Finishing this series, I'm disappointed, but the fact that I cared in the first place is a point in its favor.
It's difficult to really judge these harem fanservice shows. They give what they should give, but they rarely give me what I want, and maybe I'm expecting too much.
It's a perfectly enjoyable rom com. Everything is as it should be. The general characters archetypes, the twist within the premise, likeable enough characters, and enough humor to get by.
Yet, the "romance" part seems... lacking. This is more an issue with the genre as a whole then Mayo Chiki. Genuine romantic resolution always seems out of grasp.
Alternative Titles
Japanese: まよチキ!
More titlesInformation
Finished Airing
Jul 8, 2011 to Sep 30, 2011
Summer 2011
Fridays at 01:55 (JST)
Sentai Filmworks
Light novel
24 min. per ep.
R+ - Mild Nudity
based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
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Filtered Results: 90 / 92
Your Feelings Categories Jul 23, 2011
Mayonnaise Chicken is a simple dish which requires you to cover parts of the chicken which you want to consume with butter and mayonnaise (crumbs are optional) baked at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.. It is better if you.....
Oh wait a minute, this isn't the Cook's Review! My bad folks... It's just that mayonnaise is my most favorite condiment and it goes well with any food. Heck I'm watching this anime while eating mayo out of a jar! (For those who does not know what Mayo is, I can assure you, it's not an musical instrument.) Anyways, onward with the review! Mayo Chiki! is a abbreviation of Mayoeru ... Jun 24, 2014
My first run-through with this anime, I loved it. It started out very well and interesting; and the more episodes I watched, the more I fell in love with the anime.
Each episode kept me more and more interested in the anime. And even with my second run-through of rewatching the whole anime, I felt the same joy... there was a happiness that I felt more and more as I watched and enjoyed the series. There is romance, ecchi (not ridiculous ecchi), comedy, & cross-dressing, and it's very entertaining. To me, I felt this anime was much of a generic romcom (romance/comedy)... where it doesn't teach much ... Oct 20, 2014
The only reason I watched and finished Mayo Chiki was for the cross-dressing butler. I actually wish I had skipped all the episodes without her in it because this anime doesn't have much else going for it other than horribly overused harem cliches and ecchies thrown into a huge pile of you know what.
Story 6: Guy discovers girl's secret. They make agreement to keep secret. They get close. Some other random girls show up. Lots of blushing and more blushing and nosebleeds. Every girl falling for the MC... how original. Art 9: The art is pretty impressive honestly. See for yourself. Sound 8: Voices and soundtracks were good. ... Aug 5, 2015
It's about a girl who hides the fact that she is a girl so she can be a butler but Kenjirou finds out about this by accident and he is menaced to hide this or she will make him disappear, the story is ok even if this sounds silly but there's no ending, that bothered me, it ended with a normal ep. like a little back story for one of the girls he met before and didn't appear much but the story is ok justno good because of this. Art & Animation The animations was very good, the details, the landscape is great, the characters design are ... Jul 16, 2012
Story & Characters (4/10)
In the world of anime, there are a variety of clichés and stereotypes that are repeated throughout. These can be for simple nostalgic imagery, or simply to pull in a certain type of crowd. However, what separates most series is the reliance on these things and the ability to also tell an interesting story, with great characters and lovely animation. Mayo Chiki, unfortunately, prefers to go with the grain. Kinjiro Sakamachi, a high school student, suffers from gynophobia. To the point of where he'll get a nose bleed whenever he has physical contact with a female and can cause him to also pass ... Jul 9, 2011
When I went to watch the first episode I was expecting it to be a bit ecchi with a lot of breast scenes and such, things that as a heterosexual female I'm not too fond of, as normally seen in an anime with the male telling the story (a few exceptions to this include Toradora!) however I discovered that it's not actually that bad, the few scenes that there are aren't too horrible and from the first episode I can see that the scenes are spread apart so that it's not one right after another. The story also seems to be interesting, but this also
Jul 9, 2011
Mayo Chiki is really just another typical high school/fan service anime with plenty of boob shots, a cat girl, a main character who can't interact with females, a hyperactive younger sister and the female/man butler combo. Visually Mayo Chiki is well animated and the character designs are well done, even though they all seem a little too familiar. There is nothing new which makes this series stand out from other anime of the same genre so I don't expect anyone to watch this series and regard it at one of their favourite animes of the year, but it does make for a good gap filler
Sep 5, 2011
There are still a couple of episodes to go, now that all main characters have been featured it is time to make my review, and my ratings are:
Story- fair 6. The plot of the story is very simple and it is for the El Pollo ( Spanish for "Chicken" and I'm referring to Sakamachi Kinjirou) to protect the cross dressing chiquita's ( Konoe Subaru the female lead) secret after he accidentally discovered it, which, by the way nearly ended his life, the arc of the story is not something were the chiquita (Konoe) moves into the El Pollo's (Jirou) life to mess things up. ... Sep 24, 2011
I really enjoyed this show seeing how I finished the last episode mere minutes ago and felt the "emptiness" inside of me. I usually only feel this emptiness when I finish a series and still possess the craving for more.
Story -The story is pretty basic. Typical slice of life comedy of a girl with a secret being found out by a guy who then becomes her object of affection. Art - The art is pretty good. It has a mild, yet pleasing look. Not too vibrant, not too dull. I don't know how to explain it. The characters are pretty well drawn and enjoyable. Sound - The ... Jul 16, 2011
Fully Updated to Final Episode.
Going into Mayo Chiki! I thought I was gonna get a generic anime with some ecchi sprinkled on top. I regret that train of thought completely. Its not a generic anime with ecchi sprinkled on top, its an anime with AMAZINGLY placed ecchi and hilarity combined with a decent story and great characters! Story: The story is heading in a way that Jirou and Subaru's friendship keeps growing with each passing episode, with events bringing them closer together. It also looks like Subaru and Kanade's friendship will be slowly restored to what it once was before an incident in their past. It ... Mar 29, 2013
Comedy, Romance, School, Slice of Life, & Ecchi. This is my favorite anime out of all the anime that I have ever watched. I fell in love with it. Ever since I started watching this anime at ep 1, I couldn't stop! I never went to sleep I watched all the way from ep 1 to 6 from (unknown time) to 6 in the morning! It's because this anime is so beautiful and it has such a fantastic story. Every time I watched the anime, there was always something new and this anime always kept me happy. The more I watched the more I also
Mar 27, 2016
Disclaimer: Swearwords will be included in this review. Approach with caution. Spoilers might be included. Professional approach on the subject not included.
Oh God, I don't even know where to start this messy clusterfuck of a show. Long long ago while this show was still airing I've decided to watch it and dropped it several episodes hence. Several years afterwards when I finally got around to checking which animes I have watched, I saw this and thought "hey this seems good, why haven't I seen this before" which brings me here. Oh God, where to start. For starters, there are the general actions of the bloody characters. The ... Dec 20, 2011
**contains spoiler!**
I enjoyed this anime, up until the end. As some of the other reviews say, as a rom com, it's lacking in the romance part. The entire anime, you can tell that the romance is there, but never really goes beyond a few awkward moments and a few kisses, the two never really get together. In the end, I longed for more, and to see where it would go with the two, but they left it up in the air, and with no sign of a second season to possibly wrap things up. As I said, I enjoyed the anime, but the end was ... Jun 24, 2015
Before I write anything for this anime, I will say something very important. This anime is really fun and enjoyable, no matter who watches it.
PEOPLE WHO WILL (most probably) ENJOY THIS ANIME: People who enjoy light stories, with funny characters, some stupid drama and cute reactions. PEOPLE WHO WILL NOT (most probably) ENJOY THIS ANIME: People who are bored of typical anime stories and can't stand fan service or ecchi anime. So, to kick off the review I will start with the story. Story (8/10) : The story is pretty original, considering the genre. A girl who dresses like a guy falls in love with a guy that can't stay ... Dec 19, 2011
How could a gynophobe - a person with an irrational fear of women - ever come to fall for a girl?
How could an overprotective, anti-social (and cross-dressing) girl that has never in her life made one friend get intimate with a guy? This is a Love Story about an unlikely couple - a Wavering Butler, and a 'Chicken' who finds love and comfort in one another. That is, after several embarrassing scenes, events, and misunderstandings. I really liked the artwork, music, and voice-acting here - the artwork had a 'light' and 'happy' feel to it, and the music supplemented that atmosphere. The voice-acting was awesome. It was ... Dec 31, 2013
Mayo Chiki focuses on Jiro the protagonist curing his fear of women. Even though Jiro had always hidden his fear for quite sometime he is forced to cure it by Suzusuki. All because of poor Jirou discovering the famed Subaru is actually a girl. The story evolves from the point where Subaru is forced to cure Jiro's phobia. Every time there is romantic moments between Jiro and Subaru there comes an awkward situation causing the comedy moments to appear. Most of the story genre is romance and some comedy here and then, but most of it's romance. The art is done really good especially how
Apr 10, 2012
If you're looking for a serious, dramatic romance anime then this is not the anime for you. If you are looking for a light-hearted romance/comedy then you've found the right anime!
Story 7/10 Mayo Chiki is based around your self-proclaimed "normal" high school student Sakamachi Kinjirou who lives a not so normal everyday life. His mother is a professional wrestler and sister following in her footsteps. This leads to Sakamachi becoming a punching bag for his mother and daughter making his body develop an illness which makes his nosebleed by the simple touch of a girl! At school he attends in the same class as high ... Aug 28, 2020
First of all the constant harassment, assault, and sexual assault makes me really uncomfortable. Personally this anime has crossed my line. The whole basis of this show is making the main character a punching bag constantly receiving blows from everyone else, as well as sexual assault(just because he's male and the females are hot doesn't mean it's ok), so I don't understand how you can like this show without being a masochist, I just spent the whole time sympathising with all the shit this guy goes through. So I hate the female protagonist, I'm fine with reasonable tsunderes like from toradora, but it's too much
Dec 5, 2012
The story is decent.This is an anime that you don't watch it for something peculiar,it's just for for.
The story is good,the art is outstanding,the sound is great,characters are well developed and the enjoyment gets from me 10. It is a great anime,even if it is only 13 episodes. My final score from me is 8. My suggestion:Go and watch it! |