similarities with "AnoHana" and Tasogare Otome, it cannot be compared with it, one, is that unlike "AnoHana" this one is more
Sep 13, 2012
Story ========== While watching Natsuyuki Rendezvous I can’t help but remember my close encounters with love. I can see Pearl running through the hallways like a whirlwind rushing to class. I only hope to catch her attention for a second just to exchange ‘Hi’s. Stephanie is crying at a train station because of an argument we just had. All I can do is watched through the foggy glass of the train doors. Jayce is sending me a text telling me that she’s willing to go on a second date. Hope, failure and success, are the three memories I feel love leaves us with. I don’t know if I am ... Jul 30, 2012
Simply put, Natsuyukki Rendezvous is a splendid anime that deserves to get picked up by anyone looking for a romantic comedy, drama-based anime.
Hi, Future Architect Here. I am an architect from the future who has seen basically all the anime airing this summer season. Out of the best, Natsuyukki Rendezvous is the one I must write a review for before I meet up with my peer, JohnTitor. Now, the story of Natsuyuki seems very typical with a supernatural twist. However, it is much more genius than one can expect. How far is the director willing to take the comedy aspects while examining a serious topic. Well, ... Oct 15, 2017
Keep in mind that this review is going to be pretty spoiler heavy.
Info This is a prime example of when a great idea and concept is made but then the show just falls flat on its face as it doesn’t fully understand how to utilize the great premise. Natsuyuki Rendezvous is a 2012 anime of only 11 episodes, backed by Doga Kobo it’s a supernatural, romance drama based off the manga of the same name, and it’s so fucking boring! Story So what is the premise of Natsuyuki rendezvous I hear you ask, well it’s basically ghost cucking. Our protagonist Hazuki has fallen in love with a much older ... Jan 26, 2014
Talk about a big waste of potential. On paper, Natsuyuki Rendezvous's premise seemed like a unique one in its focus on a love triangle involving a young part-time flower shop worker, his older manager, and the ghost of his manager's dead husband. The dynamics of the triangle involved Ryosuke trying to start up a relationship with Rokka, Rokka learning to move on with her life following her husband's death and Atsushi learning to let go of his attachment to his wife. The series shows some signs of its potential with Atsushi later possessing Ryosuke's body and realizing how short-sighted his actions were with wanting to
Aug 19, 2012
(Since the series is ongoing, I might have to change the review depending on how it ends.)
The story of Natsuyuki Rendezvous was the most interesting among all the summer 2012 anime series I looked through: a love triangle with one of the people being a ghost. It's not everyday you stumble across a description like that, I had high hopes of the anime(and let's face it, I needed another josei manga after Sakamichi no appolon), and it didn't disappoint. The story is wonderfully done, it keeps you engrossed so that the 23 minute episode just breezes by. Even with the supernatural touch, the romance has ... Jul 15, 2012
I will update this after completing the series but episode two has compelled me to leave this review here:
Imagine the one you love is gone forever and you could never grasp his hand or even feel his warmth except for the very fickle flowers he has left as his heritage, a constant reminder to the beautiful way he arranged them as if never separating them from their life-source, rather making them even more beautiful in their last countdown to death. Now imagine, hanging around as a floating nothingness in a world that can’t see or hear you. Though, after years of pining away ... Sep 13, 2012
I love this show. It was one of those shows where instead of watching it just to talk about it with other people on the internet, and checking the progress bar on at the bottom of the media player to check how many more minutes are left, I watched it because i actually really enjoyed it, and I was captivated.
I will list the bad thing out of the way first: low budget, not as bad as Muv-Luv Total Eclipse. Fairly typical for josei though, so I'm not knocking too much off. The animation is simple and there are no moments where the quality is bad. Now ... Feb 11, 2014
It pains me to give such a low score to Natsuyuki Rendevouz, a show that has such a great premise. A love triangle between a dead man, his ex- wife and a new guy trying to enter her life, that should be a great show, right?
Sadly, the execution was so poorly made that it managed to kill the entire plot for me. The main problem with it is the abusive amount of flashbacks concerning Rokka and her dead husband. While I feel that some were great and gave us dept into their relationship, the vast majority were useless, and took SO MUCH screentime out ... Apr 4, 2018
I wanted to watch a romantic anime. I opened Crunchyroll late at night and expected to watch a short and cute anime after watching My love Story.
BOY. I cried at every single minute. At the time, my boyfriend was diagnosed with a tumor but didn't want to tell me, I just grabbed my iPad one day and I noticed he left a tab open about Cancer. Since he didn't wanted to tell me I still wasn't sure about the tumor at that time. Something was just wrong and he was being too quiet. That's why I was watching a ton of romantic anime, he ... Dec 23, 2014
I really liked the poster and it is 11 episodes only so i decided to dig in finish it quickly, it looks really cute i thought
the first 3 episodes or so were really good hazuki was so adorable i liked him i was wondering why it has a score of 7 ? i was kinda guessing what is going to happen but oh well everything just .. got really twisted and i was like wait-what(?).. the story its about mainly a ghost of a dead young husband shimao and his widow rokka and the poor young man hazuki who got stuck in their twisted ... Sep 19, 2012
Natsuyuki Rendezvous is about when to move on and regrets after death and interestingly enough this isn't just about the living but also the dead.
The story begins with Hazuki who has a crush on Rokka the widowed owner of a flower shop who is 10 years older than him. For unknown reasons he is unable to work but when a part-time opening is advertised at Rokka's shop Hazuki jumps a the chance mainly so he can get to know Rokka better. Just when he begins to make progress with Rokka, Hazuki meets Shimao the ghost of Rokka's dead husband who has no intention of allowing ... Oct 12, 2019
There used to be a time when the Noitanima timeslot was synonymous to uncommon stories and quality shows but those good times are now over. Even Noitanima succumbed to the stereotypes and fads that plague modern anime, and thus we get this show. Don’t fool yourselves to thing it isn’t because it came out during the ghost/zombie fad and is nothing more than a rehash of the premise of AnoHana, which also aired in the same timeslot half a year ago.
THE STAFF - The animation is also not done by a bigshot studio but rather a minor one called Doga Kobo. These guys haven’t even produced ... Jun 10, 2015
This anime was painfully slow, and very lacking. I feel that the characters could've been developed a little more.. or at least show a little bit more of emotion. Personally I didn't feel sadness, joy, or pity for any off the characters. The feel of it was just too dull.
Sep 24, 2024
I think I hated this show so bad because it was made well. I could've also hated it because the plot is genuinely bad and unenjoyable.
The husband being there just made the first half of this series so uncomfortable to watch. The second part was just upsetting, dragged on forever, and felt quite pointless and had many random things going on. Maybe these are the feelings that they meant to stir, maybe it was just bad. Either way I'm sure there are people out there who would like this but this is not for me at all. The characters felt quite awkward and stiff ... |