Interest Stacks

Weekly Shounen Jump (90s)

Apr 07 2024, 9:09 AM | Updated Apr 7, 9:46 AM
Manga, 1990Finished31 vol, 276 chp

Hanamichi Sakuragi, a tall, boisterous teenager with flame-red hair and physical strength beyond his years, is eager to put an end to his rejection streak of 50 and finally score a girlfriend as he begins his first year of Shohoku High. However, his reputation for delinquency and destructiveness precedes him, and most of his fellow students subsequently avoid him like the plague. As his first day of school ends, he is left with two strong thoughts: "I hate basketball" and "I need a girlfriend." Haruko Akagi, ignorant of Hanamichi's history of misbehavior, notices his immense height and unwittingly approaches him, asking whether or not he likes basketball. Overcome by the fact that a girl is speaking to him, the red-haired giant blurts out a yes despite his true feelings. At the gym, Haruko asks if he can do a slam dunk. Though a complete novice, Hanamachi palms the ball and makes the leap...but overshoots, slamming his head into the backboard. Amazed by his near-inhuman physical abilities, Haruko quickly notifies the school's basketball captain of his feat. With this, Hanamichi is unexpectedly thrust into a world of competition for a girl he barely knows, but he soon discovers that there is perhaps more to basketball than he once thought. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)
Manga, 1990Finished19 vol, 176 chp

Fourteen-year-old thug Yuusuke Urameshi spends his days skipping school and causing trouble for the adults in his life. Yuusuke regularly engages in street brawls against rival Kazuma Kuwabara and ridicules his childhood friend Keiko Yukimura. Filled with self-loathing and the burden of an alcoholic mother, Yuusuke sacrifices it all in a split-second decision—he tackles a small child out of the way of an oncoming car, losing his life in the process. Spirit guide Botan intervenes, allowing Yuusuke to see how the people in his life react to his death; he is moved by the emotional ruin his loss causes his mother, Keiko, and even Kuwabara. Additionally, due to his death's heroic nature, he receives an opportunity to return to life from the Spirit World ruler's son, Koenma. Koenma hires Yuusuke as a "Spirit Detective" and tasks him with solving a series of increasingly challenging paranormal mysteries. Battling and befriending demons such as the beautiful Kurama and hostile Hiei, Yuusuke further develops and utilizes his skills as a fighter. But as dark forces move in the Underworld, Yuusuke struggles alongside his companions to defend everything he took for granted. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)
Manga, 1990Finished6 vol, 63 chp

Everyone remember that classic story of "Journey to the West", where 3 travelers help a monk to right their misdeeds? This is not that story... "Chinyuuki: Tarou to Yukai na Nakama-tachi" is a parody of "Journey to the West", where an assassin by the name of Tarou Yamada is trying to right his misdeeds by travelling with a monk. Tarou's misdeeds were essentially assassinating tons of people and pooping on their graves. A monk saw him and cursed him into a baby-monkey-hybrid-thing. With the help of the Monk, Tarou has to battle demons and other weird anomalies to help regain his human form. (Source: TV Tropes)

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)
Manga, 1992Finished33 vol, 295 chp

Hibino Hareluya is a delinquent teenager who is tough and loves to pack a punch. His father is none other than the almighty God who does not approve very well of his son's rebellious acts. Disappointed in Hareluya's lack of responsibility, his father sends him to Earth as a normal high school student, stripped of his powers. Posing as a local priest, God keeps an eye on his son's adventures as Haleluya rights wrongs around the school with two-fisted justice, Love tattooed across the knuckles of each hand. (Source: ANN)

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)
Manga, 1993Finished31 vol, 279 chp

The series follows Meisuke Nueno, better known as Nube, an exorcist who also happens to be the teacher for a 5th grade class at Doumori Elementary. While he uses many various exorcism techniques, his main weapon is the Demon Hand which is the power of a chaotic oni sealed right where his left hand should be. The series follows Nube and Doumori class 5-3 though the many weird, chaotic, and downright silly and insane encounters they face with the many forms and elements of the supernatural. (Source: Wikipedia) Included one-shots: Volume 1: Jigoku Sensei Nubo (2nd pilot) Volume 2: Jigoku Sensei Nubo (1st pilot)

Manga, 1994Finished28 vol, 259 chp

Ten years have passed since the end of Bakumatsu, an era of war that saw the uprising of citizens against the Tokugawa shogunate. The revolutionaries wanted to create a time of peace, and a thriving country free from oppression. The new age of Meiji has come, but peace has not yet been achieved. Swords are banned but people are still murdered in the streets. Orphans of war veterans are left with nowhere to go, while the government seems content to just line their pockets with money. One wandering samurai, Kenshin Himura, still works to make sure the values he fought for are worth the lives spent to bring about the new era. Once known as Hitokiri Battousai, he was feared as the most ruthless killer of all the revolutionaries. Now haunted by guilt, Kenshin has sworn never to kill again in atonement for the lives he took, and he may never know peace until killing is a thing of the past. Now in the 11th year of Meiji, Kenshin stumbles upon Kaoru Kamiya, owner and head instructor of a small dojo being threatened to close its doors. The police force is powerless to stop the string of murders done in the name of her dojo by a man claiming to be the famous Battousai. Kenshin's wanderings pause for now as he joins Kaoru to clear both their names. But how long can he stay before his past catches up to him? [Written by MAL Rewrite] Included one-shot: Volume 28: Meteor Strike

Manga, 1994Finished16 vol, 150 chp

Midori Makibao is a small white racehorse. Compared to other thoroughbred horses, he looks more like a donkey with wide nostrils. However, with his guts and speed as his weapon, Makibao wins in every big race. In the beginning of his career, Makibao had a trouble making his debut as a racehorse, because of his appearance and various disadvantages he had. But Makibao had reasons to overcome his difficulties; there was a lifelong rival horse called Superhorse Cascade, that Makibao needed to defeat. Plus, he was determined to win back his mother, a horse that had been taken away for pay back the debt on the farm. There are many hardships that Makibao has to overcome, but he thrives in the series of races to become a great racehorse.

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)
Manga, 1993Finished9 vol, 81 chp

The story in Ninku is about an odd-looking 12-year-old boy named Fuusuke, who is a powerful warrior from the Ninku school of martial arts, a style that mixes ninjutsu and karate. It is explained that before the present time in the story that those who could use Ninku were targeted by an evil empire and the Ninku corps were formed to combat the menace. When the war was over, the Ninku were defeated and almost all of them were killed since they were useless and were also dangerous for the rulers. At the beginning of the story, three years later, Fuusuke, the young former captain of the 1st Ninku corps and controller of the wind and Hiroyuki, his flatulent penguin, start searching for the other Ninku captains, each of whom can control various elements. However, a new group of Ninku users has arisen and are trying to take over the world. Fuusuke and his penguin must defeat the new Ninku empire with the help of his old comrades. (Source: Wikipedia)

Manga, 1995Finished7 vol, 79 chp

The story revolves around Wakame High School's extracurricular club, "Sexy Commando Club," which consists of 5-6 male members (one being the high school principal himself), a female manager, and a small mysterious pet (that may be extraterrestrial in origin). The strange and ancient art of Sexy Commando (the roots of which extend back into Japan's Muromachi period) is a martial one; however, instead of focusing on how to defeat an opponent with punches, kicks, or grappling, it focuses on how to distract the opponent. The logic follows that any distracted opponent is unable to fight, and therefore the art of Sexy Commando trumps any other form of martial arts. There are as many techniques as there are ways to distract, though Wakame High School's Sexy Command Club tends to employ the unzipping of the trousers (Elize no Yuutsu). (Source: Wikipedia)

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)
Manga, 1994Finished18 vol, 64 chp

Enthusiastic soccer-loving youngster Shingo Aoi, whom Tsubasa once played against while in the high school national championships, leaves Japan to play soccer in Italy, where he hopes to play for a major Italian professional team. After arriving in Italy, however, Shingo gets tricked by a man who gives him fraudulent promises of getting him selected for an Italian team, but after Shingo is taken to a badly-furnished field, the man runs away, stealing all his money in the process. Shingo realizes that he is swindled, and tries hard to get his money back, doing such jobs as shoe shining, and his enthusiastic attitude catches the eye of one of the coaches of one of the local teams, Inter Milan, who sign him to play for their squad as an attacking midfielder.

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)
Manga, 1992Finished12 vol, 142 chp

Junna Shoutarou, who just entered Tokeizaka high school, falls for the school's madonna, Hibino Makoto. Meanwhile, the school's notorious homosexual, Tokudaiji Hiromi, targets Shoutarou as his new victim. Shoutarou, who under Hiromi's threats, joins the drama club and discovers that Makoto is the drama club's vice president. Perfect--except everyone thinks Shoutarou is gay with Hiromi! (Source: Antabaka)

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)
Manga, 1992Finished6 vol, 60 chp

Kyousuke wants to be a cop. Because of that, he always tries to do the right thing and help others out. Well, while saving a girl from some bullies, they end up liking each other. Not to soon after, she needs saving again, and he ends up with woman's panties over his head, giving him super strength (pumped with horniness.) Not your normal super hero. (Source: MU)

Manga, 1993Finished16 vol, 189 chp

Yoichi Tsuitenai was the unluckiest boy in his hometown. Until one day, his luck truly ran out when he was crushed by an alien spaceship, killing him. But, in this time of need, he was discovered by the great hero of the cosmos Luckyman, who fused with him giving him the power to turn into the universe's luckiest superhero. But now Yoichi, as Luckyman, must defend the Earth from aliens invading to conquer it. (Source: Wikipedia) Included one-shot: Volume 1: Tottemo! Luckyman (pilot)

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)
ThemeGag Humor
Manga, 1991Finished15 vol, 117 chp

A Twilight Zone/Outer Limits-esque romp through the occult and supernatural led by your elven-eared hostess, Misery. (Source: MU)

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)

A comedic fighting (martial arts) series.

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)
Manga, 1991Finished14 vol, 127 chp

Yamada Tachi joined Astros professional baseball team, which he has always admired ever since he was a kid and now he aims to achieve his childhood dream of winning the championship with them. Included one-shot: Volume 14: Pennant Race (pilot)

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)
Manga, 1995Finished3 vol, 16 chp

In the present day, hundreds of extraterrestrial species walk the Earth. Some are pacifistic, others violent. Some are here for research purposes, others are career criminals. However, humans don't know they are here. Now, one more alien has arrived on Earth. One of the universe's foremost geniuses with a personality that's bound to attract all sorts of trouble. (Source: AniDB)

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)
ThemeGag Humor
Manga, 1997Publishing? vol, ? chp

Gol D. Roger, a man referred to as the "King of the Pirates," is set to be executed by the World Government. But just before his demise, he confirms the existence of a great treasure, One Piece, located somewhere within the vast ocean known as the Grand Line. Announcing that One Piece can be claimed by anyone worthy enough to reach it, the King of the Pirates is executed and the Great Age of Pirates begins. Twenty-two years later, a young man by the name of Monkey D. Luffy is ready to embark on his own adventure, searching for One Piece and striving to become the new King of the Pirates. Armed with just a straw hat, a small boat, and an elastic body, he sets out on a fantastic journey to gather his own crew and a worthy ship that will take them across the Grand Line to claim the greatest status on the high seas. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)
Manga, 1999Finished72 vol, 700 chp

Whenever Naruto Uzumaki proclaims that he will someday become the Hokage—a title bestowed upon the best ninja in the Village Hidden in the Leaves—no one takes him seriously. Since birth, Naruto has been shunned and ridiculed by his fellow villagers. But their contempt isn't because Naruto is loud-mouthed, mischievous, or because of his ineptitude in the ninja arts, but because there is a demon inside him. Prior to Naruto's birth, the powerful and deadly Nine-Tailed Fox attacked the village. In order to stop the rampage, the Fourth Hokage sacrificed his life to seal the demon inside the body of the newborn Naruto. And so when he is assigned to Team 7—along with his new teammates Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno, under the mentorship of veteran ninja Kakashi Hatake—Naruto is forced to work together with other people for the first time in his life. Through undergoing vigorous training and taking on challenging missions, Naruto must learn what it means to work in a team and carve his own route toward becoming a full-fledged ninja recognized by his village. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)
Manga, 1998Publishing? vol, ? chp

"Secret treasure hoards, undiscovered wealth... mystical places, unexplored frontiers... 'The mysterious unknown.' There's magic in such words for those captivated by its spell. They are called 'Hunters'!" Gon Freecss wants to become a Hunter so he can find his father, a man who abandoned him to pursue a life of adventure. But it's not that simple: only one in one hundred thousand can pass the Hunter Exam, and that is just the first obstacle on his journey. During the Hunter Exam, Gon befriends many other potential Hunters, such as the mysterious Killua; the revenge-driven Kurapika; and Leorio, who aims to become a doctor. There's a world of adventure and peril awaiting, and those who embrace it with open arms can become the greatest Hunters of them all! [Written by MAL Rewrite]

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)
Manga, 1999Finished42 vol, 382 chp

Seishun Academy is home to one of the best middle school tennis teams in all of Japan. Freshman tennis prodigy Ryouma Echizen enrolls in the prestigious institution with his eyes set on claiming a regular position on the Boys' Tennis Team. As the son of legendary tennis player Samurai Nanjirou, Ryouma is sick of living in his shadow and wishes to surpass him someday. He is confident in his skills and has the cocky attitude to match. His teammates, however, are reluctant to accept him into their starting lineup, as he hasn't proven himself worthy of the spot. Seishun's ultimate goal is to make it to the National Tournament by the end of the year, but they first have to make it through the Kanto Regionals to even qualify for a spot in it. With their new "super rookie" on the team, Seishun is ready to take on anything that comes their way. With a varied assortment of rivals and opponents that can threaten their chance at the title, the Seishun team needs to give it their all in order to rise to the top. [Written by MAL Rewrite] Included one-shot: Volume 5: Tennis no Oujisama (pilot)

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)
Manga, 1998Finished23 vol, 198 chp

When Hikaru Shindou discovers an old go board in his grandfather's attic, he is greeted by the spirit of an ancient go master, Fujiwara no Sai. Sai spent his life teaching the techniques of the board game to an emperor during the Heian era, and now in his ghostly state, he is eager to share his passion with the unsuspecting Hikaru. The only problem is that Hikaru is not all that interested in board games. But Sai is not easily dissuaded. Pressured by Sai's unrelenting desire to pursue something he refers to as the "Divine Move," Hikaru begrudgingly consents to playing the game, executing moves as dictated by Sai. But slowly, intrigued by the dedication of his peers, he begins to learn the basics of the game. As Hikaru enters into the world of go, guided by his intangible tutor and inspired by his rival, Akira Touya, he cannot help but be drawn into the complex game as he grows determined to prove his own abilities. In a coming-of-age story centering around an ancient board game, Hikaru no Go tells the story of a boy maturing through the pursuit of his newfound passion. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

Manga, 1996Finished23 vol, 206 chp

When his clan is wiped out by a beautiful demon, young Taikobo finds himself in charge of the mysterious Houshin Project. Its mission: find all immortals living in the human world and seal them away forever. But who do you trust—and whose side are you really on—when you've been trained to hunt demons by a demon? (Source: VIZ Media)

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)
Manga, 1996Finished38 vol, 343 chp

High school student Yuugi Mutou spends his days being bullied between classes and his nights playing board games and solving puzzles in his bedroom. Yuugi's penchant for gameplay comes from his grandfather, whose game shop also serves as a house for the two. One night, Yuugi manages to solve the Millennium Puzzle, a seemingly impossible challenge that awakens his inner darkness and converts it into an alternate persona: Yami Yuugi. Transforming into the more bold and dangerous persona against his will in moments of great distress, Yuugi begins to moonlight as a vengeful vigilante, challenging bullies and evil-doers to risky games where failure results in fates worse than death. Yuugi and his alter ego befriend some of the very students who once bullied him, forming unbreakable companionships with them. But the group must contend with villains far deadlier than the high school punks they originally rallied against, enemies who use games for nefarious purposes and threaten Yuugi and his friends' very lives. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

Manga, 1997Finished15 vol, 143 chp

Ichitaka Seto is a 16-year-old high school student who is hopelessly in love. He is smitten with Iori Yoshizuki, a classmate who recently became famous after featuring in a magazine. However, Ichitaka has been unable to convey his affection, hung-up on a brutal rejection in the past. As luck would have it, Ichitaka finds himself paired up with Iori in the Freshman Welcoming Ceremony. Despite some mishaps, things go well between the two. But when Ichitaka's childhood friend, Itsuki Akiba, comes crashing into his place, things take a drastic turn, and the three individuals' relationship gets off to a complicated start. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)
Manga, 1998Finished24 vol, 233 chp

Professor Kawato is the new Japanese teacher in the ill-famed Futagotamaga high shool, whose baseball club is composed by thugs and bullies who have been suspended for a year from all school competitions for causing a brawl during an official match. Now that the suspension is over, the only club's members left are interested only in women, smoking and doing nothing until, under professor Kawato's guidance, they discover a new dream called Koushien. The road to Koushien is far from easy, as they have to get back in shape, to learn how to play baseball and to win everyone else mistrust, including the principal's and other professor's one, with only a few months available. Sweating and fighting, the baseball club will find his determination and strength, as they proceed towards their dreams, while Kawato's enthusiastic and non-conventional ways slowly change the attitude of everyone near them. (Source: ANN)

Manga, 1998Finished32 vol, 288 chp

Shamans are extraordinary individuals with the ability to communicate with ghosts, spirits, and gods, which are invisible to ordinary people. The Shaman Fight—a prestigious tournament pitting shamans from all over the world against each other—is held every five hundred years, where the winner is crowned Shaman King. This title allows the current incumbent to call upon the Great Spirit and shape the world as they see fit. Finding himself late for class one night, Manta Oyamada, an ordinary middle school student, decides to take a shortcut through the local cemetery. Noticing him, a lone boy sitting on a gravestone invites Manta to stargaze with "them." Realizing that "them" refers to the boy and his ghostly friends, Manta flees in terror. Later, the boy introduces himself as You Asakura, a Shaman-in-training, and demonstrates his powers by teaming up with the ghost of six-hundred-year-old samurai Amidamaru to save Manta from a group of thugs. You befriends Manta due to his ability to see spirits, and with the help of Amidamaru, they set out to accomplish You's goal of becoming the next Shaman King. [Written by MAL Rewrite] Note: This entry is for the original printing of Shaman King. Please see Shaman King (Kanzenban Edition) for the chapters not included in this edition.

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)
Manga, 1997Finished25 vol, 247 chp

The manga tells the story of a young man named Takeshi who was born to be a leader. Takeshi always dreamed of being a leader like his father Hiroshi, who was considered a leader among salarymen; however, when his father died, Takeshi became more determined than ever to become a leader like him, and after starting school for the first time, he decides to prove himself by becoming a leader to his classmates. (Source: Wikipedia)

Manga, 1998Finished24 vol, 216 chp

Everybody has a dream, and for Shou Kazamatsuri, that dream is simple: he wants to be the best soccer player he can possibly be. He's the spirited leader of the Josui Junior High team and everyone looks up to him. In turn, he tries to keep the team together at any cost! (Source: VIZ Media)

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)
Manga, 1997Finished17 vol, 161 chp

A foolish clumsy angel came to the human world to help a very unlucky boy. But more accidents are then created...

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)
Manga, 1998Finished17 vol, 170 chp

A young boy, Gawain, lives in a mountainous, rural area with an incredible love for baseball and making the ball really fly. One day he runs into a visitor to the small area and she introduces him to a sport that can really make a ball take to flight: golf! It just takes one shot and Gawain is hooked. With his grandpa's approval he sets off to Tokyo with this mysterious woman to learn all he can about golf, encountering many colorful characters and obstacles along the way. (Source: mangatraders)

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)
Manga, 1996Finished9 vol, 82 chp

(No synopsis yet.)

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)
Manga, 1995Finished17 vol, 145 chp

This is a shounen manga about a boy named Taketo Iwase and a dog named Salsa. As they set off early on to resolve a problem with a criminal that Taketo's brother, Toshifumi, is having. Taketo sees that there is more to the dog (that can communicate in the human language) than meets the eye. Together they solve a number of troubles and also meet other different species. (Source: Manga-Koekje) Included one-shot: Volume 1: Wild Half (pilot)

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)
Manga, 1997Finished10 vol, 95 chp

Seijuurou is the reckless, violent student body president of Meiryou High School. He is so feared that his nickname is Meiryoutei: ''Emperor of Meiryou." What havoc will he wreak on his students (or force his student council to do) this time? (Source: MU)

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)
Manga, 1999Finished9 vol, 82 chp

Reiji and Kasuga head out to Tokyo to become the "Gods of Rock," but they seem to always attract trouble. On their way, Hayama Ryo and Fujii Ran join them in their quest. (Source: ANN)

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)

Japan in the future has a massive over-population problem. Scientists have traced the root of this problem to one particular individual, Junta Monamari. According to their records, Junta was a "Mega-Playboy" who sired children with over a hundred women. Each one of his sons inherited the Mega-Playboy gene too, so the problem grew exponentially from thereon. Meet Karin Aoi, a "DNA Operator." Karin is sent back to the past with a mission: to alter Junta's DNA and prevent him from ever becoming the Mega-Playboy, thereby eliminating the world's overpopulation problem. Junta's DNA can only be altered by shooting him with a special bullet called DCM which contains the chemical for suppressing the Mega-Playboy DNA. In return, Karin gets a vast sum of money... enough to make all her dreams come true. Will Junta become the playboy he is destined to be, or will his better self prevail? But Karin is falling for the real Junta too... and what of the sweet and kindly Ami who has secretly loved Junta all her life? What will happen to future Japan? (Source: Manganews)

SerializationShounen Jump (Weekly)

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