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Imaizumin Chi wa Douyara Gal no Tamariba ni Natteru Rashii: Deep
Dec 22, 2023 8:30 PM
· Scored
All Comments (14) Comments
Hiya there stanesenpai! Hope you're having a wonderful day!
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Was under the impression that the writter had already covered at least 60-75% of the WN plot...
What were the new addictions? I have read till vol12 so far, there are some arcs that change the direction a bit, so I would say that the Kizuna and Kyo arc was something new to the LN, but I dunno about vol10.
you seem to have alot of knowledge, at least for the LN... it is currently in vol20 I believe, the WN ended a long long time ago, it seems to have been an huge story, where is vol20 currently at, in terms of percentage?
Has it covered more than 70% of the WN?
(I know there are changes, just asking since I wanna get a feel for how much longer will the LN last, currently on vol3, started saturday!)
So you're watching Gintama that's great.
Well let me give you an advice.
Just for your information.
The first Episodes and following few Episodes can be quite average.
I know that it can be for many people, so maybe for you as well.
But it will improve a lot afterwards.
So I hope you will keep on watching Gintama
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