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Oct 23, 2021
I pretty much agree with most of what porcelaine_china_ said, just feels very poorly thought out and all over the place. What infuriated me the most was the ending, it just felt very inconclusive and also very pseudo-deep, like I don't get what was so important about their decision(without getting into spoiler territory). Woulda probably given it a 5 or a 4 before the ending but it was so awful I gave it a 3. Male lead was fine, female lead was also fine but was making less sense I feel but that's just the story imo, other characters either have no substance and just
jump in and out of the story when convenient or are just plain bad.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jan 22, 2021
I love the manga, but I do have one major gripe with it. The father. I've seen people say that they at least understand the father now, but I still don't forgive him he is an asshole to the very end, and even after realising his bias of Mao and viewing her through these biases he doesn't apologize to her or try to make up with her, all the efforts come from Mao, and her Step-mom. They really push it too hard in the beginning because even if he thought she would be happier with others it really seems like he just
doesn't give a shit, he lets her just leave the home and he's planning to ALLOW HER TO LIVE ON HER OWN it's honestly disgusting. And I can't get over that meeting with her dad after a while where correct me if I'm wrong since it's been a while but he just doesn't care about her, she want to meet him herself but he basically just tells her to fuck off. This honestly goes beyond a simple misunderstanding, because she obviously looks heartbroken and is trying to mend their family. I don't like how they try to make the comparison of how Hiro is like Mao in trying to reconnect with his sister. The sister is just stoic and she's YOUNG she's his YOUNGER SISTER so it makes sense for him to keep trying. But MAO IS STILL LEGALLY A CHILD he is her father, there is no excuse for his treatment towards her, and they shouldn't make it so "Mao has to chase after him, even though he's making no effort himself". I agree that it's good to try and maintain family connections, but the story is saying it's her responsibility to keep trying even if he rejects her which I wholeheartedly disagree with. He acts like a complete dickhead like she's just a piece of shit under his shoe, and he barely changes throughout the story.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 28, 2020
It's been a while since I've read this, so I can't remember much but I do think I remember the overall feeling I got from it. The premise is pretty stupid in all honesty, and they don't even really commit to it. People say the hated the girl but the guy was ok, I think I disliked the girl but despised the guy at times. He's way too pushy and oversteps boundaries much too often, the girl gets cold feet really soon(doesn't really commit to the premise they basically genuinely just spend time and fall in love instead of pretend any certain way, the cheating
doesn't even really make sense just break up with them or pretend you're cheating IN FRONT OF THEM what's the point of doing something they won't even know about for revenge? Just to be assholes?) which is kinda annoying cuz commit but the guy gets way too forward even with resistance from her and he kinda acts pompous from what I recall. There was also the typical scene pretty far in which was the most off-putting to me where he basically sexually assaults her(kabedon and forceful kiss) which was supposed to be romantic. This is all I can remember so... At least it's not as bad as wolf-girl and black prince? I remember there were a few cute moments so that brings it up to a 4. The characters they were cheating on were pretty alright as well, I honestly would rather just see a story about them.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 28, 2020
The main characters are kind of cute but HOLY SHIT WHAT WERE THESE LAST FEW CHAPTERS. First of all don't really like the main female character, she doesn't have much to her other than she cries pretty much every chapter, you know you can show tall people be more feminine other than having them be a literal punching bag, I think you have to be a sadist to like this manga. In the beginning the second male protag was the literal bully who almost beat up the female protag but male protag jumped in and saved her. Then he breaks into her home and oversteps
boundaries, but I could get over that it wasn't egregiously bad. HOWEVER, it gets so much worse jesus fucking christ. After the male and female protag share a kiss the SECOND MALE PROTAGONIST WAS HIDING THE WHOLE TIME AND WATCHING THEM. After male protag left he swooped in pushed her down and straight up sexually assaulted her making out with her. When male protag came back in they obviously fought so second male gets suspended for fighting, but he's good at sports so he gets brought back in because he can't just get suspended for "a little fight" -_-, what about SEXUAL ASSAULT??? Why didn't she say anything??? Then after they go out and she's terrified around him(of course she is who wouldn't be) and so she accidentally bumps into him and tea gets spilled on her, they then go to a bath house so she can wash off and he says don't worry I won't do anything I'll just guard the door. A cockroach appears inside and she runs out in just a towel and tells him to deal with it and guy literally FORCEFULLY GIVES HER HICKEYS while saying something like "kiss me and I won't do anything more" what the fuck??? Then they just try to play it off as "oh he's just fighting for love but he's being a bit to forceful" HELL NAH, he straight up just blackmailed her with the THREAT OF RAPE. HOW IS THIS CHICK STILL SILENT ABOUT THIS DOUCHEBAG. I honestly don't know how the story can redeem itself at this point, this is genuinely too disgusting for words. At least they didn't have the whole fight me for her thing between the two males.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Dec 28, 2020
It seems like the sexual aspect of goblin slayer just keeps getting worse and worse. The main story's is not too disgusting as it tends to shy away from it at the more inappropriate times though I do think they could handle it better like drawing the rape scenes less sexually and having different angles. I personally prefer for there to be no fanservice in this kind of show with such a touchy topic, since it gets pretty gross when you cut from gruesome murders and rape to naked women. The year one side story was also all right but was a bit worse in
my opinion, the worst one being when the girl got sucked into the roof and you could see up her underwear, that was pretty uncalled for and didn't fit the atmosphere, did you really have to draw that? And the naked scenes of the younger farm girl felt a bit more off putting and voyeuristic. But this spinoff is an a whole other level, I'm honestly pretty conflicted if I should continue because of the scenes in here. The first sign was in the story with the two adventurers in the sewers, WHY THE FUCK DI DYOU HAVE TO RIP OFF THAT GIRL'S SKIRT??? What does that contribute to the story??? You could've just had the boy take off the lantern or whatever and have it so it is not attached to the skirt? It felt pretty disgusting and perverted for us to just watch this girl get humiliated and have her piss herself. The worst chapter was the one with the goblin's perspective, this was obvious sexualisation of rape it was just all around horrid, it was straight up soft-core porn they could've done it in a much better way but this was obviously their goal. It would be better if the fanservice(not rape because I don't want to see any more of that legitimate porn in this serious) included men because then it wouldn't feel as degrading towards the women but this is obviously happening because their women. I didn't mind the fanservice as much in the main series because it's just drawn that way or it's a normal occurrence that we're seeing but in these spin-offs it feels like they are humiliating the women and creating these disgusting situations just so we can get off to them. Not to mention for the most part the stories here are pretty lame, not as good as the main and the spin off which isn't that amazing in the first place imo especially the chapter with the little boy, what was the lesson there? Go fight goblins even though you're weak as shit because you'll get to meet a big strong hero? Though I did kind of enjoy that one chapter where the girls were just out around town so that brings my enjoyment up to a 2.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Dec 18, 2020
I feel bad giving this manga anything above a 2 because no matter how much I love the story in general and the main couple goddamn are her friends pieces of shit. I mean there's the normal gross shit you just have to overlook like sexual assault, but there is LITERAL PEDOPHILIA here. No, not the it looks like an 8 year old but is said to be older, no not the young but looks old, in ch 15 THE SIDE CHARACTER IN HIGH SCHOOL ACCEPTS THE CONFESSION OF AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLER. THEY ARE SEEN HOLDING HANDS GOING TO THE FESTIVAL THE NEXT CHAPTER AND
EVERYONE PLAYS IT OFF LIKE IT'S JUST A "preference". This is literally the worst thing I have seen in a shoujo so far, and goddamn is there toxic shit.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Aug 28, 2020
First of all the constant harassment, assault, and sexual assault makes me really uncomfortable. Personally this anime has crossed my line. The whole basis of this show is making the main character a punching bag constantly receiving blows from everyone else, as well as sexual assault(just because he's male and the females are hot doesn't mean it's ok), so I don't understand how you can like this show without being a masochist, I just spent the whole time sympathising with all the shit this guy goes through. So I hate the female protagonist, I'm fine with reasonable tsunderes like from toradora, but it's too much
when you want to beat up someone into amnesia because you forgot to lock the door. I also hate the rich bitch because she claims to do everything to help them both, help the girl because she needs a normal life and help the dude because gynophobia, but she's the biggest harasser in the whole goddamn show. She forces sexual assault on both of them, and constantly puts them in unfavourable situations, she's just a selfish brat who pushes what she thinks is "best" on others. So I hate all the major characters pretty much(including the main guy's family, again, punching bag) and I also dislike the main dude because he just goes with all this and also goes along with sexual assault towards the female protagonist as well.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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