All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 187.4
Mean Score:
- Watching11
- Completed568
- On-Hold118
- Dropped170
- Plan to Watch140
- Total Entries1,007
- Rewatched155
- Episodes12,178
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 83.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries655
- Reread18
- Chapters11,546
- Volumes1,431
All Comments (151) Comments
I see. Hope everything is fine. :D
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I noticed you are watching Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya. I just finished it and all I can say is that episode 6's battle scene is EPIC!!!! I can't remember seeing a better one than that. I gave the series an 8.
Speaking of gorgeous, 3 cons and all had at least 1 Saber. The one at Kumoricon was the best I've ever seen, live or photo. She was @ 20, blonde (natural) and had hair long enough to do the braided circlet of hair. She was also very attractive. Her costume was stunning. Unfortunately, I was in the middle of checking into the hotel and could not get her picture. I looked for her all 3 days and no luck. I mean, she was as Saber as Saber would be. She and her cosplay will be unforgetable for me. She was that PERFECT.